#I bet she cringes whenever she remembers 19 year old her introducing herself as clockwork to everyone . prob thinks it’s embarassing now
crushedsweets · 9 months
i’ve always felt like calling clocky nat kinda humanizes her in a way if that makes sense. like it’s calling her by her real name and not the name she made up for herself. i understand why she kinda distanced herself from her actual name tho
-🦖 anon
I swap between them all rapidly LOL .. I feel like she’d be okay with whatever after a while. Clockwork is how she introduced herself for a bit, clocky is what Toby and Nina and Jeff and Ben call her, the other proxies call her clock. Jacks prob the only one who called her clockwork. LMDAOOAOA.
Nobody even knew her real name for a while, and at first Toby was like “im calling u by ur name now.” When he found out. And she was like ok whatever Toby. But he forgot he said that LOL . Occasionally will call her nat when he’s being serious. . Tim Brian and Jack started calling her Natalie after they found out her real name(Jack asked if she was ok with it the other two didn’t care)
She’s just a silly woman. Used to be pretty erratic and easy to piss off, but now she’s just like 👍 ok.
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