#I ended up going on a long tangent about crossovers sorry lol
otaku553 · 2 years
Hello there!! Regarding the last ask about your Kirby in KNY and MHA (I'm not the same person btw), I remembered your Au where Kirby was in the Harry Potter universe, and I find myself asking you how you came with the idea, and if you will bring it back in the future!
Also, still regarding with the Au, what is Kirby's relationship with the other characters in the HP universe?
Asdsjdjsfj that was a while ago, I’m impressed anyone still knows about it,,,,,,
My thoughts are a bit long so if you want to read them you can click into the read more!
So I came up with the idea at the time because I was and still am really into crossovers! You often find that there are fandoms that are good worlds for crossover fodder, such as Harry Potter or Hero Aca! It’s not just that the fandoms are large, but also the fact that their worldbuilding is robust enough that adding a character allows them to mesh with the world seamlessly, while being loose enough that you can play with concepts that aren’t explored in canon. Crossovers are a fascinating character study of how a character can still remain a character removed from their setting, their comfort zone, and sometimes removed from their key experiences and memories.
One of the really popular crossover niches for example is FMA x Harry Potter, with Edward specifically acting as an alchemy professor. It’s unique within the setting he’s placed in— Ed is a strong-headed character who does not have the disposition of a mentor figure, but has the expertise and ability to teach. Meanwhile, Ed himself is placed in a situation he has never found himself in, where the intellectual progress of dozens of people possibly his age, older or younger, is now his responsibility. It’s a seamless combination also, since Alchemy is a canonically existing field in Harry Potter. It has all the elements of a well set-up crossover! I’ve seen it executed to varying degrees of success :)
Harry Potter is easy crossover fodder because the world is naturally designed to test people and reveal their secrets. Look no further than the boggart, which takes the form of one’s deepest fear, or legilimency, where you can read into someone’s thoughts, or the pensieve, where you can literally experience someone else’s memories. It could be called poor writing to have so many forced methods to invade someone’s privacy, but the fact that they exist means they can regardless be taken advantage of when writing crossovers.
The standard crossover structure very often keeps the origins of a transmigrated character a secret, and when a character has no connections to the world around them, people get to know that person from the ground up, from the persona they portray to their history and deepest parts of their personality. It’s what makes crossover interactions interesting beyond the shock value; we essentially get to relearn a character from the eyes of a world and characters that have never met the character before.
I don’t know if I’ll ever write anymore Kirby crossovers, to be honest, so I might not bring back the Kirby HP crossover, unfortunately. Kirby is difficult to crossover with other fandoms because their sheer strength makes many problems in other worlds irrelevant. Back when I was writing these, Kirby’s strength was what appealed to me, since having a character who is unshakably happy and powerful is a breath of fresh air after protagonists that go through an existential crisis or two in their journey. Contrary to the popular hero’s journey for most protagonists, Kirby is just very simply Kirby, and continues to remain Kirby through everything :)
Regarding the AU, in this crossover Kirby would at first treat Hogwarts as a safe haven away from the battles against gods that they often have to fight. Maybe they stumble across the world while exploring and happen to land close to Hogwarts, or maybe they accidentally crash land and are stuck there until they can fix their ship or until someone comes to pick them up. In any case, Kirby breaks all rules of logic that people have. They’re too young to attend classes or pass as a student so they wander the halls, with most students theorizing that they’re the child of one the professors. Only their eyes, which sparkle with the light of galaxies behind them, give any clue that they aren’t quite as human as they seem.
Kirby doesn’t see a point in hiding anything about themself because they’ve never had to on any planet they’ve gone to. If people don’t know that Kirby is an alien to this world, then it’s just because they haven’t asked.
I tend to write the golden trio in HP as nosy children who want to solve every mystery, including whatever is going on with Kirby, so I think they’d go through roundabout methods to follow Kirby when they really could have just asked. Otherwise, Kirby is friends with about everyone, though more often than not they’ll disappear off planet for their own responsibilities.
I was playing around with the idea of Kirby acting as a representative for the GSA and being a diplomat accompanied by Meta Knight in later years, so Kirby’s resting place away from battle becomes tainted with the responsibility of being a Knight, but I never got that far :p
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shoheiakagi · 2 months
Okay, second question for the Band AU! I don't know if idols work the same way as mainstream music, where there's a lot of crossover between singers and television/movies, but how would the guys and your lovely girls deal with being scouted for the big screen? Who would want to give acting a try, who wouldn't? And what would the couples do if they found themselves cast as each other's onscreen lover (Because ofc that adds fuel to the fire for gossip).
