lucyl208 · 9 months
Character of Fire
Characteristics of fire: "Fire said Yan" selected from "Shangshu Hongfan "," Yan ", burning, heat, light meaning; "Up" means to rise. On the Yan, it means that fire has hot, bright, rising characteristics. By extension, all things and phenomena that have the properties or effects of warming, rising, and light belong to fire. Fire is a kind of energy and cannot be classified as matter.
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redscorpiozzh · 2 years
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zhongwans · 2 years
Really sorry to bother but do you mind explaining what happened during the 15th? The story is in fragments on twt and I'm having a hard time following 😅
Lots of things happened on the 15th but I guess you're specifically interested in the livestream? It was a hot mess. Before all that even began a weird tag went up to hotsearch #一部剧收入1亿多9000万买收视率 which was likely bought and intended to smear Li Laoshi, taking his words from an interview out of context to make it look like he bought the ratings for his show. People immediately saw right through it though.
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The livestream was scheduled on the evening of December 15th and it included Li Laoshi and four other speakers, all legal professionals. It was supposed to be hosted on bilibili but they shut it down for some reason. The reason was (allegedly) because the stream violated bilibili's rules, although I don't know what it is about a discussion between a group of lawyers that's so inappropriate. So videos full of misinformation are allowed, but a recorded discussion between lawyers isn't? The tag #李学政洪范所b站直播被歹 "Li Xuezheng Hongfan Bilibili live was shut down" appeared but was quickly taken down by weibo before it could gain traction.
After bilibili shut down the live, they attempted to host it on two other platforms but to no avail. Finally they switched to weibo and it resumed, this time hosted on Hongfan Law Insititute's 洪范法律与经济研究所 weibo account. But then after the live began, it was taken down. Then put back up. Then taken down again. Then put back up. This happened multiple times (I think a total of 9-10 times) and oddly enough, it all happened when the topic shifted specifically to CAPA and antitrust laws. The stream kept on getting taken down during these parts. Finally, weibo shut it all down completely by taking down the post with the live and even going as far as muting Hongfan Law's weibo account.
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tl: "this account is temporarily muted because of rule violations"
I heard a tag talking about Hongfan Law being muted appeared, but it was taken down again before I could even see it. 3.8 million viewers were tuning in (or trying to because we all kept trying to get back in whenever it got shut down, thanks weibo) during the live so naturally a lot of people knew about weibo's bullshit and got really pissed. The obviously bought tag that was intended to smear Li Laoshi was still up high on the hotsearch ranking, but after the live was shut down and Hongfan law got muted, angry people started using the tag to post about it and expose what weibo did. The tag, which was going strong just moments ago quickly fell off the rankings and disappeared the moment it was filled with posts about the live. Weibo at that moment was glorious 😂 So many angry posts from pissed lawyers.
The next day water army and professional antis started a smear campaign against the founders of Hongfan Law institute, 江平 Jiang Ping and吴敬琏 Wu JingLian. I actually have no fucking clue what goes on in the heads of the people who participated in this because Jiang Ping is the one who drafted a lot of the fundamental laws in the country including the Property Law and the Administrative Procedure Law (APL). He was one of the civil law scholars involved in the fourth draft of the Civil Code of China. He's a staunch advocate of Rule of Law and he devoted much of his work to advancing civil law and private rights in the country. Smearing another person is always a shitty thing to do no matter what, but to do it to someone like Jiang Ping is just.....a whole other level of insane. A lot of the rights those antis enjoy today is thanks to Jiang Ping's work.
tl;dr Hongfan Law hosted a legal roundtable with Li Xuezheng and four law professors. Bili2 shut the livestream down due to rule violations. They moved it to weibo but it was taken down around 10 times when they were discussing CAPA. Weibo then shut the stream down for good and muted Hongfan Law's account for rule violations. The next day a smear campaign was launched against one its founders, Jiang Ping, who happens to be one of the most well respected legal professionals in China.
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I wanted to ask your preference pairings among yizhan world.
Wangxian and Yizhan/Boxiao is absolute and permanent.
What about pairing of their other characters?
Hi!!!! Sorry for response late!! Yeah, yeah WangXian is the top of the fanon 😆 [BJYXSZD]
ChongYun (this is my fav, I love Ji Chong specially!!)
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YunSan (cutie Tan Sang and Xiemeimei)
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HongYing (I don't know the name of this ship, but I am trying. Okay???)
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ChenWei (😘😘😘)
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KongCai (I read a few things about these two and well ... they are sweet as muffins)
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Beitang Moran (and this Yibo that isn't Yibo but looks like an inmortal and their clothes combine)
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Patient#5 and Dilf Old Yibo
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Hong Hai-er and Zhang XiaoFan (HongFan??? Idk but is very rare you know)
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Yang Zhen and Gu Yiye (ZhenYi????? I don't know anything, okay???)
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hunxi-after-hours · 3 years
Hi!! I'm not sure how interested you are in hearing about the TGCF live-action, but I just learned that Mu Qing is being played by Cai Yao... from 《声入人心》
okay after some googling I am !!!??? confuse
baidu baike has Mu Qing's actor down as 姚弛 Chi Yao but douban has BOTH Chi Yao and Cai Yao down for Mu Qing... and since they've cast both Feng Xin and Nan Feng (pointed wink), I'm guessing that this is... strategic
anyway the true takeaway from this is this gem I found at the bottom of Cai Yao's baidu baike page:
"Whenever Cai Yao appears in the frame, the entire screen is leg." - Huangzi Hongfan you sweet summer child I fucking love you
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ashwinigongale-blog · 4 years
Know the Latest Study of the Global Aluminum Wire Rods Market 2019 in the Industry with Prominent Players
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The research report mainly introduced the global aluminum wire rods market basics: a market overview, classifications, definitions, applications, and product specifications and so on. The global analytical report has been made by using significant data research methodologies such as primary and secondary research.
Download Exclusive Sample of this Premium Report at https://market.biz/report/global-aluminum-wire-rods-market-2017-mr/157261/#requestforsample
The report also targets important facets such as market drivers, challenges, latest trends, and opportunities associated with the growth of manufacturers in the global market for Aluminum Wire Rods. The report provides the readers with crucial insights on the strategies implemented by leading companies to remain in the lead of this competitive market.
Competitive landscape
Global Aluminum Wire Rods Market study covers a comprehensive competitive analysis that includes detailed company profiling of leading players, characteristics of the vendor landscape, and other important studies. Aluminum Wire Rods report explains how different players are competing in this report.
Aluminum Wire Rods Market Manufactures:
Baotou Aluminium
Southern Cable
Noranda Aluminum
Market Segmentation
The global Aluminum Wire Rods market is segmented on the basis of the type of product, application, and region. The segmentation study equips interested parties to identify high-growth portions of the global Aluminum Wire Rods market and understand how the leading segments could grow during the forecast period.
Product Segment Analysis by Types
Application of Aluminum Wire Rods Market are
Conductors and Cables
Mechanical Applications
Following regions are analyzed in Aluminum Wire Rods at a provincial level
North America
The Middle East & Africa
South America
Inquire more about this report @ https://market.biz/report/global-aluminum-wire-rods-market-2017-mr/157261/#inquiry
The reports help to find the answers to the following questions:
• What is the present size of the Aluminum Wire Rods Market in the top 5 Global & American countries?
