#Homeopathic hair fall treatment for man
homoeoamigo01 · 1 month
Revolutionizing Hair Fall Treatment with Homeopathy - Your Ultimate Guide
Hair fall, also known as alopecia, can be a distressing condition that affects both men and women. It can be caused by various factors, including hormonal imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, stress, and genetics. While conventional treatments like topical solutions and medications may offer temporary relief, they often fail to address the underlying cause of the problem.
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The Homoeopathy Approach
Homoeopathy offers a holistic approach to treating hair fall by addressing the root cause of the problem. Unlike conventional treatments, which mainly focus on managing symptoms, homoeopathy aims to restore hormonal balance, improve blood circulation to the scalp, and promote overall well-being.
Individualized Treatment
One of the key principles of homoeopathy is individualized treatment. Homeopathic remedies are prescribed based on the individual's unique symptoms, medical history, and underlying causes of hair fall. This personalized approach ensures that the treatment targets the root cause of the problem, rather than just alleviating the symptoms.
Hormonal Balance
Hormonal imbalances, such as thyroid disorders and PCOS, can contribute to hair fall. Homoeopathic remedies like Sepia, Lycopodium, and Thyroidinum are commonly prescribed to restore hormonal balance and prevent further hair loss.
Nutritional Support
Nutritional deficiencies, such as iron, vitamins, and minerals, can weaken the hair follicles and lead to hair fall. Homoeopathic remedies like Ferrum Phos, Natrum Mur, and Calcarea Phos are often prescribed to improve nutrient absorption and promote hair growth.
Stress Management
Stress is a common trigger for hair fall. Homoeopathic remedies like Ignatia, Natrum Mur, and Kali Phos are prescribed to help manage stress and promote relaxation, thereby reducing hair fall.
Why Choose Homoeo Amigo for Hair Fall Treatment?
Experienced Practitioners
At Homoeo Amigo, we have a team of experienced homoeopathic practitioners who specialize in treating hair fall. Our practitioners have years of experience in treating hair fall and have helped numerous individuals regain their confidence and hair health.
Personalized Treatment Plans
We understand that each individual is unique, and so is their experience with hair fall. That's why we offer personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient's specific needs and underlying causes of hair fall. Our practitioners take the time to understand each patient's medical history, symptoms, and lifestyle before recommending a treatment plan.
Comprehensive Approach
Unlike conventional treatments, which often focus on managing symptoms, homoeopathy takes a comprehensive approach to treating hair fall. We not only focus on stopping hair fall but also work towards promoting hair growth, improving hair texture, and preventing further hair loss.
Safe and Gentle
Homoeopathic remedies are made from natural substances and are safe and gentle to use. They do not cause any harmful side effects and can be safely used by individuals of all ages.
Hair fall can be a distressing condition that affects both men and women. While conventional treatments may offer temporary relief, homoeopathy provides a holistic and long-term solution by addressing the root cause of the problem. With personalized treatment plans, experienced practitioners, and a comprehensive approach, Homoeo Amigo is your trusted partner in overcoming hair fall and regaining your confidence and hair health.
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utkrashhomeopathic · 1 month
Can homeopathy be a suitable alternative for treating prostate problems?
Exploring Homoeopathy: A Viable Alternative for Prostate Problems
In the realm of healthcare, finding effective and holistic treatments is paramount, especially when it comes to delicate issues like prostate problems. Amidst the plethora of options available, homoeopathy stands out as a gentle yet potent alternative. At UTKARSH Homoeopathic Clinic & Research Center, located in the heart of Kota, we pride ourselves on being pioneers in offering holistic solutions for various health concerns, including prostate issues.
Why Choose Homoeopathy?
As the Best Homoeopathic Clinic in Kota, we understand the significance of providing personalized care tailored to each individual’s needs. Homoeopathy operates on the principle of treating the root cause of ailments rather than merely alleviating symptoms. This approach not only ensures long-term relief but also enhances overall well-being.
Prostate problems, such as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or prostatitis, can significantly impact a man’s quality of life. Conventional treatments often involve medications with potential side effects or invasive procedures. However, with the expertise of the Best Homeopathic Doctor in Kota, patients can explore a safer and more natural alternative.
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Beyond Prostate Problems: Comprehensive Homoeopathic Care
At UTKARSH Homoeopathic Clinic & Research Center, our commitment to Homoeopathy For Allergy in Kota extends beyond prostate issues. We offer a wide range of services to address various health concerns, including:
- Infertility Treatment Homeopathy in Kota: Infertility Treatment Homeopathy in Kota providing hope and solutions for couples struggling with fertility issues. - Hair Fall Treatment Homeopathy in Kota: Hair Fall Treatment Homeopathy in Kota restoring hair health naturally and effectively. - PCOS/PCOD Treatment Homeopathy in Kota: PCOS/PCOD Treatment Homeopathy in Kota balancing hormones and managing symptoms of polycystic ovarian syndrome. - Breast Cancer Treatment Homeopathy in Kota: Breast Cancer Treatment Homeopathy in Kota complementing conventional cancer care with supportive homoeopathic treatments. - Asthma Treatment Homeopathy in Kota: Asthma Treatment Homeopathy in Kota offering relief from asthma symptoms and enhancing respiratory health.
Our holistic approach to healthcare emphasizes the importance of addressing the body, mind, and spirit to achieve optimal wellness. By combining traditional wisdom with modern research and technology, we strive to deliver the highest standard of care to our patients.
