#I just think Nancy wheeler deserves to be believed and supported and challenged in healthy and positive ways everywhere she goes
eskawrites · 10 months
Thinking about the library scene and how that one shot of Nancy looking at Robin like she’s in love (not the cute and annoyed “you never know” look, the one after that where she looks a little lost and can’t look away from Robin, you know the one) and thinking about how that moment isn’t actually Robin saying something sweet or affirming or caring toward Nancy, it’s her contradicting her.
Nancy says that’s super convenient for Victor and Robin says ‘or super inconvenient’ and for the first time maybe ever in Nancy’s life, someone is arguing with her not to shoot her down, but to push her theory forward. And the fact that that is what has Nancy going all disbelieving heart eyes toward Robin—the idea that she finds someone who actually does believe her shot in the dark but isn’t just going to tag along passively and it has her immediately smitten—is 1) lowkey kinda hilarious, like c’mon Nance and 2) really just phenomenally sweet? And honestly what a strong central core for their budding relationship. What an excellent first example of the way they will continue to both challenge and support each other throughout the season.
And I think this is one of my favorite things about ronance: it really feels like Nancy finally meets her match. Other characters have been willing to keep up with her but it almost always comes from their own motivations (which is fine) or a sense of trying to placate her (which is less fine). Hell, Jonathan spends most of s3 not believing her but tagging along anyway, placating her and her wild theories, and that’s why they have such a huge fight when shit hits the fan. He was supporting her because she’s his girlfriend, not because he actually supported her.
And then comes s4, and Robin owes Nancy nothing when she goes to the library with her. She goes because she genuinely believes Nancy will have a brilliant idea that will save the day. And then she stays because, despite the fact that things aren’t going well, they still might be on to something. And as soon as there’s even a possibility that they might be right, Robin is the one arguing with Nancy that this might be the information they need
And so Nancy stares at her like she’s seeing her for the first time, because when was the last time someone argued with her in a way that wasn’t painfully personal? When was the last time someone challenged her without belittling her? When was the last time someone believed in her so freely and wholeheartedly that they took her ideas and ran with them before Nancy even had a chance to prove herself? Hell, I’d be immediately smitten, too
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