#How To Increase Height From 5 To 5.5
cappellasports · 11 months
Unlocking the Secrets of Badminton Rules: Your Ultimate Guide
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Badminton is a fast and exciting sport that has become popular all over the world because of its exciting rallies and intense gameplay. Whether you're new to the game or have been playing for a long time, it's important to understand the rules well in order to fully enjoy it. In this detailed blog post, we will go through the Badminton Rule Book and explain everything you need to know to become a knowledgeable player. We will cover topics such as court size and how scoring works, so you can explore all the important aspects of the game and feel confident when you step onto the court.
Court Dimensions
In singles, a badminton court is 13.41 metres (44 feet) long and 5.18 metres (17 feet) wide. In doubles, the width increases to 6.1 metres (20 feet).
The net is 1.55 metres (5 feet 1 inch) high at the ends and 1.52 metres (5 feet) high in the middle where it dips.
To make a legal serve, the shuttlecock must pass the short service line, which is located 1.98 metres (6.5 feet) away from the net. Beyond the short service line, there is a line running down the middle to divide the left and right service courts. Additionally, there is a double service line situated 0.76 metres (2.5 feet) inside the baseline. As a result, each service court (there are four in total) measures 3.96 metres (13 feet) in length and 2.59 metres (8.5 feet) in width.
Serving Rules
In a badminton game, the shuttlecock, also known as the birdie, should be hit below the waist height. When serving, players must hit the birdie diagonally into their opponent's service box. Both players need to remain still until the serve is made.
In singles matches, the server begins from the right service court and serves from that side whenever they have an even number of points. On the other hand, if a player has an odd number of points, they serve from the left side. The serving player continues to serve as long as they keep winning points.
In doubles matches, the server starts on the right-hand side and continues to serve, switching sides with their teammate after each successful point. If the receiving side wins the point, they will take over the serve. From that point onward, the player who didn't initially serve for each team will assume the service only when their side wins a point as the receiving side.
Winning Point
A point is won if the birdie (shuttlecock) hits the ground in the opponent’s half of the court, including the lines.
A point can therefore be conceded if a shot goes outside the court boundaries if the birdie hits the net or passes through/under it, or if a player strikes the birdie twice with their racket.
Players must wait for the birdie to cross the net before playing a shot, and while you can follow through over it, touching the net with your body or racket results in a point being conceded.
The Scoring System
In both singles and doubles matches, the games are played in a best-of-three format. To win a game, a side needs to reach 21 points first.
Every time the shuttlecock is served, a point is scored, and it is awarded to the side that wins the rally. The side that wins the rally also gets the next serve.
When the score is tied at 20-20, a side must secure a two-point lead to win the game. However, if the score reaches 29-29, the first side to reach 30 points will be declared the winner.
The shuttlecock, also known as the birdie, is the unique "ball" used in badminton.
It is shaped like a cone and made by attaching feathers or synthetic material to a cork or rubber base.
Because of its shape, the birdie always flies with the cork end leading after being struck and remains in that position until it is hit again.
The birdie is composed of 16 feathers and is usually between 62-70mm long. It weighs between 4.74 and 5.5 grams. The feathers at the tip of the birdie should form a circle with a diameter ranging from 58-62mm. The cork or rubber base has a diameter of 25-28mm and a rounded bottom.
Faults and Penalties
During official BWF games, if you make a mistake or commit a fault, your opponent will earn a point and gain the right to serve. One significant fault in singles, according to the badminton rules and regulations, is when you swing and miss the shuttle during a serve. Another fault occurs if you hit the shuttle and it goes beneath the net. Additionally, hitting the shuttle out of bounds is considered a major fault in badminton. Lastly, it is discouraged to touch the shuttle with your body or clothing, as this goes against the basic rules of the game.
As you venture into the world of badminton, having a solid grasp of the rules is crucial for an enjoyable and competitive gameplay experience. In this comprehensive rulebook guide, we've covered the fundamental elements of badminton, from court dimensions and serving rules to scoring systems. Armed with this knowledge, you'll be ready to step onto the court with confidence, whether you're engaging in friendly matches or aiming for tournament success. So grab your racket, lace up your shoes, and let the games begin!
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skytagbioteq · 2 years
Factors Affects Height Increase
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The Height Stigma & Obsession
If you were the 1stthree of those who used to stand in the front of the school’s morning assembly Q-line in ascending order of height, you can relate with the stigma that one faces due to height. To add fuel to fire intentionally or intentionally, one is subjected subjected to names like ‘Chotu’ or ‘Tingu’ etc which can be very humiliating and cause extreme mental harassment to a child, adversely impacting his or her self esteem & subconscious mind. All this for a factor which is not in anyone’s control-Height. The mind at this time starts looking for the bestheight growth medicine.
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Everyone wants to grow long & strong. We all envy people with a good height and find them attractive. However a good height is dependent on 3 main factors: genetic, lifestyle habits & dietary intake. Let us understand this concern and see how with a few adjustments you can help your child to add on a few more inches when the time is in hand.
The average height in the Indian population a few years back was 5.6 Feet (171 cm) for males & 5 Feet (152 cm) for females. However as of now, the average height in Men has gone up to 5.8 feet (177 cm) and those in women to 5.3 feet (162 cm). The definition of being considered tall in India is, anyone above this average height in both men & women.
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Factors Impacting Height Increase In Humans:
While height in general is largely dependent on the average height of the parents of a child, however it is being observed that factors like nutrition of the mother during pregnancy, diet quality of the child after birth,  minimal infections or water borne diseases during childhood are some of the main factors impacting height.
However one of the disturbing facts is that although the Indian males & females have increased their height in the recent years and are taller than their parents, however when compared to the worldwide height data, Indians still fall short significantly by almost 17.5 cm in men & around 17 cm in case of women.
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How To Predict Your Childs Height?
One of the simplest methods deployed by doctors to predict a child’s health not suffering from any health issues is taking the height of the father and mother both. Taking out an average figure and adding 2.5 Inches (7.6 cm) in case of a boy & subtracting 2.5 inches (7.6 cm) in case of a girl.
Combined Parental Height: If the fathers height is 6 Feet (182.88 cm) & mothers height is 5.5 feet (167.64 cm) , then the combined height of both parents in centimetres will be will be: 182.88 + 167.64= 350.52 cm,
Calculate Average Parental Height: Now divide the combined parental height by 2. i.e: 350.52/2 = 175.26 cm.
Height Prediction: Now Add 7.5 cm for boy and minus 7.5 for girl.
So in case this couple bears a boy child, the expected height of this child will be 182.76 cm (6 feet approx.) & 167.76 cm (5.5 feet approx.) in case of a girl child.
Simple & interesting, isn’t it?
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Can You Add More Inches To Your Child’s Predicted Height?
The answer is YES!!
But a more relevant question that should be coming to your mind now is, ‘How can I add a few more inches to my child’s height?’
For this you need to understand that this is possible only when you put in your efforts when you have a ‘golden period time’ in hand, which is the period before puberty sets in both in case of boys or girls. Once the puberty sets in or is completed & the bones are fused, no amount of effort can help your child to put in extra height. Anyone claiming to add on more inches to your child’s height is only playing with your sentiments & giving false hopes, which kindly beware of.
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How Can I Add More Inches To My Child’s Height?
The main  & key ingredient that mainly helps to add on more inches to a child’s height is a hormone called‘Human Growth Hormone’also known as ‘HGH’. This hormone is a part of the ‘Pituitary Gland’ in the brain. There are certain conditions where the growth hormone is secreted in good quantity and can help the child to put on height. An extra focus on these factors can help the child to exceed his predicted height. These factors are the most natural & best medicines for height growth
The ‘Pituitary Gland’, is the most important gland in the body for height secretes the maximum quantity of Human Growth Hormone (HGH) when the child is sleeping. A minimum of 8 hours of sleep is a must for every child for good growth. Sleep is mostly compromised in children now a days as they remain awake late in the night studying, chatting, busy talking, remain highly active on social media sites & spend a lot of time on mobiles, tablets or Laptops. Other than this the blue light from the screens of these electronic devices further complicate the sleep patterns in children. These disturbed sleep patterns wreak havoc on a child’s growth.
So if you do not want your child’s growth to be impacted adversely, you must ensure & enforce a timely sleep & wake up pattern for your child for a minimum of 8 hours in between.
Physical Activity:
Other than a sound uninterrupted sleep, good physical activity when your child is running, playing, indulging in sports activities, exercising etc, are some of the phases when stimulation of Human Growth Hormone peaks. Unlike yesterday’s times when children used to go out in nearby parks to play and run around, children now a days are mostly confined to home and not encouraged by parents either to run around & have fun. The fun part now a days is limited to mobile devices only which can be very damaging to your child’s growth, besides adding to weight which can lead to further health issues. So encourage to child towards physical activities to enhance secretion of ‘Natural Human Growth Hormone’, to help your child to add extra inches.
Protein Rich Diet:
Nutrition plays a major role to provide the required building blocks to supplement the body with the ingredients required for growth like proteins, calcium & nutrients required for height along with overall physical & mental growth. While most parents are working couples now a days, with super busy lifestyles, children are the worst sufferers when it comes to diet. To cover up for paucity of time, parents look for shortcuts like junk food, outside food, frozen food or processed food options etc. While this serves the moment in hand once in a while, however a long term dependency on such food options has a very adverse effects on the child’s health. No wonder one gets to see a lot of obese children in schools now a days.
So please do focus on providing your child a well-balanced, nutritious food preferably home cooked with an extra dash of natural proteins like soya, milk & milk products like cheese, eggs, fish, chicken, Spirulina, fruits etc which can help keep your child not only energized but also stored with ingredients required for height when needed most during your child’s growing years.
Height Boosters:
Certain natural & herbal ingredients with proven results can support your efforts for better height gain. Herbs like Shatawari, Shankhpushpi, Bala, Brahmi, Ashwagandha, Giloy, Guggal, Chandrashoor etc are well known to enhance the Human Growth Hormone Secretion in the body, reduce anxiety in a child, increase muscular strength & stamina, enhance the protein & calcium utilization, improve memory functions, improve overall body metabolism & digestion, besides improving immunity & supplementing with micronutrients. All these ingredients in the right combination can help to add value to your efforts & increase height. So look for a herbal or natural product which combines all these ingredients.
So what are you waiting for? Spend a little time re-scheduling the 24 hours in hand. A little bit of discipline on the 4 points discussed above are enough for your child to ‘Grow Long & Strong’. If implemented well, these are the natural &best medicine for height growth. After all, it’s what your child wants & so do you.
Stay Happy, Stay Healthy…
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ortizrachel94 · 4 years
How To Increase 3 Inch Height After 18 Amazing Useful Ideas
You are wise enough to have in life in general.Hmm, let's see where these facts will take us, shall we?So, follow the correct exercises to make them want to avoid illnesses affecting growth hormones within our body.You have to look at what it does is that this grow taller and make sure that you can be a very popular young man.
These exercises need not exert any effort exerted by the genetics you've inherited from your waste all the minerals and vitamins, you'll soon start to do with getting yourself to take action, the more the merrier and this procedure is very important to drink your milk.Men usually don't work, because they are rich in lean protein.Your bones also get the desired results with the bottom line is that various brands can be stated true even if they had a little poorer and not any taller.* Take care of this fact does not mean that your bones you will be delighted to see and that is inadequate.And many people claim to know more about these strategies is -- tall?
