#Hm Ares' list would probably be longer
faerociousbeast · 2 years
since i no longer consider myself a genshinner i will share some of my thoughts! epic! do not try at 3am. leaks and its long and stuff warning
- i dont like in game yelan ayato or childe sorry. rich 5* hydro users just arent it for me i guess especially if theyre bows.
- yelans design however objectively speaking i can see why so many like her 👍 go girls
- heizou also i am not a fan of 😕 Unfortunate! hes made me lose my detective liking streak
- i am bad with bows i am so bad with bows.
- idk how i feel about tighnari anymore. a lot of my negative opinions are fandom based tbh and its not the characters' fault for that but w him, the instant switch up was so insanely obvious im kinda iffy about he himself 💀💀 dont c/ynonari me
- also his voicceee 😭😭 never any hate to the vas but its so bad. i dont like it. i have him and made myself do a challenge where i got however many waypoints in sumeru in my ar 55 world using only him at level 11 so i can make this judgement.
- c/ynonari is genuinely.... fhwhhrgegrggrgr LIKE ITS NOT BAD i guess, no comment as far as me being cyno goes, but it just got so popular so quick it jumpscared me
- al-hai/tham. another im more so irritated by what you represent otherwise i probably would like him better. boy why are you white
- kav/eh too man like half of these designs would Literally Look Better With Slightly More Saturated Skin what is going ON!!!!!!!
- i personally dont care for kusa/nali for yk colourism reasons too but there very much is a. well the men are hot. lets get mad at the women tho
- ni/lou is the okest so far for cultural representation but her i just dont care for
- uhhhh. hm. what THE HECK is faru/zans design..... bro... its so bad im sorry? PROFESSOR?? huh? what? 3* design behaviour
- same w nah/ida 😭😭 dont argue against me i get it shes a kid cool nice her pale design is literally not interesting to me its. whatever. thats a 5*? lmao ok
- god...... actually this isnt even a my opinions list its jyst a things-that-were-ruined-for-me bc racism bht everyone else ignored it which ruined it for me more. anyways the harbingers.
- they knew what they were doing with the release time on that and everyone ate it up and it makes me sad bc i was genuinely very invested in the harbingers! but then theyre all shown all at once at a time like that huh. gross.
- idm scaras new design its cool its jhst we got TOO MANY BLUE GREEN PEOPLE 😭😭 change it up!!! his old colour palette or whatever was unique that what was nice ab it. yeah but his new colour scheme is getting a bit old sorry.
- the stepping on is funny for his burst everyone getting mad at it but not raidens is irritating tho
- layla is like..... people ARE being dramatic but i get what they mean on the voice. change it up a little we dont need more high pitched stressed girls my god!!! oh wait this is an anime waifu game
- i love itto 👍 NOBODY TOLD ME ABOUT HIS PERSONALITY. he was another ruined by the fandom bc LITWRALLY ALL I KNEW ABIYT HIM, BEFORE I DID HIS QUEST, was he had abs. thag was it. that was all anyone evr told me. he had slightly more abs than all the other skinny twinks. j dont care aboyt abs so i didnt care about him its that sjmple!!!!! why didnt anyone tell me how great he is!!!!!!!! wtf!!!!!!!!!!!! injustice
- AYA/THOMA IS SO OVERRATED oh my god stop talking
- itto/rou seems to have died down? or idk im interacting with the right people
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whatasunchild · 4 years
Can you do a dad post for Hermes too? 😍
I will! 😍 (Although, the post will be nowhere as long as Apollo's)
So, my favorite would be Hermes taking Pan and showing him off to the Olympians
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Isn't this so adorable?? 😭💕
Here he is teaching his son...how to steal.
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I don't approve that much, but hey Hermes was passing down something extremely important to him XD (real life dads please don't teach your kids to steal) (an interesting fact is that Autolycus had a twin Philammon, who was Apollo's son and he turned out to be a famous musician XD)
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Much better...now that's a nice thing to give to your kid
Lastly...when his son asks Hermes to avenge him, Hermes does, because is anyone really good a dad without some avenging?
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That is all I can find. He might not have as many instances, but I think he can be a cool dad if he wants to.
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mythologyfolklore · 3 years
Marpessa isn’t into gods (and Ares makes a speech about love)
(My take on the myth where Marpessa rejects Apollon out of worry, that he would abandon her in old age)
Apollon was arguing with a mortal man over the probably most gorgeous girl he had ever seen.
Who did that boy think he was anyway? Daring to compete with him for a girl's hand! Him, the god of light, music, medicine, prophecy and so much more! This puny mortal man couldn't compare with him to save his life and he had the gall to point an arrow at his face!
