#I also. Vocally enjoy crows as I’m sure is obvious haha
tracle0 · 2 years
I’m at work without much work to do. Fox Time.
The Fox is a fun god in the simple dichotomy in that it is the god of perception, and is also completely blind. This is because the Fox is a punk ass god, who doesn’t know when to back down from a fight, and as a result got its eyes ripped out by the Crow. This has resulted in a long-lasting hatred between the two gods, which is more often than not expressed through their servants. If you ask me, this is a little unfair on the servants, but hey, what can I do about it? I’m just the author. 
The fight in question came about because the role for “god of death” became available for claiming and both the Fox and Crow wanted it. The Fox ended up trying to cheat its way to claiming it, and when the Crow won and found out, it blinded the Fox in its anger. Fun.
Foxes and Crows tend to not be able to be near to each other without getting pissy. This is in part due to upbringing - Crows, those from Glalis, especially are raised with the idea of the Fox and it’s servants being cruel and callous and inhumane. Foxes have a little more of a sketchy dislike for the Crow, because they are not raised in specific groups, but there is animosity. One of the few times they’ve been able to cooperate was during a successful strike by “all” servants, where, in trying to stop gods hijacking them, they ceased using magic.
Servants to the Fox are granted the ability to fuck with your perception. This is notably not the ability to turn invisible – light still reaches their retinas, they are still capable of being seen. What their magic does, though, is screw with your ability to see them. Rather than seeing a solid, human-looking shape, you instead see this weird haze that your eyes really do not want to stick to. Straining to keep it in focus gives you a headache, gives you eyestrain, gives you a Bad Time. They are able to pull others into this haze and hide them from sight, even if the person in question is not magical.
Something I haven’t talked about an awful lot is drawbacks to magic; every magic type has its own way of affecting the servant, be it mentally or physically, that correlates to what sort of magic you are channelling. Over-use of magic tends to bring this draw-back on quicker, although general usage will add up over time. Similar to how the body deteriorates naturally with age, your magic will wear you down. 
Fox-y draw-backs correlate with the perception thing. Over-use or extended use will often result in the servant going blind themselves. Unlike a lot of cultures, though, Foxes tend to see their draw-back as something to be celebrated – their own god is blind, and losing their vision is just evidence you’ve served it well, really. Those born blind in Fox communities are often celebrated in their own way, seen as closer to their god, revered because of this. This world doesn’t really have priests, but if it did, these people could be referred to as something similar. 
Ah – on that note, communities. The Fox does not sponsor one area specifically. It does not lay claim to a town, or a village, or even a single house. Its servants, however, do tend to lean on the more nomadic side. Those who travel will – in time – find themselves with a few servants to the Fox in their midst, either joining later, or often born to them. You can often find large communities of travellers who are servants to the Fox – either magically, or ideologically. These can be travelling performers, merchants, runaways, bandits, whatever. It likes to travel :)!
Fun little thing – due to the Fox being blind and unable to see itself, it often uses its servants to see the world, as and when it needs. All gods do this to an extent – they are able to express their will and desires through those they grant magic to (or sponsor), and the animals they represent – but the Fox likely does it the most, just to have a little peek at what the vibe is in general. Servants do not know when this occurs. 
Mmmm some gods mark out their influence or servants in various ways. I vaguely mentioned something similar when discussing the Axolotl, and the white sleeves the servants tend to have, but that’s more… a result of magic, not a marking. Foxes who are granted magic are born with black nails. In the TSS world, when you damage your own nail and it turns black, it’s referred to as a Foxes claw. 
General perception of the Fox and it’s servant - excluding the Crow and it’s servants - is pretty good! It’s quite fond of the Deer, and is seen as quite loyal to a lot of ideas.
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purrpickle · 7 years
Random Pezberry Thought of the Day #165
This conversation was inspired by @thedeadflag​‘s wonderful fic Head First. (Go check it out!)
