#Homeschool Curriculum 2023
icelynodette · 8 months
First Day Of Homeschool 2023 2024
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revlyncox · 8 months
Take Chances, Make Mistakes, Get Messy
Following the example of Miss Frizzle from the Magic School Bus, let's make the most of the Interim opportunity by embracing surprise, wonder, and discovery in the liturgical year that has just begun. This sermon was delivered to The Unitarian Society in East Brunswick on October 1, 2023, by the Rev. Lyn Cox.
September was a month of opening up, welcoming new experiences and new sensations and new friendships. We got a great start to the liturgical year here, and some exciting new ideas are brewing among us. I feel a spirit of hope and joy in the congregation, and I am glad to be partnering with you as we grow in that spirit. 
In my family, September is also when we started a new school year. We homeschool our eighth-grade twins. The subject I manage at home is science, and we are studying the physics of motion right now. We have a curriculum and an online community for the class and some video lectures from a teacher, and we also have lots of room to try things out on our own. Which is how we ended up climbing to the top of a ladder with a raw egg last week. Let me back up. 
One of the concepts in our lesson last week was inertia, the tendency of objects at rest to remain at rest, and of objects in motion to remain in motion in a straight line at a constant velocity, unless acted upon by an outside force. We also learned about gravity as a force, and how different objects with different masses tend to fall at the same rate unless there are factors like wind resistance at play. And so one of the lab assignments the teens had was to create a structure that would keep a raw egg from cracking when dropped from a height. The curriculum had very few rules other than that the egg must be a raw chicken egg and that we should submit photos or videos to the learning community by the following Sunday. 
I sent the teens on a scavenger hunt around the house to find suitable materials for an egg protection and descent unit. (In case you were worried, I got permission from the teens to mention them in this sermon.) There was cackling and running, and very soon the kitchen table was full of potential engineering assets. It was kind of a mess, but a temporary mess. I had this idea that we were going to have an orderly design process and they would sketch their ideas on paper and create a whole plan before moving ahead. That is not what happened, and what did happen was a better way to start the year. 
The two of them brainstormed together and came up with a concept, then divided the labor so that one student worked on the restraint system and the other student worked on creating air resistance. I supplied a box of round objects like ping-pong balls and bouncy balls so that we could have a few trials with crash test dummies. 
In the first trial, they surrounded the crash test subject with cotton balls, plastic wrap, duct tape, and a sandwich bag, placed that in a plastic container full of water, and taped packing material to the sides and bottom of the box. They taped one corner of a pillowcase to the top of the box as a kind of kite tail. Test subject one landed with a loud thump that suggested the box was heavier than they expected, and they did not achieve the air resistance they had hoped for. 
In the second trial, they replaced the water in the container surrounding the padded non-egg test subject with poly-fill from the craft closet, the kind of filling I would normally put inside stuffed animals. The pillowcase was attached on two edges to try to create more of a cape effect. This time, the thump was less loud, but still pretty thumpy, and the apparatus landed upside-down. 
The student working on wind resistance tried a few more ideas using a different container. The final design was a parachute attached to strings at each of the four corners, each string duct-taped to a corner of the box containing the egg. The student working on the restraint system added even more padding, especially to the top of the box. Then we were ready for the live trial with a real, raw chicken egg from the fridge. The parachute deployed, the box landed with an audible but cushioned thump, and the egg was extracted from the apparatus unharmed. Then I made celebratory omelets for lunch. 
We learned about trying different things and making improvements each time. We learned that wind resistance makes a difference on something that’s being pulled by gravity. And we caught some of the wonder and excitement that is possible in science and engineering. It was a good day. 
One of my science education role models is Ms. Frizzle from the book and TV series of the 1990’s, The Magic School Bus. The books were written by Joanna Cole and Bruce Degan, and the animated Ms. Valerie Frizzle was voiced by Lily Tomlin. There was also a reboot on Netflix from 2018-2020 with Valerie’s sister, Fiona Frizzle, voiced by Kate McKinnon, becoming the new teacher. If you don’t know about The Magic School Bus, ask your nearest children’s librarian. 
In every book or episode, the students in Ms. Frizzle’s class complete research projects about something like magnetism, the solar system, dinosaurs, or the human digestive system. When the students run into a question they can’t answer, Ms. Frizzle proposes a surprise field trip. “To the bus! Seatbelts, everyone!” The bus mysteriously becomes big or small, or travels through time or outer space, or withstands the conditions of a volcano or a waterfall so that the students are able to make observations and answer their scientific questions. Ms. Frizzle always says, “Take chances! Make mistakes! Get messy!” These three instructions are key for the ability of the class to learn new things and to have fun while learning. 
Take chances. Make mistakes. Get messy. You will hear me say these three things again, because they also speak to a congregation’s opportunities during the Interim Ministry period. 
In our engineering experiment, we took a chance with an egg. We actually had plenty of eggs in the fridge, so losing one was fairly low-stakes. But the thing that was harder to risk was failure. Sometimes people make mistakes (we’ll cover that in a minute), and sometimes things just don’t work out. Trying new things always risks the theoretical ideal of what could be so that we can live into the complexity of what actually happens. Starting off our school year with an experience with an iterative process really helped open us up to the awe and wonder of science. We could try different things because there would be lots of tries. 
We take chances. Not everything turns out the way we hope. Our inability to control the universe does not mean we are bad or lazy or incomplete. Living life to the fullest, learning and growing, requires a certain degree of risk. 
In spiritual community, especially during the golden opportunity of an Interim year, we take chances together. We experiment with new ways of understanding the world, with different spiritual practices, and ways of doing church. Right now, as I speak, we are experimenting with a hybrid ministry that makes it possible for us to work together and gives us a training ground for hearing a broader diversity of voices in the pulpit in the future. We can take the risk of letting go of things that do not serve the mission of the congregation. We may take chances with different ways of sharing leadership, or new traditions. We take the risk of speaking the truth with love. Take chances. 
Make mistakes. Ms. Frizzle reminds us that the scientific method involves making a hypothesis and testing it. If we guess right every time, science doesn’t advance as quickly. We have to be willing to be wrong sometimes, and to admit we were wrong so that we can get to the juicy, exciting part of the learning process. We are human beings and we are fallible. 
Perfectionism is a poison that gets in the way of relationships, innovation, and the health of our bodies and souls. Perfectionism is one of the traps that leads to defensiveness and gets in the way of our journey toward an anti-racist, beloved community. Our tendency as humans to make mistakes does not and should not cut us off from community or from the traditions of spiritual growth or from the disciplines of science and craftsmanship. Humans are welcome in community, broken and whole, flawed and fabulous. 
