#I greatly sympathize anon. This sort of convoluted fan community structure would easily alienate anyone.
hatconfessionbooth · 10 months
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Confession 4... this isnt about the game, moreso the community, but. there was nothing exactly wrong with the 'fandom' (i hate using that word so much but its whatever) around 2018-2919 but the way people were put up on pedestals and just. idk. everything about it made you want to leave. multiple of my mutuals ive lost contact with cause they said they didnt want to stay in the fandom anymore, so they either left to another website or just.. disappeared. entirely. no trace left behind. and after i while i 'left' too, just by stopping my posting about the game and not lookign at fanart anymore cause.. idk man it was weird. the thing that sucks though is that i LOVE this game but im afraid to go back into the fandom even though its been so long. i just wanna share thoughts about the little alien kids..
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