#I really thought I would be facing some kind of corporate pushback but webtoon really doesn't care at all
deoidesign · 1 year
did anything or anyone influence you makings steve trans? aside from the obvious adam and steve jokes. was there ever a point where he was not trans or that you decided he would be? have you drawn him with top surgery scars or is he a no op/supernatural op guy?
Uhhhh honestly i didn't think about the Adam and Steve thing I just wanted to hit him with my trans beam. I think over like 50% of my characters aren't cis at this point (but I don't like... count so idk)
I also don't ever really feel like I "decide" characters are trans, it feels more like they eventually come out to me, honestly. So I don't feel like there was any point he wasn't trans, even if that might be objectively true haha
I didn't start talking about it til recently, though, cause I wasn't sure if I'd run into any issues making it canon, but obviously that's not an issue I was just really scared about everything when I first started my contract haha (And I mean Everything, at one point I was worried it wouldn't be okay for Steve to be??? hairy???? I legitimately asked if that's okay cause I was scared I'd get in trouble. I dont remember why anymore)
I didn't realize I'd basically be allowed to do whatever I want, and Steve being trans is very much something I want!
I draw him with top surgery scars in any human AUs, but I decided he's supernatural op in canon basically. Werewolves are shapeshifters, so why not?
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