#I want that crusty old man obliterated
sapphim · 1 year
I know we can't let eamon die in origins because of plot reasons, as he's been written to basically be our tour guide for denerim and the landsmeet, but a warden can slaughter every dalish elf in the forest and every circle mage in the tower and can abandon an entire village to die in the skeleton wars but they can't kill one crusty old man in a position of power, which probably says something
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bigpeepee · 2 months
you are not immune to crusty rusty you want to watch my show soooo bad you want that mam obliterated you want to dislocate both of her hips you want to kiss her on the mouth you want to watch a 10 year old hbo show and fall into insanity with me
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i mean i do in fact want that man obliterated and i also want to inhale his entire cock and balls while he smokes a cigarette so WHO KNOWS maybe i will 👀👀👀👀
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minijenn · 1 year
I hope TotK will let us build a tank that i can take to Hyrule Castle and beat Ganon with it
Yes please I want to build a weapon of mass destruction and obliterate that crusty old mummy man with it hhhh
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blisterinballista · 3 years
Dude you fucking killed Luis
ooc; oneshotted that bitch yeeyee
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loominggaia · 3 years
Sometimes I think about some of the possible futures of Drifter’s Hollow...
I think about Itchy and Ginger growing old together, Itchy’s health going to shit from all the abuse he’s put his body through over the years and his family taking care of him. Like his liver is failing but he’s just like...who cares, I got a great family and did everything I wanted to do in life. He dies fairly young but happy. Ginger chooses not to remarry, knowing she can’t possibly replace such a unique husband, and with the kids out of the house she’s finally able to focus on herself. She joins Olof in helping the community with volunteer work.
Tomato, Frederick, Cinnamon, Azadora, and all the kids grown up and possibly replacing the older Freelance Good Guys as mercenaries.
Tomato always coming up with crazy get-rich-quick schemes like Itchy, but being smarter about it and actually pretty successful, if a little sketchy. Frederick being an overconfident tough guy, acting as Tomato’s muscle as they travel around the region and pull schemes.
Azadora eventually replacing Evan as the leader of the Freelance Good Guys, leading a new generation of moral mercenaries. Actually proves to be a more competent leader than he was and makes Balthazaar very proud.
Cinnamon becoming a magical prodigy, learning spells from Mr. Ocean that allow her to “see” and “hear” using magic. Also plays the lute and uses echomancy to amplify her music, later becoming a sensation in Matuzu Kingdom. Tomato ends up riding her coat tails and mooching off her wealth for the rest of his life.
Evan as a retired, fat old mercenary with heart problems because of what Lendon did to him, married to Lukas and happy regardless. He’s finally learned to slow down and just hangs out on his porch every day with a beer, watching Lukas work their little garden. Still coaches the younger Guys in combat training, can never fully let the mercenary life go. Likes to take vacations with Lukas and always ends up doing some kind of side job when he’s supposed to be relaxing.
Lukas finally coming to terms with his trauma and becoming a nicer, more chilled out person. Still a little crabby and crusty but finally able to love again.
Isaac going feral and living in the woods with the animals, but absolutely thriving as a wild man. Always comes back to the village because he misses his friends, then disappears again for long stretches of time.
Shadow goes missing for a whole month, which scares the shit out of Isaac and worries him sick. But she eventually returns and lays an egg, which hatches into a baby roc. Turns out she migrated back to Serkel just to mate. The baby roc becomes part of the Good Guy family, maybe bonding with Azadora and becoming her mount.
Mr. Ocean slowly dying in Drifter’s Lake from age, fungus, and brain cancer taking over his body. Nothing can really be done for him but he’s at peace with his fate, and he just spends his last remaining years chilling on his dock, teaching Cinnamon magic and playing his sitar. He knows he’ll soon join Solveig in the stars.
Brogan realizing Gwyneth is a toxic bitch and finally leaving her for a nicer woman, one who really loves and appreciates him. Probably leaves the Hollow altogether and never returns. Has some kids with his new wife and the normal, family life he thought he’d never have.
