#Hoshin Engi
angelfeed · 9 months
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z-ero-b · 11 days
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supushan · 9 months
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houshin colour wheel (゜◇゜)ゞ
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criaturamonocromatica · 9 months
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aspiringshoulder · 3 months
Hoshin Engi spreadsheet!
So I don't know how many people who follow me have ever read Ryu Fujisaki's manga Hoshin Engi, but it's a really fun story and I decided to compile a spreadsheet of Chinese pronunciations.
Many thanks to @kaibutsushidousha for getting me into the manga with his posts and helping me with the compilation. He's a cool dude! Check him out some more!
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lovehael · 9 months
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jm-2 · 1 year
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houshindai · 6 months
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dayinanimanga · 11 months
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Today in Anime History
July 3rd, 1999
The original Hoshin Engi anime premieres. The series received an alternate remake in 2018.
Based on the manga by Ryuu Fujisaki
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Season 2 Ramble#6 - Just Jump In! ver.2
This month’s episode is about Shueisha publishing company's JUMP magazine line. you can use the link above or check the link in my bio to listen on other platforms 🍻
first some bare bones Jump basics:
What is JUMP? - JUMP is a magazine line with hella content for hella demographics and for the record they're not all comics, shueisha is actually a pretty diverse publishing company
Today though, we'll only be looking at two of their products. the Weekly Shonen Jump(WSJ) magazine, in print since 1968 with a main target audience of young boys, shonen literally being japanese for young boy, as well as their SHONEN JUMP+ app, which first launched in 2014 and has a main target audience of older adolescent lads.. The original + app is in Japanese as far as I understand but they released a follow up in 2019 simply called MANGA+.. also even though they have "main" target audiences they both have works that try to appeal to wider demographics + things sometimes move between lines or even appear on both at the same time.
This month I purposefully read manga from different time periods which gave rise to one mini section and three main sections which i’ll describe as I get to them
New Manga Read This Month
mini section
Was this axed? Why was this axed?:
top 1
Magu chan: god of destruction(Kei Kamiki, 2020, 78 chapters)
this story follows the main heroine ruru after she finds and accidently unseals the now weakened god of destruction mag MENUek. not the best art or really the deepest characters but it's a gag manga. actually didn't think I'd enjoy this at all but it's pretty funny, got a lot of genuine hearty laughs pretty much every chapter... (pretty decent run at 78 chapters but after I finished I couldn't believe it got axed, definitely would've liked more but ironically it probably got axed because of folks like me...)
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honourable mentions:
hell warden higuma, ginka & gluna, neolation
Ok so "main" sections now, starting with
Way Way Back (1960s - 1980s):
top 1
Mazinger Z (Gou Nagai,1972, 33 chapters)[Devilman Crybaby]
The story here is our mc, KOUji KAbuto, has a genius grandad who built the most powerful robot ever, Mazinger Z, but he dies in a sudden devastating earthquake before he can teach him how to use it. The only thing he's able to tell him before he passes is that with the robot comes power and with that power comes a choice, to be a god that saves humanity or a devil that destroys the earth.
Right off the bat the art wasn’t anything great or even particularly good but with really old stuff, especially things aimed at children, I think simpler art styles are to be expected. I did really like the robot designs tho, nothing too slick or fancy but they had an old quaint vibe like awww look at what grandpa drew…
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The characters weren’t much either, as I said stupid simple story, giant robots doing cool giant robot stuff, so most of what would be the story of most characters was already in their designs like you see the main character and know they're the main character because he has that cool spiky cyborg 009 hairstyle etc.
not much more to say, kinda funny, surprisingly bloody given my perception of the time period and what I thought their perception of media was, especially media intended for kids.. but yh,, the whole manga can be summed up with giant robots have always been pretty cool… grain of salt though for those who plan to check it out, yes I thought it an enjoyable read but it was really only my top 1 because I could pretty much only find two things to read from this time period as the older manga are almost impossible to find on the internet.
honourable mention:
Dr.Slump (Akira Toriyama , 1980, 236 chapters)
Wasn't That Just The Other Day? (1990s - 2010s):
top 1
Bakuman(Oh! Great, 2008, 176 chapters)
Actually not my first time trying this, started back in hs but stopped for reasons I can't recall, I only remember thinking it was excellent which makes it all the more confusing but in any case I started over from the jump and I'm really glad I did.
This is a manga about making manga. I'm telling you man these Japanese dudes will make a manga about anything. trust.. Anyways the story here follows two main characters Mashiro and Takagi, and starts with them about to enter highschool. Takagi is the smartest in school since day one, expected to excel in life, and Mashiro has nothing. no goals or ambitions. he's just trying to come to terms with the mundane normalcy of life and society's expectations of what that should looks like. one day Mashiro leaves a book at school and Takagi, who unbeknownst to anyone is an aspiring writer, finds it full of amazing art and begs him to team up and make manga… Will they make it? and what exactly does it take to make it anyways? what even is "it"? (find out next time on read the manga and see!!)
