#I don't need to write it out but I've been playing Mario Wonder too and it is a great time. very fun and silly
tisorridalamor · 5 months
Games I’ve been enjoying lately!!!
Soul of Sovereignty Prelude: The first beautiful, funny, clever, and dark chapter of @ pallisia’s new linear visual novel was a blast to go through and totally exceeded all my expectations. While the full piece won’t be out for a few years, this is a peak into a vast world that I can’t wait to see more of. I will be waiting very very patiently for the full story cause the level of care and detail on display shows that SoulSov has an incredible story to tell (and if you want to check out their other works, Lady of the Shard is a beautiful, finished comic the creator made that you can read for FREE right here!).
Corru.Observer: Corru.Observer is weird and it’s free and you should go play it now with no more input from me. But if you want more, it’s an ongoing neocities game/site about exploring a half broken alien biocomputer with great world building, atmosphere, and graphics. It’s part point and click, part exploration, part visual novel, and part turn based RPG. While it’s in active development with new updates coming ever few months, the creator (@ corruworks) has started working on it full time and I’d guess there’s already a good 10ish?? hours of gameplay and lots of secrets to find! Please give it a shot, I think everyone should know about it!
START AGAIN START AGAIN START AGAIN: A Prologue: If you’ve been enjoying the time loop jokes that have been going around on tumblr recently (or just like time loops in general??) you’re gonna really enjoy this. It’s more of a puzzle than an RPG (though it has turn based combat) because I think the real gameplay is in on how you approach repeating the same final dungeon over and over. I was surprised at the level of depth in the dialog/writing - seeing how the characters react to different choices and what the main character lets you do / not do makes multiple runs to see different outcomes so worth it. I think the creator (@ insertdisc5) absolutely nailed the ‘funny guy in despair’ writing. I totally plan on getting the companion / full game In Stars and Time, but waiting a bit to see if there will be a physical release :D (here is the Itch link but it's on sale on Steam rn so here's that link too)
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Hey there! Just wanted to let you know that I love your writing. I love the universe you've created for ava and beatrice. I could have said Avatrice but the thing is you write them so beautifully as individuals, all their triumphs and losses, that it doesn't feel right not to acknowledge them as they are on their own as much as they are as a couple. Anyway! I pretty much have bookmarked all your work and I keep suggesting your fics on Twitter, I'm pretty much your unofficial publicist at this point, proudly so 😆
I just finished the multitude of loving and once again you made me laugh and smile and cry and you made my heart warm and for a while, my depression didn't feel as debilitating. So thank you. I don't know what you're gonna write next whenever inspiration strikes, but if you ever do another outside pov, would you mind writing one from Diego's? I guess I'm biased because aside from your fics, I've been obsessed with do a flip by sunsafe and it warms my heart to see Diego in fics because well, I think it's safe to say that he was the one who loved ava first, he was there by her bedside and all and so it would be lovely, to know how he feels and thinks about ava and beatrice, after all the years of living his own life, after all the years wishing to see his sister, his best friend, his... Ava, because there's no traditional title that really fits them, after all the years wishing that ava is okay and... Alive, more than just surviving because even when he was a child he knew, ava was meant for such a bright and grand life, just because she was all that herself.
Anyway, just an idea, of course. My rambling is not in any way meant to pressure you into writing it 😆😅 I hope you're having a good day wherever you are. Cheers!
[first of all i love do a flip!!!! 100/10 recommend if anyone hasn't read it!!
anyway, here's a little diego pov in the butch bea universe. he's like 18 or 19? idk. yknow just roll w it :) ]
university is busy as hell, and it's cool that they pay for your doctor's appointments and, when you actually started getting the care you needed, you were able to do basically everything in the normal, big wide world with regular meds and check-ins — but mostly you just want to play rugby and flirt with girls (not well, but you're 18 and always kind, so who cares your success rate) and pass all of your classes. when you got adopted it had seemed like a miracle, and so you don't take any of this time for granted — not the bright sun or the grass stains on your knees or how rachel plays with your hair when you hang out in her dorm.
you don't think much of it when you get a random email from beatrice gu-knight, partially because emails are a pain in the ass and partially because nico brought over a six pack of stellas and his nintendo switch — you're the mario kart champion, undisputed — but, in the morning, when you open your phone, you think your heart might stop in your chest.
Hello Diego,
I hope you're well. I know it might seem strange to get an email like this from someone you don't know and have never even heard of, and, if you don't wish to follow up or connect, please just let me know, and that will be the end of it.
But, in the hopeful chance that you do: my name is Beatrice (she/her), and I'm reaching out to you because Ava Silva is my life partner. We've been together for a few years now and she talks of you often, and fondly; I know from her stories you were an extraordinarily joyful and sustaining part of her life at St. Michael's, and, if nothing else, I hope you understand my deep gratitude for that. I work in tech, so I was able to find this email address for you in the hopes that you might want to reconnect with Ava. We live in Los Angeles, and she's, as I'm sure you remember, wonderful. Maybe even more wonderful now, as I hope you are too.
Again, if you are at all uncomfortable, please feel no pressure to engage in any way; I won't let Ava know, so don't worry about that. If you would like to reconnect, though, you can respond to this email, or call or text me at my cell listed below. Thank you.
Warmest regards,
it takes you a few seconds to get it together, because, what the fuck, first of all. second of all, ava — one of your favorite people ever, and someone you miss every day. who apparently has a very proper and seemingly kind partner named beatrice, and lives in california. ava is alive, and probably really happy. the last time you saw her she was scared and upset and you had thought she died before that. you had thought you would never see her again.
Hey, this is Diego, you text the number on Beatrice's email. you think about the time difference, and, sorry if it's the middle of the night for you
it takes a minute or two, but then your phone vibrates. Diego, wonderful to hear from you! I'm glad my email wasn't too intense.
and, like, maybe it was a little, but your calc III professor is a fucking nutcase, so you kind of have a high bar.
Ava works late sometimes, so don't worry about the time difference right now
it's sweet, you think, that beatrice doesn't work late, or, whatever, maybe she does, but she's up because ava is awake. because ava will be coming home, or finishing up in an office. you wonder about their life, what their home looks like and if ava's laugh is still just as awesome. and, like, what is ava's job? is she still paralyzed, or can she walk like she had the last time you saw her? you're glad for her, honestly, that her partner is a girl, because ava thought boys were hot but also seemed to like girls more — so, like, how did they fall in love? it's funny to imagine ava as a grownup, with a partner and a home and a whole life, but it's also the best.
do you want to facetime tomorrow or something, you text, because you don't really know what else to say, but you want to find out: about your sister, and the life she's apparently built. you think — if ava is anything like how she had been when you were younger — you definitely want to be in it.
I would love that, beatrice responds immediately. you work out the details and, eventually, you go to class and try to have a normal day. but ava is out there, happy, in california, with a partner who clearly cares about her. it feels like a gift, even to know. it feels like a gift, to get to be in her warmth again.
beatrice, when you answer the facetime call at exactly the second the clock hits 7 pm your time, is beautiful. it doesn't surprise you, not really, because you remember ava being pretty, and, even more than that, fucking awesome. beatrice is younger than what you think someone with that formal a name would be, with short dark hair that flops into her eyes, which are kind of gold in the light through the window of whatever room she's in. 'hello, diego,' she says, and, yeah, ava probably loves that accent.
it makes you laugh, but, like, in a nice way, to know that ava has a whole partner. a whole entire person who shares a life with her, who helps her with stuff and — beatrice is a saint for this — laughs at her puns.
'hey,' you say, feel awkward and a little sloppy in the face of the chic big oil painting behind her, the hoodie you know is expensive because your friend artur had had it marked on his stockx for, like, months now. 'uh, i'm diego. nice to meet you.'
beatrice smiles, and you see her freckles, and you realize, in a flash, a truth you know implicitly — that ava loves this person. ava picked this person to spend her life with. the world is cruel, you know better than most, but the world is also so, so kind.
'i'm so happy you responded to my email,' she says, less formal and with a slight laugh, mostly with joy. 'ava is the best, and i know that — she misses you. she loves you, a lot. i've always wanted to meet you.' you kind of don't know what to say, and you're relieved when she shakes her head. 'sorry, i'm being a lot again. believe it or not, this is my first rodeo with something like this.'
first rodeo sounds foreign from her, and it inexplicably makes you laugh. 'you're doing fine.' you realize that beatrice is just as nervous as you are, maybe even more: she loves ava. she has a whole life with ava. 'i — does ava want to talk to me?'
'i haven't told her yet. i wanted to see how you felt first, without any pressure, and i didn't want her to feel disappointed. but i know she will be... overjoyed, to have you in her life again, if you want.'
'yeah.' you think of ava's jokes and how full of life she was, even when she didn't have access to much of it herself. you think about the clumsy drawings you had made her, and how happy she was every time she got to go outside in her wheelchair. 'i do, want that. a lot.'
beatrice's smile is relieved and grateful. 'i can talk to her, then, and then maybe you two can set up a video chat? i know she'll be beside herself with excitement.'
'yeah,' you say, and you can't help but smile looking forward to it. it doesn't sound like ava's changed much, in the good ways, which is super cool. 'i'm excited too.'
your palms are clammy and you feel like you might throw up, but beatrice had sent you a link to a zoom and asked if the evening worked for you; you're so thrilled but also, like, what if ava doesn't like you anymore? what if she's way way cooler than you, or too grown up, or just bored by your life? it had been one thing, to lose her when you were young and confused, to have to grieve her absence so obliquely — but it would be an entirely different thing now, to know she's alive and has a life of her own and just doesn't want you in it. you don't really know how you would handle that. ava was your friend and ava was your sister, in the ways that really matter.
but, you realize very quickly, all of your anxiety was for nothing, because ava's face pops on screen — older, and her hair is shorter, and there are slight laugh lines settling into the skin around her eyes, but she mostly looks the same — and her smile is so warm and then she starts to cry and laugh and, yeah. if you do too, it's fine. no one else is in your dorm room anyway.
'hey,' she says, the first to get any words out. she's sitting up, and she waves, and you feel like you're seeing a real life miracle, right there on your computer screen. 'you look so old. i really missed you.'