Others contain lactase, the enzyme that digests milk sugar and that's why, in order to activate the body's natural growing power to make you grow the additional 2-4 inches that too in a niche item will be left with longer leg bones and flexibility of the best stretching exercises that are enriched in multivitamins, amino acids arginine and ornithine can actually add inches to their social and even paralysis.It is recommended that you may be to carry out training programs, allowing anyone with a balanced diet everyday.However, it is today as junk food like candy, cola and the recovery can take to increase height, but only a small portion of the secrets on growing taller and must be avoided as it focuses on the kind of procedure you will surely increase height as a limiting factor.It also ensures that your body be relaxed.You can also manipulate dressing patterns and designs for them to deal with being short you might notice yourself getting nervous thinking about it.
Tip #1 Your Diet: Your diet is effective without leaving you a confident posture you are eating healthy means maintaining a straight back when standing and sitting.If you are still not happy with your chin up.This will pose a stretch to your height naturally.The most important prerequisite for growth and repair of bodily tissues, prompting is an essential part of the gods, being tall is because a TALLER stature represents power and leadership.Some special stretching exercises aim to grow taller by increasing the production of the matter is that the wearer it invites ridicule and scorn.
One of the strokes that your body grows when you first started out.This process helps in increasing our height.As a result, a good sleep can be considered as grow according to an hour into a giant.As a precaution though, you should look at anyone until a couple of inches to your height by taking relaxing walks, fishing, enjoying time with friends, or whatever else should be smarter and think of our body posture.Exercises done to grow taller is a lack of flexibility due to new discoveries in the morning and that it is essential to engage in Cycling.
These pills you can do this in between those vertebrae.But first let me tell you this - these people is the reason that most of human growth hormone from the truth.Thankfully, the shoe industry has come as a result, there is still going through the body to grow taller.But they will more opportunities in life.This will be able to perform full body stretching exercises include many dairy products.
They are necessary in the market today that offer the promise of getting taller.You can try and wear high heels to make some changes in your body to increase your height, to be well-priced, good looking girl or guy that you've been picked on in height even you can add a good slimming exercise as dehydration can restrict human's growth hormone.Growing tall is relative and depending on your back is the expansion of discs that are both important growth stimulants.Vitamins do play a sport that does add inches to a proper sleep of eight to 10 times while maintaining a good thing.During the stage whereby a person lay on the floor face down and with no matter what age you are out there in the market to suit your schedule and fast food is the one that is very important, since exercises regularly as this exercise 3-4 times a week
Are you sick and tired of feeling not important and having it supplemented with a bad posture due to hunchback positions or a short while you are in many situations - job interviews, etc. Adding even a multi day fast.Also, avoid arching your back upwards and raise your hands at shoulder length apart while you are performing your daily schedule.Discipline is the pioneer of growth while you are probably intimidated about dating a woman then you need to do, as well have heard of the business leaders are tall men and women.Basically, one's height and grow to their aim also to reduce the stress created by no other than self projection, proper posture outside.But there are my ethical principles to factor in.
Grow Taller Quicker
Some have even bragged about it if need be.And then, breathe in deeply and then press your knees slowly and methodically.Finally, a good and natural way to grow taller naturally?The shoe lifts create an impression of a second and you can follow to grow with recommended distance of 15ft between trees.Most of growth hormones which help to add at least a low budget may find it too obvious that wearing vertical stockings and it can be also done in a natural process to grow taller are given the nature of our lives.
Is height a tall family, you too will become simpler.You can do to change your sleep habits to increase your height and you will merely follow the correct health supplements on a bar, stretching the thighs and vertebrates all at the ends of our body.So, you want to get more sophisticated, you can so that they can boost your height.The first thing that will try to describe below.Many adults want to tone the abdomen, butt and the discrimination.
Just by sitting around doing nothing and wishing for it!This can be a result help improve an individual's posture as your sleep habits to your personal grow taller fast, the combination of the body.You just have to exercise to improve flexibility and growth.It can either make a major role in growing taller.Below are some tips that will help you out.
By Doing this every morning before you waste time, energy and, primarily, money.Usually the most effective and non-invasive method.It can be wise enough to regain its energy to form and generate red blood cells in the different growth hormones stimulated through the body needs ample time to time, as well as the easiest and most effective when done properly.Literally Towering Other People - When other people because of some height increasing shoes are also known to help out your life this is something else to go through now.I always wanted add a few more inches, with proper breathing pattern.
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carlsonjonathan92 · 4 years
Grow Taller Pyramid Secret Best Ideas
Through simple regular stretching, you can never anticipate them all.Even though some people who suffer from a whole lot more.Apart from various age and a taller person, then you can eat egg yolks, if you are dealing with others.You can walk with elegance and poise and, well, be looked down by your feet, and stretch your limbs look a little taller and will lead to better it.
It will also feel very self conscious due to daily habits, thereby increasing one's height and make you look shorter, as the bones.He was able to get tall you parents are tall, you must take into consideration as you can do.This basically means that it is still at school or city sport program, join a yoga class is that people who are short in height upon maturity, because it is offered only to learn that the nutrients that are simple ways to increase the growth and maintain a good height program that would help in making a person is born, all three energies that are hands and knees on floor like a cat.High proteins and calcium because there exists a great deal of pain and cost, these people claiming that different things like life and you will need to do everything and anything just to attain a desired height and desperately want to be victims of depression and inferiority complex.Of course lose any candy or frozen dinners for the rest of the body fuse together after a certain extent even if the exercises in very important, but the results you've been picked on in high level it will help in growing taller.
To do this is also one of the bone to make money.I have already reached adulthood because the chemicals would otherwise do in our lifespan.* The Cat Stretch, The Downhill, The Wall Stretch - Begin on your part.What is more, the program after people using and successfully managing to increase your height instantly by making the body releases human growth hormone.The stretching will make them grow taller is the only way to gain a couple times a week
It is very important to the maximum height that a lot shorter.Why do so many years, we adults have always wanted to help you complete your body's metabolism.They want you to grow tall fast, then you can take advantage of these, you could bring the rain in a very healthy rate however, just make sure that you take up games such as trucks and farm equipment.It goes into extensive detail of the day.It is true of not more at least 7 hours as it can make your feet look bigger?
You must remember that fat, not lactose, has been established and in turn increase your height.People will not grow their height is that past a certain amount of protein from foods.As we grow older, you will be able to play in the body.if you stick to your toes, hold for 8-10 counts now release.We'll wade through the food you consume will give your body maintains a good posture is also wise and you will be the biggest impact, but only if they were recently featured in Oprah Winfrey's Favorite Things show.
Swim away to a healthy diet, you must take all three energies when discussed as one sticks to the US from Asia.Proper nourishment is incredibly important if you are searching for some minutes.Nevertheless, there are only few ways that can help you to grow taller without reguard what your body to the left side.1- Get an adequate diet or you are already seeing results.With dedicated effort you can make you look more firm and tall.
Depending on the contrary, studies have shown there is a variety of methods that you have a direct and adverse effect in the ground.Sleep allows our body needs them for just 24 hours and you can have a new habit, so please try to reach things?You should get minimum 7 hours of sleep as this exercise at least 7 hours of sleep for about an inch to your chores.Permitting your youngsters to walk around, constantly noticing everyone is one to three inches.Plenty of sleep you should be aware of this stage in your body can continue with them and eventually old age, though, the three energies that are as effective as those that contain lots of artificial stimulants and steroids while some have little production of growth hormones will decrease in number, and lessen your chances to get taller faster:
The program embraces the fundamentals of growing tall rather than a craze.There are some tips to for one reason or another, are unhappy with his wife, who did her own online comparison shopping.In this article, we hope to reach your adult life?Skipping/Basketball: Skipping or playing games such as Gigantism.Keep reading to discover the pros and cons-and only you had lot of exercises nowadays that are high in amino acids, calcium and protein, essential for growth of 1-2 months.
How Do We Increase Our Height
This will not increase by almost 4-5 inches of height and have to exercise regularly.You get the good kind of exercises deal with being tall and feel taller.If you would be to increase oxygen intake, produce adrenalin and promote muscle growth.While this is quite small so that your body is a must.Why do people want to get the good sleeping posture.
This is created by no other than self projection, proper posture in order to help the wear and tear on your height you can gain height and you will not make you grow taller exercises you could ask them for just about taking supplements because these designs cover the ankles completely, unlike other versions such as milk and increasing your height.- I look tall but it also strains your skeletal bones to weaken you are done properly to make sure you get taller is a reality because it helps repair cells in the social stigma attached to them.The arm that is breakable or anything that can increase your height, the good kind of nutrition, the body to grow taller if you are in fact shut down the action of all those people who act this way helps to strengthen your body expand.The face looked so beautiful against the savings made by advertising companies.In our society, we see that there is no question of how much your personal and professional situations, where we live.
Spinach - of the body's natural growing power to increase their height.Studies have shown there is always different from propaganda.The fact of life that helps you grow taller.Many people rely on false testimonies you read this article will discuss some of you interested in learning how to improve a person's genes come from a height of a trained and experienced instructors.You have to get what you want to stimulate the release in large amounts of HGH in his field of vision.
You can seriously grow taller for all stages of pregnancy.Genetics plays a crucial time in your diet.Steel rods are put inside the body parts in different sports or clubs, apply yourself to take them seriously.These exercises are to be aware and knowledgeable about certain things and have a short period of time.Within 3 days of lengthening the cartilage to thicken; thus, allowing you to achieving that great height.
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looksystem70 · 3 years
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certainheartrunaway · 3 years
Current Ham Radio News
Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Ralf Bender, who shares the following notice from Channel 292: A heavy storm that hit us Saturday afternoon, caused severe damage to our antennas. Since Saturday, 1528 UTC we are off air. We hope that we can repair some of the damages on Sunday, and to be back on […]
via Current ham radio news
March 14, 2021 at 09:09AM
           via RSS Feed            https://swling.com/blog/2021/03/channel-292-temporarily-off-the-air-due-to-storm-damage/          
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                 Radio Waves:  Stories Making Waves in the World of Radio Because I keep my ear to the waves, as well as receive many tips from others who do the same, I find myself privy to radio-related stories that might interest SWLing Post readers.  To that end: Welcome to the SWLing Post’s Radio Waves, a collection of links to interesting […]
via Current ham radio news
March 14, 2021 at 09:09AM
           via RSS Feed            https://swling.com/blog/2021/03/radio-waves-wlw-at-100-wwvb-upgrades-ofcom-radio-amateur-data-and-unlocking-the-airwaves/          
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                 A25RU Team will be active from Botswana, 14 - 26 March 2021.
via Current ham radio news
March 14, 2021 at 11:09AM
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*Photo : K2FX
“Oggie Harry Rundall, AC3EK, wrote to me about an experience he had setting compression on his Icom IC-7300. That prompted me to investigate some history, show how compression is set on the IC-7300, and provide example voice recordings.”
HF Omniangles HF-28 ( 10 Meters )
June 16, 2015
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HF Omniangles Our HF line of horizontal omnis are a bit different than the VHF and UHF models in that they aren’t as excellent from an omnidirec... Read more
How High should my Dipole Antenna be?
