#Hoorakhsh studios
ashitakaxsan · 2 years
The Last Fiction
“Just what’s this thing?”,you will ask the question.Spoilers ahead
It’s an Iranian animated movie.
 Based on a chapter of the Shahnameh, Iran’s millennium-old national epic.
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When Jamshid, the mighty king of Persia abandons his empire to conquer more territories, Zahak cunningly takes his place. However, something very sinister begins to transpire. Any young man who enlists to work in the palace, mysteriously goes missing and is never to be seen again.
Fed up with the rising taxes and unknown whereabouts of their sons and husbands, people of Jamkard try to protest and inquire. But, their attempts would always be violently shut-down by ruthless guards. More’s the pity, Zahak, unexpectedly, orders to kill all the new-born babies and devastates many families. Among those devastated and angry people, there was Kaveh, a courageous ironsmith, extremely angry with tyranny of Zahak.
 Kaveh forms an army of outlaws to rebel against the ruler of Persia. But he and his army need a champion who isn’t only a skillful fighter, but can also defeat mystical demons. Kaveh finds this warrior, in the rubbles of Jamkard beside the dead body of his mother.
He names him Afaridoun and trains him rigorously. After years and years of rigid martial exercises, Afaridoun, finally is ready to defeat the evil ruler and the supernatural beasts surrounding him. But as the time gets closer, Afaridoun reckons he has to fight a greater enemy, more powerful and menacing; he has to fight his own demons.
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My say:It’s an Interesting breakthrough from Iran’s animation studios.It won’t let you down:)
It’s based on a legend outlined in Iran’s Millienia spaning Ferdowsi’s collection of epic myths:The Shahnameh(:The Book Of Kings)
With Five Stars for excellent it gets 4,5 of them.
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helbawnd · 8 months
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01 Zahhāk – A prince who is easily swayed by the devil to murder his father and take the throne. Cursed with monstrous snakes that grow out of the king's shoulders, the Serpent King grows infamous throughout the ancient Persia for his treachery and oppression. He rules for one thousand years before a noble and valiant Feraydun gains the strength and army to defeat the unjust King.
I know it's been awhile, but I finally found my groove back. Here's one of the few visuals art for my project. It's loosely based on Persian Mythology. Heavily inspired design by Hoorakhsh Studios's "The Last Fiction". Please go check them out!
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e-tribart · 7 years
Le lundi, c’est démoreel !
☕️ Rien de tel pour se réveiller en ce lundi matin qu'une tasse de café & une démoreel ! Regardez le showreel du studio iranien Hoorakhsh studios et le travail impressionnant de ses artistes !
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abhayhatia · 3 years
EXCLUSIVE: Watch The Opening From 'Juliet & The King,' A Hand-Drawn Feature From Iran's Hoorakhsh Studios
EXCLUSIVE: Watch The Opening From ‘Juliet & The King,’ A Hand-Drawn Feature From Iran’s Hoorakhsh Studios
“Unfortunately, international people are looking at Iran from a political point of view; all the news is bad and toxic,” Ragozar tells Cartoon Brew. “Yes, we have lots of political, social, and economic problems. But Iran is a great and beautiful country with great history and amazing people who have a great culture. I want to note that there are lots of beautiful things that people around the…
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ghelpek · 4 years
ghelpek reel_2017_2019 from ghelpek on Vimeo.
AMIR KAZEMI-(ghelpek) Animation Reel 2017-2019 -------------------------------------- Music: Gramatik - So Much For Love -------------------------------------- #01- Routinize / 6 Loop Animation 2D animator - Director #02- The Last Fiction / Animated Feature Film / Hoorakhsh Studios 2D animator - Supervising 2D effects animator - Making Opening and Ending Sequences #03- Beneath / Animated Music Video / Director: Pedram Taghavi / Producer: Corvoyd Band 2D animator #04- FWD insurance / Animated Commercial Video / Producer: MESHFX 2D animator #05- 7 Sky / Animated Production Logo/ Producer: Hoorakhsh Studio 2D animator #06- Mr. Navid / Animated Short Film/ Director: Amir Kazemi 2D animator - Director #07- RUNAWAY / Animated Short Film/ Director: Amir Kazemi 2D animator #08- Legendary Numbers: No.7 / Animated Web-Series / Director: Mehdi Alibeygi 2D animator #09- One of Us / Animated Music Video / Producer: FlipaClip / Music: Mystery Skulls 2D animator - Director #10- Sunnyness / Animated Commercial / Director: Aghil Hosseinian 2D animator #11- To The Animation / Short 2D Animation 2D animator #12- Making Animated Sequence for Short Film #13- The Last Fiction / Animated Feature Film / Hoorakhsh Studios 2D animator - Supervising 2D effects animator - Making Opening and Ending Sequences #14- Red Fire / Animated Short Film / Director: Mona Shahi / Producer: Ehsan TavasoliZadeh 2D animator - Supervising 2D animator #15- Watch Me! / Animated Short Film Making 2D Animatic #16- The Last Fiction / Animated Feature Film / Hoorakhsh Studios 2D animator - Supervising 2D effects animator - Making Opening and Ending Sequences #17- A.SIGHT #2 / Conceptual Animation / A.SIGHT Hand Designed Eyewear 2D animator #18- FWD insurance / Animated Commercial Video / Producer: MESHFX 2D animator #19- Routinize / 6 Loop Animation 2D animator - Director #20- Mr. Navid / Animated Short Film/ Director: Amir Kazemi 2D animator - Director #21- Loop Animation For Limited Access Festival #22- One of Us / Animated Music Video / Producer: FlipaClip / Music: Mystery Skulls 2D animator - Director #23- HoD / Logo Animation #24- Pedia Best/ Animated Commercial / Producer: Pedia Best 2D animator #25- Loop Animation #26- Happy Nowrooz / Animated Loop #27- Mr. Navid / Animated Short Film/ Director: Kazemi 2D animator - Director
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plannueve · 5 years
The last Fiction: Los iraníes también apuestan por la animación
The last Fiction: Los iraníes también apuestan por la animación
Irán lleva un tiempo posicionando su mercado cinematográfico entre estándares mundiales. Esta vez, la oportunidad de destacarse, proviene del lado de la animación, ya que The Last Fiction (2018) se convertirá en la primera película animada proveniente de tierras persas en ser nominada para competir por los Óscar en la edición del 2020.
