#I have more thoughts but im gonna wait til the fandom stops yelling for the beating
ursie · 7 months
I do wanna say with all the criticism towards what happened and more discourse/discussions that I’m sure are gonna happen-it’s important to remember Ashton is not a man. I’m already seeing posts about Fearne losing her storyline to Ashton and whilst you may feel slighted for that-it’s not misogyny. Ashton’s “main character syndrome” atm is not a man stealing spotlight from a woman and it’s important to make sure your criticism doesn’t say or imply that. When you bring up Fearnes femininity against Ashton ask yourself why-Ashton isn’t a man and has no structural privileges over Fearne in fact it’s more so the opposite when you take in the class both characters come from (also the fact Ashton is a physically disabled peep) like I’m not saying you can’t have certain feelings on this and I’m not even saying you can’t be critical-just be normal about non binary people even when they’re masc presenting.
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averitatsuyabnha · 4 years
BNHA Y/N incorrect quotes cause im bored
Kirishima: Have you been yelled at by Y/N yet?
Bakugou: I’m not scared of Y/N.
Kirishima: So, no?
Y/N: In the name of the Father, son, and Holy ghost
Kaminari: Head, shoulders, knees, and toes
Y/N: Turn up your nose, strike that pose!
Y/N and Kaminari: Hey Macarena!
Bakugou: I’ve sent good vibes your way. They’re coming and there’s no way you can stop them.
Y/N:.....This is the most violent way I’ve been cheered up.
Y/N: What’s the fear of being murdered called?
Bakugou: ........ common sense.
Y/N: I wanna give you the world, but I only have, like, 200 yen.
Sero: Come here.
Y/N: *comes closer*
Sero: *hugs you*
Sero: I don’t have any cash on me yet I have the whole world in my arms right now.
Y/N: B R U H 
Sero: Bruh.
Todoroki: How do you want your coffee?
Tokoyami: As dark and bitter as my soul.
Y/N: One glass of milk coming right up!
Y/N: *t-posing in the dorms* Good morning, parental figure.
Aizawa: Good morning, problem child.
Y/N: *does something stupid*
Bakugou: Great. I needed another reason to be attracted to you.
Y/N: ...what?
Y/N: Okay. I have this box. We are going to put what makes us happy into this box.
Ochaco: Can I put Izuku in the box?
Y/N: No. 
Ilda: Can we put Midoriya in the box?
Y/N: ...No.
Todoroki: Can I-
Kaminari: It’s really muggy today.
Y/N: If I go outside and see all our mugs on the lawn, I will kill you.
Kaminari: *Sips coffee from bowl*
Bakugou: Standing next to sunflowers always makes me feel weak, like "look at this fucking flower, this flower is taller than I am, this flower is winning and I'm losing"
Y/N: Wow. You are not ready to hear about trees.
(i HAVE to add this one)
Canon Izuku: Alright, villain me. Time for you to be defeated once and for all-
Villain Deku: wait wait wait
Villain Deku: I’m baby
Canon Izuku: what does that even mean
Fandom: you can’t do that
Canon Izuku: WHAT
Fandom: he’s baby, you can’t just do that
Canon Izuku: but he’s a villain-
Fandom: well he’s baby so
Y/N:  So Denki just texted me
Y/N:  and he says, “so, don’t be worried but I did this stupid thing”
Y/N:  And I’m worried cause I already know that he’s a dumbass and has no self control
Y/N:  and he tells me, “so i got high and did this thing”
Y/N:  and I’m panicking even more
Y/N:  and he finally tells me,
Y/N:  “I bought a 900 dollar wheel of cheese from France. It should be arriving next week.”
Y/N: *on the phone* hey, babe. Can you come over?
Bakugou: No, I’m grounded.
Y/N: What the hell are you grounded?
Bakugou: My mom said “son of a bitch” and I yelled HELL YEAH I AM
Y/N: *wearing Ilda’s glasses* How do I look?
Ilda: I have no idea.
Y/N: Aizawa just took the wheels from our heelyz. I feel like Lucifer dtripped of his wings.
Sero: I have to walk down the halls like a common wench and I am livid.
Bakugou: Whatever you're thinking right now, stop
Y/N: What?
Bakugou: You always make that face when you're about to say something stupid to piss me off so cut it out-
Y/N: I love you
Y/N: Also cereal qualifies as a soup
Bakugou: I fucking knew it
Tokoyami: I can't believe all these people dressed in black. All-black was my thing, and now everyone's doing it to be 'cool'. They're all posers
Y/N: Tokoyami, I cannot stress this enough. We are at Nighteye’s funeral
Y/N: I know this is random, but Dom or Sub?
Midoriya Izuku: I guess Domino's. I don't go to Subway that much. Don't see why you'd put them in the same category.
