#I do enjoy all the different dynamics of ishimondo
mickules · 1 year
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Comparing Kiyotaka "approaches everything with whole ass 100% conviction and completely groundless confidence" Ishimaru with Mondo "I can't speak to people I fancy without yelling due to how nervous I am" Owada, I wonder which one of them might be more likely to take the initiative...
Clueless Taka, with his insulated upbringing, is a firm favourite of mine. But, obliviousness doesn't mean passivity, and Taka is nothing if not a force of nature.
Also, I can't help but feel... Unfiltered passion combined with zero experience and a hideously stubborn competitive streak? They'd be SO BAD at kissing.
Like "accidental concussion" levels of bad
Just "constantly headbutting the other in their enthusiasm" bad.
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Well, Practice makes Perfect.
Happy Valentine's Day.
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oumakokichi · 3 years
fave dr ships and why?? :0
Hmm, that’s a pretty fun question! There are so many fun character interactions in each game that there’s a lot of ships I really like, so I’ll try to briefly just touch on some of my favorites in each game!
There aren’t really any spoilers in my reply, but I’m going to include a read-more anyway because even trying to keep it brief, there were a lot of ships to cover, so it still got pretty long.
In dr1, I honestly really love naegiri. Naegi gets a lot of flack for “not being interesting enough” or “not bringing anything to the table,” but I think he worked really well as the protagonist for the first installment of the series, and I absolutely think he and Kirigiri have a lot of great chemistry. Kirigiri and Naegi’s relationship is all about finding a balance between doubt and belief, and both of them really help each other grow as people. I think their dynamic is at its best in the first game, since Kirigiri gets so much time to shine and really feels more like the deuteragonist of the series than anyone else. Plus watching Naegi try to learn how to read her stoic façade when she’s really quite emotional under the  surface is so much fun.
I’m also a huge fan of aoisakura. I love everything about their interaction, and chapter 4 of dr1 is still one of the best in the whole series in my opinion. Both of them care so much about each other even from early on, and Aoi’s anger at how the others treat Sakura or talk about her like she’s hardly even a person comes across as so legitimate. It’s such a great and largely underrated ship, so I always love to see it.
I also have to say that I like kirizono quite a lot! They don’t have much in the way of interaction in canon, considering how early Maizono dies, but it’s one of those ships where I’m much more interested in the overall potential. Kirigiri seems to have a very good grasp of what Maizono was actually like as a person and what she might have been thinking in her final moments. While she uncovers the truth of the events of chapter 1, she doesn’t see Maizono as irredeemable for tricking Naegi, but merely as someone who was scared and who ultimately couldn’t go through with her own plan. She knew that Maizono was trying to help Naegi in her own way by leaving him a dying message, and I would have loved to see a detective-and-assistant duo with Kirigiri and Maizono in some alternate universe.
Other ships from dr1 that I enjoy even if I’m not super invested in them from an analysis standpoint are celesgiri (how could I not ship the original liar and detective), naekusaba (DR IF really sold me on this one), ishimondo (all around a solid, great ship), and naegami (honestly I just think the idea of Kirigiri and Togami both dating Naegi but barely tolerating each other as friends is really funny).
Sdr2 is probably the game where I wound up the least invested in shipping, but there are still a few that I like!
Hinanami isn’t quite as appealing to me as naegiri, mostly due to Nanami being used twice for Hinata’s character development, but they have some really cute moments that I do enjoy a lot, and I really love any interaction between the two of them as gamer friends. Nanami is so much more mischievous than most people give her credit for; I still can’t help remembering when I replayed sdr2 a year or two ago and got to the part with her threatening to poke Hinata’s eyes out during an investigation, and I nearly lost my shit because I didn’t remember it at all from previous playthroughs.
I’m not quite as invested in komahina as I thought I would be when I first got into DR, but I definitely don’t mind it either! I think Komaeda’s feelings for Hinata are pretty textual and undeniable; lines like “I’m in love with the hope that’s sleeping inside you” are impossible, in my opinion, to handwave as “just a friend thing,” and Megumi Ogata has all but stated outright that her character song for Komaeda is specifically about Hinata.
Of course, I definitely think Komaeda would need to work on a lot of his internalized ideas about talent and self-worth, and that he and Hinata would have to start as friends first before carrying their relationship into anything romantic, but if their really cute interation in ndrv3’s talent development plan is anything to go off of, I think Hinata definitely does want to help Komaeda value himself more and wants to be friends with him.
As for other ships that I enjoy more casually, I like twobuki (if that’s even what people are still calling Twogami/Impostor and Ibuki as a ship), sondam (all of Sonia’s nerding out about Gundam’s chuunibyou interests is honestly super adorable), nanamiki (I feel like Nanami and Mikan could honestly have a cute dynamic if Mikan weren’t under Junko’s influence), and… I actually have no idea for this ship name, but Impostor/Hinata is really sweet. This is more related to dr3, but one of the few things I did come out feeling positively about was Impostor/Mitarai, despite everything else about how the story turned out.
