#I just think Sydney is as involved with Carmy as he is with her…. might not give him the looks he gives to her but the clues are there too
accioepiphany · 10 months
Didn’t know this was an unpopular opinion, but have seen enough meta discussion to think it might be? So here are my two cents about it: I don’t think they would ever make Sydney not reciprocate Carmy or straight up reject him. Because:
1. Have you seen the way she interacts with Carmy instead of, let’s say, Marcus? Especially this season. It’s clear they constructed a one way street between Marcus and Sydney. Marcus was seeing something Sydney wasn’t, and that’s clear in their interactions. But, instead, we get a lot of moments of connection between Carmy and Sydney. Both of them. And a sense of reliability from Sydney that shows she cares for their partnership and FOR him. Like Carmy was shitty to her all throughout, but Syd still replied softly to him that he wasn’t alone either. Not to even mention the famous under the table scene, which wasn’t just Carmy talking softly to her, it was Syd being vulnerable to him, by choice. I do think she is way more subtle in the way she cares for Carmy, and might find it harder to pick up clues of her feelings or/and to express them, but i don’t think this should negate her feelings completely. Like, Sydney is Carmy’s biggest fan, and has been since day one. And that also makes it hard to think she would have a similar reaction to the one she had with Marcus to any proposition or confession by Carmy. Which leads me to my second and most important point.
2. We have already seen the one way street storyline between Sydney and Marcus. She already rejected him, when he tried to move things forward. The writers doing exactly the same with Sydney rejecting Carmy would not only be repetitive and boring, but also would set a pattern for Sydney’s character that wouldn’t benefit her much. She would seem deattached and senseless. Especially because we wouldn’t have a justification for her rejecting two people she is so close to, further than an inability to form a deeper connection… with anyone… and that’s not the Sydney the writers are constructing. Like, one time is okay, especially if we see it’s clear one of the two was seeing more than what it was. But two times? When all we have seen is they both being obsessed about each other? Unless they turned it around completely next season… but even that would seem out of character seeing how much shit Sydney endured from Carmy this season and still followed him.
So, I have no idea where they are taking the story and the characters next… but if they were ever to explore a relationship between Carmy and Sydney that goes beyond platonic I don’t think the Sydney rejecting Carmy plot would make much sense tbh
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chefkids · 3 months
I love your meta!!! It’s amazing that you’re still able to identify and connect new things that the rest of us overlooked. Do you have any predictions for next season? Not just with SydCarmy but also any thoughts about where the show may take us
Thank you!
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I think a big focus of next season is going to be on their lives intertwining and their families coming together. Season 3 ended with Richie, Nat, Carmy, and Sydney all coming together to open the restaurant and including her in their core group like family. And like Ayo and everyone in the show has said, this is all about chosen family and real family. But I also think a lot of bad shit is going to happen, especially at the very start of the season.
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After Carmy practically begging to meet Sydney's dad, I do think Emmanuel and Carmy will finally meet. I do not think he is going to like Carmy at the start. He is very sceptical of their whole arrangement, he knows Sydney quit for a minute and might have heard Sydney talk shit about him. And if he ever finds out what went down on opening night, I don't think he'll be too happy with Carmy. But I do think they will eventually bond and get to know each other, I think including that Sydney's dad was sober from alcohol is going to be a big conversation for them.
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I think they were alluding for Natalie having some sort of complication maybe preeclampsia with her shoulder pain. I think she's going to give birth sooner rather than later. Natalie giving birth is going to bring Donna back and is what is going to get Carmy and his mother to finally see each other again after seemingly years apart.
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I also think Donna and Sydney will meet. I think Natalie and Sydney are both going to try to get Carmy to at least try to give his mother a chance because they are both much more optimistic and forgiving people than him. I think it's going to cause a lot of tension between all of them because Carmy doesn't want Sydney seeing that side of his family.
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Sydney's share/ownership of the restaurant comes back into question. I also think Carmy getting more credit/recognition than her in reviews or press will bother her. I think she will basically say that this place is not really hers. Someone tries to poach Sydney, Carmy freaks out. Sydney starts to consider if it is worth staying if another good opportunity comes along.
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Marcus' mom is dead and gone. RIP to that lady. I think grief and how they all deal with it differently will be a big theme. Carmy ignored his grief for a long time and tried to use work to fix things. Sydney and her dad still keep her mom's memory alive but she still struggles with letting others know about her grief. I think Marcus will be letting others help him and be there for him and Sydney will be there for him. I think this will bring back things Carmy about his own grief and how he's still dealing with it.