Big Philly settling down in a domestic, asexual relationship with Dr. Che. She convinces him to stop working himself to death and let Tojum take over his clinic so he can retire. He learns to relax and enjoy the present instead of always worrying about the future. He and Philly adopt some kids and Philly gets to raise children to adulthood for once, instead of having them ripped away from her over and over.
Tojum becoming the successful doctor she always wanted to be, finding satisfaction in proving her father wrong.
Jelani...I can see two possible futures for him: A) he settles into his life as king, falls in love with a noblewoman and has a child who will be his heir to the throne. He is kind to this child and breaks the cycle of his family’s abuse. Or B) He abandons the throne and Uekoro altogether to become a mercenary, inspired by his time with Evan. He’s poor but he’s happy, because he realizes he loves adventure more than gold.
Elska eventually leaves the Freelance Good Guys and ends up joining the Folkvar military. She quickly rises through the ranks and becomes the High King’s finest commander, leading a huge army that completely destabilizes Evangeline Kingdom and brings it to its knees, obliterating Kelvingyard and the Evangelite slave trade. She dies a glorious death in this battle and is regarded as one of the greatest heroes in Looming Gaia’s history.
Balthazaar finds joy and fulfillment as a father, but as Azadora grows older and replaces him as a mercenary, he gets lonely and remarries a nice woman who treats him with more respect than Feredil ever did, which helps him come to terms with her death, realizing his relationship with her wasn’t so great all along.
Jeimos and Linde retiring from mercenary work and getting married, possibly moving back to Zhoulcha where Linde can become a dressmaker like she always dreamed. Jeimos makes big money as an arcane engineer, putting all their education to good use at last. They use that money to visit their friends back in Drifter’s Hollow frequently.
Glenvar finally overcomes his alcoholism, buys a seaworthy boat with his former booze money and sails around the world with Alaine. They’ve both grown a lot over the years and they’re finally able to have a functional relationship, but they don’t get married because that’s totally lame. They retire and spend their golden years on that boat together.
Olof decides to remain faithful to Halldora’s spirit, whether she’s alive or not, and remains single. Once Frederick leaves home, he gets to spend more time with friends and finds happiness in helping his community, feeling proud of his son for growing out of a brat and into a responsible man.
Skel somehow reuniting with Jasenia, falling in love with her all over again and getting to spend the rest of his life with her like they both wanted. He doesn’t have a lot of money but he realizes he never needed it anyway.
Javaan’s promiscuity pays off when one of his bastard children ends up marrying a noble, contacts him and wants him in his life. Javaan spends the rest of his life in a Morite palace, living the life of luxury that was always denied to him, and realizes he enjoys being a father after all.
Flora just being Flora, watching the village change and grow as it always has. For whatever reason, she’s going to miss this generation a little more than the ones before it.
I get really emotional about it, you guys ;u;
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bubonickitten · 4 years
i know i won’t get it but i want one (1) episode this season where instead of Jon giving a statement, Martin just goes “babe you’re monologuing again and the apocalypse said it’s my turn on the emotional support tape recorder,” snatches the recorder and just goes the fuck off on Jonah smug bastard Magnus. 
the episode is called Petition To Let Martin Say “Fuck” and it’s just the entire season’s quota of f-bombs dumped into one 20-minute rant about how he’s going to utterly obliterate Jonah fucking Magnus’s edgy entitled sadistic ass and his voyeuristic Eye god too. people always underestimate Martin bc he’s a sweetheart but when he snaps he SNAPS and i want to see him go absolutely feral on that crusty old man 
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a34trgv2 · 5 years
Why It Worked: Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase 2
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Introduction: Picking up were we last left off on Why It Worked, Phase 2 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe expands on this ever expanding franchise with new characters, new stories and new creative visions. This Phase is often regarded as the “hit or miss” period in the MCU, but I’d argue it succeeds so much more than it falters. So without further adieu, let’s get started.