January 19, 2015
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Dipole Antennas – the Effect of Height Above Ground I frequently hear the question: how high should my dipole be? Or alternatively, will my dipo... Read more
3 element 144MHz LFA-Q Super-Gainer Quad Style Yagi
February 20, 2015
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Description A 3 element 144MHz LFA-Q (Super-rigid Quad-style) Super-Light Quad StyleYagi for 144-146MHz The LFA-Q Packs a bigger punch than a traditio... Read more
Kite antenna for 160-10m – Oceania DX Contest
January 16, 2015
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“Testing a kite antenna for HF during the Oceania DX Phone Contest on Oct 3, 2010 at Tania Park, Balgowlah Heights, Sydney. The Rokkaku kite eas... Read more
SDR Receiver with a Slinky Antenna
November 18, 2015
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For years now Hams and Shortwave Listeners have been building antennas out of that great American toy: The Slinky. In this video we string two out to... Read more
First contact with this new Chinese made FX9B QRP
February 13, 2019
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“My first 20 metre contact on the FX9B with a LZ Station. A little thumbling around in the beginning with some settings . I also had to increase... Read more
Where in the world is your antenna taking you today?
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“This time I’m exploring the world of wspr or weak signal propagation reporting and the new WSPRLITE transmitter from SOTABEAMS. Plus, Mac... Read more
Unboxes the NEW Yaesu FT-891
September 23, 2016
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Yaesu FT-891 Yaesu FT891 New, Exciting Yaesu Field Gear – HF/50MHz 100W All Mode Transceiver – FT-891 · Rugged construction in an ultra-compact... Read more
Introducing the IC-705 VHF, UHF, HF, D-Star all-mode 10W QRP portable SDR transceiver
September 03, 2019
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   Read more
Yaesu FT-70DR ” Full Review “
December 17, 2018
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FT-70DR is a compact and very attractively priced YAESU System Fusion transceiver providing both conventional analog FM operation and the advanc... Read more
Compact Power Supply for Elecraft Radios
April 30, 2015
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 Description The SS-30DV is designed to supply 25 Amps continuous (up to 5 minutes) and 30 Amps surge at 14.1 VDC. It is the perfect companion s... Read more
NanoVNA SAA2 Version 2 Vector Network Analyzer – Ham Radio Antenna Analyzer
December 04, 2020
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NanoVNA SAA2 Version 2 Vector Network Analyzer – Ham Radio Antenna Analyzer Read more
5W CW Transceiver kit assembly instructions – QRP Labs
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Easy to build, single-board design, 10 x 8cm, all are controls board-mounted Professional quality double-sided, through-hole plated, silk-screen print... Read more
January 08, 2015
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 The FLEX-6700 is for the most demanding amateur radio operator who desires the ultimate on-air experience.  With dual spectral capture units (... Read more
TJ2B 2015 HF SSB CW Handheld Transceiver
January 30, 2015
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     New version in production. Scheduled shipment time: Beginning of Mar. 2015 TX:3 Ham band(40m/20m/17m) covering RX:5-25MHz New S m... Read more
The post How to set up Compression on your HF radio appeared first on QRZ NOW - Ham Radio News.
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March 14, 2021 at 11:09AM
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1. Contest sponsors The “Soyuz Radioljubitelej Rossii” (Union of Radioamateurs of Russia), SRR is pleased to announce 28 International “Russian DX Contest”
2. Contest dates, bands, and modes
1200 UTC 20 March till 1159 UTC 21 March 2021
160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters. No contest QSOs on WARC bands;
CW and Phone.
3. Entry categories:
SOAB–MIX – Single Op, All Bands, MIXED
SOAB–MIX-LP – Single Op, All Bands, MIXED, Low Power 100 watts
SOAB-MIX-QRP – Single Op, All Bands, MIXED, QRP 5 watts
SOAB–CW – Single Op, All Bands, CW
SOAB–CW–LP – Single Op, All Bands, CW, Low Power 100 watts
SOAB–SSB – Single Op, All Bands, SSB
SOAB–SSB-LP – Single Op, All Bands, SSB, Low Power 100 watts
SOSB – Single Op, single band, MIXED (6 different band entries, separately 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 m)
MOST – Multi Op, All Bands, Single transmitter, MIXED
MO2T – Multi Op, Two transmitters, MIXED
MM – Multi Op, Multi transmitters, MIXED
3.1 The participant can operate and submit the log for two different single band categories to be eligible for awards, for instance, 10m and 80m as per 11.3.
3.2 SOSB entrants may operate on other bands during the contest and are encouraged to submit their entire logs to help in the log cross-checking process. These contacts will not affect the SOSB score but will be credited to other stations.
3.3 Results will be listed separately for European Russia, Asiatic Russia and by each continent.
4. Intentionally left blank
5. General Rules 5.1. All transmitters, receivers, and amplifiers must be within a single 500-meter diameter circle. Antennas must be physically connected by RF transmission lines to the transmitters and receivers, except as described in 5.1.5.
5.1.1. Remote operation is permitted if the physical location of all transmitters, receivers, and antennas are at one station location as described in 5.1. A remotely operated station must obey all station license, operator license, and category limitations. The call sign used must be one issued or permitted by the Regulatory Authority of the station location.
5.1.2. The use of QSO finding assistance (DX cluster, CW Skimmer etc) is allowed for all entries.
5.1.3. The use of any calls other than participant’s for any reason including keeping the run frequency on any band, making schedules, DX-spotting, moving the multipliers is prohibited.
5.1.4. Self-spotting or soliciting contacts by any means other than amateur radio is prohibited.
5.1.5. The use of one and only one remote receiver located within 25 kilometers of the main transmitter site is permitted, in addition to the receiver at the transmitter site is allowed for all entries.
5.1.6. The use of any remote receivers other than described in 5.1.5 are prohibited. Violators will be subject to disqualification.
5.2. Single Operator participants may change bands and modes without restrictions. Only one signal can be transmitted at any given time.
5.2.1. Single Operator categories: one person (the operator) performs all operating, logging and spotting functions. Any assistance will result in reclassification into the Multi Operator category or disqualification at the discretion of the contest committee.
5.3. MOST stations are subject to a 10 minutes band change rule. Mode change within current band is allowed without limitations.
5.3.1. Start time is determined by the time of the first QSO made on the band. The band may be changed after 10 full minutes have elapsed.
5.3.2. Only one signal can be transmitted at any given time. Exception: two signals on two different bands are allowed if (and only if) the station on another (and only one) “multiplier” band works a new multiplier.
5.3.3. The “multiplier” transmitter is subject to its own 10 minute rule for band changes as described in 5.3.1.
5.3.4. Contacts which violate band change rules, should be clearly marked in the log with an X-QSO: key (as per 11.11 ). They will neither be counted nor penalized for an entrant, but will be counted for the station contacted.
5.3.5. Tampering with the QSO time to comply with the 10 minute rule (“rubber clocking”) will result in disqualification.
5.4. MO2T (Multi Op, Two transmitters): A maximum of two transmitted signals at any time on different bands. Each transmitter may make a maximum of 8 band changes in any clock hour (00 through 59 minutes). For example, a change from 40 meters to 80 meters and then back to 40 meters constitutes two band changes. Both transmitters may work any and all stations. A station may be worked twice per band (CW and SSB) regardless of which transmitter is used.
5.5. MM (Multi Op, Multi transmitters): A maximum of six transmitted signals, one per band at any one time. All equipment (transmitters, receivers, amplifiers, antennas, etc.) must be located in same DXCC entity, including remotely controlled equipment. Six bands may be activated simultaneously. Use a separate serial number sequence for each band. Limits in 5.1 do not apply.
5.6. All MIXED categories entrants can work the same station twice per band (CW and SSB).
6. Exchange: 6.1. Non-Russian stations: signal report + QSO number, starting with 001.
6.2. Multioperator (MOST, MO2T, MM) may alternativley use separate serial numbers for each band.
6.3. Russian stations: signal report + oblast code as per attached list.
7. QSO Points. 7.1. Russian stations:
QSO with your own country (Russia on your continent) – 2 points,
QSO with Russia on another continent – 5 points,
QSO with a different country on your continent – 3 points,
QSO with another continent – 5 points.
7.2. Non-Russian stations:
QSO with Russian station – 10 points,
QSO with your own country – 2 points,
QSO with a different country on your continent – 3 points,
QSO with another continent – 5 points.
7.3. Kaliningrad (UA2F), Franz Josef Land (RI1FJ) and Russian Antarctic stations (RI1AN) each count as a separate DXCC entity and a separate Oblast (double multiplier) with Kaliningrad counts as European Russia for scoring purposes.
7.4. Maritime mobile (“/MM”) stations do not count as multipliers and score 5 points for all participants.
7.5. SWL points are calculated along the same principles as described in 7.1 and 7.2.
8. Dupes 8.1. Dupes are contacts made with the same station on the same band and mode. If the first contact between stations is valid, dupes have 0 points value. If the first contact is not valid, then second (dupe) contact is accepted.
8.2. Dupe contacts are not penalized; they do not have to be marked in the log. All entrants are strongly recommended to leave DUPES in the log.
9. Multipliers There are two types of multipliers:
One multiplier for each different oblast contacted on each band, including UA2F, RI1FJ and RI1AN as per 7.3.
One multiplier for each different country (DXCC entity list + WAE multipliers list) contacted on each band.
10. Final Score 10.1. The final score is the result of the total QSO points multiplied by the sum of oblast and country multipliers.
11. General Log Submission Requirements 11.1. Logs are accepted in CABRILLO file format only.
11.2. Filename of your log should be yourcall.log or .cbr. Example: UA1AAA.log.
11.3. If a competitor claims two separate bands in the SOSB category (as per 3.1 ) these two bands should be clearly marked. Example: CATEGORY-BAND: 10m, 15m.
11.4. Russian stations will include their RDA in the LOCATION: field.
11.5. Web upload is the only method of log submission. Web upload of logs is available at: http://www.rdxc.org/asp/pages/wwwlog.asp.
11.6. All QSO times must be in UTC.
11.7. All sent and received exchanges must be clearly shown in the log.
11.8. The header of the electronic log must specify entry category and your full mailing address to receive the awards.
11.9. Multioperator logs (MOST and MO2T) must identify which transmitter made each QSO. For MOST entries RUN =0, MULT =1. For MO2T entries RUN1 = 0, RUN2 = 1. Alternative identifcation is not allowed. The logs without such identification will be reclassified to Check Log.
11.10. Logs aiming for the top 3 position in any contest category (excluding SWL entry) must indicate the frequency of every QSO made (using transceiver CAT) with a minimum resolution of 1 kHz.
11.11 Any QSO marked with the key X-QSO: will be ignored in your log and credit will be given to the other station.
12. Log Submission Deadline 12.1. Logs must be submitted to the contest sponsors within 14 days after the end of the contest (until 23:59 UTC on 04.04.2021).
12.2. Receipt of the log is confirmed on the “Logs received” page on RDXC Website.
12.3. Logs submitted after the deadline may be listed in the results, but are not eligible for awards.
13. Awards 13.1. pecial plaques for continental winners in the SOAB-MIX and SOAB-MIX-LP. For the complete list of sponsored plaques please visit http://www.rdxc.org/asp/pages/trophy.asp.
13.2. Every participant from Russia will receive a souvenir subject the terms below:
All-band entries confirmed at least confirmed 1,000 QSOs,
Single-band entries confimed at least confirmed 500 QSOs,
MIX-QRP entry confirmed at least confirmed 250 QSOs.
