#I just think that not enough fic show that Merlin is 1500 years old
achillesuwu · 1 year
I just think it would be HILARIOUS if Merlin dates someone for a loooooong time some centuries after Arthur's death and that someone is immortal.
Idk, just the idea of merlin having that ex vampire dude he dated for 276 years or something and they parted in good term. They are still good friends and it drives Arthur INSANE
More Merlin actually living for 1500+ years and meeting new people because you can NOT convince me that if someone live for more 1500 years in a world where there are others long-living beings they will not form bond that defy every social expectation
like (-still not dating merthur -)
Arthur : you dated him for nearly THREE centuries!?
Merlin : well, yeah?
Arthur : and you want to make me believe that you two cuddling on the couch was totally platonic!?!?
Merlin, 1500+ yo and very much know how to communicate with his friends and ex-partner: yeah??
Arthur I just noticed that I wanted to be the one sleeping on you on the couch and I don't know what to do with those feelings pendragon : YOU PLAYED WITH HIS HAIR AND KISSED HIS FOREHEAD
Merlin that got married multiple times but is at the same time kind of married to Freya.
Merlin that blows Arthur mind because he has an orgy with his 5 immortal Friends-with-benefits and they is completely chill about it.
Arthur just can NOT understand how this isn't cheating.
Just, Arthur (freshly immortal btw) being incapable of understanding Merlin's centuries long relationships with other immortals.
Arthur being a tiny bit insecure because how the fuck can he try to win Merlin's heart when he is competing against a 1500 yo marriage, a 700 relationship that for him doesn't look platonic at ALL, 5 immortal "friend with benefits" and Gods know who else when he was "only" merlin's best friend for 10 years 1500 years ago :((((
Meanwhile, everybody else that know that now that Arthur came back there is no way that anything happen with anyone else: aaaaawwww, merlin!!! tell us everything!!!! And when is the wedding??? You better not elope like you did with Catheline. It was two hundreds years ago!!!! HE DIDIN'T SAY THAT NOTHING HAPPENED!!! NOTHING HAPPENED.
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shut-up-merlin · 1 year
A year ago today, I posted the last chapter of my Arthur Returns fic, so I feel like celebrating by sharing it with you. Again...
A Little Unsteady by Saltedkiss
"I’m tired,” Merlin said quietly as he stared into the flames. “I feel like an old man, even though I don’t look the part. I can’t even remember how long I’ve been wandering around. The lands around me are changing and I just... don’t.”
He knew Freya was looking at him, but couldn’t bring himself to meet her eyes.
“I’ve lost my magic. I’ve lost - ”
Just hearing the name was enough to make his stomach clench. Freya threw another piece of driftwood onto the fire, allowing him some time to gather his thoughts.
“I’ve lost my purpose. Even if he ever returns, what use would I be? I couldn’t even protect him with my magic, how could I ever be enough without?”
After fifteen hundred years of waiting for Arthur's return, with little more than his own mind for company, Merlin's memories of his life in Camelot have faded almost entirely.
All this time, Arthur has been watching from behind the veil, desperate to find a way to help Merlin restore his magic. When Arthur finally makes his way back into a now unfamiliar world, he'll soon learn times have changed since he's last set foot in Albion. Retrieving what's been lost might not be as easy as he'd once thought...
Writing this fic has brought me so much joy. It’s my take on what happens after diamond of the day. As it did to so many of us here, that episode left me utterly broken. Anyone who isn’t in the fandom might think I’m exaggerating. You’re reading this post so you know I’m not. So I decided to fix it. To give our boys a happy ending. Even if the road to this happy ending would be covered in capital-A-angst.
A part of the show’s finale kept replaying in my mind. The “I don’t want you to change. I want you to always be you.” Over and over and over again. What if that’s why Merlin lives forever? What if that’s what happened? And I went with it. Started writing. The story starts right after Arthur dies in DOTD, but the first part I wrote was actually the scene in which we see the state Merlin is in after 1500 years of being haunted by images he’d rather forget but never really can. My Merlin in this story is a broken mess, much like I was after the finale. Slowly healing him throughout the story did the same for me.
This story has inspired beautiful gifsets, memes and a moodboard by my dear friends and cheerleaders @camelotsheart @forever-rewatching-merlin and @shana-rosee and one of the story’s scenes has been brought to life by Fynnian on AO3
A Little Unsteady means so much to me, and every single comment is cherished and reread more often than you’d think possible. So this is me, one year later, sharing it with the world. Again.
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rainbowvamp · 3 years
(for the fic prompt thing) Mordred and an altar if thats okay??
This is... so long. It barely has anything to do with an altar. I didn't edit it. I've been trying to finish this for days. I hope you enjoy.