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The Plots: Phase 2 comprises mainly of sequels to the Phase 1 movies, and yet they all feel natural and very much stand on their own. Iron Man 3 picks up where The Avengers left off and sees Tony Stark battle with PTSD. All the while, he faces off against a notorious terrorist called the Mandarin (more on him later). Thor: The Dark World finds the Norse god of thunder protecting the 9 Realms from the Dark Elves, who’s sole purpose is to drown the universe in darkness. Captain America: The Winter Solider shows who Steve Rogers adjusts to the modern world as he faces off against the mysterious foe, the Winter Solider. And finally, Avengers: Age of Ultron finds Earth’s Mightiest Heroes face off against an A.I. who’s idea of saving the world is destroying it with a meteor. There are 2 films this Phase that aren’t sequels: Guardians of the Galaxy and Ant-Man. The former opens up the cosmic side of the MCU by introducing a rag tag team of misfits who must ban together to stop an vengeful warlord from reeking havoc upon the galaxy. The latter is a heist movie involving a guy trying to be a good role model to his daughter while also communicating with ants. This films bring in the same amount of charm and humor the first Phase brought and then some. Guardians of the Galaxy in particular had some of the smartest and well timed jokes in the MCU up until that point. Not only that, but there this Phase also brought in life changing events that carried on in future films. Tony’s paranoia caused him to build Ultron, S.H.I.E.L.D. became compromised and ultimately destroyed in Winter Solider and even with that, HYDRA lives on in other parts of the world by Age of Ultron. None of this would’ve at all been possible if it weren’t for the creative talents of Shane Black, Alan Taylor, Joe and Anthony Russo, James Gunn, Joss Whedon (again), and Peyton Reed.
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Cast and Characters: Since we’re all familiar with the core Avengers at this point, let’s introduce the new faces starting with Sam Wilson aka Falcon. Sam is Steve Roger’s new friend introduced in Winter Solider. A veteran himself with a smart and charming personality, he and Steve hit it off almost instantly. Plus, Anthony Mackie is just right for the role, making the character funny, smart and tough in his own right. Next up we have the Guardians of the Galaxy, featuring Peter Jason Quill, Gamora, Drax the Destroyer, Rocket Raccon and Groot. Peter starts off as a Han Solo-type of character, but throughout the film we find his full of layers. He’s got charm, humor, heart, anger, cockiness, he’s basically the every man in this wacky side of the galaxy. All brought to life flawlessly by Chris Pratt. Gamora is a headstrong and dangerous woman who plays against the love interest trope in this film as she has great resentment for her father Thanos and sister Nebula. It also helps that she’s played brilliantly by Zoe Saldana, who brings the right amount of humor and fierce veracity to the character. Drax is meant to be this stoic tragic figure who seeks to avenge his fallen family. And yet his lack of understanding metaphors and Dave Bautista’s performance make him one of the funniest characters in this franchise. Then we have Rocket and Groot, a raccoon and a tree man who became household names over night. Rocket is a fowl mouth, sarcastic and crude rodent with a good heart under that ruff exterior. Groot meanwhile is wears his heart on his bark, having such a calm and gentle demeanor, while also not being afraid to be the muscle Rocket needs. Bradley Cooper and Vin Diesel bring these characters to life through their commitment and strife; I couldn’t have picked anyone better. Moving on from the Guardians, we have Scott Lang, the thief with a heart of gold who’s trying to be a good role model for his daughter, Cassie. It goes without saying that Scott’s funny (being played by comedic actor Paul Rudd and all), but he’s also very smart and caring for those around him. His skills in robbery and breaking and entering make him perfectly capable of dawning the Ant-Man costume, at least in the eyes of Hank Pym. Speaking of which, the original Ant-Man from the comics is now a wise, crusty old man with a good heart. Michael Douglas gives an excellent performance as this character, making it believable that he was at one time a superhero and is now passing the torch to a younger suitor. Hank’s daughter, Hope is a smart, stern and strong woman who at first resents her father for pushing her away after her Mom went MIA. After learning the truth, she comes to respect him and Scott a little more. Evangeline Lilly is perfect as Hope, delivering the right amount of humor and heart to. These new characters are just as memorable and as well fleshed out as the ones we’ve come to know and love at this point. And that’s not even mentioning Yondu, Wanda and Pietro Maximoff, Vision, Harley Keener, Luis, Dave and Kurt, and Cassie.