Kaminari: Because people are often buried in their best clothes, the zombie apocalypse would be a very formal affair.
Bakugou: If I die, I’m gonna be buried in battle armour. Good luck, bitch.
Y/N: If.
Y/N: Oh look, we’re under the mistletoe. You know what that means.
Todoroki: Y/N, that isn’t mistletoe.
Todoroki, waking up in the middle of the night: Oh my god, they were flirting with me.
Shouto: *singing* I’m just like you
Zuko: *echoing* I’m just like you
Shouto: you’re just like me
Zuko: *echoing* you’re just like me
Shouto & Zuko: *holding hands* it’s something anyone can see
*Kirishima playing with Y/N’s hair*
Y/N: Stop it Kirishima, you're ruining my reputation.
Kirishima: Then get off my lap.
Y/N: no
Bakugou: Your existence is confusing.
Y/N: How so?
Bakugou: Your presence is annoying, but the thought of anything bad happening to you upsets me.
Y/N: I will now torture you.
Dabi: [raises an eyebrow, smirking] Kinky.
Y/N: [smiles] I think you are sweet and beautiful.
Dabi: [tensing up] Wait…
Y/N: [moving toward him] You deserve to be cared for.
Dabi: [backing away] No.
Y/n: [leaning forward, trapping him against a wall] Your feelings and needs are valid and deserve to be heard.
Dabi: [holding up his hands] I need a safeword!
Y/N: Bakugou has no survival skills, his need to win has replaced them.
Kirishima: That can’t be true!
Y/N: Watch this.
Y/N: Hey Bakubabe, race you to the bottom of the stairs!
Bakugou: [yeets self out the window]
Ashido: *Sighs*
Y/N: You bored?
Ashido: Yeah.
Y/N: Wanna start drama for no reason?
Ashido: Thought you'd never ask
Midoriya: I... I think I have a crush on Todoroki.
Y/N: Congratulations, you’re officially the last to know.
Bakugou: I HATE YOU, DEKU!!
Midoriya: Yeah? WELL I HATE YOU TOO!!
[An hour later]
Bakugou, crying to Y/N: H-He wasn’t supposed to say it back!!
Shigaraki: Goodnight.
Spinner: Goodnight.
Mr Compress: Sleep tight.
Toga: Don’t let the bed bugs bite.
Magne: Tonight.
Twice: Imma fight.
Toga: Til we see the sunlight.
Magne: Tik tok.
Twice: On the clock.
Toga: But the party don’t stop-
Bakugou: I only feel one emotion and it is anger.
Y/N: Last night you drunk texted everyone of us a thousand heart emojis.
Bakugou: Out of anger.
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sun-kissed-star · 5 years
Race prompt? Easy. The dork convinces some of the gang to go to an abandoned hospital to go ghost hunting. He proceeds to annoy them all and taunt the ghosts and do everything Davey says *not* to do. (aka he acts like Shane from Buzzfeed Unsolved)
oh HELL yeah babey
no editing we die like men
also jack and race are brothers in this but that’s p obvious
“Let’s make bets on who’s gonna die first. C’mon, put ‘em up.”
Davey smacked Race’s outstretched hand. “We’re not gonna die,” he hissed. “And even if we do, it’d be your fault anyway. This was your idea.”
“But you still came, didn’t you?” Race said, grinning like the Chesire Cat. Jack, who had been talking in low voices with Sarah and Elmer, jogged to catch up with them and threw an arm around Race’s neck.
“Yeah, ‘cause none of us wanted to be the ones to tell Medda that your little punk self died exploring an abandoned hospital,” Jack said.
“Where’d you even find this place?” Davey said. He pulled out his phone for the fourth time in the last five minutes, holding it up in some hopeless attempt to connect with the outside world. “I don’t even have any service.”
“That’s what makes it haunted,” Race said, eyebrows wiggling. “If we die, no one’ll ever know. The ghosts are the kids that came here before us and never made it out alive.” They passed a shattered window, broken glass decorating the musty floor, and a breeze swept in from the cold air outside. Race stopped in his tracks and his grin got wider.
“You feel that?” he said. “That’s not air, Dave. Safe to say you just walked through a kid that died here ten years ago.”
An involuntary shudder crept up Davey’s spine. He wasn’t scared, per say, but he would admit to being slightly annoyed, slightly worried from the ghost stories Race had been telling as they walked down the hallway.
“Well, at least Elmer’s got that ghost-trackin’ app,” Jack said. “Good thing it doesn’t need service, or else we’d probably be dead by now.”
“Yeah,” Davey said dryly. “Lucky us.”
“Hey, Elmo,” Race called over his shoulder. “What’s your app say about that dead kid we just walked through?”
“It didn’t pick anything up,” Elmer said, and Davey couldn’t help his smug smile when Race scowled. “But there’s a cold spot up ahead, and… oh, shit.”
