#I tried a perspective thing idkkk
gazoline6725 · 6 months
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I'm so rusty with drawing Caine but I experimented a bit with this one yEEEEEE
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mechanicalinfection · 9 months
He's a little hungry today.
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the-madame21 · 5 years
What would it take for a bride to earn his trust? I always picture them having to be very patient and loving, as obviously it will be an unhealthy relationship but idkkk. I think it’d be interesting to hear how kanato would reacts to the same event but at different stages in the relationship, if that’s something you’d be fine saying I’d love to hear your perspective!
Yeah pretty much just a crap ton of patience and sort of figuring out how he works. I sort of explain it in this post but the main thing for Kanato is loyalty and devotion. So if a bride is able to show him that she’ll be devoted, it’ll still take a long time, but I think that’s probably their best bet. 
Sure um not sure if you had something in mind but I’ll just take a basic one and use canon to kind of explain. Biting the Heroine/Possession over the Heroine. My apologies these won’t be as accurate as they could be cuz I don’t have time to go back and get the exact game play. But the points should still stand.
-At the beginning when Yui first arrives, there’s no real attachment. Not sure if you saw the anime but that was a pretty good example of Kanato’s canon character I believe. It doesn’t matter that Laito licked her, or that all the other brothers are trying to sneak a taste. Because at that point she’s just food. She smells sweet, and will satisfy his belly, so that’s all that matters. Reaction: indifference.
-In his HDB route, the infamous French Toast scene, happens right at the beginning. They haven’t really had time to develop as a “couple/pairing” but when the whole debacle happens, Yui stupidly mentions that Reiji will get upset if Kanato continues to make a mess. She mentioned another man’s name when he’s the one in front of her. So he stabs her repeatedly with a fork. Despite having spent very little time together, she chose him, so he owns her. Reaction: anger.
-Later on in his HDB route, Yui ends up running into Ayato at school. He tries to take Yui’s blood, but then Kanato shows up, and he’s angry, before he starts crying. Ayato leaves them alone cuz he says Kanato is annoying or something, but then Kanato tells Yui that he was faking his tears and that this is all her fault because she seduced Ayato. (He’s comparing her with Cordelia at this point). He shoves her so hard she scraped her hand, but later he sucks on it to disinfect it. Already, his reactions are becoming more complicated, which is indicative of how much he’s investing into her. Even if the tears were fake, he knew it would be enough to have Ayato back away from his “prey.” Reaction: Viewing the Heroine as “food” and Heroine as “potential partner” are starting to blur. 
- Fast forward and there’s a scene where Ayato and Laito sneak up on her and bite/kiss her in the bathrrom. Kanato obviously gets pissed, but again, his anger has this duality to it. He bites the place where Laito did, and kisses the place where Ayato did. His bite is painful, but his kiss is soft. In other words, even though he’s “punishing” her and blames her for the “seduction” his actions show he doesn’t *fully* blame her the way he says he does. Instead of bursting into tears this time, he challenges Laito and Ayato full on, and they’re smart enough not to fight him. Reaction: Protects the Heroine, even though he punishes her later.
After she gains his trust, then the interesting/somewhat creepy romantic things start happening:
-Even though she’s not a vampire yet, he wants her to bite him, so that way their blood flows through the other and they can “become one”
-He throws away Teddy as a sign of his devotion
-Once she’s turned, he promises to bring her all sorts of different corpses so that she may find a taste she likes the best
-In Vandead Carnival, when the other vampires start to make fun of her, he makes a show of doing an erotic kiss with her, effectively making himself a shield towards the nasty comments. (If you fuck with her you fuck with ME type of thing)
He will protect her at all costs, and he bites her a lot more often, but now its usually while they’re making love. So it takes a really long time, but I do believe that by the end of HDB Kanato does begin to see her as “equal.”
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