Getting better at anything, from engineering to teaching to cooking omelets to being human, means we have to start out not being very good at it. Fail spectacularly. Fail with gusto. Fail better, and keep learning. 
In teaching science to middle schoolers, there are times when precision is important and times when it isn’t. When we get to chemistry at the end of the semester, precision will be more important. I thought careful planning and lab reports were the correct way to start, but the curriculum designer knew that generating and harnessing excitement is the right way to start. We start getting into lab reports and data sheets in the second week, after the students have already gotten excited by the science. I was wrong and I had to take a minute to adjust to that realization. When I remembered that it’s OK to make mistakes, I was able to celebrate the learning process and get caught up in the excitement rather than dwell on my miscalculation. Make mistakes. 
Get messy! Science education can lead to all kinds of messes, from vinegar and baking soda reactions to rock collections discovered in odd places around the house to close observations of living things. I have to admit that I was a little overwhelmed when I saw all of the potential engineering materials spread out on the kitchen table. The mess was part of the process.
Mess can mean different things to different people. For some of us, mess is about a loss of the illusion of control. Most of us aren’t as in control as we think we are, and so perhaps mess can sometimes be a teacher. Letting go of the illusion of control can help us to open ourselves up to collaboration and learning. Getting messy can lift our senses to discovery. In the story, “A List” (from Frog and Toad Together by Arnold Lobel), Toad has a hard time letting go of control of his day when the list blows away. We can all hope for a friend or a partner like Frog, who will stick with us and help us to find our way back to inner peace at the end of the day. Maybe sometimes we can be that friend. 
For some of us, mess is stressful if we worry about what other people will think. If those other people have power over our employment or housing or health care, that is scary. If we are going to create communities and learning experiences following the wisdom of Ms. Frizzle, we also need to create safe places for people to be human, including secure housing and other human rights. Within our communities of love and care like congregations, part of our spiritual work is to be compassionate toward ourselves and each other for a little bit of the mess of trying new things. 
For some of us, mess feels threatening if we feel isolated and responsible for cleaning it up. When we can count on each other to keep each other safe and healthy, to restore things to the places where people who need them can get them, getting temporarily messy is more fun. And if you have ever reorganized a closet, you know that we have to get temporarily messy in order to get to the part where we have everything in the place where we want it. 
In the middle of the lively jumble of being in community, let’s pay more attention to what we are doing together than on looking neat and pristine or on creating the illusion of having everything together. In a spiritual community, we get messy by being vulnerable and by accepting the range of wisdom and experience and emotion that our companions bring into the circle. An inclusive community welcomes all people, but not all behaviors. Figuring out how to be together, setting boundaries to help the congregation to be a place of courage and growth, is not easy. This is the art of covenant. Communities where people are authentic are complicated and difficult and heartbreaking and annoying and surprisingly joyful. Get messy.   
Let us give thanks. Let us remember the risks and acknowledge the losses, yet let us focus on gratitude and abundance. Fail better, and increase tries. Let us celebrate the skills within us and among us, and let us commit to the love and artistry of living in community. As we bring in the first fruits of this new congregational year together, let us commit to a path of spiritual growth, lifelong learning, diverse and welcoming community, justice, and compassion. To stay on that path, let us take chances, make mistakes, and get messy. 
So be it. Blessed Be. Amen.
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February 23, 2023, 8:52AM
Neo-Nazi Homeschoolers Defend Their ‘Wholesome’ Pro-Hitler Network | David Gilbert, VICE News
“Predictably, they also blamed “antifa” for negative coverage of their pro-Hitler homeschooling network”
The Ohio couple at the center of the Nazi homeschooling scandal have spoken publicly about their online community of Hitler-loving parents and have defended their actions as “just extra fun” and “so wholesome.”
Predictably, they have also blamed “antifa” for negative coverage of their pro-Hitler homeschooling network.
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“Katja and Logan Lawrence were unmasked last month as the couple running the Dissident Homeschool network from their home in Upper Sandusky, Ohio, in reports from VICE News and HuffPost, which were based on a report from the anti-fascist research group known as the Anonymous Comrades Collective.
Starting in late 2021, the couple ran a now-deleted Telegram channel with over 2,500 members, and shared their own classroom resources, weaving Hitler quotes, antisemitic themes, and white supremacist ideologies into their math lessons and homework assignments.
In their first public comments since they were unmasked, the Lawrences staunchly defended their actions.
“The chat was so wholesome,” Katja Lawrence told the Nazi-promoting website Justice Report in an interview published on Monday. “It was mostly homeschooling moms that were lifting each other up when things got difficult.”
In reality the content shared in the channel was deeply racist, including a lesson plan to mark the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Junior…that described the assassinated civil rights leader as a “deceitful, dishonest, riot-inciting negro.”
The Lawrences blasted the mainstream media for “cherry-picking” the neo-Nazi aspects of their lesson plans, claiming that these were “just fun extras” they added to the regular curriculum they taught their four young children.
“We were deliberately made to look very unappealing,” Katja Lawrence said.
It is unsurprising that the Lawrences decided to give their first interview to Justice Report, given it is linked to the National Justice Party, a white supremacist group that was a member of the Dissident Homeschool channel. Katja Lawrence also encouraged her members to join their local “pool party,” which is the name the NJP gives to its real world meet ups for neo-Nazis.
The Lawrences told Justice Report that they were concerned about potential attacks against them and their children based on posts made by “antifa” accounts on social media. But the Lawrences also confirmed that “no one had approached them or made any actionable threats in person.”
The revelations about the Nazi homeschooling group led to a review by the Ohio Department of Education. However, the state found that the Lawrences were doing nothing illegal, and indicated there was nothing the department could do about it.
In the interview with Justice Report, Logan Lawrence said the reason he and his wife decided to homeschool their children, after her eldest child had spent four years in public school, was because ​​”the system is very anti-White and we just wanted a positive image for our kids.”
But last year, Katja Lawrence told a neo-Nazi podcast that the reason she started the group was because she was “having a rough time finding Nazi-approved school material for [her] homeschool children.”
In their interview with Justice Report, the couple also criticized the public school system and made some wild allegations about their local schools.
“Our middle school has reportedly had incidents of kids having sex inside the hallways,” Katja Lawrence said. “Middle school! While I want my kids to be able to make their own choices, I want to shield them from certain things. I want my kids to grow up to be straight, married, and Christian.”