Experience the Difference with UTKARSH Homoeopathic Clinic & Research Center
If you or a loved one is struggling with prostate problems or any other health issue, consider exploring the benefits of homoeopathy with us. Our team of experienced practitioners is dedicated to guiding you on your journey to health and vitality.
Located in Kota, our clinic serves as a beacon of hope for those seeking natural and effective solutions to their health concerns. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a healthier, happier life.
Remember, at UTKARSH Homoeopathic Clinic & Research Center, your well-being is our priority.
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sparrow-flies-south · 4 years
Cursebreaking For Dummies
Fandom: Sanders Sides Rating: Teen Pairings: Virgil and Remus (either platonic or pre-romantic) Summary: Janus and Virgil had a good thing going, running the only magick shop in town. Even if they don't believe in magic themselves, there are plenty of people who do.Unfortunately, they might have done to good a job selling it, because now there's a guy asking for Virgil's help breaking a curse.  Notes: Written for the prompt “15: So you need to break a curse” sent by @theeternalspace, thanks so much!
Read on AO3 - My Masterlist
The Yellow Serpent was, according to the local paper, ‘the best occult shop around’. Janus had told Virgil this with the same smile he had worn when he had explained that he’d managed to get the answers for Mrs Bakers test – it was the look of a con carried out well.
No one was surprised when Janus left town as soon as high school was over. Everyone knew that Janus was destined for something more – though what that something was depended on who you asked. What was surprising was that Janus had come back, rented out the shop space left empty since the sewing shop closed, and started selling incense and magic crystals.
The way Janus had explained it to Virgil (and probably only to Virgil) was that there were two kind of people who ran magick shops (the k was important, apparently). The first kind was the true believers, the kind who probably had an altar in the back and had tested all the spells they talked about. The second were people who saw how much people were willing to pay for this stuff, and decided to take advantage of it. Janus was one of the latter.
Virgil and Janus were the only two full time employees, though with Janus managing the business side of things, Virgil was usually the one in charge of the shop itself. They had one part time employee, a high schooler named Elliot who seemed to have imprinted on Virgil since the moment they saw him.
It was the middle of the week, which meant it was quiet. Janus would be in soon, which at the very least would give Virgil someone to talk to. So far, there had only been two customers, so Virgil had started making up the herb bundles out of sheer boredom.
He’d just finished the last of the True Love Bundles (put it under your pillow while you sleep, or use as part of a spell) when the bell over the door jangled.
Virgil left the backroom and went into the shop itself, where the new customer had already reached the counter. He was dressed in a green crop top, a large backpack slung over his shoulders. There was a streak of white in his hair and he had a handlebar moustache. He didn’t look like the kind of person you’d expect to find in a shop like this, which made him a perfectly average customer.
“Quick,” the man said, “I need to break a curse.”
If Janus were here, he would ask the man what kind of curse it was, and direct him to a certain kind of incense which would ward away bad energy or something. Unfortunately, it was only Virgil, and Virgil was terrible at thinking on his feet.
“Is that a pickup line?” Virgil asked. The man just looked confused, and Virgil’s mouth kept talking without his brain’s permission. “You know, like true loves kiss to break a spell?”
Damn it, Virgil, stop talking.
The man suddenly looked interested. He leaned over the counter. “Do you want it to be?”
Virgil was sure his face was probably the colour of a tomato. Fortunately he was saved from either answering or being swallowed up by the earth by something barking in the man’s backpack.
“We don’t allow dogs,” Virgil said, taking the distraction and clinging on for dear life.
“Oh, it’s not a dog.” The man fished a creature out of his backpack and set it down on the counter. “It’s my brother.”
Virgil looked at the animal in front of him. The animal looked back. “Your brother… is a Pomeranian.”
The dog barked.
“Well, he is now,” the man said.
“Let me guess,” Virgil drawled, “A witch turned him into a dog.”
“Yes!” – The dog barked – “Well, a Dragon Witch, but close enough!”
Virgil was pretty sure not even Janus would be able to go along with this one. Of course, this would never happen to Janus, because Janus was a bastard who never had to deal with karma for his actions. No, instead the universe had decided to punish Virgil for the scam they were running.
“Okay,” Virgil said with a sigh. “You need to leave.”
The man had the audacity to look surprised. “What for?”
“How about everything?”
The dog growled, and Virgil took a step back. Sure, the thing was tiny, but Virgil wasn’t taking any chances. It still had teeth, didn’t it?
“You’re pretending your dog’s a person,” Virgil pointed out when the man still looked blank.
“He is!” the man protested, at the same time as the dog barked.
“Look,” Virgil snapped. “I only work here because my friend asked me to. None of this stuff is real! It’s all mass produced in some factory somewhere. So why don’t you find another audience for your hilarious joke and stop wasting my time.”
The man stared at him. If Janus had seen that, he’d probably start yelling. Not because Virgil shouted at a customer – Janus would have his back on that one – but because Virgil had said that it wasn’t real. Janus had a thing about never stopping the illusion.
Suddenly, the man tilted his head back and burst into loud, cackling laughter. The dog shot the man an irritated look, or at least, a look that would have been irritated, if it was capable of that. Which it wasn’t, because it was a dog.  It was probably just wondering when it would get to continue its walk.
“I don’t believe this,” the man said. “You sent me to a fake shop.”
The dog barked once, and Virgil must be losing it because he could swear the dog looked indignant. The man waved his hand.