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Two things initially pulled me all those years ago, one, was a morbid curiosity, like I just couldn't fathom a manga about making manga being good in an entertaining way. like yh it's probably mad educational and it was, but as much as you can learn from any media the main reason I'm reading manga is to be entertained. two, oh! great did death note and again I just couldn't fathom the jump from mystery thriller about police vs death gods to this but man did they pull it off in style
First thing first the art was phenomenal as those familiar with oh! great works would expect. and I have to be clear, when I say oh! great does great art I mean Takeshi Obata does great art. oh! great is a duo between him and Tsugumi Ooba who did an equally good job on the story. like he basically showed us how the proverbial sausage is made without making us disinterested in the sausage. It actually instilled such a deeper appreciation for the process that I feel like all manga I read after this will be that much more enriching. especially shonen as the different creators in story debate and create what they think the genre should look like.
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Great cast of characters, funny, serious, rivals, people you hated, people you loved, great sub plots that had them all interacting in a nice dynamic way, like it didn't feel like the two mcs were the cause and effect of everything. Great pacing as well as we get to see their journey from just trying something in highschool to getting their foot in the door in later years and so on. didn't feel rushed or dragged, it was nice to see a lot of the little ups and downs of life instead of just a cycle between highlights and rock bottoms.
I have to give fair warning and say it's pretty text heavy. even for something that's not kick and punch cause most of the time they're plotting out some manga or something but Obata really does a great job here making good use of panels and even speech bubble placement so it never really feels crowded unless it's meant to illustrate something like an argument or so. it also helped that despite his usual pretty realistic art style, he allowed characters to be toony when needed to lighten the mood or heighten some expression in just the right way
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Honestly it's still so crazy that they pulled it off and pulled it off so well. I think ultimately it was the humanity of it that really tied everything together,, like yh they're manga artist but they're human first, and it's their human experiences that in the end feed into the art.
Talked a lot on this one.. that's why it was top 1 ig.. as usual I don't think I can speak enough to why exactly it's so great but yh… definitely highly recommend even if only out of morbid curiosity like you're thinking,, no way a manga about making manga is good. it is.
honourable mentions:
level e (Yoshihiro Togashi, 1995, 16 chapters),
Cowa!(Akira Toriyama, 1997, 14 chapters)
Hoshin Engi (...lol not that honourable ig)
...also just want to squeeze in that I actually tried bobobobo and wow… my brain may never recover…
What's Up Today? (2010s - present)
top 1
Astra Lost in Space (Kenta Shinohara on story & art, 2016, 53 chapters)
9 kids are brought to a nearby planet for a routine unsupervised camping trip as part of their highschool graduation. The future is wild. As plot convenience would have it, something goes wrong and they end up stranded in space. A rough enough situation on its own, but to make matters worse, the group finds signs that what happened was no accident and that the perpetrator is still among them..
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Honestly a simple setup and premise, literally Lost but in space… not that I've actually watched lost but yh. anyways for as simple as the plot is the entire story wrapped up in 53 chapters anyways and they honestly squeezed every drop out of it that they could. What really stood out to me was how balanced it all felt.
As in the premise of being intentionally stranded is by no means unique but I feel like a lot of the media I've consumed around that tend to lean into one aspect more than others, like it becomes mostly about the mystery trying to find "whodunnit", or the focus becomes the sense of adventure, exploring the unknown and all that oor,, how it goes more commonly, in my experience at least, is a portrayal of the harshness of survival in the physical or mental sense.
I don't think there's anything wrong with that btw, the premise of being lost is used in many genres and it's up to the author to decide how much they want to lean into any genre. for example drifting net cafe, suicide island and dragon head are some lost horror type beats I've read, enjoyed and would definitely recommend.
In any case as I was saying about Astra lost in space, cause that's what I should be talking about here… is I loved how balanced it all was. Yes they're stranded and have to survive but it's not so overbearing that we can't take in the adventure of the unknown and yes we're seeing all these cool sights and different hypothetical evolutionary paths in space but also let's all be aware that one of us is probably plotting a murder yk? what tied this all up were the characters themselves like they felt really natural, yh a lot was going on but they're still just kids and they were sent out for a camping trip in the first place so come hell or high water they were gonna have some amount of fun or die trying. not that everyone was always on the same page and they didn't have disagreements and drama and so on but their individual quirks and character traits converged and diverged masterfully for a beautiful dynamic between the cast amongst themselves, and between the cast and their environment.