“Lower your bow”, he ordered. “Cease this nonsense. You're insane to attempt to go against a god.”
“I don't care, if it's crazy!”, Idas spat. “I will stop you from taking away my bride, no matter what!”
“Cute”, Apollon commented, “But there is nothing you can offer her, that I don't have as well.”
“Sure is!”, Idas spat. “How about true love and a faithful and caring husband?”
The god gasped at the insolence: “Are you saying that I'm a liar and a player?!”
“No, I'm saying that you're an arrogant prick, who only wants her for her beauty!”
By now Apollon was too angry to just point out, that Idas was being hypocritical, since Marpessa's beauty had been the reason why he had abducted her in the first place.
With a face like thunder he pulled out the sword that was hidden beneath his chiton (and no, that was not a euphemism, that was an actual sword). “That's it! You must be hubristic or suicidal – or both! Either way, enough of the useless talk. Let's duke it out. Single combat, for the sake of fairness I won't be using any of my divine abilities.”
Idas nodded grimly. “So be it then.”
Then the god and the mortal engaged in mortal combat, while poor Marpessa just stood at the side, not knowing what to do.
This lasted for several hours and it was getting nowhere.
But then, all of the sudden a voice boomed: “EVERYBODY SETTLE DOWN!”
And in a flash of lightning, Zeus and Ares were standing between the contestants, driving them apart.
“Cease this pointless fighting right now!”, Zeus ordered. “This is getting ridiculous and the noise can be heard all the way up to Olympos.”
“Yep”, Ares nodded. “At first I thought it was funny, but then I looked down and saw, that you're fightin' over my granddaughter like she's some kinda prize.”
Ares' granddaughter, huh? Well, that explained why the oaf of a war god was here.
“So”, Zeus said, “why don't we just ask the lady herself? Has that occurred to you?”
Apollon felt just a little awkward, because in his case the answer was no.
Idas cleared his throat, making the three gods glare at him.
“In all respect”, he coughed, “Marpessa agreed to elope with me, because we're in love with each other and-”
“Did she?”, Ares questioned coolly. “Certainly didn't look or sound like that to me earlier-”
“No, no”, Marpessa finally spoke up, “He really didn't abduct me. I was just fearful, because the chariot was so fast. The speed was scary.”
“Huh. Sorry, my bad”, Ares apologised. “But her father (my son) just drowned himself in a river in despair, when you made off with his only child, so do forgive me, if I'm not the most reasonable.”
“My father is dead …?”
Zeus clapped his hands to get everybody's attention. “No time for this. Let's get it over with. Everybody be silent, except for Marpessa. This young lady here will choose who she wants to be with and the loser has to accept her decision. Is that clear?”
The two contestants nodded and Zeus turned to his great-granddaughter: “Well then, child. Make your choice.”
Marpessa looked back and forth between the god and the Argonaut.
For a few minutes, she considered.
Eventually she addressed Apollon (he could hear her heart racing in her chest): “Phoibos Apollon, Life-Giver and Lord of the Oracle …”
“Just Apollon will do”, he told her gently and tried not to look too nervous.
She swallowed and went on: “Please forgive me, but I choose Idas.”
The god of light felt all colour drain from his face, while Idas cheered in triumph and danced around joyfully, like young men in love had the tendency to do.
Great. Now that bold son of Poseidon got to be all smug and happy, while-
Oh, what was that? Ah, that was Apollon's heart being shattered into a thousand pieces! Again.
“Wh-what?! Wh-why?!”, he choked. “What does he have that I don't?!”
“Mortality”, she answered.
“Let me explain”, the young woman pleaded. “You're without a doubt the most handsome man I have ever seen – no offense, o King of the Gods …”
“None taken”, Zeus laughed in good humour.
“… I know what I would gain with you, Apollon”, Marpessa continued. “You're the god of many wonderful and terrible things and abundant in talents and virtues like no other. You could give me everything: adventure, excitement, and so on. But you're ageless and immortal. I'm not. I will age and die. You love me now, because I'm young and beautiful, but how will it be then? Will you still call me the most beautiful woman you have ever seen, when my face is covered in wrinkles and kiss the top of my hair, that by then will have gone grey? Will you be there, when I die? Will you cry, when I'm gone? Will you remember me fondly, because I delighted you in my youth?”
The god of music was speechless.
The question had hit him right in the gut. He hadn't thought about that – never had, because it had never been necessary. His lovers usually either broke up with him after a while, or they died young. Or he didn't get lucky in the first place, like now.