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The Big Baddies: I’ll just say this upfront: The Mandarin twist wasn’t bad. Unexpected, yes, but for the story Shane Black was trying to tell, it works wonders. I get fans wanted what we were advertised, but I think what we got works better. Iron Man 3 was a personal story first and foremost, so having him face of against an evil space wizard, while it would’ve been cool, it wouldn’t have fit with the overall narrative. Besides, Sir Ben Kingsley gave an excellent performance, being a menacing threat and a comedic fool all in one. Then we get Malekith, the quintessential example people point to when people say “Marvel villains suck.” <sigh> He’s not that bad folks. Malekith is a stone cold Dark Elf with one goal in life: to plunge the universe into darkness. He’s merciless, he’s dead serious and he sees the Asgardians as beneath him. Yeah, he wasn’t on screen for that long, but Christopher Eccleston gave a solid performance. Alexander Pierce makes for a really compelling villain because he firmly believes himself to be the savior of the world. Robert Redford brings out his calm and professional demeanor, while also making the character charismatic and intriguing. Ronan the Accuser is a power hunger warlord that sees the people of Xandar as beneath him, to the point were instead of siding with the peace treaty between the Kree and Nova Corp, he opts to try and obliterate the planet with the power of an Infinity Stone. Lee Pace gives a solid performance bringing the character’s anger and hatred to life and I look forward to see him again in Captain Marvel. Ultron is exactly what you get when you have the personality of Tony Stark and mix it with the genetic code of HAL9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey. Ultron has charisma, humor and a very passive aggressive attitude towards the Avengers. James Spader was perfect casting in this role as he gives a robot bent on destroying the Earth as his idea of saving it so much personality. Darren Cross is the young novitiate of Hank Pym turned corporate businessman attempting to sell Pym’s technology to the wrong hands. Corey Stoll manages to make the character funny, quirky and intimidating all in one and definitely deserves as much credit as the rest of his costars. The villains in Phase 2 are a step up from Phase 1 and will only get better come Phase 3.
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Costumes and VFX: Not only were the villains a step up from Phase 1, but the costumes and CGI has improved significantly as well. Some familiar stuff such as Iron Man’s armor, Cap’s costume and the Hulk’s design have been given significant upgrades with each film. All the armors Tony has made in between Avengers and Iron Man 3 look excellent; no two armors look alike and the way they’re incorporated into battle is better than ever. Cap’s giving a more stealth like costume in Winter Solider and it fits very well with the spy angel the Russo brothers were going for. Then we have the look of the Hulk, who still brought to life through motion capture performance and looks more lifelike with more hair and softer looking skin. With the addition of new characters and new environments, there also came the use of new costumes and unique uses of CG. Despite being revealed to be a fraud, the Mandarin’s costume looks spectacular, giving him a modern terrorist look while also keeping his traditional green rob and a ring on each finger. The look of Asgard received a significant upgrade since the first Thor film, as it now has a Norse mythology feel and the costumes on the citizens look very authentic. Also, the costume and make-up department went above and beyond to make the Dark Elves distinct from previous film/tv portrayals of elves. They have pale faces with pointed ears and noses, pitch black armor and soulless eyes. The Kurse himself looks amazing with all the horns, body armor and actor Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaji (try saying that 3x fast) making the character physically intimidating. The Winter Solider’s metal arm is brought to life with actor Sebastian Stan wearing a plastic sleeve while CG was used in post. Also, for Hayley Atwell to reprise her role as a 93 year old Peggy Carter, she performed her scenes with a few trace