#I want to insert a collage of examples but ugh it would make the post really long
spectacledraws · 2 years
8, 15, 22!
8. Most fun and least fun part of the process
I like rough sketches bc it’s fun to plan stuff and let it be messy.. and I like coloring flat colors bc it’s relaxing. My least favorite part is sometimes rendering light and shadow.. I still like it but not as much I guess, sometimes it’s difficult, but I love seeing the end result so it balances out😅. But actually I just enjoy the entire process.. tho it depends on how perfectionist I’m feeling at the moment..
15. What program do you use
I use procreate, and for animations I use flipaclip.. not sure if I like flipaclip but it’s pretty easy to understand at least lol..
22. What inspires you?
I guess broadly a lot of different art like comics, games, movies lol.. and also real life gestures and naturalistic details. I always want to make stuff feel human even if it’s cartoony or whatever.
Specifically.. as for art styles, i don’t really have just one style and I’m inspired by a big range of styles, funky dynamic shapes/colors in 2000s cartoons, 80s/90s anime (especially utena), a lot of works by Masaaki Yuasa, those wacky Rankin-Bass figurine facial expressions and shapes lol, (also I adore the art of Yoshiro Kimura-adjacent games like Moon RPG, Chulip, and Little King’s Story, which reminds me a lot of rankin-bass) And i guess UT/DR, big surprise😊 For softer/more realistic styles of course studio ghibli naturalism like everyone else, also Satoshi Kon’s style.. old children’s book illustrations, and I love the soft colors and styles of the mangas for Utena and Kuragehime. And my fav art history movement is probably art-nouveau bc a lot of the illustrations combine soft elegance with dark lines and bold colors and i love it. I try to take a lot of small elements from all of these things lmao.
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