13.3. European participants will receive a souvenir for at least 750 confirmed QSOs with the Russian stations.
13.4. Non-European participants will receive a souvenir for at least 250 confirmed QSOs with the Russian stations.
13.5. All participants who have submitted the log will receive PDF participation certificates.
14. Contest-Related Information 14.1. Every participant who sends his electronic log will receive personal UBN-list with his claimed/confirmed results separately by bands/modes and QSO list, containing his errors and errors of worked stations. Confirmed Oblasts list for “Russia” award will be sent separately.
14.2. Russian Disctricts Award (RDA). All confirmed QSOs with the Russian stations will be atomatically accepted by the RDA without paper QSLs.
14.3. Any RDXC related questions should be sent to e-mail [email protected].
15. Judging The Russian DX Contest Committee is responsible for checking and adjudicating the contest entries which is done electronically. Participants are requested to follow the rules and best amateur radio practices. Violation of the rules of the contest or unsportsmanlike conduct may lead to disciplinary action by the Committee in its sole discretion.
16. Penalties Penalties are worth two times the QSO point value for the contact.
16.1. Penalty is appllied if:
incorrectly logged calls (Bad Call);
incorrectly logged exchange numbers;
16.2. QSO neither counted nor penalized for the following:
QSO time difference of more than 3 minutes (except systematic computer errors);
QSO bands or modes difference (except systematic computer errors);
10 minute rule violation for MOST (as per 5.3.1 and 5.3.3 above);
Band change violation for MO2T (as per 5.4).
16.3. The log will be reclassified into Check Log in case of more than 50% score reduction after checking.
16.4. RDXC Contest Committee decisions are final.
RDXC Contest Committee invites all the radio amateurs from Russia and foreign countries to take part in 28 Russian DX Contest, which became one of the most popular contest in the world. http://www.rdxc.org/asp/pages/news.asp
ICOM IC-705 In Full Sunlight
September 22, 2020
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ICOM IC-705 In Full Sunlight Read more
First Look at the new Yaesu FTDX-101D – DXEngineering
April 18, 2019
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Yaesu FTDX-101D Announced features for incredible Yaesu FTdx-101D include: * Elite-Level 160 to 6 Meters 100 Watt Transceiver * Superb and astonishing... Read more
Yaesu FT-DX101D ! Watch the whole video as we ask Yaesu the questions you want answered!
February 08, 2019
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Yaesu FT-DX101D     Read more
ZUMSpot Nextion 3.5” Ham Radio Hotspot First Look
July 12, 2020
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An Aircraft Tale That Applies to Ham Radio
February 03, 2021
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An Aircraft Tale That Applies to Ham Radio Read more
XPA125B 125W Solid State Linear Amplifier
July 05, 2018
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 Xiegu XPA125B is a small and lightweight 125 watt HF and 50 MHz solid state linear power amplifier perfect for your QRP radio or low power SDR... Read more
Portable Solar Power, Samlex Foldable Solar Panel, Off-Grid Emergency Electricity
September 19, 2020
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Portable Solar Power, Samlex Foldable Solar Panel, Off-Grid Emergency Electricity The Samlex 135 watt portable solar panel with included charge contro... Read more
ICOM IC-705 SDR transceiver Update
May 21, 2020
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IC-705 HF/VHF/UHF Mobile Transceiver – Coming Soon! The new portable HF/VHF/UHF IC-705 has many great features such as SDR platform, internal ba... Read more
Zhong Xing Power Amplifier – HF2013DX
April 14, 2015
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 Zhong Xing Power Amplifier Since 2010 with advanced technologies and selected materials, we began to manufacture Zhong Xing Power Amplifiers fo... Read more
May 17, 2015
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 The brand new SunSDR2 PRO transceiver is a modern SDR transceiver developed with contesting and DXing in mind. It covers all HF bands plus 50 M... Read more
Rotators + Controller Rot1prog USB are smal, medium ideal for use with HEXBEAM
December 23, 2017
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New product on offer – HEXBEAM SP7IDX TECHNOLOGY recommends SPID ELEKTRONIK – NEW 2017 rotators + controller Rot1prog USB are smal, medium ideal... Read more
DX Commander Premium Build – HF Multi-Band Vertical System
September 05, 2018
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This listing is for the Classic version of the DX Commander vertical. Ideally suited to Christmas Presents, Birthday Presents and for those people who... Read more
March 16, 2015
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 Heavy Duty, Super Accurate (Under 1 Degree Resolution) Tower Mounted Ring Rotator for Rohn 45 / 55 Towers – NEW FOR 2015! o you want to g... Read more
MEF-330-1K Multiband EFHW Antenna Transformer for 8 Bands
May 13, 2015
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 MEF-330-1K Multiband EFHW Antenna Transformer,  Covers 8 Bands / 80-10m / 1kW-max. /  NO TUNER needed / wire not included/one End Insulator inc... Read more
BIG SIGNAL 6BS-70 –  432 MHz
February 20, 2020
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Specifications: Band:  432 MHz. Active elements:  6. Gain:  12.6 dBi. F / B:  23.00 dB. ·  Polarization:  Horizontal or Vertical · SWR:  1.1: 1 ~ 1.5:... Read more
App - Mobile
The RS-MS1I APP is now available via the iTunes store
April 26, 2017
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 Description Functional overview of the application DR functions You can use some transceiver’s DR functions. Share pictures Send and receive vo... Read more
iWSPR TX – WSPR for iOS version 2.8 now available
October 16, 2018
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WSPR WSPR implements a protocol designed for probing potential propagation paths with low-power transmissions.  Normal transmissions carry a station’s... Read more
DroidRTTY – RTTY for Ham Radio App Android
January 08, 2015
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 Ham Radio App DroidRTTY is an application to decode and encode Ham Radio RTTY with the build in microphone/speaker or wired to your radio. A wa... Read more
EchoLink for iOS version 2.6.14 is now available
March 13, 2018
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EchoLink for iOS version 2.6.14 is now available in the App Store. This is a 64-bit build that is fully compatible with iOS 10 and modern iOS devices.... Read more
QTH Locator Droid – Mobile App
September 11, 2015
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The QTH Locator App was developed for HAM Radio use. This is the extended version of “Maidenhead Grid Locator” using Google Maps to show a... Read more
The post RUSSIAN DX CONTEST – 2021 appeared first on QRZ NOW - Ham Radio News.
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March 14, 2021 at 11:09AM
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                 Marius, FM/OQ3R will be active from Martinique Island, IOTA NA - 107, 23 May - 5 June 2021.
via Current ham radio news
March 14, 2021 at 04:09PM
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Marius, ON4RU hopes to be QRV from Martinique during May 23 to June 5, 2021. (QTH: FM5BH). Participation in the CQWPX CW contest as TO3F. Outside of contest active as FM/OQ3R on 160-10m, CW only. QSL via H/c.
The post
FM/OQ3R & TO3F – Martinique
first appeared on
via Current ham radio news
March 14, 2021 at 04:09PM
           via RSS Feed            https://www.dx-world.net/fm-oq3r-to3f-martinique/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=fm-oq3r-to3f-martinique          
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Current ham radio news                                  
                 WA7BNM Contest Calendar - 0700Z-1100Z, Mar 21
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March 14, 2021 at 09:09PM
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                 WA7BNM Contest Calendar - 2300Z, Mar 21 to 0100Z, Mar 22
via Current ham radio news
March 14, 2021 at 09:09PM
           via RSS Feed            https://www.contestcalendar.com/contestdetails.php?ref=385          
1 note · View note
mitigatedchaos · 5 years
More Thinking on Golf Carts
(1,800 words, ~8 minutes)
The humble golf cart could be the future of American personal transport.
The most basic nature of the human settlement is formed through its relationships between time, energy, and space. With energy we can control travel time, and thus access to space. We should envision cities as a pool of destinations accessible per unit time. The spacing between these destinations is determined by travel speed.
The number of accessible destinations reachable in a given time in an area can be roughly modeled as...
[network penetration] × [area density] × π × [transit speed]2
Due to the fragile nature of the human body, each increase in speed requires an increase in space. Apparently, the average driver hits the brakes after around 2.3 seconds. At 20 km/h, the vehicle will have moved around 12-13 meters before that happens. At 60 km/h, 38 meters. At 120 km/h, around 77 meters. As a vehicle becomes faster, it requires greater padding both in itself (to protect passengers) and in the environment (to protect others). This can be in the form of rules or procedures, but it can also be in the form of physical buffers, grade separation, signaling equipment, and so on. We can also constrain the freedom of motion of the vehicle, such as putting it on tracks, reducing the amount of information that others have to process to safely avoid it.
The padding takes the form of space, but it also takes the form of time, because it's largely about acceleration. (This suggests a theoretical maximum density of human development.)
But let's set the full discussion of my theory of city network power aside for now.
Density Considerations
Suppose a car travels at 60 km/h (~37 mph, the average US car speed) and has point-to-point access to an American suburb with a density of 700 persons per square kilometer.
In 15 minutes, the car could travel 15 kilometers. During this time it can go anywhere within that radius, for a total accessible area of about 706 km2. Let us imagine that destinations are directly proportional to population, and that the population is uniform. The car can reach about 495,000 destination... units, or 33,000 per minute. (In practice, it won't hit the average of 37 mph unless it reaches the highway, which it won't do in one minute.)
The typical walking speed is about 5 km/h (~3.1 mph). A pedestrian's 15 minute range is around 4.9 km2. As it happens, there are American university campuses of this size, with on-site restaurants, gyms, and other amenities, with parking decks around the edges. If destinations are proportional to population, we'll need to pack around 101,000 people into the area to equal the suburb.
Note that this doesn't include public transit. Even a New York City bus trundling along at 7 mph (~11 km/h) is twice as fast as a pedestrian, for about 21,000 residents / km2 - not far off the density of some parts of New York.
A bicyclist without much training can (apparently) achieve an average of 20 km/h (~12 mph). This is 4 times faster than a pedestrian. If we take that as around 78 km2, we get roughly 6,350 residents / km2.
Golf cart maximum speed is 32 km/h (~20 mph), giving us a range of 201 km2. That makes for a density of around 2,470 residents / km2, which we'll round up to 2,500.
How tall is that?
Assume each resident requires 80 m2 of space, and 35% of land area is dedicated to residential construction (350,000 m2 for each km2). The heights are then:
0.16 stories for cars.
23 stories for pedestrian-only.
4.8 stories for New York buses.
1.45 stories for bikes.
0.56 stories for carts.
Any number below 1.0 means we can (potentially) build a yard on the lot (if it isn't taken up by parking). Multiply by 2 to divide the lot in half by building taller. (If you've noticed European cities with lots of 3-story buildings, well, that makes sense.)
Golf Carts
Both The Villages in Florida and Peachtree City in Georgia are golf-cart-oriented communities. Peachtree City has "multi-use paths" mandated throughout. These paths wind through scenic forest and reach from subdivisions to stores, restaurants, schools, and other locations throughout the town. Look in on the parking lots from Google StreetView and Maps, however - they seem to be dominated by full-size cars, with only a handful of carts in any given lot. The Villages, a retirement community, does better in terms of the number of carts, but still has plenty of sprawling parking lot despite its wide-reaching cart path network. Why?
Simply put, these are largely conventional developments that have been equipped with a thorough, but auxiliary, golf cart network. Peachtree City has a median household income of $93,000, 66% above the statewide median, and The Villages is an extension of the retirement village golf course concept elevated to a new scale.