“What?” Davey said, turning around. “What is it?”“Um…” Elmer frowned and punched something into his phone. “I dunno, it says the thing’s getting closer.”“I don’t see anything,” Davey said, squinting down the corridor.
“Well, duh. It’s a ghost.”
“Oh, silly me,” Davey muttered to himself. “Race, I seriously think we should turn around. We’re not gonna find anything, and Medda’s gonna start worryin’ about you and…”
He trailed off when he turned around and met Race’s eyes when there should have been two pairs looking back at him.
“Where’d Jack go?”
“He’s right…”
Race looked over his shoulder.
“… not here.”
“Guys? Sarah’s gone too.”Sure enough, at Elmer’s words, Davey and Race turned around in unison and found Elmer standing alone in the hallway.
“Okay, this is weird.” Davey spun on Race and poked him in the chest. “Race, if you’re tryin’ to scare us, you should seriously just consider tellin’ more of those ghost stories inste-”“I’m not!” Race said vehemently, backing up a few feet and wincing as his foot hit a creaky floorboard. “Listen, if they die or somethin’, I’ll be the one to tell Katherine that her girlfriend’s dead and Medda about Jack. Promise.”“Yeah, well then we’ll have three dead bodies on our hands.”“Guys, my tracker is picking something up.” Elmer shuffled forward and ducked under Race’s arm, holding his phone up to Davey’s eyes. “Maybe it’s Sarah and Jack?”
“Why would your ghost tracker pick Sarah and Jack up?”“Maybe they’re already dead.”Davey found that suggestion very, very unnecessary, and he rounded on Race with a glare more fit for Medusa. But before he could open his mouth or smack Race upside the head, a door creaked open on their left and he, Race, and Elmer spun around.
Race pulled out his phone and turned on the flashlight. “Hey, ghost!” he yelled, voice echoing off the high, crumbling ceiling. “Come and get a piece of me! Do it, no balls!”
Elmer stepped forward too, and Davey debated dragging them both backwards. Then, a touch as light as a feather brushed his arm, and he jumped forward to join them. “I felt something,” he said, gripping Race and Elmer’s shoulders. “We need to get somewhere safe and find Jack and Sarah.”
Race frowned, but he looked halfway towards agreeing with him. “How are we gonna -”Two pairs of icy cold hands gripped Davey’s bare arm and clenched the thin fabric of Race’s shirt, and they both screamed.
“What the hell!?” Race shouted, falling back into Davey’s arms. Davey caught him under the armpits. “Shit, Elmer, you were right, fuck, we gotta get the hell out of he-”That’s when Elmer and two other disembodied voices started to laugh. And as it turned out, those two disembodied voices were Sarah and Jack, trying and failing to contain themselves from falling over on the floor in laughter.
Race had a much easier time processing what happened, and he jumped out of Davey’s arms with a furious expression on his face. “Hey, what the hell was that for!?” he demanded. “I take you into my home, I appreciate you, I take you on my adventures, and this is the thanks I get?”
“Okay, first of all,” Jack said, bent over and gasping for breath. “You didn’t take us into your good Christian home, don’t play yourself. You brought us to an abandoned hospital.”
“And ‘that,’ was for bringing us to said hospital,” Sarah said, propping her elbow up on Jack’s shoulder. “You’re welcome!”“And you were in on it?” Race said, wheeling on Elmer.
“Yep!” Elmer said. He held up his phone. “I wasn’t checking my ghost-tracker, I was recording it! Don’t worry, I’ll send it to the group chat as soon as we get our service back.”“You’re on thin ice, kid,” Race said. “Thought you were on my side! We binged Buzzfeed Unsolved together, you traitor!”“Yeah, but it was funny.”
Race looked about two seconds away from jumping him, and Davey put a hand on his arm and tugged him away.
“Let’s go home,” Davey said. “On the bright side, we aren’t bringin’ any dead bodies home.”
“Says you,” Jack said, pulling Race into a headlock and ruffling his hair. “Wait ‘til Medda finds out we were here and it was all this kid’s idea.”
“Hey, I only said I’d do that if you and Sarah were dead.”
“Yeah, well, we’re not gonna be the dead ones by the end of this.”
