tcshi · 1 year
ive been inactive for a few days on here bcs even though i celebrated christmas with a fairly good condition I WAS IMMEDIATELY TANKED IN MY JOB LIKE MISS GIRL CAN'T EVEN TAKE A FEW MORE DAYS WORTH OF REST AFTER BEING ILL :<
i'm so tired of this shii omfg ,, anyways belated happy merry christmas again to everyone <33 and A VERY VERY JOLLY NEW YEARS TO YOU LOVELY AND BEAUTIFUL PEPS I HOPE Y'ALL RECEIVE LOTS AND LOTS OF BLESSINGS THIS YEAR <333 YUUUUUUH wasn’t able to receive my christmas wish but y'know what that's fine. I'LL GET IT IN THE NEXT UPCOMING YEAR I HOPE :>
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i4bellingham · 1 year
wrap me in your arms : joão felix x reader
synopsis: in which you're cold, and joão is the best human heater you can possibly have. or in another words, you're cold and you just want hugs... and warmth.
content: (probably) incorrect portuguese translation, fluff fluff x3000, self-projecting because i get easily cold a lot and i need one joão felix to warm me up with his hugs
notes: heya how's everybody doing? here's a tooth-rotting fluff for y'all after the angst in jude’s (which i tremendously apologize for btw) had a little bit of time off from college so what's better more for me to do than to make up for the little updates right? lol i love y'all <3 have a great day beautiful beautiful people mwuah <33
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You like winter. You like the snow. But you're not exactly fond of the crippling cold that pricks at your skin, inducing goosebumps to form all over your body and neither was the need to wear a bundle of multiple-layered clothes because of the weather.
But still, for the sake of missing your boyfriend because of his travels, you complied with the preposition of a date night walk in the city.
First, because it's cute as hell. Second, because João loves late night walks as much as you do. And third, because your boyfriend is a big sap and a romantic cliche at heart and you find his enthusiasm of asking you adorable, very much so that you're willing to freeze the tips of your fingers and nearly suffocate yourself in the layers of clothing piled on your body.
But it's all worth it you think, as you watch with wide-eyed gaze the way João’s lips pulled into a gleeful smile as he walked alongside you, telling you about how his recent trip went all the while he's holding you against him in the cold london night weather.
He pulls you in a busy street, an arm immediately going over your shoulders as he guides the both of you to who knows where. He’s now sharing a story about how him and Enzo nearly got kicked out of a store because of a mishap, pairing his story time and his accented voice with a few air quotations as you listened earnestly, occasionally retorting here and there when a part of his story calls for it before focusing on the way his accent goes prominent when he's sharing something amusing or something that excites him.
The both of you continue your walk, leaving the bustling london streets and into a more calm park with a few people roaming around.
The arm he had around you left your shoulders before he's grasping your glove-less hands, feeling the coldness seeping through your skin and almost jolting him from how frigid your palms had probably been since leaving the house.
“You’re freezing.” He points out, stopping himself from walking before he stands in front of you.
You playfully shake your head in feigned innocent. “Not really, no.”
João shoots you an unamused look, as if indirectly telling you that your reply wasn't funny. It wasn't funny for him, not if you're actually suffering from the cold because your dumb ass forgot to bring their gloves out for the walk.
“Seriamente bebé...” Seriously baby.
He takes your cold palms raising it to level with his lips before he's blowing hot air on your skin and massaging your palms softly to accompany the improvised heating machine.
“I’m fine love, you don’t have to worry about me.” You try to tell him, only to be shut up when he jokingly glares at you.
“Your hands are gonna fall off at this point and you're asking me not to worry?”
“That is an exaggeration but yes, a little cold won't hurt me.”
“A little cold can easily give you fever you silly girl.” He chides as he places your palms over his oddly warm cheeks. “Você se sente melhor??” Does it feel better?
“Yes, but I think it would feel a lot more better if I also get hugs?” You tease.
João playfully rolls his eyes at your antics but he immediately wraps both arms around you nonetheless. He instructs you to wrap your arms around his waist on the inside of his coat before he's tucking you snug and warm underneath his chin, softly blowing hot air on your forehead.
“Feels better now?”
You nod against him, feel the tightening of his embrace around you before he's kissing your forehead, muttering a soft ‘good’ on your hairline and planting another one last kiss on your cheeks for a good measure.
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anonbinaryweirdo · 9 months
OKAY SO… me and alhaitham baking together in the kitchen when it’s my birthday bc one, i need to teach his ass how to bake properly and two is bc i want another variety of his cake (take that as u will :3) ANYWAYS IVE BEEN IMAGINING THE TWO OF US LISTENING TO MY PLAYLIST OF HIM AND MAKING A MESS OF THE OTHER W FLOUR AND CAKE BATTER AND FROSTING WHILST DANCING TO THE MUSIC (aka me trying to get him to dance w a pout and plea—he gives in tho bc it’s my birthday :33) WAITING FOR THE CAKE TO BAKE AND JUST- melts into an incoherent puddle (also ik my birthday is still half a year away but i’m craving a slice of cake and alhaitham rn sobs (AND THANK U FOR LETTING ME RAMBLE MWUAH ILY AND IF U WANNA RAMBLE TOO ILL LISTEN and maybe die of heart attack bc talking abt other people’s selfships is good for the soul but not good for my heart/pos/j JEHKDHDJFH ANYWAYS YEAH ILL SEE MYSELF OUT GOODBYE LOVE U OLI MWUUAAHHHH))
Y'all I found another religion....
little do you two know I'm actually outside your window recording this moment. I'm saving this FOREVER.