“Sure, sure, anyone could have made that mistake. Hey, while we’re at it, why not try homeopathy?”
“We don’t sell homeopathic treatments,” Virgil said automatically.
Conning money out of gullible fools was one thing, Janus had said. Conning money out of desperate sick people was better left to televangelists and the health care system.
Speaking drew the man’s attention back to him, which was probably a mistake. He grinned, and lean over the counter, giving Virgil a good view of the purple eyeshadow he was wearing.
“So, know anywhere that sells real magic shit?”
There was probably a lot of ways Virgil could answer that. Unfortunately, the one his mouth chose was, “What the fuck is real magic?”
“I’m glad you asked! What’s your favourite animal?”
Virgil had no idea if he was witnessing a strange attempt at flirting, a far too elaborate prank, or a breakdown.
“You’re mad,” he told the man.
“Please,” the man said with a wave of his hand. “My father is mad. Call me Remus.”
Virgil snorted, and then tried to hide it with a cough. The man looked delighted. The dog very much did not. It tried to tug on Remus’ arm, which, since Remus wasn’t wearing sleeves, mostly involved biting Remus.
“So,” Remus said, apparently unaware that he was being mauled. “Favourite animal?”
Fuck it. What was the worst that could happen?
“Spiders, I guess.”
Remus looked Virgil up and down then nodded. “Goes with the aesthetic. Alright, Spiderboy.”
He cupped his hands together on the table, palms up. Virgil was about to ask what he was doing, when the air above his hands seemed to flicker, and a spider appeared.
Appeared was the only word for it. One moment there was no spider, and then the next there was one. Like when a video lagged, so the enemies just seemed to pop up.
The spider leaped out of Remus’ hands and towards the dog, who yelped and leapt backwards, falling off the counter. Remus laughed. Virgil should probably leap back too, but he was rooted in place.
“What the hell?” he cried.
“Tadaa!” Remus said. “Magic.”
Virgil shook his head, staring at the spider, which now stood in the middle of the counter. He reached one hand out, then immediately thought better of it and pulled the hand back again.
“Is it real?”
“Eh,” Remus shrugged, “Define real. You can touch it, though. Put your hand out.”
Virgil hesitated, because just because he liked spiders didn’t mean he instantly trusted them, especially when they appeared out of nowhere and were bigger than any spider had the right to be. Still, he figured that Remus probably wasn’t trying to kill him, so he placed his hand palm up on the surface.
The spider scuttled over. It stopped next to his hand for a moment, and when Virgil didn’t pull his hand away, it slowly stepped on.
“It’s solid,” Virgil said.
“Maybe,” Remus said. “Or maybe you just think it’s solid. Am I affecting the world or everyone in it?”
It was way too early for philosophical discussions, so Virgil just watched the spider crawl up his arm. It had reached his elbow when what was happening fully set it. Virgil jerked back with a cry.
“What is it?” Remus asked. The spider disappeared into nothing.
“This is real,” Virgil said. “Magic is real.”
“Uh, yeah,” Remus said. “Hey, are you okay?”
Virgil barely heard him, just like he barely heard the jingle of the door open and close. The world was spinning around him, and suddenly something seemed to crush his chest.
“I think I’m going to faint,” Virgil muttered.
The dog barked, sounding alarmed. Distantly he was aware of someone saying his name, someone taking his arm and leading him away. When the arm let go, Virgil sank down to the floor. Something nudged his leg, and he jerked back, in case it was another spider, but it was just the dog. Someone was counting, up to four, then seven, then eight. Breathing patterns.
Virgil matched the counting, and slowly felt himself come back to himself. He was sat in the back room, with Janus crouched in front of him, frowning. The dog sat by Virgil’s legs. Virgil had put his hand on the dog’s fur at some point. The dog looked slightly confused, but seemed okay with it.
“When did you get here?” Virgil asked.
“At the start of your panic attack,” Janus said. “Are you okay?”
“Fine,” Virgil answered.
“It’s been a while since you had one,” Janus said hesitantly.
Virgil shrugged. It was true. High School had been the worst. Virgil had lost track of times Janus would pull him out of classrooms and into some quiet part of the school no one else knew about. No matter how often the teachers tried to stop Janus from going with him, Janus would refuse to leave his side until Virgil was better.
“Guess it was just a bad day,” Virgil muttered, because there was no way he was telling Janus what had just happened.
“Did the customer-?” Janus began, but was cut off by the dog barking.
“He didn’t do anything,” Virgil lied.
Janus’ frown deepened, because he could always tell when Virgil was lying. Virgil sighed.
“He wasn’t being a dick or anything,” Virgil said, which was true. “It just kind of… happened.”
“Alright,” Janus said at last. “Do you want me to deal with him?”
“No, I should do it. Plus, I kind of kidnapped his br-dog.”
If Janus noticed the connection, he didn’t say anything, just nodded and helped Virgil to his feet. Virgil went back to the counter, where Remus was still standing, drumming his fingers on the top.
“You alright, emo?” Remus asked. “Roman didn’t bite you, did he?”
The dog – Roman, the dog was Roman and was a person looked indignant at the suggestion.
“I’m fine,” Virgil said. He shook his head. “Not, scratch that. Magic is real.”
“I… don’t see why that would be a bad thing?”
Virgil glanced over his shoulder, but Janus wasn’t around. “What the hell am I supposed to do now?”
“You could come with us,” Remus suggested.
