elfiewhore · 2 months
Mmm... Mommy is so sleepy today baby, let's just stay in bed okay? There's a good cutie. But I do need to pee. That's it just lay there for a second. Just let mommy pull your diaper down a little, there's a good little darling. Now hold it down, mommy's just going to use your diaper okay baby? You're being so kind to your mommy! Mmmm.. that's so much better sweetie. Isn't it nice and warm and squishy now? Now come snuggle mommy, you can hump against me if you want cutie. I know a squishy diaper excites your little baby brain 💖
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lightnis-moonlight · 2 years
| Walls |
------------------------------------------------------------ WARNING!: "Your Boyfriend" is created by Inverted mind Inc. and Black Shepard Games, I own none of the game's characters. There will be swearing. Also keep in mind this game is for 18+ only! So no minors. Please wait till you are of age to interact with this fandom. Thank you. -------------------------------------
Chapter 6: Rat shopping
* Riiiing!!! * *Riiiiiing!!! * 'Ahhhhh!' I turn around and shut off my alarm. Tiredly I rub the sleepiness out of my eyes, trying to adjust to the bright sunlight.
 'God it's too early!' Peter: "Good morning darling.~" His voice being gruff and deep from just waking up, making me shudder. 'Damn I love his morning voice!' I turn around and look Peter in his half lidded blue eyes. Y/N: "Good morning Peter!" He gives me a warm smile, hugs me closer to his form and kisses my forehead. Peter: "You are so beautiful my love.~" I blush and award my gaze from his eyes as I hide my face in his chest. Y/N: "Peeeeteeer!" He chuckles clearly enjoying my embarrassment. We stay like this for a bit, but sadly we have to get up at one point. So I push myself away from him, receiving a whine in protest and get up. Y/N: "Sorry sweetie, we gotta get going." Peter: * Sigh * "I know..., darling." Peter pouts in disappointment, but gets up, makes the bed, grabs his clothes and goes to the door that leads to the hall. Peter: "Take your time love, I'll make us some breakfast." Y/N: "Thank you!!!" I walk up to him, stand on my tippy toes and give him a small peck on the cheek before grabbing my own clothes. His face turns pink, eyes wide as he touches his cheek. A smile creeps onto his face, nodding at me, he left the room. My lips curl into small smile and I go into my bathroom to finish my morning routine. Once done I leave my room and enter the kitchen. Scanning the room I notice the already prepared' food on the table. 'An omelet! Heck yeah!' I was about to take a seat, ready to just eat, but when I hear Peter's voice coming from the next room. It was muffled and quiet.
 'What is he doing?' Not wanting to eavesdrop, I quietly knock on the door. Y/N: "Sweetie?" Peter: "Ah hang on a sec!" He partially opens the door and peeks out of the room. Peter: "Hey darling, sorry I am ranting us a car at the moment. You can start eating breakfast without me. I'll try to join you as soon as possible though." Y/N: "Hey its fine! Don't worry. Take your time! Thank you for being so thoughtful." I give him a quick hug and a smile, leaving him to finish the call. Now sitting down once more I start eating the delicious food Peter had prepared. 'Damn! This is really good! Either he really improved very quickly or they fucking lied to me that he can't cook!' The omelet was fluffy and light and he even added (favorite ingredient)! It's perfect! 'I'll need to thank him later! But how? He has been on such good behavior. Hmm we'll see.' Speaking of the devil, he enters the kitchen, giving me a big smile. Peter: "All done! We’ll just have to pick it up after breakfast and then we can start our little Rat shopping trip." 'I should have really called it something less silly.' Y/N: "Sounds good! Now eat! It'll get cold if you don't." Peter: "Alright darling." He chuckles to himself, takes the seat that is opposite from mine and starts digging into his food. We quickly finish our breakfast, grabbing my wallet and my jacket, we get ready to leave for our trip. Once ready we leave and I lock the door of our home. Y/N: "So how far do we have to go to get to the car?" Peter: "Not far. It's pretty close by actually. Will probably only take five minutes to get there." Y/N: "Alright!" After a bit of walking we finally get to a parking lot. Peter: "Stay here, I'll just go and get the keys." I nod, putting my hands into the pockets of my jacket and smile. Y/N: "Don't take too long!" Peter: "I won't. I'll be back before you know it Y/N.~" My face turns a deep shade of red.