I know that there’s a lot of kpop idols who go into acting, but not too sure about jpop idols. And im not 100% sure about this, but I remember reading that theres this stigma amongst actors about idols going into acting; that they hate when idols pursue acting cause the idols booked the role due to their popularity and not cause of any acting talent lol
i’m so sorry cause i ended up going on a different tangent with this ask and focus on dewa/miyako, so i hope you don’t mind!
Out of the girls, Miyako is the only one to pursue acting. Despite not being the most popular member, she is still well known for her beauty, which fits the quintessential Japanese beauty standards: petite frame, pale skin, long dark hair, long eyelashes, and high-bridged nose. It wasn’t that hard for her to land the lead role in a romcom, starring against a male pop idol who also recently joined the acting scene (okay idk why but akiyama came straight to my mind lol). The casting alone for this movie makes a lot of noise, as the main leads look extremely elegant and gives off major royalty vibes, which gains the attention of the general public. A lot of interviews and press tours get more people to fall in love with the chemistry between miyako and akiyama (which takes more effort from miyako’s end since akiyama can be pretty stiff). But unlike her idol career, she has more difficulty fitting in at first due to the stigma some of her costars have against her for being an idol.
Idk why, but i don’t really see any of the guys pursuing acting tbh. At most, i can see chitose landing some role in some adult comedy that doesn’t perform that well, which has him running back to the group and not want anything to do with acting ever again. The other guys probably got second hand embarrassment and don’t want to go through what chitose had to. When they first heard about miyako landing a role in a new movie, they couldn’t help but feel pity cause the poor girl might have to go through the same idol curse that chitose went through. but when they see the massive media coverage and support she’s getting, some of them can’t help but feel envious. here comes this girl group who’s catching up to their fame and popularity despite not being around for that long and definitely not working as hard as them, and now each members are getting their own individual gigs as solo acts?? while miyako may be the only one to pursue acting out of her group, she’s certainly not the only one who’s making a name for herself outside of the group. and the guys can’t help but feel jealous about that. as much as they love their group, at the end of the day, they’re different guys with different interests. it’d be nice to be known more outside of their fanbase, without having to be lumped in with 5 other guys. its funny how the girls, despite having a lot of restrictions put on to them by their company, still have the freedom to pursue things outside of the their group and make a name for themselves. whereas the guys have all the artistic freedom a musician can ask for, but seem to lack an identity of their own.
Dewa is annoyed. Its bad enough that he sees miyako’s face plastered all over japan with the rest of her dimwitted group. Now seeing her face being plastered all over the country with that guy with toothpick from s4? She likes that type of guy? The type with a stick up his ass? (talk about the pot calling the kettle black). But theres something off this time. With how strict her company is, he’s not used to seeing her having full blown conversations with other male celebrities, so imagine his surprise when he catches interviews where she keeps laughing at every little thing akiyama says, resting a manicured hand on his shoulder. or how she would bat her eyelashes at him while asking him a question, and how she would look intrigued as she hangs onto every word that comes out of his mouth. nothing about their interaction seems right to dewa, and in a way he’s relieved that is all an act to promote their new movie (at least thats what he tells himself and chitose when the latter tries to taunt him). But seeing miyako gain more success and fame as an actress, make more friends/connections within the industry, and create an identity for herself outside of her group is bothering dewa a lot more than it should be. in a way, it feels like she’s constantly rising and leaving him behind. and if acting doesn’t work out for her? no problem, she can always fall back onto her idol persona. and if performing is no longer fun? perfect, she can go back and take over her family’s business like she was supposed to. but what about him? if the group decides to split and go their own way, what will happen to dewa masaomi?
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ectonurites · 3 years
do you think there's enough evidence to say that dc is setting timkon up to be endgame? i saw something saying that tim is always given cheating arcs so that's what will probably happen and i don't really want that for him... i like timkon a lot but i mean... if we didn't get timkon when tim's queerness was revealed it's likely not going happen right lol? though i would like to see tim admit in another lightbulb moment that he probably had a crush on kon lol
ok im just going to . break this into pieces to answer. this got very long and definitely has some side tangents
I'd like to give a disclaimer that a decent amount of this stuff is conjecture, just my opinions based on things i've noticed, ya know? I am just a fan and don't know everything lmao
do you think there's enough evidence to say that dc is setting timkon up to be endgame?
absolutely not in any sort of sure way. i'm not saying there's no evidence that it's a thought some people at dc may have had, because i mean i know for a fact there's people who've worked at dc in positions of some power that like the pairing (i mean he's leaving DC soon but, like, Tynion, and he almost certainly isn't the only one he's just the one i can easily link to a source about it) but I think saying there's evidence to prove it's a sure thing is just... a lot of wishful thinking.