• How is the Aluminum Wire Rods market separated into various product segments & sub-segments?
• How is the market expected to grow in the future?
• What is the market potential compared to other countries?
• How are the overall Aluminum Wire Rods market and different product segments developing?
1. Global Aromatherapy Oils Industry Market Research Report
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senildion · 7 years
Que los monarcas sean locos [en sus obras] trae lluvias que no acaban; que sean insolentes trae sol que no acaba; que sean negligentes trae calor que no acaba; que sean ignorantes trae vientos que no acaban
Hongfan, ca. 770 a.C.
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bookofjin · 6 years
Outline of the Treatise on the Five Agents
It’s not entirely random.
The Treatise on the Five Agents in the Jinshu covers in total 3 scrolls, juan 27, 28, 29. The general outline of the JS treatise follows very closely that of the Treatise on the Five Agents in Ban Gu's Hanshu, and in fact much of the introductions have been copied straight from the HS. Because of that I have been able to make use of the analysis of Ban Gu's treatise in B.J. Mansvelt Beck, The Treatises of Later Han to make some rudimentary sense of the JS treatise.
The foundation text of Five Agents divination is the Vast Plan hongfan洪範 chapter of the Book of Documents, said to have been revealed to Yu the Great. You can read Legge's translation of the Vast Plan here:
The Vast Plan sets out nine prerequisites for good government. Of these, four are relevant to the Five Agents Treatise:
The Five Agents
The Five Affairs
August Perfection
The Numerous Verifications
The Five Agents according to the Vast Plan are Water, Fire, Wood, Metal, Earth. But as will seen below Ban Gu, and hence the JS treats them in a slightly different order: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water.
While the treatise is titled the Five Agents, most space is actually given to the Five Affairs. The Five Affairs are: 1. Countenance, 2. Speech, 3. Sight, 4. Hearing, 5. Thought
These five are then paired with five inward qualities and outward appearances: 1. Reverence and awe, 2. Obedience and orderliness, 3. Clarity and wisdom, 4. Acuity and planning, 5. Intelligence and sageness.
The state of the Five Affairs can be interpreted through the Numerous Verifications. These are 1. Rain, 2. Sunshine, 3. Heat, 4. Cold, 5. Wind, 6. Timeliness.
Sufficient reverence gives timely rain, sufficient obedience gives timely sunshine, and so on.
Conversely, lack of reverence gives constant rain, lack of obedience gives constant sunshine, and so on.
While the HS and JS treat the Five Agents and the Five Affairs separately, Sima Biao pairs them together in his Xu Hanshu like this
1. Wood + Countenance
2. Metal + Speech
3. Fire + Sight
4. Water + Hearing
5. Earth + Thought
The last category of portents, August Perfection, has no obvious connection to the Five Agents.
Based on a relatively quick scan of JS027-029, I've created the following Table of Contents for the JS Treatise on the Five Agents. I leave it as a Topic of Further Study to tabulate which portent sub-categories first appear in the JS, and which are also found in earlier histories.
Scroll 27
General Introduction
Introduction to the Five Agents
Introduction to Wood
Icy trees
Wood snapping
Introduction to Fire
Introduction to Earth
Failed harvests
Introduction to Metal
Metal behaving unusually (makes sounds, weeps, strange lights etc.)
Introduction to Water
Flooding from great rainstorms and similar
Great floods
Introduction to the Five Affairs
Introduction to Countenance (Reverence and awe, Rain)
Disrespectful behaviour
Numerous verifications of constant rain
Prophetic clothing
Chicken portents
Blue-green omens
Metal unbalancing wood
Scroll 28
Introduction to Speech (Obedience and orderliness, Sunshine)
Disobedient speech
Numerous verifications of constant sunshine (droughts)
Prophetic songs
Visitations of hairy creatures
Dog portents
White aberrations and white omens
Wood unbalancing metal
Introduction to Seeing (Clarity and wisdom, Heat)
Numerous verifications of constant heat
Prophetic grass
Visitations of feathered creatures
Goat portent
Red aberrations and red omens
Scroll 29
Introduction to Hearing (Acuity and planning, Cold)
Numerous verifications of constant cold
Prophetic drumming
Fish visitations
Locust creatures
Pig portents
Black aberrations and black omens
Fire unbalancing water
Introduction to Thought (Intelligence and sageness, Wind)
Numerous verifications of constant wind
Prophetic nights
Visitations of naked creatures (worms, caterpillars and similar)
Cow portents
Yellow aberrations and yellow omens
Earth quakes
Mountains collapsing and the earth submerging and splitting
Jia Mi's house sinking into the ground
The ground burning
Introduction to August Perfection
Constant yin
Prophetic shooting
Visitations of dragons and snakes
Horse portents
People portents
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winterfable · 5 years
Highlights en Hospitalidad y Cortesía
Existen dos maneras de considerar la hospitalidad y la cortesía. Según el punto de vista tradicional, la hospitalidad y la cortesía son inseparables en un mundo presa de interminables conflictos, a merced de abrumadoras fuerzas económicas y sociales y de traumáticos desgarramientos familiares. Y lo único que podemos medir es hasta qué punto estas dos inseparables realidades han apaciguado temporalmente la animosidad y la desesperación, y disminuido las fricciones de la vida. La hospitalidad no es sólo un proceso por el cual los desconocidos se transforman en amigos, sino, más aún, es la cualidad gracias a la cual las ideas poco familiares pueden trasponer las fronteras de las ideas admitidas. Se descubre la importancia de la hospitalidad al estudiarla no simplemente como una costumbre social o como la expresión de un temperamento, sino al considerarla como un elemento esencial de la eficacia intelectual y de la plenitud moral.
La historia de la cortesía
La cortesía se ha opuesto sin duda a la violencia y favorecido considerablemente la experiencia estética de la humanidad, pero sus límites ya habían aparecido hacía dos milenios. Bajo el Imperio romano, en la época en que los romanos se percibían a sí mismos como más bien simples en comparación con la complejidad de la civilización griega, la élite social había adoptado una cierta urbanidad en su afán de distinguirse de la rusticidad de las masas; sin embargo, ese tipo de cortesía que así se desarrolla suscitaba tanta molestia como placer, al ser demasiado irónica, demasiado acerba. Los romanos plantearon entonces la cuestión, que seguiría hasta nuestros días, de saber si la cortesía ameritaba que se sacrificara la sinceridad. Asimismo, en la civilización islámica, al principio un arte de vivir muy refinado (adab), fundado en la consagración de la cultura clásica, la cortesía fue, si se quiere, degradada a una especie de juego de la imaginación que elevaba la mentira al rango de arte social, no con el fin de engañar —porque nadie era engañado—, sino destinado simplemente a embellecer la lengua y la realidad con la ayuda de exuberantes hipérboles.
