#I have no idea what they're planning to do w/ the armours
x-authorship-x · 1 year
Oh man, Mito and Hashirama are already such a powerhouse couple, but throwing Shisui into that? W o w. But hey, speaking of Mito, I'd love to see what your take on Shisui/Mito would be if you have any ideas. I have a feeling that Kagami being the ambassador of Uzu + being from a time where they're all but extinct except for Naruto who is basically Mito's legacy and yet is treated like trash... is gonna be make for some interesting emotions on Shisui's part.
Hey, Anon 👋
Oooh boy, you're absolutely on the money. Shisui, as I have him as Uzushio Ambassador Kagami's grandson, has a lot of complicated feelings about Uzushio and the Uzumaki. He also has complicated feelings on Jinchuuriki as Kakashi's Squadmate, maybe, but also what with all the Shinobi wars and also the Kyuubi attack.
On the other hand, Mito will also have considerable issues. The Uzumaki don't seem to have any interaction with the Uchiha before the founding except for via their connection to the Senju. Which is, obviously, Not Good.
If this is a pairing without Hashirama, then we have to think about a world where Shisui and Mito would meet independently of the marriage-treaty. If Shisui leapfrogs the Uchiha-Senju and goes to Mito directly, he would need a very good reason for that; maybe he was ROOT-sealed by Danzo so that he couldn't tell anyone about Danzo's treachery and he needs it removed ASAP, cue the slow dance of forming an alliance that benefits both of them (despite Shisui being an Uchiha and therefore the enemy of the Uzumaki's allies) and building trust. Mito would also be the one to help Shisui try to reverse engineer a way back home. Maybe Shisui was sent back with Naruto, who was wandering by the Naka when Danzo attacked, so they need to get an ally and quick!
Personality wise, because I realize I've got distracted lol, they really aren't a bad match up! It's hard because you don't exactly see Mito as a person, so it's all bloody headcanon-ed 😅
Let's get brainstorming!
Shisui knows how to treat a lady right. Mikoto is a similar brand of sophisticated badass Hime so Shisui absolutely will not undermine or interrupt Mito, he will defer to her expertise, but he's not a pushover and he won't be completely lost when she gets technical.
Mito needs someone who can keep up but has more spice than a research partner. She's content to let others rattle away and talk bullshit because actions speak louder and she's confident in her own strength and influence. Shisui is much the same.
She also, apparently, doesn't do much fighting (we never so much as glimpse a blade or armour, but that's hardly off brand for Kishi's pigeonholing of women) but that doesnt mean she can't fight. Shisui is smart enough to keep up, he doesn't know much about seals but he understands a fuck tonne about chakra systems and reality bending because of both his Mangekyou and his revolutionary Shunshin.
For some AUs, I feel like Mito would be a political Hime with Shisui as her dedicated bodyguard. She's all cool composure and he's bright eyed and fixated behind her shoulder. What an unbeatable team!
Or, in another AU, maybe Shisui is a freedom fighter and he kidnaps Princess Mito for ransom, only to find her much more of a handful than anticipated ...until she realises the truth of the movement and then they fight together!
Shisui starts spiralling? Mito comes up with a vicious attack plan, so protective, and it's very affirming
Mito wants to do something absolutely groundbreaking? Shisui is a fucking cheerleader, "that's my Queen!"
There's a lot of emotional intelligence in this pairing, a lot of understated power and breathtaking ingenuity, and they would be very fierce for each other... As soon as they prove to each other that they can be trusted and should join forces
This is a good one, Anon! Enjoy 😉
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firebirdsdaughter · 5 years
… It occurs to me…
(Please note, references to the very recently released Ryusoulger toy catalogue, if anyone cares about that)
Since the Raptors are a double power up… Could be they’d have Banba and someone else use it at some point as a show he’s started trusting them. 🤔
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whumpbby · 5 years
and Penguin doses them w heat inducers bc he's an asshole and everyone knows that Nightwing is an omega and he thinks it'll be hilarious to force a bond between Nightwing and RH but they're both used to this kind of crap and beat him up and run off to Dick's place to have just the hottest heat sex ever and then next day Dick pins Jay down and fucks him w a knotting strap on and refuses to let him go until they talk properly 3/3
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oooh man, I adore the idea of Jason growing up into a butch omega - and resenting that! Young Dick Grayson was perfect - Jay wanted him and to be him, and it all tangled together into some strange desire/resentment mixture and that’s one of the reasons they’ve never had a true sibling bond - Dick was a mess of a young adult trying to make his fate and Jason was a mess of a teenager trying to find his place in the world. 
