#I guess I should rewatch Yuri on ice now!!
aarafox · 2 months
Oh my god I had a Victuri dream and woke up realising they love each other SO much I’m going to cry
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cuteteacakes · 3 years
Here's a free ask to tell us how much you love Yoi! :D I haven’t seen someone who loves it as much and that's just so dang cute! You go you!
Oh I'm positive there are people out there who love it even more than me-! xD But I'm a Pisces sun of course I'm going to get overly emotional about it! (disclaimer: You asked for it this gets long)
WHERE TO BEGIN THOUGH?? On my first watch of it, I thought it would be a comeback story for Yuuri, like he totally bombed his first Grand Prix Final, so it would be about how he gets back on top right?? HOW WRONG I WAS.
Oh my goodness all the narrators are so unreliable in this anime it makes me laugh! Viktor is worried he won't be able to surprise the audience anymore? BULLSHIT. Yuuri is worried that he's not good enough and just a dime-a-dozen figure skater? MY DUDE. Yurio worried that he won't make it in the future if he doesn't give it his all on his senior division debut?? BABY YOU HAVE A BRIGHT FUTURE DON'T BEAT YOURSELF UP OVER IT!!!
PLUS HOW THE WHOLE ANIME DOESN'T GIVE A CRAP ABOUT GENDER IDENTITY AND BOYS CAN BE AS FEMININE AS THEY WANT WITHOUT JUDGEMENT??? Guang-hong has a pink room filled with plushies! Yuuri dances eros from the pov of the woman not the playboy!! Young Viktor with long hair portraying both masculine and feminine parts in his skating?? YOU GO BOYS SHOW THEM YOUR FEMININE SIDES!!
All I have to do now is collect old merch, scour the internet for fanart and doujins, REWATCH THE ANIME FOR THE SIXTH TIME NOW. Did you know that's a thing on Instagram? In honor of the five-year anniversary we're doing a hashtag yurionreset where we watch an episode every Tuesday like they were being released back in 2016! I just finished episode 3 and OH MY HEART THE WAY VIKTOR JUST GENTLY HOLDS ONTO YUURI'S ARM TO GROUND HIM AT THE END I *dies* YES I'VE WATCHED THIS SIX TIMES NOW AND IT STILL!!! GETS ME!!!! RIGHT IN THE HEART!!!!!
Hoo boy that got long. But as you can see, anon, I am probably not the biggest fan! I've seen posts that really delve into the symbolism and deeper meanings of scenes. I read one about the difference in height between Yuuri and Viktor when they hug in two different episodes and like I don't look for that but I love reading what other people discover! There was another one dissecting the airport reunion scene and it unalived me several times (yes I've died more than once)
And the music, the soundtrack, UGH SO GOOD. The song at the end credits? You Only Live Once?? Makes me cry. The airport reunion scene music? Makes me cry. The piano music when Viktor's asking what he should be to Yuuri?? YOU GUESSED IT. OPENS UP THE WATER WORKS. I don't know what it is about this stupid anime that makes me cry so freaking much but I've probably produced LITERS OF TEARS THANKS TO YURI ON ICE.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk and letting me indulge in what I hope to be a lifelong love. ;u;
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aspiringpolymath · 3 years
I was tagged by both @carpe-libris and @greenangelheart, thanks to you both!
I’ve been in a very weird headspace lately, which isn’t surprising, but I like, am very ambivalent about commenting or posting. Like . . . I don’t know. So, I’m responding! I’m posting, wow. (Actual wow, not sarcastic wow.)
LAST SONG: Much to Steph’s dismay, it’s Bastille. I’ve been listening to Doom Days a lot lately, and I think the last song I finished was Another Place. I also recently watched their documentary on Amazon Prime, and all the scenes of concerts made me tear up. :/
LAST MOVIE: In the theater? Knives Out. Will that be the last ever movie I watch in a theater? If so, I guess it was a good one to go out on. We rented Wonder Woman 2 around Christmas, which had a good first hour, decent 80′s and and DC vibes, but was mostly hot garbage.
CURRENTLY READING: Okay, NOW we’re in my wheelhouse. I’m doing an audiobook re-read of A Fashionable Indulgence by KJ Charles, and realizing how tough this series is. Great, but a LOT goes on. I am HOTLY anticipating KJ Charles latest release, The Gentle Art of Fortune Hunting, which drops Wednesday, as well as Best Laid Plans by Roan Parrish, which should be delivered to my Kindle in like . . . 20 minutes. I’ve been taking my sweet time meandering through Samantha Irby’s Wow No Thank You, and have three volumes of Our Dreams at Dusk waiting for me at the library. Mainly, I’m reading all the things.
CURRENTLY PLAYING: I actually just redownloaded Neko Atsume. Decided it was time to tend to a yard of cute animated cats.
CURRENTLY WATCHING: I got a crunchyroll subscription to watch the given movie (so good!) so I’m rewatching Yuri!!! on Ice again, Mark and I are periodically watching Somebody Feed Phil on Netflix for wanderlust vibes since who knows when we’ll ever be able to travel again. I’ve also been on YouTube a great deal.
CURRENTLY WORKING ON: I opened one of my original story documents today, does that count? It’s been a fallow period, but I did write a couple of paragraphs.
(Honestly, if I was weird about tagging people in the before times, there’s no hope for me now. If you see this and want to play along, feel free and tag me if you’d like!)
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Since I have yet to receive any recommendations for what anime I should watch now that I’ve finished Demon Slayer, I guess I have no choice but to rewatch Yuri on Ice 🤷🏽‍♀️ oh well, rules are rules ☺️
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undadasea · 5 years
Hello! So when the going gets rough I do one of two things, sometimes both. 1) rewatch yuri on ice, 2) cut my hair. I made a bet with my coworkers that I could keep my hair long past thanksgiving and like I could totally just cut it but I WILL spite them so guess who’s rewatching you for the millionth time 🤡🥰 (also you’re amazing and I really wanna be your friend okaybye)
omgomgomgomg i’m so late responding but!!! these are really good things to do tbH and honestly?? half the reason i cut my hair as short as i have it now was stress :’)) i should totally rewatch yoi though it’s been ??? so long ?????? i should definitely do that
(also adsfxgh you’re amazing too??? i would love to be your friend omg just know that i can suck at responding tho if it wasn’t obvious TTwTT )
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aa So I just woke up to this?
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I’m just.. speechless? I can’t believe this actually happened, so thank you all for the last few months, for every like, reblog and comment. It’s been such a pleasure to interact with you and scream about Mirio and The Big Three<3 I hope 2019 won’t bring us too many tears (spoiler: it will.) and we can all laugh about their shenanigans again (spoiler: we won’t.). This blog came alive with crazy good fanart, hilarious memes and sweet headcanons, sprinkled with my neverending affection towards Mirio, so kudos go out to the amazing artists and writers that create the content we love<3 Thank you for over 1k followers and I hope to see the family of mirihoes grow in the progressing year! I’ve received a lot of questions for my milestone special and I only picked out a few, but if you want more of these, let me know! Now let’s dive right into the Q&A!
Heey~ I’m a huge Bnha fan and I love this blog, keep up the great work!! \(^-^)/ I’d love to know how old you are, if that’s not too personal of a question?
Not at all! I’m actually 20 y/o and my Birthday is in June, also my zodiac is Gemini👭
What do you do for a living?
I’m a university student in my second year! I’m majoring in Linguistics and my minor is English Literature and Culture. Though before, I did a year of Environmental Sciences, but it just wasn’t my cup of tea so I quit🤷‍♀️ I’m also part timing at a boutique.
Hello! I check your blog everyday and I can’t with all your reactions, they’re almost always the same as mine:D Which state (USA) are you from and what languages do you speak?
Lol, do I really sound American?:D I’m actually from Germany, so German is my mother tongue! Other than that, I consider myself pretty fluent in English (your assumption of me being a native speaker flatters me so much, you have no idea) and I guess my French is decent. I can order food and ask for directions in Spanish (ayyyy) and studied Hindi for two semesters at Uni. Also I’m currently learning Japanese for my degree in Linguistics.
Do you have a favorite anime show? Other than My hero academia of course!
My all time favorite anime is definitely Arslan Senki! Besides that, I also love Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, Assassination Classroom, Durarara, Hunter x Hunter and pretty much every existing sports anime (Haikyuu, Kuroko no Basuke, Daiya no Ace, Free!, Yowapedal, Yuri on Ice, Prince of Tennis,.. although Haikyuu is my favorite) I enjoy most genres as long as the plot and characters appeal to me.
Do you read any manga? (also LOVE YOUR BLOG!!<3)
Yeah! I really love manga and I’ve read tons of shoujo when I was younger (I bingeread every night in middle school tbh) Nowadays though, not so much anymore.. It’s not that I came to hate it, I just don’t have as much time unfortunately-.-’ I do read the new Bnha and Haikyuu chapters on a weekly basis, but I can’t manage more than that. I also read yaoi/shounen-ai manga and doujinshi from time to time, but it’s not as much of an obsession as it was a few years ago. However, I own a couple of manga series (Bnha, Haikyuu, Arslan Senki), which I love to reread in my free time😊
hey, we share a love for mirio, so do you maybe have a few anime recommendations, or any good anime you’re watching now?
uhuhuhu birds of a feather flock together;))) Of course I can dish out some recommendations, but I’ll start with what I’m watching atm. I started rewatching Daiya no Ace not so long ago (due to the announcement of Season 4) so I sometimes watch a few episodes of that when I find the time. Also, and this is a recommendation as well, there’s this new track and field anime called Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru (Run with the Wind) coming out every Friday and it’s hilarious. If you like sports anime, you should definitely give it a go! The last anime I’m rewatching right now is Sukitte Ii na yo (Say I love you), cause I’ve been in a shoujo mood lately and after several years I still can’t deal with the cuteness of this show. Now for recs.. this is hard, since everyone has a different taste in series, but other than the shows I’ve named in the “Favorite anime” question, I’d recommend Wotakoi (Wotaku ga Koi no Muzukashii). It’s a very sweet anime about the love stories of otakus, so if you like a good laugh and lots of fluff, this show is for you (11eps). Same goes for Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun (12eps + 6 short specials). Shounen-wise I enjoyed for example Noragami, Bleach, Katekyo Hitman Reborn and Magi. Shoujo-wise I can always rewatch Toradora, Kimi ni Todoke and Itazura na Kiss. Sorry for rambling, there are just too many!😅
What pronouns do you use? And what’s you sexual orientation? If the latter question is too personal, just ignore it(/ω\)
No worries! I use she/her pronouns and I’m pan, slightly favoring men. Probably due to the fact that I’ve only had hetero relationships so far. Though, I really don’t care about my partner’s gender🤷‍♀️
hi, i’ve been going through a rough time lately and your reblogs and memes never fail to make my day. how so you stay positive when things are going downhill? (sorry for the weird ask..)