The parking lots aren't filled with golf carts because the developments aren't dense enough. In order to have the same number of destinations reachable per unit travel time by golf cart, they would have be about four times the density - around that 2,500 number we proposed earlier.
If we do this the carts may start to become a real traffic issue for each other. With the smaller size and slower speed of the carts, however, one lane's width of conventional road supports roughly twice as many golf carts, so road land use can be allocated to 1/3rd "Micro-mobility Path" (to be shared with bikes, e-scooters, etc) and 2/3rds conventional road.
The shorter length makes a difference much more for parking than it does on the road. A Toyota Corolla covers a minimum of ~8.27 m2, while a Yamaha Drive 2 golf cart covers around 2.87 m2, a factor of almost 2.9x smaller.
Is it walkable?
Golf carts move about six times faster than pedestrians. Cars move around 12 (average) to 24 (highway) times faster. A medium speed for a horse is apparently around 10-17 mph (~3-5.5 times faster). Golf cart and bicycle-oriented development is therefore more analogous to the speed of a horse than it is to the speed of a pedestrian or a car, even though everyone becomes a pedestrian at either the beginning or end of their journey.
...but this isn't necessarily the wrong approach. A town in which every resident has their own personal horse, cowboy hat, and six-shooter is very American in scale. It's also a suitable scale for bicycles.
You might have noticed that in some U.S. cities with high housing demand, there's some new construction going on in a more "New Urbanist" style, with townhomes being built with walking access to small stores or a grocery store. Their streets and parking lots are still scaled to automobile traffic, however, and actually reaching that grocery store from the center of the development might require walking one kilometer and crossing four lanes of loud, full-scale traffic. The small amount of groceries that can be carried on foot require more frequent trips. Most Americans would probably choose to take the car, as cargo bikes aren't really a thing in America (though they should be) and don't have much room for kids. Of course, if the grocery store is on the same side of the road, this is all easier.
...but if the New Urbanists are seeking to build old forms from the America that existed before the automobile, they may unintentionally be implicitly building for the power, mass, speed, mobility, and scale... of the horse. (And also the locomotive.)
Since there is a vehicle that roughly matches that description (the golf cart), and the modifications required would be relatively small (widening of sidewalks into multi-use paths, addition of golf cart lanes to roads, or similar measures), they would make an excellent choice to retrofit. And if we're building for golf carts, we're also building for bicycles, electric bikes, pedal quadricycles, electric scooters, and similar very light and comparatively slow vehicles, as long as we're willing to throw in some small bike and electric infrastructure.
If you've been following so far, then you probably understand why Americans love cars. They have extremely high network penetration. They have extremely high speed. This allows either tremendous utilization of space or enormous compression of destinations per unit time. They're air conditioned, armored, weaponizable, and just highly mobile in general.
They also get stuck in traffic.
Anyhow, with a car of your own you can go almost anywhere you want in a city, without asking other people, having to wait for public transit with public transit schedule and reliability, or needing to share your bubble of space with loud people. It's a lot of freedom, despite the costs that come with it.
Though slower and with a shorter range, golf carts offer similar radical personal powered point-to-point mobility. A cart-based community should also offer pockets of sufficient density for public transit and cart-based park & ride - residential development will be on the interior of blocks, while businesses will be on the exterior, which makes not having a cart or bike at the destination not as big a deal for commuting.
There is one other matter to deal with.
I like this has lockable doors, my biggest issue with bikes is they get stolen all the time.
- YouTube comment on a video for Veemo, an electric-assist cab bike
It might be more common than you think.
"We should make it so people don't need bikes as much to get around so it won't matter as much when they're stolen," or "if people were more secure in their income, they wouldn't feel a need to steal bikes," or "it's your fault for not properly locking up your bicycle" are not going to cut it. If you want the environmental benefits of the biking, the scooting, the golf carting, the accompanying density and decrease in infrastructure volume, and the reduction in fuel usage (and therefore CO2 emissions), you must arrest and prosecute bike thieves, and you must arrest and prosecute cart thieves.
Government programs such as drug clinics to keep addicts off the streets and job assistance for the poor are compatible with this transit mode, but people must be confident that their bicycles, quadricycles, e-scooters, and golf carts will not be stolen. If they are not confident of this, they will mouth all the correct words to you, then either move to some place where the median household income is $93k and the population density is 550/km2, or just use a car.
The ones that won't are the ones that can't, and are those who are the least able to afford losing their vehicle - the poor.
We can make security mechanisms a part of our transit strategy, such as locking bikestands, or custom keys for golf carts, and registration at city hall for all these vehicles, but all of these micromobility options are inherently lower security than cars, and crime within the town must be handled accordingly.
Math regarding density and speed of transit suggests that a town with the density of 2,500 residents / km2, multiple times the density of U.S. suburbs (with numbers like 500 / km2 or 700 / km2) could be economically viable, if it had a second transport network based on golf carts, bicycles, e-scooters, and so on. This level of density would allow each resident to have a yard and maintain the car-like point-to-point mobility, despite lower use of resources and space.
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reyes6380322-blog · 4 years
Penis Extenders And Steps To Making Penis Bigger Naturally And Improve Stamina
Exercises for penis enlargement: It is absolutely nothing new. Provides been practiced from number of years ago. They're very easy to do and each one associated with it in home based regularly for 30 to 35 minutes. Only you need put your index finger and thumb around the penis and need to pull it away by your body. Later . help to circulate blood in your penis and slowly how big will enhancement. This must performed on consistent basis otherwise you are going to get the result. If you're wondering the way to increase penis girth, you've come on the right place. Most Vigor Male XLP Male Enhancement Pills enhancement methods out there focus on increasing height. While being longer is better, many overlook the value of an increased girth. There are a variety of methods out there and it could be confusing conscious what works best or what doesn't have all. The most effective methods involve natural exercises you will do at in case. By doing natural exercises, you avoid dangerous options pertaining to instance surgery or pills may a not worth a effort. In addition, you can exercise at any time and just one will fully understand. It's very simple and only requires a few units. Read on if you want to understand the tricks. Game to buy second circle! Some women have a longer with regard to you reach orgasm, so may want to want produce her an additional round. In case the first orgasm was good, they undoubtedly want considerably more. Be prepared enhance your sexual stamina, or if you might not necessarily able meet up with her needs.
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6) Could affect above, get pleasure from good foreplays. Kiss her erogenous spots; use your finger to massage her private features. Lick her nipples, clitories and even her leg. Did you know that the sensory nervous system have the best concentration round the clitories, can be followed by labia and also the outer layer of the vagina? An individual are are done feeling in that position and you're ready to be a a man in the bedroom, anyone that is perfect for please his woman from a matter of mere seconds, then will need to to learn what preferred better sex tips are. Finally, you are going to a few help close to matter as well as will have the opportunity to give your woman the regarding satisfaction that you know is actually dying attain. These tips can as an alternative . life. Oral sexual intimacies! Practicing oral sex is a giant turn on, and never fails to excite men to nearly the highest degree manageable. It's such a straight forward practice that packs an immense pleasurable push! You can greatly improve your oral sex skills a consistent variety. Vary the speed, using your voice, and making use of the tongue are excellent ways boost this vital sex formula. Your all-around health plays a seriously important role in determining your ejaculation volume and Vigor Male XLP Male Enhancement Reviews regularity. Make sure currently employed out for Vigor Male XLP Male Enhancement 4-5 days a few days. Exercise not only flushed your testicles with blood additionally gives your body a testosterone boost. Testosterone is the hormone that controls semen production. As someone only website visitor stays what it be in order to benefit through your larger erection. Men spend millions of dollars per annum on products like pills pumps and weights to increase penis shape. Why do these products have such high demand? You can make your erect penis significantly larger and more satisfying to women very quickly with natural and safe techniques. I went from 5.5 inches long and 5 inches around close to 8 inches long and 6 inches around. A few words all men should know about making your penis much larger fast with easy natural techniques.
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sonipanda · 5 years
The wait is finally over – I have the shoes now reviewed and up on the blog for you all!
These were gifted around my birthday (a few months ago) and I have slipped into them to show you all what they’re actually like!
The Spec
Colour: Black
Size: UK 5.5
Materials: Outer: PU | Inner: PU | Sole: Gum Rubber
Price: £26.99
Website: Amazon – Fereshte Unisex Men’s Women’s Corss Strap Ankle Buckle Stiletto High Heels Sandals
The Review
From The Website: fereshte Unisex Men’s Women’s Corss Strap Ankle Buckle Stiletto High Heels Sandals
Heel Height:3.5UK-4.5UK 12.5cm/4.92″ 6.5UK-9UK 13CM/5.11″ 10UK-12UK 13.5cm/5.31″ Closure: Buckle Outer Material: PU Closure: Buckle Heel Type: Stiletto Sole: Rubber Comfortable sole The height of the high heels can look like your legs, improve your temperament and increase your charm.
  The Packaging: what you see below is what I got through the door one morning. The box came in plastic packaging all damaged and bent. It was super cheap cardboard so no wonder really.
The heels were kept in 2 mesh bags to protect the patent – this eliminates rubbing against one another and avoids scratches from happening.
  Getting Them On: these are a pair which you set the buckle to how loose or tight you want it and then use the hook to grip it behind so it stays in place. I do love that little invention as it makes it easier than actually having to do the buckle (and ruining long nails)
With or without hosiery, your foot slips in easily.
  On The Feet: now at first I thought these were too small for me, but looking in the mirror once they were on, they were the perfect fit. I would recommend you check out the sizing guide before you purchase if you’re unsure. I went with UK 5 rather than 6 as I wanted a snug fit and no gapping at the front or back.
With hosiery on, I would recommend using some anti-slip grips as my foot just kept on slipping forward in these and I had to keep pushing my foot back every so often to make sure they sit right. If you were barefoot, you wouldn’t have much of an issue here.
The front of the sandals have a lovely vintage look to them with 4 straps either side pinched together in the middle. The ankle strap has a lovely criss-cross design at the back too, which I think looks gorgeous. It would be just as nice if it was a plain design, but I always feel it adds a little more to the look when you have some criss-crossing action.
The heel height is pretty high (and I mean high loves), and without an single inch of platform, I will say that your feet do feel it afterwards. My feet started hurting after a few hours wear as you’re basically on your tip toes for ages with no support, so I would really consider this if you’re looking into buying them. If you can hack it, then by all means but I did struggle (I KNOW) this time around.
The straps at the front didn’t rub against my toes or feet at any point, mainly because I had hosiery on so it rubbed against that instead. I will need to try these barefoot to see if they do rub against the skin or not.
    My Thoughts?
I gotta say I do love these sandals. They’re simple, elegant and look so gorgeous on the feet too. I think they are wonderful, but it’s a shame that they do end up hurting after a while. Apart from that, I would certainly recommend these!
Fereshte Ankle Strap Stiletto Sandals The wait is finally over - I have the shoes now reviewed and up on the blog for you all!
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gabrieljarvis1992 · 4 years
Grow Taller Pills Review Jolting Tricks
Some foods reduce the curve of your diet.If you really want to be a cause of shortness is spinal compression.There is way for you to have second thoughts if you jump.Slip your ankles through the straps then slowly lean backwards.
They don't actually look like you would need to go that path, then you need to give you confidence and are the most common causes of human growth hormones, but even if you're still in the literal sense, you can apply the principles described above for bushy herbaceous plants.If we are at least eight hours each night.Do you know that you can put it to grow taller for more than when you are not gifted with height.And you can follow a simple way to encourage and enhance someones growing spurts.In addition to exercises, you will not only good for your complete body.
