#I am biting scratching at the walls ripping chunks out of the furniture
laniidae-passerine · 2 years
no line in cinema has understood me in the way that “I love you too. but I shouldn’t have married you” from Fantastic Mr Fox has understood me. The idea that she wanted a family and a good, safe life, and she wanted him too. But no matter how hard she loves him, he can’t change. She’s never ever going to be able to get exactly what she wants and her child will always have a complicated relationship with his father and there will be this quiet realisation they have to live with. I love you so much, but this was our mistake. and now we’ve made it theirs too.
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donatellosgirl36 · 7 years
Bound, Chapter 3 - Food and Furniture
Summary: The arrival of a long lost friend brings back memories and emotions for the turtles, especially Donnie. Lives and futures hang in the balance. This is the first chapter of a series, I developed long ago. Hope you love it! Rated T mainly for violence.
Disclaimer: By the way I don’t own the turtles, because I’m still very broke.
Donnie woke to a foot nudging his shell. “Donnie, get up man.” It was Mikey. Donnie just tried to ignore him. But Mikey’s voice came even more insistent than before. “Donnie, you need to get up before Master Splinter finds you there.” Realization hit Don like a mattress truck. His eyes popped open and he sat bolt upright. He’d fallen asleep on the floor of his alcove. Mikey was leaning over him trying to be quiet. Donnie glanced to the bed, where Sarah was fast asleep. He quickly moved out of the alcove and into the larger main room.
“Thanks Mikey. I must have been more tired than I thought.”
“No prob, dude.  But Master Splinter wants us to train for a few hours, it’s already midday.” Donnie rubbed his stiff neck. He shot a glance at the sleeping figure in his bed, wondering if it was wise to leave her alone. “She’ll be fine, man. Nothing’ll happen while she’s in the lair.”
Donnie nodded. “Yeah, I know.” He followed his brother to the dojo.
Practice had not been much fun for any of them.  Even the usual push-himself-to-the-brink Leo was still very tired. The four brothers settled on the floor with bottles of water. Splinter had left them to meditate some time ago. “So, we should do something about the sleeping arrangements.” Leo mused.
“Yeah, we can’t have Donnie fallin’ asleep on the floor all the time.” Raph jeered.
Donnie rolled his eyes, it didn’t matter that it was an accident. Raph would tease anyway. He rubbed the crick in his neck again. “Well, it would be nice for Sarah anyways, if she had her own space.”
“We could clean up that chamber on the other side of the living room.” Raph suggested.
“You mean the one we use for storage sometimes?” Leo asked.
“Yeah, it stays dry most of the time.” Raph explained. “And it’s a bit separated, so she’d have a little more privacy.”
“Or at least, she wouldn’t be woken up by Leo’s snoring.” Mikey cut in with a snicker. Raph and Donnie chuckled, as Raph elbowed his now brooding brother.
“Well, in any case. I think it’s a good idea. You guys up for a furniture hunt tonight?” Donnie suggested.
They all nodded but their conversation was cut short as Sarah stepped into the doorway. “Hey, guys. I’ve made you some dinner.”
Mikey frowned. “You didn’t have to do that, dudette. I would have made dinner. It’s kinda been my thing over the last few years.”
“Yes, I gathered that from the cupboard. But I’m here now and I’m going to pull my weight as much as I can. Besides I’ve learned a few things in ten years. I’ve got some pretty mad cooking skills myself.” Sarah winked conspiratorially. “You might just like it.”
Raph jabbed a finger at Mikey. “If it ain’t round and starts with a P, Mikey don’t know how to cook it.”
Donnie rose and stepped up beside Sarah. “I for one am more than willing and ready to try someone else’s cooking.” His brothers laughed as they rose to the follow Sarah into the kitchen.
The wonderful aroma met them long before they crossed the threshold. As they filed in, they each took notice of how clean and pristine the kitchen was. In fact, none of them had ever seen it so clean. Sarah had woken shortly after Donnie had left her bedside and finding them all at training, she had decided to make herself useful. Indeed, the entire living space looked much cleaner.
“Dudette, you have truly been busy.” Mikey spoke of the large dish of lasagna, the garlic bread and an apple pie that sat ready on the large round table.