Your question isn’t weird at all! I’m sorry to hear that you don’t feel well lately and I’m glad my posts are able to cheer you up a bit<3 I, for my part, am a very optimistic person and always try to concentrate on the positive things in my life, but I cannot deny that due to my personal problems I’ve spent many nights sleepless as well. Unfortunately, there’s no recipe for happiness, but here are some things you should always keep in mind should you feel down: Don’t surround yourself with toxic people. Don’t let them in your life and if they already are, either ignore them or cut them off. The latter won’t always work, since the world of adulthood is a cruel place, but try to develop a thick skin and don’t let them abuse the power over you that they don’t actually have. Try to talk with people. I can tell from experience that talking about your problems will almost always make you feel better, or at least lighter afterwards. Think positive. There’s never only black and white, so even if everything seems hopeless or bland, you should never cease to search for the good aspects. An example from me: Uni fucks me up real bad atm. I have six exams and one term paper to write this semester and I’m seriously afraid of failing. I’ve always had insane expectations of myself, because when I was a toddler, my parents found out that I was highly talented and that has been a as much of a curse as it is a blessing throughout my entire life. Whenever something gets too much for me and I end up in a slump, I think about how grateful I am to have so many wonderful friends. I think of all the things I plan to do with the money I earn, such as travelling, buying manga, movies, clothes,.. and even if that might not seem like a trivial matter for some people, I think of all the amazing anime coming out this year: Ice Adolescence, One Punch Man Season 2, Attack on Titan Season 3, Fruits Basket remake, Bnha Season 4, Haikyuu Season 4, Daiya no Ace Season 3.. Why am I naming these? Because they keep me going. They give me something to look forward to. They make me realize that I’m extremely grateful to be alive, because I get to experience these works. I get to discuss my favorite shows with people, who share my interests! I get to scream about Mirio’s bara arms with you guys! If that isn’t something to be cheerful about, I don’t know what is<3
And since I don’t want to end this on a solemn note, here’s a personal favorite of mine:
On a scale from 1-10, how much do you love Mirio?^^
1.000.000 (A million, you get it? wink wonk) Thanks for sticking around! Hope this gave you a little insight on who I am and I’d love to spend 2019 with you as well<3
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80srockher · 6 years
Yuri on Ice Rewatch and Live-Commentary, Episode 1: Easy as Pirozhki!! The Grand Prix Final of Tears
*There are spoilers throughout.  I also make assumptions that anyone reading has already seen the episode or has a grasp of the content.*
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Source: http://yurionicescreencaps.tumblr.com
The opening scene is so pretty.  Really sets a tone.  I went in knowing nothing about the anime first go-around, so I found Yuri and Victor’s grow/glow-ups montages interesting.  
This theme song is… not my favorite.  Maybe it’s the French horns?  That and too much synth.  I usually skip over it but want to give it a chance this go-around.
Heh, Victor and his gold blades to match his gold medal.  And his European af haircut.  Can’t remember the last time I saw an American past the age of 12 with bangs. No mistaking him for anything other than Eastern European.
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Also, the poster on the left is for Victor, I believe.  Can he pull his leg that high in the air?  Was that featured and I forgot?  I’ll be on the lookout for it.
Also, looks like Jean JACK made it to Sochi and placed third here too, lolz.
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Yes, please listen to your coach, Yuri.  Don’t poke the wound.  Stay off the internets.  ESPECIALLY the figure skating internets.  What little I remember from when I used to follow the sport is that it’s dramatic, to put it nicely.
I keep getting distracted by the utter Euro-ness of the Europeans in this show. The cut of Coach Celestino’s suit is so Italian I weep. He’s too smooth.
Yuri’s name tag has his name in Cyrillic as well?  Cute.
My first impression of Yuri was that he looks about 18 and that impression hasn’t changed.  Perhaps it’s the glasses, but he def looks youthful. I’m also someone who’s been accused of looking a decade+ younger than I actually am, so I can sympathize.
Speaking of sympathy – Yuri caved to pressure, binged ate before the competition while mourning his dog, then bombed his first trip to the Grand Prix final.  All in front of his idol.  Damnity damn damn.  Sorry, kid.
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Is Cao Bin ever introduced on the show?  Something else I forgot, maybe?
Now, when I first saw this poor child crying in the bathroom, that’s when I knew the series was going to be much different from the light-hearted anime about figure skating I expected.  It got real deep real quick.
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Yuri Plisetsky “The Russian Punk”.  Is this something the in-universe media refers to him as?  Because I only recall (JPN) Yuri saying it and only this once.
This screencap is during the scene where the journalist Marooka (sp?) is hassling Yuri about his future plans and instead of answering, Yuri can only stare at someone else’s puppy that reminds him of his dead Vicchan.
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This baby is crying. Cry.ing.  This has been a tough day for poor Yuri, overall.
And he talks down to himself so much.  It’s all his fault he caved to pressure. He was an idiot to think he could meet his idol on the same playing field.   He’s come so far and still thinks so little of his accomplishments.
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So, I understand this “one year later” is not really accurate, lol.  It’s just the new  year following the previous season.  I was confused initially about a number of soon-to-happen events before Yuri’s mental alter ego cleared it up.
So, per Minako’s voice actress, Yuri really is pronounced YOO-RI.  Cute.
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Four Continents is… not a Grand Prix competition?  My figure skating knowledge is all rust now.
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LOL, Minako does. Not. Play. And she wears a pinky ring.  My God, that death grip on poor Yuri.
It’s snowing outside the train station when Yuri and Minako leave.  So, it’s not unusual to snow in this region in March, but it’s highly unusual a month or so later. Man, hard to believe Yuri sat around for almost an entire month before the infamous video became viral.  More on that, later.
So, based on everyone’s interactions with Yuri so far, the only person who cares that he didn’t make it to the World Championships is him.  And he should care since he’s worked basically his entire life towards that goal.  But, he doesn’t appear to have let anyone down but himself, though he doesn’t act that way.
So, the fact that the family hot springs is named “Yu-topia”… did that influence Yuri’s name at all, I wonder?
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Ha!  I wish I could have recorded the Japanese actor’s voice when he says this line.  He makes Yuri sound so done with it all, lol.  It’s the best.
Ok, so a number of very interesting and entertaining things happen in succession that I don’t feel like screencapping.  No hug between the littlest Katsuki and the senior Katsukis, even though he hasn’t been home in 5 years.  Fascinating. No doubt cultural (I’m guessing) but fascinating.  
Yuri’s mom basically calls Minako a drunk.  To her face. LOL.  But I imagine no one can get mad at this sweet lady.
Minako calls Yuri out on his weight gain in front of God and everybody.  Though, I think it’s more of a matter of his clothes no longer fitting due to said weight gain.  
But, his parents don’t care. Eat more pork cutlet bowls, Yuri! Welcome home!
Vicchan’s shrine is where they also store the unused treadmill.  Want to bet the only person to use it was Yuri?
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Then older sis Mari-neechan appears with frosted tips.  I can appreciate a character that doesn’t beat around the bush (a trait she inherited from her mother, I imagine).  Welcome home, Yuri, but don’t sit on your ass.  Start thinking about your next move.    
Actually *loads headcanon* I suspect Mari doesn’t want Yuri to give up on skating.  The longer he stays at home, the more quitting becomes a possibility.
So, the Katsuki family hot springs resort (Inn?  Restaurant?) is the last one standing in town.  Very OT, but I wonder if the hot springs are still an attraction at all and are perhaps, government-owned?  Protected, used by tourists for a fee, perhaps?  I think about things like that.
Having never visited a hot spring, and based on the setting around Minako while she watches the World Championships on TV, it appears to be a place for people to come, soak, and lounge and grab a bite to eat if the mood strikes.  So, the Katsukis wait on people basically all day long.  Gotta be exhausting work.
Yuuuuuko!  The Madonna of Ice Castle Hasetsu!  Yuri’s crush on her is hella cute.
A slight segue to Yuri’s perceived attraction to Yuko and what it could imply about his sexual identity.  Per his labeling of Yuko as a “Madonna,” I figure Yuri considers Yuko untouchable, perhaps even “too good” for him.  Yuko, just like Victor, is “ideal”.  For someone as self-conscious as Yuri, comparing any romantic prospects against his two ideals was probably a convenient excuse not to get *too* close to anyone, male or female.  That being said, he didn’t pursue Yuko.  Alcohol loosened enough of Yuri’s inhibitions to eventually openly flirt with Victor, but this is still an important distinction, IMO.  He pursued one of his ideals (in more ways than one, even going so far as to leave home to in hopes of becoming Victor’s equal) and left the other one behind.
Yuri idealizes/d Yuko, and comes to love Victor.  He’s gay.  Bi, at the least.  
I don’t feel confident in applying any other labels, because I’m a straight.  Yuri could fall under any number of categories as long it they include, IMO, same-sex attraction.
In actuality, Yuko is “introduced” to the audience as Yuri’s straight love interest, but that doesn’t last long.  Cute and clever, show creators.  Cute. And . Clever.
Then we find out, via flashback, a) how adorable they all were when they were little kids and b) Yuko wanted to see Yuri compete against Victor.  Yuko has been a profound influence on Yuri.
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So, Victor.  This guy is in a class by himself.  The animators obviously invested a lot of time in his movements.  You can see why he leads the field even at 27.
Also, the creators had the nerve, the audacity, the unmitigated gall to compose an original opera aria for a cartoon.  That was my next indicator that this was more than a cutesy figure skating anime.  
The song really is beautiful, too.  Probably my favorite in the soundtrack.
Who’s the last IRL skater to win 5 consecutive World Championships?  Michelle Kwan, maybe?  Who is Kwan’s male equivalent?  Back then, probably Alexei Yagudin?  May research. May not. 
Anyway, Victor is the Michelle Kwan of YOI-verse lol.
Hmm.  Here come the three brats.  Good God.  Poor Yuko and Takeshi lol.
So sweet to see Yuri’s childhood bully is his biggest fan now.
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Sooo, Yuko’s triplets secretly record Yuri’s private performance, post it online (sometime before April 10, when Victor shows up), and things progress rather quickly from there...
Or do they?  It appeared to me that Yuri caught up with Yuko at the rink the same day he returned home.  Did he skate Victor’s routine for her that day, as well, or did it happen later?  Perhaps the triplets waited a few weeks to post the video, or else it took a few weeks to go viral.  Did Yuri turn off his phone for *weeks* to avoid the world?
Maybe he got home on March 30 and then the whole month of April just went to hell for him?  The possibilities...
LOL, I’m so SO mad the title of the video is “Katsuki Yuri TRIED to Skate Victor’s FS Program”. Those brats.
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This might be the most unattractive Victor’s ever looked.  Severe close-ups aren’t flattering on anyone.  Welp, down the rabbit hole now.  
So, in the next scene it snows in April which doesn’t stop anyone from stripping naked to bathe in a hot spring, apparently.  Or it just doesn’t stop Victor.
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I like this ending theme much better.  It’s a head-bopper.  The Instagram reel kills me.  
Thanks to anyone who took the time to read through this stream of consciousness!  No idea how long it may take me to get through the rest.  I tip my hat to those who regularly and passionately participate in fandom.  It’s a lot of work!