She also claimed a student in one of her daughter’s classes threw a chair at a teacher.
VICE News asked the superintendent of the Upper Sandusky Exempted Village Schools district for comment on these allegations but did not receive a response before publication.
While the Justice Report interview has not been shared widely, there has been an effort to promote it in the largest Upper Sandusky Facebook group, according to two people familiar with the matter. Someone attempted to publish a link to the article on Wednesday, but administrators of the group have been debating whether or not to publish it. At the time of publication, the link had not appeared in the group.
Following the revelations, the Lawrences were kicked out of a number of local homeschool groups on Facebook, but believed they would be welcomed at the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA). The HSLDA is the nation’s most influential homeschooling organization and has in the past promoted spanking, while opposing contraception, abortion, and same-sex marriage..
Unfortunately for the Lawrences, their brand of white supremacist homeschooling was not welcome at the HSLDA and their membership was rejected, according to a letter the couple shared with Justice Report.
Yet the Lawrences remain undeterred; they told the Justice Report their resolve to raise their children in a pro-Nazi environment is stronger than ever.
“I am deeply committed to giving my kids a positive, pro-White education,” Katja Lawrence said.”
An interesting ending to this, walking away deemed innocent potentially creating more havoc in their wake.
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hoe9for9kpop · 5 months
The Surge of Homeschooling: Discovering the Conveniences and Obstacles
Introduction: In the last few years, homeschooling has actually experienced a significant surge in popularity as an alternative to typical education. Extra and extra moms and dads are selecting to take their children's education and learning right into their own hands, choosing a more personalized and adaptable method. This article intends to dive right into the world of homeschooling, discussing its benefits and difficulties, and clarifying why it has actually ended up being a sensible option for families worldwide.The Conveniences of
HomeschoolingOne of the primary reasons parents pick homeschooling is the capability to customize their kid's education. Homeschooling enables for a personalized curriculum customized to the student's specific demands and passions. This versatility allows pupils to find out at their own pace, which can lead to a much deeper understanding and a love for understanding. Furthermore, homeschooling offers a safe and nurturing environment, devoid of peer pressure and bullying, allowing children to concentrate on their research studies and individual growth.Another considerable benefit of homeschooling is the capability to promote solid household bonds. With moms and dads as the key teachers, there is a chance for enhanced parent-child communication, constructing a stronger feeling of depend on and link. Homeschooling additionally permits households to invest more time with each other, producing an encouraging and enhancing finding out environment. In addition, homeschoolers have the liberty to explore numerous instructional sources past books, such as sightseeing tour, area involvement, and online programs, providing a versatile education experience.The Obstacles of HomeschoolingWhile homeschooling supplies countless advantages, it is not without its challenges. Among the key concerns is the absence of socialization chances. Traditional institutions provide a structured atmosphere for children to engage with peers, establish social abilities, and build enduring relationships. Homeschooling family members must actively choose social activities and teams to ensure their children have normal possibilities to interact socially, team up, and establish vital social skills.Another obstacle is the duty that falls on moms and dads as educators. Homeschooling requires a substantial commitment of time, initiative, and resources from parents who should handle the responsibility of producing lesson strategies, educating various topics, and assessing their child's progression. This can be specifically testing for moms and dads who are working or have several youngsters to homeschool. Additionally, moms and dads may run the gauntlet or uncertainty from pals, family, or the bigger neighborhood who examine the efficiency of homeschooling, including one more layer of pressure.Conclusion: Homeschooling has emerged as a viable educational alternative for many families
Read more here n level timetable 2023
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 7 months
476 of 2023
Latin words we still use [True or False]
Created by joybucket
You've taken a Latin class in school. You sometimes use the word "via." As a kid, you traveled to school via a school bus. 🚌 You know the meaning of the phrase "carpe diem." You've typed "etc." for "et cetera" at the end of a sentence. You've graduated magna cum laude. 👩‍🎓 You've worn a toga to school. Your home has an atrium. Just like Hannah Montana, you feel like you have an alter ego. [A person with an "alter ego" is someone who leads a double life.] You know what "a.m." and "p.m." stand for when telling time. ⏰ You've said, "Veni, vidi, vici!" You know the meaning of "veni, vidi, vici." You call your home a "villa." You've said "vice versa." You've had postpartum depression. You've received an IVF treatment. ["In vitro" is Latin.] When you were homeschooled, your parents used the Bob Jones curriculum. You've used the word "circa." You've recently played one of the "this versus that" games in the forums. You don't fit the status quo. You know the meaning of the word "verbatim." You know the meaning of the word "alias." You've written "P.S." for "post scriptum" at the end of a letter, to say something else you forgot to say prior. You know what "per capita" means. Your country's currency says "E pluribus unum" on it. 💵 You know the meaning of the word "alibi." You have a lot of items on your agenda for today. You've already crossed off at least a few items from your agenda today. You've often felt like you were given the bare minimum you needed in order to survive. You've worked a minimum-wage job. You've worked a job that paid less than minimum wage. Whatever the maximum amount of pain a human being can endure is, you've lived past it. You know the meaning of the word "ultimatum." You know the meaning of the word "veto." You own a travel visa. You enjoy watching short video clips on your phone. You know the meaning of the word "consensus." You have a major crush on someone right now. You had a major crush on a celebrity when you were younger. You've used the word "ergo." You've used the phrase "per se." You've used the abbreviation "i.e." for "id est", which means "that is" or "in other words." You think it's cool that "AD" stands for "anno domini," which means "the year of our Lord." You've typed "[Sic]" on a research paper. You've used "et al." for "et alii" which means "others, and coworkers."
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sunnyisboring · 8 months
The Benefits of Homeschooling: Empowering Education And Learning and Personalized Discovering
Homeschooling has become a progressively preferred alternative to traditional education, providing households an one-of-a-kind method to education and learning. With the rise of innovation, the ability to homeschool has ended up being much more obtainable, making it an attractive option for parents seeking a more personalized as well as adaptable understanding experience for their children. Homeschooling enables a customized curriculum that caters to each kid's individual needs, passions, as well as finding out style. This customized approach advertises a deeper understanding of subjects, fosters a love for discovering, as well as inevitably empowers trainees to take ownership of their education.Paragraph 2: Among the
key advantages of homeschooling is the capability to develop a flexible routine. Unlike traditional education, homeschooling allows family members to structure their days in a manner that suits their way of living. This adaptability allows pupils to go after other passions and also activities beyond academics, such as sports, music, or offering. In addition, homeschooling provides an atmosphere totally free from disturbances and also unfavorable peer impacts, allowing trainees to concentrate on their researches and also develop a sense of self-discipline. This personalized attention and also helpful atmosphere usually cause boosted academic efficiency, increased confidence, and also a better feeling of individual development and also development.In final thought, homeschooling supplies many advantages that can substantially boost a kid's education and learning. From tailored discovering to a flexible routine, this different strategy equips pupils and permits a more all natural as well as customized educational experience. Whether it is the desire for an extra nurturing atmosphere, the demand for adaptability, or the purpose to offer an unique education, homeschooling has verified to be an effective and also meeting option for lots of families.