I said this a while back but honestly one reason why I thought it was crazy people getting upset about Kon not being the one to be confirmed queer right now when Jon was is the fact that... Kon is not even regularly showing up anywhere right now. He's not in an ongoing, like I wouldn't be surprised if he shows up in Suicide Squad again later on some sort of Match rescue mission, but that's not a sure or guaranteed thing. Yet despite that and how in recent years he's definitely gotten brushed under the rug a decent amount, he's not some entirely unknown character (especially because he's in Titans + the YJ cartoon, despite the differences in those versions of the character, its the name recognition) that they'd just quickly decide 'ok he can be gay now' like... as much as I do personally read him as queer I definitely think he's a harder sell to convince people of that than Tim was, at least from DC's standpoint.
We do know that like for Meghan's situation writing Tim's coming out it was a sort of thing where she was given the task of writing a Tim story and when it became about themes of identity this was just the path she thought it had to go down, but anything even remotely like that sort of opprotunity isn't happening with Conner anytime in the foreseeable future, we don't have something formatted like Urban Legends for Superfam characters. And idk I don't think they'd use Kon as just a supporting character in Tim's life/stories, like, I think the primary most likely way I would see something genuinely happening with them in canon would be if they end up on a team book together again and it happened there, but like... who knows when/if that'll happen
That got a bit off topic, but tldr no I don't think there's enough evidence to support that, I think the circumstances as they currently are don't indicate things clearly enough to think of it even remotely as a 'sure thing', but I also think ya know considering we do have canon queer Tim we're in a far more likely position for it than we ever have been in the past.
i saw something saying that tim is always given cheating arcs so that's what will probably happen and i don't really want that for him...
ok well whoever said that has the reading comprehension skills of a kindergartner. sorry, that was mean. ok. but just ... 'always'???? that is just. that is not correct. Tim's relationships are full of teen drama and they get messy, but people take things so incredibly out of context. There are two short instances of cheating, but neither one would qualify as an arc, and one was during a crossover with another company.
Like, listen, I need people to understand there is a difference between a love triangle/having conflicted feelings for multiple people and like, actual cheating.
Tim met Ari and began dating her. Tim met Stephanie and worked with her in their hero identities.
Tim almost died (almost suffocated in a van buried under concrete with Steph's dad) early in his solo (Robin #5) and Steph was the person there as he was saved so he kissed her as a 'holy fuck im alive thank you' type of thing. Is that something he should have done? No, it's not good to kiss other girls when you have a girlfriend. But it's a very specific situation and he was 14 and thought he was about to die so I think the way people treat it like him purposefully trying to cheat on Ari behind her back is strange (especially when Ari during the same issue... goes on a date with another guy because Tim stood her up? [i mean not purposefully he was. fucking dying. but she didn't know that] Like I don't think we should vilify Ari here either as an alternative, but both it was a situation created to make teen drama and we need to keep that in mind). Also like i'm sorry but giving the nearest person a kiss after you almost died/something crazy happened is like, a pretty common media trope (to pull from TVTropes: its the Accidental Kiss/Smooch of Victory overlap). I'm not trying to minimize that it was something he shouldn't have done, but it's also nowhere near as deep or malicious as people act like.
After that, any other times Tim & Steph kissed while he was dating Ari, Steph was the one to kiss him and he kept pushing her away, telling her he had a girlfriend, and to stop. That is not the same as cheating.
Now, Tim was developing feelings for Stephanie during all of this, and it obviously left him conflicted. But that's a love triangle, where he's torn between staying with Ari or instead moving on to date Steph. When he realizes he does want to date Steph he decides to immediately break up with Ari and it just takes a few days because this was 1998 and teens communicating with one another worked a lot differently than it does now. (and she ends up even breaking up with him first LMAO)
Did he handle things messily? Sure. Did he kiss Steph purposefully while dating Ari once which would count as cheating? Yeah. But is this an arc about him purposefully cheating on his girlfriend until he eventually leaves her? No.
Now, if the person who said that was talking about the Jubilee thing in the Marvel crossover which happened while he'd been dating Ari... im sorry but that is a crossover with a whole other company. Trying to hold that up as if its prime characterization that holds strong bearing on regular canon is like, insane. Again, was it a good thing? No, absolutely not, but that wasn't a story focused on making the most in-character Tim in the world, it was focused on making an interesting crossover story for people who wanted to see interactions between DC and Marvel characters, and Tim & Jubilee were just selected for 'teen romance where they can't be together in the end because they're from different worlds'
And those are the only actual instances of cheating!