markers while Lola VFX (who made Chris Evans skinny in the first Captain America film) added in the features of an elderly woman to make effect feel seamless. Then we get the Guardians and boy is this film littered with a mix of practical and digital effects. Starting with Rocket James Gunn’s brother, Sean, played the little rodent on set to interact with the cast while Bradley Cooper recorded his lines in New York. For reference, they used a real life raccoon named Oreo (who recently passed away, RIP) as well as a lifelike model before CG companies like Framestore brought him to life. Same treatment was applied to Groot, who was played by Krystian Godlewski on set and sources such as a botanical garden in London was used as reference. Zoe Saldana spent at least 5 hours a day in the make-up chair and the final result is flawless. Dave Bautista meanwhile spent at least 4 hours a day in the make up chair and looks just as believable as Saldana. The locations explored in Guardians such as the Kyln and Knowhere, are brought to life through practical effects for filming with the additional CG for wide shots. It all looks so real and authentic like the characters are actually there. Ant-Man’s costume is significantly different from the comics, but is very practical and lifelike. It also helps that when ever something shrink or grows, the effect is a subtle nodded to how Jack Kirby drew them in the comics. Lastly, we have Ultron, who’s brought to life with James Spade in a motion capture suit and a lifelike model used as reference. There’s plenty of other examples of the amazing use of CG and practical effects in these films, such as the de-aging of Michael Douglas in Ant-Man, the way Wanda Maximoff uses her magic, Yondu’s arrow and so much more, but to list them all will take forever.
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Where it Falters: Edger Wright having a falling out with Marvel producer Kevin Feige robbed audiences of what could’ve been a great film. Not that Ant-Man was bad, quite the opposite. But having seen Scott Pillgrim vs. The World and Baby Driver, I feel as though it was a missed opportunity to let Edger make the film he wanted to make. Also, for a place called “the Dark World” it’s not really that dark. Also, I feel as though Pietro Maximoff was killed off a little too soon. I mean, we just met him and Aaron Taylor-Johnson was doing a good job as the character. Narratively speaking it makes sense, but I personally would’ve kept him around until Infinity War. Lastly, the Marvel One-Shot All Hail the King hinted that the real Mandarin was out there. It’s now been 5 years since that short and we’ve heard nothing from this “real” Mandarin. I’m hoping this get’s addressed sooner or later, otherwise it just feels like an attempt to silence detractors of Iron Man 3.
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Conclusion: Marvel significantly improved their craft with Phase 2 and continues to grow strong to this day. With colorful new characters, exciting new locations, impressive VFX and costumes and great acting all all around, this is only a prelude in terms of quality for what might be the greatest era of the MCU yet. Thanks so much for reading and I’ll see you soon ;)
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mstgkitten · 7 years
*bleep zzzzzzt bleep*
Haze, fogginess, cotton mouth... ugh...
*zzzt bleep zzzt bleep*
Subtle shift of motion... stabbing of IV needles in my arms....
zzzt bleep
Soft whispered voices... 
“She should be dead, her body was 98% covered in burns.*
*bleep zzzt bleep*
Fuck... they kept me alive... they should’ve just let me die... it would have been faster...
*zzzt bleep zzzt*
“Doctor? I think I saw her eyes flutter!”
“Yes! You’re right! I think she’s coming around.”
Oh no... here we go... I feel a hand on my forehead, and of course.. here it comes, yup... eyes pulled open one by one, and a light blaring into them...
“Can you hear me? Your eyes are dilating... are you awake?”
“Ugh...” I groan... “Where am I?”
“You’re in a hospital. You... shouldn’t be alive... but... here you are, recovering and getting better everyday...”
“How long... have I been here?”
“About three weeks... that’s... well, that’s when you were picked up by the national guard on the edge of the fallout zone... Do you know your name?”
