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Being a white berry sim isn’t easy. They are known for being the rarest and rarely ever being seen. Vanilla Creme’ was a sheltered child. She wasn’t allowed to go to school or know anyone outside her house, Because white berry sims turn gray if they are in the sun, due to lack of pigment. Every night while her mother made dinner she would pull back the curtain and watch as the rainbows of sims passed by.
One night at dinner:
Vanilla Creme’: “ Mom, do you think you could buy me an easel for my birthday tomorrow?”
Mom: “ I think that’s a brilliant idea Nilly!” “It will give you culture.”
The next day Vanilla Creme got the easel that she asked for but a rebellious thought came to mind. “What if i sneak out to paint under the stars?”
From that night going forward, Vanilla Creme’ snuck out after her mother went to bed and made sure to be in bed before her mother woke up at 5 AM.
One night she was out painting berry sims of all colors especially mixed berry sims. Ones with yellow skin and green hair and others with peach skin and pink hair. She finally felt free and loved playing with all the paints.
As she walked inside to creep back up the stairs to her bedroom, her father was sitting on the steps. He looked gray and tired. He was her father but a man she didn’t know much about. He worked hard to support his family and sometimes Vanilla Creme’ forgot she even had a father.
Dad: “ May I see your painting?”
It was her current painting of a female pink berry sim and Vanilla Creme’ was sure it was a masterpiece. She handed over her prized painting.
Dad: “ This is beautiful!” “ I had no idea my daughter was an artist!”
Vanilla Creme’ smiled curiously at her dad.
Dad: “ Now go upstairs and go to bed.” “ And we'll make this our little secret.”
As Vanilla Creme’ layed in bed she felt a weight come off her shoulders. Somebody knew her secret.
The next morning Vanilla Creme’ did her usual morning routine. When she was finished she realized how quiet it was. Normally her mother is making vanilla cupcakes around this time and there wasn’t a sound of a mixer.
She ran down stairs to find her mother lying on the couch in a sea of fuzzy blankets.
Vanilla Creme’: “ Mom?”
She didn’t say anything.
Vanilla Creme’ shook her shoulder.
She sat up and patted the seat next to her motioning Vanilla Creme’ to sit.
Vanilla Creme’: “ Mom, what's going on?”
Mom: “ Your father was in a car accident on his way to work this morning.” “ He was killed instantly.”
Vanilla Creme’ fell into her mothers lap, sobbing.
That night as Vanilla Creme’ was in bed thoughts started to cloud her mind. Should she runaway or should she stay and help her mother? She knew if she stayed, she would be in this house forever. So, she wrote her mom a note:
“ Mom,
I am okay. I need to be on my own for awhile. My easel isn’t enough for me anymore and I need to experience life on my own. I love you.
2 weeks later. Vanilla Creme’ was homeless. She sold her paintings on the street only giving her enough simoleons to get a hotdog. One day she decided to go downtown and get some coffee. There she saw the girl from her painting. A beautiful pink berry sim, she couldn’t help but introduce herself.
Vanilla Creme’ : “ I know this may seem weird but I think I painted you before.”
The girl looked at her displeased. The barista came over to Vanilla Creme and whispered:
Barista: “ Don’t you know who that is?”
Vanilla Creme’ shook her head.
Barista: “ That’s Strawberry Fields!”
Vanilla Creme’ : “ So, what’s the big deal?”
Barista: “ Her family is loaded!” “ I heard they have so much cash, that they have a maid for every floor of their mansion!” “ They even have a town named after her!” “I can’t believe you haven’t heard of her.”
Strawberry cleared her throat getting Vanilla Creme’s attention.
Strawberry: “ You may speak.”
Vanilla Creme’ : Hi, I’m Vanilla Creme’, but my friends call me Nilly!“ ” Or actually just my mom does, but you can call me whatever!“
Strawberry: “So Nilly what about this painting of me?” “ You know my father would pay lots of simoleons for it!”
Vanilla Creme’ : “ Its not for sale.”
Strawberry : “Well why not?”
Vanilla Creme’ : “ Because its the only painting my dad saw of mine before he died.”
Strawberry grabbed Vanilla Creme’s hand.
Strawberry : “ I’m so sorry, I feel so un-sensitive right now.” “ Hey, Would you like to come over?“
Vanilla Creme’ : ” Sure!“
They went to Strawberry’s mansion and ended up in the theater room watching some romantic drama about a sassy red berry sim. Vanilla Creme’ yawned and wrapped her arm around Strawberry. When, the movie was over Strawberry got up.
Strawberry : ” We can be friends but I’m not ready to be in a relationship.“
Vanilla Creme’ : ” I was just get cozy.“ she laughed, ” I’ve never had a friend, let alone a romantic interest.“ ” It was just nice relaxing in a comfy chair and eating food.“
Strawberry laughed, ” I thought you were making a move on me.“ ” Don’t you have comfy chairs and food at your place.“
Tears formed in Vanilla Creme’s eyes, ” I don’t have a lot of anything at my place, because I don’t have a place.“
Strawberry hugged her, ” Everything’s going to be okay, don’t panic.“ ” Don’t panic!“
Strawberry started to panic. Here this girl is she just met her and she tells her she’s homeless.
Strawberry : ” Lets move to my vacation home!“ ” The town is named after me, we can stay there for as long as we want and no one will come looking for us.“
Vanilla Creme’s tears dried and they were on their way to Strawberry Fields.
At Last, they reached the vacation house!
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