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icecreamkink · 3 years
so im watching ice princess bc. brain empty. it has been like legit 15 years since i watched it! this was the very first ice skating thing i have ever watched and i was OBSESSED with it when we rented it in vhs. i wouldnt get Actually Into figure skating until sochi but this movie was the reason i was gliding around in socks on the floor and started watching winter olympics as child
it starts w this song that sounds like a ripoff of this OTHER early 00's girl movie song that i cannot remember (or prob never learned lol) the lyrics to and its driving me crazyyy
the ptbr version is called 'sonhos no gelo' aka dreams on ice and i personally think its a better name than ice princess
then again dreams on ice is such a ice show name so maybe thats why they chose not to lol
the music that is playing when hayden panettiere (??) first talks to georgina from gg is. . . weirdly soft porn-y. harold-
i feel like sasha cohen being who makes georgina go 'omg. moving on ice requires physics!!!and thus Plot' would generate Some Type of dumb discourse today. i cant explain it i just feel it
that tv is very very old .
im so happy that joan cusak is playing an annoying judgy feminist she looks like shes loving it as she should
color coded skaters!
kim cattrall as a scary retired Did She Break A Competitors Leg Did She Not Guess! coach mom named tina is also what she Should be doing
i remember she and joan cusak fight ?by the end? so we are looking forward to That
is this another 'give the girl that the mc has chemistry with a brother for no homo reasons' example; never rewatch your heroes
juniors faking landing quads in 2005? sounds kinda precocious but what do i know
movies abt artistic sports usually Highly overestimate how nice the training outifts are but caseys a woman of the people
georgina wearing kim cattralls old outfit and the yoiness of it all. idk how to feel abt that. blueprint
honestly if my mom hated fs costumes and made me wear That i would definetely rebel
ok listen. i dont Really Know, and i guess the point is that as a Physics Person with Talent she like breaks the barriers or something but . . 'tucking ur arms in' 'pushing with your toepick' are pretty standard things people are conscious of and i dont think theyd make a girl whos been training for a couple months land a double ? would she even have the muscles for that . i mean OK ITS A DISNEY MOVIE IK i Know IM JUST. ok ok
whys georginas token best friend so likeable. get it ann
teddy, the no homo zamboni driver
joan cusack and kim cattralls passive agressive interactions!!!!!!!! ty for my life
Unlikely Complex Computer Program Check
jen! im not dressed for a party! sigh. shake it. ??? eye roll your hair >>>>>
hey! you get paid to be a has been on ice ok. and its Awesome. and its probably more fun than competing all things considered lbr
no but like, its not like georgina couldnt go to college during or after a skating career..... plenty of athletes do that.....
considering she could retire circa 2015, she could even become a youtuber on TOP and capitalize on yuri on ice. joan cusack has no eye for the future smh
but making her mom not simply a controlling academic but instead a working professor regretting probable wasted potential was a smart choice
aw cds !!
'youllbe be worth even more when you win' damn dont hold back tiffanys dad
i feel seen with the way the parents are so obnoxious in this movie
i mean i feel seen bc i had to deal w ballet parents not that i am a obnoxious parent myself, i. i dont have kids
i wish i could say omg thats so dumb as if athletes are always at each others throats like that but uh. on junior level? it happens
hayden panehfd and georgina ending up together would have been so cute sigh
only the girls/women are important in this movie and im into this. rip teddy
zoey bloch sure can rock
i wish i knew how to hidroblade :( or. skate. at all; lmao
nikkis regionals costume was very cute , prize for the jumping bean!! . eh shrimp
so who choreographed georginas programs? tina? did she do it herself? is that why they look kinda meh. why didnt they show it
ok but like. needing to break in brand new shoes is . is it not . common knowledge. :for anything. ?
LIKE im not defending the sabotaging of a teenager but. as a Smart Person who Knows Physics and has been training in a high impact sport and STUDYING IT, did it rly not occur to her that like. competing in brand new, though skates might be a Bad Idea? she figured out how to land a triple in months but not that performing on brand new shoes sounds kinda stupid??
ooo~~ its just like sarajevo~~
the dramatic fight makes it kinda inescapable that they act circles around the kids but oh well
why didnt kim cattrall push teddy to be a figure skater too. like double the odds of a success, seems kinda obvious
*hayden panerimo, voice cracking* anD I WANT *kim cattrall*okay okay thats enough -
drama in the hallwayyy
georgina answering "why are u passionate about harvard" with essentially "im not" kinda iconic ngl
whys she not wearing the new skates. she already has them now, and for free too
i have never seen an actual frozen lake in my life but are those cracks supposed to be like that
yes it IS a beautiful sport casey tell em !!
kim cattrall was a such a big brain choice. who else would sell 'im not gonna apologize for sabotaging you and taking advantage of ur stupidity" to a 16 year old in a disney movie
"i dont have to like or trust my coach "kjasdkfn casey,,,,, sweetie. i mean eteris girls do win trophies back to back so I Guess In A Way but also.,,,,,, sweetie-
i know that she meant it in a general way, but the Possibility of kim cattrall and joan cusack going to high school together and somethin something Watching and Envying the pretty prom queen/world champion, something being tired of performing feminity something something short skirts something harsh realities of academia and pro sports careers / anywhere for women something. something something.
michelle kwan!! i did not remember her in this
forget georgina and hayden panettone, otp is hayden / ann . hann!! tutor trope!!!!
omg does joan cusack teach at a community college or a encceja type of thing . bitter moms plot thickens
zoey skated to toxic! queen.
i watched this movie so many times in the days i had it rented that i actually still remember a lot of the final programs choreos lmao
skate w the heart uwu
costume prettye
ah!! i used to try to copy the programsss thats why i know the moves LMAO the memories ,,, keep coming back to me
whats this gala lighting all of a sudden???
hann keeps on winning!! look at that hug!they left together! arms linked!!!!!!!
centering the mom daughter relationships is a :'''') for me
we stan nikki
dramedy centering on joan cusack and kim cattrall navigating georginas career
this was nice :') its confirmed ive had good taste since toddler age 🤷
0 notes
emypony · 6 years
Every number, lol
ily lmfao
gdi lina
((now i gotta open my own goddamn tumblr to find it smh))
i’ll do edits throughout bcs i go on other questions and i legit like, answer them and go back and add stuff
1. first anime you ever watched
tbh i can’t freaking remember?? Though it might’ve been something on animax. I don’t count pokemon rly bcs i rarely watched it. I think watched thoroughly…???
Frick. Deltora Quest (??) ((god I just remembered I need to hype that too crap)) but I’ll be proud to say front to back as a really long anime is going to be Inazuma Eleven. God I was so trash for it. Saw a few eps on Disney and decided “i want to see this but without this crappy romanian dub thx”
I can’t remember any other anime I watched but amongst the first ones were: Shugo Chara, Princess Tutu (I NEED TO DRAW THIS AS WELL AUGH LINA WHAT’VE U DONE) uhhhhhhhh, Kaleido Star? Zero no Tsukaima (VERY BAD ANIME TO START WATCHING WHEN UR LIKE 13) and other trash stuff like Oran Highschool Host club, Toradora (I didn’t watch the last ep gg me), Brother’s Conflict (another harem AND I DIDN’T WATCH THE LAST EP EITHER GG OMG) and this is all I can remember great…
look at me i can’t even do one question without rambling this is gonna be long asf
EDIT:::: Shaman King was the first. Used to air dubbed on some non cartoon channel over here and I got hooked.
2. first anime crush
Shun from Bakugan. I’m trash. (yes this was after I found out that it was originally japanese. I think i wanted to watch the jap dub but i couldn’t find it anywhere and i couldn’t take Dan having Naruto’s voice either thx)
Then i discovered Spectra (aka the Brother of that girl from the 2nd season) and i cried bcs how could I choose
3. favorite anime character
Tsurugi Kyousuke and you know it girl
TSUNA FROM KHR (in his more serious form)
4. least favorite anime character
fricc. uHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH…(inazuma eleven makes everybody lovable I mean…)
5. list all anime you have ever watched (do non finished one count too thx)
NOTE: The ones with * means I didn’t finish them.
Mob Psycho 100
Shokugeki no Souma**  (in prcess of watching)
Oban Star Racers
Sword Art Online
SMILE PRECURE - it’s so clichee but I love it
Kaichou wa Maid-Sama
Fruits Basket!!!
Sukitte Ii na yo
edit: Noucome
Dog Days!* (i can’t even what is this anime)
Beyblade (newer series tho)*
To Love-Ru* (wasn’t my thing but i saw a bit of it)
more Pretty Cure series which I can’t remember tbh
Gugure! Kokkuri-san*
6. popular anime you didn’t like
Vampire…s-something with Vampire? With the Subaru and stuff. 
Naruto (I mean first seasons are nice and all but like, it becomes confusing)
One Piece, Fairy Tail, YURI ON ICE , HETALIA ((MISS ME WITH THAT SH*T THX)), Death Note, Attack on Titan, Tokyo Ghoul, Clannad, Boku no Hero Academia, Dragon Ball Z (and what have you), Kuroko no Basket, Haikyuu, Free!, Bleach, Inuyasha, YuGiOh (i’ve seen a bit but meh..), Mirai Nikki, 
//inhales Sailor Moon
idk just not for me, though maybe I should give it a chance??
7. anime you are currently watching
I guess Shokugeki no Souma since I’ve yet to finish s3
But I’m still in IEGO hell rn, rewatching it for the lolzies
8. anime character you are most like
Tenma, ofc. 
9. favorite anime child
Tenma. ;;w;; he’s so precious and doubts himself and I think he’s great  ahhh 
Konoha. She loves animals and she’s kinda cute ouo
idk if there’s more i am really not recent anime trash sorry
10. favorite anime animal sidekick
Kili who’s Jasmine’s(?) -idk if that was her name in the jap version too- crow
I frkin love crows holy danm
Sasuke is such a cute dog save me
11. anime you didn’t expect to like but did
Inazuma Eleven (I don’t even like soccer) , Princess Tutu (I don’t like ballet and it was old af so I literally put it off for watching Shugo Chara), uhhhh idunno anymore
12. anime that should get more attention from others
Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
13. funniest anime you have watched
the one anime with the guy who had to make decisions or else
Noucome? (wikipedia: short for My Mental Choices are Completely Interfering with my School Romantic Comedy) Yeah that’s the one.
Shokugeki no Souma
14. saddest anime you have ever watched
PRINCESS TUTU (screw me, right?)
15. anime you never get sick of watching
16. 10 best animes you have watched
Inazuma Eleven
Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Princess Tutu
Deltora Quest
Sugar Sugar Rune
Shokugeki No Souma
Shaman King
i don’t know another one save me
17. biggest anime crush
18.10 worst anime you have watched
how can I even- 
19. favorite anime ships
YuuiChi ( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ;)))))) furiously winks)
Ibuki x Shindou ((idk the name of this together lmao))
i don’t have anything more tbh x’D
20. least favorite anime ships
ShinKyou (I’m sorry but how?)
Fakir x Rue (Princess tutu. But like y these 2 srsly they hate each other)
21. anime that made you cry, when
Inazuma Eleven, not sure when but it did. I’m p sure it did
fricc. Princess Tutu defs at the end
22. age you started watching anime/person who introduced you to it.
idk how the hecc I found it but i think i was like 11/12?