 'H-he said my name! He actually said it!'
 He chuckles at my reaction, giving me a pat on the shoulder before leaving to get the car keys. 'God fucking damn it Peter! Why do you make me feel this way? Aaaaah!'
I hide my blush in my hands, internally screaming at my feelings, not noticing that Peter was already back and only looking up at the feeling of someone touching my shoulder. Peter: "Darling are you alright?" I sigh in relief seeing that it was 'only' Peter. Y/N: "Y-Yeah I'm fine it's just, I ehm I am still stunned that you called me by my name." Peter: "Oh? Is it really that rare that I call you by name?" I look away shyly and nod. Peter: "I'll have to change that then OR I'll only use it when it's important, making it something special.~" Y/N: "I eh uhm you choose!" Peter: "Hmm alright dear.~" A smirk forms on his lips, making it pretty obvious what he chose. 'That fucker!' Peter: "Now, we should better get going." Y/N: "Yeah, let's go." He takes my hand in his and leads me to the car he has ranted for us. 'Of course it's a fucking white van!' Peter looks at my unimpressed expression with amusement. Y/N: "Seriously Peter?" Peter: "Yup!" Y/N: "You are not going to kidnap me and tie me up in a random basement that you've found, are you?" Peter: "No, but if you want me to I can arrange that.~" Y/N: "Peter no!" Peter: "I was just joking! Unless?~" Y/N: "Peter!!!" Peter: "Alright, alright! I'm just messing with you love. Anyway hop in." He gestures to the passenger seat. Peter: "I'm going to drive." Y/N: "Of course you are." We sit down in the car and buckle up. Looking around the car, I notice that even from the inside it looks eerily similar to his van. 'What the hell? How ironic is that?' I give him a slight concerned look. Peter: "You know I didn't choose it to be that close to mine." Y/N: "I know, but it's just... so strange!" Peter puts a hand on my shoulder and squeezes it gently. Peter: "I won't harm you Y/N." I look into his eyes to see if they hold any ill intent, but only find them showing sincerity. Y/N: * Sigh * "Thank you. I'm just overthinking is all." Peter: "It's fine really! I tend to do so sometimes as well. But lighten up a little! We are supposed to have fun after all." Y/N: "You are right!" I beam at him.
 'He really knows what to say, doesn't he?' He gives me a warm smile before turning on the radio and starting the car. We sit in comfortable silence, listening to the music on the radio. And after half an hour we arrive at the pet store. Because it is quite early, we easily find a parking spot that is close to the entrance of the store. After leaving and locking the car, we enter said building. The store isn't particular big, but it still has a lot to offer. From furry fluff balls and scaly cuties, they have quite a lot to choose from. But we aren't here for that, we are here to spoil our little Rat! Peter takes a list, which he had prepared earlier, out of his back pocket. The list reads as follows: Rat shopping list: - pvc tank - strip lights - heat mat - thermostat - aspen substrate - 2-3 hides - thermometer - plants - food Y/N: "That's quite a lot! Do they even sell everything that is on there?" Peter: "No we sadly won't get everything in here. So we need to hit a few other stores later." Y/N: "Ah alright." We take one of the carts and look for the items on the list. The tank, aspen and food being the easiest ones to find. But finding the thermostat, thermometer and heat mat isn't. They for some reason put them in the back of the shop making them difficult to spot. And the hides, well let's just say I get a little carried away then it comes to decor. Only being satisfied with my choices after around a twenty minute search. The little hide that looks like a skull being my favorite. Though I am not quite sure which animal it's supposed to represent. After paying for our items, we leave the store, enter the van and drive back home to put the things we already collected away and the frozen rats into the freezer. Now onto the rest of our list!