“Your silence says it all”, Marpessa sighed. “You wouldn't – perhaps even couldn't – stay with me for the rest of my life. But Idas would. He truly loves me. We will grow old together and, for all of his adventures, he will never abandon me.”
The Argonaut hugged her from behind and she turned her head to smile at him.
No, there was no chance he could convince her to change her mind, Apollon realised.
Suddenly there were sniffles behind him and to everyone's surprise, Ares was wiping his eyes.
“That was one of the most beautiful speeches I have ever heard!”, he sobbed. “I just can't even! Anyway, well chosen, my granddaughter. You two have my blessing. Off ya go!”
She beamed at the war god and let Idas help her back onto his chariot.
And off they went.
Zeus gently pat Apollon's shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. “Better luck next time, my son”, he said. Then he vanished in a flash of lightning, leaving Apollon with Ares of all gods.
“Won't you leave too?”, the god of prophecy asked.
Ares shook his head. “Ya don't wanna be alone as much as ya think ya do.”
“Ares, please.”
“M-mh. What she said back there really got to ya, didn't it?”
The blond god groaned in distress. “She really thinks I'm so shallow as to abandon her at the very first wrinkle.”
“Well, is she wrong?”
Apollon stared at the black-and-red-haired god. “Excuse me?!”
“Has anyone ever asked that of ya before?”
“Well, no, but-”
“Would you have stayed with her?”, Ares queried sternly. “I'm her grandfather, so I wanna know. Would you stay with her until she dies? Would you make the effort of weathering the storms of life with her, for better and for worse? Would you be to her what every person, mortal or divine, needs: a constant in her life, who's always there? Would you give her the loyalty every woman wishes for? Could you handle the pain of seeing the woman you fell for grow old and frail, while you stay forever young? Could you still love the face that belonged to the once most beautiful girl in all of Hellas, when it's full of wrinkles? Would you still find her beautiful? Would you wax your pretty poetry and tell her cheesy shit to cheer her up, when she gets nostalgic? Would you take care of her, when she can no longer take care of herself? Would you hold her hand, when she lies on her death bed, tell her how much you love her and give her one last kiss, before she descends to Hades?”
“I … I …”
Ares cupped Apollon's chin and forced the younger god to look him in the eyes.
“You're not that kinda guy, Apollon”, he stated with uncharacteristic gentleness. “Ya give your affection so easily, but it fades so quickly. And even if not, you leave your lovers with pretty gifts and abilities and then watch them from afar. But that's not what they need. What humans need is commitment. What Marpessa an' I just listed up? That's commitment. That's real love. And it takes a kind of courage most gods don't have or are unwilling to muster, 'cuz lovin' a mortal is painful. You an' I know that all too well, don't we?”
By now Apollon was trying really hard not to cry in front of the savage god of terrible war. But damn, Ares had a forsooth impeccable talent of hitting people, where it hurt the most. It was rivalled only by Aphrodite and their arsehole son Eros (like parents like son, Apollon supposed).
Ares sighed and hugged his younger half-brother.
“I hate you!”, Apollon choked. “And your oldest son too! What have I done to you for you to always hurt me like this?!”
“I know, I know”, Ares muttered. “Promise, I didn't do it on purpose this time, though. I just wanted ya to understand.”
“It's okay to cry, by the way. I may not be the best shoulder to cry on, but I won't judge. Let it out. It'll do ya no good to bottle it all up.”
Screw it.
The god of light collapsed in his older half-brother's arms and began to bawl relentlessly into the other's shoulder.
“Shhh”, the other murmured, while soothingly rubbing Apollon's back and holding him tightly.
They stayed like that for a while, before Ares backed off to look at the other.
“Man, they're really screwin' you over, huh?”, he asked sympathetically. “C'mon, lil' brother. Let's go home. Hestia gave me lots of cookies, but I don't like sweets, so you can have them as comfort food. Take a break from love and while you're at that, think of what I said, hm?”
Apollon just sniffled and let the older god transport them both back to Olympos.
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calleo-bricriu · 4 years
Hey there! I just found you and honestly your readings are soooo coool, may I have one about my future love life too? Will I meet someone and how will they be? Possible star sign? AND ALSO PLEASE THIS IS IMPORTANT : when i first made the sorting hat Test I was a Ravenclaw but after a couple years it started changing to gryffndor and then back to ravenclaw and I’m having the biggest identity crisis.. can you help me on this? What house am I? Hope this is not to much..if it is just ignore me haha
Oh also i don’t know if you need this but I’m 23 male and a libra! Btw I don’t see a sign that reading are open on your blog and got a bit ahead of myself so if they’re closed right now I’m very sorry, I mean no offense! Thank you anyways and have a great day! :)
Oh, I just do these for fun.