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michu-writes · 2 years
kel x reader x sunny shy! gn! reader please 🙏🙏 (omori btw)
Warnings/genre: Polyamorous, gender neutral!reader, not proof read because I was too lazy
Kel x reader x Sunny polyamorous headcanons
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• I mean we got like a mix of calmness and silence whenever you wanna relax, and then a bunch of fun and chaos whenever you're full of energy /pos??
• Like Sunny would bring relaxation and calmness to the relationship while Kel just makes it fun and energy, and you kinda just keep them together and do you
• They fkn love you, without a doubt
• I kinda see the confession to be like Sunny about to confess to you, but then he meets Kel as well doing the same, and they both kinda just look at each other like "Uhm??"
• Then they just decide to keep it cool, and confess together because they're best bros. Like they'd say something like "It's whatever, dude, whoever they pick, it doesn't matter, we're still best friends. And if they don't like any of us, then at least we have each other" lmao
• I feel like both of them would be anxious anyways. I mean who wouldn't?
• You'd be kinda shocked seeing both of them with flowers or something and just straight up confessing their love to you
• Like to people? Two of your best friends? What???
• Once you say you like them both, they'd be like "OH- How does that work???"
• Y'all would have a longggg conversation about it
• And then at the end of the day it's like "Fuck it, polyamorous relationship are cool" /hj
• Anyhow, onto the general hcs!!
• Expect A LOT of cheesy pick up lines and affection from Kel
• Literally won't stop giving you and Sunny pick up lines until you say so
• He's pretty bad at it.
• Sometimes it will sound a bit wrong, but trust me, he's just really bad at it
• There would be an awkward silence until Kel noticed and starts fkn apologizing
• Just kiss him or hug him, then he'll feel better
• Hero, Aubrey and Basil would be really chill about it!
• It might've come out as a surprise for them, but otherwise they were really happy for you guys :3
• The three would prov plan a surprise date for all of you, like Basil would set up like a pretty place with a bunch of plants and flowers, while Hero would cool really good meals, and Aubrey would judge and help out with the decorations
• Y'all would be a blushing mess once they made a date for you guys
• It was embarrassing, but also really fun!
• By the end of the date, the three of you would thank them, and then head home to your house or something to just cuddle and chill.
• He prefers being in the middle, it makes him feel safe, and seizes him a little bit from all the nightmares he gets knowing both you and Kel are on his sides
• He also likes muttering some sweet words about both you, he's so sweet and cute oh my god
• Please play with his hair, he will literally melt
• Would sometimes also sing you a lullaby before sleeping, maybe a lullaby Mari used to sing him when they were little.
• He loves you and Kel, like he feels so lucky and calmed when he's with you
• Believe it or not, Kel actually enjoys dates
• It's not like any of you do, but it's just that Kel loves spending time with you two alone where there's no worries between the three of you
• I feel like you all prefer dates at home, or like in a quiet grassy fields during the nights and just star gazing
• Like it never gets boring
• Night walks are also really nice, you would hold a small talk and just hold hands with each other
• It's just so *mwuah*
• It's a perfect polyamorous relationship
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dracoslittleangel · 2 years
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it feels like just yesterday I did my 200 followers celebration🥺
idk how y'all put up with me
again,thank you so much.
again, idk how to write a thank you speech
y'all are my home<33
also, no celebration for now coz im very lazy and I still haven't answered the previous's ones but thats besides the point
but i'll tryna do something❤
thank you again
tagging moots(coz idk what I'd do without them): @pxttermxrvelhead @thatsalexa4you @bukoffski @envyofartemis @dylwrites @dracosaurora @kazscrow @dr4cosimp @nevilleismywhore @itzrainingskullz @siriusblackstwin @m1ssw0rlds @ouralcohol @blackthunder137 @dracoslittlesunflower @pottahishotasf @vaudel @beautifuldarlings @gravestrain @anguiserina @carnationbasement @williamjzanders @thehalfbloodedwitch @iifloweringnightsii @justfangirlthingies @myloser @thespiritoflife @newfoundstateof @marcela6malfoy @fieldofsecretss @fqlkrore @b1ls @aalonlygirl @draysbunny @mybritishstyle @captainwanderlust78 @katebishopisaguybro @miss-celestial-being @accihoe @jmj-1312 @shespeaksinsongs @draco-spencers-girl
it legit took me 5 minutes to tag you all😭😭
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