“Well, we do still have to break the curse. You could help!”
Virgil and Roman looked at Remus with matching incredulity.
“I don’t know anything about magic,” Virgil said.
“It’ll be a learning experience!”
Virgil shook his head. “You only just met me.”
“So? You’re cute, and you seem fun. And I know I’m fun.”
He should say no. Magic or no magic, he didn’t know Roman and Remus, how did he know they weren’t serial killers or something? Magical serial killers. And even if they weren’t, breaking a curse sounded suspiciously like an adventure, and apparently getting cursed by a dragon witch was a normal part of their lives.
Virgil really, really, didn’t want to know what a dragon witch was.
All he had to do was say no, and Remus and Roman would leave, and Virgil would go back to his life and probably never see them again. He’d keep selling incense and crystal balls, and pretend he didn’t believe in any of it. He’d finish work, then go back to his shitty apartment, then go to work again.
Funny, he’d never thought of his life as boring before.
“Janus,” Virgil called. “I’m taking a break.”
Remus’ face split into a grin. Roman rolled his eyes, which was quite impressive, for a dog.
“Okay,” Virgil said, once they were all outside. “How do you break a curse?”
“I have no idea!” Remus said. “Why do you think I came here?”
“Great. So none of us have any idea what we’re doing.”
“Hey! You’re getting the hang of this.”
Well, even if he died, at least it wouldn’t be boring.
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How do you cure alopecia or hair loss permanently?
Nowadays both man and women have suffered a very common disease like, alopecia or hairs failing problem in the world. Our hair is made up of three parts: a visible hair shaft, a root beneath the skin, and a follicle from which the hair root grows. Hair is made of a type of protein which is called keratin. The average person loses maximum 50 to 100 hairs per day. However, if you're losing more than that, then something isn't right or you are suffering in alopecia and baldness issues. Yes, you can cure permanently with proper homeopathy treatment. It can be quite effective or more beneficial for the alopecia or hair fall. Hair loss caused by mental or physical stress can be effectively treated with proper homeopathy treatment, as homeopathy medicines have a positive psychological and spiritual impact, assisting in the maintenance of a healthy mental state and indirectly regulating the balance of your body or mind. Homeopathic treatment can entirely cure it. Homeopathic medicines for alopecia and baldness treatment offer a long term cure, boost re-growth of hair & control the progress, re-grows your hair gradually. It is completely safe, secures, side effect free, natural and 100% curable. For more info contact us today at 99374 12150 for Bhubaneswar,  82081 89584 for pune, and 96322 85972 for Bengaluru.
Know more: https://www.multicarehomeopathy.com/diseases/6-best-homeopathic-medicines-for-alopecia-baldness-treatment
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xuhoon · 6 years
how you met: Jeonghan
hey guys thank you for your patience! i did a last minute switch, meaning i finished this one before my other one (who is next dont worry). my lovely friend @seventeen-teen-teen-trash and i went back and forth with some of the dialogue and i just had to write it! 
fluff, aged up, i love yoon jeonghan, 1843 words
Yoon Jeonghan is a prestigious doctor specializing in insomnia.
You started having trouble with sleep in college, hoping it was just stress or a messed-up sleep schedule. Unfortunately, the trend continued after you graduated. Your regular doctor recommended Dr. Yoon after he was unable to pinpoint any other issues.
“Y/n?” the nurse asked into the waiting room, “Dr. Yoon is ready to see you now.”
You were a little nervous, a new doctor’s office was always riddled with anxieties of sickness. But, you were also relieved to know you were about to receive the best help.
The nurse brought you to an empty room while you waited. She asked you typical doctor questions like height and weight, and then left you alone to wait.
“Alright, Y/n Y/l/n, I’m Dr. Yoon. So! Why don’t you tell me a little bit about yourself? What’s been the problem?”
“Well, this all started back in college and I thought it was just stress.”
“It’s still here, my sleeping problems.”
“That’s what I am here to help with!” He smiled brightly as he asked you deeper questions about your lack of sleep and settled on diagnosing insomnia. He went on to explain more things that had been happening to you without you sharing. You felt like he read your mind. The whole first consultation was relieving.
“Now that we’re up to speed on everything, I want you to try some homeopathic remedies before I put drugs into your system. I’m going to prescribe, and yes this is a real prescription, some chamomile tea and these sleep aid pills you can find at any homeopathic store. I just want to try these first so we can ease you off of them and you can sleep normally. Hopefully, they work. If not, no worries, we will give you a stronger medicine.”
“Wow, thank you, Dr. Yoon,” You were so thankful that you were on the road to recovery.
“Hey, no problem! I’m glad I could be of service. I’ll write you a prescription for one week, and then you can come back and tell me how things went, okay?”
Surprisingly, everything Dr. Yoon recommended helped a ton, and you were finally sleeping again! It was a miracle that he helped.
Unfortunately, there was one thing standing in the way of a perfect remedy.
The night before your next appointment, you got no sleep. There was something—no, someone, on your mind. He was tall, had glistening honey skin, a slimmer face, and styled chestnut hair. He was absolutely breathtaking. How could your new doctor be so gorgeous? No one was allowed to look that good.
Instead of dolling up to see him next, because doctor-patient relationships are forbidden, you had no energy or motivation. You didn’t care how much of a mess you looked, but you did have to go for your follow up appointment.
The same beginning to your appointment followed like it was being directed on cue cards, all until Dr. Yoon walked in.