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great cast and direction as I said, pretty standard art, nothing too crazy but it did what it needed to do, I also liked the little 4 panel bonus comics they did every now and then as well, all in all a pretty great read with some pretty neat twists I won't even allude to for fear of spoilers, especially for how short it was but yh, astra lost in space top 1 new read this month…
honourable mentions:
Akane Banashi(Yuuki SUEnaga doing the story & Takamasa Moue on art, 2022, ongoing 71 chapters)
'Tis time for "torture" princess ( Robinson haruhara on story and hirakei on art, 2019, ongoing 196 chapters)
Sakamoto Days(Yuuto Suzuki , 2020, ongoing 128 chapters),
ok now we're heading into
Manga Read Before This Month
(here I'll give less detail cause I would have mentioned a few of these repeatedly before + I want more of the shine on newer stuff tbh)
mini section
Was this axed? Why was this axed?:
top 1
Psyren(Toshiaki lwashiro, 2007, 151 chapters)
people are going missing and a secret society called psyren seems to be responsible. won't go farther than that but will say it's held up as one of the best shonen works I've ever read since the first time I read it in like 9 or 10th grade. still in disbelief that it was canceled cause you can barely tell when you read it. it's only after I finished it and was looking into some things I realised.
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honourable mentions:
ayashimon, phantom seer, black torch
main sections
way way back (1960s - 80s):
top 1
Dragon Ball(Akira Toriyama, 520 chapters,1984)
don't think I need to say much here but I mention the sandwich of technique in the episode.
honourable mentions:
JJBA part1-3, Saint Seiya, city hunter
wasn't that just the other day (1990s - 2010s)
top 1
Rookies(Morita Masanori, 1998, 233 chapters)
delinquent baseball, real heartwarming story, great art cast and pacing, masanori really takes the cake when it comes to the delinquent aesthetic but yh… was my #2 in s1 ramble 12 & #3 in s1 ramble 1
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honourable mentions:
eyeshield 21, slam dunk, Yu yu hakusho
what's up today? (2010s - present)
chainsaw man (tatsuki fujimoto, 2018, 137 ongoing)
look at the title lol
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honourable mentions
fire punch, Tokyo ghoul series, My hero academia
other folks to check out on twitter:
then as usual I do a little part 2 where I ramble a bit 😅
thanks for reading so far, hope there's something that caught your fancy 🍻🍻🍻
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femboyyuri · 9 months
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i started reading hoshin engi and i am OBSESSED with this dude wearing what looks like a tracksuit top in like yin dynasty china
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angelfeed · 9 months
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bebellsoterel · 1 year
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Okay, it’s a really obscure one. As always, title in tags ! My kofi is here ! Please consider supporting me =)
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supushan · 9 months
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enigmaticgale · 1 year
[Trade/Purchase] Hello! I am an overseas Houshin Engi fan looking to trade or buy trading cards from Senkaiden Houshin Engi.
【交換・買取】カードダスマスターズ 仙界伝 封神演義 其の弐 海外ですが、もし交換できる機会があれば感謝です
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Hello! I am an overseas Houshin Engi fan. I am looking to complete my collection of the Senkaiden Houshin Engi trading cards. The cards I am missing are from Bandai's Carddass Masters Series Two. If you have them, I would like to buy or trade for these cards.
Cards I have: (see below) I am looking for: #31 Youzen, #74 Ki Hakuyuukou, #79 Chuuoh, #131 Raishinshi, #133 Fugen Shinjin, #SP3 Kou Tenka & Kou Hiko, #SP4 Chuuoh & Bunchuu
※I can receive mail at a Japanese address, so you don't need to send overseas mail if you don't wish to. ※If you want to sell, my main method of payment is PayPal, but I'm willing to explore any other options. ※If you want to exchange, it may take longer than usual because I will be mailing from overseas. (But you don't have to send anything overseas in return.)
Please feel free to DM me, even if you're seeing this in Search. Thank you very much!
譲: 求:31 楊戩、74 姫伯邑考、79 紂王、131 雷震子、133 普賢真人、SP3 黄天化◆黄飛虎、SP4 紂王◆聞仲
※日本の住所で受け取る事が出来ます(つまり海外に出荷する必要ではありません) ※買取の場合、カードの価格も送料もPayPalで払う事が出来ますが他の方法があれば調べる事も出来ると思います ※交換の場合、こちらアメリカから出荷しますので普通より時間がかかる可能性があります(しかし逆は日本の住所で受け取る事が出来ます)
検索からでもお気軽にDMでお声かけください。 ありがとうございます。
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thedespondent · 2 years
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I’ve been enjoying a reread of Ryu Fujisaki’s Hoshin Engi, one of my all time top 5 Weekly Shonen Jump manga (IT’S IN THE SJ VAULT NOW). Here’s some visual gags and fun bits of storytelling from early into its run.
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