#I hate school sm LOLLLL
michaelnotholden · 7 months
Send me stuff to draw so I can cheer up
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oh my goodness :D hi hi hi!!!! i lit just found your blog and saw you do ships which is like soooo cute omgggg!!! soooo… i was wondering if i could get a match up too? 🤭
anywayyyysss, my name is Lalia! i’m 15 and turning 16 in september. I go by she/her and i’m pansexual. I am of south east asian and white descent (happy aapi month wooo!!!) here are some other physical attributes: 5’3ft tall and slim; i have short black hair (but i’m gonna dye it red over the summer); i have big eyes that are dark brown; and i never go outside so im pretty pale😭
my personality on the other hand is not as easy to describe as my appearance… ive taken a lot of personality tests that often describe me as: introverted, listening, creative, logical, thoughtful, determined, daydreaming, and melancholic. i don’t think that my personality is good or bad; in fact, i think that i am a true neutral. I also feel things very deeply, which has led me to be in situations where my feelings get out of control causing something bad to happen (like me ending up in the hospital and psych ward💀). BUT IM OKAY!!! i have anxiety medication and go to therapy lollll. But even though i keep to myself, i still like to talk to people and do things like acting, singing, dancing, and just performing in general!!! i actually love love LOVE to sing and play my guitars sm<33 but some of my other hobbies include writing books or poetry by myself or reading and drawing :3 i do believe that i am confident/ bold but i also tend to be pretty shy around people i don’t know. maybe cuz in middle school i was bullied a lot??? 😭 but i feel like that experience helped me to gain a lot of empathy for people who don’t fit in either,, so i always try my best to always be kind and stick up for people!! But yeah, im really excited for summer cuz i hate school and i never try but i still get all A’s :D
ERM ANYWAYS… idk why im yapping sm SORRYYYYY and TYSM FOR DOING THIS i hope you have a good day/night!! <3
Happy aapi month! Also about being in the psych ward or the hospital, I just wanna let you know that it has a lot of really nasty stereotypes and people who go to psych wards are honestly just cool because they care about their mental health and the fact that you found help and made yourself go or you know, even just didn’t refuse to go I’m really proud of you because it means that you’re taking care of the beautiful person that you are so Never be ashamed or let anyone call you crazy for any up in a psych ward or hospital because it just means that you were prioritizing you and for that it just means that you are very self-aware and I love you Pookie. I love you for prioritizing your mental health. 
Your Outsiders Ship: Ponyboy Curtis!
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Explanation: I think he loves your short black hair and your eyes and think that it’s adorable that you’re so pale from never going outside. I personally think that he’s more on the tan side because I think he spends a lot of time outside but I think the contrast between you guys would be pretty hilarious. you seem like the type of girl that he would be very interested in in the fact that you are very thoughtful. Kind of more quiet. I think that you remind him of kind of a more academically based or you know deep thinking Johnny like that’s kind of the vibes I’m getting from you and I think that he would absolutely be in love with that. He usually take things from a logical standpoint and less emotionally so he would absolutely get that and I feel like you guys would have really deep meaningful productive conversations with each other that are interesting. Like I feel like you guys could be putting in room and you would never get bored of talking to each other because you would just be so invested in your conversation and you guys would have pretty good banter too. He also feels things incredibly deeply so I feel like you know he’s the most “” sensitive greaser so I think he would really get that and kind of you guys would get each other away that really no one else in the time period Can understand. He loves it when you sing and dance and thinks it’s pretty amusing he would definitely go to all of your shows and you really loudly or at least really loudly and I feel like he would be so proud afterwards and walk you home with the biggest grin on his face and he would also help you with acting. I don’t know why but I think he’s a surprisingly good actor. Maybe it’s the fact that he’s pretty good at character and analysis but I think that he’s a great actor and could help you out with your performances. He’s also into reading drawing and writing so I feel like that’s something that you guys could do together something kind of cute like you guys can make a little comic together or something like that and reading and music dates. You would absolutely have a lot of. he’s kind of similar in the fact where he doesn’t really love school, but he does get all A’s because he doesn’t want to disappoint his brother anyway you guys are cute and honestly, I didn’t have to think very hard about this because you guys are so similar, and I think you guys would be great for each other, you guys also have a habit of both always always standing up for the underdog and things like that so I think you guys could relate in that aspect of having similar kind of morals and values. 💚💚
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ilytyun · 4 years
random questions tag !!