En Europa la cortesía fue utilizada muy a menudo como instrumento para saciar el deseo, cada vez más obsesivo, de ascenso social, como medio de ser, uno mismo y los hijos, aceptables a los ojos de la clase superior; la cortesía se transforma en parodia de las buenas maneras aristocráticas. Los estadunidenses, en rebeldía contra esta forma de cortesía, han intentado inventar una nueva variedad, desprovista de falsedad, teatralidad y pretensión social; pero no han conseguido exportarla allende sus fronteras. Hoy día, la cortesía se juzga buena porque es una expresión de la democracia, pero también porque ofrece una protección contra el contacto exageradamente cercano con los demás. Destinada desde su origen a eliminar la agresividad, la cortesía ha revelado ser un paliativo impotente para las personas que creen en la agresividad natural. Debemos inventar nuevas formas de cortesía, pero tenemos también necesidad de una dimensión suplementaria, que puede encontrarse en la hospitalidad.
 La hospitalidad en el pasado y en el futuro
La hospitalidad ha sido al principio una solución cuyo alcance fue universal para paliar las insuficiencias de la familia, del clan, de la nación, o de todo grupo en el cual la jerarquía, la envidia y las costumbres limitaban las oportunidades ofrecidas al individuo. La hospitalidad era un medio para que el individuo acrecentara su fuerza y su autonomía más allá de sus derechos de nacimiento, pero ha tropezado también con toda clase de obstáculos. La historia de China comienza con "La gran regla" (Hongfan), que estipulaba que la buena acogida de los invitados era uno de los ocho deberes del gobierno, pero el odio a los diablos extranjeros acabó por transformarse en política imperial. En la historia de la India, la civilización fue primero definida como la aceptación de que los seres humanos debían venerar no solamente a sus dioses y sus ancestros, sino también a todos los demás seres humanos "ofreciéndoles hospitalidad"; sin embargo, las castas han interpuesto barreras infranqueables entre ellos. Los discípulos de Buda veían en la hospitalidad un medio para superar las diferencias de opinión, lo que no ha impedido la escisión del budismo en sectas antagónicas. La Iglesia cristiana ha consagrado una parte importante de sus recursos a acoger gratuitamente a los viajeros de todos los orígenes, pero ello no la ha vuelto —hasta fecha muy reciente— más tolerante con otras religiones. El profeta Mahoma habría afirmado que la "hospitalidad es un derecho" —lo que fue quizá la primera reivindicación de un derecho humano universal—, pero ello no impidió a Muhammad Ali, el pachá de Egipto, masacrar a los invitados que había convidado a un banquete. La hospitalidad puede también ser un ardid o una ruin hipocresía.
En el curso de los últimos siglos, la hospitalidad ha sufrido al menos tres transformaciones. En la Inglaterra del siglo XVI, los monjes que inicialmente daban el ejemplo de hospitalidad al acoger sin discriminación a los extranjeros, impusieron limosnas por organizar esta hospitalidad y dejaron desde entonces de mantener el menor contacto con sus invitados, limitando sus invitaciones personales a sus amigos y parientes. La hospitalidad inglesa tradicional desapareció y fue remplazada por una hospitalidad que se ha calificado de "fachada". En el siglo XVIII, confrontados con la multiplicación de viajes a Europa y con el desarrollo de las relaciones comerciales, los enciclopedistas franceses concluyeron que no era ya posible acoger gratuitamente a todos los viajeros de paso. Como consecuencia, la enorme expansión de las industrias del turismo y del acogimiento confirmó que la ganancia había remplazado al sacrificio, y que el invitado cumplía su obligación mediante el simple pago de una factura. Finalmente, el Estadoprovidencial ha extinguido los sentimientos personales en la bondad de la que la comunidad ha dado pruebas a los más desprovistos: ha remplazado la confortación afectiva mediante indemnizaciones financieras, y se contenta con procurar que estas 'prestaciones sean automáticas y, en teoría, enteramente previsibles.
Al mismo tiempo, los encuentros entre las personas y las ideas se ven considerablemente multiplicados con el crecimiento del urbanismo y el desarrollo de las tecnologías comunicacionales. ¿Cómo dar pruebas de hospitalidad en un sentido más amplio?, ¿cómo mostrarse receptivo a las ideas de un gran número de personas de estilos diferentes?, ¿cómo superar la indiferencia que se manifiesta por las particularidades de los demás con el pretexto de la tolerancia?, ¿cómo dar lugar a los otros y responder a su deseo de ser comprendidos y escuchados? Estas cuestiones constituirán en lo sucesivo un desafío que exige nuevas soluciones. Se ha hecho necesario considerar la hospitalidad como una actividad que puede transformar lo mismo las actitudes del anfitrión que las del invitado, como el descubrimiento de nuevas simpatías, como una aventura por territorios desconocidos que reclama una nueva gama de actitudes respecto de la percepción, la memoria y la imaginación.
Acoger a los extraños tratándolos como estereotipos no es signo de hospitalidad. El encuentro con un extraño nos debe llevar a preguntarnos sobre nuestras propias categorías, debe corregir la tendencia que tiene nuestro espíritu a hacer el mínimo esfuerzo por analizar nuestras percepciones, lo que nos hace ciegos ante lo que no comprendemos inmediatamente. Un encuentro puede ofrecer la ocasión de enriquecer la propia memoria con los recuerdos del extraño y con los de un mundo más vasto, lo que es una manera de liberar el espíritu de los límites de su memoria personal (o de su memoria nacional), y de su hábito de no admitir sino los hechos que reafirman sus propias creencias. Un encuentro puede revitalizar la imaginación y alentarla a arriesgarse a descubrir vínculos entre hechos que hasta ahora parecían no tener ninguna relación entre sí. La hospitalidad puede convertirse, así, en un ejercicio intelectual, lo mismo que en una experiencia afectiva y ayudar a resolver los problemas al ampliar la elección de elementos que pueden aportar una solución. Esta marcha es comparable, en el ámbito social, a lo que los científicos buscan obtener con sus experiencias cuando reúnen las perspectivas de diferentes disciplinas.
La comida era en otro tiempo la principal ceremonia durante la cual la hospitalidad era ofrecida y compartida, un acto casi religioso que podía crear un vínculo duradero, incluso hereditario, como lo señalaba Homero, entre los comensales. Pero hoy día una comida induce frecuentemente a más cosas; puede ser una introducción a sabores nuevos, un preliminar al descubrimiento de placeres desconocidos. Comprender cómo el gusto en materia de alimentación es modificado por el pasado permite comprender cómo otros países con gusto pueden también transformarse. La hospitalidad podría así servir de principio pedagógico.
Sin embargo, a lo largo de la mayor parte de la historia, los poderes que controlan la educación han buscado hacer énfasis en las diferencias que existen entre las naciones, y volver a los individuos orgullosos de una muestra restringida de las características propias de sus culturas. Cuando De Gaulle y Adenauer se lanzan a una política común destinada a eliminar las antiguas fricciones entre Francia y Alemania, inauguran un nuevo periodo en materia de hospitalidad internacional, pero la concepción estereotipada de diferencias nacionales no ha desaparecido por ello: ninguno de los dos países ha tomado sino muy poco del otro, y apenas si se muestra hospitalario para con la civilización de su vecino. Aunque descubren una herencia común, los europeos no están libres del peligro de mostrarse cerrados frente a otras civilizaciones. La esencia de la hospitalidad consiste en rechazar la idea de que existen fronteras infranqueables.
