#I also gotta work on wigs but I hate wigs ugghhhhhh
hannahhasafact · 2 months
Thinkin about cosplay tonight
Just thinking about how I’m constantly frustrated about how my cosplays come out and it’s not (necessarily) because I can’t sew. It’s because I constantly size up because I’m worried about making my cosplay too small and then I can’t fit in it
Like an example:
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Here’s my princess peach jumpsuit from two years ago. For my first time making pants, I think I did a pretty good job. But even with the belt pulled super tight (which it is) you can tell it’s immensely baggy.
And here’s my Imelda from last year:
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Doesn’t look too bad in this pic but here’s a pic from the con itself:
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(Ignore that I had the sleeve pointed in the wrong direction WHOOPS) but like. This is absolutely not flattering. And it’s not the photographer’s fault, it’s because it’s not well fitted to my body.
And this isn’t me being weird because of my body. I’m not small, I’m pretty much the average for an American woman. Because I CAN look flattering in my own cosplay (in my own opinion):
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Yes she’s a lil lumpy and bumpy even with the spanx but it’s a LOT more flattering. Because it actually fits my body????
I think for a lot of my life I’ve been so used to getting clothes that are big for me I’m always nervous to fit to my actual body because what if I get bigger??? And then I can’t wear it??? Which technically has happened for cosplays of mine. But like… a cosplay that doesn’t fit right isn’t going to make me feel good.
So I guess what I’m saying is next big cosplay I’m going to not worry as much about it being too tight???? I dunno. Cosplay is hard, sewing is hard, but I guess I can’t stop so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Bonus cosplays/halloween costumes that I didn’t sew the garments but I added things to/etc:
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