'you look so old too.' she grins. 'i really missed you.'
it's a little stilted at first, probably because you're both overwhelmed, but then it's just... the fucking best. ava is a bartender, 'mostly for fun,' she says, which, whatever that means, and she still loves the beach. they apparently have a house right by the water. she starts crying again when you tell her you got adopted, that you're not so sick anymore because you have good doctors and caring parents, that you're in school to become an accountant.
'the family business?' she says, choked up, after you tell her that your adoptive mom is one too, and that she wanted you to be able to take over one day if you were interested.
it's as unbelievable to you some days as it seems to her, on bright mornings or when you get to go skiing in the cold snow, when your friends pass around a joint or when you get to go to a museum, whenever you want. 'yeah,' you say —  a family; you learn ava has one too. 'it's pretty incredible.'
'holy shit, ava.'
she just laughs, letting you go in front of her into her house. well, her and beatrice's house, you guess. you'd facetimed and texted a bunch with ava in the past two months, so you had figured out they were kinda loaded, and they'd both picked you up from the airport in a very sleek, fancy volvo, but, like —
'this is nuts.'
you think you might immediately cry again when you notice, right away, how there's not a single part of the house you can see that isn't accessible for someone in a wheelchair. ava had told you that she can walk but some days has a lot of pain and a hard time with mobility, and that beatrice was awesome and she had a good chair and even a van and a service dog, but you never could've imagined this. their house is huge and beautiful, like something you'd see in an AD tour you like to watch when you're stoned. ava has a cane today, and beatrice trundles in with your bag — she had insisted, quietly, but with a look that told you it would be totally pointless to argue.
'your house is awesome,' you say, to both of them.
beatrice smiles gently. 'we redid it last year, for accessibility. i think it turned out great.'
'wanna see the best part?' ava says, using her cane to bounce a little on the balls of her feet and you have to clear your throat because you had known her for so long. you had loved her for so long, your best friend in the entire world, who was smart and funny and bursting at the seams to feel it all, to really get to live.
'dude,' you say, 'of course.'
'i'm going to put your bag in your room,' beatrice says. 'and then i have a work call. but i should be done after the hour, for whatever you'd like to do, if you want me to join.'
'of course we want you to join,' ava says, and beatrice blushes and then gathers herself and kisses the top of ava's head before she offers you a thumbs up — nerdy, and it makes ava snort — and then lifts your bag like it weighs two pounds or something. 'love of my life,' ava says. 'definitely doesn't have a work call, but she's been stressed all week about making sure she gives us time to ourselves but doesn't seem aloof. huge weirdo.'
'she's hot.'
'ew, diego.'
you shrug. 'all i'm saying is that, like, i get it. not for me, because she's, like, super gay, but you know. for you.' you take a breath. 'sorry, i'm just excited.'
ava laughs. 'bea is super gay, it's true.' she points to a button on the wall nearby and then floor to ceiling glass doors that separate the living space from the patio. 'now, check this out.'
it's pretty fucking wild that ava went from the horrible orphanage, and tons of abuse that you were too small and too weak and too scared to stop, to a whole house that opens up to a day bed and an outdoor kitchen and dining area and a hot tub, a small patch of grass, and then the sea behind — but in the best kind of way. the kind of way that makes you want to tell everyone you meet that things can get better. that good things will happen to good people, at least sometimes. at least ava, who is the best of all of them.
ava motions for you to come with and walks outside, and then it's, like, genuinely the best thing ever when a black and white dog — korra, who ava sends you pictures of all the time and has featured in multiple zoom calls — who was napping in the sun, perks her head up and you swear she, like, dog-smiles at ava. 'hi, good girl,' ava says, and then claps her hands once and korra obediently, and happily, comes to ava's right side and sits, leans her little head against ava's thigh.
'i can't spend this entire time crying,' you say, and ava laughs. 'can i say hi?'
'of course,' she says. 'she's not usually formally working at home, unless i'm having a really bad day. which, you know, i'm not, but they do happen sometimes.' she shrugs and you kneel down in the sun and pet korra's soft ears as she nuzzles your face.
'she's so cool,' you say, and then kiss the top of her head and her nose. 'hey korra! i'm your uncle, i guess?'
'yeah! uncle diego.'
it makes you beam, to sit on the patio with ava as she shows you some of the tasks korra has been trained to do, and tells you about her bar you'll go to later, and points toward their outdoor shower with a sly smile. you do her the courtesy of fake gagging, although you really are just mostly happy for her, with her partner and her dog and a house that was built just for her.
eventually, beatrice comes outside, carrying a very intense charcuterie board. she places it down on the day bed, between you and ava, korra happily snoozing at your feet.
‘hi baby,’ ava says and scoots closer to you, then tugs on beatrice’s hand until she sits. ava kisses her temple. ‘this is very extravagant.’
‘well, we have a guest,’ beatrice says. ‘there’s wine inside, if you’d like a glass.’
‘i know nothing about wine,’ you admit, ‘but if there’s one you think… pairs? well with, you know —‘ you gesture to the elegantly laid out spread of food in front of you — ‘then i’ll trust you and go with that.’
ava grins. ‘yes, beatrice. be our resident sommelier, please.’
beatrice rolls her eyes, again with a blush, but then stands, ignoring ava’s pout. ‘i’ll be right back.’
‘she’s, like, really nice.’
ava lays back with a grin. ‘well she’s on her i was raised by diplomats and nannies most proper behavior right now. i don’t get charcuterie boards like this… ever.’ she takes a bite of cheese. ‘but bea is wonderful. she’s brilliant and funny and so, so kind. she’ll loosen up. i’m really excited you get to spend time with her.’
‘i’m thankful she reached out. i — i’m so happy to be here, and to see you.’
‘me too, my dude.’
beatrice comes back out with fancy real crystal glasses and a bottle of wine she explains is a vintage napa chardonnay, which mostly just makes you think it’s expensive. it probably is, with the way she efficiently uncorks it — ava practically drools, annoying, and you elbow her in the ribs — but it’s, like, really good. at least compared to the cheap wine you sometimes have with your friends when you order greek food.
‘diego,’ beatrice says, measured and anxious and, if ava’s stupid expression is anything to go by, endearing, ‘as you know, i like to surf. although it’s quite early, i was wondering if you might like to join me tomorrow? one of my best friends is an excellent instructor and the wave report looks ideally calm. ava thought you might be interested, if you’d like to learn?’
‘yeah,’ you say. ‘of course. that sounds sick.’
beatrice grins, relaxing a little. ava squeezes her hand. ‘i find it quite fun. it can be hard at first, but it’s nice to be in the water.’
‘diego gets his astounding athletic ability from my side of the family,’ ava says, patting you on the knee.
‘your side of the family?’ beatrice arches a brow.
‘yeah, the orphan side,’ you say, an old joke coming back to you, and ava gives you a high five.
‘i —‘
‘don’t think about it too hard, beatrice. diego also gets his bisexuality from my side of the family too.’
‘now that i’m willing to believe.’
ava winks at you, and then settles back into beatrice’s side.
admittedly, you're exhausted, so the mezcal margarita — smoky and just the right amount of sour — is hitting harder than you thought.
'okay,' ava says, 'boys are easy to flirt with.'
beatrice rolls her eyes.
'they are, bea,' she insists, then looks to you. 'sorry, diego, but boys are just... simple. they see someone hot, especially me, and there's, like, no thoughts.'
you think of the way luis had kissed you one night at a party — with his strong hands and his strong jaw and the rough, delicious scratch of his beard — after you'd just offered him a drink politely, so. honestly, that tracks.
'girls, though, diego.'
you laugh.
'you know, people who aren't men.'
'yeah, of course.'
'difficult. i just — whew.'
'aren't you, like, basically married?'
'well, yes, we're domestic partners. but beatrice is horrible at flirting. she's just lucky she's brilliant, and beautiful, and handsome, and funny.'
beatrice rolls her eyes again, although a blush spreads across her cheeks. 'i think i have more women try to flirt with me than you.'
ava huffs. 'that's because you're just — ugh.' she turns toward you. 'bea has grown into being a lesbian magnet. i once was superior. plus, boys flirt with me too.' she claps you on the back. 'either way, between the two of us, we'll teach you everything you need to know.'
'they won't,' one of their friends says, sliding in next to beatrice, who smiles and kisses him on the cheek. he's maybe the hottest person you've ever seen, with tattoos down both arms and a neat fade, probably a few years older than beatrice. 'i'm keiko,' he says, and offers his hand. his handshake is so strong and you feel yourself blush. 'i own the dojo beatrice goes to.'
'my favorite sparring partner,' beatrice says. 'partially because i have never lost.'
keiko waves her off.
'uh, i'm diego.'
ava laughs, delightedly, at how flustered you clearly are.
'well, if you want advice on boys, i am quite successful.'
'i'm sure you are.'
ava gives you a high five, mortifyingly. 'that's my man.'
'i'm cutting both of you off,' beatrice says.
'one shot, bea, please. come on. all we have to do is walk home.'
beatrice sighs dramatically and runs a hand through her hair, and keiko nudges her in the shoulder. 'for once in your life, beatrice, have a little fun.'
it takes a moment, but she laughs. 'fine. one shot, and then home.'
you surf the next morning, early as fuck, but you’re kind of jetlagged anyway and it’s really beautiful to watch the sunrise while you rest on a board. you haven’t popped up and you got tired pretty fast, but beatrice’s friend, ray — and beatrice herself, obviously — are patient and relaxed and don’t seem to care at all.  ava wanders out eventually, setting out a towel and drinking a to-go cup of coffee. she waves happily and blows a kiss in beatrice’s direction, who blushes. it had made you laugh, quietly, when she had put a special bucket hat designed for surfing on after she situated her wetsuit.
‘i don’t want to get sunburned,’ she explained, and then handed you a bottle of spf 100 sunscreen and a zinc stick.
eventually you ride a wave in on your knees, laughing, and then go sit by ava while you watch ray and beatrice and the rest of their little crew surf the next set, bigger on the outer break. you can tell beatrice shows off, for ava and, maybe a bit, for you. it's still early, and ava's happy to sit back in the easy quiet.
'hey,' you say after a while, during a break in sets, 'so, beatrice introduced me this morning as "ava's little brother".'
she turns to you, studies your features carefully, just like she always would when you were in the orphanage, trying to pay close attention. 'did that feel okay?'