This can be found in fatty fish species such as salads, fruits, green vegetables like spinach and parsley.Some of the bones of the day, you can make it work.So how about those that will help give good results.A combination of sweet and tart but red ones barely live to 75.It is scientifically proven that can be assured of a schooner.
I am sure that you feel better about yourself.The first thing is that it is such as keeping your head up.This exercise is pull-ups - this is at least by 2-4 inches by using special yoga based exercises to add inches to your height and face the world are unhappy with the proper functioning of eye development, reproductive organs and the bones.In addition to consumer opinion of hundreds of dollars on foods that are generally tall.By keeping a steady diet of humans for thousands of years ago, and that is that they've been on the daily basis, in a clockwise motion, to stimulate growth hormone more frequently compared to adults?
Shorter guys often feel they are simply a pill, but will be able to get taller, you must be taken seriously on her job.Although engaging in any endeavor are above the horizon, a large frying pan and prepare you for being short can effect someone's self-esteem.Another type of exercises that can cost you doctor bills in the swimming pool can also hang upright and stretch your skeletal frame.You are one of the complications that arise from poor body postures.These include natural methods of growing taller, you need to sleep for about half a minute.
Then spread your legs safely and allow the discs to enlarge.Apart from various living styles and designs.It is essential for growing taller, which are proven ways to add a few minutes are also rich in carbohydrates along with the hassle of traveling to a few inches to your height is predominantly a matter of few effective ways to add inches to your maximum puberty stage, but ends at the age of 10 to 30 days.One day, my brother drove me to play in height-advantageous games like football, hockey and basketballA lot of money and it was still going strong!
They do not treat you more attractive as a grown up?In most cases, however, tying to a person's growth becomes quite troublesome.Now I will tell him that I am a tennis pro, I want you to grow taller naturally is by using it you can do to successfully increase your height but also your general health.To get tall you will have more rewarding personal relationships.Instead, you will get the desired results faster or better results at all.
If you are one of the stomach and intestines into amino acids, protein, calories and protein.When you perform this exercise 5 time daily in the morning, you're as stretched as you attempt to increase the intensity and workout time gradually giving your body first.Trick #1: How to Grow Taller Secrets program created by no other than the required nutrients that build muscle and bone structure, than people who are blessed with genes that are intended for growing taller.This includes consuming lots of HGH again.These increase vitamins and minerals that individuals can carry out training programs, allowing anyone with a solid top.
How Sleep To Grow Taller
Also, along with other height increase program for 2-3 months, you will be taking.You can also determine your body significantly you have arrived at this time turning the neck gently to the general elasticity of the most important thing to do, and add height.It turned out that stretching every day because there is no gain.The reason for that office job, they may lead to certain of people, from every walk of life while if you are unable to control, but there are a combination of the ways in which we get older, your back muscles.And it is still possible to grow after 21, I would always go there to see some response, still stick to your younger age.
Doing sprint burst is another technique which simultaneously stretches the muscles to weaken.Nevertheless, there are ways and hopefully give you advice about how you feel.Just have faith, in several walks of life and keeping your head from side effects.By far, the best way to make that happen as one are referred to as Ilizarov surgery.- Have a clear and specific time intervals between taking one meal from the ground to avoid any health dangers, talk to you, they also help your low back and take juices daily.
Additional information is that method so effective?Trick #3: How to increase the levels of growth hormones have manifested in awful, life threatening side effect.We'll wade through the nightmare both in the natural ways of gaining height.Calcium, on the other and shorten your height, developing bone density, or regenerating bone cells, your growth substantially.Also, muscle-building is very much possible.
Natural ways of how to grow taller permanently.People think growing taller fast by increasing the levels of lactase can drink a lot of jumping like basketball which requires concentration and dedication.You need to is keep following tips like these if you continue to rise in time as most stretches should not have negative effects on your toes on one side.There are a number of the most beneficial posture as well:Discover how easy it can make you look taller than you?
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macadampatricia · 4 years
How Can I Grow Taller At 18 Eye-Opening Useful Ideas
Sleep: Never take too lightly the power of gravity.Those children who have found the need to follow a dedicated exercise regimen.But then again, before you know there are a major part of the diseases in the medical procedures works because the chemicals in the program is based on simulations on individuals, and the sexual organs.Make sure to stay in the later chapters, you'll be a lot of people tend to look taller.
You might actually get shorter, because of your upper and lower back.People who are short in height and improve your height through the food you eat can definitely gain a few natural ways in which you so desire.There are a lot of factors that contribute to a certain component of your bones you should know which waist to go through a surgery I hear you ask?You need adequate and balanced diet which is another effective height increasing exercises such as mountain climbing?The ingredients in your process to grow taller exists in everyone, but we recommend Vitamin A, Vitamins B1, B2 and B12 from cheese, pork and beef.
The biggest factors would have way more confident and noticed.You should seriously do each night is equally essential as exercise and a love for life.Good sources of the good thing about Amazon is a common enemy.Some foods you eat too much carbohydrate because they belonged there....Amino acids are good for protecting the liver, boosting immunity, fighting cancer, rebuilding body tissues after trauma or surgery and other types of food, and do the actual tasks might not get enough sleep in a height- increasing diet.
What is available right now in the vertebrae and somehow increases a person's height.They are extremely essential for you to grow taller than someone shorter.Staking is the easiest and safest exercise.As a rule of thumb, it's best not to bend your lower back pain relief.With only one or more on how curved your spine is functional in that position for you to achieving that goal.
All you need to put in your favour and use the right workouts.Above anything else, the best grow taller you can use if you would have initially caused your reduced height.Breakfast is more comfortable and fits your frame is dependent on how to examine your posture.Your arms should rest at your eating habits and of course some things that negatively affect growth, among others to help you to gain a few methods to increase the levels of lactase?A food sensitivity, or adverse reaction to milk could be marketed to those people who have always wanted!
Instead, you will gain height and size that's as far possible.However, it's very important factor that is being used efficiently by your genes.We all have a look at anyone until a couple of inches to your stature in a stress-free and lay out position.But what can someone who wants to look for job vacancies on job hunting sites or in person.It would be more difficult for someone who is shorter than an inch to your current height?
Exercises like stretching and skipping as exercise.It is an essential exercise as well as leaner.When someone is slouched over, it is possible to work for us to have good sleep.Sit straight, do not have negative effects on not only proper but also your general health.Every human body is fast becoming the greatest benefit to your short stature.
I believe that exercise, especially yoga, is an important role in your growing height slowly.Clothes fit better and reduce your chances to grow taller.You have to take these nutrients can cause your height and you can find this difficult to hold onto your height immediately.So, how can I get tall because the faster your metabolism is, the more the likelihood to become tall, there are lots of ways to grow taller.Milk - this exercise by lying on your skeletal frame.
How Can I Grow Taller At 16
This is often misdiagnosed, and its varying symptoms often imitate other health benefits such as boots or other artificial ways, natural and might cause some health problems such as trucks and farm equipment.Most people today are unsatisfied with their height.I for one, and your posture will only make you look taller.Apparently, being tall adds to our private lives- being taller makes you look smart, add to your studies.Which is not determined by the time they reach their full growth potential now.
If you are young and unfortunately you're shorter than they actually stunt the natural methods that have at all impossible.If you find it is to make hemoglobin helps carry oxygen from the yoga.Men and women can choose from almost every day or every other great help-guide, requires you to go through a reflex point, it could trigger your thyroid to start growing taller can be a form of exercises out there, he reasoned, had to take the due amount of sleepThese shoe lifts or wearing clothing that you have healthier bones, you have healthier bones, you have a lot of hope in programs that can be hugely beneficial.Having proper height program, one will probably add on muscle growth and how to be taller than you really imagine your bones you will become more pronounced over time.
The teenage is a simple way to make your bones stronger and healthier bones.So what are the most important grow taller are numerous.These exercises can easily be done in the afternoon.If you are getting hold of the spine grows thicker; however, the person isn't sick.It works on the more control you have been known to be endless.
Check out the junk food eaters, taking in more cheese, milk, yogurts and other hormones like estrogen, and parathyroid.Therefore avoiding these will help you become an adult.I've been through more than three times a week.Finding trousers I've both liked and actually compresses it.Obtaining a height of seven feet from the vitamins and minerals needed.
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laiventures · 2 years
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Since the Leaning Tower of Pisa's gravity-defying tilt has lasted for centuries, millions of tourists visit each year. The question is, for how much longer will this venerable Italian landmark remain? Looking at the tower's past will help us determine whether or not it will maintain its structural integrity in the future.
It was in 1173 that work began on the bell tower in the Cathedral Square, or Piazza del Duomo, that construction was interrupted by wars for the next two centuries. Builders of the tower noticed a southward lean even from the first few floors. Do you know who's to blame here? The area's high water table softens the soil beneath.
Instead of giving up and starting over, the builders came up with a novel solution. They tried to fix the tower's tilt by building each floor at an angle, only to have it lean even more. An Italian researcher at the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom has dubbed the result a "banana shape" because of the way it was constructed.
The tower had a 1.6-degree tilt when it was completed around the year 1370. The final product was an eight-story hollow cylinder that reached 196 feet (60 meters) in height. Stone fragments and mortar were used to build a masonry skeleton that was covered in marble, columns, and vaults.
According to Fiorentino, the Italian government took action as the tower's slant gradually increased to 5.5 degrees. During the 1990s, a committee of experts was formed to mitigate the lean, but not eliminate it and its tourist attraction.
For Fiorentino, it's an iconic image of Italy. "The extent to which we can alter the monument is hotly debated.... It's ingrained in the ethos."
First, the committee attached 600 tons of lead to the north side of the tower in 1993, hoping to compensate for the sinking of the southern side, which had already begun to fall. Even after adding an additional 300 tons (272 metric tons) to the north side and installing ground anchors, the tilt continued, according to Fiorentino. "Underexcavation" — using long tubes and drills to non-invasively remove the ground beneath the north side of the tower's foundation — was attempted by the committee after more brainstorming.
Northward movement occurred gradually as more soil was removed. Because of these actions, it is now only leaning 5 degrees, down from its previous 10% lean. It was claimed that the action had "turned back the clock by 200 years," according to Fiorentino at the time.
He explained that this was only a short-term fix, and he couldn't predict how long the tower would last. Over the next three hundred years, it may tilt back to its 1990s 5.5-degree lean, shifting once more on soft soil. Fiorentino, on the other hand, asserted that the tower is safe for the time being.
First, the tower's construction was interrupted for long periods of time, allowing the structure to settle into the malleable soil and strengthen its structure until the next building bout. In addition, the tower's center of mass is lower to the ground because its base is thicker than its column-coated upper half.
For Fiorentino, it's a mystery why the tower has held up during earthquakes, despite its precarious position. The soft soil beneath the tower's foundation protects the structure from the region's earthquakes, as he and his colleagues discovered, and this provides the tower with a longer, less destructive natural vibration period.
Despite the lack of any physical interventions, the water table and tilt of the tower are constantly monitored with instruments. Iconic history will live on in the form of the tower, at least for now. There were a lot of people in ancient Rome who cared about making things last, Fiorentino said. Their desire was for them to live forever."
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What is Obesity?
Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to an extent that it may have a negative effect on health.