While he's dating Steph there are two instances she thinks he's cheating on her (with Star during the Brentwood era and with Darla just before War Games) but that wasn't what was actually happening in either situation (Star was just a friend who'd taught him how to skateboard, and Darla had kissed Tim without his permission and he pushed her away telling her he had a girlfriend, Steph just hadn't stuck around long enough to see/hear that part, Tim didn't willingly kiss Darla until after Steph & Darla had both died and Darla came back as Laura Fell/Warlock's Daughter) so considering that stuff a 'cheating arc' is nuts.
Things with Zo and Cassie between his solo and the Teen Titans book do happen in vaguely similar timeframes but those actually don't overlap as much as a lot of people think (like before I did the rereading for the stuff i'm about to talk about I also thought they overlapped more tbh!)
I was already making a Tim relationships chart before I got this ask, it's not completely done yet but I finished the section for that 2006-2008 era for this. This is by specifically what issues came out which month, to lay things out as factually as possible, the yellow column is Cassie & pink is Zo
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It's not until the Robin book suddenly starts switching writers a ton (as in, it had been Adam Beechen from #148-166, and then the annual is Keith Champagne, #167 is Brandon Thomas, #168-169 is Peter Miligan and then #170 starts Dixon's second run, so between #166-170 there are 5 different writers on one book) that things actually start to conflict between Tim being with Cassie in Teen Titans and Tim being with Zo in Robin, it's absolutely just that nobody working on Robin was communicating (with each other or the Teen Titans creative team) and that caused things to get confusing.
That's not Tim as a character cheating, that's pretty clearly just a result of Tim's solo being passed between so many people in such a short timeframe, and causing miscommunications.
When Steph then comes back he and Zo are together at the time but also already kinda tense (after Tim fell asleep on a Roller Coaster on a date LMAO), and like... he was trying to navigate an insane situation as honestly as he could, not cheat on anyone behind anyone's back. 'My girlfriend i loved that i thought was dead came back but i'm currently dating someone else now and everything is weird and tense' isn't a cheating arc, it's ridiculous comic book teen drama. He and Steph also never even officially get back together in this era, they had one kiss when she was initially revealed to be alive and that's it, otherwise he was still with Zo (until he broke up with her in Robin #183)
During Red Robin his budding relationship with Tam is incredibly casual, so I really do not think that the stuff with Lynx counts as cheating even remotely (and also, that was a situation of her making out with him. Although admittedly he's less resistant than he had been back in the old days with Steph, he wasn't formally dating Tam like he had been Ari)
So yeah, no. 'always has cheating arcs' is just incorrect, and saying 'that's what will probably happen' (them saying it, not you) actively makes me mad. The last time he actually genuinely cheated was in 1996 during the Jubilee thing, 7 years into existing as a character, and he's then existed for another 25 years after without doing so... it just really doesn't strike me as particularly likely.
i like timkon a lot but i mean... if we didn't get timkon when tim's queerness was revealed it's likely not going happen right lol? though i would like to see tim admit in another lightbulb moment that he probably had a crush on kon lol
So like, honestly, the fact that Kon wasn't his gay awakening I don't think means it's 100% never going to happen or anything like that. Like... ok this is gonna sound pessimistic but as much as I do like Tim/Bernard and think it's fun, I don't foresee Tim being in a relationship with a civilian (at least not one he hides his identity from) longterm again, mainly because since he's not in a solo book right now, we're not really going to be seeing that much of his civilian life to actually show that he's having that relationship. Unless DC decides to actually put spotlight on Tim's civilian life in some way moving forward... the solutions are either Bernard gets more involved in vigilante things (not even necessarily as a hero, but could be something like over in Jon's book how Jay is a reporter actively investigating things related to Jon's hero stuff, so he's a part of the book outside of just attempts at a civilian life) or they break up.
Now I know above I just complained about how Kon's not really showing up in many places, however Kon is still a LOT more likely to show up in stuff than Bernard is just like, in general as a character. Building a relationship between two characters active in the hero community who both appear places on their own too (and then could also appear together) rather than a hero x a civilian love interest that's only gonna appear in stuff for that hero just... seems more long-lasting to me when the hero in question isn't in a solo book to explore more aspects of their civilian life. But that doesn't really narrow anything down to Kon, that's just more of an argument for 'Tim will probably eventually date another queer hero'
To talk about something a little more positive irt tim/kon because I've been kinda tearing shit down most of this post so far, I'd like to talk about how Kon was involved in Sum of Our Parts to begin with. There was a choice to bring him into the narrative for Tim's coming out story, and... well I'm gonna pull another quote from that same Meghan Fitzmartin podcast interview I keep quoting, where she was asked about Conner:
Starting from 22:48
Interviewer: Soooo- my boy Conner Kent- [laughter] Can we hear this- In your Urban Legends story, and he and Tim have a complicated history of being read as queer coded, was any of this running through your mind while writing their interaction?