And then Jason comes back and he’s huuuge for an omega - Dick is not a twig also, but he’s a gymnast, there’s that smooth, relaxed quality to him that makes him approachable and enticing, while Jason is as graceful as a rhino and abrasive like bleach - he’s damaged and it shows, and he hates it, so he hides his secondary gender behind armour and military-grade suppressants to the point where no one knows, not even the family, not even Bruce. 
And then the bust in the Ice Lodge happens and Dick sees Jason without the armour for the first time in forever and oh man - Jay was going to dress up as a waiter, but the tux he’d arranged for is a size too small! :O The trousers are tight and he has to spend the evening with his stomach sucked in and keep his arms down so the shirt doesn’t rip. It’s not exactly making him as inconspicuous as he’d intended, but he did put a lot of work into the rest of the disguise - a ratty mousy blond wig, unremarkably blue contacts, freckles, etc. 
And it works on everyone, Jay is close to invisible - except for one Dick Grayson whos there in disguise as a patron and it takes him 0.02minutes to zero in on the waiter serving his cocktail and holy shit what is this hotness?? The guy has amazing thighs and his waist is comparatively tiny, and there’s some good ass there too. It’s a bit hard to concentrate on his mission when all his eyes want to do is to trail after the pretty waiter, but that’s fine, Dick is a Detective, he can be a professional... but damn that skanky businessman dropped his napkin on purpose 100% so the boy has to bend over to pick it up and Dick is just there in the line of sight and looking away would be weird... 
The shit goes down and the pretty waiter suddenly starts kicking ass and there’s a domino on his face, and fuck, Dick would recognise that roundhouse in his sleep. Shows how good of a Detective he is=_= (he will never mention perving up on his bro to anyone and all these discreet photos he’s sent Wally have to be retrieved and destroyed!)
That’s when The Penguin’s experimental drug shipment goes up in flames and the building is flooded with an equivalent of extasy. Awesome, the mooks are busy fucking, so Dick can just call it in, trust the cops to sort it out and retire to his closest safehouse where he keeps the good drugs and spends the next two days suffering from the symptoms of induced and halted heat. Boy of boy, the highlight of his week, really, he loves these missions=___= He takes Jason with him, because his little wing doesn’t look too good - he was standing the closest to the shipment, his rut will probably be hell even if Dick shoots him up with Plan C (the mid-heat/rut suppressant)... except when they get to the warehouse and Dick watches Jason sluggishly peeling himself out of the drug-soaked clothes and notices that... these shorts are... are they wet? Is that... slick? But that’s impossible, you’re silly Dickie, this is impossible, becuase Jason is an al...phas usually have knots, don’t they? They sure do, Dick remembers that much...  
The truth comes out - Jay never had a proper heat in his life, so he’s utterly confused and defenceless and Dick just can’t stop asking questions... and oh, god, Jay was an omega this whole time - and a supremely hot one tooTT and it’s so sad that Jay never had a heat and didn’t know how to deal with it now and yeah, they were going to get some suppressants, but ugh, this is so sad, Dick can’t just leave it like thatTT Does Jay even have any toys? No?? No toys... oh poor Jay...TAT 
Dick endeavours to show Jay all of is best toys and all the ways omegas can have fun together. In the morning Jason tries to get out of the flat like a man on fire and Dick has to tackle him in the doorway to stop him and get the necessary conversation to happen>>  
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