#I also kinda never agree with Yuzu's scores and ofc i would have loved yuzu to win
myjunkisyuzuruhanyu · 2 years
Just a little complaint about "rescoring" and "rejudging"
Feel free to disagree...
Everytime I stumble upon new "rescoring" or new "analysis" from a certain department of fans of the Beijing scores...I am at a loss...because I think rescoring or analysis barring any major bias is impossible at this stage. The competitions happened - months ago even - the circumstances of the judging (namely a program just happens before your eyes, you saw everyone not only the couple chosen ones to rescore and not knowing what placement would happen is simply never to be undone) and there are always multiple judges on each panel, so one person doing a rescore is just making no sense as not one person only decides the places in the end. Also at this point there have been so many different opinions and rescores of the matter that you cannot be not influenced by it at all depending on whose fan analysis or rescores you read.
All those "results" that appear just now are just from fans and even if you are a trained judge the things listed above still play a part.
This is not to say that looking at the scoring and possible changes in placements makes no sense or shouldn't be done, because sure it should be done because you can learn and reevaluate the things that happened (btw I am the first to say scores should be open to be revalued at the competition directly (like in artistic/rhythmic gymnastics where inquiries can be done about scores)), but my feeling is that "rescoring" is only then at play when ppl assume the "wrong" skater gets the medals. It's not free of bias, it's not free of favoritism and in the end it doesn't change anything at all.
I am not saying at all judges are always right - there happen lot of questionable things - BUT in the end the situation of the competition cannot be returned. And thus I think analyzing is fine if it's done for the WHOLE competition, but rescoring is so dependent on personal bias of the person "rescoring ", it just cannot be seen as "proof" for different results. So pls take any "rescoring" you see with a big chunk of salt (remember this supposedly certified ISU judge on Twt which tweet got a lot of attention? It turned out to be just a big Yuzu fan account known for hating on other skaters who lied about being a judge)
And lastly everyone is free to be displeased at results or see things differently, we can always discuss about it, but don't disrespect the skaters who earned the medals, because your opinion isn't the only valid one and in skating I have yet to see a day where everyone judges and all viewers, fans etc. have the exact same result for any competition. I also share my opinion on scoring but I don't think that my opinion is of more value than those of others.
Why am I writing this? Well...after months and months after Beijing I am tired of the ppl nullifying the results as some unfair scandal as like in 2002 Salt Lake City, because it's not scandalous. Are there different opinions on the results, yes totally, but a big fat scandal? No.
Look I love Yuzu with all my heart, but even as his fan you have to admit that Nathan had the better competition and fairly won the Gold.
Btw same goes for the stupid discussion that somehow started about Sochi 2014 and Yuzu's Gold medal. Same goes there. Devaluing Yuzu's Gold medal in Sochi is the same bs as devaluing Nathan's in Beijing.
Btw I am not in for restarting a discussion about it here on Tumblr I just needed my thoughts to be shared somewhere
And I have already posted a lengthy analysis myself about the men competition at Beijing 2022 BUT without rescoring.
This was in my drafts for a while but well I just post it now...don't expect me to answer any questions about it I am seldomly checking my blog atm
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myjunkisyuzuruhanyu · 2 years
If you're talking about the UpAgain moments thing, honestly to me the ones that made the least sense were P/C and S/H. Like, what was their down moment? Winning silver at their previous Olympics? Actually even for Kaori, dgmw I love her and she had an amazing year, but she never really had a down moment either? I guess for Yuzuru you could say that well, he was battling with injuries for the entire quad and yet he still managed to certify the first 4A but that's not even the angle they're taking since they're just saying that he got injured before the free in Beijing so idk. Actually Nathan kinda makes sense to me cause he did have a glow up between the beginning and end of the quad. But I agree that Shoma's story deserved to be featured. You're right, they just took the biggest names for each discipline rn and rolled with it
For P/C and Sui/Han can be said the same thing as for Yuzu.
Sui and Han battled with many injuries through their entire careers.
Papadakis/Cizeron both had severe cases of COVID-19 that made them miss a season, also Gabriella Papadakis had severe mental health problem.
Kaori lost some of her momentum between the 2019-2020 and this season 2021-2022 and had trouble with motivation.
So yes all of them dealed with some kind of setback in their careers, but none of them struggled as bad to fear not even making the selection for a Worlds team like Shoma.
And even if we don't take Shoma into account as ofc I am pretty biased for him. There is Mai Mihara who sat out almost two years because she was so seriously ill that she could not even walk, but she fought jer way back to competition. Or Wakaba Higuchi who was Worlds Silver Medalist in 2018,but it took her 4 years to compete at a World/Olympic stage. Or let's take Jason Brown who missed the Olympics in 2018 and changed his whole surroundings to come back and be selected for the 2022 Olympics. And even if I am not their fan and atm including Russians is difficult for logical reasons the story of Sinitsina/Katsalapov, who also struggled to even get selected to represent their country in 2018 and now they are Olympic Silver medalists. Or one of the most impressive #UpAgain moment would be the Ukrainian team who represented their country in the most difficult of circumstances and little to no training and still fought and skated.
I can name a lot more stories where the #UpAgain narrative would fit much better than to chose basically all Olympic champions and with all respect towards Kaori (love you) it looks like she was just selected because the Ladies champ was Russian and therefore atm is not a possible choice.
All those champions are for sure wonderful and also have great stories, but I think ISU just could have done better and show more diverse skaters stories than selecting the most common names from the Olympics (excluding Russians). It's just disappointing but as we talk about the ISU I surely didn't expect anything else.
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Lol as if ISU would touch scoring. 😂
Yes I do agree that they had a rough quad.
Actually the hashtag #UpAgain could actually fit any skater. They all fall and get up again and they all fight with injuries as ISU didn't make clear as to why those skaters are selected there is no way of knowing what "criterias" they used. I just think their selection is a bit too obvious and lazy.
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