“Zara...” I say. This part is always frustrating... it would have been best if I had found a nice alley to curl up and die in... but nope... hooked to everything and kept alive. Would have been much less painful, and a quicker recovery if they’d just let me die and regenerate... not that they know this... but still.
“Zara... What? Do you know if your parents survived as well?”
“I, don’t have parents... they’re dead.” True, but, I don’t have to tell them they died many millennia ago.
“Oh, my poor dear, I’m so sorry.” A softer voice, I’m betting the nurse who noticed me coming to. She gently caresses my forehead. I’ve not bothered to open my eyes it’ll just hurt.
“Well, Zara, At least you’re not a Jane Doe anymore. Can you tell us what happened? How did you make it out?” The doctor’s voice again... kindly, but, not as soft as the nurse’s.
“I, don’t remember. I just remember, burning... and walking... and burning.” My body was probably on autopilot the whole time. I wonder how many times I died in the radiation zone before I managed to get out. Three weeks here... how long did I walk through radiation and fallout?
“Well... We’ll let you rest some more Zara. It’s obvious we’re straining you. Are you hungry?”
I’d not noticed, but, as soon as the doctor mentions food, my stomach gurgles and I suddenly feel famished. “Yes.” I tell him.
“Alright, we’ll have some food brought up to you. Just, rest. Focus on healing. You’ve been through a lot.”
I hear their voices in the hallway. It’s been about 2 days since I’ve woken up. I hear a voice so familiar, it makes me want to jump out the window rather than talk to him.
“Mr... Rothing is it?” I hear the doctor say, “She’s right in here. She hasn’t asked for anyone or anything honestly, and she’s told us her parents are dead.”
“Yes, her parents are dead. Been for a while. She’s been bouncing around foster care for some time now.” that smug crusty edge to his voice. Always speaking as if he knows he has everything over you and you’re helpless to refuse him.
“She’s healing surprisingly well. I’d expected from her injuries when she was brought in that she wouldn’t survive, and if she’d did, she’d be fairly scarred up, but, new skin grows, old skin sloughs away, and it’s like she‘s brand new... If I was a religious man I’d say it was a miracle. We’ve done blood and tissue samples... but... they’ve been... unusual.”
“Zara is a special child. I’ll bring the paperwork by tomorrow, but, I must ask no further testing unless I’m consulted first.”
“Of course Mr. Rothing. If there is anything--”
“Leave me alone with her. There’ll be a young lady arriving shortly. See to it she makes it up here as well. Thank you doctor, that’ll be all.”
The door to my room opens, and Daniel strolls in, smug confidence, radiating annoyance and staring at me through his tinted glasses. He tosses a glasses case at me... I let it land on my lap... trying to catch with IVs in your arms is not pleasant. I pull out the glasses and adjust them over my eyes, everything comes into focus.
“Welp, Zara, here we are.”
“Here we are.”
“This one is beyond anything you’ve pulled in the past.”
“Did I get them?”
“Get whom?”
“Oh, the usual suspects.”
“The ones who have made my work over the past three centuries necessary.”
“You can never get them. At least, you can never get all of them, and even if you got most of them, the rest of them will rise up in the places you’ve recently vacated for them.”
Yeah... I know this. I was just hoping my efforts would have some effect on the power structures... I stay silent. Daniel breaks it.
“How’d you manage it?”
I shrug at him.
“How long have you been working on it?”
“Since the 50s.”
“Long game?”
“It’s the only game I play. I felt it was time to crumble some foundations.”
“Well... that you’ve did.” He purses his lips together and stares at me. I stare back unflinchingly. “You’ve managed to knock out most of the world’s governments in a matter of hours.”
I crack a smile. Definitely some modicum of success then.
“You’ve also crippled most of the world’s militaries.”
“I know. There was only one part of my plan that failed.”
“Oh? What’s that Zara?”
“I still exist.”
