#I spent three nights writing deleting then rewriting this whole ass thinf
kurosstuff · 2 years
Daniela Dimitrescu x reader: what she wished for
Summary: She'll cling to the "fake" persona she carefully crafted. Until it all came crashing down
Warning(s): angstish to fluff, it's sad, self depreciating thoughts. Self hatred, fears of abandonment- some hinted violence
Daniela wanted to be someone who everyone liked. No matter the cost- even at the expense of her own person. She crafted herself to being this person she's read in books people liked. But in reality no matter how much she tries to make people like her she can't. And she knows it will never work- the people she interacts with that aren't family are terrified of her- hell even her family can't handle her wild over the top person she is. Especially how quickly she can just change her mind and kill someone in her delusional state- be it on purpose or accident.
She surrounded herself in these books- day dreamed of it all happening to her- invisioned herself as the main character- the friends they'd make were hers. The romance- oh how she wished someone would come and sweep her from her feet- someone who'd love her for- her not the Daniela who everyone was afraid of. Or constantly annoyed with. Someone who was worth loving. Someone worth their time. Willingly to spent time with her not out of fear or a selfish desire of theirs but because they'd care for her.
She did it so much so well she believed it
Daniela fell for her own delusion wether she was aware or not wasn't the question- the question was is she willing to get out of the delusion wether she was or will be aware of it.
Daniela was lonely.
Nothing can change that fact- no matter how many books she'd read- no matter how many scripts she'd make
She wanted love.
Romantic love
She just hoped she'd get that one day- even if that day seems farther and farther away each day but she never lost hope. Never let go of that sliver of hope- she wanted to be someone to someone. She wanted to be the one they went to when something happened. Someone that'd protect them
She wanted to be that special someone's knight in shining armor
The new batch of maids were going to be coming in any moment now- but Daniela didn't care she just wanted to go back to her room and read.
Scuffing in annoyance she crossed her arms- an odd sight for anyone to see- minus her mother who was well aware. How dare her mother force her to go away from her book? Especially when she was finally going to see if this girl was going to go for her heart or die trying? The climax was just there- just one more page and she'd know if they'd made it.
But no- her mother insisted she'd be here to see the new maids. The door opened and footsteps came in- Daniela ignored it- she kept thinking about how it would have been the best ending. Glancing over she quickly swept the maids with a single glance- then froze. Her thoughts long forgotten. Only one thing was on her mind
'Who is that?'
Seeing you was like something from her books. Love at first sight. A pull made her want to go towards you- the way you nervously moved your hands about slowly to not draw attention to yourself- but you already did.
You caught sight of the lovesick Dimitrescu sister- Daniela and she'd be damned if she'd let the other two get to you first. Especially not after hearing the quickened heartbeat once you caught her looking- a grin appeared on her face- the nervous look in your eyes grew once you saw how her eyes were trained on you
Only you. Not once straying away just kept locked in on you as if you two were in a staring contest. And in a way- you were.
"- so those are the rules. Do not break a single one" her mother called out before dismissing them all with a wave of her hand once they left- she turned to her daughters "now. Daughters be more patient with them for just today. Mistakes are to be expected the first day but never the second. Do you understand" it was not a question. It was a demand as it always was.
"Yes Mother" they spoke at once before leaving
She couldn't get you out of her mind. She didn't want to- She skipped around the halls like a school girl having her first ever crush- it put everyone that saw her on edge- something bad was going to happen they assumed.
Thinking of ways to woo you- Daniela thought of all the different approaches she's tried with others before. Thinking of the romantic interest on the recent book she figured it wouldn't hurt to try to do what they did- be calm but cool.
'I've got this-! Shouldn't be too hard'
A large grin appeared on her face once she spotted you- on a stool trying to dust the top shelf- skipping over she stopped right behind you- humming softly "well hello!" Causing you to yell in surpise, stool shaking reaching out Daniela grabbed your waist quickly pushing you back straight up on the stool
"Sorry about that love, didn't mean to scare you!" Daniela apologized not looking the least bit sorry, huffing out slightly you put a hand on your chest calming yourself down. Uncharacteristically waiting patiently Daniela listened to the quick beating heartbeat that almost seemed to be hitting Daniela in her ears yet as the time went on it became calmer.