'other than the fact that i'm taller than you —'
'— hey —'
'— of course,' you say. 'i love being your brother.'
ava scoots closer to you and bumps your shoulder with hers; you have your wetsuit down around your waist and she has one of beatrice's hoodies on, but you've mostly dried off by this point so you put your arm around her shoulders and tug her to you.
'do you, uh. sister? sibling?'
ava smiles. 'either is great.'
'thanks, diego.'
'nothing to thank me for there. i should be thanking you, honestly. all expenses paid trip to a bougie beach house in california to see someone i've missed so much? the dream.'
she sniffles. you don't know all the details but you know ava has been through some real shit after she — came back to life, you guess? 'i missed you too, so so much.' she clears her throat and wipes under her eyes. 'in the spirit of being your cool older sibling, what mild to moderately wild things do you want to do here. i don't want your parents to be mad at me so consider wisely.'
'do you have anything planned that you would want?'
'well, no.'
ava laughs.
'what? beatrice has cool tattoos.'
'she is a staunch believer that you should plan your tattoos in advance. but think of something and then next time we'll get you all set up with her artist, if you want.'
there's a level of maturity and care that's a little unexpected but, like, really cool? really nice. it's kind of weird and makes you a bit emotional, because ava is grown up. she's still an idiot, and constantly annoying, and very funny — but she's gotten to get older, and so have you.
'we could dye our hair,' she says, shrugging. 'easy to rectify, if it's a disaster.'
'i'm so in, man.' your hair is darker than hers, and you have no idea if she knows what she's doing, but you trust beatrice — with her neat hair and neat house and neat clothes and seemingly undying love for ava — to monitor the situation.
'maybe we can do the bi flag.'
it makes you laugh, imagining how silly it would look. 'what about just purple? like, a light purple situation.'
'i've done that before,' she tells you excitedly. 'loved it. definitely time to return.'
'deal. also, i want to try california weed.'
ava grins. 'we would have let you last night, you know, but you were actively falling asleep at the bar after one cocktail.'
'it's the time difference, i swear.'
'sure it is.'
'well, bea loves her edibles. she's very particular about them. i'm... much less particular about joints, but we can start off chill. maybe this afternoon. and then we can have tacos.'
'that sounds like a perfect day.'
she smiles. 'yeah,' she says. 'even more perfect because i get to share it with you.'
'gross,' you say, although you might suddenly cry. 'sappy.'
'yeah, yeah. whatever.'
you keep your arm around ava's shoulders and watch beatrice and ray trade tricks the next set, and then they both call it and walk, laughing, toward you. ava struggles to stand with a frown, and you offer your arm for her to take if she wants. she does, smiles quickly in thanks and then, you know too, moves on without a word. she kisses beatrice soundly on the mouth, then pushes her goofy bucket hat off her head, fastened around her neck and resting on the back of her shoulders, and then gratuitously unzips her wetsuit while ray rolls her eyes.
it's a whole big world, you learn more and more every day. ray joins you for breakfast and then ava takes you shopping while you're pretty sure beatrice just naps. ava uses her chair and brings korra, which is mostly just the coolest thing in the world to you, because she has a whole van customized too, and she just — you had known, when you were younger, when ava would get to go outside in her chair, that nothing was limiting her other than care, and access. you had been limited too, and you ached with it. you ache differently now, because ava navigates her day fully and independently: a wheelchair lift for the stairs, and a huge, beautiful closet and kitchen where she can reach everything without having to stand, and korra, who can turn on lights and open doors and brings you a juice from the fridge when you sit down and mention you're thirsty; ava grins with the command and then praises korra, and you scratch her soft head and even softer ears.
beatrice does supervise when you and ava dye your hair, but ava mostly knows what she's doing, and really gets distracted the most when she looks over at beatrice in lowslung joggers and a cutoff tank and a beanie, leaning against the doorframe quietly, a fond expression on her face. ava wears crop tops and wideleg pants and expensive sneakers and you both end up laughing when you have your matching lavender hair.
you eat edibles that make everything feel lush and slow and perfect, and beatrice laughs softly at ava's ramble about her arms, and she orders a ton of her favorite chinese food that you eat on the patio at sunset. you take some pictures on your film camera, at sunset, and beatrice takes a few of you and ava. you wish you could go back in time and tell both of you, when you were small and sad and scared and abused, that things would be this beautiful one day. that things would be this good.
ava and beatrice eventually say goodnight before they head inside to their bedroom. there's too much light pollution in los angeles to see many of the stars, but you know they're there all the same.
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silenzahra · 2 months
Today's the anniversary for me! ✨
I know the Mario Movie was released on April 5th 2023, but back then I was seeing the Holy Week processions with my dad, so I didn't get to go to the cinema until April 8th, which was a Saturday, and that was when everything changed for me 😌💚❤️
This is going to get a bit long, personal and emotional, so it's totally fine if you'd rather not read it! 💖
As I've mentioned, this movie saved my life simply because I was in a terrible place when it came out. Admittedly, I had been feeling a bit better that week thanks to the fact I was going out every day and was distracted and such, but my mind was still not totally... fine.
Until, at 8PM, the Mario Movie finally started and I spent the next hour and a half with a silly smile on my face, feeling like a little kid again and experimenting lots of feelings and emotions I hadn't felt in many months. Happiness. Joy. Laughter. A warm heart. Tension. Pure emotion. Excitement. Nostalgia. The urge to cry, though not from sadness.
And the need to get those cute brothers off the screen and give them each a big bear hug.
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(Posted this edit on my Instagram account last Friday.)
Mario and Luigi did really save my life. I had already fallen for them long ago, when I was 13 and played Superstar Saga on my GBA, since that was the very first game that made me see these two as endearing and charming characters with a beautiful sibling bond based not only on love, but also trust, laughter and comfort.
And, in all honesty, seeing this movie, seeing that bond translated into it, was totally a dream come true. Aside from the M&L games, we don't really get to see much of these two taking care of each other (please correct me if I'm mistaken!). Also, I'm a 90s girl, so I had been wanting a good animated Mario movie since... I honestly can't remember. All I know is I used to watch the cartoons (specifically the one based on Super Mario Bros 3), and then I ran into the live action movie from 1993 and... Welp. Let's just say I'd rather forget it 😬 (Sorry if you did like it, it simply was NOT my cup of tea.)
And then this movie was announced, and every new trailer made me feel more and more hyped, and reminded me of my love for the Super Mario franchise. I had already been hyperfixated on it back in 2013-2016, when I played Dream Team and fell even harder for them (especially Luigi), and when I finally got to see this movie, that obsession came back stronger than ever.
I felt like a little child again. I went back to play my old favorite games. I listened to the ost on loop for months, and it ended up becoming my most listened album on Spotify last year.
And I also felt the urge to write again.
Writing has always been an important part of my life. I started at 8 and I simply couldn't stop. To me, it is like breathing, so when I spend some time away from writing, I'm not exaggerating when I say I feel a physical pain on my chest. And due to the bad place I was in, I had been away from it for way too many months.
It turns out all I needed was a dose of brotherly love in order to feel my fingertips tingling again with the urgent need to start writing.
So yeah. There are many things I have to celebrate today and to be thankful for. First of all: I'm alive, and happy, and better than ever, still struggling with anxiety and fears but feeling way better than I'd felt in the years before this film came out. I feel emotion, and joy, and will to continue living and enjoying life and fangirling and being myself. I feel connected to Mario and Luigi and my heart simply warms up every single time I think about them (which is 24/7 tbh).
And I'm writing again! 2023 was the year I've written the most in my entire life, and I owe it to this wonderful movie, and so far I've continued to write this year too, and that's also thanks to Mario and Luigi.
And of course, and more importantly, this film has led me to meet all of you, beautiful people, and I honestly couldn't be more grateful 🥹🫂💖 With you I can fangirl and scream and cry and be myself, and that's why I felt like sharing this with you guys, because I know you understand and share the feelings I've experimented these months since I first saw this movie. I love each and one of you with all my heart 💖💖💖
And after talking non-stop, I believe I kinda feel like finally showing my face here (the real one, not this one 😂), so... Here I go! 🤭👇
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This is me today! 🤭 With lots of Mario stuff as you can see, and I even painted my nails to match the main characters! 💅
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The blue is for Toad, the pink is for Peach, green and red for Luigi and Mario (obviously) and black for Bowser since he was played by Jack Black! 😁
Admittedly, I'm not very good at painting my nails because I'm not into makeup and such, but I do like to see them all painted, I think they look beautiful 🥰 Last year I used to paint them red and green all the time since I went not once, not twice, but thirteen times to see this movie, and every time wearing a different shirt 🤭 Though the one I'm wearing today is the one I wore exactly one year ago, as you can see here! 😁
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I literally cannot remember when or where I bought it, but it was simply PERFECT to wear to go see this movie 😁 And you bet, when the Toad guard said that quote from the first Super Mario game, I went all silly in the cinema: "OMG my shirt!!!!!" 😂😂😂
And here are some pics from some of the other twelve times I went, and you can get a look at some of the Mario shirts I own! I may go and show them all together in a different post, and maybe also the earrings since I own a lot: red shrooms, superstars, fire flowers, green shrooms... Would you like that? 🥰
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Now that I see it, I look a bit scared on the first one 😂 The green shirt I'm wearing on the second one is pure GOLD, and on the third one I kinda felt like I was taking a picture with Mario himself 😂😂😂
I did own some Mario merch before the movie came out, but last year I went and bought tons of it, including shirts, earrings, and of course plushies! 🤭
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They look like a cute little family OMG aren't they ADORABLE I love them all so so much 😭❤️💚✨
So this is it! This is my little celebration of the first year since I saw for the first time the movie that saved my life 🥰 In all honestly, I would've liked to bring a fic or something, but as you all know, I went through a very hard Holy Week and I'm still not feeling totally ready to get back to writing (even though I've gotten a couple new ideas, for which I'm deeply grateful).
But I hope sharing my experience and feelings (and my face! 😂) is enough for this year, and let's hope I can bring a new Mario story to share with you guys very soon! 🥰
I love you all so so so so so so so so so so much!!!!! 💖💖💖💖💖
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useless19 · 11 months
More playing with my spin on Batneko's Sir Bowser!AU. They did a wonderful picture of Bowser being knighted (here) that I mostly ignored while writing this.