Probablemente los intercambios comerciales han ejercido mayor influencia sobre la hospitalidad que sobre la política, porque la finalidad del comercio es la de fortalecer el consumo de nuevos productos y, consecuentemente, la receptividad ante nuevas posibilidades. Los comerciantes y hombres de negocios han sido siempre intermediarios, interesados en el plan profesional para ampliar horizontes; especializados en el arte de alimentar múltiples juramentos de fidelidad, pero igualmente buscan la ganancia al alentar a los consumidores a adquirir los productos que les son familiares. El acrecentamiento de la prosperidad ofrece oportunidades de ampliar la apertura hacia lo otro, no obstante, sin garantizarlo.
Para desarrollar una verdadera apertura del espíe rito es necesario adoptar una nueva concepción de la identidad. Cuando las personas estiman poseer una identidad coherente y permanente, cuando creen en la introspección como medio de revelar su verdadera identidad, la comprensión de los otros deja de ser su primera prioridad. En cambio, cuando se consideran compuestas de un gran número de fragmentos —a la manera en que los cuerpos están constituidos de moléculas—, cuando consideran que sus actitudes surgen de numerosas y diversas fuentes, cuando aceptan el hecho de poseer una personalidad de múltiples facetas que reviste un aspecto diferente según las situaciones, pueden entonces reconocer la hospitalidad como el arte que les permite aprender a partir de la experiencia.
Uno de los mayores obstáculos que la hospitalidad debe sortear es el de la incompetencia para sostener una conversación, lo que limita la comunicación entre los sexos y entre las clases, entre el tímido y el autoritario, incompetencia que se expresa en la preferencia por el monólogo, la falta de disposición para escuchar a los demás, el hecho de no soportar las interrupciones, el recurso a la jerga, la incapacidad de percibir que la información permanece cruda y sin sabor si no se la expone al fuego de la discusión y de la contradicción. La conversación es uno de los medios más importantes para crear la igualdad, y la hospitalidad requiere de un deseo de igualdad, no en el sentido de una igualdad comercial o matemáticamente, exacta, sino en el sentido de una igual dignidad de los seres humanos. Sin la compasión, la hospitalidad no es nada.
La hospitalidad supone necesariamente la curiosidad, cualidad común a todos los seres humanos pero que puede fácilmente perderse a causa de toda clase de inhibiciones históricas. No se trata simplemente de cualquier tipo de curiosidad, y menos de la curiosidad limitada o especializada en la cual los profesionales se refugian por temor de hacer el ridículo al abordar cuestiones que no dominan, sino de una .curiosidad universal, todavía más ambiciosa que la antigua "cultura general": Esta curiosidad exige optimismo, lo que no significa que todo sea a pedir de boca en el mejor de los mundos, sino un' encuentro con otra persona en que una idea puede producir resultados preciosos, lo mismo que resultados indeseables; esto significa que la imaginación no es impotente, que es posible aceptar la eventualidad del fracaso sin descartar la posibilidad de un semiéxito ocasional, y que es posible considerar la vida como una larga serie de experiencias.
—Theodore Zeldin
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Obtenido de “Diccionario de etica y de filosofía moral Tomo I. A-J“. pp.-747-749
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researchkraft19 · 4 years
Aluminum Wire Rod Market Growth by Global Key Players: Baotou Aluminum, Vedanta, Vimetco, UC RUSAL
The market study on the global market for Aluminum Wire Rod examines current and historical values and provides projections based on accumulated database. The report examines both key regional and domestic markets to provide a conclusive analysis about the developments in the Aluminum Wire Rod market over the forecast period.
Get Free Research Summary of the Report@ https://www.researchkraft.com/request-sample/960526
The Global Aluminum Wire Rod market report provides a systematic picture of the sector by way of study, synthesis, and summary of info originated from different sources. The experts have provided the various sides of the sector with a particular goal on identifying the major manipulators of the sector. The Global Aluminum Wire Rod market report correspondingly comprises a detailed market & vendor landscape aside from a SWOT analysis of the major players.
Global Aluminum Wire Rod Market Fragmentation as follows:
Fragmentation by Type Analysis
Fragmentation by Application Analysis
Conductors and Cables
Mechanical Applications
Fragmentation by Company Analysis
Baotou Aluminum, Vedanta, Vimetco, UC RUSAL, Southwire, Hongfan, Alro, Hydro, Southern Cable, Noranda Aluminum, Hindalco, OAPIL, Inotal, NALCO, Sterlite
Global Aluminum Wire Rod Market Regional analysis includes::
North America
Southeast Asia
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The Global interest for Aluminum Wire Rod Market is gauge to report solid improvement driven by utilization in major developing markets. Area astute government strategy, advertise condition, serious scene, present patterns in the market, mechanical development, up and coming advances and the specialized advancement in related industry are immensely significant elements affecting the development of the market. Since more development open doors are relied upon to come up between 2020 to 2027 contrasted with a couple of years prior, it implies the fast pace of progress and is protected to state that the Aluminum Wire Rod market improvement status and future pattern is required to be promising over the world.
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kraftresearch2019 · 4 years
Electric Wire Rods Market 2019 Upcoming Challenges, Opportunities and Forecast to 2024
Research on the 2019-2025 Global Electric Wire Rods market provides a basic overview of the industry including concepts, classifications, applications and the structure of the supply chain. Market analysis for the international markets is provided by Global Electric Wire Rods, including developments in growth, competitive landscape analysis, and key regions development status. Electric Wire Rods industry Policy and plans for development are discussed as well as processes for manufacturing and cost structures are also analyzed. The Electric Wire Rods also provides information on import/export use, supply and demand estimates, cost, price, revenue, and gross margins.
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The Electric Wire Rods report provides an in-depth analysis of different market players, their markets and services. It also helps to understand industry strategies such as alliances, agreements, mergers & acquisitions, and the introduction of new products introduced by key players in the Electric Wire Rods. To understand the factors leading to Electric Wire Rods market fluctuations, the study is a valuable source of information for investors, industry researchers, enterprise-level organizations, and business experts.
Global Electric Wire Rods market competition by top manufacturers, with production, price, revenue (value) and market share for each manufacturer; the TOP PLAYERS including;
Baotou Aluminum, Vedanta, Vimetco, UC RUSAL, Southwire, Hongfan, Alro, Hydro, Southern Cable, Noranda Aluminum, Hindalco, OAPIL, Inotal, NALCO, Sterlite
Breakdown Data by Type
Breakdown Data by Application
Conductors and Cables
Mechanical Applications
Global Electric Wire Rods Market Geographic Scope:
North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico) Europe (Germany, U.K., France, Italy, Russia, Spain, etc.) Asia-Pacific (China, India, Japan, Southeast Asia, etc.) South America (Brazil, Argentina, etc.) Middle East & Africa (South Africa, Saudi Arabia, etc.)
