#I am in the mood for angsty romance B3
swordsxandxshadows · 3 years
“You’re allowed to talk about it, you’re allowed to struggle with it.” (From Scorpion to Aku)
☯ Recovering from Trauma ☯
Tension seemed to seize the wizard’s body, visible as he stiffened at the words uttered from the wraith. It had always been one of his faults, in a long list of faults that only seemed to grow and grow as years past by. He never liked talking about many things about himself, simply choosing to ignore them and let them fester inside rather than share them out loud with anyone. 
Where would he even begin to explain all the things wrong with him? From his past, the miserable person full of bitterness and hatred that lashed out at everyone and everything. Cruelty and malice having been dealt out without thoughts of how it would effect others, only thinking of his own suffering and how he had been wronged. There was no salvation or forgiveness for what he had done in the past, no amount of years to make up for what had transpired by his hands. That didn’t even begin to scratch the surface of it all.
Loneliness, self-hatred, fear, bitterness. In short, he was broken and shattered beyond any repair, his soul scarred deep and blackened. It seemed his only purpose was to be born to suffer, a twisted a cruel fate since the first moment he opened his eyes and saw the world.
The years had taught him to simply ignore them, push them down into the void of his being and pretend they never existed. It was better that way in his opinion. 
“What good would talking about it do?”
Aku managed, doing his best to keep his voice even and not falter as he spoke finally. Body still tense to the point his body began to ache all over. Trying not to react, trying not to retreat and hide away.
“There is no point and I am not about to burden others with my struggles.”
Especially him, not wanting Hanzo Hasashi, Scorpion to be burden with his problems, his trauma, and his faults. Not wanting to do that to the man that he had come to cherish and adore more than he ever thought he could for another. Never having a connection as deep as the one that had formed between them, a love he had come to be protective over as if it were something sacred and holy. No, it was something sacred and holy. 
“I already burdened you with enough of them, not when you have your own worries and troubles. You don’t need to worry about mine.”
It was easier to ignore his, focusing instead on the wraith’s own trauma and problems. A distraction from his own and allowing him to focus his attention else where. To help the one who had stolen his heart, that was the only thing that mattered to him.
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