Daniel’s façade cracks. He shoves the hospital table out of the way violently, the dishes and food smashing into the floor and gets in my face.
“Are you telling me this whole thing was some kind of suicide attempt?!”
“I sat on a rooftop about a block away from ground zero DC and watched the flash with my naked eyes.”
Daniel stomps away from my bed and stares out the window, hands grasped behind his back.
“You’ve not done your history homework then. You’d have known it wouldn’t have worked. A man walked out of Hiroshima just like you walked out of DC. Burned, scarred, delirious... but made a miraculous recovery... just like you are doing right now.”
“I had to try.” Daniel grunts noncommittally at the comment.
Just then the door slam open and Patience bounces into the room. She throws a teddy bear at me then jumps into my bed with me.
“Well, It obviously didn’t work I see.” she says to me as she strokes my bangs carelessly, “I’m not surprised you know.”
Daniel turns away from the window. “Patience, do you always have to be so uncouth?” to which Patience rolls her eyes, gets out of my bed and flops herself into the recliner in the corner of the room, a pout on her face. “Zara, you know after this incident... I’m going to have to lock you away for awhile right?”
“I’d expect nothing less. If I was more aware when I woke up, I wouldn’t have given them my real name, I wouldn’t have popped back onto your radar, and, I’d have wandered away once I’d gotten strong enough.”
He just stares at me... shakes his head then addresses Patience. “Keep your eyes on her, I need to make some phone calls, put some arrangements in place.” He stalks out of the room as he pulls a cell phone from his tailored jacket.
The door barely has time to finish closing before I roll myself out of bed... my first steps are wobbly, and I stumble a bit, but soon regain my balance. Pulling the IVs out of my arms Patience just stares at me seemingly uninterested.
“Millions, Zara. Can you live with that?”
I pause in the act of unpacking my supplies from the teddy bear. “I guess I have to since I wasn’t obliterated as I’d planned.” I pull out fresh clothes, drop the hospital gown to the floor and begin dressing. My burns aren’t completely healed, but, my face and arms are clear and my hair is back to its normal self.
“Where you gonna go Zara? He’ll hunt you to whatever corner of the globe you try to hide in. Then he’ll do his best to trap and imprison you, contain you, try to keep you from causing more harm.”
“From ash comes rebirth Patience... you know that.”
“Millions Zara... Miiillllliiiions. Innocent. Children. Normal people just trying to live their lives. You feel the weight of them on your shoulders yet?”
I pause for a moment sliding a clip into my pistol. “I don’t sleep. You know that. What’s a few million more on top of all of them from the past? Their lives are fleeting... I just got them to their destination sooner than they expected.”
“I should just let Daniel have you. Maybe you need some time isolated away from this world?”
“He’ll just start using me again as soon as it’s convenient for him... I’m going to dig in deep, and chill for a while or so... let him get tied up in his day to day power trips that he forgets about me.”
“You know he won’t. He never does.”
I sigh... she’s right... and I’m only going to piss him off more...
“We’ll see what happens. Please don’t look for me for some time Patience... let me be on my own.”
The door opens, and Daniel walks in. I level my Pistol at him and squeeze the trigger, taking half his skull off with the shot and he crumples to the floor, a pool of blood spreading about him.
“You’ve probably got a couple of hours Zara. Make the best of them.” Patience tells me as she leans over the arm of the lounge chair looking at her nails nonchalantly.
“When he comes to... just... I don’t know... try to calm him down... and... don’t look for me. When I’m ready I’ll find you.”
“Yeah, yeah... I getya.”
I shove my pistol back into the teddy bear, pull out the straps from it, and put it on my back. I pause for a moment and look at Daniel lying on the floor...
“You’d better get going...” Patience says.
I exit the room and close the door behind me. The chaos of the hospital with all of the injured and patients with radiation sickness makes it so I can easily slide out of the hospital fairly well unnoticed. I hit the streets and make my way towards the docks. I don’t envy Patience when Daniel comes to, but, she can handle it.
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