"Sorry you- surprised me Lady Daniela-" you spoke praying you got the right sisters name- not wanting to face any horrible outcomes you've seen already from doing so.
"Aww you know my name!" Daniela giggled her unblinking eyes never leaving yours as you stepped off the stool- wiping your hands in a cloth- a sigh of relief escaped you "well? What's your name pretty?" She asked- but it felt more like a demand then an actual question
Its been months since that encounter, Daniela hardly if ever left your side. Always right behind or beside you as you worked- smiling and humming some random tune- or clinging onto you. To an unknowing person- and even the ones inside the manor it was like watching a human being followed around by some puppy that so desperately wanted their full attention- and if she didn't get your attention for longer then she wanted- which was always-
"Pay attention to me" Daniela whined loudly pulling the sleeve of your shirt breaking your train of thought as she put her head on your arm- she gave her best puppy dog eyes. Sighing you gently pulled away from her before reorganizing the books on the table
"I'm sorry Lady Daniela but I really need to get this done" apologizing you refused to give in- you needed the work done for multiple reasons-you relaxed a bit hearing the silence then began the whining- before it turned into loud drawn out dramatic sighs. A sudden loud thump was made behind you-stealing a glance over you watched Daniela continuously changing her position on the couch- like a huge pouty tantrum
"Oh come on! Your always working on something why don't you just stop and pay attention to me!"
"It's my job"
That made Daniela go into another pouty tantrum.
Huffing she glared over at you in annoyance- crossing her arms she flopped onto her back staring up "well! Then stop. Who the hell gave you this chore anyways."
"You did"
It was silent after that besides the sweeping from the cloth in your hand- dusting off the books left unattended you looked back over. Daniela staring wide eyed at you for a moment. Blinking slowly
"I- I did?" She spoke slowly sitting up before a huge grin appeared on her face. Jumping up she quickly sprinted towards you wrapping her arms around you- stopping you from continuing "well! Since I gave you that order then! I'll give you a new one"
"Your new order is to stop and pay attention to me" rubbing her cheek against yours as she attempted to convince you
"Hmm. How about give me 2 minutes then you'll have all my attention?" You attempted to reason- "I want to get this done first- is that alright?"
Giving it a thought Daniela pouted before letting you go
"Fine! But not a second later!"
It doesn't take much to see that she loves you. Anyone with eyes can see it. How quickly her sad mood brightens once she spots you- quickly leaving her spot towards you no matter who was around.
How willing she was to let you see her library. Much less touch any of the books. Last time someone did that they lost a arm.
Well besides you of course. You always would chalk it up to some friend thing she does every so often-
Assuming it to be friendship no matter what she did
Daniela loves you- she truly does- not the fake type she convinced herself of with past people. This- this was real. This feeling- the love she felt for you was so refreshing- she felt true. It wasn't a lie or a delusion. She doesn't want to ruin this- not like she has before but she wants to tell you.
Needs to
The words wanted to come out but what if she reveals her trueself and you decide you don't like her anymore? Don't like how she isn't constantly happy- that she can get sad. She doesn't want to be left behind because the true her isn't what you want. She doesn't want to go through that again
Never again.
Biting her lip she looked over at you reading on the chair- completely unaware of her watching you read the book in your lap. The curled lip to a smile when you read something funny or heartwarming. Her face softened at your relaxed state you didn't know she was watching you but you were fully aware she was there- she'd never thought she'd see a day where a human would be completely relaxed with her being in the room.
Glancing over you smiled at her softly patting the chair beside you "come on! Read with me D-" you didn't need to ask twice she was beside you in moments looking over your shoulder to read.
She needed a plan on how to tell you
Camping was always romantic- at least that's what she's read. So many confessions happen in the books where they camp together- what could happen?