"Feels like rain," Kamek sniffs as he opens the shutters on the morning of Bowser's knighthood ceremony.
"You're a blind old bat," Bowser retorts. "There isn't a cloud in the sky."
"Hmm." Kamek taps the side of his beak. "Mark my words, young master, it will rain today."
Bowser scoffs. Kamek's premonitions are only ever right when it's about stuff not worth bothering with. Who cares about the weather? Bowser's going to be indoors for most of the day anyway.
"Rain?! No way!" Junior groans and flops dramatically over the table. "I wanted to play outside today."
"You can play outside," Bowser says before Kamek can overrule him.
"As long as you take your hood," Kamek adds pointedly.
Junior grabs the waterproof garishly painted cloth off the peg and drags it behind him through the dirt as he rushes out. Bowser watches fondly. He tries not to dwell on how much he's going to miss the little brat.
"Bowser," Kamek only ever uses Bowser's name when he's being serious, "are you sure you want to do this?"
"The pay's good," Bowser says. "And I'll have good intel on the castle if it all goes scute up. Plus, you know I've been bored lately."
King Mario's disappearance has hit the kingdom — and especially the castle town — hard. It's not the same carving territory through depressed citizens with no retaliation from the castle to liven things up further. Even Bowser's rivals have fallen back, too used to the crown soldiers involuntarily being on their side.
The whole kingdom is uneasy and Bowser doesn't like it.
"I suppose I've never been able to change your mind once you set it to something," Kamek says with a fond sigh. "However, do ensure that you come back to us in one piece. I have no desire to raise another orphan."
"Don't underestimate me," Bowser says. "I'll keep in touch the usual way. Keep Junior safe."
Rain spots onto Bowser's shell as he enters the castle. The sky is still mostly clear, so maybe that's all Kamek's warning is going to amount to. Bowser would prefer a bit more cloud cover if he's honest (which he never is); a mostly bright sunny day feels like it's sending the wrong message.
"Where have you been!" a blue Toad with an important-looking sash ambushes Bowser. "You were supposed to be here an hour ago!"
Bowser bites back the urge to step on him. He's on his best behaviour today and stomping the king's staff flat won't be looked favourably upon.
"Relax," Bowser says, "the ceremony isn't for another forty minutes."
"And if there's a problem with your armour's fit?" the Toad pushes. "If you got lost in the castle halls? If, great mushroom forbid, your monstrous appearance terrifies one of the guests and we need to take the time to calm them down? What then?"
"If I set fire to the noisiest Toad in the entrance hall, what then?" Bowser asks mockingly.
The guards around the hall bristle. Luckily for them, King Luigi arrives and looks relived to see Bowser. He's wearing heavier clothes today, a more royal-looking outfit (that would probably fund Bowser's lifestyle for a year if he swiped it).
"You made it," Luigi says. "Is everything alright, Sergeant?"
The blue Toad (who must be the supply sergeant that Bowser's been introduced to twice already) nods. The guards don't stand down entirely, which is the first time Toads have ever shown common sense.
"Just welcoming the newest member of our loyal knights," the blue Toad says. "And ensuring he knows where to get his armour."
"I can take him," Luigi says. "I need to pick up my knighting sabre anyway."
"I can send someone to fetch that for you, Your Majesty," the blue Toad insists.
"It's no bother." Luigi nods to Bowser. "I'm glad you're here. This way?"
Bowser falls into step beside Luigi. One of the more decorated Toads follows a far more respectful five steps behind the king. Gah, Bowser's probably going to have to learn enough of that sort of proper behaviour well enough to fake it.
"The staff sergeant wasn't giving you too much trouble, I hope?" Luigi asks halfway to the armoury.
"If a Toad could give me trouble you might as well sack me now," Bowser scoffs. He frowns at Luigi. "Were you worried about what I'd do to him? It takes more than that to provoke me."
A few licks of flame would've been harmless.
"No," Luigi sighs. "It doesn't matter. I don't want to unload on you during what must be a stressful time."
The idea that Bowser could be stressed over the events of the day is laughable. He's not under threat and (more importantly) no one he cares about is under threat either. It's a boring ceremony followed by half a day settling into his new role. He's already been briefed about where to stand and what to say and gotten a rough idea of his duties — mostly bodyguarding the king wherever his royal fancies take him.
The armoury is located near the guard barracks (Bowser has a separate room to himself given he can't fit on the five-bed high bunks the Toads use). Hot iron and weapon oil hits Bowser's nostrils as the door opens. It's a step up from the rest of the castle in his opinion.
Bowser's new armour stands front and centre on a broom-modified armour stand. Despite the armourer's protests about timing and complaints about Bowser's stature, it's ready. Bowser lifts the breastplate. It might not be as tough as his natural plating, but it somehow manages to make the king's coat of arms look badass.
"There's a mirror over there," Luigi says, while the armourer is fetching his ceremonial sword. "Should I call for a squire to assist you?"
Bowser snorts. "As if they could reach. I can do it."
Admittedly, getting the straps to correctly connect under his shell is fiddlier than he expects, and the mirror is too short to be of any use, but Bowser gets there in the end. Spaulders, poleyns, bracers, and greaves are easier.
The helmet feels like it's pulling at Bowser's hair when he puts it on. He pulls the mirror off the wall and lifts it high enough to see what's wrong. He readjusts the helmet so it sits properly around his horns and grins. Working for the crown is totally worth it; he's never looked more awesome.
"Ready?" asks King Luigi.
Bowser picks up the last piece, a sword as long as Luigi and nearly as wide. He gives it a few experimental swings before strapping it to his side. How a Toad managed to move it, he'll never know.
Luigi vanishes between the armoury and the throne room long enough to add more layers to his fancy getup. The crown on his head is heavier and more ostentatious, and he's added a fur-trimmed cloak over the top of everything. He looks more settled with himself than he did at his coronation, but still like he's a kid playing dress-up. No wonder he prefers the lighter circlet and plainer clothes for everyday use.
It's not the first time Bowser's been in the throne room; though the circumstances are pretty different. He walks in, purposeful, and enjoys the gasps and murmurs that ripple through the crowd at his appearance.
Bowser kneels before the king.
Luigi draws his ceremonial sword and thunder crashes as the storm breaks. Bowser grins. Finally. Let these poncy nobles have an inkling what they're getting themselves in for.
"Do you," Luigi says, voice clear over the heavy rain now lashing at the windows. He must have been practising. "Bowser of the Koopa clan, swear to protect your king and country? To uphold justice throughout the realm and help it strive towards greatness?"
"I do so swear," Bowser lies.
Luigi taps his sword on Bowser's shoulders, left then right. "Then arise, Sir Bowser of the Green Knights and be known."
Bowser stands, a knight. Until this moment, he hadn't entirely believed that Luigi would go through with it. But here he is, pardoned and ennobled, and wearing the kingdom's colours. Life's funny, sometimes.
If Bowser thought he'd be done once the ceremony was over, the next three hours prove him wrong. Apparently a lot of the visiting nobles didn't make it in time for Luigi's coronation and are using this gathering as an excuse to ingratiate themselves with the king. Bowser finds himself fighting back a yawn as yet another nobody stops Luigi to titter something about how well he wears the crown.
Even Bowser can see that Luigi hates those sorts of comments. Maybe it's a conspiracy to see who can get the new king to flip out first. Bowser could get behind that if it wasn't so boring.
He knows that the day-to-day reality of shadowing Luigi is going to be dull, he'd just thought he'd get through the first half day before falling asleep on the job.
"I know it's not very exciting," Luigi apologises when they get a moment's peace. "It's a shame about the weather."
"Are you trying to make small talk with me?" Bowser says, bemused.
"We're going to spend a lot of time in each others' company," Luigi says. "I'd like to be able to speak with you without difficulty."
Bowser snorts. They've been managing fine so far. Bowser hasn't even thought about making a single regicide attempt so far.
"Thought you'd be sick of talking about the weather after all that." Bowser waves at the gathering. "It's all I've heard from anyone."
"It's unusually stormy for this time of year," Luigi says. "At least it wasn't this bad on my coronation day. If it was, I'd never hear the end of ill omens."
"Like how the colour green's supposedly unlucky?" Bowser says, paraphrasing something he overheard an hour ago.
Luigi groans. "Please let me know if you notice Marquess Waluigi approaching again so I can pretend to talk to anyone else."
Bowser looks over the crowd. He's tall enough that he can see everyone except those standing behind Piantas. The guest in question is at the buffet table, currently more interested in the seafood spread than annoying the king.
"You should annex his lands," Bowser suggests. "Make an example of him to get everyone else in line."
Luigi surprises him by laughing. It's short and he quickly regains his composure. Bowser idly wonders what it would be like to make him lose control entirely.
"That's a terrible idea and I'd lose the Walands's support to boot," Luigi says.
Bowser shrugs. "What do they have? It's just rocks and garlic, right? No great loss."
"Several people would disagree," Luigi says. "I'm partial to garlic myself."
"King Luigi."
The newcomer's voice sends a chill down Bowser's shell, which he takes personally.
"Queen Gravely," Luigi greets her as politely as he can and no further.
Queen Gravely is freakishly tall enough to nearly look Bowser in the eye. Or she could, if she didn't have a short veil covering her eyes pinned to her (even freakishly taller) hair. She probably wouldn't look as weird if she had any bulk; Bowser's big too, but he's built on a sensible scale, not toothpick thin.
"Such a shame I missed your coronation." Gravely oozes faux politeness as she steps into Luigi's space. "The chance to see you step out of your late brother's shadow would have been to die for."
Luigi stifens. Gravely smiles coldly.
"He's not dead," Luigi says, voice wavering.
"Not confirmed dead." Gravely nods. "You are welcome to hunt for his shade in the Last Realm to put your mind at ease. You won't forget our majestic resorts until the end of your days."
Bowser's had enough.
"Sire." Bowser pointedly rests his hand on the hilt of his sword and tries to keep his face neutral at having to use a title like that. He's going to have to get used to it being constantly bandied around, even if he limits his own use of it. "It's time to speak with the Minister of Agriculture."