Finally, there’s ndrv3! There’s quite a lot of ships I really love here, so it’s actually a little hard to narrow it down.
I hardly think I need to mention saiouma at this point, since it’s the ship I talk about the most on this blog, but it’s still my favorite ship from pretty much anything ever. I love their dynamic so much: the way they both embody the themes of “truth” and “lies” within the game respectively, the way they constantly want to know more about each other while being afraid to open up or trust each other completely, and the fact that they so perfectly manage to capture the chase of the “phantom thief vs. detective” trope to the point that it was even lampshaded in Ouma’s love hotel... all of these things just make it so much fun.
It’s another ship where I just love thinking about the potential, whether in an AU where Ouma might have lived or else where the killing game never took place at all. I honestly really love ships that deal with a lot of slow-burn and both characters thinking their affections are unrequited when it turns out they’re actually both just idiots with a bad case of pining. I also really love the fact that, in my opinion, it’s a ship where Saihara would have to really take the initiative in the end—otherwise, Ouma is just going to keep trying to run away every time he drops an “I love you,” or “you’re my favorite.”
I also really, really love himiten. It’s a ship that gets a lot more flack than it deserves, in my opinion, and it’s sad to see that it’s a little underappreciated these days. There are flaws and problems within the ship, of course, but these are things that are actually addressed within the game itself. Himiko’s apathy and disregard towards Tenko’s feelings is called out pretty bluntly in the later parts of chapter 3, and she winds up mourning Tenko’s death and taking her last advice to heart more than anyone else.
Meanwhile, while Tenko certainly meant well and always had Himiko’s best interests at heart, it’s true that she came across as somewhat condescending sometimes (albeit unintentionally) by treating Himiko like a cute animal instead of a person.  I think that she understood Himiko’s feelings a lot better by chapter 3, which is why she prioritized trying to let Himiko talk to Angie one more time despite her own misgivings about Angie. Tenko grew a lot more as a character than a lot of people give her credit for, and I would have loved to see any post-game scenario where Himiko and Tenko could’ve finally started a relationship on equal footing outside of the game.
I actually have two entire ships for Miu that I am equally fond of. Both kiiruma and irumatsu are really great in my opinion, in totally different ways. The sheer chaotic potential of kiiruma gets overlooked a lot of times, I think, but both of them are complete disasters. They have so much fun together and it really shows, both in canon and in the talent development plan as well. Kiibo is so wonderful and I love him so much, because you’d think he’d be the voice of reason as a “cold, logical robot”—but honestly, he’s just as messed-up and over the top as Miu. I mean, he did photograph her poop on what turned out to be a live audience national broadcast and he didn’t see anything wrong with this.
Kiibo is one of the few characters who vocally talks about missing Miu after her death in chapter 4, and he repeatedly tells her how much he appreciates her maintenance work on him both in canon and in one of their talent development scenes. In one such scene, he even mentions wanting to continue their ongoing relationship after they graduate, which I think is surprisingly sweet and adorable for the two of them. Honestly, Miu is about as wild as a DR character ever gets, and I love the idea of her and Kiibo just having fun with each other.
Meanwhile, Kaede and Miu’s dynamic is a lot more back-and-forth. Kaede spends a good part of her FTEs absolutely frustrated and fed up with Miu, but also decidedly worried for her well-being and wondering how she might get her to be more of a team player. She’s not afraid to put her foot down when Miu crosses the line, but she’s also one of the few people who’s ever been willing to stand by Miu and encourage her or actually be her friend in spite of how awful Miu is at interacting with others.
Even in the talent development plan, Kaede’s often seen together with Miu a lot, which I think is super cute and confirms that even at Hope’s Peak, she’d still be trying to make sure Miu had a friend around. And she was able to tell that, despite what a disaster Miu’s idea with the Christmas lights was, it was Miu’s own way of trying to add to the festivities and do something nice for other people. All in all, it’s one of my favorite wlw DR ships, and I really love when fanworks capture just how shy or flustered Miu got around Kaede sometimes.
Of course, I like momoharu a lot as well! It’s one of the ships that has grown on me quite a bit in my absence, mostly just because despite all of Momota’s flaws, he really does want Maki to love herself first and foremost. Maki’s own feelings for Momota are so important to her character growth and really represent her feeling as though she’s finally made a choice for the first time in her life, and it’s really heartwarming to see. Also, any ship where the girl could lift a guy up with one arm without breaking a sweat is a pretty good ship in my opinion.
As for other ndrv3 ships that I enjoy a lot, there’s saihoshi (Hoshi is extremely underrated as a character, and I adore how sweet his FTEs and salmon mode with Saihara were; it’s also another ship where I feel Saihara would have to really take the initiative to make Hoshi fully open up, which I like), amamatsu (Kaede and Amami had a lot of really funny, great interaction in chapter 1 and some fun banter in their FTEs, so I would’ve loved to see more of it), and harumatsu/kaemaki (again, they have a lot of potential and it would have been extremely interesting to see them interact more).
