#I thought its already so long so ajsgdvadsjgfa
hissterical-nyaan ยท 2 years
Concept: Ram, for the first time, seeing Bheem in his tribal outfit (The BHEEM'S introduction scene wala outfit) and just standing there, jaw dropped the floor, goosebumps all over his body, eyes blown wide full comical style.
Bheem takes everyone back to Adilabad and introduce everyone to his boyfriend best friend who helped bring Malli back. Once all the pleasantries are exchanged, everyone is told to freshen up and sit for a meal
So imagine Ram is sitting with everyone surrounding him, serving him food, asking him about his time in Delhi, etc etc and here comes Bheem ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€ in the outfit he feels like himself and Ram CHOKES on his food cause damn he wasn't expecting that
Ram is a flustered stuttering mess and Bheem is so worried about him choking he doesn't even notice the effect he's having on Ram. He gently pats Ram's back and offers him water all the while staring at him with his brown doe eyes and Ram is gone! He's lost in his eyes AGAIN, his ears are red and he's adjusting his position to create some distance between them or he'll faint fr. Bheem is just utterly confused seeing his eyes wide open like he saw a ghost
Throughout the meal he kept glancing at Bheem's naked chest, that goddamn tattoo and the nose ring and averting his eyes before Bheem notices. Well he thinks Bheem didn't notice but our boy is very smart and observant and he finally realises it's his look that's getting Ram all hot and bothered. Oh this is going to be very intresting
Ram literally runs to the hut he was so generously offered, looking forward to calming himself down and collecting his thoughts and oh here comes Bheem cause guess what? That hut belongs to none other than Bheem. That's right! Cause everyone assumed that they both are married since Bheem introduced him as his "better half"
Bheem barely gets any words out before Ram is muttering something about "going for a swim" and "it's so hot today isn't it" and dashing towards the river which flows through the village. And Bheem smiles to himself, he's enjoying seeing Ram, who's so cool and collected usually, getting so flustered
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