La película, debut de “Hoorakhsh Studios”, está basada en…
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ashitakaxsan · 1 year
Bad news about Iranian  Animation(:
This real BAD news,that concerns not only the Present,but the Whole Future  of the Iranian Animation Industry.While the occidental news outlets are going with the approach about “the rights of women”,”equality” they don’t care about an awful news.
Iranian animators attracted to foreign studios over weak local currency: expert. December 4, 2022 - 18:37
Photo below: This file photo shows Iranian animators working at a studio of the Institute for Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults – Kanoon. (Kanoon/Hamid Tavakkoli)
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“Due to a sharp decline in the value of the local currency in comparison to the dollar, Iranian animation studios are willing to work for other countries,” Ali Azizi told the Persian service of MNA.
“These studios were previously selling their productions to the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB), but I’ve heard that IRIB has not paid them as a result of the precarious circumstances surrounding its funding,” he added.
“Moreover, strict IRIB rules and regulations impose certain restrictions on animation works, while animators want to have a free hand to let them use their creativity. As a result, they are reluctant to work with IRIB,” explained Azizi who was formerly a manager of an animation school.
He has recently quit his job to direct an animation project.
Azizi said there are animation studios in Turkey that are working with Iranian animators who are even allowed to work remotely. Their projects are totally or partly done by Iranian studios.
The Turkish studios pay the Iranian animators less than they pay their local employees. Nevertheless, the wages paid to them are still higher than what they receive in Iran.     He said that some Iranian animators have also been duped and have failed to receive their wages from the Turkish studios.
The animation industry has developed in Iran over the past decade, but the country has failed to exploit its commercial potential.
Ashkan Rahgozar, the director of Hoorakhsh, a major animation studio in Tehran, has frequently warned about the emigration of skilled and even semi-professional people working in the country’s animation industry.
Images below:from the iranian,epic,animated movie “The last Fiction”.
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In an interview conducted last year, he said the financial motivations are the key factors in these migrations.
“Iran has not done well on efficiently training human resources in this field, and the professionals’ migration issue has really become serious. We are seeing them going to foreign companies for higher salaries. I see no bright prospect for improvement in human resources here, because even semi-professionals are easily attracted by overseas companies,” said Rahgozar who is the director of the acclaimed animated movie, “The Last Fiction”.
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My Understanding
This is the Real Significant news.I fear that the iranian animated movie “The Last Fiction” might be a Swan Song!(: “Who’s fault is this?” Not of the iranian regime.It’s of others, who fill us with the unessential claims(yes,claims isn’t the real thing)about human rights,and they passby that the strict sanctions make life harder for the creative people,such as Iranian animators.
Source: https://www.tehrantimes.com/news/479368/Iranian-animators-attracted-to-foreign-studios-over-weak-local
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ashitakaxsan · 2 years
News about Great Potential
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Photo above: Sign of the former Documentary and Experimental Film Center.
DEFC renames itself with eye on more animation production
The decision to rebrand the center has been made due to the new missions given to the center by the Cinema Organization of Iran (COI), the director of the center, Mohammad Hamidi-Moqaddam, told the Persian service of IRNA on Wednesday.
“The center enjoys a long history in producing short and animation films, therefore the change is in line with the center’s new missions, among which are seeking a substantial surge in the number of animations,” he added.
“Due to the significant infrastructures of the country’s animation cinema and its key role in the film industry and international cultural exchange, animation cinema is a strategic topic for us,” he noted.
Hamidi-Moqaddam said that the center has always regarded animation films, and many animators have continually criticized the center for its disregard of animation in its name.He hoped for a bright future and a great development in the number of animation films by attracting new talent in this field.
The Documentary, Experimental and Animation Film Center is the organizer of Cinéma Vérité, Iran’s major international festival of documentary films.Over the past few years, experts have warned about the migration of skilled and even semi-professional people working in Iran’s animation industry.
Ashkan Rahgozar, the director of Hoorakhsh, a major animation studio in Tehran, is one of the experts.
“Financial motivation is among the key factors in these immigrations,” he said and added that they prefer to work in environments giving them more freedom to actualize their ideas.
“Iran has not done well on efficiently training human resources in this field, and the professionals’ migration issue has really become serious. We are seeing them going to foreign companies for higher salaries. I see no bright prospect for improvement in human resources here, because even semi-professionals are easily attracted by overseas companies,” said Rahgozar who is the director of the acclaimed animated movie “The Last Fiction”.
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Source of the News:https://www.tehrantimes.com/news/469259/DEFC-renames-itself-with-eye-on-more-animation-production   MMS/YAW
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