madetomotivate 10 years
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Guilty! Not with sleep, but with being grumpy. I know when I get in a not so nice mood, I've missed taking my thyroid meds! Guess I should go take them now! Good reminder! 馃槅 Anyone else bad about remembering daily medications?
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madetomotivate 10 years
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Confession: I just bought cupcakes from the Cupcake Shack. I'm excited, yet I know it's a dangerous situation! What was your last calorie splurge?
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madetomotivate 10 years
You know when you have sweat dripping down your body and you move so the sweat rolls the other way? Yes, that just happened. #SweatyMess
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madetomotivate 10 years
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Here are my month one results for PiYo. Looking at the calendar it's really 28 days and not 30, do that's even better. 馃榾 have you tried PiYo yet? #Thin and trim
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madetomotivate 10 years
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How do you keep going when you want quit? #justdoit
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madetomotivate 10 years
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What's the best excuse you've ever given someone you didn't want to hang with? #Latenightlaughs
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madetomotivate 10 years
First month of PiYo is done! I've gotten a lot stronger, but I still need to work on my tricep pushups. Left shoulder is still struggling and I can see it in my form watching this in slow mo. What's your latest accomplishment?
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madetomotivate 10 years
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What's for lunch today? I bet it wasn't as delish as this! 馃槤 All ingredients from Costco *Rosemary Olive Oil bread *Chipotle Jack Cheese *Organic Red Pepper Pesto *Butter Best grilled cheese yet!!
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madetomotivate 10 years
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Beast mode on this morning! After a late night workout last night and up early with a sick child, I had to get my PiYo on before my husband left for work. Definitely needed my preworkout E&E followed by my fave breakfast peanut butter and chocolate Shakeology! What is on your to do list today?
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madetomotivate 10 years
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Don't make assumptions about other people. We all know what that does.
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madetomotivate 10 years
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Think PiYo is just for girls? This is my husband dying after buns yesterday!! I don't think I've heard him complain so much during a program before. Do you workout with your spouse or a buddy or prefer to get in the work all by yourself?
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madetomotivate 10 years
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What are you determined to do today? Everyday I make a list to get stuff done and my goal is to cross everything off that list and not waste time. If I don't do it,I fail. I am not a failure!
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madetomotivate 10 years
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What do your kids eat for breakfast? My daughter requested shakeology today. Strawberry specifically because it's her favorite. Then I made myself vanilla and she told me it's her favorite, too. I think she just wanted both!
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madetomotivate 10 years
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What have you gained from becoming a healthier person? I've gained my confidence back. I am no longer depressed. I am happier for my daughter and my husband, therefore, they are happier. I save money because I'm not buying a ton of junk or random purchases at grocery stores. I stick to the aisles. I save money because I'm not headed the doctor all the time to have my levels checked for my thyroid or PCOS. My back doesn't hurt nearly as bad as it used to because my core is stronger. It still hurts daily, but it's more bearable. I have to continue to work on my core each day because scoliosis and spina bifida don't go away. I've gained my life back!
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madetomotivate 10 years
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Running errands while my daughter is at camp and I always get sucked into the samples at HEB! They know I needed lunch and this firecracker sushi is bomb! What did you have for lunch?
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madetomotivate 10 years
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What is making you sweaty today?
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madetomotivate 10 years
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Do you love helping others? Are you determined to lead a healthy lifestyle? 馃挭馃憻 Have you ever wondered what a Beachbody coach does? Have you ever considered being a coach yourself? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this is the group for you! Join us next week in a free and private Facebook group to get an insight into coaching and how you can do it, too! Just send me a Facebook friend request. The link is in my Instagram profile. 馃榾
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