That said, your house is not an identity nor is it any sort of useful personality trait; once you're not at school any longer it's 100% irrelevant.
Star signs are also not a personality trait nor are they relevant to any aspect of your life (that's just something people use to try and excuse poor behaviour on their part; you didn't do the thing because you're a Gemini or a Scorpio or an Ares or any other sign, you did it because you were being inconsiderate and not thinking your actions or words through; you're not incompatible with someone because of their sign either, you're incompatible with them due to basic personality conflicts or conflicting wants/needs out of a relationship), they're just little tidbits of facts and have no actual influence or impact on anything.
If you're referring to 'quizzes' that tell you what house you ought to be in, I'd invite you to read up on confirmation bias. That applies to thinking you're a certain way because of your star sign; confirmation bias will give you that truth because you want it to be the truth,
Those are designed to be easily manipulated to give the answers the person taking them wants based on their mood at the time; I can guarantee you I could take any one and get a different result based on my mood at the time of taking them.
Do not base any part of your identity around a house at a school or your zodiac sign, it doesn't make you somehow more interesting or desirable; if anything, it's a red flag that indicates you aren't willing or capable of taking responsibility for your own actions or reactions.
Anyone who tells you otherwise is probably getting paid to tell you otherwise.
Remember: If you're paying them, they'll want to keep you as a repeat customer and will likely tell you what they know you want to hear.
In this case, what you want to hear is that you'll meet your soulmate soon and that you're definitely Ravenclaw.
I doubt the latter given your belief that it matters in the slightest and, as I'm not getting paid, I couldn't possibly care less whether or not you'll meet someone, what they'll be like, or their star sign (which is, of course, completely irrelevant).
Just to give an example, from what you said in these I already know several things about you and, were you paying me, would be able to easily tailor a reading to play into exactly what you want to hear.
Things that were made clear by information you voluntarily offered:
- You're a bit on the insecure side. - You're a bit immature, which is indicated clearly by you being well beyond school age and borderline obsessing over your house. - You're single, obviously. - And you don't want to be.
Cards weren't necessary to give me that information, you offered it up freely, and when you're paying someone, they will absolutely tell you what you want to hear to keep you coming back as a customer.
Be extremely wary of people who make you pay to do tarot/rune/other readings; they take seconds to do and, with the information provided the customer, are extremely low effort.
At least, they are for me.
Similarly, be wary of anyone who wants you to pay for them to perform a spell or ritual for you; it likely won't do anything at all beyond a placebo effect as the rituals/spells they offer are things that you need to do yourself if you want them to benefit you and not the one casting them.
That, and if you're trying to put something negative out there, most will know how to rework it so any negative consequences they might get hit with for doing that sort of thing hit you and not them.
At any rate, the way this deck often prattles on, it spends the first few cards confirming who we're talking about, and that's what it's done here.
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I was right in that little list.
You're insecure, likely have abandonment issues due to past relationships (romantic, platonic, familial, or otherwise), have a hard time trusting people, have a tendency to be overly dramatic which can and will drive people away eventually, if you have had relationships in the past you're either not over them or are still damaged from how they ended and haven't taken steps to heal and move on, and that, where relationships are concerned while you can be exciting and spontaneous, you can also be incredibly fickle and very likely aren't at a place in terms of mental health or maturity to handle a commitment.
This is where it starts to bridge out into what you asked and it starts, where the Fool left off in the paragraph above, by indicating that, for the time being, all you're likely to find are what amounts to whirlwind romances that don't last all that long.
The Nine of Wands backs that up in terms of future romance, and also goes back to mentioning that you need to deal with all of those issues above before anyone is going to be able to put up with you long term.
Six of Cups typically revolves around immaturity and occasionally an ex or someone you had wanted to have a relationship with coming back into your life.
Three of Cups backs up that, "Someone from your past returning" or a dry spell, as it were, ending.
You'll need to start working on your issues if you want anything to last, however.
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Hm. The deck doesn't seem to want to move on, it's repeating itself in the sense of, "Fix your issues, even the ones you're in denial about or don't want to face." That includes fear of rejection (that would be the Two of Swords in this case).
While the Two of Cups does indicate you'll meet someone with whom you have a strong connection and mutual attraction, cards in a reading are not islands; the cards around them matter, and all of the previous cards to this one were very, very clear in that you need to get yourself together, likely via professional means, before even the most attracted to you person is going to be able to tolerate the level of insecurity, drama, and baggage you'll also bring to the table.