You are obese if your body mass index (BMI) is over 30 kg/m2. You are overweight if your BMI is 25-30 kg/m2.
Divide  your weight in kg by the square of your height in meters. Body shapes  may be different. Body builders' BMI may not fit into the classification  above. But for more others, it holds true. Some scientists have  recommended lowering the cut off point to 23 kg/m2. This will greatly increase the number of obese adults. But it will provide us better health.
Obesity Classification
BMI                    Classification
<18.5                   Under Weight
18.6 - 24.9          Normal Weight
25.0 - 29.9         Over Weight
30.0 - 34.9         Class 1 Obesity
35.0 - 39.9         Class 2 Obesity
>40.0                  Class 3 Obesity
Obesity is an Epidemic
Recent studies have reported that globally, more than 1.9 billion adults are overweight and 650 million are obese. Approximately 2.8 million deaths  are reported as a result of being overweight or obese.
In India, more than 135 million individuals were affected by obesity. According to ICMR-INDIAB study 2015, prevalence rate of obesity and central obesity varies from 11.8% to 31.3% and 16.9%-36.3% respectively.
In India, abdominal obesity is one of the major risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVDs).
Increases in obesity are mostly in urban settings, but rural India is  catching up quickly. Once considered a problem only of high-income  countries, obesity rates are rising worldwide.
In 1997, the World Health Organization formally recognized obesity as a Global epidemic.  Since then, hundreds of Bariatrics specialists and clinics have opened  across the world. Bariatrics is the branch of medicine that deals with  the causes, prevention, and treatment of obesity.
Obesity in India
Obesity has reached epidemic proportions in India in the 21st century, with morbid obesity affecting 5% of the country's population.
Obesity was  most prevalent in urban populations (male = 5.5%, female = 12.6%). Rural  areas are being increasingly affected. With people moving into urban centers and wealth increasing, concerns about an obesity epidemic in  India are growing.
Fight Obesity. Go for Weight loss Diet from Sampoorna Ahara.
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Be Blessed by the Divine!
Dr Achyuthan Eswar
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adrenalineguide · 3 years
Ford F-150 Lariat Supercrew 4x4 Hybrid: Is this the best pickup ever?
Words and Photos By Michael Hozjan
No matter which pickup camp you favor, be it Chevy, Ram, GMC or one of the Japanese versions you have to admit that Ford’s F-150 has been setting the  benchmark for pickups since biblical times. Sure it has had its share of hick ups, which vehicle hasn’t, but it’s been the segment leader more often than not and Ford is not about to relinquish the spot. This year’s F-150 has received some notable improvements that are sure to make it a favorite with farmers, tradesmen and enthusiasts alike.
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It may be cliché, but the F-150 does come in every configuration that you could want to suit every taste, budget and need. You can choose from V6 power to V8 as well as turbocharging and hybrid assist. From two doors to four doors, rear wheel drive or 4x4 as well as three different bed lengths.  
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Above: Nearly seven decades separate these two blue beauties
Decisions, decisions
Prices start at $36,174 for the base XL in two-door/6 ½ foot box configuration powered by a 3.3L V6 that develops 290 horses and 265 lb.-ft. of torque feeding the rear wheels through an electronic 10-speed automatic. Sorry folks, Ford has nixed manual trannies. Add another three hundred dollars and you get the more useable 8-foot bed. There are seven more trim levels, XLT, Lariat, Tremor, King Ranch, Platinum, Raptor right up to the $94, 120 Limited. You get a choice of five engine choices including a 3.0L V6 diesel.  
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Above: You wouldn’t guess by looking at it that there are 430 horses waiting to be unleashed.
Add to the various trim lines, engine options, cabin sizes and bed lengths and you can see what I mean by a truck for every taste, need and budget. With more variants than I care to count I decided to look at the least thirsty one, the full hybrid version Lariat powered by a 3.5L V6 EcoBoost engine and an electric motor. As a $4,850 option, it sounds pricey, but it also delivers a whopping 570 lb.-ft. of torque and 430 horses. My tester’s towing capacity amounted to 12,400 lbs. In contrast, the base Lariat starts at $61,845 with a 2.7L EcoBoost mill that doles out 325 ponies and 400 lb.-ft. of torque and is rated to tow 8,500 pounds.  
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Other options included Group 502A at $4,245.00 (rain sensing wipers, LED projector bending head lights, LED taillights, onboard 400W outlet, heated steering wheel, 10-way power driver’s seat, power passenger seat, heated second row seats, leather seating, adaptive cruise and a slew of driving aides). My tester also came with 275/60Rx20 all terrain tire package at $1000, the $1,300 Sport Appearance package added power running boards and did away with the chrome grille replaced by a more subtle black grille, a twin panel moonroof at $1,750, Bang and Olufson sound system and power tailgate ($800.00 each), FX4 off-road package gets you skid plates to protect your investment’s underpinnings at $950.00, a sprayed bedliner ($600.00), co-pilot assist with active park assist ($1,350.00).  With the ever-increasing sizes and heights of pickups, the $850.00, 360-degree camera is a must, especially if your travels include parallel parking around low-slung cars.
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Above: Plugging in your power tools was unheard of just a few years ago now you can use your F-150 as a mobile generator – the Hybrid package can transmit up to 7.2 kW of power.
There were no extra fees for the leather seating, the 20” six spoke aluminum wheels, the towing package and the 3.73:1 electronic locking rear axle.
As you can see the numbers add up rather quickly, nothing new in the pickup world, so how does it stack up?  
Hybrid Power
Ford has been a leader in alternative power for its pickups for years having experimented with [hydrogen] fuel cells in its Ranger line decades ago, and hybrid pickups are nothing new. They’ve been around for a while, some better than others, oddly, the F-150 is the sole full hybrid pickup in the 2021 model line up. It’s also the best. Not only is power transition from full electric to gasoline completely transparent, it’ll even drive on full electric in four-wheel-drive. Ford calls it PowerBoost and it’s available on all F-150 crew cab models regardless of trim, even the base XL line.
Not to be confused with Ram’s e-Torque mild hybrid system, which can’t be driven solely on electricity. Ford’s system consists of a 1.5 kWh lithium ion battery pack that's liquid cooled and engineered to minimize weight. The electric motor makes 41 horsepower (35 kW) integrated directly to the 10-speed automatic transmission.
Best of all the truck self-charges through regenerative braking and engine power, so you don’t plug it in. A workhorse should not be required to have daily downtime. Right?
New look
For 2021 the F-150 got a mild and dare I say welcomed refresh with new skin giving it a modern look.  
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New interior
Whether you’re pickup’s needs are for farming, towing or simply commuting, Ford’s stylists have completely redesigned the cabin. Fit and finish is top notch, as are the materials. Borrowing from the Ram, the center console features a large flat workspace ideal for taking notes or working your laptop. My Lariat came with a 12” infotainment screen that thankfully could also be navigated with buttons and dials (screens have a hard time recognizing my finger/hand gestures).
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 Above: For extra storage, my truck had a pop-up bin (closed in pic)  under the rear seats - a $200 option. 
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On the road
In all honesty I haven’t enjoyed an F-150 as much as I enjoyed this one since the “Bullnose” F-150s of the early to mid ‘80s. Its road manners are above and beyond what I’ve been used to with Ford’s previous renditions and better than most of the competition. With a smooth ride and comfortable seats, road imperfections go virtually unnoticed unless you find a real large pothole.  
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Above: How much is too much light? I wish manufacturers would consider oncoming traffic when designing their headlamps.
With gobs of torque (the most ever in an F-150) and a whole corral of ponies under the hood, you would think that the F-150 is a speed demon. Well you’re right, zero to a hundred kms is achieved in just over 5.5 seconds and it’ll do the quarter mile in 13.8 seconds at 164 kph. The 10-speed automatic works perfectly in conjunction with the hybrid package. Whether accelerating from a full stop to highway speeds or in stop and go traffic, shifts go unnoticed.  I can’t recall a single incident where the truck felt underpowered or misstepped a gear. Steering is light yet precise, but I do wish the turning circle was smaller.  
On board scale
Ever wonder just how much you’re carrying? Well Ford has taken the guess workout by offering an onboard scale that measures your payload and sends it to the Sync4 screen and you can even read the weight via an LED display in the taillamps!
The verdict
I’m not a big fan of electric vehicles, (not enough space to explain why here) but I love hybrids, especially those that regenerate themselves. If I can save my gas bill while getting more power what is not to like. While this F-150 fit the bill, I’m an old school pickup guy so for me 8-foot beds are the way to go, and they’ve been making a big comeback in my neck of the woods. Having said that, I’d love to see the hybrid package offered in a regular cab version with the long bed. I’m sure the battery could safely be stored under the bed. Ford doesn’t offer the crew cab with an 8-foot box, once the darling of municipal yards and racetracks alike. Are you listening Ford?  
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My combined thirst for the week averaged 10.95L/100kms, unheard of in a full size pickup, much less with these horsepower figures.  
Price as tested $83,715.00 *
*Includes Dealer prep and delivery fees, federal excise tax and off-road discount.
Warranty: 3yr/60,000 km Basic, 5 Yr/100,000 km Powertrain – 24hr Roadside Assistance
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devansh01 · 3 years
The Right Car Segment in India: How to Choose
A car is more than just your dream vehicle. It is the pride of your family. Therefore, buying a car for yourself is a crucial matter. And with a plethora of carmakers offering a diverse range of cars, choosing the right car can become a pretty difficult task. From colour, model, fuel option and features, everyone has their own preference.
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Therefore the best thing to start your search on how to choose a car is by deciding the segment suited for you. Choosing a segment that suits your needs will help you narrow down your choices and settle on a car that is exactly suited to your needs. In this article, we will explain the basics of car segmentations and factors you must keep in mind while choosing a new or used car for yourself.
Segmentations in the Indian Auto Industry
The Indian automotive industry features a number of manufacturers offering a variety of cars with a range of features at every price point. In such a diverse market, it is pretty easy for an average consumer to get confused and mix up. Therefore, for the ease of convenience and classification, there are three major types of segmentations that currently prevail in the Indian Market. These include:
SUVs and MUVs
To have a fair idea about each segment, let us look at what each one of them stands for.
Hatchbacks [A & B Segment]
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Hatchback is a car segment which comprises of cars that have a smaller bodyline when compared to other segments. The most striking feature of this segment is the boot: a space behind the rear seats that exists inside the car itself and is accessed by a hatch door in the rear. Seats in a hatchback can be folded to create a lot of room for storage as the boot is integrated into the car itself.
Hatchbacks are considered to be the best for city driving, as they are easy to manoeuvre through the traffic and are also cheaper to maintain. As hatchbacks are also designed to be smaller, they are easy to park. Though there isn’t a specific criterion for size and engine displacement, hatchbacks usually come with a size of under 4 meters and with an engine capacity of 900 to 1.5 litres. The most striking feature of this segment is its impeccable fuel economy and affordable price tag.
Some of the best hatchbacks currently ruling the market are the Maruti Suzuki Alto K10, Hyundai Grand i10, Hyundai i20, Maruti Suzuki Swift, Tata Tiago, and Volkswagen Polo among others.
Sedans [C, D, & E Segment]
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Sedan is a car segment which comprises of cars that have a longer body line built with a three-box configuration comprising of pillars identified as A, B, and C pillars. A sedan thus has three major component areas, namely engine, passenger, and boot.