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The report on the market for Electric Wire Rods deeply analyzes important features in major developing markets. The Electric Wire Rods study involves the size of the market, the latest trends, drivers, risks, opportunities and main segments of the market. The research reveals market dynamics for the current market environment and future scenario over the forecast period in several geographic segments along with Electric Wire Rods market analysis. In addition to a SWOT analysis of key vendors, the Electric Wire Rods report also includes a comprehensive market and vendor landscape. It also talks about the size of the Electric Wire Rods market and the growth aspects of different segments.
The global Electric Wire Rods Industry provides an overview of recent growth factors in the global market. Recent innovations have created multiple growth opportunities for both prevailing firms and new market entrants, according to the report. Global Electric Wire Rods Market Research Reports provide market trends, competitive landscape, market analysis, cost structure, capacity, revenue, gross profit, distribution and forecast 2025.
Key Takeaways From This Report:
Discover Electric Wire Rods market potential by analyzing product design, end-use applications growth rates, cost, and size.
Understand the different dynamics that affect the market for Electric Wire Rods – business opportunities, key driving forces, and challenges.
To analyze the global key players, SWOT analysis, value, and global Electric Wire Rods market share for top players.
The Electric Wire Rods market report estimates the sales and distribution channels across key geographies to boost top-line revenues.
To evaluate each submarket strategically with regard to individual growth trend and Electric Wire Rods market contribution
Assess the supply-demand gaps, import-export figures, and the Electric Wire Rods industry's restrictive landscape for the world's leading countries.
To evaluate Electric Wire Rods industry trends such as extensions, deals, releases of new products and business acquisitions.
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Read More : https://pledgetimes.com/2019/12/02/electric-wire-rods-market-2019-size-trends-growth-and-forecast-analysis-report-to-2024/
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businesspr · 4 years
Aluminum Wire Rods Market 2019 -Industry Growth, Competitive Analysis, Opportunities, Revenue, Production, Future Prospects And Forecast 2025
Aluminum Wire Rods Market 2019 -Industry Growth, Competitive Analysis, Opportunities, Revenue, Production, Future Prospects And Forecast 2025
Market Research Report has developed new advance system known as Aluminum Wire Rodsmarket , which presents detailed information on the major competitors Vedanta, Baotou Aluminium, Vimetco, UC RUSAL, Southwire, Hongfan, Hongfan, Hydro, Southern Cable, Noranda Aluminum as well as development associations with a significant market value in terms of sales, size, share, demand, forecast, trends,…
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ashwinigongale-blog · 5 years
Global Aluminum Wire Rods Market Growth Opportunities, Industry Analysis, Geographic Segmentation and Competitive Landscape Report to 2024
Market.biz Data has launched a research report on the Aluminum Wire Rods Market that predicts future market trends and current market trends. It includes analytic data of the Aluminum Wire Rods Market about growth rate, size, market trends, profitability, manufacturers, applications, historical data, popular regions, etc. The valuable detailed research report created by the skilled industry experts, who are experienced in this research industry. This report on the Global Aluminum Wire Rods Market will be the epitome of the products we provide to the readers.
Global Aluminum Wire Rods Market report also sheds light on the evaluation of growth opportunities, challenges, market threats and constraining factors of the market. This report will help you to know each and every fact of the Global Aluminum Wire Rods Market without a need to refer any other research report or a data source. It studies regional as well as global market and emerging segments, and market dynamics also. Moreover, it offers insight into the competitive landscape, market driving factors, industrial environment, and the latest and upcoming technological advancements to determine the overall scenario of industry and move forward to form lucrative business strategies effortlessly.
Get Sample of Global Aluminum Wire Rods Market Research Report at: https://market.biz/report/global-aluminum-wire-rods-market-2017-mr/157261/#requestforsample
Competitive Landscape
Global Aluminum Wire Rods market report provides the comprehensive company profiles of a number of the significant market players, that will stay active in predestined decades, combined with product launches. Along with, Aluminum Wire Rods key developments, budgetary details, sale, and gross margin, company short-term and long-term approaches and SWOT analysis of those businesses. Thus, the Aluminum Wire Rods competitive landscape section elaborates on the present in addition to the futuristic potential of the leading international market players.
To be more specific, Leading players in the Global Aluminum Wire Rods Market Research Report are:
Baotou Aluminium
Southern Cable
Noranda Aluminum
Market Segmentation of Global Aluminum Wire Rods Market:
The report provides important evaluation of Aluminum Wire Rods market section from 2014 to 2018 and prediction from 2019 to 2024. The report has also segmented the Global Aluminum Wire Rods Market on the basis of a few categories to make it easier for people to grasp the whole data without much of efforts. For better understanding, the report provides Aluminum Wire Rods market segmentation depending on the types, end users as well as the leading regions.
The specific type of Aluminum Wire Rods Market includes:
Variety of applications of Aluminum Wire Rods Market:
Conductors and Cables
Mechanical Applications
Aluminum Wire Rods Market Segmentation: By Regional Segment:
North America
The Middle East & Africa
South America
Inquire for customization in Report @: https://market.biz/report/global-aluminum-wire-rods-market-2017-mr/157261/#inquiry
Quick Overview of the Global Aluminum Wire Rods Market
**The report offers a five-year forecast for the global Aluminum Wire Rods market in terms of CAGR between 2019 and 2024 also year-on-year (Y-o-Y) growth to comprehend the consistency of the market and to identify the Aluminum Wire Rods market openings.
**The Aluminum Wire Rods report offers concise and complete information on emerging market segments that will boost the decision-making process and feasibility of investment in Aluminum Wire Rods market.
**The study demonstrates an in-depth analysis of the recent market trends, key drivers and restraints although various growth factors which are expected to influence the global Aluminum Wire Rods market performance in the long run.
**The report profile the various contributors involved in the value chain of the global Aluminum Wire Rods market such as manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, and end users.
