#I feel like one of those crappy college proffesors x'd
yanmaresu · 2 years
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Hi~ ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ Thank you anon. Of course! I can always share some tips, but please keep in mind I'm no expert, and that the most constant tip I'll be giving is to study and use references; It's the best one I can give without knowing your skill level. Some info will be very basic or obvious, or could be very complex, but all of it helped me a lot to develop skill. I hope this helps you too. I'll also add some reference or practice material.
My tips for drawing bodies and poses go hand in hand.
Learn to use curves! Every action we make consists of curves. Curves are organic, everything in nature has them, they give dynamism to otherwise bland poses; Learning to draw and apply them, will also help you to draw muscles, wich you have to learn if you want to draw more natural looking bodies. (Also how fat hangs off the body, and where) Learning one, will support learning the other. It sounds boring, and it is. It's tempting to just try and reference some anime scene with already simplified shapes, but learning anatomy and studying where and how muscles contract and stretch is going to sky rocket your learning curve. Besides, anatomically accurate bodies are like, the hottest thing ever.
My favorite reference material is the book "anatomy for sculptors" and my favorite site to practice is "line of action", favorite artist to study is Toduring.
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About clothes...Idk a single thing, sorry (╥﹏╥) I reference a lot for the crinkles. But I like to study Alfons Mucha Artworks, just because the fabric goes wooosh and looks soft
Now, onto more complex stuff (メ﹏メ) This one will be long, sorry for that.
I love shading/rendering, I have so much to say here even though I barely do it lol
Study how light and dark interacts with every material. Shading is not the same in leather than metal, light and color will be reflected differently,.
Paint your background first and your character later. It's easier to adapt your character's shading to an enviroment than viceversa.
Shadows are very sharp or very difuminated depending of the different factors:1. how close is the object projecting the shadow to the surface 2. How strong is the light source, and 3. how far is the light source.
Light reflects and bounces in many surfaces and will "taint" what other objects surround the reflection.
You know that one tip around the internet about using your color wheel to have more pretty/dynamic color schemes? It's good, really good. But you have to be careful when you use it, because it works very well with certain light sources, but not so much with others. It depends a lot of time of the vibe you want to give your drawing.
Don't use pure white or black while shading, unless your artstyle requires it. Those are your asolute limits while playing with light, use it wisely. Anime artists often use the pure whites in eye/hair sparkles, or pure black for the eyelashes.
Also Sub Surface Scarttering (SSS) is a term used often when talking about 3d animation, but is a neat concept to have while painting. It basically means how light will go through certain objects that are semi translucent but thick enough to look opaque. This light is often painted with a oversaturated color version of the material in wich the light passes through.
This one I don't really have a reference material :( I just look online whatever material I want and try to replicate, however, my favorite artists to study their shading are RJ Palmer and Airi (Pls check out Airi's artwork, _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):_ they are a god sent)
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Now a little extra tip about composition, that no one asked for and I literally learned yesterday but want to share with you.
Give your character space to breath in your canvas, don't cluster things for the sake of occupying more space. Having your drawing scratching the margins is uncomfortable to see.
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aahhhhh this one was very long, sorry for that. (>﹏<) I don't even know if it was understandable or useful, but still!!! I hope it helps you Anon. Have a nice day╰(*´︶`*)╯♡ and I wish you the best of luck.
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