23. unpopular character you love
I mean c’mon we only see him a few times like give the poor guy some love
24. popular character you hate
Idk just… :^) not ma’ thing
25. anime you would recommend to someone who hates anime
i can’t?? my anime choices are literally trash
26. manga you have read all the ways through
i…didn’t read mangas xD
((yes you’re free to kill me now :^))
(((TBH THERE IS ONE. And that’s Nana to Kaoru I think..but it’s nsfw sorta but it was nice as well? like you don’t see that often)))
27. anime you plan to watch in the future
uhhhh crap good question. I had some lists somewhere but idk
28. most upsetting moment in anime, why
When Shun from bakugan cut his hair but damn he was still hot
29. anime that deserves another season
i can’t think of more
30. one anime conclusion you would change
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raemanzu · 6 years
@tearlessrain tagged me
Tag 10 people after you answer these questions:
Relationship status: the same as all the main characters of “Free!” tbh lol or at least it would be if I had more than one peer I was close to anymore... sigh. The short answer is I’m single but unavailable. Not really interested in dating, I have a hard enough time even making new friends.
Favorite color: Varying shades along the Purple-Blue-Green spectrum.
Something you just remembered: that I should check my school email sometime tonight... I don’t wanna miss important dates before classes start on April 3rd... I’m gonna start working on an Early Childhood Education degree.
Last song you listened to: the ending song of “Free!” season 2 lol but before that and the schoolbus playlist... uhhh... Cold Is The Night by The Oh Hellos
Last movie you watched: I don’t even remember.... it’s been a while since I watched a movie. Possibly... rewatching RotK? I have no idea... 
Top 3 bands: This is so hard!!! HOW DARE! Uhhh. Well since I just listened to a bunch of their stuff, The Oh Hellos... I also love Radical Face... and...Sleeping at Last... but ... but.. butubutubut what abou tall my other favorite bands...  
Top 3 TV shows: I’m gonna do 2 categories for this... so top 3 anime right now...are... How To Keep A Mummy, Free!, and.. Yuri on Ice. Other TV shows... Avatar The Last Airbender... Steven Universe... and... The Clone Wars. Uh... yeah I guess I just really like animated shows. But for live action I like ST:DS9, ST:VOY, and... dddd... uhhh.... I feel like I’m missing a really important one but w/e
Books I’m currently reading: I wish I could say I was actively reading any books rn but I’m not >_>;;; IT COMES AND GOES IN WAVES OK... but I am in the middle of a few manga. Shimanami Tasogare, Koimonogatari, and Hidamari ga Kikoeru... all very queer and good.
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96percentdone · 7 years
On Viktor’s Relationships With Everyone Else
AKA: why 90% of you are wrong about his relationships outside of Yuuri. And how this impacts how you view his relationship WITH Yuuri, and Viktor as a person.
Alright we need to talk fandom. I’d say one on one but it’s more like one on…a fucking lot. Because, all of you, in one way or another, have some wrong idea about one or more of Viktor’s relationship, and since I just rewatched the show for the literal fourteenth time, I think I should explain how these dynamics actually are. Let’s start with Yurio! Under the cut:
Ahhh, Yurio. My little rage kitten. The fandom stands divided on you, but that’s not here nor there. Yurio’s relationship with Viktor is…interesting. I’d say out of all Viktor’s rinkmates, he probably has the closest relationship to him. Let’s talk about them before Yuuri. 
You can see them together at several points before Hasetsu. There’s that news broadcast Yuuri catches where the two of them look like they’re discussing skating in episode 1, there’s obviously that moment in Sochi the same episode where they’re explicitly talking about skating, and there’s that flashback in episode 2 of Viktor agreeing to give Yurio “the best senior debut ever.”
We can get one clear image from these three scenes: Viktor treats Yurio like he’s Yurio’s mentor. You see him advising him in numerous respects in regards to skating. It’s clear that Viktor is presenting himself as Yurio’s mentor. Now there’s several theories behind this. There’s the idea he feels obligated to because of expectations that come with his reputation, and there’s the idea that he wants to for whatever reason. Maybe he wants to see what it’d be like as a coach and Yurio works best for that.
But I would argue it’s a mixture of both. We know that Viktor was deeply discontent with his life as it was. He’s got depression. Episode 10 could not illustrate that more clearly. And I think in the first two scenes I mentioned, it’s especially on the obligation end. I mean if you look at him he looks fundamentally depressed. 
But I don’t think it was always that way, and I don’t think his original sentiment of maybe actually wanting to be a mentor vanished. Which brings me back to Yurio’s flashback. When you first see him he looks like this:
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I’d argue he looks a little tired. Maybe he’s a bit dead inside. Viktor’s depression might have started by this point. It’s hard to say. We don’t have enough on Viktor’s backstory to write a timeline of events. Maybe the hypothetical someone is looking at this and jumping in like “see!! then it’s still obligational!” and hold your fuckin horses. First of all Viktor voluntarily spoke up and entered this conversation. And second of all, during it he makes this face:
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Do you know what this face reminds me of? The one Viktor makes in episode 3 when Yuuri says he’ll do Eros. He’ll “give it all the eros [he’s] got!” Also that face he makes in episode 10 in the proposal scene. Do you know what that means? It means Viktor. Is actually happy. About this. It brought him a little joy. And in case someone brings up that ancient meta about how this isn’t Viktor’s real happy face because it doesn’t look like his normal heart shaped smile (yes I still remember that because it bothers me) no. People. Have more than one smile??? And we know what a fake happy Viktor looks like we saw him in episode 1. A lot. I rest my case.
So there you have it. Before Yuuri and Hasetsu Viktor was a mentor figure to Yurio, partially because he’s obligated, and partially because he wants to and enjoys it. Which I’d argue makes sense considering just how much he takes to coaching. If anything this just prefaced that. The prologue to Viktor’s love of coaching. (And I’d better not see anything about how it’s because it’s Yuuri because Viktor is like. A person. Outside of Yuuri. Remember? He just especially likes coaching Yuuri. Because. It’s Yuuri.)
But is that really all there is to it? I don’t think so. In Hasetsu the night Yurio shows up you can casually see them joking around and Viktor laughs. And maybe it’s a little fake on Viktor’s part, because he’s not excited that Yurio’s come to apparently ruin this for him. Fine. I’ll give you that. But there’s no point in acting that way anyway if there wasn’t pretense for it. Like say…them having that kind of dynamic in general? Are they super close? No probably not, considering Yurio’s assessment of Viktor in episode 2 pins his behavior to a lack of inspiration versus depression. But that’s to be expected.
Why? Because Viktor sees Yurio as like a kid brother. Someone he’s way older than and has to guide and mentor, someone you occasionally joke around with and hang around, and not a friend.
And that doesn’t really change after Hasetsu either. In episode eight you see him and Yuuri acting like embarrassing family members. Episode ten is the most enlightening episode in the universe, and you can tell from Viktor’s internal dialogue about Yurio that he sees him in this way, as well as from how he handles Yurio’s bullshit at the end there. Episode 11-12 feel a little weird but that’s to be expected since Yurio just beat his record. These positions go into conflict, but they don’t cancel each other out. By the end of Yuri!!! On ice, their dynamic has not changed.
So since Yurio is clearly established as the kid brother figure in Viktor’s life, let’s briefly talk about Viktor’s other rinkmates. Now truth be told I can’t really get shit about his relationship with Mila, because we never see them interact in any way, and Viktor never really even thinks about her. But I can talk a little about Georgi, at least…from Georgi’s POV.
Georgi is many things, a hot mess being most of them. And to Viktor I imagine he also sees him that way. Now I can’t argue for how close they are or aren’t for Viktor because in truth that’s not something we ever get from Viktor. But we do know Georgi sees Viktor as a rival and his biggest competition. We can tell because he interrupts his creepy obsessive monologue about Anya during his free skate the minute he sees Viktor to comment on how it’s his “time to shine.”
They clearly have some kind of rivalry, and while I can’t tell you if they’re on friendly terms or not, there’s definitely at least a one sided competition. From here you can make your own guesses. But considering the general sort of camaraderie he seems to have with Yurio, it’s fair to assume something similar may apply to Georgi. It can’t be confirmed of course, but it can be theorized.
Up next we have Chris. AKA. Viktor’s friend. Yes everyone. Viktor, even if he was depressed and lonely has. A friend. I know it’s wild. But honestly I love this dynamic too. You can tell they’re friends for several reasons, the most obvious is Viktor volunteering to take the pictures while Chris doesn’t actually skinny dip. With this they have an established relationship dynamic. When they see each other, they’re comfortable enough to do this kind of bullshit. And for that, I have to say they’re friends.
Now how close are they? Good question. Again it’s hard to tell. Chris certainly has some ideas about Viktor that don’t necessarily hold up, (like his belief Viktor “lives for the ice” seems closer to Viktor’s reputation and actions versus his thoughts),which doesn’t suggest they’re super close either. Then again, Viktor, for someone who’s exceedingly transparent plays his cards close to his chest so this is to be expected. Viktor doesn’t like to talk about himself.
So you can argue while they’re clearly good friends, they aren’t incredibly close, and this may very well be Viktor’s fault, because he doesn’t talk about himself. But you could just as easily argue they weren’t that close lately, because truth is again, we haven’t seen much of Viktor’s past, if anything. But what you can’t say, is they aren’t friends in any capacity, because they are. Viktor talks about him fondly and willingly hangs out with him.
Basically I’m here to destroy the idea that Viktor before Yuuri has no friends. Because he does, and maybe they aren’t super close. I’m not going to fight anyone who thinks that they aren’t, but he has them, and painting him as this entirely isolated individual is doing him a disservice.
Yes, he did dedicate his life to the ice, and he sacrificed life and love to do so. His words, and I imagine the amount of time and dedication his career involved did lead him to sideline these things quite a bit, but the idea that they didn’t exist entirely is fuckin preposterous, especially when there’s clear evidence to the contrary. Viktor can be depressed and isolated and lonely without being literally alone. He just feels that way, and maybe that has to do with the fact that he doesn’t talk to anyone about anything ever and this includes Yuuri too, and not necessarily because of some external reason.
And I saved the best for last. The man that’s caused a disproportionate and absurd amount of discourse. The man half of you have condemned as the worst person ever. Oh yes. We’re doing this. It’s time to talk about Yakov Feltsman.
Now I’m actually not going to use this as an excuse to do some fully character meta on Yakov, although some of you tempt me trust me, but I am going to establish how Viktor sees Yakov, and what that means for their relationship. Viktor and Yakov, before Viktor left for Hasetsu had a…wait for it…good relationship!
Now any of the Yakov discoursers who are actually reading this and didn’t already write this off because they know my stance are like “No way have you seen him? He constantly yells at and is angry with Viktor like all the time! He’s just this angry asshole who only cares about Viktor the winner.” Yeah. See. I know you think that. But I don’t think Viktor thinks that. Allow me to direct you to episode 9.
At the end of episode eight Makka made poor life choices and ate some steamed buns and now she’s at the vet. Yuuri wants to send Viktor back because he doesn’t want Viktor to have the experience he had in Sochi when Vicchan died and he couldn’t do anything. And Viktor’s clearly conflicted about this. He doesn’t want to leave Yuuri, but he also wants to be with his dog. And he doesn’t know what to do, until he sees Yakov.