Fitzmartin: I mean, I've-I've seen the internet. I've-I'm aware. I'm aware that the internet exists. Umm...
Interviewer: [overlapping] Alright
Fitzmartin: K-Ya know. Conner is part of Tim's history just like Stephanie is part of Tim's history in-in varying different degrees in varying different ways but, um, we are who those around us- we are what others around us are- ma-uh- make us to be. And. so.
Interviewer: Right-
Fitzmartin: [overlapping] I'll leave it at that-
Interviewer: That's a fair- fair answer, I will take it.
Fitzmartin: [laughs]
Her answer is definitely a vague non-answer (bc like. it kinda has to be imo. she doesn't control Conner's direction as a character or anything and... ya know) but like. Much to think about there with her blatantly drawing comparison to Steph & Kon's respective importance to Tim's history, ya know? Based on what she said that stuff was something she was certainly aware of when she wrote this:
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(Batman: Urban Legends #5)
...and she also had made a parallel between how Tim feels/has felt for Steph & how he feels for Bernard in her Polygon interview
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So there's... things you could extrapolate from that if you tried. It'd be putting words in her mouth to try to make any specific claims and you shouldn't really do that, but it's not unreasonable to see some sort of connection in there.
but anyways, to kinda do a tldr to this whole post: I don't think there's nearly enough evidence to say 'timkon is a sure endgame thing' but I also do think it's not an unreasonable thing to hope or want for, and I could see the groundwork clearly there if the right opprotunity came along to tell the story. I just personally, from things i've seen, don't think it's an active thing DC is planning and purposefully building towards right now (frankly I feel like they just aren't thinking far enough ahead with Tim or Kon as characters for something like that), but I think it's fair to say there's people at DC probably rooting for it and that maybe someday it will get it's chance to happen.
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rosesnvines · 6 years
Hi, I'm your narnia secret santa and I was wondering what kind of story you would like?
Ooh!! A story!! Yippee!! . . . you just had to ask the hardest question ever, didn’t you? lol . . . hmmm . . . how about an AU? I’ve been doing those recently, and I’m curious to see what someone else can come up with. I like this massive crossover I’m doing because I think Heroes of Olympus, The Thief Lord, Bridge to Terabithia, and the Cooper Kids all work well with them. If you don’t want to tackle that large of a crossover, don’t worry about it, but I’ve been using those characters in a superhero AU (@supernarnians), an Austen AU (in progress), a Black Butler AU (@detectiveofhades) . . . and it just works really, really well. 
Anyway, if you don’t want to do something with that group and just want to stick to Narnia, maybe a modern Narnia AU? Or a Greek myth AU? Starring primarily the Pevensies, though if you need a romance (I typically ship the Pevensies with characters from Heroes of Olympus and The Cooper Kids), I like Cor/Aravis and Caspian/Lilliandil. I like romances, as long as they’re with the right people. I don’t like romanticizing abusive relationships, relationships that will no doubt end in heartbreak, relationships that are incompatible personality-wise . . . that’s just not what a romantic relationship is supposed to be. 
Sorry about the mini rant, saw a few ships that made me irritated. I know those characters pretty well, they could never be anything other than friends. And I hate the idea of characters being shipped on no other basis than “looking good together” or “they have the same powers”, or some other excuse that doesn’t take into mind who the characters actually like or what their personalities are. 
Sorry, again, it gets really frustrating some days. Point is, an AU would be great. Heck, even a space AU would be fun!! :D (Voltron Legendary Defender makes me think of Narnia . . . kinda.) And if you’re going to do strictly Narnian characters, Caspian/Lilliandil and Cor/Aravis are technically the only ones I ship (oh, and Eustace/Jill). If you’re willing to attempt the crossover (which I have no problem with if you don’t), I ship Peter with Reyna from Heroes of Olympus, Susan gets to choose between Jay Cooper and Leo Valdez (Leo is also from Heroes), Edmund with Lila Cooper, and . . . Lucy with Nico di Angelo (those two I can see being Hades and Persephone. And before I hear any complaints, Lucy is technically the only one who works really, really well romantically with Nico. Opposites attract, but similarities keep them together, and . . . reread their characters. Personality-wise, it really does work. This is just one ship I’m way in too deep to back out now). 
Anyway, thanks for the question, hope it didn’t drive you crazy reading this (I can go off on a tangent real quick, obviously), and I’m looking forward to reading your story!! XD
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