@booksbroadwayandbagels @tis-my-cigar  @harrynerd-blog  @seizetheimagines @juliet-the-smol @got-the-east-side  @i-got-personality  @internalscreaming012  @voice-foundshoe-lost @capncrutch @thatfancyclam   @jjjudeshitposts  @orphan-with-a-stutter @disney-princess-sized  @perpetualbedheadspier @bexlynne  @we-dont-sell-papes @the-woild-is-my-what-now  @you-thinks-wrong-romeo  @pitiful-ambitions  @purplelittlepup @imjusttheoutgoingsidekick @damn-too-many-fandoms  @savory-n-sweet  @thedolanspineapple @racescoronas@awwwwwwdang @bencookisagod @carryingthedaveyjacobs @disasterbisexualhere @maiawakening @racetrackcook  @aw-jus-let-em-try @suddenly-im-respecsable @the-dance-boi  @jessmuell25 @intoomanyfandomstopickaname @be-more-chill-evan-hansen  @marcusisaprettygay @tomscaprisun  @seasickdolphin  @spot-conlon-king-of-brooklyn @papesdontsellthemselves @narniasfinestavengingsociopath @findmeintheafterglow
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Ups & Downs (Part 2)
a/n: i was gonna finish this tomorrow but i said fuck it and wrote it all tonight! there will be a next part so u dont have to worry ;) also if u wanna be tagged just tell me
tags: @bethbat @professionalfangirl3000 @imreallyfredweasley @onelastfic @coramoon025 @daddysprettypagan​ @im-fandom-trash @hello-fanfiction-goodbye-grades @desperatepenguin722​ @justcallmecinammon
word count: 3,502 words (jfc)
Your life has been great ever since you got fired. Which was an odd sentence to say but still very true.
After you got fired that day, you immediately vented your feelings out by writing them all down. This is what you went to college for after all, you were a major literature and writing. And writing always made you feel better.
After a couple hours later and a lot of typing, you got an email. You saved your document and leaned back to stretch. As you went to open the email, you recognized the address as Mr. Hamilton’s.
Dear (Y/N),
I know this may seem unprofessional but with the current circumstances of your job I do believe this is appropriate and necessary. I am truly sorry about what happened in the office and Miss Maria Reynolds told me the reasons why Laf and Jefferson had let you go, which is quite preposterous.
You raised your eyebrows. You didn’t know Mr. Hamilton and Maria were close.
I am very good friends with Lafayette and it seems very unlike him to fire someone without any good reason. And although Jefferson and I do not get along, even he isn’t that big of an asshole to do something like this, excuse my language.
You giggled at this.
The reason why I emailed you was because you are truly an amazing person, not just as a secretary, and I am checking to see if you are alright. I enjoyed the talks we had in my office and I will deeply miss them. I hope to receive a reply soon!
Alexander Hamilton
You smiled sadly as this. Sometimes you would get in trouble because you and Mr. Hamilton would stay in his office and just talk about the most random things. Although most of the time, it was just one of you ranting about something to the other, but you are still going to miss that and him.
You were about to simply type back a “Thank you, I am fine” but instead you opened up your document you were working on and copied and pasted it to send it to him. You added a little note at the bottom thanking him for his concern and saying that you also will miss him.
With that you shut your laptop, the events of the day finally catching up to you leaving you drained of energy. You looked at the clock to see it read 12:48 AM and you laughed.
Only Mr. Hamilton would send an email at this hour, you thought sleepily as you yawned.
With that you dragged yourself to bed and fell into a dreamless sleep.
You didn’t know that sending Mr. Hamilton (you now call him Alex) your paper about how you felt about That Day would change your life. After reading it, Alex sent it to his sister-in-law who was the CEO at a big newspaper company. She absolutely loved and asked you to become a writer at her company.
Seven months later you climbed to the top and became a head writer in The Schuyler Times. You couldn’t be more proud of yourself and you wouldn’t trade your job for the world.
You became very good friends with Angelica Schuyler, the woman who hired you, and you became a well known writer across the east coast.
You never missed your old job, but you would miss a couple of the friends you made while working their. Every once in a while you would meet up with Maria and Alex to see how they were doing, but they were the only ones you kept in touch from your old work.
One day, you were writing an article about a local robbery that happened last night when you got a text from Alex.
mr. nonstop: (2:03 PM)
omg u would not believe what i found out
mr. nonstop: (2:03 PM)
(Y/N) answer it’s so important there’s so much drama
mr. nonstop: (2:03 PM)
it’s such juicy gossip
mr. nonstop: (2:03 PM)
PLS answer i must tell you
you: (2:04 PM)
what alex im working i get off at 3
mr. nonstop: (2:04 PM)
OH PERFECT can you meet me at the coffee shop by my building at 330? i believe this will be better if i told you in person :D
Your eyebrows raised at this. It didn’t sound bad, but you knew it had something to do with you, and you can’t resist talking about drama. You texted back “sure” and went back to work.
Time flew by and you hauled a cab to meet Alex at the normal coffee shop you both went to talk shit about people.
You checked your watch and saw it was 5 til 3:30, but you already spotted Alex gulping down his coffee at your normal table while shaking his leg vigorously as his eyes roamed around the café.
The gossip must be very good today, you thought.
His eyes widened when he saw you and grinned mischievously as he waved you over.