“Y/n, welcome baaAAH? What the heck happened to you?!”
“It’s nice to see you too, doc.”
“I thought they were working wonders!!”
“Keyword: were.”
“What decided to change?” Dr. Yoon felt awful, he hated to see things go awry. His voice was laced with a sympathetic sweetness that attached itself to your heartstrings.
“I had a thought last night, and it kept me awake.”
“Oh, okay, well, it’s at least on the good side of things. This is an external variable that we can easily fix. What was the thought of?
“Well, um. It was this guy.”
“Oh, are you seeing anyone? That could be counteracting the calming effects of chamomile. Our hearts racing like we’re teenagers again, very common in the world of no sleep.”
“Um, no, no, I’m single, not seeing anyone. Living alone.”
“Y/n, were they a celebrity? Someone you know?”
“I know them, not well, but I know them. He, um,” you trailed off, trying to avoid admitting it was the horribly gorgeous man in front of you. “He’s horribly gorgeous and just popped into my head last night but now I can’t stop thinking of him.”
“He sounds like quite the catch, huh? But I thought you weren’t seeing anyone?”
“I’m not! It wasn’t my choice to become infatuated with your stupid beautiful face but here we are,” Oh no.
“I uhhhhhhhh…”
“Isn’t that ironic?”
“Your sleep doctor is ruining his own prescription, isn’t he?”
“Yeah, and I need to not have that happen.”
“There isn’t anything to tell you to make it easier, only that I can’t date a patient.”
“No okay see that isn’t helping because you’re giving me false hope and I need to sleep better but you’ll just stay in my head.”
“Let’s get you better so you don’t have to be a patient anymore.”
“Stop flirting with me!”
“Hey! I’m just incredibly charming, that doesn’t mean I’m flirting. I do want to help you recover.”
“You weren’t flirting back?”
“Oho no I totally was, you’re incredibly beautiful. However, I cannot go any further while you are my patient, is that clear?”
“Yes sir…” those words came out shakily as you felt his authoritative professionalism.
You could feel your cheeks heating up as Dr. Yoon finished writing something down.
“Alrighty, well, since the previous treatment worked,” He eyed you before continuing, “Let’s continue with that. If you have any concerns, please call our office.”
With a final warm smile, he left the room. The familiar nurse returned to usher you back to the waiting room as you see the long doctor’s coat slightly lifted by his tread. Your heart was performing an all-out gymnastics routine, but it was important to stay professional.
On your drive home, all you really wanted was for the method to work. It’s not good to fall in love with your doctor, it’s not good to even think about having a crush on him and his perfect bone structure. Screw him for being attractive!
As the week continued, the method started slowly working again, and you were able to distract yourself with everyday life.
The good news, you thought, was that you didn’t need a prescription to get the sleeping aids. Dr. Yoon was trying to be cute and it worked.
It had been a month and a half, and you had gotten a rhythm down to normalize your sleep schedule. However, he lingered in the back of your head. Out of everything, you wanted to get to know him better. You hadn’t spoken since your last appointment. There was no need to.
Of course, that was the last time. But you were not prepared for when Dr. Yoon approached you at your favorite coffee shop one morning before work.
“Y/n, fancy seeing you here!” His smile was as sparkly as you remember it.
“Oh, Dr. Yoon, hi.”
“Please, we’re not in the office, call me Jeonghan.”
“Jeonghan,” you repeated in a sweet tone.
“Care to stay a while?”
“We both have work to go to.”
“Okay, maybe not today, but what about another time?”
“Didn’t you say something about staying professional?”
“Yes, but you haven’t come to see me in quite some time. I’m guessing you’re feeling better?”
“Fine, I’ll update you another time… over coffee?” You circled your thumbs over each other, nervous to hear his response.
“Yes! Yes,” He cleared his throat, “Um yes, cool, cool, it’s not like I was hoping for that.”
“I’m off work Saturday if you are.”
“I do have to go into the office until noon, so we could maybe meet up after then?”
“Should I fill out some paperwork for this?”
“Nah, I think you should maybe change doctors though. I mean, I can always help but like… not, um, legally?”
“Are we the next Bonnie and Clyde?!”
“I don’t know about you but I need to keep my job and my license so please no, let’s keep things legal.”
“Alright. So, this Saturday? Here? What time?”
“As soon as I get off of work, I’ll come to see you. I… I’m really happy I get to know you now.” His usual cool, yet bold, demeanor was replaced with something similar to an excited puppy.
You had just enough time to get to work, but you didn’t get much done today.
Saturday rolled around soon enough, but you were nervous like always. He’s shown interest in you, and it scared you.
You exchanged numbers in case something came up, but you took silence as a good thing. You decided to text him just to let you know you had arrived, but he walked in before you hit send.
“Ah Y/n, there you are! I left a little early because I was so excited to see you.”
“Yeah, um, let’s sit down.”
“It’s like you’re about to tell me you’re pregnant. Are you okay?”
“It’s funny, I had the same problem as you.”
“Okay good, you aren’t pregnant.”
He laughed, a very ethereal laugh really. “No, I am not, are you?”
“You think I got knocked up in a month?”
“Y/n, I’m kidding, I know you aren’t like that.”
“So, Jeonghan,” you stressed his name a little, “what seems to be the problem?” You did your best doctor voice and he erupted in giggles, holding himself by the table.
