#I may also want to team up with Jack for volleyball; both to separate Jack and Deuce and because his height would help balance out mine
krenenbaker · 6 months
(1 char) 5 - Jade
(2 char) 12 - Sebek and Cater
(3 char) 3 - Deuce, Jamil, Jack
interesting choices!! :D
5. Would your family approve of them as a partner? Would their family approve of you? (Jade)
would my family approve of Jade Leech as a partner? I'm going to say... maybe? as a person, they probably would. a person who is curious, focused, responsible, creative, resourceful, joking, clever, close with his family, musical, and likes some similar things to me? yeah, they'd approve of him! but in terms of his... uh... questionably dangerous family background and possibly violent tendencies (though those tend to be not be actually carried out)? maybe not. and the question of if the Leech family would approve of me... I'm not sure. we don't know a whole lot about them yet, so it's a little hard to say. I think they'd approve of me in terms of personality (similar to my family's opinion of Jade), and they may also approve of some of the ways I interact with the world. But there's a good chance they'd see me as too weak and vulnerable for their son and with both sides, there's the question of what they'd think about us each having a partner who was a different species. whether they'd be against the issues that our relationship may have, with the long-term need for either distance and/or the consistent use of transformation potions by one or both of us. I don't know whether either side would approve or not approve?
12. They both sign up for Twitter. Who gets cancelled first, and what for? (Sebek and Cater)
oh, I'm SURE that Sebek would get cancelled before Cater. Sebek would probably get into an argument with someone online over something (Malleus' reputation? Human-Fae interactions? a book he read? I don't even know), and get cancelled for that. either that, or for spamming posts... Cater - if he were to be cancelled - would probably get called out for something he liked unknowingly, or for posting something meant for one account on the wrong account. he seems pretty aware of his online presence, so I feel like whatever happened would have been a mistake
3. Who do you team up with in a 2v2 volleyball match? Which side wins? (Deuce, Jamil, and Jack)
OOH!! okay, there are pros and cons to each: - Deuce is fast, both in reflexes and in running, and he always puts great effort into what he does. he can be a little clumsy, though, and isn't always the best at working together with others harmoniously. - Jamil already does a team sport, and is quick, precise, and perceptive. however, we'd be facing off against Jack and Deuce - those two do work well together, and there's a possibility of Jamil's competitive nature - or, alternatively, his ingrained lowering of his abilities - proving to be a difficulty. - Jack has the height that I lack, as well as a great deal of strength. and - like Jamil - he is also quite perceptive. he's not always the greatest at teamwork, either, though he does try. I think I'd be most likely to team up with Jamil, mostly because I think the Track and Field boys would want to team up (and also because Jamil seems like he'd be a pretty good partner). Jack and Deuce would possibly win, depending on how well they are able to cooperate, and how well Jamil and I both play. it's a little bit of a toss up, though - it could honestly go either way!
(questions are from this ask game)
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dommexbritt · 3 years
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Aaaaaaaand we're back again with part deux of Fondue For Two Election Edition. This time we've got the line up of Vice President candidates, looking cute very serious and ON TIME. Totally appreciated. 
 The fondue is reheating so you're going to want to give it a minute and careful, there's some sneaky pepper jack in there, we're keeping things spicy today. Just like with the peeps who were running for Pres, lets do a quick intro from everyone and tell us why you've decided to run..
RIE: Well, yes! Hi! I'm Rie Anderson. I'm running because I believe I could do a great job in helping students communicate their needs to the people running the Academy. I'm a political scientist and one thing that I've learned is how important listening and being transparent is. And I believe we can make this place even better with the students' input. We are the ones taking the classes and putting the acquired knowledge to use. Then, as Vice President, I'm going to work together with our President, to make sure we, as students, are always heard.
BRITT: A cutie with some solid declarations, we totally love to see it! Next on the panel...
EMERSON: Hello all, my name is Emerson Patterson Fabray and I’ll be running for vice president. I believe those who are running for president are strong contenders but they’ll need another voice to help them reach where they want to go, someone to bounce ideas off of, and ultimately share leadership and school decisions with, and I personally believe I’m the woman for that job
BRITT: Excellent. Totally makes sense! And lastly,..
NORA: My name is Nora Cricket Toussaint and... I’m running on an education based platform but these women beside me are very well spoken so---
BRITT: SO SUPER HOT! You are absolutely right Cricket! You may all know her as Cricket or as the cutest of her partners long list of girlfriends, Nora Toussaint everyone! Totally VALID and third VP candidate in our line up!
