#I am heartbroken this was stolen from us give me angsty boy Peter
deansmom · 3 years
I rewatched both of Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man movies today and he’s still the best Peter, hands down. I adore Tom’s Pete, but he’s so smol and tiny, and andrews Peter is such a shithead and I LOVE him because he is the closest personalitywise to pete in the comics.
But I’m DEVASTATED that we were robbed of this slightly older, much angstier Peter meeting the avengers because WOW, imagine him with Tony Stark. They’d get along like a house on fire, jesus. Tony wouldve totally known who his dad was, if not actually known him, and would be a great balancing existence with the other movies. Like a pretty stable, sane person who knew (of) his dad? Wow pete would kill a man. Also! Also!!! Imagine him and Steve. Two true New York boys fighting side by side, yelling HEY I’M WALKIN/SWINGIN HERE and bonding over the loves of their lives falling to their untimely deaths.
“He fell off a train and everything? Jesus, that fuckin sucks, I’m sorry man.” “Yeah, thanks Pete. What about you? How’d your girl die?” “My childhood best friend turned into an evil goblin, stole her, dropped her and the clock tower was so damaged that it started to crumble with us in it. I tried to save her but I was too late. She hit her head and-“ “wow.” “Yeah.” “...at least you caught her. I couldn’t even go after him.” “...you are so, so bad at this.” “[around a mouth full of food] what???”
NATASHA AND GWEN DESERVED TO MEET. Natasha is immediately enamored with this kid who cuts herself out of webbing, steals a fucking cop car, drives to a power plant where she knows there’s a bad guy, hits said bad guy with her stolen car, and gets out to yell at her dumb boyfriend who tried to keep her away. Like, head over heels, “This Is My Child” immediate connection with the two of them. This innate recognition of the same disregard for their own lives and being stubborn, petty shits, in each other would be mind boggling.
Oh OH MY GOD FUCKIN CLINT BARTON AND AG PETER PARKER ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME??? ARGUING ABOUT THE BEST PLACES TO GET A SLICE OR THE BEST DELI IN THE MIDDLE OF A MISSION. ABSURD, I ADORE THEM. Pete loves lucky!!!!! Clint is astonishingly the second most well-adjusted avenger so like, if there’s anything that may Can’t make it to, Clint is the one who goes with him.
And Bucky and Peter??? OH. OHHHHH, these angsty boys with their big hearts, and Bucky’s kinda freaked out that Pete isn’t freaked out about or by him and Pete’s just like “🤷‍♀️ cap trusts you, who the hell am I to question him? Also, I could take you.” “YOU? Could take ME?? In what fuckin world -“ “in this one you asshole. Come on, let’s go then, bring it 😤” and Steve chimes in like a chump “uhh kid listen, I don’t think you want to do that” and Bucky’s just chomping at the bit bc an opponent who won’t throw punches, YEA, so they do it, they go spar and Peter has such little regard for his own safety in a fight that Bucky stops him to teach him how to fight. “Alright kid what the fuck is this?!” “It’s a punch! I’m punching you!” “You’re gonna break your fucking hand!” “So?? It’ll heal!” “It’ll heal?! Jesus fucking Christ, there’s two of him, how the fuck - okay. Okay, look here’s what you’re gonna do, will you stop trying to hit me for a moment??”
He can actually take Bucky in a fight, mind you. Also he’s kinda terrified of Natasha but he finds her in his kitchen eating lunch with aunt May more than once & knows way more than Natasha will ever tell any of the other avengers ever. And she takes him to buy some new clothes when he asks for her opinion because he’s only gotten new jeans in the last 5 years and nothing else, and now he has to go on job interviews.
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