#I just have a very specific ideal in mind for Matsu Masa and Yaichi <3
danikatze · 5 years
Hi, i'm curious do you like more yaichi-matsu or yaichi-masa? Also hoe do you think everything went after manga's ending? Like they got together as a couple? Who? Thanks love your blog
Ok the first question is easy: if I had to choose between IchiMatsu or IchiMasa I’d say BOTH! And let’s throw some MatsuMasa in there too. Or a lot because I’ve been obsessed with them for ages and if you wanna know how I see that happening, I posted my thoughts on that here :))
The second bit on how Yaichi would get together with either Masa or Matsu is more difficult. So it got long
Ume, Okinu, Otake and Ginta are already on their way to "the west" when Yagi releases Yaichi, and Matsu is working on a big last minute commission, so Masa and Yaichi travel to the west together. Superficially this is a perfect setup for romance, but then again.. Yaichi is obviously suffering from all sorts of mental and physical traumas at this point.
For one thing the wounds on his back from Yagi’s punishment haven't healed yet. He already had trouble falling asleep before because of his anxieties, which was why he started taking sleep medication. Now that he has no sleep medication and pain, it’s practically impossible.
On top of that he hasn't had a reason to feel really safe in close to/over a decade (is my guess.) While you'd think the fact that he's safe now would give Yaichi a sense of relief, it's probably very unsettling and stressful.. A few years ago I read someone's head canon that Yaichi has PTSD and that just makes a lot of sense to me. 
In short, upon reflection that's not the best place to start a relationship. Masa thinks so too and refrains from initiating a serious relationship. Even if he had tried, I believe the idea alone would give Yaichi a ton of anxiety and he wouldn't be passive about that.
Nonetheless Yaichi and Masa are more than close and Masa plays an important role in Yaichi's recovery. Masa is the only one who knows exactly who Yaichi is and what he's done and despite that he stays with Yaichi. He honestly wants to. This is mind-boggling to Yaichi but also comforting. 
In the meantime Matsu and Masa become quite a lot closer than anyone would've thought possible, as I described in the post linked at the start of this one. In case you don't wanna read that, I'll just rephrase and add to the bits where I explain how Yaichi and Matsu patch things up - because as you know, the last time Matsu was alone with Yaichi, he threatened to kill Matsu. He was like a cornered animal, but still. Also not a good place to start a relationship.
Masa thinks it's unwise for Yaichi to have his own place just yet, so they decide to live together and end up living practically next door to Matsu. Masa finds a job, but is nervous to leave Yaichi alone. Not knowing what happened between them, Masa asks Matsu to check up on Yaichi every now and then when he's off to work himself. Matsu can't refuse, because it's Masa asking and he feels like he owes Masa for saving his life, Yaichi's life and the Five Leaves.
At first it's awkward to say the least. Matsu has told Otake what happened after he followed her to Yaichi's hiding place. While she thinks what Yaichi has done is terrible, she gently scolds Matsu. It was inappropriate and misguided of him to confront Yaichi at that time and place.
So Matsu apologises. Clumsily. It takes Yaichi quite a lot longer to express some regret for how he treated Matsu. I can't decide for myself when Yaichi starts feeling things for Matsu. Maybe all along, but in any case I think Yaichi had trouble respecting Matsu. 
Maybe because Matsu fell in love with the lie Yaichi presented, maybe because he obviously wanted to be close to Yaichi and thought the way to do that was by being useful, maybe because Matsu always lived for others. For his son and the child's mother, for Kikuya and for Yaichi, but never for himself. Maybe Yaichi simply couldn't have fallen for Matsu because, unlike the others, he hid who he really was.
But the closer Matsu becomes to Masa, the more he shows himself. The more he dares to ask for himself. And it's endearing, kind of beautiful and appealing. Matsu checks on Yaichi daily, as requested by Masa, but after some time Yaichi beats him to it and visits Matsu instead. He lingers often and gradually finds himself staying for hours. Most of their time together is spent in comfortable silence.
And this is where I'm going to leave things. Somewhere along the line they become a beautiful loving poly triangle.
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