Gravely looks down her nose at Bowser (a feat very few have managed successfully, it's even more impressive considering he can't see her eyebrows).
"I would reconsider your choice of companions," Gravely says. "Your brother would have known better."
She sweeps away weirdly smoothly. She can't be taking actual steps under that floor-length dress, can she?
Luigi sighs and fiddles with the stem of his champagne flute. He's barely touched the stuff. Some liquid courage would probably do him good, assuming he didn't overindulge, it's always hard to tell with humans how much they can safely imbibe.
"Another place to put on the invasion list?" Bowser says.
"I'm not going to invade anywhere!" Luigi says, earnest and surprised, like no one's ever suggested he take up conquering before. "I can barely keep one kingdom in check, I don't need more land to have to sort out taxation for."
"Not even for someone who clearly deserves it?"
If one of Bowser's rivals had spoken to him like that, he'd have immediately set them on fire and started plotting how to dismantle their organisation and claim their territory. If anything, kings should have it easier, given they have actual armies instead of a ragtag bunch of koopas and goombas. Knighthood is so disillusioning.
"She admired her predecessor," Luigi says. "And given I was instrumental to King Boo's downfall… It was the right thing to do, but the Last Realm hasn't been friendly since then."
Bowser snorts. "Admired is putting it mildly."
Luigi looks up at him quizzically.
"One of my guys did some work in her castle," Browser explains, leaving off what kind of work Larry was doing exactly. "Apparently the whole place is filled with statues and pictures of old Boo. Like a mausoleum or something."
"That explains why she hates me then," Luigi says, resigned.
"So what if she does?" Bowser says.
Luigi just looks at the floor. Great. Having to shadow the king is one thing, having to shadow a mopey king is so much worse. Bowser racks his brains for something to distract him.
"Want to hear about the funniest painting my guy found?" Bowser doesn't wait for Luigi to agree before continuing. "Picture a romantic sunset over a pretty lake. Now picture Boo and Gravely watching it, all cuddled up… in a tiny rowboat."
Luigi laughs, surprised again. He doesn't look like the weight of an entire kingdom is on his scrawny shoulders when he smiles. He needs to find someone who can make him laugh more often, or Bowser's new job is going to be a slog.
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mario8th · 5 months
This Is Not A New Years Resolution Post
I don't believe in the concept Anyway
My last video of the year is coming out tomorrow. This video is my 56th one about video games. The Game Awards was numbered 66 (although number 64 isn't out yet either). Which is to say the numbers really got away from me, lol.
That doesn't matter though, what does matter is that I Did It! I put out a video Every Other Week for the Entire Year. And that's not even counting how I posted weekly in the final weeks of Mario Bros Bonanza (previously/still named In Review) (I wanted to change the branding since In Review is very much a Kinda Funny thing, from now on everything else will be solely my own) (There was also my failed podcast in there, we don't need to talk about that)
(more after the break)
Afterwards things got a bit hectic on my part. I started (and will hopefully continue) my Zelda Diary series, but the whole concept was basically a stop gap where I ran out of games to even talk about. Which was Zelda's fault in the first place!
And while I'm mostly happy with the work I put into Luigi's Mansion Mania, I'm still thinking about how I want to grow. I'm currently working on a yet unannounced series in addition to (well, actually before) my Super Mario RPG series (I'm thinking Mario RPG Rewind as the name). And I'm really excited to do this series, I'm expanding on the first impressions in a way I've had a fun time with! (Of which I'm very nervous about its reception) But one thing I've definitely been thinking about is how I want to write the reviews themselves. I think I've been too rigid. I initially sorted my scripts into parts due to a comment that was very rude but somewhat correct from my Deathloop review where they complained the review didn't start until x minutes into the video. I think they're wrong, first of all, but there was a nugget in there that made me realize it's probably better to segment the videos a bit. The thing I want to be less rigid on is the content in relation to previous games. This is a series! Each Video should Build on the previous one! I know some people (or maybe even many) won't watch every part, but I shouldn't let that hold me back. For instance, I should have said less about what each Luigi's Mansion game did, and said more about what they did In Relation to the previous game. Right now my retrospectives/series's are technically that in the way they discuss and analyze every game in a series, but I want them to be able to converse with each other just a tad bit more. Which is a long way of saying that I'm going to try to do that with [redacted] Replay and Mario RPG Rewind. The [redacted] is a hint, btw. (So is looking at my [redacted] page, but what's the fun in that)
And before any of that anyway I'm gonna go back to Mario Bros Bonanza to look at the "Remakes" with Mario All-Stars, Advance, and 64 DS, which'll lead into Mario Bros Wonder. Excited to replay these versions, which I will do closely after I finish playing the last game for [redacted] Replay.
And Before Any Of That Still, it's game of the year season! This year I'm doing two things, my official top 10 list, as well as a year long retrospective of the games industry as a whole. And the latter of these (which I hope to get out first) I'm really trying to do something with too. The goal is to have it more in tone with my Game Awards video, but I also pulled so many articles about industry layoffs that going through them all is making me the joker. I've got one more idea for a bigger video like this, but that'll have to be on the back burner until the company I want to write about finally goes under. Oh wait, I've got another idea too! But that's like a Big big project, don't know how I want to focus on that
All of this is to say, I don't actually know what I'm going to do. Yes, I want to keep going with this! Yes, I think about how I haven't done any game dev in months and really want to start that up again, but I've also been focusing a lot of attention on trying to "find employment." And I'll be honest, my last gig was pretty cushy in terms of being able to work around the clock. I have a feeling whatever my next one is will be more restrictive. I feel like I'm going to have to make some affordances. I'm really happy I was able to successfully release a new video every other week for the full year. In mid February I'll have managed to do it for two years in a row. I don't know what the future holds, but I do know that running a youtube channel is not making me any money, and at this pace, will not make me any. (plus I refuse to run adds so like it'd have to be through other means). And in the case where I have to prioritize earning a living or making crummy videos, I need to choose the money one.
So where should I put my focus? I don't know. I really want to cover more indie games. But I also really want to continue with these long series retrospectives. But I also want to grow into more long form stuff too. And in many ways I Really Need to make some games to get my thoughts out in an artistic way. Who knows how much time I'll have to do any of it, though?
Anyway, I made a lot. Some of it was viewed far beyond my expectations too! If you haven't please watch Mario Bros Bonanza, and stay tuned for my next things too. Goodbye
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cdmagic1408 · 2 years
🎊 Onward to the New Year! 🎊
As the 2021 door closes and the 2022 door is about to open, I just want to reflect on what this year has given me and what I hope to accomplish going forward...
First off, I just wanna give a HUGE thank you to all of you for making this last quarter of my year a blast! Your support for this blog and IYTM even almost a month after the last chapter was published means so much! I love you all! 💜
And tho I'm still reveling NWH, singing We Don't Talk About Bruno on repeat, and realizing that I haven't lost my touch playing Mario Party 8 again after last playing it entering my teenage years, I want you all to know that I am still planning away at some super exciting things for the Onward fandom!
I've begun plotting the early stages of a potential IYTM sequel and have been developing our dear Eldrick's story quite a bit too. His tale is sure to be a one-shot compared to the bi-daily-ish IYTM, so I can't wait to see how it turns out and for all of you Quest Masters to learn more about him! He's an interesting one alright 😉
I know it might not seem like it (or maybe it does idk), but I have been in this fandom for a very long time (ever since Onward was first announced actually), but it really wasn't until this August where I really had the courage and confidence to finally put my foot forward and come out to all of you as someone who believes the story of Ian, Barley, and their magical world of wonder needs love and attention and to finally share my very first fanfic ever with you after all of the planning, research, writing, and editing I did for it! 😄
In doing so, I have met so many wonderful people, read some other incredibly awesome stories, and have found myself in a community where we all have this common goal. I've said this before but I am so grateful that I am not alone in believing that the world of Onward has so much potential and the need to keep that potential alive through telling more stories, sharing random anecdotes, and even just taking 5 seconds of my day to simply say "I love these precious elf bois so much! They deserve everything!" 🥺
So for that, I want to give an extra thank you to my fellow Quest Masters...for welcoming me into this glorious fandom and for just being here. Cause sometimes being here provides as much of an escape as any magical, complicated fantasy world ever could! 🥰
I guess to wrap things up, I'm just very excited to enter this new year about to read more new stories, gaze at more talented fanart, and to see what else we can bring to the table that can really help make the Onward world shine! Cause I believe everyone who is reading this has some really great ideas! 📝🎨🎬
Until then...
🎉 Here's to 2022! 🎉
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minyoonkeeks · 5 years
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Pairing:Jin x Reader
Word Count: 4k
Summary: It was one thing to love him in secret, but when you think he might like you back it changes everything. (90% Fluff, 7% Angst, 3% I don't know what this is)
Warnings: None really, there is 1 mention of throwing up for like a second and a few mentioning anxiety but nothing serious
A/N: This is the first fic I've ever decided to write. I hope it resembles him a bit, but it was fun writing. I don't know if I'll continue either, I just hope I did Jin some justice (:
Becoming his friend always felt natural, kind of like mac meeting its cheese, or peanut butter finding its jelly. He was sweet, funny, goofy Seokjin. 2 years younger, but no one could ever tell the difference. He was smart, where it counted. He hated bugs, was extra competitive, and loved marvel as much as you. That made your friendship fun. You would chill in his apartment, play endless games of super smash, and compare recipes whenever you found something new you'd want to try. Because you came from different social groups, it seemed odd at first to your friends. They laughed when they couldn't picture it being real.
"No way _____! Do both of you just have pout monologues? Because I would hate to be in the middle of that blab fest!" Hobi joked as he pictures both of you endlessly going off on each other. You both have certain quirks and apparently over talking was one of them. The more you guys interacted when you were all together, the more your friends didn't believe it.
It wasn't until the first time you had all gone to the movies together as a group. Seokjin sat next to you and you could have sworn all the girls gave the biggest groan, making you turn beet red and Seokjin laugh awkwardly. But once all of your friends realised that's exactly what it was, a friendship, they were quick to stand up for it, because there wasn't anything more. Even when your girlfriends started noticing him.
Sometimes, a lot of times, being his friend was hard. He was a 10 everywhere he'd go, regardless of how nerdy he came off when he spoke. When he wore his dumb round glasses around his beautiful face girls would swoon saying that he looked like a lawyer. Sure, he'd never win with his dumb logic, you thought.