“Ok, here’s your frappuccino!” He handed you your drink as you sat down. “Now let’s get to the good stuff.”
You took a sip of your drink and waited for him to start.
“So obviously a couple months ago you got ‘let go’,” He said as he put sarcastic quotations around “let go”.
You rolled your eyes and nodded.
“So since you got fired, Lafayette and Jefferson needed a new secretary, right?” He said with a smirk.
You put down your drink at this, you totally didn’t think about how your old bosses would need a new vict-assistant to hire.
“They hired this one guy but fired him the next week, then they hired this girl who was there for a month then quit, after they they hired a girl who they, no joke, fired the next day,” Alex went on.
Your eyes widened as Alex kept talking about how many secretaries Mr. Lafayette and Mr. Jefferson have gone through.
“…So in total for the past seven months they have gone through twelve secretaries, (Y/N). Twelve!” Alex laughed as he slammed his coffee down. “I feel so bad for the one working right now, I swear they cry whenever Laf barely talks to them sternly.”
You chuckled with Alex but you still couldn’t believe it. 
Twelve assistants? Nobody is that picky about assistants.
“But that’s not the juicy part!” Alex suddenly stopped laughing.
“It’s not? Because that sounds pret-ty good to me.” You said as you stirred your whipped cream with your straw.
Alex scooted closer to you, “I found the real reason why you got fired.”
You snapped your eyes up to his, “The what?”
Alex chuckled sinisterly and leaned back against his chair, “They didn’t fire you because you were distracted,”
He leaned closer and whispered into your ear, “They fired you because you were distracting.”
You moved your head away from his and looked at him to see if he was really saying what he you think he was saying.
Alex nodded his head and took a sip of coffee, “Oh yes, (Y/N), they were distracted by you.”
You jaw dropped as he confirmed what you thought he was saying.
“There’s no way!” You gasped. “Who told you this?”
Alex then told you how he eavesdropped-
“Overheard!” Alex would object.
How he eavesdropped on a conversation between Jefferson and Lafayette.
“Apparently they couldn’t handle wanting to jump your bones every time they called you into their office, so they had to fire you. Lafayette kept saying you were ”*une belle fleur” and Jefferson said you were “a sight for sore eyes.”
You laughed hard as he did (very bad) impressions of the two of them and he started cackling with you. Afterwards, you wiped the tears from your eyes, but then you remembered what Alex said.
“So, is that all you came to tell me?” You asked Alex.
He shook his head, “I think you should stop by the office and say hi to a couple friends. I’m sure a couple people missed you, some more than others.” He winked and with that he was off, waving goodbye and yelling he hopes to see you soon. That night he texted you to come “stop by” the office next Tuesday.
You left him on read.
The next week came soon enough and you texted Angelica that you’re taking the day off.
you: (7:17 AM)
hey angie im not gonna be at work today i have some…stuff to take care of
angie: (7: 21 AM)
make sure you make them regret firing you ;)
You froze and re-read the text again.
Of course Alex would tell her, you thought. He can’t keep his big mouth shut.
You dressed nice today, not because you wanted to impress people. Oh no, you’re a well-known writer! You can dress whenever you want because you can!
You were walking into your former building when you heard someone behind you call your name.
“Hey (Y/N), dressed to impress a certain pair a people, huh?” Alex asked teasingly as he fell into step with you.
You blushed and grumbled, “Shut it, Hamilton. I can dress nice if I want to dress nice.”
Alex held his hands up in defense and went to press the both button 10 and 11 of the elevators.
Nice to see they’re still working, you thought sarcastically.
As the elevator neared the 11th floor, you quickly became nervous. You started fidgeting with your hands and straightening your shirt more times than you could count.
You felt Alex put a hand on your shoulder, “Hey, you don’t have to do this you don’t want to. I’m sorry if you felt pressured to do this.”
You shook your head a took a deep breath, “No it’s fine, Alex. I think it’s best if I do this. Plus, I really wanna see that new secretary they have.”
Both of you laughed and the elevator dinged that you finally arrived at the Alex’s floor.
Alex walked out while you held the door to keep it from closing. You looked around to see that nothing had changed which made you smile.
You looked at Alex, “Is Jefferson or Lafayette in today?”
“That’s why I wanted you to come in specifically today,” He smiled. “Both of them are here.”
Your eyes widened while Alex smirked.
He’s really enjoying this, isn’t he?
“Alright I’ve gotta go, (Y/N). I have a meeting with Washington.” He said with a wave.
You waved goodbye to Alex and told him you would meet up with him soon.
It only took a few seconds to get to the next floor. The elevator dinged again and you took a deep breath and stepped out. You walked around, trying to find someone you recognized when you saw Maria.
Her head snapped up from the paperwork she was working up and a bright grin appeared on her face.
You both met each other halfway with a big hug.