Viktor, in his desperation, begs Yakov to coach Yuuri for just one day. And everyone screams in shock immediately, partially because where did that come from, and partially because it’s a fuckin gag we’re supposed to laugh at. But if you notice something. Yakov. Agreed. Without any terms and conditions. It’s almost like. He gives a shit.
In before one of you goes “well we didn’t see the negotiations so maybe he did!” because like. A plot point like that would certainly be shown so it can be used. And also because up before this point Yakov has not been shy about wanting Viktor to come back. Hell, even right before Viktor asks, Yakov straight up says “You want to come back?” Like. He brought it up. In this conversation. If he was going to use this as a fucking tool to lord over Viktor. We would see it. Hell Yurio even thinks to himself like ‘why did Yakov take Katsudon on’ cause Yurio doesn’t see the practical value in that choice. Almost like. Because there isn’t.
But the most damning evidence. That their relationship is actually y’know. Not shit. Is directly from Viktor’s mouth:
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That’s right! Viktor straight up tells Yuuri to hug Yakov if he’s in trouble. You know what advice you don’t give the love of your life when you have to leave them with someone terrible? Hug them when you’re in trouble. You don’t.
See, if their relationship was actually as fucking awful as you desperately want it to be, Viktor wouldn’t dare suggest that to Yuuri, because he wouldn’t even think of it. And if he did think of it it’d probably be in a “I tried it once, and it didn’t work out.” You don’t give advice you know doesn’t work. You just don’t. And as you can see, Yakov isn’t even present in this scene, so Viktor doesn’t even have a reason to pretend their relationship is good.
Through this episode. This one episode and these brief interactions, we can see what their relationship is like at the core. Viktor clearly trusts Yakov for this, and views him positively enough that he’d even suggest “hug him” to Yuuri. And Yakov clearly cares about Viktor, because did what Viktor asked, no strings attached.
And some of you are going to talk about how he constantly talks about Viktor coming back, like it’s the only thing he cares about but like. One he’s Viktor’s coach. Obviously he wants Viktor to come back. And while there’s some instances he’s fucking brutal and rude (looking at episode 6) there’s plenty of others where…he’s not. Hell I’d argue in that moment before Viktor’s request that I mentioned, he almost sounds like he’s joking. He’s kind of laughing while he says it. Like it’s not really a big deal.
But I’m not here to argue the merits and flaws of a three trope character. I am here to tell you that I’ve just established the two of them have a positive relationship, one that Viktor wants to keep, as shown by him trying to invite Yakov out for hot pot. Which as mentioned. Doesn’t go over well, but that doesn’t mean Yakov gives no fucks. Because he later shows that he does give fucks.
And as always, I can’t tell you exactly how close they are. I think they’re surprisingly close, considering the hugging thing, and Viktor is only a tactile person with people he considers important to him, but they might also not be especially close outside of the ice. Either way, it’s a positive relationship, and it existed before Yuuri.
And this is where I talk about Yuuri. Not because any of you are wrong in your assessment of they’re madly in love with each other. Cause you’re not. They are. But the way you view Viktor’s other relationships impacts how you see his relationship with Yuuri.
Many of you write Yuuri coming into Viktor’s life like it suddenly showed him what connections with other people actually are. The amount of fics I’ve seen where literally the premise is Yuuri saves Viktor from the abysmal black void that is his life because no one cares about him is far too many. And it’s because you dismiss his prior relationships for Yuuri. Because you don’t think Viktor had any kind of relationship before Yuuri, you treat Yuuri as if he’s Viktor’s one actual bond. The only person that’s ever been in Viktor’s life who matters, and that’s just patently untrue.
Viktor is his own person outside of Yuuri. He has friends and maybe even familial ties with several people that aren’t Yuuri, and that existed before him, but through Yuuri he realized the value in those relationships. Life and love is something Viktor lost sight of not something he’s never had ever. Yuuri just reminded him and showed him what that was, and Viktor finally reached an understanding. Viktor changed and became a happier person, and maybe even more appreciative of the other people around him because of Yuuri.
The two of them changed each other’s lives for the better, but just like Yuuri’s life and support system is not just Viktor, Viktor’s is not just Yuuri. He’s not literally alone. And as mentioned before, it’s likely he’s not very close with many people, but he’s not fucking isolated. In the end, the two of them actually undergo a similar arc. Yuuri realizes the love and support he has from the people around him, and Viktor finally figures out the value in such things. They work together as a couple because they’re similar.
You do a disservice to both of them and to him by making him this dependent on Yuuri. That’s not a responsibility Yuuri should bear, and Viktor exists as a person outside of Yuuri. You can love them and their relationship and still respect they’re two individuals. Writing Viktor as this dependent on Yuuri, as if his entire existence revolves around him honestly negates the point of their character arcs and their relationships.
TL;DR: Viktor Nikiforov was like a person before he met Yuuri and had and continues to have other relationships, and you writing him like he doesn’t is bad.
gonna tag @waylyn because they motivated me to actually write this. 
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cyanpluto · 6 years
Tagged by @fleetofshippyships​ (who is fantastic btw and you should totally follow if you love good fic writing, esp harry potter and merthur)
Rules: you know the drill, answer the questions and tag 20 people (or whatever)
Nickname(s): None, my given name is boring
Gender: Female
Height: 5′ 4″
Time: 5:15pm
Birthday: Dec 18 baby!
Favourite Bands: Rubber bands!! jk, I don’t pay attention to bands. “Too Many Zooz” is good, give them a listen, and I guess I listen to a lot of Imagine Dragons
Favourite solo artists: Todrick Hall, Shawn Mendes, Lindsey Stirling
Song stuck in my head: “Death of a Bachelor” and “There’s Nothing Holdin’ Me Back”
Last movie I watched: The Last Jedi (I’ll admit, I really liked it)
Last show I watched: rewatched some Danny Phantom and gonna watch RWBY tonight!
When did I create this blog: March 2017
What do I post: um reblogs of interesting things, weird stuff my husband or students do (there’s hardly any original stuff here, I don’t know why people bother sticking around)
What did I last google: juneau dmv (finally getting my surname changed!)
Other blogs: @the-persephone-to-my-hades, @rwbyredslippers, @quotesfromscripture
Do I get asks: minimal, which is sad (I would like some friends pls!), but I guess I have to make content to earn them
Why did I choose this url: a) it’s a reference to the Accel World anime b) I was obsessed with dwarf planets and New Horizons’ mission to Pluto c) cyan would have been one of our wedding colors if we bothered
Following: 555
Followers: *nervous laughter* 45
Average hours of sleep: 5-6 when I’m working, but during break I’ve been sleeping in 4 hour nap intervals for some reason
Lucky number: I make my own luck
Instrument: tapping excitedly on random surfaces
What am I wearing: the rwby shirt my husband got me and some work pants
Dream job: I am LIVING IT. The stress is shortening my life span, I can feel it, but teaching is SO WORTH IT
Favourite food: waffles, but really I love food in general, donuts are my weakness
Last book I read: that...is a good question...I’m more of a manga and fanfic person. “Woman With a Blue Pencil” by Gordon McAlpine was the last book I really liked, I’d recommend that
3 favourite fandoms: only 3??? Yuri on Ice, RWBY, Danny Phantom...Attack on Titan is an honorary mention because of jeanmarco
And now to tag. Feel free to ignore if you don’t want to. I don’t think I even know 20 people on here. Below are lovely peeps who show up in my activity and who yall should go follow!
@lady-chou, @in-the-ghost-mode, @bringobaggins, @yay855, @absolutepileoftrash, @ace-the-ghostie, @che1sea-xiao-long
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murasaki-murasame · 7 years
Yuri on Ice Rewatch: Episode 4
This is over a week later than it should be, but oh well. Life kinda got in the way for a while. But I’m trying to get back on track with this now.
Anyway, thoughts under the cut.
Before I sit down and properly rewatch the episode, I should say that this was definitely the point where things were starting to change, and the fandom was starting to explode. Well, the turning point was episode three, but I just mean that by this point the upward and outward shift was in full swing, and this episode really helped cement it.
Part of why I’ve been putting this off for a while is because I wanted to give this a lot of time and thought, since it’s a very important episode in terms of both the show itself, and the fandom. I think everyone can agree that this episode marks a major shift in the story, and especially in Yuri and Viktor’s relationship. I feel like this post probably won’t be as detailed or well-written as I’d like, since it’s less that I’ve actually found a good time to do this and more that I’m kinda forcing myself to get back on schedule, but we’ll see how it goes.
With episode three marking a pretty firm end to the first general story arc, I remember going into this episode wondering how it’d handle the aftermath of the Onsen on Ice event, and where things would go with Yuri and Viktor now that they were back to being [more or less] alone together after Yurio left to go back to Russia. I think everyone in the fandom at the time was very curious to see where things would go.
On that vague note, it’s worth mentioning that around this point, though mostly starting with episode three, the whole meme of ‘Yuri on Ice out-gaying itself’ kicked off in the fandom. The show kept surprising us with how intensely and explicitly romantic it was at every turn, and how early certain sorts of developments happened. So we started to wonder after each episode how the show could possibly ‘out-gay itself’. In hindsight it’s kinda funny to think that we all kept assuming that the show ‘couldn’t possibly get more gay’. Compared to stuff later in the show, it feels almost quaint in hindsight, that stuff like Yuri’s Eros performance in episode three felt like an impossibly high bar that the show could never surpass. I don’t think anyone genuinely thought that it was literally impossible, but there was a definite sense of doubt, and a sense of genuine surprise as things kept getting more explicit.
I should probably eventually give my full detailed thoughts on that entire thing, but now’s probably not the time for that.
Anyway I’ll just sit down and watch the episode itself now.
This is still a really great episode. In general I really love the early episodes and how intensely character-focused they are. It’s hard to compare them to the later episodes, though, since the later episodes also have the benefit of having a lot more in the way of relationship development and whatnot.
And since the first episodes are a bit less rigidly structured, I feel like after so long of not actually rewatching the show, my memory of exactly what happens in which episode started getting kinda mixed up. And there’s some stuff I just completely forgot about. It’s a kinda weird experience to have felt so firmly entrenched in this show and it’s fandom for more than an entire year, while still feeling like I’d forgotten certain things upon revisiting it, but I guess that’s natural. It at least helps make this rewatch feel fresh. I usually have a difficult time rewatching things that I have a good memory of, because it often feels kinda boring to ‘go over the exact same thing again’, but this is going fine.
This episode’s whole purpose is to wind down the beginning arc and focus more intimately on Yuri’s emotions before setting up the competitions that’ll basically make up the final two thirds of the show, and it does a fantastic job of it. There’s a good reason why this episode always sticks out in people’s memories as an important part of the story. Well, multiple good reasons, I suppose.
I really like the focus this episode has on Yuri’s self-confidence issues, and how he comes to understand that nobody sees him as weak, and that he’s not fighting alone. It’s just a really sweet and positive sort of message. A big part of the show’s overall exploration and examination of love as a concept is rooted in the idea of understanding and accepting the love that exists around you, in all it’s forms, and we really start seeing that theme in this episode.