You could reject her. That was a thought that was brushed off- she didn't want to think about that. She wanted. Needed to think positively about this.
She can do this. Just need to do the tent. Make some cookies and it'll be fine!
She planned the whole thing- it'd be easy. Peace of cake!
It was a failure.
Not only did Daniela forget to bring the tent out then run back to get it she proceeded to rip it by accident- she also failed to bake the cookies. She mistook sugar for salt and then left it in to long.
Almost set the kitchen on fire
For someone who reads a whole lot- she can't cook for anything- no matter how many times she read the stupid cook book.
But with a quick bribe of the head chief she finally got some delicious cookies. At least she thinks so- they smell good but she doesn't know if she can actually eat them
"Eh whatever" taking a bite out of one of them her eyes lit up. Quickly shoving the rest of that cookie in her mouth she placed the plate on the rock as she waited in the back woods. Smiling to herself it wasn't much nor was there a tent but there was blankets to stare at the stars.
It's been a couple hours, Daniela walked around unable to stand still- what was taking so long? Why weren't you here ye-
"I forgot to invite them. FUCK"
Once she got back inside her stomach fell- how the hell did she mess up this badly? She forgot to invite the person she was going to confess to? Really? Of all things.
She's glad neither of her sisters knew- she'd never live that down
With the plate in one hand she went off to find you. Time for plan B.
Book reading confessions.
Finding you was the easy part. Convincing you to leave your job and follow her was the hard part- both equally as stubborn. But she wouldn't let that stop her.
But just dragging you away before you could say anything always worked-
So that's what she did.
She waited until you were close to the corner of the soon no way to escape before striking. She quickly buzzed forwards picking you up bridestyle she rushed off laughing when you yelped in surpise.
"Book talk time!" Was all you got until you were let down in her room- gesturing to the book shelf she buzzed happily
"Well- ok then. Didn't expect to get kidnapped today- are you ok? You seemed very.. red?"
"Yeah I'm ok! Just- it's your turn to talk about your book remember"
She wasn't sure exactly what book you were talking about- just some wizard boy being some chosen one or something. She just liked to hear you talk- how excited you sounded- the happy look in your eyes as you spoke about a book you loved. The dopey lovesick look appeared on her face yet again-
"I love you"
Silence followed- then the panic settled in. 'What the fuck.' That wasn't part of the plan at all? Why the hell did she ruin it. Standing straight up Daniela quickly faced away from you- avoiding the possible rejection she feared
"Wait no- I didn't-" she stumbled "I didn't- fuck- ok I didn't mean to say that" glancing around she played with her thumb nervously wiggling her fingers around "ok no I did mean to say that. But like like that"
Placing a hand on her shoulder she flinched before relaxing. Turning her to face you gently you took it her terrified embarrassed look. "Hey now" you spoke softly putting your hands on her cheeks holding her face gently "its ok, I love you too" pulling you into a hug she grumbled "I couldn't hear that-" pulling her head back she looked away-
"I said I had a plan on how I'd confess" she whined softly hiding her face again in your shoulder. Nuzzling her face against your shoulder she inhaled then exhaled calming down.
"Its ok- how about we lay down and you tell me all about it?" Nodding her head you moved go her bed to lay down- within seconds Daniela laid on top of you her arms wrapped around your waist as she moved to be on the left side of you. Curling over to face her- she started to speak everything she planned.
And on how she messed it up- she left no detail out. Even the most embarrassing ones. Looking up at you the happy smile you had made her all the previous worries that still lingered vanished.
Smiling Daniela let out a sigh of relief, she finally has someone she loves truly and who loves her truly not for who she crafted herself to be. But for the true Daniela inside no matter how clingy she was. She felt like you wouldn't leave her for anything and you wouldn't.
Her arms around your waist tightened gently pulling you closer to her-
Daniela always thought you were the royal stuck in the tower and she was your knight to protect and save you. But that wasn't the case nothing even close- she was the princess and you were her knight.
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