“Oh my gosh, (Y/N)! Look at you dressed all fancy and competing in the big leagues!” She said as she stepped back from you hug. “God I missed you!”
You both caught up with each other and she led you around the room until you reached your old cubicle. You saw a woman typing frantically on the computer while talking on the phone to someone and being surrounded by enormous piles of paper. You grimaced as you were reminded of your days being stuck in the same position as her.
“Yeah that’s their new secretary,” Maria whispered into your ear. “Have you heard she’s their-”
“Twelfth one? Yeah I’ve heard.” You interrupted.
You both walked away and passed by both Mr. Jefferson’s and Mr. Lafayette’s office and saw both were empty. Maria noticed your confused expression and quickly explained they were having a meeting with Washington downstairs. The same meeting Alex is in. The same floor Alex is on.
“Y'know Maria? I’m gonna go say hi to Al- Mr. Hamilton and I’ll be on my way. It was so nice seeing you again.” You smiled as you gave her another hug.
You decided to take the stairs down to see Alex since he was only a floor away. On your way down the stairs you texted him asking if he was done with the meeting since you didn’t want to wait for him.
you: (9:01 AM)
are u done with ur meeting?
mr. nonstop: (9:01 AM)
yeah just finished! im in my office come stop by
mr. nonstop: (9:02 AM)
u might hear me talking to people in my office but just come on in it’s fine ;)
You didn’t know why he added the winky face, but you shrugged it off. As you neared his office, you couldn’t help but feel something was off, but you kept moving forward. You opened the door to see Alex and Jefferson yelling at each other while Lafayette tried to calm them down. Alex was the only one to notice you walk in as the other two men’s back were facing the door.
“(Y/N)!” Alex exclaimed as he jumped from behind his desk to give you a hug. “I didn’t know you were stopping by today! What a nice surprise!”
As he hugged you he whispered to play along and you huffed and rolled your eyes.
You pulled out of the hug, “Hey Alex! I was just passing by and I couldn’t miss a chance to see you.”
Alex gave you a wink to signal that you’re doing great.
“Oh Lafayette! Jefferson!” He turned to the two men who were gaping at the two of you. “You remember (Y/N), right?”
Your two former bosses gulped and nodded, still unable to form any words.
“How have you guys been?” You asked sweetly with a big smile.
The two just stared until Jefferson nudged Lafayette.
“U-um…we’ve been f-fine, (Y/N). How about you? Do you have a new job?”
You were about to answer when Alex beat you to it.
“Well actually they work for my sister-in-law! They are one of the head writers at The Schuyler Times and one of the biggest names on the east coast!” He said proudly.
Both men looked even more shocked than before.
“W-wow (Y/N), that’s great!” Jefferson finally spoke.
You smiled, “Well I better be on my way! I’m a very busy person and I just wanted to stop by and say hi to Alex!”
Alex went up and hugged you again, but this time he kissed your cheek.
“Make sure to text me when you get home!” He said as you walked out.
You nodded and walked out of his office, finally relaxing your shoulders. You were about to get in the elevator when a pair of hands grabbed you and shoved you into an empty room. You squealed and saw that Mr. Jefferson had been the one to grab you.
“How long have you and Hamilton been dating?” Jefferson asked you.
Your eyes widened at his bluntness. You peeked over his shoulder and saw Mr. Lafayette staring at you with crossed arms.
“I-well we aren’t…uh…dating.” You stammered.
Mr. Jefferson took a step back from you.
“Then what was with all the hugging?” He asked.
“And him kissing your cheek and to text him when you got home?” You heard Mr. Lafayette spit out as he walked over to the both of you.
You blushed, “I have no idea,” You started backing into a corner. “Alex and I are friends, but he usually is never affectionate like that…”
Mr. Jefferson put his hands on either side of your head against the wall, trapping you.
“Oh so you call him Alex now?” He growled his name.
You furrowed your eyebrows and look straight into his eyes, “Whoever I’m friends with and I date is none of your concern! Of either one of your concerns!” You yell as you look over to Mr. Lafayette and push Mr. Jefferson away. “From what I remember you were the ones that fired me! So I shouldn’t even have to be speaking with the two of you!”
You started walking towards the door but you felt a gentle hand grabs yours.
“Oui, we’re sorry (Y/N). We just…” You heard Lafayette say.
You turned around and motioned for him to continued.
He looked over at Mr. Jefferson for some kind of reassurance and looked back at you, “We let you go because we…like you too much, ma chérie.”
You gasped. You know that Alex told you the same thing, but actually hearing it from them makes it completely different.
“We couldn’t take the way how flawless you looked everyday. With your gorgeous eyes and hair. We couldn’t take how intelligent you are and-”
Lafayette was interrupted when you gasped again, but this time it was because you felt Mr. Jefferson wrap his arms from behind you.