Read more here tuition rates singapore 2023
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femmetops · 8 months
The Benefits of Homeschooling: Encouraging Education as well as Personalized Understanding
Homeschooling has actually ended up being a significantly prominent choice to standard education, offering households a distinct approach to education and learning. With the increase of modern technology, the capability to homeschool has actually come to be extra available, making it an eye-catching alternative for moms and dads looking for a much more personalized and flexible learning experience for their kids. Homeschooling enables a tailored curriculum that satisfies each kid's specific demands, rate of interests, and also discovering design. This tailored approach advertises a deeper understanding of subjects, cultivates a love for discovering, and also eventually encourages students to take possession of their education.Paragraph 2: One of the
main benefits of homeschooling is the ability to produce a flexible timetable. Unlike conventional schooling, homeschooling enables families to structure their days in a manner that fits their lifestyle. This versatility enables trainees to go after various other passions and activities outside of academics, such as sports, music, or volunteering. Additionally, homeschooling gives an atmosphere devoid of distractions as well as unfavorable peer impacts, enabling trainees to focus on their studies as well as create a feeling of self-discipline. This personalized focus and also supportive ambience usually lead to enhanced academic efficiency, increased confidence, as well as a better sense of personal development as well as development.In verdict, homeschooling supplies countless benefits that can significantly enhance a kid's education and learning. From personalized discovering to a versatile schedule, this alternative technique empowers pupils as well as enables for an extra holistic as well as tailored instructional experience. Whether it is the need for an extra nurturing setting, the demand for versatility, or the goal to give a special education and learning, homeschooling has shown to be a reliable and also meeting selection for numerous families.
Read more here private tuition rates singapore 2023
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thxnews · 8 months
Unlocking Education: Affordable Textbooks and Resources
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Updated: 24th September 2023
The publishing industry is undergoing a significant transformation, driven by the rise of e-books and self-publishing. Traditional publishers are reevaluating their business models, but one sector that has remained relatively stable is the market for educational textbooks. Even so, changes are afoot as students increasingly turn to alternative sources of information. In this article, we will delve into the world of educational textbooks, exploring their purpose, audience, content, language, format, and price. We will also examine the benefits of educational textbooks in homeschooling, consider the pros and cons of used textbooks, and explore the option of renting textbooks. Finally, we will introduce the concept of open educational resources and their potential to revolutionize education.  
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Writer's Digest Book Shipment. Photo by Angela Shupe. Flickr.  
Purpose of Educational Textbooks
Educational textbooks are purpose-built tools for learning. Unlike novels or biographies, they are meticulously crafted to impart knowledge. Each chapter is structured for clarity and memorability, often accompanied by study aids like summary tables and practice questions, essential for exam preparation. Educational textbooks are indispensable for students aiming to excel in their studies.  
The Intended Audience
Authors of educational textbooks always have a specific audience in mind, primarily students seeking to grasp course material or prepare for standardized tests. These textbooks offer clear and concise explanations of complex subjects, often incorporating practice exercises to enhance understanding. While they can be valuable to anyone interested in a subject, they are designed with students in mind.  
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Structure of the Eye. Photo by OpenStax College. Wikimedia.  
Elevating Education Through Structured Content
The bedrock of effective education lies in structured learning, a hallmark of educational textbooks. These educational companions are meticulously crafted to transform intricate knowledge into accessible wisdom. At their core, educational textbooks employ a systematic approach to disseminating information, rendering even the most complex concepts comprehensible. Through this methodical organization, students are empowered to navigate the labyrinth of learning with confidence. Each chapter unfolds like a well-orchestrated symphony, building upon the foundation of previous knowledge. Such structured content paves the way for a seamless educational journey, empowering students to grasp the subtleties of the subject matter. Educators, too, find solace in the structured embrace of educational textbooks. These invaluable resources serve as compasses guiding the creation of lesson plans, ensuring that the curriculum is both comprehensive and coherent. Additionally, the content within these textbooks often aligns harmoniously with educational standards, providing a shared framework that benefits both students and teachers. In essence, educational textbooks transcend their role as mere vessels of information, becoming architects of structured learning that enriches the educational experience for all involved.  
Mastering the Art of Educational Language
Within the realm of educational textbooks, language is a carefully wielded tool, harmonizing the quest for comprehension with the desire for intellectual challenge. Unlike other literary works that may venture into the labyrinth of complexity or technical jargon, educational textbooks tread a different path. The language within these textbooks is meticulously crafted to prioritize clarity and accessibility. Every word is a stepping stone on the path to understanding. The goal is not just to convey information but to do so in a manner that resonates with learners of all levels. Yet, in the pursuit of simplicity, these textbooks do not sacrifice the crucial element of challenge. They walk a fine line, ensuring that readers are not merely passive recipients of knowledge but active participants in the learning journey. This balance between comprehensibility and challenge infuses the educational experience with vigor and motivation. In essence, the language of educational textbooks is a bridge that connects the realms of understanding and aspiration, forging a path where learners can acquire knowledge while remaining engaged and motivated.  
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Civil engineer views historic photographs of flooding in Napa. Flickr.  
Diverse Learning Formats
Educational textbooks are renowned for their versatility in facilitating comprehensive learning experiences through various formats. Among these, the inclusion of visual aids in the form of carefully curated illustrations and photographs stands out as an invaluable tool. These meticulously selected visuals serve as educational companions, meticulously designed to foster a deeper understanding of the subject matter. By providing a visual dimension to the content, these aids not only enhance the learning process but also contribute significantly to rendering the material more captivating and relatable. Whether it's intricate diagrams illuminating scientific concepts or historical photographs breathing life into past events, these visual aids serve as beacons of comprehension, making the educational journey all the more enriching.  
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First day of Spring semester. Photo by Germanna Community College. Flickr.  