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Luca returns to fill in for him for a bit and emotional support for Marcus. Which I think will also bring us to see Competitive Carmy in full force as goes into Michelin Mode, for Syd's sake. No amusement or enjoyment. I also think this will kinda turn the crew against Carmy as they'll prefer Sydney, they kind of already do. Especially considering she was more involved in training them and in the build than he was. Plus she's just nicer than him.
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Sydney will overwork herself and burn out, she won't trust Carmy on his own and will inevitably put a lot of pressure on herself. She's not going to want to quit or stop but Carmy and her Dad will be pressuring her to slow down because she's making herself sick. I think a large focus of Season 3 will be on their energy. In Season 1 it was all about the pressure of money, Season 2 about time pressure, and now they need to find the energy to keep going because they need to make back money in a set time frame. The focus on energy and their internal dynamics between them, rather than external issues like things in restaurant being broken.
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Jealous Carmy. When he realizes Marcus likes Syd more than a friend, he's going to view everyone as competition and a threat, even though he's still to scared to do anything about it. I think Sydney will grow closer to Marcus and Richie and maybe even Luca or new guy Connor, not in any romantic way, but it is going to bother Carmy a lot that she never spends any time with him and that they know her outside of work but he doesn't.
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Menu overhaul is inevitable, aside from Marcus dishes, most of the menu is not that remarkable and they really need to pull out new interesting ideas if they want a star. I'm sure we will see a lot more of Syd and Carmy actually testing recipes together. Carmy is just not as creative as Sydney when it comes to food, he struggled with the chaos menu. Mostly as Carmy's way to force proximity with Syd when she doesn't want to be around him.
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I'm also still rooting for the return of the short rib risotto and the missing acid chaos ingredient. They have to bring it back.
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Tina and/or Richie straight up comment on Sydcarmy. I think Tina knows and suspects a lot more than she lets on. She is very observant and protective over Sydney. She's overheard and seen a lot of what has been going down between them. She's going to put Carmy in his place and scare him a little on Sydney's behalf.
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Richie on a similar note is going to put 2 and 2 together on what Carmy is feeling and basically tell him to stay away from Sydney because he doesn't want a Claire 2.0 to happen to her and he probably feels like Carmy does not even deserve Sydney in any way and he would just fuck things up for everyone at the restaurant.
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Natalie finally says something to him and that's what finally gets him to do something and stop bottling everything in. She never commented on his relationship to anyone except Sydney, and that was more so to get her in the loop and protect her, because she knew Carmy was leading her on while seeing Claire and not telling her. She's going to subtly or not so subtly ask him wtf he is doing. I also think Jimmy fully thought Sydney was his girlfriend.
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Fire Suppression System will tested for real with an actual fire. I have a lil theory that Sydney is going to be the one to accidentally start a fire next season. The fire suppression test was all a metaphor for Syd and Carmy suppressing their feelings and the spark/fire that they have. At the end of season 1 Carmy started a grease fire after Sydney quit, because he couldn't suppress his sadness and feelings for her. In season 2 they passed the fire suppression and Carmy decided to declare Claire his girlfriend. They managed to contain their feelings, but eventually they still came out with Carmy and his panic attack. But now I'm sure Sydney is going to be the one trying to suppress feelings because of how everything went down, and I think it will just blow up in her face literally and metaphorically. They spent so much time explaining the fire suppression system and the electrical wiring and the amperage of it all, that I think it's going to come into play again.
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Carmy uses Sydney for emotional support without her realizing. When he texted her because he needed her comfort and forgiveness before opening Mikey's note, she didn't know that was what was happening. When he had panic attack and thought of her to calm down he used her for comfort, but she doesn't know all that. I think he's going to tell her or show her that she is his comfort person. I also think we will also see Sydney eventually reach for him for support and comfort as well.
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Sydney's catering days and UPS flashback. Please I am begging. We need more of her lore. I think next season will be a lot of seeing her as more independent and being the boss, we only just started to see her at her peak performance in the last episode. I think we'll see more of her evolution, and also her flighty nature. She went from restaurant to restaurant. I think the idea of her leaving The Bear will hang around all season, but she won't leave.
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Claire apology then goodbye within the same episode. Sorry to that girl. I think Carmy was already planning to breakup with her after he had the panic attack and the talk with Uncle Jimmy, which is why he freaked out when after he saw her at dinner. I don't think there would be much place for her unless they throw her into some hospital scenes with maybe Nat or Sydney being sick. I think her work here is done. I think she might make other appearances with the Faks. They are close family friends. Maybe she's friends with the elusive Francie Fak that everyone is dying to know what happened between her and Nat.