“We couldn’t take the way your hips would move when you walk or how your eyes sparkled. We especially couldn’t take it whenever the word ‘Sir’ came out of your pretty little mouth.”
You whimpered at this, you didn’t know how much more you could take.
“Ma chérie,” Lafayette asked. “Would you be willing for us to make it up to you? You can come over to our house tonight and have dinner.”
“W-well uh Mr. Lafa-” You started to stammer.
“Mon amour, just call me Laf.”
You blushed at the new nickname. You were used to “ma chérie”, but this was new.
You felt Mr. Jefferson kiss down your neck, “And you can call me Thomas, darling.”
You shuddered at his administrations and nodded.
“How 'bout this, darling? You doll yourself up and come over to our place around 8. Then we can treat you to dinner,” Mr. Je-Thomas said. “And then at the end of the night we can make everything up to you.” He whispered.
This time you shuddered and whimpered, already ready for what may come.
Laf pulled you out of Thomas’s grasp to pull you into his.
“Here’s our address, ma chréie,” Laf gave you both his and Thomas’s number along with the address. “We’ll be waiting, mon amour.”
The three of you then walked out of the room, trying to look as inconspicuous as possible. But Alex caught your eye when the elevator doors were closing and winked at you.
This was quite a turn of events for you.
When you got home, it took a while for you to comprehend that you’re going on a date. With two men. Who were your former bosses.
When 5 o'clock rolled around, you changed into your favorite “night out” outfit, which made you look sexy but still very classy.
You had to control your breathing as your GPS told you that you were nearing their house.
It’s ok (Y/N), you told yourself. You look hot and you’ll do fine. They’ve seen you at your worst, you’ll be fine.
As you pulled up to park, your mouth dropped. Their house was huge!
It’s not even a house! More like a mansion! You said to yourself.
You shakily made your way up the stair and rung the doorbell. You nervously fiddled with your outfit until the door opened and your jaw dropped.
You know how usually when you see men in suits it usually makes them hotter? It wasn’t true for you since you see men in suits all the time. But behind the door you saw Thomas and Laf in completely normal and comfortable clothing which somehow made then ten times hotter.
“(Y/N)! You look amazing as always, darling.” Thomas said as he and Lafayette led you in.
You looked around at the grand room and couldn’t help but gawk at it.  You were stopped when you smelt something amazing coming from what you assumed to be the kitchen!
“I made pasta for us, ma chérie.” Lafayette told you. “It’s simple but I think you will like it.”
You grinned and nodded at him, unable to contain your excitement for the night.
After dinner all three of you decided to watch a movie. The three of you might have had a bit too much wine since you all ended up cuddling on the couch. You were enjoying the movie until you felt a hand wrap around your thigh. You looked and saw that Thomas was watching the movie as if he had done nothing different, so you shrugged and focused your attention back on the screen. A couple minutes later, however, another hand wrapped your other thigh.
You blushed and knew this was no mistake, but you weren’t going to say no to them. This is was you signed up for.
During the movie, both hands started creeping up your thighs until they reached just under your core.
You were already very needy from before, but this was driving you insane. You needed one of them to do something.
“Ma chérie, shall we continue this in the bedroom.” Laf whispered in your ear.
* une belle fleur = a beautiful flower
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aibrechts · 7 years
Would you do a Tyki/Allen reclist??
YES, i certainly WILL HAHA
if you know me then you know i love my tykillens 100% consensual and thats. That’s a bit tough, cause not many in the fandom seem to agree with me lol.  it’s a bit of a wasteland in ao3 not gonna lie but the tag there has recently been blessed, and I’ll dig out some old gold too
Honestly it’s uh. It’s probably gonna be easiest to organise this by authors and then I’ll like. Pick a couple of my favourites from each of them, and link a few randoms i like at the end. 