“How in the world did you make this from what we had?” Raph sniffed the food wondering just how fresh those apples could be.
Sarah chuckled. “Believe me, I didn’t have a great deal to work with. But with a little practice you can make almost anything from something.” Donnie grinned and pulled a chair out for her.
Splinter graced the doorway. Usually he didn’t care for what the turtles ate. But that was mostly because the only thing they ate was pizza, and one could only stand so much. He usually preferred his sushi, but the aroma that filled the lair was a little too enticing. “I think I too would like to try this new dish.” The boys made room and Leo pulled up another chair.
They each took a chunk of the hearty lasagna. It was Donnie that took the first bite and within a few moments it was gone. The others followed suite and within mere minutes the entire lasagna was gone along with the garlic bread.
“Where did you find apples?” Leo cut the pie into six even sections.
“Well, it wasn’t fresh apples. I found a can of pie filling way in the back. It looked like it had been forgotten a while ago.”
Mikey piped up at the pie filling. “Oh yeah, I had got that a while back. I thought it might make an awesome pizza topping.”
Sarah chuckled. “Maybe so, Mikey. In any case, you boys are seriously lacking some real food. I should go grocery shopping.”
The turtles exchanged worried glances. “Sarah, you can’t. It’s too dangerous. What if Shinju’s men caught you up there?” Raph insisted.
“Besides we don’t exactly have a budget for groceries.” Mikey pointed out.
Leo was more concerned for her safety. “You can’t just go wandering around up top by yourself until we’ve done something about that mobster.”
Sarah set her jaw and was about to protest, when Donnie’s voice of reason broke through. “Leo’s right, you can’t go alone but that doesn’t mean you can’t go. One of us will just go with you.”  Sarah nodded her agreement and relaxed back into the crook of Donnie’s arm.
That settled Leo rose from the table. “Come on fellas we have to go on patrol. And don’t we have some errands to run too?”
The boys rose and began to clean off the table. Sarah waved a hand at them. “Just leave it guys. I’ve got plenty of time on my hands.”
“You know, it will be nice to have an extra pair of hands around.” Raph chuckled.
Sarah followed them out to the entrance. Donnie paused and looked down at her, the feeling of trepidation rose in him once again at the thought of leaving her behind. Sarah smiled softly and rose up on her tiptoes to place a gentle kiss on his lips. Donnie trembled as he thought he might melt into a puddle of green goo right there. As quickly as the moment had happened, it was gone and Splinter had joined them from the kitchen.
Donnie felt himself blush even though he had done nothing wrong. “We’ll be back soon.” And with that he made a speedy exit.
Little did Donnie know, but it was Sarah’s trepidation he had felt. “Master, does it always feel this way when they leave?”
The old rat sighed. “Yes, I’m afraid so. I am too advanced in age now to do much to assist them. But I suppose every father worries about his children no matter their age.” Sarah winced a little at his words. She wrapped her arms around herself. She had only just now found her family again, if she were to lose them… Splinter’s voice broke into her thoughts and his warm hand touched her arm. “Do not worry too much child, they are highly skilled ninjas after all.”
It was well after midnight when the turtles returned. Donnie found Sarah curled up asleep in his bed once again. Part of him wanted to curl up next to her, but he knew there was more to be done before he could sleep. He returned to the chamber beside the living room. Mikey was moving boxes as his brothers brought in the “new” furniture. They had found a brand new queen size mattress behind a department store. The only thing wrong with it was a rip in the fabric on one side, which Leo was quick to point out that it wouldn’t make a difference once it had a sheet on.  Raph had spotted the bedframe and small dresser near an apartment complex which was frequented by traveling nurses. The frame too was almost new except for a few small scratches. Mikey was certain Sarah wouldn’t mind. Donnie wished he could give her something in a little better shape, but when you’re shopping free you take what you can get. Donnie went to get the dresser as Leo and Raph put the mattress on the bedframe. Mikey had moved all the boxes to another chamber and now returned with an arm full of sheets. The sheets too were worn thin with use.
It was nearly one by the time they had finished the room. Rather than wake Sarah, Donnie decided to test out the new bed for the night and move her in in the morning. As he fell asleep with the sound of Leo’s snoring echoing off the walls, he considered how great a door would be on the small chamber.
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