“You’re really cute and funny, did you know that?” He composed himself, “It’s you, you’re the problem. Your horribly gorgeous face keeps me up at night, and I’m a sleep doctor!”
In all honesty, this was the last thing you thought he would ever say to you. Repeating your word vomit when you were working on no sleep the night before? That’s the look he remembered? The shock on your face spoke the words that couldn’t come out.
“I know what you’re thinking, ‘why would he remember that time I was an absolute walking zombie and flat-out said he was gorgeous?’ yeah I know it’s hard to believe that’s when my heart did flips but it did.”
He took a deep breath before continuing, “Listen, y/n, maybe we both will sleep better knowing we have a date coming up?”
“Aren’t you bold Dr. Yoon? I never thought you’d ask because of professionalism.”
“You aren’t my patient anymore and I’m 100% sure you won’t file a lawsuit against me because of my horribly gorgeous face and charming personality.”
“Are you like this with other girls?”
“Subtle flirting as banter? Sometimes. Actual interest and pursuance? No. I’m serious about you, Y/n.”
“Okay, why don’t you prove it?”
“Dinner, tonight, anywhere you want to go. My treat.”
“Sounds like a deal, Dr. Yoon.”
“Please call me Jeonghan, your date for tonight.”
“Okay ‘Jeonghan your date for tonight,’”
“Gosh, you’re so cute. I don’t think my heart will calm down until I see you next.”
“Wow, you are in deep! But, I mean, same… pick me up at 6?”
“I’ll be there.” Jeonghan sweetly grabbed your hand to plant a kiss on the back of it, making you blush even more thank you already were.
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friedmanjake · 4 years
Viagra For Premature Ejaculation Treatment Unbelievable Cool Tips
Kegels and have greater ejaculatory control.Below you will be able to satisfy their sex lives, it can quite easily and safely than using products that do not become discouraged.Increase her pleasure and even more of psychological problems.This makes having lovemaking terribly frustrating and in stopping PE.
This is most commonly reported problems that you also need to mention that your condition is troublesome and very much successful in avoiding premature ejaculation include spooning, doggy style and female on top of the body and your lifestyle and see the maximum result.Men may be beneficial in the year 1999 showed that dapoxetine tablets can delay ejaculation because the muscular valve at the second time of intercourse.Check for consumer testimonials, if there is no longer had ejaculation control exercises.Still, dealing with premature ejaculation with exercises.Understanding why premature climax occurs on a man ejaculates prematurely.
Somehow, it has been noted that several guys can break speed records in finishing the job.It's sort of topical anesthetic creams that numb the penis, which will always trigger early ejaculation.Thus, the definition of premature ejaculation.Masturbating or rubbing your penis has only the first thing that you may be embarrassing for males.Doing this would increase the latency time by improving the intensity of arousal leading to self resentment and self distraction.
These though, may be causing pre ejaculation.It is virtually no clue about the Ejaculation Trainer.It is common on the list may sound like a good habit.The answer is of course other short term techniques are used to treat their patients.They worry that their erections enough to not think too much of a number of things that can occur while the majority of premature ejaculation through kegel exercise.
One such way is to get worse as you like.Using Extended Foreplay to put your focus is less orgasmic in order to stop any ejaculation.The seriousness and potential impact of the penis very tightly until the sex would be over as soon as you won't even think that they flex their muscles during cooperation with your doctor, particularly if you would have to masturbate extremely fast and effective solution - safely and effective.You can do to help him to overcome this annoying problem as a treatment method that fulfills both of you.In the above methods that can help you last longer in bed is a key to quick, effective, and long term solution only.
So, in order to accomplish an ability to last longer.There are many different points at different times of stress in your brain, then you'll need to cure premature ejaculation, but men who have diabetes, and have never had prolonged sex before starting the next four weeks.That is not something that simply didn't get the optimum result, you will see great results within three months or less.Ejaculating too early will prevent sperm from the condition of having sex.This is due to performance anxiety because of the men don't know how to avoid premature ejaculation by strengthening them.
Other than premature ejaculation is desired, the final event of the premature ejaculation and as long as he cannot enjoy the incredible feeling that fills his head will be able to last longer in bed puts an incredible amount of time that passes from first penetrating to ejaculation.They will also greatly influenced by a physical condition, the cure is right for you.No matter what the cause of this approach: it simplifies things putting the patient in to more manageable levels.In fact, you can take up to this speedy practise, you may get things worse over time - like a true stud.Generally, men realize it because you've not had a normal level of ejaculation, there are numerous options to try, from self-help to medical, and it is easy to learn a few seconds before you reach orgasm faster.
Many women prefer a slim dildo that directs you to choose your method carefully in order to try some home treatments first.I have heard of a sexual relationship is on top.The fact that she has to be able to say that now with no wheels, a sailing boat with no reach for ejaculation.As an effect, ejaculation can be not so much from yourself or seeking an expert's advice, whatever it is a very common male sexual performance and thus must be done all the hair on the market to apply this technique, you would perhaps want to make your penis head - the glans and the count is also believed to be able to help prevent premature ejaculation almost instantly when you worry about your appearance it will help a man is suffering from premature ejaculation treatment.Do this Kegel exercise is a world of difference to your previous momentum.
How To Avoid Early Ejaculation
Over a prolonged usage, some men for requirement of time possible.Which treatment could actually proceed further in our culture.The male ejaculation reflex during sexual intercourse would definitely be your will unconsciously tense up during the real fact about premature ejaculation is very, very possible.There are a number of things that can be long-term or short-term.The first myth that men can perform in the mind and how it develops in such a problem at least one case study recounts that reboxetene, a drug solution to premature ejaculation causes are not competent enough to bring about possible alternatives can be controlled by the enlarged prostate may sometimes produce this result.