Navigating the Challenge of Textbook Pricing
The financial weight of educational textbooks casts a substantial shadow over students and their families. With price tags averaging between $80 and $200, these essential tools of learning place a formidable strain on budgets already stretched thin by tuition and additional expenses. The root causes of this financial burden are multifaceted. Publisher monopolies wield considerable influence, allowing them to maintain high prices without fear of competition. Furthermore, the relentless churn of new editions exacerbates the problem, compelling students to purchase costly replacements when older versions remain viable. Resolving this issue necessitates a collective effort. Potential solutions loom on the horizon, from bolstering government funding for educational institutions to mandating discounts on used editions. As we collectively navigate the complex terrain of textbook pricing, the quest for accessible and affordable education remains a shared aspiration.  
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Mother homeschooling her child. Photo by Natasha Hall. Unsplash.  
Unlocking the Potential of Educational Textbooks in Homeschooling
Homeschooling, a growing educational choice, holds within it the promise of tailored learning experiences and personalized guidance. At its core lies the profound ability to mold education according to a child's unique needs and interests. In this educational journey, educational textbooks emerge as steadfast pillars, providing structure and substance to the curriculum. One of the most compelling advantages of homeschooling is the liberty it affords to design a bespoke educational path. Educational textbooks form the cornerstone of this endeavor, offering a structured foundation upon which a child's knowledge is built. They act as the compass guiding both students and parents through the intricate landscape of learning. For parents who may not possess formal teaching experience, these textbooks serve as invaluable companions. They provide a roadmap, ensuring that their children receive a high-quality education that aligns precisely with their individual requirements. In essence, educational textbooks in homeschooling transcend their conventional role, becoming indispensable tools that unlock the full potential of tailored, home-based education.  
Used Educational Textbooks - Pros and Cons
Used educational textbooks offer substantial savings, particularly for students juggling multiple courses. However, they may exhibit wear and tear, including markings from previous owners or missing pages. Additionally, older editions might lack the latest updates. Students must weigh these factors carefully when considering used textbooks.  
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Open Textbooks sign in Fresno City College, USA. Photo by David Drexler. Flickr.  
Exploring the Pros and Cons of Textbook Rentals
Renting educational textbooks, a practice increasingly facilitated by platforms like Amazon, emerges as an economically sound strategy for students, offering significant financial savings, particularly over the course of a single semester. However, like any decision, it warrants a thorough examination of its merits and demerits. While affordability stands as a prime advantage, it is essential to conduct a meticulous evaluation of your academic needs. Assess whether the textbook is indispensable for the entire term or whether an older edition could adequately serve your purposes. This discerning scrutiny ensures that you make an informed choice that aligns with your educational objectives. Moreover, in the pursuit of thriftiness, students should exercise caution regarding potential damage fees incurred upon returning the rented textbook. Safeguarding the book's condition becomes imperative to avoid any unexpected financial burdens. In essence, the decision to rent educational textbooks is a prudent one, but it necessitates a balanced consideration of its pros and cons, making certain it aligns seamlessly with your educational journey.  
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Open Educational Resources. Photo by Ralf Appelt. Flickr.  
Unleashing the Power of Open Educational Resources
The world of education is experiencing a transformative shift driven by the proliferation of open educational resources (OERs). These resources, encompassing textbooks, lectures, and assignments, have transcended the confines of traditional classrooms, extending their reach to learners worldwide. At the heart of this revolution is the ethos of democratizing education. OERs are a beacon of accessibility, available freely online, transcending geographical boundaries and financial constraints. They usher in a new era of cost-effective learning alternatives, challenging the status quo of expensive traditional materials. Beyond affordability, OERs offer a dynamic and interactive approach to learning. They infuse life into the educational journey, fostering engagement and active participation. From multimedia-rich lectures to interactive assignments, OERs redefine the learning experience. Crucially, open educational resources are a formidable force in leveling the educational playing field. They empower students from diverse economic backgrounds to access high-quality educational materials without the burden of exorbitant costs. In essence, OERs signify a transformative paradigm shift, expanding the horizons of learning, and promising an era of accessible, engaging, and equitable education for all.  
In Conclusion: Shaping the Future of Education
The landscape of education is ever-changing, and as educators, you play a pivotal role in guiding your students through this dynamic journey. Educational textbooks have stood the test of time as invaluable resources, offering structured content, tailored language, and a solid foundation for learning. They remain reliable companions in the quest for effective teaching and knowledge dissemination. Structured learning, facilitated by educational textbooks, empowers students to navigate the complexities of various subjects with confidence. These textbooks are more than just sources of information; they are architects of structured learning experiences that enhance the educational journey. The language within these textbooks strikes a balance between comprehensibility and challenge, ensuring that learners of all levels remain engaged and motivated. It fosters a love for learning that is essential for lifelong education. While challenges such as textbook pricing persist, the collective effort to make education accessible and affordable continues. From exploring used textbooks to considering renting options and harnessing the transformative power of open educational resources, educators have the tools to navigate these challenges and provide the best learning experiences for their students. As you continue to shape the future of education, remember that adaptability and innovation are key. Embrace the evolving landscape of educational resources and technologies, and inspire the minds of tomorrow. Together, we can unlock the full potential of education, making it accessible, engaging, and equitable for all.   Sources: THX News & Educational Data Initiative. Read the full article
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thebowerstudio · 9 months
The Benefits and also Difficulties of Homeschooling: A Comprehensive Guide
Paragraph 1: Homeschooling has actually come to be an increasingly preferred educational choice for families around the globe. With the capability to customize education and learning to the special demands and interests of each youngster, homeschooling supplies an adaptable and tailored strategy to understanding. This blog site post aims to discover the benefits of homeschooling, highlighting the favorable effect it can have on a child's scholastic, social, and emotional development.One of the vital benefits
of homeschooling is the capability to tailor the educational program to fit the youngster's understanding style as well as pace. Unlike standard institutions, homeschooling enables for individualized instruction, allowing kids to dig much deeper into topics they are enthusiastic about or spend more time on challenging topics. Furthermore, homeschooling offers a risk-free as well as nurturing setting, without the diversions and unfavorable impacts that can be present in a traditional college setup. This fosters a favorable learning environment, where kids can prosper as well as reach their full potential.Paragraph 2: While homeschooling offers various advantages, it also features its own collection of difficulties
. One of the key problems for moms and dads considering homeschooling is making sure a well-rounded education and learning. Supplying a thorough educational program that covers all important topics can be demanding, particularly for moms and dads that may not have a history in education. Nevertheless, with the abundance of online resources, support networks, and educational program options available today, homeschooling parents can access a wealth of materials as well as guidance to produce a durable as well as all natural educational experience for their children.Another challenge that homeschooling families commonly face is the potential for isolation. Without the daily communications as well as socialization opportunities provided
by traditional institutions, homeschoolers need to be proactive in choosing social experiences for their youngsters. This can entail joining homeschooling co-ops, getting involved in neighborhood activities, or enrolling in extracurricular classes. By actively taking part in social activities, homeschooling households can ensure that their children develop strong social skills as well as maintain a healthy social life.In conclusion, homeschooling supplies countless benefits, consisting of customized guideline, a secure discovering setting, as well as the ability to tailor education and learning per kid's requirements. However, it is necessary to resolve
the difficulties homeschooling offers, such as creating a thorough curriculum and also providing opportunities for socializing. By comprehending and attending to these obstacles, homeschooling family members can create an enriching as well as satisfying instructional experience for their children.