Mordred is Morgana's adopted son. Magic is known. Modern Reincarnation AU. Mordred buys a good fortune spell and it's not a good thing.
--- Mordred buys a spell off the internet. Morgana is furious, naturally. He's grown up in magic, he should know better than to buy spells written by unknown people with unknown intentions. He's already done it, so it's too late to just burn the damn thing. They have to take it to Merlin to see if they can undo it.
It's a spell for fortune, not so out of the box, but fortune is a fickle thing. She comes and she gives, but she also takes. The wheel must turn round and round, up and down. It cannot be stilled. When Merlin sees the spell he sucks air in through his teeth, and Morgana's worst fears are confirmed.
"I can't undo this. Not without hurting him, maybe even killing him. He's used himself as a binder. Usually-" Merlin turns his gaze to Mordred, "If a spell needs binding, we bind it to an object, not a person. Unless you're a cruel and terrible woman." He turns his eyes to Morgana, who shrugs.
Arthur had deserved it.
"So, what's going to happen?"
"Your spell was to bring good fortune. It will come, but it will also go. Your life will be very interesting, Mordred." Merlin dropped the printed piece of paper on the table and got up, going to a line of spell books that were older even than the warlock himself. His back is tense and his voice is lower than it usually is, almost absent. "I'm sorry to say so will Morgana's. The spell specifies your family. Most spells don't differentiate between the blood ties and the love ones. Morgana is your mother by rights, even if not by birth." Merlin pulls a book off the shelf, flips it open and brings it back to them. The tome smells old, and Mordred can feel the magic pouring off it.
"You can't be serious." Morgana says before Mordred can even start to digest the spell, written in the old tongue that he'd been forbidden to learn until he was old enough to understand the consequences of speaking it. "This could kill him."
"So could an over abundance of bad luck."
When Mordred looked back up at Morgana, her grey eyes were thunderous, her mouth pulled into a harsh line that Mordred had only seen a few times before.
"No. I won't allow it. I'll do it."
"You can't-"
"I can. Don't deign to tell me how powerful I am, Merlin."
"However powerful you are, I can't even undo the spell. The only one with any chance is Mordred. If you try it you'll just kill yourself and he'll still be cursed."
"I'm not cursed. Curses are things someone else does to you." Mordred tried to defend himself, but Morgana turned her glare to him.
"Someone has given you a spell to do that will probably kill you. They cursed you."
Mordred glared at her in a way that would usually made Morgana proud. "Well, I'll live with it then. I'm not going to let you die, and you obviously don't want me to reverse it."
“I don’t even want you to try.” Morgana’s eyes are hard, furious, as she turns back to Merlin. “And if you even think about helping him, so help me, Merlin, I will figure out how to end your immortal life and torture you before I kill you.”
“I understand.” Merlin says with a smile and closes the book. He waves one hand and the book disappears. “Best keep that somewhere Mordred can’t find it. He’s got the same look Arthur used to have. All royal and determined.”
“Who’s Arthur?” Mordred asked, and Morgana rolled her eyes.
“He died 1500 years ago. Don’t worry about it.” She takes her son by the shoulder and turns him to go. “I’ll ward the house against the worst of it when the down cycles start. Merlin, I’ll pay you three times your normal rate if you can calculate how long the cycles will be.”
“PayPal me. I’ll have it by the end of the week.”
When Mordred looked back, Merlin was going back to doing whatever unstable 1500 year old warlocks do, looking entirely unconcerned, but the way Morgana clutched his shoulder Mordred thought that was more because of the 1500 year old thing, not because there was no reason to be.
“Show me the altar where you performed the spell.” Morgana said as soon as they got home. “If we’re lucky, the magic might have latched onto something besides you that we can destroy. It won’t reverse it, not even close, but it will mitigate the worst of it.”
“I’m sorry.” Mordred said as he got out of the car and followed Morgana inside. “I just wanted us to have good luck for once.”
“We have good luck, Mordred.” Morgana’s voice was higher than normal, almost breathy while she fumbled with her keys to get the door opened up. “I have a house, and you, and a stable, steady job. I know you want to be able to join Lancelot’s silly little crowd of vigilantes, and you want to be the next great Druid Sorcerer, but that’s just not the sort of thing you can wish for.”
“Yeah, you do have a steady job. And I barely get to see you. And when I do see you, you’re always tired. I’ve applied at 8 places, and I haven’t heard a single call back. I was just trying to… I don’t know, get a job, get you a promotion, give you back your damn inheritance, something!” Mordred kicks a rock and Morgana stops trying to open the door and looks solemnly at her adoptive son.