(aka me exposing how boring i am skskxjxk)
thank you so much to @spookybias for tagging me, you’re so kind !!! i love things like this they’re so fun😭😭💖
no. of relationships: 0 :”)
no. of breakups: 0 (consequentially !!)
no. of kids: 0 !!
no. of brothers: i have 1 step brother but he’s never around so i always forget he exists haha
no. of sisters: 0
no. of surgeries: if wisdom teeth removal counts then 1 !!
no. of tattoos: 0, i’m debating so hard on whether to get one or not but my grandparents would disown me lol
countries you've been to: 2 !! usa and mexico !!
been in an airplane: yes, it scares me the older i get😔
been in an ambulance: no !!
sing karaoke: yes i love karaoke !! i used to go every friday with my friends in high school, so much that the owner of the bar the karaoke room was in gave us discounts and stuff !! i want to go again sometime when covid gets better hhh
ice skating: i used to be able to but i can’t anymore😭 i’m too afraid of falling haha
been on a cruise: nope !!
driven a motorcycle: i’d never !! it looks so dangerous
ridden a horse: nope~ i hate horses they look so scary
stayed in a hospital: no~
favorite fruit/berry: apples or watermelon !!
favorite day: friday !!
favorite color: i really like purple nowadays !! pink is pretty as well
last text: ‘JdkdskJWSKSM YESSSS LOLLLL ITS THE REFINED MATURED COUNTRY/FOLK GIRL TAYLOR WEVE BEEN WAITING FORRRRR😭😭😭😭’ (in reference to taylor swifts new album skkskssksksk)
coffee or tea: coffee !!
favorite pie: apple~
favorite pizza: plain cheese😔 you know i look at all my answers and i’m so basic but for what LOLLL
cat or dogs: cats~~ i’m so allergic to them but dogs scare me haha
favorite time of the year: fall !! i love fall vibes sm😭
met a star: nope, hopefully it stays that way too !!
flown a helicopter: no !! i’m so afraid of heights lol
been on tv: maybe..? i was in a dance group with some friends and we performed at our city’s korean independence day,,, i think it got broadcasted but honestly i don’t remember lolxkxmskskl
broken my leg: thankfully not~
seen a ghost: no but i do believe they exist😳
been sick in a taxi: nope !!
seen someone die: no😰 what kind of question is this bahaha
nickname: gon is actually part of a nickname that i used to have !! haha, i have lots of nicknames though because my real name is pretty versatile and boring~
zodiac: not to get annoyingly specific but i’m a leo/virgo cusp😭
height: 5'1!!!
hogwarts house: hufflepuff !! fun fact i’ve never read harry potter but i still took the quiz for fun hehe
last thing i googled: ‘youth over flowers iceland ep 2’ !! i’m into kang haneul and jo jungsuk recently !!
song stuck in my head: after the storm by kali uchis and tyler the creator !! that song bumps so hard !!
followers: ncksJWKSMZ THIS IS SO EMBARRASSING BUT I ONLY HAVE 9 LMAOOOO i’m a new blog so what can i really expect !!
hours of sleep: it varies !! if i don’t have anything to do the next day i usually get ~7, but if i do then i’ll get around 3
lucky number: i hate numbers so none... it used to be 18 though hehe
favorite song: recently it’s sofia by clairo !!
random: i used to be good at eating spicy food but a few years ago i ate spicy soup noodles and threw up😭 it’s because it was summer so it was really hot outside and the noodles were probably too spicy for me to handle🥺 ever since that day i’ve been bad at eating spicy food LOLLLL💀💀💀
but that’s it !! i literally don’t have any other mutuals so i can’t tag anybody, but if you see this then please just do it !! it’s so fun hehe💖
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