I can just see Santana, whenever she buys a new bowl, bringing it to Rachel and saying something like, "Which side's left?" And every time, Rachel just asks her, hasn't she learned yet? To which Santana only shrugs, "I don't have the patience to figure it out, babe, you know that," complete with a wink and sliding her arm around Rachel to pull her in.
absolutely. Rachel will puff up her cheeks a bit, mark which side is left, and quietly grouse about how it's so obvious, and Santana will just kiss her head and hum along in affirmation, having long since given up on understanding the convoluted logic. 
She once thought you'd look at the bottom and use the distributor/copyright text as a sort of compass, flipping the bowl over and using that to determine which was left. She'd been a little pleased with herself in figuring it out. 
It was, of course, not at all correct according to Rachel.
Santana actually had to go out and buy a new, same replica and everything, bowl because having thought she'd figured it out, she'd drawn a line exactly as Rachel had and presented it to her... Only for Rachel to gasp in pure dismay. She'd grumbled and groused the whole time, finding the LAST GODDAMN BOWL in the whole city, but no one can ever say she doesn’t romance her hobbit.
And even though Rachel can't understand how Santana can't see which side of the bowl is the left side, she does love that Santana tries for her, and even after giving up on figuring it out, she doesn't tease her or make fun of her for it like, say, Kurt, who practically had an aneurysm when he learned about the bowl superstition
And sometimes, if Santana's been away visiting her family for a while, she'll spruce up/re-arrange the apartment in a few ways and give Santana an excuse to rummage, hiding a few things in there, often with sticky notes with some of her favourite lyrics on it. Because she still doesn't understand the impulse to snoop, she gets that it's just something Santana does, and enjoys, so she'll entertain her...so long as Santana cleans up after herself
Yes. Definitely. And, hah! Yes. And god, the almost childlike glee Santana gets when she finds something, it's almost like a scavenger hunt for her.
Absolutely! Rachel may not completely understand Santana in their early years together, but she knows a few things about Santana's quirks. 
(1) She loves shiny things. 
(2) She likes finding new things, and salvaging old things others discarded. 
(3) She likes messing with people for fun. 
It didn't take long for her to combine that with how loud and aggressive Santana can be, and internally compare her to a raven/crow, but she didn't dare vocalize it until Quinn pointed it out one Christmas.
Ohhh no. Rachel had to deal with an angry, loud, at times weepy and defensive drunk on spiked eggnog Santana for at LEAST an hour after that.
Weepy and defensive went hand in hand, not two separate things, mind you.
Drunken weepy defensive Santana bursting out into song to prove she doesn't sound like a crow to try and disprove it, but she keeps getting distracted by all the tinsel on the xmas tree, and then it's just a feedback loop
Rachel finally pushes Santana down onto the couch and plops herself heavily on her lap. Partly to keep her down, partly to help distract her, and partly to be able to kiss Santana whenever she sings something incredibly romantic or well.
She also ends up singing with her.
for sure! Rachel can never pass up the opportunity for a good duet
Kurt gives a sulking Quinn an amused, dry look. "That what you intended to happen?" 
Quinn rolls her eyes and grumbles, "accidentally" hitting Kurt with her elbow.
just for that whole debacle, Santana insists on buying Quinn four boxes of pink hair dye and a twelve pack of fishnets for her next birthday
XD Knowing her girlfriend, Rachel hadn't even tried to talk her out of it. She just made sure her present was something useful.
Rachel acknowledges that spite can power Santana at times, and just...personally vows to try and balance the effects of that out when the opportunity arises :P 
She also gives Santana one of her rail passes so the two of them can get together in New Haven and hash things out. She swears one cheek of Santana's is a tiny bit swollen when she returns, but San's all smiles and harmless snark again, so she figures it's just her imagination
Yes. It's kind of like, for her peace of mind, she willfully ignores it. And that night, while they're resting in each other's arms, talking about Santana's visit, Rachel leans in and kisses Santana's neck, making her shiver. "I'm proud of you," she chirps, "Going to see Quinn. That was a rather mature decision for you - and Quinn - to make." 
And of course Santana just snarks something about how Quinn could have maturity bite her in the ass and her lizard baby would STILL have more maturity than her. ...But she's glad she went, too. And she'll make up Rachel's pass.
haha absolutely
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