mxboxlocks · 8 months
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YOU!!! @a-scary-lack-of-common-sense !!! SOLDIER LEAD POISON TRUTHER!!! I AM HONORED, DO YOU HEAR ME??? HONORED!!!
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hermionesterrier · 6 years
More Than Human: Chapter 5 Liveblog
Why am I going through these so fast? I DON’T WANT IT TO END *SOBS*
Bubbles said blithely, “They do look cute together, but bunnies, now, talk about cute-” I feel ya Bubbles
Cue Mrs. Morbucks bossing Brick around :D
Blues being adorably adorable
He deepened his voice and rumbled, “Join us, Bubbles.” After a slight pause, he added, “You know, your name really doesn’t lend itself to a deep, masculine voice of evil.” LMFAO it really doesn’t tho xD
I swear I wanna quote this whole girls’ scene just because of how golden the dialogue is. From talking about the paparazzi, to the Blues convo, to Buttercup’s Carly Simon reference, to how boring Kris and Blossom are as a couple, to finally ending with a typical Greens call. I LOVE EVERY LITTLE PART OF IT OMG
Brick in a mood...again. Only the Reds would get stuck in such awkward situations.
Blossom turning ice cold the second the cheerleaders started accusing Bubbles and then standing up for her and kicking them out of the studio. Give me more protective!sister!Blossom pleeeeeease. MY HEART IS SINGING!
Hostage situation. Brick is both simultaneously pissed and bored as fuck, Butch is as giddy as a kid in a candy store and Boomer’s pouting because the gunman yelled at him. HOLDS HEAD.
“You ever seen someone’s brains on the outside of their body?” the guy said in a grim voice. Butch started laughing. Brick was unfazed. “Looks like raw chicken fat.” Not really sure I wanna know where SBJ got this discription from xD
“Um, I don’t mean to interrupt, but are you going to shoot him or what?” Butch groaned, anxious. And the Brother of the Year Award goes to....
I love how all Brick had to do to get the boys in on the plan was say “help”. Just one word. Also LMAO @ the gunman thinking Brick’s asking for help for himself. Brick doesn’t ask for help. He commands. And at that moment he was giving clear instructions for his brothers to help the girls out.
FUCK YEA! I love the fight scenes in this story they get me as giddy as Butch is right now lmao.
"Okay, I’m getting really sick of being a hostage now,” Robin declared, irritated. “This is, what, like the fifth time in my entire life? I need to move the hell out of Townsville!” I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned this about a thousand times throughout these liveblogs BUT I LOVE ROBIN SFM 4EVER OKAY
Yea sure Mr. Gunman. Grab one of the ones with superpowers that’s a smart move *sighs and rolls eyes*
Saving yourself for marriage, huh Boomer? :’)
Brick thinking that Blossom’s reaching for him and actually almost unconsciously reacting bahahahahaha
Bubbles calling Boomer out on why he’s always singing Avril Lavigne songs and him smoothly turning the conversation away from his insecurities. Oh Boomer...
Honestly can’t blame Bubbles. I would totally allow myself to get distracted by Boomer and his easy smile and cheesy song outbursts. Remember those cheerleading uniforms, Bubbles?
Oh yes, she definitely does remember.
Boomer’s door slammed just as Brick’s opened, and a sullen, irritated redhead came stalking up to Butch. He stopped in front of the TV, glaring. “What.” Butch blinked at him, eyes flickering in the direction of Boomer’s room. Then he pointed at the TV. “Can you pass the remote?” Brick stared at him a long, long moment, then turned deliberately and picked up the remote. He held it up for Butch to see, eyes lifted in question, and Butch reached out from the safety of the couch, making grabby motions with his hands- Brick crumpled it into a little wad and dropped it unceremoniously on the floor. LMFAO KIDSSSS
I still wanna know what happened between Brick and Cindy on Prom night.
Is Brick getting promoted in Evil Corp?
Warning: A rare sighting of a polite Butch
Just walking was nice enough. Huh, Butch thought. Nice. This was nice. He stared at the sidewalk and matched his steps to hers. Maybe it was too nice. And next thing you know he’s asking about Mitch. Fucking masochist. Always ruining good things. JUST ACCEPT THAT IT’S NICE BUTCH DON’T FUCKING RUIN IT UGH
aHHHHHH IT’S HERE. One of the sexiest scenes of the story. Blossom in Brick’s shirttttt *_*
And Reds are falling haaaaaaaaaard :D
Cue the Thriller-themed play... 
If you haven’t already read this story, go go go!!!
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