Get more details, Visit Here: http://reporte.us/global-aluminum-wire-rods-market-2018-2022-by-manufacturers-product-types-application-and-region/
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Global Aluminum Wire Rob Market Outlook (2018-23): Southwire, Vimetco, Vedanta, Hongfan and UC RUSAL
Global Aluminum Wire Rob Market Outlook (2018-23): Southwire, Vimetco, Vedanta, Hongfan and UC RUSAL
Global Aluminum Wire Rob Market 2018 presents a top to bottom, and expert analysis of the market likewise characterizes the present market inclines, estimate, development rate and order of the business based on Types, Application, Aluminum Wire Rob key players and critical areas. The Aluminum Wire Rob report outlines the worldwide market experiences that are key drivers for the development of the…
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ramshariraut · 3 years
"日本フッ化チタンカリウム市場はCAGR2021-2028で成長トップ企業に焦点を当てる<strong>By Market Players:</strong> SB Chemical Bangyou Chemical Products Jay Intermediates and Chemicals NOAH Technologies Corporation JINDEFU Mil-Spec Industries Corp. Shing Yuan Prime Chemicals FLUORO CHEMICALS Sinochem lantian Fujian Zhangping Zhanpeng Chemical Hongfan Holdings Ltd Changshu Xinzhuang Jixiang Auxiliary Changshu Xinhua chemical "
<strong>市場概況</strong> このレポートは、世界のフッ化チタンカリウム市場のSWOT分析を提供します。レポートには、アプリケーション別の消費予測、製品別の価格、収益、生産予測、地域別の消費予測、地域別の生産予測、および特定の期間の生産と収益の予測が記録されます。レポートに記載されている各企業は、価格、市場粗利益、収益、生産、提供市場、主な事業、製品仕様、アプリケーションと紹介、提供地域、生産現場などの重要な要素を考慮して、市場成長について評価されます。 フッ化チタンカリウム市場に関する調査は、投資家、事業主、業界の専門家、およびさまざまな人々に適用されます。レポートはまた、今後数年間でフッ化チタンカリウム市場を推進するさまざまな要因の鮮明な画像を作成します。レポートは、2021年から2028年までの市場規模、シェア、成長要因に関する統計と情報を提供します。また、企業概要、財務概要、およびSWOT分析とともに、業界に関与する重要な市場プレーヤーの役割を調べます。
<strong> <a href=https://www.statistifymarketresearch.com/reports/potassium-titanium-fluoride-market/sample-request-13<strong>By Market Players:</strong> SB Chemical Bangyou Chemical Products Jay Intermediates and Chemicals NOAH Technologies Corporation JINDEFU Mil-Spec Industries Corp. Shing Yuan Prime Chemicals FLUORO CHEMICALS Sinochem lantian Fujian Zhangping Zhanpeng Chemical Hongfan Holdings Ltd Changshu Xinzhuang Jixiang Auxiliary Changshu Xinhua chemical
41>Request For View Sample フッ化チタンカリウム Market Report </a></strong>
<strong>方法論</strong> 主要な調査アプローチでは、フッ化チタンカリウムレポートの最も正確な情報を入手するために、需要と供給の両方の側にインタビューが行われています。供給側からの主な情報源には、製品、オピニオンリーダー、研究機関、流通業者、ディーラー、トレーダーなどが含まれます。需要側には、ビジネスリーダー、マーケティングヘッド、テクノロジー、イノベーションエキスパートなどの業界専門家、サプライチェーンエグゼクティブ、エンドが含まれます。 -ユーザー、およびさまざまな著名な組織からのさまざまな相互に関連する主要な幹部、およびグローバル市場で活動しているフッ化チタンカリウム人。二次調査アプローチには、プレスリリース、年次報告書、政府機関、社宅部門、貿易経済などのさまざまな二次資料の使用が含まれます。このアプローチは、技術、市場志向、および商業向けの情報を識別および収集するために使用されます。市場の側面。この調査研究に含まれる市場に影響を与えるすべての潜在的な要因は、予備調査を通じて評価、精緻化、および調査され、定量的および定性的なデータを取得するために分析されます。
<strong>レポートの概要</strong> フッ化チタンカリウムに関するこのレポートでは、製品の傾向、マーケティング戦略、将来の製品、新しい地理的市場、将来のイベント、販売戦略、顧客の行動、または行動の観点から、より良い市場の見通しについて説明しています。レポートはまた、企業が需要の状態に応じて商品の生産を最大化または最小化するのに非常に役立つ情報、統計、事実、および数値を提供します。また、レポートは、市場またはヘルスケア業界のより重要な側面に焦点を当てています。 フッ化チタンカリウム市場文書に含まれるデータは、市場を支配したり、新しい新興ビジネスとして市場でマークを付けたりする場合に非常に必要になる可能性があります。
<strong>市場セグメンテーション</strong> 分析される主要なセグメントは、プログラム、エンドユーザー、および地域です。調査で示されたデータテーブルと関連する図は、レビューを把握しやすくします。適切な市場細分化により、調査ははるかに単純で詳細になります。この調査は、各セグメントの収益、収益、成長率、および市場シェアに基づいて、世界のフッ化チタンカリウム市場の詳細なセグメンテーションを提供します。この調査には、グローバル市場に関与する主要なプレーヤーの詳細な概要が含まれていますフッ化チタンカリウム。これらのプ��ーヤーは、強力な市場を実現するために、共同パートナーシップ、合併と買収、提携、スピンオフなど、さまざまな成長と開発の戦術を実装しています。位置。ライバルの主な運用戦略、過去の市場での成功、および製品とサービスのポートフォリオを検討して、競争力を達成するためのより良いビジネス戦略を組み立てることが重要です。
(By Application (Metal protection,Flame retardants,Catalyst for molds for dentures))
(By Type (0.<strong>By Market Players:</strong> SB Chemical Bangyou Chemical Products Jay Intermediates and Chemicals NOAH Technologies Corporation JINDEFU Mil-Spec Industries Corp. Shing Yuan Prime Chemicals FLUORO CHEMICALS Sinochem lantian Fujian Zhangping Zhanpeng Chemical Hongfan Holdings Ltd Changshu Xinzhuang Jixiang Auxiliary Changshu Xinhua chemical
<strong>上場企業:</strong> (<strong>By Market Players:</strong> SB Chemical Bangyou Chemical Products Jay Intermediates and Chemicals NOAH Technologies Corporation JINDEFU Mil-Spec Industries Corp. Shing Yuan Prime Chemicals FLUORO CHEMICALS Sinochem lantian Fujian Zhangping Zhanpeng Chemical Hongfan Holdings Ltd Changshu Xinzhuang Jixiang Auxiliary Changshu Xinhua chemical
<strong>このレポートを購入する理由:</strong> 市場の洞察に満ちた分析を得て、フッ化チタンカリウム市場とその商業的展望を包括的に理解すること。 レポートは、新しい機会を決定するために、2019年から2026年までの現在のフッ化チタンカリウムの市場動向、予測、および市場規模の定性的および定量的分析を提供します。 ポーターのファイブフォース分析は、利害関係者が戦略的なビジネス上の意思決定を行い、業界の競争のレベルを決定できるようにするためのバイヤーとサプライヤーの可能性を強調しています。 調査では、影響を与える最大の要因と主要な投資ポケットが強調されています。
<strong> <a href=https://www.statistifymarketresearch.com/checkout/?currency=USD&type=single_user_license&report_id=13<strong>By Market Players:</strong> SB Chemical Bangyou Chemical Products Jay Intermediates and Chemicals NOAH Technologies Corporation JINDEFU Mil-Spec Industries Corp. Shing Yuan Prime Chemicals FLUORO CHEMICALS Sinochem lantian Fujian Zhangping Zhanpeng Chemical Hongfan Holdings Ltd Changshu Xinzhuang Jixiang Auxiliary Changshu Xinhua chemical
41>Do Inquiry Before Purchasing フッ化チタンカリウム Market  Report</a></strong>
<strong>この調査は、次の重要な質問に対する回答を提供します</strong> フッ化チタンカリウム市場の成長への障壁として機能する可能性が高い主な脅威と課題は何ですか? 市場リーダーが成功と収益性を得るために信頼できる主な機会は何ですか? 2028年の市場規模と成長率はどうなるでしょうか。 世界のフッ化チタンカリウム市場を推進する主な要因は何ですか? フッ化チタンカリウム市場の成長に影響を与える主要な市場動向は何ですか?