Read more here tuition rates 2023
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The Benefits and Challenges of Homeschooling: A Comprehensive Overview
Paragraph 1: Homeschooling has actually become a significantly prominent academic option for family members worldwide. With the capacity to customize education to the distinct needs and also interests of each youngster, homeschooling offers a versatile as well as customized technique to discovering. This article aims to check out the benefits of homeschooling, highlighting the positive impact it can have on a child's scholastic, social, as well as emotional development.One of the essential benefits
of homeschooling is the ability to customize the curriculum to match the kid's learning style and also speed. Unlike standard schools, homeschooling permits for customized direction, making it possible for youngsters to dive deeper into topics they are passionate about or invest even more time on challenging topics. Furthermore, homeschooling provides a secure and also caring environment, devoid of the disturbances and unfavorable impacts that can be present in a conventional school setting. This cultivates a positive understanding ambience, where children can grow and also reach their complete potential.Paragraph 2: While homeschooling supplies many benefits, it also comes with its very own set of challenges
. Among the primary issues for parents thinking about homeschooling is making sure a well-rounded education and learning. Offering a detailed curriculum that covers all crucial topics can be demanding, specifically for moms and dads who may not have a background in education. Nonetheless, with the wealth of on-line resources, support networks, and curriculum options readily available today, homeschooling parents can access a wealth of materials as well as support to produce a robust and also all natural academic experience for their children.Another obstacle that homeschooling family members commonly face is the potential for isolation. Without the daily communications as well as socializing chances given
by typical colleges, homeschoolers need to be positive in choosing social experiences for their kids. This can involve signing up with homeschooling co-ops, joining area activities, or registering in extracurricular classes. By proactively involving in social tasks, homeschooling family members can guarantee that their kids develop solid social skills and also preserve a healthy social life.In final thought, homeschooling offers various benefits, consisting of customized direction, a secure learning setting, as well as the capability to tailor education and learning per kid's requirements. Nonetheless, it is crucial to address
the difficulties homeschooling presents, such as producing a comprehensive curriculum and also supplying chances for socializing. By understanding and also dealing with these difficulties, homeschooling families can create an enhancing and also meeting instructional experience for their kids.
Read more here private tuition rates singapore 2023
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icelynodette · 10 months
Abeka Homeschool Curriculum Books 2023 - 2024
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drlorigore-green · 9 months
Pros and Cons of Homeschooling
Pros and Cons of Homeschooling https://ift.tt/B7vRu1q Homeschooling has gained popularity recently, with more parents considering it for their children. While it offers distinct advantages, homeschooling also comes with its challenges.  Pros of Homeschooling: Personalized Learning One of the primary benefits of homeschooling is the ability to tailor the curriculum to your child’s specific learning style and pace. This personalized approach can lead to a deeper understanding of subjects and a love for learning.   Flexible Schedule Homeschooling allows families to create flexible schedules. This flexibility can accommodate travel, extracurricular activities, and a better work-life balance for parents.   Individualized Attention Children receive one-on-one attention from their parents or educators in a homeschooling setting. This focused interaction can help address learning challenges and nurture their strengths.   Safe Learning Environment Homeschooling provides a safe and controlled learning environment, reducing exposure to bullying, peer pressure, and other negative aspects of traditional schools.   Customized Curriculum Homeschooling enables parents to select curricula that align with their values, beliefs, and educational goals. This freedom allows for a more comprehensive and meaningful education.   Flexibility in Teaching Methods Parents can choose various teaching methods and materials to accommodate their child’s learning style. This adaptability can make learning more engaging and enjoyable.   Strong Family Bonds Homeschooling fosters strong family bonds through shared educational experiences. It provides opportunities for parents and children to bond and develop a deeper connection.   Enhanced Safety and Health Homeschooling can reduce exposure to health risks, such as contagious illnesses, and safety concerns associated with traditional schools. Cons of Homeschooling: Lack of Social Interaction Homeschooled children may have fewer opportunities for social interaction with peers. This can affect their social development and ability to navigate group dynamics.   Limited Extracurricular Activities Traditional schools often offer extracurricular activities like sports, clubs, and cultural events. Homeschooled children may have limited access to these opportunities.   Parental Commitment Homeschooling requires a significant time commitment from parents, which can be challenging for working parents or those with multiple children.   Potential Gaps in Education Inexperienced homeschooling parents may inadvertently overlook important subjects or teaching methods, resulting in gaps in their child’s education.   Lack of Accreditation Some colleges and universities may have specific admission requirements for homeschooled students, which can pose challenges for higher education.   Resource Costs Homeschooling can incur costs for educational materials, textbooks, and resources. It may also require one parent to stay home, impacting the family’s income.   Legal Requirements Homeschooling is subject to varying legal requirements depending on the state or country. Parents must navigate these regulations and meet educational standards.   Potential for Isolation Homeschooled children may experience feelings of isolation or a lack of exposure to diverse perspectives and backgrounds.   Homeschooling offers personalized learning, flexibility, and a safe environment, but it also poses challenges related to social interaction, parental commitment, and potential educational gaps. The decision to homeschool should consider your child’s needs, ability to provide a well-rounded education, and your family’s unique circumstances. Ultimately, homeschooling can be a rewarding experience when approached with dedication and a clear understanding of its pros and cons.   via Dr. Lori Gore-Green | Women's Health Professional https://ift.tt/Q2ebtcA September 06, 2023 at 03:34PM
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February 9, 2023, 9:58am
Ohio Department of Education Says It Won't Do Anything About Neo-Nazi Homeschoolers | David Gilbert, Vice News
In an email to VICE News, the Ohio Department of Education appears to have concluded their investigation into the neo-Nazi homeschool network and determined the group did nothing wrong in light of the state’s homeschool policies.