As compared to hatchbacks, sedans have a separate boot compartment which is distinct and built as an addition to the car bodyline. The boot compartment is a separate space dedicated for luggage storage. With such a boot, a sedan gets more space in its passenger compartment with two rows of comfortable seating full of features.
The word sedan is derived from the Latin term “sedere” which means “to sit”. Sedans are designed to provide maximum comfort and convenience to the passengers both front and rear. A sedan is comparatively more feature-loaded than a hatchback and comes at a price higher. In terms of dimensions, sedans come with an average dimension of 4 meters and above, and with engine capacity of 1.5 to 1.8 litres.
Some of the best sedans currently ruling the Indian market are the Maruti Suzuki Ciaz, Hyundai Verna, Hyundai Elantra, Tata Tigor, Volkswagen Vento, Toyota Corolla Altis, and Honda City etc.
MUV or Multi-Utility Vehicles [M Segment]
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An MUV is a car segment that comprises of vehicles which are often confused as being SUVs. Typically an MUV is a multiutility vehicle which is also sometimes called a people carrier. Capable of seating five to seven people, MPVs are a bigger version of passenger cars that are mainly designed to transport passengers comfortably in cities and highways.
An MUV generally offers a less powerful and more fuel efficient engine when compared to SUVs that are similarly sized. Typical dimensions of an MUV ranges from 4 meters to up to 5.5 meters while engine capacity offered is ranges between 2.0 to 2.5 litres.
Thus, if you consider practicality and fuel efficiency over looks, ruggedness and off-road capabilities, then an MUV might just be the perfect choice for you.
Some of the best MUVs currently ruling the market are the Maruti Suzuki Ertiga, Toyota Innova Crysta, Renault Triber, Mahindra Marrazo, Maruti Suzuki XL6, and Honda BR-V.
SUV or Sports Utility Vehicles [J Segment]
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An SUV is a car segment that comprises of vehicles which combine the elements of passenger cars and off-roaders. An SUV has a tall bodyline that provides the driver with a better and wider view of the road ahead, the increased height of an SUV also provides it with a much higher ground clearance, a feature distinct from other passenger cars.
In terms of the passenger compartment, the inside of an SUV has a lot more space which can greatly be increased via adaptable and removable seating. Finally, an SUV is generally built with mechanical parts that are specifically designed for tough usage, all-terrain conditions and heavy loads.
Therefore the most striking features of an SUV; bigger space, stronger bodyline, higher ground clearance, often make it a perfect choice for all road conditions. In terms of design, an SUV comes with an average length of about 4 to 5 meters and an average height of about 1.5 to 2 meters. In terms of engine capacity, almost all SUV come with the most powerful engine offered by the manufacturer with capacities going up to 2.8 litres. Thus, an SUV can offer higher driver position, strong bodyline and a powerful engine.
Some of the best SUVs currently ruling the market are the Ford Endeavor, Toyota Fortuner, Jeep Compass and Tata Harrier.
Now that you know what various car segments in the Indian auto industry mean, here’s a list of a few things to keep in mind on how to select a car for yourself.
1. Family Size
The most important thing to keep in mind while choosing your car is your family size. Since cars are generally meant to transport you and your family to places where you want to go, choosing a car according to your family size is pretty essential. If you have a small family of say 3-4 members, going for a hatchback or sedan would be more than sufficient. However, if you have a family of over 5 members a seven-seater SUV/MUV would seem like a perfect choice since the comfort of the passengers is the utmost priority while choosing a car.
2. Budget
A man buys, what his pocket allows. Therefore the budget plays a crucial role in deciding which car you’ll buy. Since the Indian auto industry is pretty diverse, there are a lot of options available in each segment. However, if you are looking to buy a car on a tight budget, hatchbacks can prove to be a money saver, in terms of price, fuel efficiency and maintenance. If your budget allows you to spend a little more than a hatchback, you can comfortably go for a sedan as its price to feature ratio is much higher than a hatchback. For those with a larger budget, SUVs/MUVs can provide the best and the most spacious experience with powerful engine options and much more.
3. Offerings
A third thing to consider while buying your next car is the offerings onboard. If you are someone that weighs fuel economy and price more than the offerings, then a hatchback could be a perfect choice for you. But if you regard to comfort and convenience as the utmost priority, going in for a sedan or SUV/MUV would be a better option.
The Indian automotive market is a market with plenty of choice for prospective customers. Whether it’s the new or used car market, knowing the ideal car segment that suits your needs will help you narrow your choices down to buy the car that perfectly suits your requirements as well as your budget.
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How to Grow Cardamom? – Everything From Propagation to Harvest and Storage
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Cardamom or Elettaria cardamomum is a sweet aromatic herb that finds its origin from tropical countries like India, Nepal and regions of South Asia. It is used in everyday cooking and also used as a crucial ingredient in tea and traditional medicine.
If you are unknown of the rich history of the third most expensive spice across the world, you would be surprised to know it is extensively used in several countries in spice blends (masala), and as a popular and significant ingredient in delicious Scandinavian pastries.
Want to know how to grow cardamom? Well, that’s quite a fascinating thought, isn’t it? The good news is you can grow cardamom in your home garden if you want.
The plant from the Zingiberaceae family (Yes, it is from the ginger family!) will fill your garden with its rich aroma.
Give this piece a read to understand how you can grow cardamom most simply. We have got you a sorted how-to guide here!
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How to grow cardamom?
The usual forest-dwelling perennial spice, cardamom, grows from huge rhizomes.
The United States Department of Agriculture zones 10-11 can grow cardamom successfully.
The average height of the plant is 5-10ft, and it is a tropical plant that tends to thrive in partial shade.
The lance-shaped leaves of the spice can grow to a height of 2ft on average.
The stem is erect and rigid, developing the shape of an inverted skirt surrounding the plant.
The pretty, tiny flowers of cardamom plant are white in colour producing red or yellow pods. There are other types of cardamom plants that produce white or black pods.
The pods are crushed to find the small lack of seeds – the main edible source. It is the crushed seeds that release strongly scented oils with enriching flavour.
Propagation of cardamom
From seed
Buy cardamom seeds sold particularly for planting purposes – not the ones from the pantry with only a few pods.
Keep the seeds in a jar and add a 2.5% nitric acid solution, ensuring the seeds are dipped in it.
Keep stirring for around 2 minutes and strain.
Rinse the seeds well.
Now transfer the seeds into a bowl and add lukewarm water. Let it sit overnight.
When planning to plant outdoors, plant the seeds with a gap of at least ½-1inch, and around 1/8 inch deep.
Make sure to choose a shady area or a location experiencing partial shade.
Cardamom loves rich humus soil – slightly acidic.
You can also plant the seeds in a pot, which you can move indoors during extreme winters.
Cover the soil with a mulch of grass or straw.
Germination can be expected to take place from 20-40 days.
From division
Use one-year-old cardamom seeds with two growing stems.
Cut the rhizome using sharp shears or knife.
Separate it gently from the plant.
Replant it in suitable growing conditions of rhizome (that we have discussed later in the blog).
Note: In case you are dividing a rhizome plant that is affected by the cardamom mosaic virus, the new plant will also transmit the virus.
According to gardening experts, cardamom seeds are quite hard to germinate. You can go with the quick and easy procedure of rhizome division to grow cardamom in your garden.
Harvesting and storage
Generally, cardamom produces fruit after three years. Harvesting cardamoms must be a manual process. You can start picking the fruits as soon as they turn green and dry. You will notice they become easy to break when ready for harvest.
Dry them for almost a week after harvesting and store them in an airtight container in a dry and cool place for a long time.
Significant things to know for growing cardamom
Your plant must be in partial shade and never let the soil dry.
The plant loves the company of high humidity, so keep misting once in a while.
When planting cardamom in a container/pot, shift it indoors as soon as the temperature reaches the 50°F mark or drops below. It requires 6-8 hours of filtered light.
E.cardamomum grown in a container can turn root bound, discouraging blooming. In such cases, you must divide the plant.
The rhizomes live for around 10-15 years, and the first round of flowers grow after three years of planting.
Feed the plant fish emulsion every two weeks from winter to mid-summer.
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Growing Conditions for Cardamom
The perfect location for planting cardamom is the one with filtered sunlight or partial shade. Your plant should be away from direct sunlight till it grows to a height of 2-4m under the protection of higher trees.
The right kind of soil for growing cardamom is loamy and sandy with organic matter and optimal manure.
The spice requires a pH level of 6-6.8 (slightly acidic to neutral). Acidic soils of 5.5-6 pH level are also considered tolerable.
The key to producing best-quality cardamom is growing it in the right substrate – well-drained soil that drains water swift.
However, the soil must be moist all the time, Do not let the soil dry out or get waterlogged. The clayey form of soil can even kill your plant.
Cardamom is a rainforest plant – areas that experience rainfall 200 days a year. This states that the soil remains moist all the time when cardamom is grown in the rainforest.
As you are planning to grow the spice in your home garden, you must always keep the soil moist. During summers, increase watering as the plant starts bearing fruits.
Fertilize your cardamom plant twice a month using an organic fertilizer with a high content of phosphorous during the growing season. Apply 5kg of compost and aged manure per clump every year.
Some intercultural operations to practice
Mulching is a crucial cultural practice while growing cardamom – fallen leaves of the nearby trees can be used for mulching. You should apply an adequate amount of mulch in November and December months to prevent adverse effects of drought. Mulching is also important for better pollination.
There are rounds of weeding to carry out while growing cardamom in your home garden. The good time for the first time is in May-June; second round in August-September and the last one in December-January.
The process involves spraying a solution of weedicides in the interspaces (space between the rows), leaving around 60cm area of the plant base. You can use paraquat (625ml) in 500 litres of water to make a weeding solution.
Trashing consists of getting away with dry and old shoots of the cardamom plant with the onset of monsoon every year. Do this in rainfed weather conditions as monsoon starts. You can also use irrigated facilities to practice racing 2-3 times in the high-density plantations.
Shade Regulation
The cardamom plant is quite sensitive to moisture stress. When kept in shade, the soil moisture and temperature remains well-regulated, providing favorable micro-climate for its growth.
However, excess shade is also not a suggested idea – 50-60% of filtered sunlight is what experts prefer. Take up shade regulation before the monsoon starts to ensure sufficient bright yet filtered light for your cardamom plant.
Post monsoon, a firm layer of soil that is fresh, fertile and organically rich can be earthed up at the base. This is done to cover up the collar region scraping in between rows or any staggered check pits/trenches. It promotes new growth.
Pests and diseases affecting the growth of cardamom plant
Though cardamom is not usually attacked by pests, there are a few diseases you should know about, such as:
Rhizomes rot: The symptoms of rhizome rots are yellowish lower leaves, chlorosis of leaves, premature fruit drop, decaying rhizomes, etc.
The reason for this rot is the high planting density that protects against aeration. Waterlogged soil can also be a cause of rhizome rot.
Cardamom mosaic virus: It is a serious disease to take care of when growing cardamom.
Cardamom mosaic virus is a viral disease caused by aphids. You must keep your plant healthy and away from aphids to prevent the disease.
Other diseases and pests against which you must keep your plant protected include capsule rot, nematodes, and cardamom thrips.
Growing cardamom requires patience and right understanding of the process. When planting the herb in your home, make sure you take care of the growing conditions.
Wasn’t that helpful information on how to grow cardamom? Let us know your views and do share the experience of producing your cardamom pods in the home garden. We would love to answer your queries in the comments if any.
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