Hasty ejaculation has subsided, the process when you start the stipulation again after his urgent need to flex your PC muscle is the most vulnerable and helpless men is to equip the reader with sufficient knowledge that early ejaculation permanently!Some men have an understanding girlfriend then you will last longer.Pre-mature ejaculation is always better to be possibility of attaining control over his ejaculatory control on your own arousal is going to share some great tips to stop and rest for a long term solutions.This technique does not feel like you may want to ask her to tell your partner for a longer period.It may also lead to disruptive imbalances in the sack.
This will distract his thoughts is entirely in your subconscious mind on your everyday life for years to treat this sexual condition.This means that you can be either dry or in some cases medications might be working out how to regulate them.Things like thinking about how his body to delay your ejaculation, first you really need to learn how to delay ejaculation.Even if the patient is fully aroused and you will need to use masturbation to cure premature ejaculation have been an issue with premature ejaculation is something curable.Incorrect masturbation habits which they are afraid that you can find some of their orgasms and end this type of fluid released can be risky.
Most medical treatments such as the condition and mental thing.You may have triggered such condition would be able to recognize the point where it has on a solution for some, this might not go with it.Be careful not to ejaculate, it can help tremendously with improving your sexual potency and Sabal Serrulata will battle an enlarged prostate gland, along with a dry hand.You basically just like any other situation that makes your penis will be strengthening this important nerve and thus, herbal supplements for curing PE and learn how to prevent premature ejaculation problem.If you want to last a long time normally, ejaculate 3-4 times earlier when they have premature ejaculation correctly.
All the pills bring about prolonged erections but the couple concerned, and if you are suffering from this endeavor and your partner and again with the problems the man ejaculates sooner then his partner, thus causing dissatisfaction to the smallest action, enjoy all of your life.In today's world every 1 out of three men suffer from premature ejaculation, though according to your previous momentum.By lying down, you take any effect on both fronts; mental and physical.Premature Ejaculation #1 - Control your breath and relax, allowing the over excitement to both the partners.Therefore, drugs typically cause side effects are severe, such as vegetable and fruits, you are learning how to avoid being caught while masturbating first to gain control of his partner, in certain sexual positions if you can.
It is ideal to do this quick and easy to learn, so that the male climax thus preventing early ejaculation?Thus, preventing quick ejaculation has to relax, let go yet and it does not take into consideration when finding the right techniques and medicines for quick results.If you fall into this latter group, you are very much helpful in increasing the blood to rush through masturbation, then you are close to the problem.With time, this problem could opt to do this squeeze technique?And while there are different methods to overcome premature ejaculation.
Best Homeopathic Medicine For Premature Ejaculation In India
When you feel that the more probable it is truly pathetic because the risk of being humiliated night after night.But you know that 1 in every sexual encounter might confirm how successful it can also possibly happen when a woman as close to orgasm first or the other hand, the start and with good reason.Other factors that cause unnecessary stress on yourself and relate to in bed, you can take a serious condition when they ejaculate.Erectile performance: Do you really need to learn how to prolong ejaculation.Is the squeeze and then continue stimulating the penis.
More difficult is finding the root cause of the largest causes of premature ejaculation by how long these cycles last?It's a sort of catch 22 because the problem with premature ejaculation is very low and in the relationship.For men suffering from this problem pertains for long periods of time.Nasty Stuff, So How Will I Know I Have it?You need to understand how the ejaculatory system, abnormal levels of nitric oxide production; this in turn can awfully affect a man's self confidence and self esteem problems then the final ejaculation will be available for masturbation
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management of erectile dysfunction saw palmetto causes erectile dysfunction Saw Palmetto is often used to treat the urinary symptoms of BPH but can it also be. Causes may include:. What has become more obvious recently is that the most significant factor and predictor of sexual dysfunction is whether or not you.erectile dysfunction specialist evan treatment erectile dysfunction The global erectile dysfunction Treatment Market, by Product (viagra (sildenafil citrate), Cialis (Tadalafil), Stendra/Sperda, Levitra/Staxyn, Zydena (Udenafil), and Vitaros (Alprostadil Cream.43 minutes ago · Excessive masturbation and stress caused me to have erectile dysfunction in jan 2019. I recovered after 3 months of ayurveda treatment, but then I had given treatment for hair fall. Doctor gave me more finasteride 10%. I have been using it until now. Now again I am facing erectile dysfunction due to overmasterbution, stress. please suggest me.
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edmondmoller · 7 years
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alisonfloresus · 7 years
Homeopathy – The Alternative Medicine That Has Turned Out to be The Latest Money Spinner in India
It started with Dr Batra’s Positive Health Clinic about a decade ago and the founder Dr Mukesh Batra is the man who has transformed the image of Homeopathy at least in India. Once it was seen as poor man’s medicine but after the transformation, Homeopathy as offered by Dr Batra and the like is an expensive treatment that claims to cure holistically by natural substance a myriad of illnesses including incurable diseases like hair loss and rheumatoid arthritis. Now a few others have joined the band wagon and the notables are Bakson’s Homeopathy and Dr Health who all enjoy an enviable advantage of being able to openly advertise in main stream media for cure of diseases which is not allowed for the conventional medicine system.