I also find it very relatable, how Yuri at least used to view people’s emotional support and love as something invasive and pushy, and how he had a habit of pushing people away. I still feel like his decision to move away for so long and not really contact his family was related to this idea as well. Not to mention details like how he apparently doesn’t really interact with his followers on social media. He’s not exactly cold or self-centered or uncaring or anything like that, he’s just not good at opening up to people and allowing a mutual connection to form. Which is obviously something that he gradually gets better at as the show goes on.
Which I suppose gives me a good excuse to jump forward in the episode and talk about the beach scene, which I still love. It’s definitely a fan favourite scene, though in certain respects it kinda gets forgotten in favour of later scenes. But I love this scene and how calm and subdued it is. It’s a good representation of how this is where Yuri and Viktor start becoming closer to being equals and the layers of idolization and glamour start to fall away. As I’ve said before, one of the major bits of progression in this show is Yuri and Viktor’s ‘positions’ relative to each other. I don’t know how to phrase it well, but as Yuri himself says in this episode, by the start of this episode Viktor felt less like a coach and more like a god. Yuri in particular is sort of holding Viktor at arms length as a result of all that idolization and awe, and so they were only able to start creating a meaningful connection around this point in the story. Not that they didn’t have any kind of a meaningful connection in the first three episodes, but you get what I mean. There’s also a lot to be said for how Viktor himself saw Yuri in the early episodes, and how he had to examine and readjust his own perceptions of him as a person, in order to understand how to treat him as an equal. But that’s a bit more complicated, and I’ve kinda already gone over it in my previous posts.
It’s just really nice to get a scene like this where the two of them are able to have a somewhat casual talk in private about Yuri’s emotional hang-ups. For one thing, it was really nice, but probably pretty difficult on him, for Yuri to actively open up to Viktor about the things he talked about. Seeing him do things like that really helps illustrate how they’re beginning to properly get to know each other, and are heading down the road to being equals.
We also see a more calm and open version of Viktor in this scene. It’s not exactly rare, but it’s still nice. He even opened up a little in his own way, in talking about the seagulls remind him of St. Petersburg, and how it was a sound he’d always taken for granted because he never thought he’d really leave that place. That whole line in particular is pretty interesting, partly because it’s a neat insight into his character, but also because it’s bought up again in episode ten in a way that illustrates how he developed between this episode and that one, and how his perception of ‘home’ shifted. Which I’ll talk about more when the time comes. I also, of course, like everything he says in this scene about how neither he nor anybody else sees Yuri as being weak, and that, as his way of showing his love, he won’t go easy on him, because he knows that he’s strong.
And of course this scene also gets us back to the whole ‘koibito’ mistranslation. It came up in the previous episode, and at the time seemed innocent enough, but this is the part where the awkwardness and inaccuracy of it really starts to show through. It’s still really sad to me that this mistranslation exists in the show, because it really does influence your perception of these episodes. It comes across a lot differently when you don’t realize that the exact same word is being used in each scene. The main thing is just that when Viktor asks Yuri if he’d like him to be his boyfriend, he’s using the exact same word that had previously been translated as ‘girlfriend’. But even though this line is the ‘main one’, it’s the ‘girlfriend’ lines that were the inaccurate ones that caused the actual problems. The ‘boyfriend’ line was just the one that put them into perspective. It’s not really the biggest problem in the world, but I dislike it because it’s a prime example of heteronormativity. I mean, it’s basically the dictionary definition of it. And it really does influence the audience’s perception of things, especially Viktor and his sexuality, when they keep seeing him use the word ‘girlfriend’ in the subs. It makes them falsely assume that he’s attracted to women, and then that he’s exclusively straight, which makes it harder for people to understand that the ‘boyfriend’ line was completely genuine and not some kind of a joke, and obviously in the long run it makes it even harder for a lot of people to accept the show’s central romance and it’s validity. So even if you could call it a minor mistake, it really stacks up in the end.
And on a similar sort of note, I should also say that it really bugs me how most people interpret Yuri’s flustered response to Viktor asking if he wanted him to be his boyfriend. It’s understandable, but it’s always bugged me how quickly a lot of people assumed it was a genuine ‘no homo’ sort of moment, and how, uh, vocal those people were about that interpretation. It got really annoying really fast. The bottom line is that everyone seems to casually ignore the fact that Yuri also rejected the idea of Viktor being a father figure, or a brother figure, or a friend. Specific emphasis on the last one especially. People get kinda laser-focused on the boyfriend part, but Yuri was rejecting ALL of those relationship labels. That’s what he meant by wanting Viktor to just ‘be himself’. He didn’t want Viktor to just be one specific thing in relation to Yuri. He wanted to connect with Viktor as the entire, multi-faceted human being. But at the same time, just because he rejected all of those things, it doesn’t mean that he didn’t want to be friends or lovers or whatever with Viktor. The main thing is that he didn’t want Viktor to JUST be one thing or another. It’s kinda hard to explain, but it feels like an intuitive enough concept to me, and I think most people get what I mean. If Yuri had accepted Viktor’s offer in this scene to be his boyfriend, then their relationship probably would have been largely restricted to just that aspect. Viktor would have tried to be ‘Yuri’s boyfriend’ at the expense of much else. There’s a very big difference between that sort of thing, and the way that their relationship developed in practice, into something that equally encompasses numerous different aspects, including [but not limited to] romantic/sexual love.
Also to be honest I’ve never quite gotten why some people seem so surprised that Yuri’s first response to hearing his childhood idol who he reveres as a perfect god say ‘do you want me to be your boyfriend?’ was to freak out and get flustered and try and deny it in order to change the topic. Like, how would YOU act if you were in his situation? It’s only natural, especially for someone with Yuri’s intimacy hang-ups, to not immediately accept that sort of request. The entire context of it being about Viktor springing that sort of question out of the blue while they’re still so distant from each other and barely know each other as equals kinda spells out what I’m trying to say about how the sort of relationship they would have entered, had Yuri hypothetically accepted, would be more restricted than the one they have by the end of the show. And yeah it’s very important for me to stress that I’m talking about *the specific relationship dynamic they had by this exact point in the show*. I’m not trying to act like romantic/sexual relationships in general are somehow inherently restrictive or shallow, just that *in this specific context* they needed to take more time before getting to that sort of point. It’s also, of course, worth mentioning that Viktor has his own issues with putting up specific masks and personas around people to make them happy, while ignoring his own emotional needs and loneliness. I think that, if Yuri had have accepted the offer, Viktor would have put all of his energy into being ‘Yuri’s boyfriend’, and it would have become another mask hovering between them, preventing them from truly opening up to each other, as Viktor tries to maintain that sort of perfect image of being a boyfriend.
Anyway, moving on from that specific conversation, I also really adore how the scene ends, with them shaking hands as the clouds part and the sun shines down and we get Yuri’s internal monologue of ‘When I open up, he meets me where I am’. It’s a lovely little scene that really hammers in how this entire sequence is the beginning of them opening up to each other and becoming equals. In a lot of ways it really highlights a lot of what I love about their entire relationship. They both try so hard to overcome their personal obstacles in order to meet each other in the middle. A lot of their relationship development is about them trying to find that sweet spot between being too pushy and being too distant. I just love how healthy and realistic it is, especially in terms of how even at this point in the show they’re basically just STARTING to cross the gap between them.
I have a lot of things to say about this scene, lol. It’s probably not very coherent.
I also can’t help but laugh a little at the discussion of seagulls and their cries in this scene. I just can’t help but be reminded of Umineko. I don’t know why it amuses me, but it kinda does. I guess it’s still just funny to me that there’s even one scene in this kind of show that always makes me think of Umineko.
Although, even though my whole point here is that they’re radically different stories, I’ve had an analysis/meta post stirring in my head for months now based around examining how a lot of the themes of Umineko resonate with my experience with Yuri on Ice. Like, I feel like you could basically sum up all of my incredibly complicated feelings about the nature of audience interpretation regarding Yuri and Viktor’s relationship with the line of ‘without love, the truth cannot be seen’. They also happen to basically at the moment be my two favourite pieces of media, and for very personal reasons I kinda view them as two sides of the same coin in terms of my emotional connection to them. But that’s, again, more about my personal feelings toward both of them as stories, so I don’t know if it’d be worth talking about even in it’s own post, or if it’d even make any sense to anyone else. It’s at least off-topic for this rewatch series specifically, so I’ll stop now.
In terms of the whole theme of them slowly but surely breaking down their barriers, I’ve always loved the little hair-poking scene. It’s almost hilarious to watch in hindsight because I could never image Yuri, by the end of the show, being that incredibly flustered and awkward and hesitant about the idea of just touching Viktor’s hair. It’s one of those moments that really illustrates how much they progress over the course of the show. Especially since it’s another moment that comes up again later in the show, this time during episode seven. In general there’s a good amount of little moments in these first episodes that get reflected in later episodes as a way to show how much closer they are by the end of the show. Considering how relatively little time the show has in it’s second half to spend on non-skating stuff, those sorts of moments are a nice way of illustrating character development via small scenes.
I also love the whole topic of the ‘Yuri on Ice’ track in this episode, and all the scenes related to it. There’s a lot to it, so I probably won’t go over it all, but I just really like it. It was always really nice seeing Yuri work on getting his own original music track to use as part of a program [even if he got someone else to compose it]. There’s even a cut of him writing down a list of notes about different types of songs he could work with. Sadly it’s not translated as part of the subs, but I remember finding a tumblr post ages ago where someone translated the whole list. He really put a lot of thought into it, and was considering a whole bunch of different ideas and themes, before landing on the theme of ‘on my love’. Which also reminds me that the beta name for ‘Yuri on Ice’ [the song, not the anime’s name] was ‘Yuri’s Love’. You even get a little reference to that, with how when Yuri is listening to the old version of the song he got composed by the girl from the conservatory, you can see that name on his phone as it’s playing. I think the song playing in the background of that scene is even a beta version of the final Yuri on Ice track, which I think we didn’t get the full version of until the BGM soundtrack came out a few months ago. I sometimes wish they could have just stuck to calling it ‘Yuri’s Love’ so that it at least wouldn’t be so inconvenient to talk about it since it’s literally also the name of the show, but at the same time I love ‘Yuri on Ice’ as a name for the song itself, on a thematic level. It fits really well with ‘On Love: Eros’, and it really helps set up the whole theme of how much Yuri loves figure skating in and of itself, and how figure skating is a sort of vehicle for love, for both himself and everyone else in the cast. Which obviously ties into the final line of the entire show. So it’s a good name. It’s just always a bit of a pain when an important piece of a story’s soundtrack is literally just called the same thing as the overall story.
And obviously I just adore the song itself. It’s so pretty. I won’t deny that a week or two after the show ended I listened to it and cried for like three minutes. And then a little after that I wound up listening to the duet version of Stammi Vicino and cried for even longer. Let’s just say that that was the start of me deciding to just stop listening to the show’s soundtrack because it was too emotional for me, lol. So I’m dead serious when I say that I adore this song. It still really gets to me whenever I listen to it.