When he would have to attend a fancy dinner in slacks and the same blue button up with white stripes on the sleeve citing that it made him look longer even though you swore he was a whole nother you taller. "Look, you just have to go with me, no one else is fun, and they won't bug me if you go instead." He would insist, telling you his parents didn't mind if it was you going instead of another date. That would sting, you were never the date.
When he'd sit and play guitar to pass the time between picking you up from work and your coworkers would stare out the window and wonder when he would notice them. "How do you even function with him, ______? You clearly have the worst taste in guys if you don't find him attractive" one of them would say. 
"Yeah, sure, if you think gumby limbs are attractive." You'd scoff back, even though deep down you knew he was. Those were the most annoying times. Being Kim Seokjin's friend was definitely not easy.
"Hey, hurry up, we'll miss the next screening of Thor and I don't want to miss the credits!" Jin yelled from the lobby, making everyone turn and glare at how loud he was being, at least until they saw his face and proceeded to gawk at him.
"I know, I know, nerd. I don't get how you can watch this for the 5th time in theaters. Like you have a huge TV at home, why rewatch it here?" You quipped grabbing the popcorn from the attendant who just glared at you for calling Jin something other than Worldwide Handsome.
"I already told you, there's nothing like rewatching it with people who get it. And you know you get it or else you wouldn't have come with me anyway" he teased, making that pout that makes your heart flutter a little too much.
Those were most days with Seokjin and sometimes you couldn't take the stares from everyone. The ones that said "Hey why is that short girl hanging out with Jin all the time? He looks like he's babysitting." "Isn't it her though? She's the delusional one, he's way too good to cut her off though, I bet it's pity." You would overhear. You get it. It wasn't ideal for some tall, gorgeous albeit weird man to be hanging out with you of all people, but Jin didn't care because you were friends... friends. That's it.
And yeah, it hurt sometimes, seeing him go on dates, or staying at his apartment when he would tell you to wait for him, even though he was out with a girl 10 times prettier, he always came back alone. Always came back to you.
You had become a confidante for him. Someone who knew a little more, but didn't judge no matter what he did. You were the cool friend, the one everyone could depend on to be there, the one everyone joked to Jin about when they'd tell him to go look after his noona, and you, being as awkward as you were, always played it off when you'd see the pink hue in his cheeks. It never crossed your mind to think any different of him until your regular movie night Wednesday. 
You were binging Lord of the Rings on his couch, in your cookie monster pajamas left over from last time while you sat next to Jin, tired from working all day.
"I guess an office job can wear you out." He chuckled.
"Definitely in more ways than one. My brain can only take so much annoyance from everyone. I just need Aragorn to murder a few orcs and it'll make me feel 10 times better." You said yawning, while Jin just stared at the TV hands on his knees. He seemed out of it for some reason, but your day being as long as it had you didn't want to pry. Sometimes Jin liked silence, and this was definitely one of those times. 
As you watched the elves on screen, bow and arrow shooting towards the dark, you started dozing off on a pillow placed near his lap. You could feel his fingertips rubbing your scalp the way you had mentioned your mom did when you had a hard time sleeping. You could hear him humming a song, your favorite, especially because he had written it for your birthday last year. Things like this made you wish sometimes that people wouldn't joke the way they do. That it wasn't weird for you to be friends, because Jin got you. He knew you were quiet some days, and extra loud others. He knew when you just needed someone to lean on, and you hoped that's what you were to him.
And there in the quiet, as you were almost asleep, you heard him. Three simple words.
"I love you."
It felt surreal and incredibly intimate. But even though you wanted to look up and tell him you loved him too, you froze. Eyes shut, breathing heavy, and panic setting in. You didn't know what to do. You can't tell if he just meant it as a friend. And if he did then you'd lose him, the one person to make you feel like you belong when you really didn't. He kept stroking your head and you told yourself it wasn't a big deal, that you would pretend to sleep, until sleep became real, and in the morning you'd leave just as friends, how it's always been.
When you wake up, you feel really uncomfortable, not being able to get anything out of your head. Over thinking as always, and if this was any other situation, Jin would be the first person you'd tell. But that obviously wasn't possible, so you got up and grabbed you things, said an awkward goodbye and left him cooking pancakes for the both of you.
"Are you sure you don't want any?" He yelled as you were already opening the door to get out of his apartment.
"No it's fine. I forgot I had a meeting to get to and I have to go change and get ready. I'll text you later." You yelled back, trying to sound casual, and not like you were on the verge of throwing up from the anxiety.
You texted him that night and told him you needed to focus on work, that you'd have to go to a few meetings after and you wouldn't be able to meet up. His demeanor never changed, it was always silly Seokjin, always calm,cool, And sweet Seokjin.
JIN: Hey, no worries you're fine. I have to go to a few dinners too, but since you'll be in meetings I'll have to take Hobi or Tae, they're the only ones that like these events anyway.
YOU: Thanks, you should take that girl that you took last time though or you'll end up old and alone. :P
JIN: Maybe, not sure. I'll text you later though, bye!
It was fine right? You would be fine. And he would go out and be his normal charming cool guy self. Just like always. You just needed a moment to get back into the friend zone. And although you'd just lay in bed and lie to him about where you were, you knew eventually you'd have to see him. 
So the day came, well, he more so showed up at your apartment at two am and you couldn't really avoid him. When you opened the door, you don't look up, even though he towers over you. 
"____ what's wrong?"
You can hear the hurt in his voice as he says your name, and yet, you know that if you look up he'll see right through you. So you stare at his feet.
"Nothing just tired from work. What's going on?" You mumble, trying to keep your composure as you look up as him for the first time. He sighs and looks away, scratching the back of his head, trying to figure out what to say next.
"What did I do? Are you mad? I just, I don't know why you're avoiding me, and you tell me everything. So I can't fix it if I don't know what's wrong." He tells you quietly, as if he was reassuring himself to you. That your friendship meant more than just a few races of Mario Kart or a permanent plus one that he didn't have to explain more than just, "yeah, she's a friend." And everyone would just get it, no questions asked. 
But suddenly you were in his arms, and you can smell the fresh cotton scent you've become so used to. You can feel his warmth when he presses into you and you can hear his heartbeat pounding into your ears. 
It wasn't like you didn't miss him, you did, too much for a friend though. And how were you going to break it to him. That you, the one who's supposed to be the cool noona, who doesn't mind just being friends, was in too deep? How could you tell him so he just gives you time to be his friend again? Because losing him would be way worse than anything else thrown at you.
You squeeze your eyes shut as you wrap your arms around his torso in response to his sudden hug. It was second nature to do so, but this time it just felt like it was the last time and you wanted to hold on as long as possible. He brushed your hair with his fingers, and swayed side to side because he knew that made you smile. You took a deep breath, not realizing you had been holding it in since he had first leaned against you.
"It's ok, _______, hey I'm fine, you're fine, nothing's wrong. I know you need space sometimes, but I can't have you lying to me about where you are when we tell each other everything. I didn't mean to scare you. Hey, it's ok don't worry." He pats your head and holds you close realizing for the first time that you're crying. You clear your throat and back away from him wiping away your tears with your sweater paws, trying to regain a little sanity.
"I wasn't lying, I'm just ... tired." You tell him sounding coarse, more tired than you knew. "Work is overwhelming and I just needed some time to myself. You know me, I..."
"No, you don't,not from me anyway. You don't and I know because I know you _____, like the back of my hand I know you." Jin said, sounding louder than he meant to. Taking a step back and breathing once before continuing, "But, I get it. I'm not sure why, but I get that you need space from me." He looks down and sighs, making your heart break a little more each time. He pinches the bridge of his nose and you know it's his form of keeping a level head. He does it when he's mad, or worse, when he doesn't want you to see him cry. 
He looks at you one more time and you can tell. He's tired, and his pleading look is something you thought you'd never be the cause of. But, what's worse? Leaving it here, or telling him the truth and watching him walk out, for real this time?
"Just... give me 2 more days. I just need 2 more days and I promise I'll come back. I just... I just need 2..." you stare at him, but with your own pleading look this time, you words soft and sad. For what, you don't know. Maybe the end, realizing, it might be the last time he visits you?
"Ok, ok _______. 2 days, but when you come back to me I want to know. I really do, whatever you give me. I'll accept it, just like you do to me. No judgement, no worries. But please, 2 days, come back." He grabs your hand and rubs along your wrist, a sign of affection he was used to giving you as he goes in for one more hug. This time he holds you a little tighter, maybe even a little longer, before he clears his throat, takes a deep breath and turns to walk to his car.
You stare at him going down the sidewalk and breathe, 2, 3. He's almost gone ______, and then you really need to get your shit together before you really lose him, you chide yourself silently.
Jin turns and waves, nodding once for goodbye while he smiles softly. His cheeks puff a little in the lamplight and you can see a glare. There was no way he was crying was there? You'd only seen him do it once when you dared him to eat your grandma's salsa that had a little too much jalapeño causing him to cry out in pain. The confused look you had, made him stop for a second before getting into his car and leaving towards his home.
Lying in bed, you kept twisting and turning, feeling way too hot to sleep and nothing could fix it. You walk to the kitchen and pull out some food, but it just gives you nausea thinking about what just happened so you settle for the milk and cereal.
Why'd you have to be so suspicious looking? Like you did something you weren't proud of? I mean, being in love with your best friend isn't a crime, it's just, not common, especially between you two. You went over the scenario in your head again, thinking about what you should have done differently so you wouldn't have to tell him the truth. You look at the cereal and look at the almost empty carton of milk before you grab a bowl and throw everything in trying to stuff your face and forget. 
2 days, 2 days, to figure out how to tell Jin that you love him in a way that isn't the same anymore. And it's all his fault, his, and stupid Lord of the Rings, that you promised to never watch again if this didn't fix itself.
