#I know I might be being a little optimistic in assuming that mel WILL be reunited with her family but like
effable-as-f · 28 days
God I really hope the game doesn't End with Mel reuniting her family because the adjustment period is going to be SO messy and I want to see all of it
I want to see Zag have to come to terms with the fact that the sister who for all he knows was a newborn just moments ago has grown into her own woman and he wasn't around for any of it, like literally she was just a baby and now they're practically the same age how does that work
I want to see the angelic, idealized vision Mel has of her older brother clash with the reality that he's a mouthy little shit, a bit of a slacker and a goofball if you will, I want to see her actually have to share a space with him for the first time and get pissed off at how disorganized he is, maybe even snap and lose her temper at him before finally realizing that, good and bad, this is what it means to have a family, THIS is what Chronos took from her
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