#I am not good at viddy gaems. However. I want to be good at this
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saturday again no problem (a tuesdaypost retrospective)
sort of mixed feelings about this one bc, as we have previously chatted about, the august 2021-august 2022 period was one of the worst twelve-month periods of my life.
however! this year brought like six new tuesdaypost initiatives from other people (please shout at me in the comments or by DM bc my brain is broken and i don't remember all of you) and i DO want to take a look back at some media i enjoyed.
the normal format + some misc. stats below
here are all the tuesdaysongs plus Permanent Peace by Jack de Quidt, who is not on spo/tify. this year gave me albums by: joywave, alt-j, unloved, scene queen, new doja cat, a bunch of junie and the hutfriends singles, and the gleeful insanity of the mcr tour. VERY good musical year imo
this historically has been one of the more fallow categories, bc there is a level of background pain where it is quite difficult for me to read and viddy gaem is a better distraction.
could have sworn i read three cowboy novelizations this year but i can only find evidence that i read the sabata and red river novelizations. i have mixed feelings about the execution of Tom Lin's The Thousand Crimes of Ming Tsu and Silvia Moreno-Garcia's Gods of Jade and Shadow but do not regret reading either.
no particular comics or manga stand out in my fallible, forgettable brain this year. i am excited for the ongoing light novel and manga adaptation of Otherside Picnic but that's just from watching the anime
happy that letterboxd is doing part of the thing i wanted (getting me to watch more movies) deeply annoyed i have fallen into the trap i was afraid of. this trap is: I Want To Make The Number Go Up and am now reluctant to watch tv bc i can't log it on letterboxd and it doesn't "count". fucking hate to gamify my own leisure like this!!!!
the very good thing about letterboxd is that my friends have excellent taste, and letterboxd reminds me which of the eight billion django knockoffs i have and have not seen.
GOD was january a good movie month. the below screenshot is movies i watched for the first time this year and really liked/have stuck in my head in some way, and 3/8ths were from january. thank u library streaming service kanopy
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see letterboxd has taken such a big chunk of my Moving Images time that it was hard to remember that both peaky blinders and killing eve ended this year!!! and i rewatched several seasons of adventure time! and most of the first season of DS9! and i am now in the process of watching the vampire interview show with my sister!!!
got a handmedown switch!
this year was mostly big open worlds that didn't require a lot of complex thought from me, or if they did require some puzzle solving it was in really short bursts. lion's share of the hours this year went to fallout 4, breath of the wild, and pokemon scarlet. i really loved junk shop telescope, depanneur nocturne, and card cowboy.
honorary mentions to phone games that kept my anxiety to a low simmer while in a lot of doctor's offices.
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game im most hype for is probably the spooky fishing game Dredge, but i don’t think we’ll get that until early 2024. if anyone says the words "fallout 5" next year i will lose my mind bc i would like another one of these stupid motherfuckers before i die.
i think i'm going to mourn the old lair until i die.
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i am deeply, deeply unhappy with how this year went both personally and professionally. made an apartment cozy. lost the cozy apartment. cleaned a whole bunch of metal. framed a lot of things. bought a whole bunch of furniture. still have moths.
hate to leave this post on this note however i really should have died twice this year and didn’t. so im trying to be nice to myself about the rest of it.
bonus stats
47/52 weeks posted
moves: 1 (assisted with two)
recipes failed: many
postcards sent: many
number of 1040s i will receive next month: 4
overnight trips: 2
day trips: 3
covid: +1
serious covid scares: 9
combined hospital and doctor's visits: don't worry about it
number of lamps: also don't worry about it what are you a cop
cats: +1
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meenah · 1 year
So, I found you through the [blank] failure to develop a cool social experiment in viddy gaem post and was struck by both your enthusiasm on the topic of linguistics and the way you conveyed your thoughts on the matter. Really good stuff all around.
TBH that was enough to decide to follow you but I know only a little about Homestuck. Do you also perchance post about linguistics (and maybe MCYT, or was that a one-off think aloud)? What all are you interested in? :0
OKAY so i primarily post homestuck thats... definitely a thing! (i tend to do this a LOT. its a great webcomic and i loooove the art and analyses people make of it and i also make analyses of it) but frankly more than anything i just reblog posts that make me laugh! linguistics is my special interest since middle school and i love the way language is formatted and how people learn from it. for context i have dyslexia and often struggle with wording things in ways that people think is normal so its like an endless fascination to try to find what is "normal" and what is "weird" in terms of how people word sentences
im not going to lie i don't reeeeally post much mcyt content but i do actively watch qsmp out of an interest in linguistics (plus. it is pretty funny!) however i dont really post much about it! (though i was a religious technoblade watcher from when i found out about him in 2018 to... um yeah. so i will reblog the occasional art of him.) i do love minecraft the game though ive had an account since 2012 and i do post about it quite a bit :) especially mods i love modding that game to hell and back to watch it break in new and fascinating ways. otherwise ummmmm.... i kind of post about whatever is on my mind! so i end up posting quite a lot because i am a chronic overthinker and love to hear my own voice. i also like fashion and i am a huge huge huge huge dark souls (+ elden ring) fan!
oh and i collect anime figures! (i do not post about this much) this also entails anime but i tag almost every fandom accordingly ^_^!!!! less so out of blacklist and more so out of me wanting to find posts HAHA. and then of course i collect clown dolls and old porcelain dolls from thrift stores but i think those are just fun :)
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