<strong>地域分析</strong> 調査レポートは、世界のさまざまな地域での市場開発の可能性の指標として機能します。これらの地域には、北米、ヨーロッパ、ラテンアメリカ、アジア太平洋諸国、インド、中国、オーストラリアなどが含まれます。中国、インド、オーストラリア、インドネシアなどの国々、およびその他のアジア太平洋諸国では、大規模な開発活動が進行中です。これらの地域でのビジネスの成長に前向きな傾向をもたらします。市場の最上位の中央メンバーは、アジア太平洋地域の地域に位置しています。消費者のニーズに利益をもたらすプロジェクトに沿った関心の高まり、賃金の拡大、トレンドを設定するイノベーションは、おそらく市場を大幅に発展させるでしょう。市場調査レポートは、さまざまな業界の専門家や政策立案者によるさまざまな実践的なケーススタディに基づいて精査されています。
<strong>レポートのカスタマイズ:</strong> 私たちが提示するレポートは、組織化された方法での実証的研究記録に基づいて明確に定義されています。カスタマイズされたレポートは割引価格で提供されます。お客様のご要望に応じた調査レポートを提供するために、さまざまな調査アプローチと手法を使用しています。
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<strong>サービス:</strong> 1.クエリは36時間以内に解決されました。 2.クライアントは1年間レポート全体を取得します。 3.24時間年中無休のサービスを提供します。 4.業界レポートを更新しました。 5.あなたのサービスの専門家。
<strong> <a href=https://www.statistifymarketresearch.com/potassium-titanium-fluoride-market>Full Report Summary of フッ化チタンカリウム Market </a></strong>
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bookofjin · 7 years
Records of Lü Guang, Part 2
[From JS122]
Qiangui's cousin Kedan came in flight. Guang sent down a document saying:
Qiangui is a wolf cub with a wild heart, from beginning to end turning around and tipping over. We have just to the east purified Qin and Zhao, directing to inscribe at Kuaji. Why make an upright son a standing owl south of the Gan? [?] Moreover his brothers inside leave each other [?], can be the moment of opportune, most not exceed the present. Thus counsel centre and outside to admonish sternly, We undertake to personally punish.
Guang hence stayed at Changzui, and sent Lü Zuan leading Yang Gui, Dou Ji and others leading 30 000 infantry and cavalry to attack Jincheng. Qiangui lead a multitude of 20 000 to rescue it. Guang dispatched his generals Wang Bao and Xu Jiong leading 5 000 cavalry to intercept him. Qiangui was afraid, and did not advance.
Guang also dispatched his generals Liang Gong and Jinshi Sheng [?] to use 10 000 to set out beneath Yangwu Gorge. They and the Inspector of Qin province Meiyi Yu attacked to his east. Guang's younger brother, the Duke of Tianshui, Yan, used the multitudes of Fuhan to attack Lintao, Wushi and Heguan, capturing all of them. Lü Zuan overcame Jincheng, and captured Qiangui's Grand Warden of Jincheng, Wei Jian. Jian with glaring [?] eyes spoke to Guang, saying:
I would rather defend credentials with a cut off head than be a surrendered recreant.
Guang [saw his] righteousness and spared him. Qiangui because of that was greatly shaken, and with a weeping sigh said:
Among the dead seeking to live, proper to be today. [?]
He then let loose double agents, claiming that Qiangui's multitudes had dispersed, and that he had fled east to Chengji. Lü Yan trusted them, pulled out the host and advanced carelessly. Yan's Marshal, Geng Zhi, remonstrated, saying:
Qiangui is heroic and brave beyond ordinary people, his powerful plans are difficult to estimate. He routed Wang Guang and overcame Yang Ding, always with a weak host to thereby entice them. Although [his is] a petty and small state, it likewise is not possible to make light of it. A surrounded beast is likely to fight, furthermore is not Qiangui yet looking to the wind and scattering himself! Moreover to make announcements of observing the exalted and appearing to act, surely this is a a treacherous plan. Yet now if we are in proper sections and columns, then go forward, infantry and cavalry connected to each other, calmly waiting for the various armies to greatly assemble, then it is possible in a single stretch to wipe him out.
Yan did not follow. He and Qiangui met each other, he was defeated in battle and died there. Geng Zhi and General Jiang Xiang gathered and assembled the scattered soldiers and garrisoned at Fuhan. Guang returned to Guzang.
Guang was unconstrained and senile, and trusted slander. He killed the Master of Writing Juqu Luochou and the Grand Warden of Sanhe, Juqu Quzhou. Luochou's younger brother's son Mengxun rebelled against Guang, and killed the Army-Protector of Zhongtian [?], Ma Sui, attacked and captured Linsong commandery, and garrisoned the troops at Mount Jin. He greatly was a worry for the hundred families.
Mengxun's senior cousin Nancheng had earlier become General, defending Jincheng. He heard Mengxu had risen with troops, and absconded and fled to count on the recreants. He incited the various Yi, the multitude reaching several thousands, and advanced to attack Fulu and Jian'an. The General who Soothes the Rong, Zhao Ce, struck and defeated him. Nancheng withdrew to garrison Leguan.
Lü Zuan defeated Mengxun at Hu Valley. The Grand Warden of Jiuquan, Lei Cheng, led Generals Zhao Ce and Zhao Ling with more than 10 000 infantry and cavalry to punish Nancheng. They were defeated in battle and Cheng and Ce died there. Nancheng advanced to attack Jiankang, and advised the Grand Warden, Duan Ye, saying:
The Lü clan's government is in decline, powerful subjects monopolize instructions, laws and regulations have lost the middle ground, people are not capable of serving. In the land of single province, there are rebellions in connected cities, with a tendency to shattering the tiles, brightly being seen [?], the hundred families clamouring, without ancestral adherence. Office Lord, how can [you] consider covering the talents of the generation, and establish loyalty to a generation on a limb for destruction!
Nancheng and others already sing [your] great righteousness, and wis rather for the Office Lord to console and preside over the border province, making the remainder of smearing charcoal cover the kindness of coming habitually [?].
Ye did not follow. They grasped each other from two sides for 20 days, and yet outside help did not arrive. Gao Gui and Shi Hui and others, natives of the commandery, spoke to Ye, saying:
Now this orphaned city stands alone, the palace is not relieving or aiding. Office Lord, though [your] hearts exceeds Tian Dan, the city is not Jimo. We ought to consider lofty calculations, moving calamity to become a blessing.
Ye had earlier not been level with Guang's Palace Attendant Fang Gui and the Supervisor Wang Xiang. He worried about not facing himself [?], and therefore allowed it. Nancheng and others pushed forward Ye as Great Commander-in-Chief, Great General who Gallops like a Dragon, Shepherd of Liang province and Duke of Jiankang. Guang instructed Lü Zuan to punish Ye. Juqu Mengxun advanced to garrison Lintao and was expressing power for Ye. They fought at Heli, Zuan's host was greatly defeated.