“I know this isn’t the greatest life.” She whispered, her softness forcing Mordred’s mind out of itself and back into the present moment. I wish I could spend more time with you too, and that I didn’t have to work so hard, and that Uther hadn’t left me in the cold when I was sixteen with none of my father’s money and nowhere to go, but I have made something good for us here, and this spell. Mordred, I don’t know what it’s going to do to us.”
“I’m sorry.” Mordred repeats.
“I know.” She smiled softly and pulled him into a hug. “I know. I know you just wanted to do good, and help, but you can’t wish your way to a better life. Magic doesn’t work like that. You’re a good boy, Mordred.” She kisses the top of his head. “And we will figure this out together. Whatever happens.”
Mordred nods and the pulls away, unlocking the door with magic. “I left the altar in the attic.”
Morgana smiled, “That’s where I used to hide my magic from Uther.”
“I know.” Mordred shrugged, and Morgana’s smile became nearly beaming.
“I’ve raised you well.”
“You didn’t raise me. I was already this height when you got me.” Mordred couldn’t keep the smile out of his eyes when he said it, and he was glad for Morgana’s laughter.
“You’re still growing emotionally. I raised you. Grab the salt and I’m going to get an athame. Let’s see if there’s anything up there I can break.”
“Matches?” Mordred called from the kitchen, and he heard her proud exclamation from the next room.
“Yes! And grab a couple newspapers from the recycle bin. It’ll make good kindling.”
“If we set the house on fire, is that the start of our misfortune?” Mordred asked, and Morgana laughed, brandishing the sheathed dagger he was pretty sure she’d told him she had used to try and kill her foster dad.
“Maybe. If it is, then at least I won’t have to pay Merlin to know how long the cycle is.”
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intothewickedwood · 3 years
Once Upon A Time Rewatch: 5x22 Only You
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Does that mean Storybrooke’s magic is gone now that Rumple has tethered it to the crystal?
Well, I guess he can’t have taken all of it or Regina wouldn’t have been able to teleport etc.
Henry’s relationship with magic is like a freaking rollercoaster. At first, he thinks it’s the best thing in the world, then he hates it so much he wants to destroy it, then it’s the best thing in the world, then he tries to destroy it, then it’s the best thing in the world! But that’s kids for you, I guess! I’m sure I was like that and still can be. Come to think of it, would putting dynamite in the well in season 2 have destroyed magic?
Is that needle that’s put dozens of people under a sleeping curse the same one Maleficent used on Aurora?
Henry’s literally so powerful. I wish he could use his author powers more.
How is taking the crystal out of SB gonna destroy magic in SB?
Oh, so Rumple tethered the magic but didn’t technically absorb it from the town, so they can still use it.
Why can’t Regina text Henry to say that destroying magic would destroy SB? 
Guess they can go over the town line now, for the first time in like forever. But I guess Emma & Regina & Henry could already cross the threshold, possibly Violet too as she didn’t come over with the first curse. And then the others are brought to New York by a portal. 
Oh! So that’s why they can use magic in the lwom? Because Henry brought the crystal aka all the magic of Storybrooke there.
Aww. Henry and Violet are cute. I just wouldn’t recommend reading the Henry and Violet book if you appreciate their relationship in the show.
Oh, thank God. Zelena does promise to bring baby Robin to visit her brother Roland! I need them to have known each other growing up! I bet they’re really close. And Roland is just as sweet as ever and has to stop his sister being reckless. The Hufflepuff to her Slytherin (+ Gryffindor tendencies), if you will. And I need fics where Roland doesn’t grow up to be vengeful and angry. Once a Hufflepuff cupcake, always a Hufflepuff cupcake.
Did Regina agree to Roland going back to Sherwood Forest? I’m surprised she didn’t adopt him. It must have been the Merry Men’s decision because no way would they take orders from Zelena. 
Aww! Roly kissing his baby sis!! I’m gonna miss you Roly!! Literally the most adorable kid! Aww and Granny kisses him on the head too! I die!!
Look at his little mittens!!
I’m guessing he doesn’t know she killed his mama but maybe he knows that she posed as her and in a strange way enjoyed his time with her? I mean, I guess you can say that as Marian Zelena did, at least, take care of Roland and bond with him. Maybe she always wanted to be a mother? Still doesn’t excuse her killing Marian and posing as her. Just trying to make sense of this hug. Maybe Roland is just super forgiving! And you can say it’s cause he’s a child but let me tell you, I was so much less willing to forgive really terrible things as a child than I am now. 
Omg. They all fell so hard through that portal! Ow!
Emma’s genuinely worried Regina’s gonna put a sleeping curse on her.