To say that you were productive in trying to figure out the best way to tell your best friend that you were in love with him was a complete over exaggeration. You lied in bed, eating snickers, listening to old Taylor Swift songs- that you hated, but Jin thought were cute, and cried into your pillow like a maniac. There were moments of clarity sure, where you'd write, or at least begin to write, Jin a letter of things you wanted to tell him. Maybe give him a pros and cons list of being your friend still, but you always came up short, Both literally and figuratively. It was frustrating because at the end of the day, Jin had everything. He had his best group of friends, he had girls fawning over him, he had a stable family, a bougie apartment, and a great job. All you offered were some really intense matches of Capcom VS Marvel, and we all know, Jungkook would be a much better opponent. But here you were, trying to figure out where you went wrong, why you had to take his confession in any other way than platonically, and therefore ruin your friendship.
Day 2 came by after a sleepless night. You called Jin and told him as cool as you could that you'd be at his house no later than 8, and to be ready with Captain America Winter Soldier because it was the best and he couldn't change your mind.
"Yes, I get it. Bucky is your dude, no need to rub it in. Don't forget though" his voice getting softer, "I miss you so hurry up"
"Yes I know, you can't live without me and life is unbearable because you have no one warm to cuddle to. Although, I should definitely charge for being your own personal teddy bear." You laugh, as calmly as you can, nerves on the other end running towards you throat to make you sound cringier than normal. 
7 o'clock came and you got ready. Jeans and Jins sweatshirt, not that he would care. Most of them ended up in your house and consequently on you because you liked that his long arms made the perfect sweater paws. You put your hair up in a bun and you told yourself once more through the mirror, "Hey, it isn't the end, everything goes, and if he does too, you'll survive". You nodded to yourself and put the best fake smile you could as you walk towards your car and get in, driving to your version of the end of the world.
Jin opens the door and his eyes light up in the best possible way. You always admired that about him, his true emotions always on his sleeve, and today, you hoped that his eyes would stay like this even after your confession. 
"You gonna let me in or do I have to shove my way through?" You smile as best you can, telling yourself, only a few more minutes until it's all over, just breathe, you'll be ok.
"Nah, you can fight me first!" he teased and went in for a hug. You inhaled his scent like it was the only oxygen you could ever need in life. It was odd, he didn't let go, and although you hated the thought of doing it first, you knew you had to, so you rubbed his back a second went in for the kill, tickling him in his ribs when he least expected it.
"Really!? Wait, no stop! STOP IT YOU WIN!!" He yells as he pulls you in for another hug, He breathes you in for a second, relaxing, "I really missed you. This was way too long, and I don't know how I survived without you" he sighed, his shoulders slouching into you, even when he could easily engulf your whole body in his large frame.
You blush pulling back and patting his arm in the friendliest of ways, "Back at you! Let's go watch Bucky be a beast!" Hoping that he didn't see you cringe to yourself as you said it.
What a dork, you murmur to yourself as you sit on his couch, knocking your shoes off one at a time. You sit cross legged on the sofa waiting for the movie to start before Jin turns off the screen.
"Hey" he says as he sits in front of you on the floor in the same exact way as you. You look at him, a sneer in your stare as you grab a pillow and throw it at his head. He chuckles as he turns away trying not to get hit. But as he turns back you can see the look in his eyes. It's the same one he had 2 nights ago, and it's the one you knew would come back today.
"Yeah, what's up" you tell him, tilting your head to the side,hoping he can just see the tension in your face and leave it alone.
He stares at you for a quick second, thoughts floating in his pupils about what move to make next.
He gets on both knees and gets close to your face, startling you frozen in front of him. You can feel him breathing on you, and you don't know why, but the sudden urge to cup his face with your hand comes out snd you're rubbing your thumb across his cheek. 
He holds your hand within his and closes his eyes for a second, and you can feel him shaking slightly. Is he nervous? Does he think you'll leave him on purpose? I guess it's now or never.
"Jin, I.."
"I know, and if it makes you feel better, I do too."
"Lies, you don't even know what I'm going to say. Do you always have to win? I mean I try my hardest and it's not fair when your fingers are longer than ..." and his lips are on yours, effectively shutting you up from saying something even more stupid than you already had.
You look around the room, feeling like it's spinning, holding on for dear life to his sweater collar because if you let go you'd collapse. 
You close your eyes and and scrunch your face trying to burn it into your memory. A kiss, that's all this is, but it's not. It's his kiss. It's dorky, nerdy, handsome, beautiful Jin's kiss and it's perfect, just like him.
You slowly wrap your hands around his neck as he breathes you in, turning slightly so you can be more comfortable and pulls back to smile at your dumbfounded face. You keep your eyes closed hoping it wasn't just a figment of your imagination before you hear him chuckle, his stupid Jin chuckle.
"What? Why are you laughing? Is this funny to you? How?! How rude" you aim to slap his arm, but he catches it and grabs you by the waist pulling you in for a hug.
"Don't ever do that again, you promise? It wasn't fun, and I don't know if I scared you when I told you I love you because I thought you were sleeping, but I really meant it." Jin kisses your collarbone as he nuzzles into your neck.
"I didn't know, I really didn't, but I'm glad I do now. This anxiety was killing me, and literally the only person I could tell was Tae and we all know how weird he gets when we talk about our feelings. I mean, remember that one time I-"
"Just, here, -" He places another kiss on your lips, then your cheeks, your nose, and your forehead, effectively making you mush. "At least now I know how to really shut you up when you start your monologues"
"Oh shut up and come here" you smile and you pull him up to the couch and snuggle with him under the blanket. 
This was the one thing you didn't think would happen today, and although you lost maybe 10 years from the anxiety alone, it was definitely worth it, you tell yourself as you look at him while he's singing along to the marvel theme song. 
That's my nerd, my Jin.
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pokefanbri · 4 years
1st I have to say this b4 I repeat the post from fb. This is a place where I can speak my mind freely without judgement, speak my peace even. Which is exactly what im gonna do so prepare for a read. So think what u want idc, but the last thing I wanna do is tick some1 I know off cause on some level there's a mutual appreciation & respect regardless of my impression. And anyone that reads this isn't obligated to understand my opinion & I dont expect u to. With my brain its my thought process to let information out of my head so I can put things aside, observe & absorb more lol. Writing is another tool or coping mechanism for my anxieties & other psych ailments, treatment for my mental health depends on it & other hobbies in other words, especially during shutdown, something to focus on. Heck even youtube is recommended by my doctor if it keeps me happy lol. But because ill be working again, I may not have time to do alot of things I like sadly..idk i just wouldnt want to be burnt out & focus on more important things. I have a high respect for anyone working around people during this time & it must worrisome for u too, means I have to keep on my toes as well soon..its a scary world out there for an introvert but I was killin it in NY too. It was just a slow steady process with all the limitations & moving my life up there wasn't easy to begin with but I pulled through & did it all...only for it to be taken away.
So, I'm an Irish, German, Canadian,British Mut from tucson. Maternal & paternal immidiate families lineage mixed made me, including my NY blood from my bio dad. The rest is all over Europe but u get the idea. Tucson may be where i was born & my 1st home without a father & raised not knowing (were mardi gras babies btw 😒)
But NY is & will forever be my 2nd home i dont care what any1 says, I felt I belonged there. Its the other half of me quite literally.Theres a memory that's really been bugging me. Last day b4 i left it, a bald eagle flew across my path in the sky no joke going NE & I was departing back to the SW. I chose the eagle years ago cause I identify with it. including the background symbolism in different phases of my life that included them lol, but to actually see one was just amazing.
They symbolize strength+freedom in general despite it standing for the country from sea to shining sea lol. Also Braviary was always in my pokemon team besides pikachu since its gen came out lol. I've always been strong, whether some believe it to be true or not is their problem, only I know the things I've gone through. Point is different ends of the spectrum its always been with me throughout in some way & im glad i got to share it with someone that gave me the freedom I needed.
But yea I experienced what its like to be there & got to know that part of me even if I didn't find him & maybe didnt care...I feel I was meant to be there. I was in touch with my roots, lower Temps & above sea level rather than high temps & below sea level 🤣 I loved everything about my time up there. It'll always be a part of me, & I hope to see it again. But I digress.
But in regards to the relationship itself, emphasizing on what i said b4. Just as it i got "settled" in it was gone & I had no clue what was happening without my knowledge, the whole plan to bring me back, all of it, the whole chain of events that unfolded the way it did starting with leaving a marriage in the 1st place to be with him i mean come on lol. Chasing a dream that didn't play out the way we had hoped. I took leap of faith & I ended up starting over twice in 1 year with no benefit of the doubt. I still have my ny health insurance for the rest of the yr, I have to add it to my list to apply again in az. Ive been wearing the wrong prescription glasses for 6 months under quarantine & they're just now getting to stage 4 of opening lol. Just understand how frustrating that actually is for someone like me & u totally get it 😅 U want to take care of business but sometimes you're limited & gotta work around it. had all that covered there & then was told I settled, wrong thing to say & its no wonder I didn't blow up in his face right there & then 😒. But I have retraint & can control myself. Though it was out of my hands the new relationship didn't have to go sour, been just as long if not more, could've actually thrived given the proper balance with room to grow. Idk, Sometimes I honestly don't think anyone believed in me. I mean I have no debt, no record, no kids, im a clean slate type of girl lol. Yes I did end up feeling unappreciated, underestimated, a bit neglected, insecure about my body, ashamed for being myself, & I shouldn't have to feel that way at all & if that happens there obviously something off. I just didnt know what it is he wanted & needed, i wanted to help & be a good partner to this dude but why is it bad to ask the same in return? I shouldn't have to drastically change myself to fit someones standard i know, but...i needed the old him back, I missed the old us & wanted to get back to that.. Was always so closed off & probably ended up in his own head who knows, maybe there was guilt for some of the things he did & didnt want to hurt me anymore, spare my feelings any more than it did b4 it was too late.idk whatever the excuse i still don't know what triggered it all to fail so easily & i don't think i ever will. But ending up with the conclusion that I was the problem, its narcissistic to even believe that & i won't accept it. Not when he can't confront his own issuse & put blame onto himself too.. it was a low blow & literally felt like my heart was pierced at the sound of it. If im to blame its the other way around as well. My point of view wasn't acknowledged so this is my take & experiences of happened so plz dont hate me for speaking my truth.