 Moonswing: I love the way this author writes them - the dialogue especially is quick, witty and so so fun, and the ideas they come up with are
Loves Company is the first poker pair fic i read that gave me hope for this ship. it’s so light and funny and good and went a long way to inspiring me to continue writing for the pair.Some Minor Issues looks like it’s only just been started and I honestly cant wait for more. Modern AU where Tyki is the son of a mob boss, the best trans Allen i’ve ever read (in a world of fem!allen i have finally found an oasis of casual and accurate representation). definitely excited to see where it goes, if it goes, idk if it’s gonna be continued or what but !!!!Reapers is another new one, and the title kinda says it all lol. Allen and Lavi are reapers working for the Earl, and Allen is designated Tyki’s personal servant ahahaha
hiat:Not gonna lie i haven’t actually read a LOT from this author, but what I have read has been exceptional
A Small Reprieve is wonderful, especially considering it’s the author’s first smut like. Damn. It’s sweet and a little bit sad, but this is Tykillen so what did u expect lmaoFondant and Fakery is so cute and sweet like omfg ahahaha it’s all the lighthearted Tykillen fluff i ever neededWorlds Apart is probably my favourite from them, but im not sure if it’s ongoing or if they’ve abandoned it? Another mob AU and i really really hope they continue it because !!!!! im in love with this fic ahahaha and want to see more
ArbitrarySpaces:oohhh boyyyy //rubs hands together
While You Sleep is somehow the only soulmates au (that i know of) and i love it?? its amazing and cute, where each Allen and Tyki sees through the other’s eyes in their dreams.Mr. Poker Face is super funny and lighthearted - i love the flow of dialogue, it’s so quick and witty and them I honestly yelled a lil when I saw it’d been updated with a second chapter.How to Build a Life Together depicts snapshots of Tyki and Allen, uh. Building a life together i guess lol. Each chapter is a different point in their relationship, starting from the point where Tyki gives Allen a rock (and not in the traditional sense. That comes later lmao).
rustandstardust:they’ve got some damn good shit i tell ya
it’s all a game is so ???? good ??? casino au where allen’s a tease and tyki’s a sucker, everything feels so lavish and indulgent and i love it!connection I haven’t… actually…. read. But! it’s on my agenda tonight tbh and I have high expectations lollove me like you mean it is also really good, like. I don’t know what else to say lmfao it’s just… good. 
CandyCrackpot:I am shocked and appalled by the fact I almost missed them because they’re like. Like. If there’s a holy trinity in this fandom then they’re god. just. Just straight up they’re a fucking god okay.
Gamble got me on the bottom!tyki hype train and i have yet to follow through - mostly because i’m intimidated by the quality of writing and characterisation that went into this 100% rly fukkin good would recommend.//squints// and uh that’s all for them??? but they have a HEAP of other fics for this fandom ((if ur looking for some soft papa mana and baby allen fluff then Smile is def the place to go))
Hurryup:every time i think about them my chest gets tight and my hands start shaking like ???? is this love ?????????????? fam help i think im dying honest to god
shutdown is… its, uh. I honestly can’t put it into words. It’s the best Tykillen fic I’ve ever read. It’s beautiful, subtle, quiet, so bitter and sweet, but somehow not bittersweet and i honestly. i dont know how to explain how that’s possible but it is and it’s perfect and i will scream from the top of mount fucking ararat about how good it is til the day i drop dead okay like. if you read only one fic from this list, let it be this one.idk why i thought they’d written more tykillen than that, probably because it was so fucking good and the characterisation was flawless, but for the life of me i can’t find any others for this ship by them so…??? but lots of link/allen if ur into that. i haven’t read them personally but if shutdown is any indication they’re gonna be lit like a talking bush.
Chinchirinoda’s fic Worship gave me a hand kink. No kidding, it’s short and sweet and quiet and sad and lovely and one of my OG favourite Tykillen fics
I haven’t actually read Allen’s worst Struggle by slaying_dragons, or Night of Truce (new author on the block what up) but I have the tabs open and im prob gonna get to those tonight too lol
Let’s Do Something Wrong by kittybandit is a super cute collection of super short super sweet prompt-drabbles. Like condensed milk. Or a shot of straight cordial. Or cocaine. The yoga one is def my favourite, but they’re all amazing
autumntea is the kind of cruel where they’ll write 700-ish words and every single letter is perfect and amazing and makes u want MORE but then like. there isn’t. there isn’t more thERES NEVER MORE AND I WISH THERE WAS BC IT’S ALL SO GOOD. all of it. Every tykillen fic they wrote is a dicktease and i want MORE, DAMMIT
If you want crack (and for some reason Kingdom Hearts characters working in a casino ????), Sin City Dreamers by The_Button_Harlequin is lit the most well-written shitpost i’ve ever had the experience of reading, like. I lit couldn’t stop laughing while reading it it’s… No, i can’t explain it, you have to read it yourself to understand lmfao definitely worth it, I promise. i promise.
And, uh. I dont mean to toot my own horn (i totally do bruh look at my ego okay) but if you’d like a chef’s special then i recommend make it out alive for smut, and Pilate saith unto them, behold the man for ‘fluff’ (so far as fluff goes in my vocabulary) and Mutually Beneficial for Tyki’s big dumb crush.
There you have it !!! that’s. That’s pretty much the entire consensual Tykillen tag right there. And it’s all good like idk how yall do it but ur fukkin masterminds okay im honestly in shock, still in shock actually after reading Hurryup’s fic last night like. fuck i wanna cry just thinking about it lmfao it’s so perfect and beautiful and sad like jesus fam let me breathe. 
I know you’re going to find something in here you love and if you don’t then im. i don’t know what to tell u man lol this is the best of the best so i hope u enjoy yourself
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