I also quite like the whole scene of Yuri talking about how he thinks he doesn’t have much time left as a competitive skater, and that he wants to have Viktor’s time, at least for now. It’s a really emotional scene, especially with the accompanying shots of stuff like Yuri’s bruised feet. It really drives in the fact that Yuri fears that his connection to Viktor is purely temporary, and is contingent on his career, which he also thinks is about to end. The fact that he sees their relationship this way is a really, really important topic that plays a big part in how things develop, and it’s yet another reason why I think his response to the boyfriend proposal was so understandable. Yuri went into this whole situation expecting that Viktor would only be with him for a year at most, and could leave at any moment, especially after how the whole Onsen on Ice drama had just occurred in the previous episode. Then, of course, there’s the additional angle of Yuri’s guilt about ‘stealing Viktor from the world’, which got referenced again in this episode, and is going to become very important very soon in the story. Again, it’s another reason why Yuri is so distant with Viktor early on, and why he rejects a deeper connection. He doesn’t want to keep Viktor for himself. At least not by this point in the story. There’s a whole world of people out there who are impatiently waiting for Viktor to return to Russia.
Even though I still don’t have much to say about Yurio in general, I do like his parts in this episode. I like the whole theme of him having to start from square one and reinvent himself as a prima ballerina after having been defeated. And of course I really like Lilia in general. She’s great. Though as a bit of a random note, I also really love Mila and wish she could have gotten more screen-time, but I think I completely forgot what her voice sounded like because it really threw me off. I just completely forgot that it was so . . . . high-pitched, I guess. I’m not sure how to word it. It’s not a bad voice or anything. I just feel like my mental image of her voice kinda shifted subconsciously, so it was a bit jarring to hear it again properly. It’s not a big deal or anything, though.
Anyway, I really like Lilia’s line about strong people being those who can be reborn again and again. It fits the entire show pretty well.
I feel like I’m running out of things to talk about with this episode, so before I end this I should also mention that the scene in the hot springs was really amazing. I still love the part where Viktor talks about how it feels to him like Yuri’s body makes music when he skates. Which probably relates a whole lot to the topic of how Viktor watched that viral video of Yuri. It’s easy to not pick up on, but when Yuri skated that choreography in episode one, I don’t think there was meant to be any music playing. The music we heard as the audience came specifically from Viktor’s side of the sequence, and it just carried over into Yuri’s side as well for narrative consistency. But the point is that when Viktor watched the video, it probably didn’t have any actual music playing, but he could still presumably hear the music in his head as he watched Yuri skate. It’s a minor detail, but it’s a neat one. Especially when you come to understand exactly what Stammi Vicino means to Viktor, as a song.
Anyway, back on the note of the hot springs scene, I also of course love the part where Viktor intimately poses Yuri’s naked body as a stretching exercise of sorts. And I’ve always loved how the crowd of onlookers included an old man who was literally thanking god for what he was seeing. Obviously on a base level it’s cute and funny, but on a more serious level, I really do appreciate that in a scene involving a group of middle-aged and elderly men witnessing a display of sexually-charged physical intimacy between two men, the only vocal reaction we saw from them was a positive, thankful one. It’s a relatively small detail, but this sort of thing means a lot to me. That this sort of a scene can be framed in a light-hearted and comedic way that praises and admires the characters involved, rather than insulting them.
But anyway yeah this was a really great episode. I still need to get properly back on schedule with these posts, but I’m not too behind now, so that’s good.
Next time we’ll be transitioning into the competition-focused side of the series, so that’ll be an interesting shift to go through again. Episode five is one of the episodes that people don’t really remember or talk about much, but I remember liking it a lot.
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alessariel · 7 years
Please don't reblog. Replies welcome! A couple of people expressed interest in a state of the me, so here's a bit of a run-down as to what's been going on in my life lately: I've been sick for the last two weeks with a fairly annoying sinusitis. I don't suffer from this often and the symptoms were a little weird so I went and got tested for lyme's disease just in case - had a couple of close encounters with tics after the larp in july and since I've had it before I'm somewhat weary. Looks like it's not that though - its a bit hard to tell because the infection from long ago still skews the markers. Weight-wise, I just had my one-and-a-half-year post surgery check-up. Mostly, everything looks good. I've hit my target weight, but I could stand to loose another ten to twenty pounds. Mostly I'm annoyed because my weight fluctuates wildly every month - around ten pounds in extreme cases, sometimes within one week. Not sure what's up with that. Due to weather and health circumstances I haven't been keeping up as diligently with sport as I should. Stopped doing the sword fighting for reasons - some of the people there were weird and made me very uncomfortable. I miss running - the weather so far this summer has been very miserable. I should really make an effort to run more often nevertheless. I still do pilates once or twice a week and ride the bicycle a lot though. Some of you may remember me posting a bit about my dad and his heart problems last year. Then, after all of the scare he gave us, his docs decided he didn't have to had surgery. Now, a year later, they decide that he suddenly has to have it, because things have gotten way worse. Not sure wether to be angry or relieved. I just hope it goes well. He'll get a bypass and a new cardiac valve, hopefully next month. I really hope that with that his mental state will improve as well - we've been very concerned with what looks like an early onset of dementia or alzheimers lately. On the up side, my relationship with him has notably improved somewhat during the last year. I'm in the process of applying for a program that might help me get back into a job. It's a long and ardous process and the success rates arent thrilling - as someone suffering from longterm disability because of mental problems, it's pretty hard to get back into a real job. it's been years since I've been full-time employed. The whole thing is scary, but if I don't try now I may never manage to get back into it and I'm not done trying to fix my life yet. I've been catless for half a year now. Since Kea died and Teddy left its taken a while to get used to it, but I'm managing. I'm getting to the state where it's hard to remember why keeping Teddy would have been a bad idea (mainly, he needed more activity than my small flat could afford him plus deargod all that fur) but I start to really miss having a floofball around. I firmly believe that the cat finds the human though. Maybe one day one will find me again. I've been pretty productive lately. Finished some crafts and larp projects, worked on the flat a lot too. Did some digital work and am really thinking about getting affinity photo once it comes out for Windows, because my old copy of photoshop is really extremely outdated. I forgot how much I enjoy doing this stuff. Gishwhes sort of reminded me how much fun photoshopping can be. I also had way too much fun doing those little illustrations for @phoenike and her great mass effect andromeda mreyder fic "Unresolved". I enjoy betaing that one so so much too. After the disaster with the Drachenfest where I had to give up and go home because the weather was so bad and there just was too much mud the next larp I'm going to will be at the end of september and it will hopefully see my new charater's debut. I'm really looking forward to it. The antidepressant I've been on for the last three years was just unexpectedly cancelled by the only producer so I was forced to switch meds. That led to a bit of a stint with mania last week. Very productive, but also very exhausting and a little scary because it's not something I experience a lot. I hope it'll even out now. Hm, I feel like this all sounds pretty negative when really, a lot of things have been going pretty ok, too. I'm productive, things are going forward, I'm seeing a lot of social interaction and I'm getting stuff done. There's the occasional setback but overall I feel like I'm dealing fairly well with everything. I've been a little inactive here lately and I kind of want to remedy that and be more present again. I'd like to talk more with people too, so if you feel like it just chat with me. Fandomwise I'm in a bit of a lull since I'm feeling a little less enthusiastic about Supernatural lately. I'm still following along for now and I'll guess I'll see what the next season brings but I'm not very hopeful for it drawing me back in. Yuri on Ice still keeps bringing me joy but there's no new content and I just really finally want to own it on DVD so I can rewatch it whenever I want to. Other than that I really enjoyed watching Supergirl, Voltron, Designated Suvivor and iZombie lately, but none of these shows really draw me in shippingwise. But I have had nascent merthur otp feelings lately, I even thought of a plot and sort of started writing it in my head. Not sure it'll ever progress to the page though. So, uh, that's a lot of rambling, sorry. If you've actually progressed this far, wow. This is where I'm at, this is the state of the me. Would love to hear some feedback, but please no reblogs. Thanks!
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cupkayke · 7 years
Cupkayke Rewatches/Liveblogs Boueibu!
Season 1, Episode 3
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So I dropped off the face of Tumblr for awhile, sorry guys! I also rewatched the entirety of Yuri on Ice with my boyfriend and he now likes ice skating anime so that took some time lol But I am back JUST IN TIME FOR YUMOTO’S BIRTHDAY OMG HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRECIOUS CHILD. So, have a liveblog/collection of my stupid thoughts about one of the more ridiculous episodes! Yay! 
Also, I apologize in advance- some of this episode’s subtext led to an impromptu dissection of the boys’ sexualities/orientations and there are some brief mentions of unsavory teachers (because what kind of teacher holds a pretty boy contest???) so if any of my terminology/speculation is incorrect or you find any of my discussions potentially triggering or in need of tags PLEASE inbox me and I will tag the post as such/correct any misinformation! I am a literature student- I like to analyze things. Sometimes I get carried away~
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Okay- I always wondered about the pretty boy contest… like why? What purpose does it serve? Why are there posters put up in a fucking BATHHOUSE advertising the local boys’ high school’s PRETTY BOY CONTEST. .3 seconds into the episode and it’s ridiculous. 
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What do you mean ‘weight with the ladies’ c’mon man I have a hard time believing you care ANYTHING about ‘the ladies’ -eyebrow waggle-
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He’s doing pirouettes in a towel… okay seriously bro I danced ballet for like 10 years and I never pirouetted in a towel OKAY THAT’S PROBABLY A LIE BUT YOU CAN’T PROVE IT OTHERWISE
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Aww Yumoto. So innocent. So naive. So willing to point out he just saw his teacher’s penis-
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...well that’s an odd question. Yumoto why would you ask-
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Oh, shew, it’s because you’re not ashamed of bodies! How sweet and innocent and refreshi-
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Those are the faces of some senpais that just came to the realization that their kouhai has probably been checking them out.
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Well he got dressed fast.
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How do you hire someone by accident?
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Took the words right out of my mouth, Atsushi.
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This is disturbing on several levels. Pedo Principal? -shudders-
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Arima speaks truth
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Io why do you have an exact copy of the calculator I use at work that’s terrifying.
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Io looks so disappointed he can’t talk numbers with Ryuu
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Side note I feel like the quirkiness of the school got toned down in later eps but perhaps that’s my faulty memory. Which is why I’m rewatching it lol.
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Pretty and savage AF
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PINK RIVALRY! I mean seriously, “you can’t seem to take your eyes off of me?” Maybe not even a rivalry but something else ohohohohohoh I’m alone on this ship
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Okay this creepy teacher apparently calls all the boys ‘sweet honey’ which is disturbing on its own level but that got cranked up to 11 on the creep scale when he referred to YUMOTO as sweet honey. 
Yumoto is a precious cinnamon roll you freak
Paper airplane contest lololol why do I feel like this happened at my school back in the day?
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Wombat sounds like a jealous lover lolol
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This school must have a thing for ice princes I s2g
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En's boredom is dangerous. I mean... the face says it all.
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Ryuu is all “this is NOT up my alley”
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A bit slow on the uptake, Yumoto.
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Io that’s so sweet... I guess? Well Ryuu seems to think it is- look at his face!
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...nevermind. His expression is all “Thanks... I guess...”
