#I have so much re8 brainrot right now. You can entirely blame Heisenberg for that. I just think he's neat!
I had a REALLY dumb thought related to Resident Evil 8: Village the other day, so I'm here to make it your problem too!
So. Moreau's TV, right? Since we see Heisenberg talking to Ethan through it, that means that at some point, he must have installed a microphone or camera either into the TV itself or close by so that he can remotely tell what's going on around it. And this realization just made me imagine... What if Heisenberg is secretly a real big fan of schmaltzy romance movies? Because it would just be adorable if while he's holed up in his factory doing whatever, sometimes he'll pull out the two-way radio connected to that TV (or whatever he uses to control and communicate through it), and just chat with Moreau and listen to whatever corny romance he's watching on there today.
It's just such a sweet image. Brotherly bonding! More please! I love!
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