Now... lets get to the real stuff. Rapid fire questions! Emerson, you’re up first!
B:  The hottest dish of the day and personally the most burningest question on my mind just happens to also potentially be some family drama... it looks as though you are running alongside Mateo Weston rather than your own namesake, do you expect there to be BAD BLOOD circa 2015 terrible carbon copy of an already terrible black and white movie adaptation of Sin City, no matter the election outcome?
E: No Quinn and I are adults and my views align more with Mateo’s. There should be a system in place that what happened with the interim deans never happens again, equality in both our education and simply in our campus life, regardless of legacy status or not, is the most important thing and  not to mention of course order is needed. A lack of proper structure can wreak havoc, but too much structure to the point corporal punishments willy nilly, in public no less, red robes to mark those who have decided to push back against a broken system? Is simply insanity, and also not conducive to any sort of learning environment. Back to the question at hand I wish my sister the very best, of course I do, and I always will but my I 100% stand by my choice to run with Mateo Weston.
B:  The rumor is that you’re starting a all blonde volleyball team, are potentially co-heading a belief group, and have recently entered into a claim... do you feel you’ll have time to devote to the Vice President position should you be elected?
E: I mean.. I’m simply in the Volleyball team I’m not starting it, and I’m not sure what belief system you’re referring too but... I can confirm I did enter a claim and that’s part of the reason I decided to do this. I have 5 sisters at this school, countless friends, and now a submissive who were all affected by what happened last month which means I’ll be more than dedicated enough to devote time to both her, and this position if I’m elected into it.
B: Same as I asked your running mate, as there seems to be a connection here in your joint purple candidacy, do you believe in the separation of church and state?
E: [short pause] ...Yes I do believe 100% in the separation of church and state.
B: As the most technically qualified candidate for both the Presidency and VP, how do you plan to implement your MIT political science degree here at Deveruex?
R: When I was in college, I learned a lot about law making, laws in general and political communication. Those are all things that are going to help me here. Also, one thing that my professors were very strict about, was the fact that we should always look at situations with an unbiased opinion. Then we would know what to do, how to solve problems in a way that would be good for the Government but also for the People. So I plan to implement my degree by being a VP that listens, analyses and comes up with good solutions!
B: During a deep dive of your social media accounts I discovered that the adorableness of your face is so very distracting to any other thought processes, that I don’t think I read a single caption. Are you going to use that asset to your advantage while intellectually pulverizing the board standing your ground on student issues?
R: [laughs] Well... Why not? As a great VP I should always use all the assets available to my advantage! As long as I can help the students be heard!
B: Maybe not a hot dish but totally sizzling, if you had to choose only one other Anderson to spend the rest of your life stranded on a deserted island with... which would it be?
R: I know I said I'd pick Mark to go with me not a long time ago, but you just said for the rest of my life. So assuming I can't leave the island ever again, I'd totally take Blaine with me. He's my favorite Anderson, so he seems like the correct choice!
B: Hey, Bestie's babe. You are an absolute angel. I don't have any questions for you, I'm just going to give you the next three minutes of air time. Go for it.
N: [ speaks on popular issues and education issues and the incident with the deans last month and how it’s unacceptable ]
BRITT: We've heard your main concerns about the campus, is there anything you'd like to add? And also, what is the first action you are planning to take if elected?
  EMERSON:  My first act as vice president would be to make sure any legacy privileges become something attainable to all students. The divide is something that simply cannot last in a school that presents itself as forward thinking and liberal.
RIE: When I'm elected, I'd like to sit down with the President and talk about plans to make the school a better place for the students. I'd also like to set up an official anonymous communication channel for the students to be able to give their opinions without consequences. I'd also like to speak with the Deans to know what's their expectations of us, as students. From there, we'll start working!
NORA: [ clears throat ]  My first act as vice president would be... To make sure our education is as up to date as possible. That we’re getting the most updated practices are being taught to us, and not something that was given to us 10 years ago that doesn't apply now. -
Well you heard their intentions here folks! Thank you all for joining me, it’s really nice to hear everyone’s best foot forward on campus and student issues. I don’t know about all of you listeners, but I’m ready to get to voting!!
This has been your election dish here on Fondue For Two!! I’m your host Brittany S. Pierce, signing off until next time... 
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