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I think Richie will try to work elsewhere for a bit. He wants to prove that he doesn't need Carmy and that he can succeed without him. I think he'll come back when Sydney asks him to. The situation with him and Tiff feels very 50/50 to me. On the one hand I think it could be him learning to move on from his ex, on the other hand I think Chris and Joanna are all about second chances and I could see Tiff seeing Richie change and wanting to give things another chance.
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I also think there's opportunity to see another city like we did with Copenhagen. I'm still rooting for Carmy to take Syd to Noma before it shuts down. I could also see a New York flashback episode with Carmy working at Eleven Madison and Sydney going on her NYC food tour and their whole invisible string coming together.
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Not in this season, but The Bear Cookbook will happen. Trust.
And The Psychedelic Musical Episode. A girl can dream. But I do think we'll get another karaoke scene, maybe with the whole crew going out after a shift and just letting loose for once.
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chansoooo1-blog · 4 months
These are my sydcarmy predictions for S3.
Carmy essentially realizes that he has feelings for Sydney during the panic attack scene. However, given the mental headspace he's in, coupled with the burden of restaurant debt, he's undoubtedly going to repress those feelings intensely. And this is right after Claire. Right after his first romantic pursuit which didn't work out...he's not going to acknowledge the existence of these feelings. He's also aware of how highly ambitious Sydney is and how the restaurant is her number 1 priority so there's no way he's going to act upon it.
Carmy is not going to completely ice Sydney out. I mean, at the end of the day, they are still business partners. He's just not going to be as friendly as he used to be. Boundaries will be set, and he's not going to open up as much as he used to.
However, when times get tough, he'll actively seek her out as a source of comfort. This might go both ways (but in Sydney's case she's not really aware that she's doing that?) This is where the romantic subtext might become text? Other than that, Carmy will continue to shut Sydney out.
Sydney is going to get confused and hurt by all of this (Carmy's inconsistent behaviour), leading her to realize there's actually something going on between them. This might cause her to establish some boundaries, be less emotionally vulnerable around Carmy. I don't think Sydney would actually confront him about it ( they are both fearful-avoidant individuals)
Carmy will only allow himself to acknowledge these feelings if he starts therapy or undergoes a life-changing experience that alters the way he views life. This may involve Sydney, or it may not, such as the birth of Nat's baby.
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devisrina · 9 months
The s2 ep 8 interaction
So it just occurred to me the reason Syd was so pissed at Claire’s involvement in getting Carmy to agree on her ideas is not only the mention of Claire’s name and carmy discussing it to her, but it also could involve the sequence of events in s1 ep 7-8.
Even though Carmy rarely says no to Syd, he was pretty hesitant about adding the risotto to the menu. And then her accidentally giving the risotto to the reporter ended with him getting really mad at her.
And I feel like we were all confused about why Sydney wasn’t really being wary of Carmy after what happened in s1, but I think it has affected her more than we think. This scene might prove that.
I think she was circling back to the risotto issue when she hears how open Carmy is with the ideas when Claire brings it up. It probably didn’t bother her as much before, given that she assumed that she shouldn’t be pushy in suggesting something. But the fact that an outsider/inexperienced individual gave her advice and Carmy obliged with nothing else to say might have bothered her more.
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I wrote my first fanfiction since hum...My teens days. In english which is a big step for me because I used to be so insecure speaking the langage and was often surrounded by people mocking me for it. I hope you guys enjoy and tag along while I rediscover writing in a way that makes me feel safe :3 xx
TW: Smut, adult content Sydney’s ears started ringing. She missed the bin. Syd threw trash at a wolf. Sydney was ass up, one flip flop lost and in a position that (she thinks) only footballers know. ____________________________ I gave @sydcarmyfan for her credits but I swear to god I cannot find the post so y'all gonna have to bear with me ( get it, toudoumtsss)
Sydney is a young woman just trying to redo her life. She's going back to university with the hope of a better outcome than the one she usually have. She makes more friends she ever thought she would, make peace with a parts of herself and her passed away mother. The young witch has to make peace with her past in which might involved a shitty ex ALLEGEDLY transformed into a frog. Carmy is new on campus trying his best to found his brother who left his only possession: his car, to Carmy. Carmy has yet to accept the death of his older brother. Scared of the sense of peace living on campus gives him, he avoids enjoying it too much feeling guilty for moving on. He keep on tracking the scent of this girl who threw trash at him and HE DOESN'T KNOW why. Both supernatural being one who knows and another who doesn't radiating towards each other See both of theses young adults travel new feelings and romance while accepting that they can find peace within each other.
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