I also like saiibo, not so much in the way that most people ship it (their love hotel is cute, don’t get me wrong!), but mostly because Kiibo’s FTEs are the funniest set of FTEs in the whole game in my opinion, and the twist where they were both looking down on each other without the other one knowing just made my jaw drop before I started laughing my ass off. They’re almost as much of a disaster together as Kiibo and Miu are, and I think the humor in their dynamic sometimes gets overlooked.
There are even more ships that I like, and I could keep going on and on, but I should probably leave things off here. Character interactions are so much fun in DR, both because of the genuine growth and character development from a lot of the cast, but also because so many of them are so whacky and borderline cartoonish that it’s just really fun imagining further interactions between them. Thank you for the fun ask, anon!
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sinfulwonders · 4 years
Oh ask memes. Quick tell me all about the Kiibs. Though Sakura would also be great c:
How about both?? ^_^
Fight them or fight for them
Fight for him. Kiibo is a precious angel who’s just doing his best. I would definitely wanna fight for him.
On a scale from 1-10 how excited do I get when I see them
Kiibo fanart is ridiculously cute, so even though he’s not one of my absolute favorite characters I’d still say like a 7. 
Would I smooch/date/etc
Kiibo is a good guy, I’d be lucky to date him. That being said, he’s quite naive, so Idk if I’d really want to. I’d given him a hug for sure though!
Do I write for them
Not as much as I should! I believe I’ve written a Saiibo drabble and a few headcanons for various pairings, but that’s pretty much it. I like writing the Kiibs though!
Their defining color (color I most associate with them)
Blue and White!
My nickname(s) for them
The Kiibs, Kiiboy, Kiibaby. Pretty much all the Kokichi canon nicknames I think.
Something I have in common with them
Gosh, I’m trying to think of something. We’re both bad at people and love lol.
Song I associate with them
When You Wish Upon a Star from the Pinocchio soundtrack lol Kiibo gives me Pinocchio vibes.
Who do I ship them(and type of ship ex. Romantic or brotp)
I ship Kiiruma and Saiibo! I probably lean more towards Kiiruma because I’m such a big Oumasai fangirl, but I really enjoy both dynamics! I think Miu or Saihara would be super good for Kiibo in completely different ways. I like the idea of Soda and Chihiro and Kiibo being friends, too! ^_^
Idea for an imagine/fanfic for them (if I have one)
When Miu upgrades Kiibo so that he can finally eat, he realizes that he fucking loves food. Adores it. Like oh my god his world is changed. Lol.
Sakura Oogami
Fight them or fight for them
Sakura is the very first Danganronpa character I fell in love with. I love her so goddamn much you guys, so heck ya I’d fight for her. 
On a scale from 1-10 how excited do I get when I see them
Oh man, Sakura fanart is few and far between, so it’s a straight up 10. She’s so freaking beautiful with her silver hair and her badass scars. Ahh I love her so much.
Would I smooch/date/etc
Yes. 100%. I would date the heck outta Sakura. She is such a loyal and loving person, and she’s so strong! Man, I’m extremely gay for Sakura if you haven’t noticed. I could go on and on and gush about her all day long.
Do I write for them
No and I don’t know why I haven’t! I adore her! I think I don’t write her very much because well for one thing I think there is less interest in the fandom (big sad) but two I think her character was actually handled pretty well and her arc with Asahina was pretty solid and got some closure, whereas pairings like Oumasai, Komahina, and Ishimondo really didn’t get that same closure as an actual suicide note. So I guess because I was more satisfied with her story I have less need to make supplemental content to help my heart heal? Lol. Anyway, I’m totally down for writing her, so let me know if y’all are interested in that.
Their defining color (color I most associate with them)
White probably, but I definitely think white, blue, and red from her sailor uniform. 
My nickname(s) for them
Angel? I don’t really have any, but she is an angel though.
Something I have in common with them
We're both pretty loyal once we’re close to people. Also I think her being worried that she’s not girly enough to be appealing is super relatable and I had those thoughts a lot as a kid.
Song I associate with them
I think Titanium is a good song for her, and I like this cover in particular.
Who do I ship them(and type of ship ex. Romantic or brotp)
Pretty much just Asahina and her. They’re super freaking cute and Asahina is so sweet to her. It’s what she deserves gosh darn it. I don’t hate her and that guy she likes in the game either (can’t remember his name though) but I don’t know him enough to really like that ship.
Idea for an imagine/fanfic for them (if I have one)
Oh man, what if the killing game was all vr like in 2, and Sakura got to see Asahina again? Especially if she woke up right after she died. Seeing Asahina be so torn up about her “death” and then seeing her work so hard to defeat Junko with Naegi and the others would just make Sakura realize how much she truly loved her best friend. And ahhh seeing her again when they finally all woke up would prompt a love confession out of her and ahhhhh my heart can’t take it. <3
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