Guang's Cavalier in Regular Attendance and Grand Master of Ceremonies, Guo Nun was enlightened in astronomy, and good at divining the sky. He spoke to Wang Xiang, saying:
In astronomy, the allocated field of Liang is about to have great troops. [Our] master and sovereign is old and ill, the Heir-Apparent is unassuming and unnoticed, Zuan others are lethal and martial, in a single morning it will not be hidden, there will surely be difficulties arising. Since us two persons for a long time have resided within the core, and regularly have not spoken good of them, [I] fear calamity will reach the persons. [We] deeply ought to be worried about it.
The King of Tianhu, Qiqiji's [?] section multitudes are exceedingly strong, of the people of the two parks, many are from his former multitudes. If we now with the righteousness of public song, push forward Ji as ruler, then the multitudes of the two parks exhaustively will be ours. After overcoming the city, we slowly further plot against him.
Xiang considered it doable. At night they burnt Guang's Hongfan Gate, the multitudes of the two parks all adhering to them, and Xiang making the interior obey. The affair got out, and Guang executed him. Nun thereupon took possession of the Eastern Park to accordingly rebel. Guang hurried to send a summons to Zuan. The various generals urged Zuan, saying:
When Ye hears the host has turned around, he will surely follow in the army's rear. Suppose the host  secretly return in the night, the masses will be without worries for the rear.
Zuan said:
Ye, though relying on the city to obstruct the masses, is without talent for manly plans. Suppose we return in the night, we will trap his treacherous aspirations.
He therefore dispatched envoys to inform Ye, saying:
Guo Nun is making chaos, I am now returnign to the capital. If Sir is able to decide, he can set out and fight.
And so he pulled out and returned. Ye did not dare to set out. Zuan's Marshal Yang Tong spoke to his senior cousin Huan, saying:
Guo Nun is enlightened and good in astronomy, raising troops he accepts possession accordingly [?]. Outside of the Imperial City, nothing again is possessed by the imperial court. Zuan now return to the capital, how can he again make repairs!
Tong requests to remove Zuan, direct troops to push forward elder brother as Master of the Covenant, to the west attack Lü Honh and, occupy Zhangye to thereby call out orders to the various commanderies, likewise a thousand years in a single season.
Huan angrily said:
I have heard in the affairs a lord's person of the subject and son [?],l there is neglect without the two. I [“We”?] originally had the model of Baoxu  being of help [?]. How can we calmly glorify in his emoluments, with chaos adding to his difficulties! Suppose the Lü lineage is defeated, I will be vast and spread out [?].
Tong was afraid. When they arrived at Fanhe, he thereupon fled to Guo Nun. Nun dispatched an army to meet Zuan at Baishi. Zuan was greatly defeated. Guang's Grand Warden of Xi'an, Shi Yuanliang, led 5 000 infantry and cavalry to hurry to the difficulties. He and Zuan struck Nun's army together and routed it. Thereupon they entered Guzang.
At Nun's rebellion, he obtained 8 of Guang's grandson in the Eastern Park. When his army was defeated, his anger was considerable, he altogether threw them on top of spear points and blades, their limbs cut off and their joints disjointed, drinking the blood to swear to the multitudes. The multitudes all shut their eyes, and could not bear to look at it. Nun leisured himself as such [?].
[Nun?] pushed forward the General of the Rear, Yang Gui as Master of the Covenant. Gui titled himself Great General, Shepherd of Liang province and Duke of Xiping. Lü Zuan struck Nun's general Wang Fei west of the city, greatly routing him. After this, Nun's power gradually declined. Guang bequeathed to Yang Gui a letter saying:
Since the Qiang and Hu are not peaceful, Guo Nun a rebellious traitor, the southern hinterlands are not calm, a voice asking to cut in two [?]. Hearsay from travellers, speak of Sir embracing pressuring the hundred families, and being the lips and teeth of Nun.
Sir is elegant, determined, loyal and virtuous, has the fidelity of Clerk Yu, perceiving and examining success and defeat, far reaching in the same way as the ancients. How could you listen to and accept treachery, thereby damaging the great beauty! The frost on the hill does not wither the pines and cypresses, the approaching difficulties do not move the lord's sons. Why plan for the pines and cypresses to wither in a little frost when the chickens cry already at the rain in the air!
Guo Nun is a shaman divining small numbers. At the time someone made a mistake in the middle, the great principles of the examinations, leading many with hollow errors. We are administering and reforming a solitary region, the marshes do not reach the distance [?], presenting the affairs of the generation in disorder and confusion, a hundred cities departing in rebellion. Uniting our strength as a single heart, together aiding the great sea, [We?] look for it from Sir [?].
Now the accumulate millet within the granaries are several billions. A single of the fighting soldiers of the eastern people undertake more than a hundred. If entering, he smiles soft and soothing, if setting out he martially strolls Liang province. He swallows Nun and chews Ye, unruffled having spare time remaining.
Although [We] and Sir appear even as lord and subject, in our hearts it goes beyond father and son. [We] desire to maintain Sir's fame and moderation, not sending to bequeath smiles about to come [?].
Gui did not reply, but led 20 000 infantry and cavalry to hurry north to Guo Nun. When he arrived at Guzang, he walled up to the north of the city. Gui, due to the abundance of soldiers and horses, discussed his desire to greatly decide success or defeat. Nun always used astronomy to discipline him. Lü Hong was pressured by Duan Ye, and Guang dispatched Lü Zuan to receive him. Gui planned with the multitudes, saying:
Lü Hong's spirited troops are 10 000. Suppose he and Guang combine, then the enemy will be strong and us weak. [If we] rearing the beast and do not punishing, it is about to be a later worry.
Thereupon he led the troops to intercept Zuan. Zuan struck and defeated him. Guo Nun heard Gui was defeated, and ran east to Wei'an, and thereupon fled to Qifu Qiangui. Yang Gui heard Nun had ran, and fled south to Lianchuan.
Guang was very ill, and established his son Shao as Heavenly King, titling himself Great Highest August Emperor. He used Lü Zuan as Grand Commandant and Lü Hong as Minister over the Masses. He spoke to Shao, saying:
My illness is only increasing, [I] fear it is about be not curable. Three robbers peep through the door, frequently waiting for the state to have cracks. I am finally considering [my] descendants, making Zuan command the Six Armies, Hong conducting court and government affairs. You respectfully do nothing yourself [?]. Delegate heavily to your two elder brothers, they will many time be of aid [?]. Suppose within you second guess each other, quarrelling rising in the solemn screen, then the alteration of Jin and Zhao dawn and evening will arrive.
He also spoke to Zuan and Hong, saying:
Yongye's talents are not in sweeping away chaos, it is just due to the principle of legal wife being commonplace, sundry residing at the inaugural head [?]. Now outside there are strong rebels, the people's hearts are not at ease. If you brothers are sewn up majestically, then bequeath it for ten thousand generations. Suppose within you plot against each other, then calamity will not turn on its heel.
Zuan and Hong wept and said:
We do not dare be disloyal.
Guang accordingly died in Emperor An's 3rd Year of Long'an [399 AD]. At the time he was 63 years old, and had been on the throne for 10 years. His bogus posthumous title was Laudable and Martial [yiwu] August Emperor, his temple title was Grand Founder [taizu], his tomb was titled Gaoling [“Lofty Mound”].
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