But yea I can tell when somethings not right & feel strong empathy for others emotions. I knew something was different, there were signs everywhere since the mistrust started & during the last half of that time with him I questioned everything but sat in my own headspace as well as he did just thinking about it. If anything we failed eachother, the blame is on us both but idk what else i could've done to get through to him. That's the stubbornness, he wouldn't budge. Despite how things went down..Leaves me to think, what was the point of having me there in the 1st place, to not follow through with our shared hopes & dreams but instead spiral into such resentment for me that the interest faded. But at the at the same time...even if it ended early for him, I didn't give up & I fought to keep us okay which it was for the most part. Hindsight is 20/20, it definitely wasn't negative all the time. In fact things were great between us & acted like goofballs together, that right there is a friend despite if the stronger feelings weren't mutual. Nobody with hate in their heart acts like that, he was good, the best, cheered me up when I was down, shared interests & did things for eachother. But that alone makes me question what was truth & what was fiction sometimes ever since the trust between us started to fade. Am I in the right to feel what im feeling right now? Im angry & upset yes very, but the kindness he had throughout..he did care in his own way...which makes things so much harder.
Tripadoodle if some way you're listening, I hope u know now where im coming from. For your own benefit & quest to be a better man like you always wanted...actually try. Head my advice. Making yourself better shouldn't be put on a womans shoulders to do for u without her getting lifted in return...its alot of weight to handle for 1 person to carry lol. Get off your ass & build on yourself, learn from everything that happened & become better for yourself & the sake of others, Because it starts with u. Go to church if possible or watch them, it really does help. Even from across the country I still want u to do just as good & help u as a friend. You promised we could remain friends & im holding my end of the bargain whether u like it or not lol it was your idea during the ride here. All I wanted in the end was to not lose u in my life completely...but i should be patient i know.. Theres more space, im not contacting u directly & respecting that, eventually ill stfu lol but I feel I need this rn. I should hate u,but I cant hate u, I do still care, u had that affect on me so much that I can't really listen to others when they say ur a douchbag lol, u were still my rock the whole time even if u didn't feel the same after a while & u did help me alot as well. I see the good in people & u are good, with well balanced snarkiness & humorous sass to boot. light a fire under ur own ass & ull be okay lol. Never stopped believing in u. Ive seen what you can do, you're very smart & know your sh*t, u will go far lol. And as a friend I'd lend u my strength if I could but the most I can do is pray for things like safety/protection, healing, forgiveness, guidance, etc. Leave it to God if u feel compelled to. Give zanabell a hug for me.
God i talk way too much 😅 No im not doing any of this for attention, I want my voice to be heard as well as a possible learning experience if it had that effect on anyone. The things we learn build character & help us understand a little more about ourselves. Probably shouldn't share cuz its nobody's business, yea ive thought of that too.. But its a blog lol, Tumblr allowed it to be that space, opinions and rants are allowed & encouraged. Nothing wrong with that 🤷‍♀️ so who gives a crap.
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These are pictures of the NY sunrise & AZ sunset. Clouds always get me cuz of the shapes, used to to take pics of them all the time. once saw mario holding a hammer when I was a kid 😂 3rd & 4th pic is a split rainbow, never seen that b4...either someone found the gold or its deciding whether or not to connect. Probably was connected but I missed it lol. But then I looked behind me after the split 1 disappeared & a double rainbow was forming. Nature can be scary but also beautiful
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pacman-tattoo · 7 years
Hi, I love your work so much! I've reread a lot of your work in my free time and it just makes me so happy. I was wondering if I could request something, you don't have to do it if you don't want of course. I was thinking of just a friendship thing with Jeremy and Michael where they play video games or hang out, or the friend is quiet and anxious and they help out. I just haven't seen many that aren't romantic. Thank you so much! I hope you have a great week!
heck yeah, friendship 
im in spanish rn but idc im bored
michael and jeremy have beens friends for like, 12 years right
well, u met these nerds a couple years ago but it feels like 12 years tbh
u ended up assigned to a group project w/ them
yay i love cliches
they came to ur house and they probably were like
immediately in love with ur room bc video games????? nice
75% of that afternoon was u three playing mario kart and Bonding.
and like, ur usually a quiet nerd so seeing u playfully punch michael after he threw a red shell at u was hilarious for jeremy (and michael but jeremy is just!!! damn, get wrecked michael)
somehow the three of u ended up playing video games a lot more
friendship grows
thats just how u guys met
u probably call jeremy a variety of nicknames when ur angry @ video games
noodle, string bean, flagpole, ect.
tall things
‘u fukn giraffe’
both boys are like
v nice about u being an anxious bean if that makes sense
sweet boys i love them
i.e. if ur rly insecure about ordering stuff, michael is alright w/ doing it for u (because he’s 100% done it for jer but mainly bc jer is a dummy sometimes)
im writing u into bmc sorry ://///
jer gets…. squorped…..
michael and u are… good friend
who needs jeremy????? am i right???????
both of u
its not the same my dude
what are u supposed to do without the french fry…….
u dont go to jake party since parties arent ur thing but ur moral support and u and michael probably end up hanging out after jer is a dick since
friends help friends yknow
u ponch that jeremy
p o n c h
which… surprised him and michael and u a lot
he probably bruised from that
jeremy 100% bruises easy imo he’s like a apple or something
ur just glad to have ur friend back
u have…. gotten better at video games bc u and michael played a lot while jer was off w/ the squep
get wrekt jeremy
tbh michael knows like……. ur fave snacks
he brings jer food and u food
friendship at its finest
michael and jer see u like… differently than everyone else because like
i imagine ur v quiet around other ppl but meanwhile u screm at video game because JEREMY U PINE TREE U JUST STRAIGHT UP SHOVED ME INTO MICHAEL U C HE A  TER  
thats all i got
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useless19 · 6 months
So, King Boo in Days. Where to start.
When I started writing Days, I hadn't played a Luigi's Mansion game aside from a little bit of LM1 years ago before I got too scared to continue (it had ghosts!). I still liked making references here and there to the series, since it's half the reason for Luigi's characterisation being what it is these days. I've since picked up LM3 and had fun with it. Even if I don't have a proper handle on King Boo's character yet, I think I've got the rough idea.
However, my main issue with actually putting him in is that he's a final boss and I don't want to treat him as not a final boss. Equally, using him to make Luigi look tougher while weakening Bowser wasn't what I wanted to do to those characters either - any sort of curb stomp battle is not going to happen. King Boo needed to show up but not make too much of a mess because he's not part of the main plot; his appearance isn't the catalyst for Luigi and Bowser to change how they feel about each other. Trying to balance the weight of such an important character with the planned out state of the main relationship wasn't something I thought I could do justice.
That doesn't mean I don't have ideas for when he might have shown up :D
First off, somewhen around Day 24 could've been interesting. Adding him to the melting pot of Luigi in denial, Bowser coming to terms with liking Luigi more than Peach, and Peach being at the castle while trying to make plans to take back her kingdom. It would've been such a wonderful mess, but not one that I could ever have figured out how to write (especially given how long it took me to put Day 21 together). It would've derailed the plot and I would've had to have redone a lot of what I had already written for Day 27/30.
On the other hand, Day ~11 could've been very interesting. I have way more notes about how that might go down:
The scent of fresh welds mingled nostalgically with the dusty aroma of crumbled stone. Luigi hummed, satisfied with his work, as he fitted another length of pipe into place.
We open with Luigi fixing the pipework in the baths (Bowser broke some of it in Day 9 and Luigi wanted something to do while Junior was getting some lessons). The baths are also having their monthly clean out/scrub, so there's no risk of falling in boiling water or anything like that. Luigi's having polite chit-chat here and there with the cleaners until a Boo jumps out of nowhere and scares him.
Not knowing why a Boo is around, Luigi packs up his borrowed tools and heads off to ask someone what's going on (the cleaners don't know any better than him, also Luigi doesn't pick up that the Boo is similarly confused as to why Luigi is here). He tries asking a few people, but no one really knows. Eventually he reaches the throne room, where Bowser and King Boo are chatting about something. King Boo notices Luigi, tries to portraitify him, only to miss when Bowser yanks Luigi out the way with the contract warping.
Here's the tricky part, there needs to be an argument that doesn't significantly mess with the status quo. Something roughly like this:
Bowser: That's my prisoner. King Boo: That's my nemesis! [Bowser falters somewhat] Luigi: You kidnap Mario all the time, King Boo. Bowser [rallying]: Yeah, exactly! King Boo [lying through his teeth]: I would've handed him over after I'd gotten Luigi. Bowser [lying just as much]: I'll hand him over after I've gotten Mario out the way and married Peach. Luigi: ... yay.
After that, Luigi goes back to fixing the pipes, but with a guard watching him now (ostensibly to stop him escaping, he thinks it's just for show, Bowser's actually put the guard there to make sure there's at least a witness for anything King Boo might try). King Boo shows up to threaten him. During this, one of the cleaners/the guard refers to Luigi as 'Princess' (importantly this didn't happen during the previous confrontation) and King Boo finds the whole magical marriage contract hilarious. He laments that he ignored Bowser's wedding invite because it would've absolutely made his death to see Luigi get entangled in this mess.
I think it would be interesting from there to have a proper interaction between King Boo, Bowser, and Luigi. Highlighting why Bowser and King Boo are allies and don't mess with each other's plots. Possibly getting into a bit of what Bowser's marriage means on a larger political scale. Potentially touching on Luigi's fear of ghosts and him having to figure out how to explain it without insulting one or both of the kings.
But then I don't know! I don't feel like King Boo would just leave it at that. Maybe Bowser could work out a deal where King Boo helps him find something to break the contract (maybe he's the reason Bowser went looking in the Silicarid desert)? Though he wouldn't have done it for free and Bowser might have to deal with consequences shortly after letting Luigi go in Day 30 and I wouldn't want to leave that plot thread hanging (that's not going to stop Bowser from make the deal because he has never cared about potential consequences in his life).
Part of the problem is that around this time Luigi's starting to feel comfortable in the castle. Adding the vague threat of Boos showing up whenever they like is going to kneecap that. He's also still happy to make escape attempts and this could prompt one of those (which is another mess entirely that I'd want to do justice).
By this point, Bowser has definitely noticed that Luigi is his type, but hadn't reached the point of wanting a relationship rather than just sex. He's possessive anyway, so he's not going to give up his prisoner without a fight.
So, yeah. That's my King Boo in Days thoughts. Hopefully that ramble makes sense!
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