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Either Yumoto was hoping his senpais would teach him how to be popular with the ladies, or he’s just confused as to what in the hell it is that older boys want. This entire scene is just a clusterfuck of innuendo BUT I’M GONNA OVER ANALYZE IT ANYWAY.
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The surface meaning of En and Atsushi’s statements here- or what the audience is supposed to get- is that being popular with girls will only get you so far. It may get you ‘love’ but having a girlfriend means jack squat if you don’t have guy friends (most likely to brag to). 
It also could be taken that En at least would rather appreciate women than exert his energy into making them lust after him, which is rather sweet if you think about it.
Atsushi’s point also draws attention to the fact that stereotypical displays of machismo are much more well-received by other men than women- ie outward displays of strength, aggression, bragging about sexual encounters... er- yeah. No need to go on, there.
So. In order to be a well-rounded man, a man needs to be popular/be admired by other men! So you aren’t a lonely loser the rest of your days.
En basically says straight up it’s more beneficial to be admired by men. Putting aside the above statements about admiring women... En’s likely gay. Fosho.
And the top screencap of Yumoto, instead of just clarifying his senpai’s intentions, that could mean that he’s more interested in girls. HOWEVER-
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With a c: face, Yumoto admits his heart flutters watching rugged young men!
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Bi Yumoto anyone? (He also unironically uses the word ‘flicks’ but that’s either a translator thing or another example of a mysterious dialect but ON TOPIC-)
At least within the context of this scene, Yumoto implies he’d be interested in being popular with girls and he is attracted to at very least a certain type of man. Buuut the rest of this episode (which I will get to later) potentially directly contradicts this implication as to Yumoto’s romantic and/or otherwise attraction.
It’s too bad that we don’t get Ryuu or Atsushi’s opinions on the matter- although Ryuu makes his attractions pretty clear just from his character (and then the subtext with Io). Atsushi is a bit of a mystery, for now. 
As for Io, we get this  exchange-
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Le sigh. Io is moneysexual. Anyway...
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Wombat so salty- I guess helping Ryuu win a contest is more entertaining than being superheroes.
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Me about halfway through this post
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En's expressions in this scene are great.
Tho does anyone else now headcanon En as really into athletics when he isn’t being lazy?
Like him really liking competition just fits so well but without a goal he’s just like ‘why bother’
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Atsushi sounds so awkward calling him Yufuin
“I can’t just announce him as Enchan that’s weird but I don’t think I’ve ever said his last name ughhhhhhhhh”
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Io is NOT playing by the unspoken one urinal in between rule
Water go swoosh swoosh
Also their bathrooms are fancy AF
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GDI why does Io make the best seduction face
Even tho it’s more predatory here still...
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Ryuu so destructive lol
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Ibushi is still savage AF
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I had to giggle and cap his character card because the image of Atsushi doing gigantic jigsaw puzzles was adorable
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Did he get scorned and that’s why his self esteem is in the toilet???
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1579th pretty boy contest??? Damn Pedo Principal is thirsty AF I am still shuddering at the implications
And that isn’t taking into account there would probably be a month or two where school isn’t in session on the 27th to have the pretty boy contest. Like December wouldn’t they be on break? And don’t they have a summer holiday at some point?
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Yumoto knows he’s a lil shit
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What the fuck kind of sound effect is swan swan???
I’m suddenly reminded of Kronk doing his own theme music-
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Ryuu so salty he wanted to know the winner
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Yumoto that writhing mob of students is pretty gross I agree
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With that shot angle I was just waiting for him to lay a fucking egg but thankfully that didn’t happen
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The subtitle is inaccurate- he actually said ‘GIMME HUG’ which is slightly more unsettling.
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Yumoto still just like c: “I have no idea what’s going on”
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Speaks for itself
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And here is where Yumoto contradicts his earlier implications. Okay. 1) Writers make up your minds, although 2) ...shades of gray here.
Perhaps Kurotori’s feather spell represents sexual love (Eros for all you YOI fans~) and Yumoto is either a) too young/innocent to understand or b) somewhere on the ace spectrum. The others were affected because they are either simply older than Yumoto/past puberty or allosexual to the point where the spell could manipulate their feelings despite their existing attractions whatever those may be.
Yumoto’s earlier comments, then, could be taken to mean simply romantic attraction, even though his wording of his “heart fluttering” thanks to Yakuza men is a bit misleading in that respect. (Disclaimer: I am not on the ace spectrum so perhaps I am misrepresenting/misinterpreting here- please correct me if I have made a mistake in my understanding of asexuality- I definitely do not want to offend anyone! Just analyzing~) 
Though to play the other side, En’s comment about marriage, even though he’s under the influence of a spell, also indicates that the spell has romantic components as well as potentially sexual ones. If the spell plays to BOTH- wouldn’t Yumoto be affected as well, based on his earlier assertions?
OR PERHAPS- if it is both, Yumoto is ALSO potentially aromantic and his comments were purely of an aesthetic nature or self projection (that is, he wants to be a dashing Yakuza heartthrob, not necessarily date one). Or he was simply trying to relate to his senpais and was bluffing the entire time.
Damn, this episode can seem REALLY deep if you squint hard enough. Headcanons, abound!
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Now I’m starting to see some cleverness on the part of the writers- hear me out below- but first- MORE CUDDLES
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With this, Yumoto can be read several different ways. 
On the surface and probably most importantly, regardless of what Yumoto’s personal attraction/orientation is (if he’s even figured it out at this point), he knows love at its purest form. He loves his brother. He loves his senpais (even though at this point they barely know each other- Yumoto probably latches on quickly). But more importantly, he is so in tune with his own feelings he realizes that self love is at the core of any type of love. That if you aren’t secure in yourself, if you don’t care about yourself on some level, how can anyone else care about you either?
This is another reason why I love Yumoto even though he can get a bit heavy-handed at times and seem like a one-note character; HE ISN’T.
Yumoto is incredibly introspective and even though his senapis make comments about how he just kind of shoves everything together to fit the situation he really does understand the monster-ified characters’ insecurities.
(Which can lead to some sad headcanons about how Yumoto has probably felt all of these things at one point or another... oh no...)
But back to my over-analysis of Yumoto’s orientation- with this... it’s really up to interpretation.
He can be read as a young character who hasn’t figured things out yet, he can be read as interested in romantic relationships of any variety but not necessarily anything else, he can be read as only interested in platonic relationships- anything. And while the inconsistency in his portrayal can be a bit maddening- it’s GREAT headcanon opportunity.
Thus, unless s3 gives Yumoto a canon interest- he’s whatever you think he is. Which is AWESOME! DO YOU SEE WHY I LOVE THIS SMOL CINNAMON ROLL?
Aaaand some closing, not very deep thoughts to wrap up-
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En you’re always tired
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Kinchan... why do you want people to grovel at your feet...?
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That’s certainly a random question, En- but for shits and giggles; these are their responses if I’m hearing their voices right:
Atsushi - My neck, I guess?
Yumoto - My arms
Ryuu - Armpits
Io - The nape of the neck.
My brain hurts so I have NO idea what these could mean but I highly doubt they’re throwaway lines- SO YOU GUYS TELL ME. Over-analyze what parts they wash first LOL
OKAY WOW THAT WAS LONG AS FUCK AND I GOT TOO DEEP. Again, let me know if I fucked anything up or need to add tags~ And let me know what you think/what your headcanons are/if there’s something from another canon source that could add to this!
I’ll try to get ep 4 up today as well since it took me forever to get back to this but this shit takes longer than I thought. I watch the ep first and take notes, then go back and re-watch and screencap and take more notes, then copy/pasta everything into tumblr and add more thoughts and make it readable. Shew.
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razberryyum · 7 years
I’m going through YOI withdrawal, and since I didn’t do this for eps 1 - 9, I figured I might as well fill my empty Wednesdays from now on doing this until I reach ep 9…so, without further ado:
Scenes I loved in episode 4 of Yuri on Ice…(aka the episode where finally, FINALLY, Victuuri became my OTP forever and ever)
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Yeah, like I was ever going to NOT include this scene. At this point, I was starting to not really care if it was all just queerbaiting in the end because these moments were just too crazy sexy HOT. 
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I just love how awkward and funny and again, crazy sexy HOT this is.
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Their reactions never fail to make me laugh. Especially the old man. Why is he praying to them? Wait, now that I really think about, I guess he was right. Hell yeah, old man, you go and worship the sexiness of Victuuri!  
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Loved the whole rejection sequence but this was especially sad cute.
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You know, I initially misinterpreted this scene as Kubo-sensei’s way of letting us know nothing will become of this ship, that all that came before was indeed just fruitless fanservice, especially with the way that Yuuri so vehemently rejected the notion of Victor being his lover. HOWEVER, after going with them on their journey to the end and then coming back to revisit this scene with new eyes, I realized I had completely misunderstood Yuuri’s reaction the first time I watched it. It wasn’t so much that he didn’t WANT or DESIRE Victor that way, but more that he didn’t even DARE to imagine Victor in that manner because he was still trying to see Victor as something less than an idol, a god. But this moment was in a way the turning point for that, and I love this scene so much now as a result of it. 
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And this is the moment I decided, I don’t even give two Fucks if all this is just queerbaiting: I love these two completely. Victuuri became my OTP right then and there. There is just something so sweet and endearing and REAL about Yuuri’s gesture. I just fell in love. Looking back now and in consideration of the beach scene above, I think this is also the moment Victor finally became all too human to Yuuri. The rift between the mere human and the god was sealed. 
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I just love this moment. I’m not even sure why. 
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I fell in love with the Yuri on Ice piece the first time I heard it. I am not even kidding when I say I feel like crying each time I listen to his theme because it is just so beautiful. In addition, every time I rewatch these sequence of scenes that the theme is playing over, which intercuts between the two Yuris practicing their programs while also exposing the worries and doubts that haunt them as athletes, my heart just clenches up with heavy emotion. It just slays me.
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Beautiful ballerina Yurio slays me too. 
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This moment broke my heart a little. 
Note: Strangely enough, after this episode, I actually took a break from watching YOI because I remembered thinking something along the lines of: “ok, I love them now. Thoroughly love them to bits and pieces. So in order to prepare myself from being heartbreakingly disappointed because I am 100% SURE Victuuri would never be canon, I’ll just wait until the show ends, find out just HOW big of a disappointment I am going to have to deal with–by, I don’t know, reading spoilers of the ending, I guess–and THEN I’ll come back and continue where I left off.” Look I’m not saying any of this makes any sense or SHOULD make any sense, but that’s the insanity I was functioning under.   So yeah, I stopped watching for like two weeks, and then when the day of episode 7 rolled around, I woke up that morning and decided on a whim to look up the YOI tag on Tumblr, and I think the first three posts I saw were just the words “VICTUURI IS CANON”, in large, bold print, and that was all it took. I realized it was time to catch the freak up. Thank God, I only saw the text and not the actual screenshot of what happened so I was able to enjoy everything with relatively unspoiled eyes. So basically, episodes 5 - 7, I actually watched them for the first time in one sitting. But to give them the proper respect that they deserve and for the sake of this trip down memory lane, I will still give them each their own week for the next 3 weeks. 
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