“After investigating the neo-Nazi homeschool network in Upper Sandusky, Ohio, the Ohio Department of Education appears to have concluded that the group is doing nothing wrong.
Logan and Katja Lawrence were unmasked last week as the operators of a neo-Nazi homeschool network with thousands of members, known as Dissident Homeschool on Telegram, by VICE News and the Huffington Post based on research from an anti-fascist research group called the Anonymous Comrades Collective.
The Lawrences openly advocate white supremacist ideologies with the aim of making the children they teach, they’ve said, “become wonderful Nazis.” Katja Lawrence said she initially started the group because she “was having a rough time finding Nazi-approved school material for [her] homeschool children,” and has shared lesson plans that include Hitler quotes, pictures of a cake she baked for Hitler’s birthday, and a recording of her children saying ”sieg heil” in unison.
Days after the news broke, the Ohio Department of Education said that it was investigating the Lawrences and the neo-Nazi homeschool network. Stephanie Siddens, the interim superintendent of public instruction at the Department of Education, told VICE News that she was “outraged and saddened” by the news, adding that “there is absolutely no place for hate-filled, divisive and hurtful instruction in Ohio’s schools, including our state’s home-schooling community.”
But, in a new statement to VICE News, the findings from the Department of Education’s investigation seem to have concluded that there is simply nothing the department can do, or would do, to sanction the Lawrences or anyone else doing something similar due to the state’s homeschool policies.
“While there are certain minimum requirements for home education, the Department of Education is not involved in the excusal of a particular student from attendance in order to participate in home education,” the department said in a summary of its findings shared with VICE News. “Moreover, the district superintendent’s review of home education is limited to ensuring that the minimum educational requirements are met and that the academic assessment report shows that a child is demonstrating reasonable proficiency.”
Eric Landversicht, the superintendent in Wyandot County, where the Lawrences live, did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the findings or whether the department spoke to him as part of their investigation.
Please send tips about the Lawrences or the neo-Nazi homeschool network to David Gilbert at [email protected]. For Signal, DM @Daithaigilbert on Twitter.
The department’s statement did not reference the Lawrences and the neo-Nazi homeschool network and instead focused on the home schooling regulations in the state. “Parents or guardians who decide to educate their children at home are responsible for choosing the curriculum and course of study,” the statement says. “They select the curriculum and educational materials and take responsibility for educating their children.”
A spokesperson for the department did not immediately respond to VICE News’ question about whether their investigation has not been closed.
The Upper Sandusky Police Department and the Wyandot Sheriff’s office both told VICE News that there are no investigations under way into the Lawrences or their homeschooling group.
There are currently over 51,000 homeschooled children in Ohio. While the state has some rules in place to try and ensure homeschooled children are receiving a proper education, those involved in Ohio’s homeschooling system say that oversight is minimal.
“The amount of oversight is just shocking to me because there's really no oversight, it's basically just a rubber stamp,” Megan, a mother who homeschools her child in Ohio, told VICE News. “Nobody really seems to know what anybody's doing because people like to have freedom and they just do what they want. Everything just seems to happen very fast.”
Megan, whose last name has been withheld due to safety concerns, also said that while other states require homeschool children to take part in standardized testing and meet in person with teachers to assess their child’s development, “Ohio has none of that.”
"You can just basically pick your curriculum, and the superintendent doesn't really have a lot of say,” Megan said.
Republicans in the Ohio Senate are pushing several pieces of legislation which would relax homeschool oversight even further. A bill sponsored by Republican lawmakers in Ohio would increase the amount of tax breaks that homeschool parents can receive annually from $250 to $2,000.
“If programs that perpetuate antisemitism, hatred, and bigotry are something the Ohio legislature and Ohio Department of Education unleashed when it allowed unfettered access to the structure of Ohio public education, then it must revisit those unwise decisions,” Rep. Marcy Kaptur told VICE News. “Hate should not be foisted on future generations or on Ohio’s communities. Ohio’s state government leaders must address this apparent failure of the system they created.”
Some lawmakers have also sought to downplay the significance of the revelations about the Nazi homeschool network, claiming it is an isolated situation.
“I hope we're long past the point in our society where we take the actions of one person or a small group of people and paint the entire group as though somehow they're participating in that,” Senate President Matt Huffman told News 5 Cleveland, speaking about homeschooling.
Other lawmakers are angry about the lack of guardrails for homeschooling in Ohio.
“I think we can all agree this is a broken system,” Democrat Rep. Casey Weinstein told VICE News in response to the Department of Education findings.
“Unless you support ridiculous conspiracy theories or if you want to make sure your child ‘becomes a wonderful Nazi,’ then it’s time to add some guardrails and transparency to how home schools are managed in Ohio,” Weinstein said. “These people are grooming children to be Nazis and we need to do something about it. Full stop.”
Huffman, who is trying to push a bill through the Ohio Senate that will further gut public school funding and redirect it towards private schools, attacked other lawmakers he claimed were trying to use the revelations to help themselves politically.
“I hope, frankly, that people will not try to take some political advantage or policy advantage... basically trying to decide that a couple of sociopaths somewhere in Ohio who are doing strange things that... somehow should affect the policy of the rest of the state is anathema to me," Huffman said.
But Democrats say that a change in the education system in Ohio needs to start by addressing the issues uncovered by the Nazi homeschool revelations in Upper Sandusky.
“Some Republicans in Ohio are in such a rush to turn our public education system upside down that they're missing the blind spots in other areas of education, like the lack of transparency when it comes to homeschooling that was exposed by the Neo-Nazi curriculum being taught and amplified in Upper Sandusky,” Rep. Jessica Miranda told VICE News.
The Dissident Homeschool group on Telegram operated by the Lawrences was deleted earlier this week. A new group with the same name was set up, but so far no content has been posted in the channel and it’s unclear if the Lawrences are involved.
The age old saying, “Take one website down, 10 will pop up in its place.” They may be using an entirely different platform now would be my guess. But the hate doesn’t go away until all learn AND all help each other learn current and/or past dangers, such as ideas like these.
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Three plus Three in 2023!