Baelfire was trying to destroy magic in New York?
Ron used sellotape to try to fix his wand, so why not?
Omg Davis Bloom, love of my life! Well, it’s Hyde but this guy loves to play literal monsters! Listen, before Once Upon a Time, Smallville was my hardcore special interest show. I rewatched it so many times since I was 9! Anyway, Chloe was my favourite character and I’d always been a Chloe x Clark shipper and then Davis came along and Chlavis became my otp. He loved her so much! He gave her the love and attention she deserved! Yes it was messed up but that’s what 12-year-old me was and is here for! My mum and I were so excited when we found out the actor was gonna be in Ouat! I loved Davis to bits and ngl, was highly attracted to him (as was my mama), so excuse me as I continue to be thirsty over Hyde.
Back to the rewatch!
Hyde strangling people is my jam lol.
Snow, my girl, you really can’t keep a secret. She darn told Hyde about the Dark One’s love being pregnant! Oh well, love her anyway. And also, she was 10.
I’ll never forget, I once cut my eye and it legit looked like one of Hyde’s but scarier. It was so frightening to look at and really uncomfortable, but it healed eventually. Gives me the shivers just thinking about it. But it looks cool and sexy on Hyde xD. 
Is that the same book Tilly finds at Henry’s place in 7x14?
Regina: “like with Hook, my first impulse was to rip his throat out.” Jesus Regina! You’re saying that to the woman who just went to the Underworld for Hook and thought she’d lost him forever. He’s someone she loves. That’s intense! As someone who’s been told by a loved one, threateningly, that they are (completely seriously) going to violently kill another loved one, several times, that is so not cool. Luckily no one was killed though, it’s okay. 
I recently read a really interesting meta about Regina’s motivation for redemption being intellectual. Like she says here, she doesn’t want to do good. She hates doing good but she knows that villainous acts won’t get her her happy ending and so she reasons that in order for things to go less awful for her, she must to good. She doesn’t do it because of empathy, guilt or regret, she does it because she figures it’s what the heroes are doing and things are going right for them and because if she goes back to her evil ways she knows she’ll lose Henry and her new and only support network. I think the same can be said for Zelena’s motivations to do good. No shade, just an analysis.
Well at least she’s using the word “I” to express that she did those things. But, she seems more concerned about those things hanging over her than for what she did to her victims and how they felt and suffered.  She even seems more upset at the fact that she has lost a love again than the fact that Robin lost his life and his kids have lost their father.
Hmm. Interesting. She seems to suggest here that before she didn’t know the difference between good and evil. You know what, that could be true because she didn’t really get why people called her the ‘Evil Queen’ and then there’s the fact she was raised by Cora and Henry Sr. Cora probably warped her perception of good and evil and her father positively reinforced a lot of the evil Regina did and didn’t explain to her why the things Cora did and the lessons she taught were wrong.
Why are all those stories in the library? That makes no sense. 
There’s a problem. If the grail is the origin of all magic and Merlin found it around 1500 years before the present (apparently Merlin was a runaway slave too. Of course he flipping was!), how comes Gothel and Seraphina had magic thousands of years ago? I mean, I suppose they were from another land (that Gothel killed almost all the inhabitants of), so I guess people just don’t know magic didn’t originate from the grail. I mean, since the God’s had magic before the grail, and nymphs possibly have relations to gods, I suppose it makes sense that Gothel had magic but then, what about Seraphina? How does she have magic and how did she live so long? Did Gothel cast a spell on her that made her practically immortal or was she already immortal?
Well, that was easy for Rumple lol.
Transforming looks really painful.
The thing is. They shouldn’t have separated Jekyll from Hyde. I think it would have been cooler if they hadn’t. Sure, they can make Jekyll the true villain but why not have the heroes try to save Jekyll as Hyde thwarts their plans at every turn to the point where they have to agonize over hurting Jekyll to defeat Hyde. The same can be said for Regina. Don’t split them up! Just have Regina transform into the Evil Queen so you can’t tell when she’s Regina and when she’s the EQ working on her evil plan. That would’ve been really fun to watch and to try to figure out which persona she was and when! Also, they should have just made Jekyll transform when emotionally compromised rather than when taking the potion because without an assistant Jekyll could have easily lived without Hyde ever returning. 
I hate the look of that wand.
Hydes theme sounds so awesome!
Also, it would have been really cool to explore the Land of Untold Stories. It looks so rad!
How can Hyde summon the portal? Don’t you have to have enough dark magic?! I guess maybe his strength and durability are enhanced by dark magic?
Rumple, I don’t think Belle can here you in that box.
Can I marry Hyde now? I want to marry Hyde. 
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