Y/N: "I think for the other stuff we should go to a mall, so we don't have to drive as much and maybe we can grab some lunch there!" Peter: "Hm… sound good." He doesn’t seem to really like the idea. Probably being wary of all the people there. So I give him a reassuring smile and his hand a gentle squeeze. Y/N: "Don't worry, I’m here! I won't leave you. And if you really do get uncomfortable we can also leave." Peter: "Thanks darling." He says, now finally looking back up at me with a small smile of his own. On the way to the mall I notice just how good of a driver he is. Guess that's a given when he drives 3 hours every day just to see his darling. But still, it's nice that I can trust him to drive safely. And after around an hour we finally arrive at the mall. Before entering the building I take one of his larger hands in mine, rubbing invisible shapes on its back in a way to calm him. Which he returns by squeezing my hand. Once in, we immediately search for the missing items. Finding the strip lights in a tech store and the decorative plants in a dollar store. This time Peter being the one to choose the plants, since I probably couldn't decide which once to pick. 'Hmm while we're here, we could get him some new clothes. I mean they look good, but he can't wear the same thing every day.' Y/N: "Hey Peter?" Peter: "Yes darling?" Y/N: "I was wondering, since we're already here, could we ehm buy you some new clothes?" Peter: "So you don't like what I'm wearing right now?" Y/N: "No! No! It's just you can't wear the same clothes every day and I thought you might want some variety!" A nervous smile adorns my features as I stare at the ground. Peter: "Sure, why not?" He chuckles and smiles at me. Peter: "Lead the way love." My lips curl up in excitement as I eagerly grab one of his hands and sort of drag him into one of the many clothing stores. Only letting go of his hand once we finally reach the male section of the store. Y/N: "Okay so I would say, we'll look around for about ten minutes and meet back here with the clothes we find." Peter: "But what if-" Y/N: "Hey I'll be close by and I won't leave your sight okay?" He nods and gives me a small smile. And both of us start searching for clothes. I grab some blue and black t-shirts, long sleeve shirts and hoodies, hoping that they would match his style. And, quicker than expected, the time has come to see just how they would fit him. Though not just in looks, but also in size, snice I didn't really know what sizes he needed, making me have to guess them. Quickly scanning the shop, I find him rather easily, thanks to his tall stature. Y/N: "Hey!" I exclaim with excitement, happily skipping towards him. Peter: "Hey there!" A warm and relieved smile adorning his lips. Y/N: "Did you find something you like?" Peter nods, a small smirk creeping onto his face as he gave me suggestive look. Peter: "Sure did love.~" Y/N: "I meant clothes!" My face heats up and turns bright red. Peter: "I know, I know." He chuckles and gestures to the changing rooms. Peter: "Let's go." Peter enters one of the stalls and pulls its curtain shut. I lean against the stall he is using and listen to the sound of moving fabric. 'I hope he likes what I picked for him.' Peter: "Hey darling?" Y/N: "Yes Peter?" Peter: "Could you close your eyes for me?" Y/N: "Sure!" Lifting my hands up to my face, I cover my eyes. Y/N: "Eyes are closed!" I hear the sound of the curtain opening as he steps out of the stall. Peter: "Alright you can open your eyes now." My hands leave my face and I open my eyes to see a flustered Peter standing in front of me. Peter: "So...how do I look darling?"
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I take a step back and scan his appearance from head to toe. 'He is... wearing the thing I chose! And damn, he looks good in it!' Y/N: "You look great!" A huge smile makes its way onto my face as I gush over his appearance, replacing his coy expression with a smug proud look.
He quickly goes back into the changing room so he could show me more of the clothes we gathered and maybe receive the same star struck reaction. After paying for the clothes, we grab our lunch in one of the many restaurants and leave the mall soon after. Once we are back home I immediately flop on the couch in exhaustion. Peter: "Are you alright darling?" Y/N: "Yeah just tired." I groan into the couch cushion, muffling my voice in the process. Peter stiffens a laugh and pats me on my head. Peter: "I'll go set up the tank. Don't let the couch swallow you while I'm gone." Y/N: "No promises!" And with a chuckle he leaves the room, giving me some time to rest for a while. ------------------------------------ A/N: Heeyyyy guys! I finally got this chapter done! :D Sorry that you had to wait so long! >-< I just didn't expect it to turn out as long as it did. ^^' Have a nice day! :D C ya!
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