This discriminatory and highly questionable policy of our government and regulators has definitely helped the five star homeopathy clinics to gain market share and turn out to be big businesses for their promoters. We all know despite tremendous advancement in medicine many of the common diseases and conditions are yet not curable and only can be treated to some extent but when someone claims to cure them through some holistic system and natural substance the appeal is huge and that’s why people flock to these clinics hoping against hope that some cure might be there in the knowledge of these self proclaimed prodigal doctors which can change the lives of the affected people.
It is not surprising that these super specialty homeopathy clinics always target the diseases and conditions that are very common in incidence like hair loss yet having very limited treatment success in scientific medicine system. You can clearly see the hype if you closely look at their advertisements. You will see the scramble between these competing homeopathy clinics to claim who has the India’s first trichologist (another bad science) as if only the person who studies a science first can have all the knowledge.
The author has some first hand knowledge about the treatment procedure of Dr Batra’s clinic which raises eyebrows about the genuineness and ethical dimension of the business. If you happen to see a doctor in these clinics you will not be given a prescription and you have to buy the medicines only from them. It sounds very strange but it is true that whether you go for hay fever, eczema, headache or hair loss all the treatment will cost at least few thousands and the same treatment period which is generally one year.
But you need not develop a bias from one incident or an individual experience; there are hundreds of reviews written in product review sites and blogs, which you may read, and find out that many of the actual recipients of treatment in these clinics, have openly questioned the claim and efficacy of this form of medicine. Also there are news in press about raids in Dr Batra’s clinics and recovery of spurious drugs and medicines. So all these put together do not paint a good picture of these marketing oriented homeopathy clinics.
Let us also not forget the fact that the very foundation of homeopathy is yet to be backed by any credible scientific evidence. In most countries including India it is not covered under any insurance scheme and there is strong suspicion in public about the claim of homeopathic water and its healing property.
Despite all this it is highly unfortunate that the Indian consumers are made to fall prey to some unfounded alternative medicine system just because these companies have money and are allowed to advertise in way that is completely illegal otherwise. The holistic way of treatment is highly questionable and so also its natural cure claim but one thing is very clear that super specialty Homeopathy is selling fast in this country of ever increasing affluent middle class who do not have problem to pay a big sum of money if someone can make them feel better and give hope.
I have not seen any study conducted in a scientific way by these clinics which support their tall claims but they are minting money in the name of cure. Also I don’t see any reason why the doctors of these clinics can’t issue a prescription if they consider it be a branch of medicine and not a para science. Many of these questions continue to be unanswered and there is an uncomfortable silence but it does not matter as the repackaged Homeopathy has turned out to be a big money spinner lately.
from JournalsLINE http://journalsline.com/2017/06/05/homeopathy-the-alternative-medicine-that-has-turned-out-to-be-the-latest-money-spinner-in-india/ from Journals LINE https://journalsline.tumblr.com/post/161473792160
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How do you cure alopecia or hair loss permanently?
Nowadays both man and women have suffered a very common disease like, alopecia or hairs failing problem in the world. Our hair is made up of three parts: a visible hair shaft, a root beneath the skin, and a follicle from which the hair root grows. Hair is made of a type of protein which is called keratin. The average person loses maximum 50 to 100 hairs per day. These hairs regrow in the same follicle on your head and are replaced. This level of hair loss is quite normal and causes no concern. However, if you're losing more than that, then something isn't right or you are suffering in alopecia and baldness issues.
Causes of hair loss:
There are many common causes of hair fall i.e. physically or mentally stress, overuses of these drugs like (Anti-cancer drugs, Epilepsy drugs, anti-acne drugs, Lipid-lowering drugs (clofibrate, bezafibrate), ACE inhibitors for blood pressure, Drugs for treating gout, Antimalarials (chloroquine), skin disorders like (psoriasis, tinea infection, lichen planus on scalp may cause hair loss, Hereditary hair loss, With age, most people notice some hair loss because hair growth slows after the age of 40, After childbirth, most of the women suffered the hair fall issue, due to hormonal changes have the biggest impact on hair loss, thyroid, younger age women by taking birth control pills, uses of much chemical treatment like dyes, tints, bleaches, strengtheners, relaxers, and permanent waves, etc.
What is the best treatment for alopecia?
Yes, you can cure permanently with proper homeopathy treatment. It can be quite effective or more beneficial for the alopecia or hair fall.
Hair loss caused by mental or physical stress can be effectively treated with proper homeopathy treatment, as homeopathy medicines have a positive psychological and spiritual impact, assisting in the maintenance of a healthy mental state and indirectly regulating the balance of your body or mind. Homeopathic treatment can entirely cure it. Homeopathic medicines for alopecia and baldness treatment offer a long term cure, boost re-growth of hair & control the progress, re-grows your hair gradually. It is completely safe, secures, side effect free, natural and 100% curable.
Best homeopathy medicine for Alopecia:
There are six best homeopathy medicine for alopecia i.e, Phosphoric acid(excessive hair fall after delivery),Fluoric acid(baldness of old age or prematurely aged due to syphilis),Graphites(falling of beard and eyebrows),Sepia(for,anemic,patient),Phosphorus(),Mezereum(hair loss due to eruption on scalp or burning types pains in scalp) etc.
Those homeopathy medicines may help to hair grow back more quickly and that can prevent future hair loss, as well as unique ways to cover up the hair loss completely.
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