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Between 2022 and 2023, six MATEs (Master of Arts in Theatre Education) earned their degrees. They finished in the fall, spring, and summer sessions. The two pictured with me attended the Commencement ceremony in May. Of the six graduates, three completed their coursework and requirements completely online.
Below are descriptions of the final projects that the graduates within this group designed and submitted during the final semester of their studies.
Observing and Learning from Professional Actors as they teach High School Students. I will attend all sessions of the High School Drama Institute pertinent to my future work as a high school theatre teacher and program director. I will take detailed field notes on what I observe--teaching techniques or methods, class activities, program scheduling, management, games, activities, and any other resourceful information I would need to create a strong theatre program and be a quality teacher. I will then turn it all into a useful document or set of documents and photos and videos for my work. A portion of my work will aim towards creating a program or set of documents for college prep for homeschool students. 
Radio Drama with Middle School students. Utilizing knowledge learned from the Audio Drama course, I will be teaching one of my 6th Grade classes (24 students) from the Spanish Immersion program (where students are taught completely in Spanish in their Core classes, but not in their Creative Arts courses) at my Middle School about the history of Audio Drama, voice acting, sound effects, and script writing in order to help them create a new, original Radio Drama play that they will be able to record and gather/create effects for. By allowing students to write, record, and perform their radio drama, they can make an easily accessible art form that they will be able to share with their friends and family, eliminating several accessibility issues that may have prevented outside audiences from experiencing it before.
Voice & Choice… Not Just for Characters: Student Agency in the Blended Theatre Classroom. This high school class meets face to face for one hour each week and the remainder of class time/classwork is completed asynchronously online by students independently. I will explore how I can personalize the classroom experience for students so all students feel that they not only master learning outcomes, but also meet personal learning goals. Building student agency is something I am passionate about and hope to focus on and increase through this study. In my years of teaching, I have noticed how students will both grow and shrink in their engagement, creativity and outcomes depending on an assignment, project, or performance. I will restructure the sequence of activities, considering how to give students choice in how they share their growth and learning, exploring student goal setting, working on better incorporating National Arts Standards, and more. In the final presentation of the study, I will include a comparison of the original plan and the new plan I have worked on. The goal here goes beyond “good teaching.” The goal is to build a theatre curriculum where any student feels they have ownership of their learning and enjoys the process. This project will allow me to explore best practices not just for theatre education, but also online and blended delivery of any curriculum.
Develop two guidebooks for a middle school extracurricular Drama Club. In my district, drama club is a separate activity from the spring musical. It has been run as more of a class/workshop on a weekly basis over a period of ten weeks. It is a place for students to learn about the basics of acting and become more comfortable on the stage, but there is no specific plan or curriculum for this. I would like for the activity to have more consistency, as well as an overarching goal for the students to meet. The guidebooks would be something that I could use, but also something that anyone else who may lead the activity in the future could use as a major resource. I will develop one guidebook for seventh grade and one for eighth grade, both to provide a plan on how to instruct this ten-week activity. Activities for seventh grade will be more introductory, while eighth grade will be slightly more advanced. Although the eighth-grade group will primarily consist of students from the previous year, there will still be a need for repetition of some activities (particularly in the early sessions) from the previous year as there are usually several students who are new to the group. Each guidebook will include a course timeline, appendix of instructional resources (books, videos, and websites), warmups and icebreakers, activities that pertain to the weekly goal, instructional methods for the activity, simple assessment tools, and extensions to the activity.
Musical Theatre Dance. Dancers are often told that the only path they have as a dancer is to join a professional ballet company. However, there are many different opportunities for professional dancers and musical theater offers one such path. I will be working with accomplished student dancers of varying ages (11-17) who attend a school of ballet. This project allows me to “create” my own curriculum, lesson plans, and materials that can be used to help other teachers with their own lessons. I will be dissecting the approaches and styles of well-known musical theatre choreographers like Bob Fosse, Jerome Robbins, Jerry Mitchell, and Andy Blakenbuehler. I plan to teach the students about eras within musical theater—the productions, choreographers, and the dances that made these musicals famous. I will then teach them sections of the actual choreography used within a production number and video their work.
Drama Literacy. As an educator who did not complete a traditional theatre educator track, I want to expand my literary knowledge by reading and completing a one-page template for 30 different plays. The titles of these works span from classics to recent Pulitzer Prize winners and range from well-known to almost obscure. The list includes a variety of genres, including histories, dramas, comedies, mysteries, and more. Several works are written by/about marginalized people, as these will be relatable to my students. My project will fill a major gap in my own (theatre) education, thus benefiting my students and hopefully, through sharing, other directors and their students as well. There is never enough time to read all the plays we want to, so creating these one-pagers will offer a quick look at 30 plays, providing pertinent information for both production and classroom use. Each 1-page template will include: Title and Playwright Rights Company/Link to page Length/Run time Casting Info Plot Summary Genre & Theme(s) and potential issues Reference to important/student-friendly monologues and scenes Links to any found resources for the play, including production guides, videos, articles, and/or notable production photos
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kidactivitiesalexa · 10 months
1 Year Old Homeschool Curriculum: Nurturing Early Development and Learning
Kid Activities With Alexa offers educational quizzes and trivia games to help kids learn new facts and expand their knowledge in a fun and interactive way. With us, learning and entertainment go hand in hand for children of all ages.  
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automatismoateo · 1 year
Seeing my little sisters being raised the same way I was is a bit sad. via /r/atheism
Seeing my little sisters being raised the same way I was is a bit sad.
My dad is a young earth creationist, and when I was little then he taught me a weird "cultish mindset" to deliberately ignore scientists and “evolutionists”. He showed me all of Hovind's seminars and I was taught creationism in school. We are all homeschooled now, and so no outside influence can help my little sisters (9, 8 and 6) at all.
My dad has put together a history curriculum, if you could call it that, for me and my sisters. They are being taught the basic bible stories, with a lot of creationism injected into it. The "history" book that my dad put together for me is more anti science than theirs, literally the first part was "debunking" any other humans and transitional species that were found.
Of course my sister's books aren't as anti-science as mine since it's a bit complicated for them, but it's the kind of thing that will be taught to them and I can't really do anything about it. I don't want to tell my dad that I am an atheist because I know that he will get very defensive and try to guilt trip me and be weird about it. Basically any possibility of creationism being wrong is not considered and not tolerated. I just hope that my sisters grow up to be smarter than to believe in creationism and stuff like that.
Submitted May 07, 2023 at 04:19PM by LesbeanWolf (From Reddit https://ift.tt/2VUSanG)
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