This isn't, "you need to love yourself" nonsense, it's, "you need to deal with your mental health, your tendency to be overly dramatic where no drama is necessary, and self esteem issues so you're on relatively stable ground."
The Ace of Wands following the Two of Cups is a fairly blunt statement to forget any fear of rejection and let the other person know you're interested. If you sit around waiting for someone to just turn up for you, you're probably going to be waiting for a very long time as reality just doesn't work that way very often.
And it's finally moved on to the second bit you were asking about: What that person will be like.
Unfortunately for you, the old proverb "in cauda venenum" applies to this person. They'll initially come off as generous, completely devoted, doting, giving you everything you could possibly want. They'll give you all the support, stability, and positive influence you could ever ask for.
...and then they'll either get bored or get tired of having to play the part of your partner and therapist (see everything above) and leave. The  Five of Swords also has heavy connotations around abuse so it's equally possible that they were never the kind, loving person they let you think they were until they knew they had their claws firmly into you and, once they know you're too wrapped around their finger to ever leave, they'll start with slow, subtle abuse, gaslighting, making you feel like they're the only one who will ever love you, etc...of course, to the public, they'll be a loving, kind martyr who puts up with what they'll tell others is YOUR poor behaviour because they love you that much, all of which can eventually lead to physical abuse, especially if they get the feeling that you're going to try and leave.
Whichever it is, the Five of Swords in terms of relationships is never a good thing.
The star sign of this person is irrelevant, but one typically sees behaviour like that in people who take star signs far too seriously and are also Gemini, Scorpio, literally any fire sign, and Libra.
All in all,  you need to work on yourself before you start jumping into relationships in any serious capacity. If you're not already getting professional mental health help that includes therapy, start as soon as possible.
As for the House thing, again, it's entirely irrelevant, you're 23, you've not been school age for some time now. Absolutely and literally nobody cares what your house is past the time you left school. It has no bearing on identity.
Ordinarily, I'd be able to tell you that based on the deck's description of you but there is no house that has an encompassing trait of, "complete mess", so I'll see if it'll give me a little more clarity.
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...and it's given me a muddled mess of repeating itself but under the pervasive traits that keep getting repeated throughout the last--however many cards I've drawn now--a recurring theme, though usually in the negative sense of holding on to things that should have been long since let go and moved on from, is loyalty to those you choose to be loyal to even when it becomes self-destructive, and hard work, primarily to avoid having to let go. Keep in mind that any positive trait can easily turn dark, as it were, when misapplied or taken to the level of obsession.
That would indicate Hufflepuff but, let's see if I can get the deck to stop twisting the knife as we've already been over enough of that.
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Devoted, compassionate, caring, generous, with the Wheel and Two of Pentacles indicating that this isn't the answer you wanted, which I also could have told you because you seemed hellbent on hearing Ravenclaw or Gryffindor.
While the Page of Swords has some brief flashes of Ravenclaw traits (inquisitive, curious, etc...) as before, cards do not stand on their own in a reading and nearly everyone has those fairly generic traits.
It moves on going back to more traits that point toward Hufflepuff: Down to earth, sensible in general, a nurturing/caretaker type, loyalty, being able to easily make people feel welcome.
The Queen of Swords backs that up in both traits along the lines of being empathetic, welcoming, fair, and, when representing a person, an air sign.
Libra, as I'm sure you know, is an air sign.
Sounds like Hufflepuff to me.
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ladyruina · 5 years
First story on this site
    Three weeks. It had been three weeks since promotion day and to be honest, I had no freaking clue what Promotion Day even was. Apparently once every month the facility selects someone to be “promoted”, the problem is that the people who don’t make the promotion selection get bare minimum notification. Turns out my sector was just informed that I was transferred to a new sector...no one even knew where I went ...explains what happened to Silica. Today, after three weeks, I woke up to a waiting room. Empty seats on every side and beneath my...tush. The same metal box I lived in for the past seventeen years after “recruitment” and would probably die in. The room had the same aesthetic as everywhere else in the facility, stainless steel walls and flooring with well lit bulbs. Couldn’t tell which type of lightbulb though I’d have to gamble fluorescent bulbs with UV integration, cheap, effective and keeps us alive for a little bit longer. Just how the facility likes it. As per my regular protocol when in an unfamiliar space without a commanding officer I entered a status I have titled, “eyes down, nose out of others business”. It’s embarrassing to say that it took a rough fifteen seconds before realizing that the marks of claws against the floor were EVERYWHERE. You adjust to this kind of thing in the facility, there’s always something clawing up the floors, crawling up the walls or eating your friends upper lobe… rest in peace Franklin. My mind defaulted to entity containment training, signs of anomalous activity identified, analyze the signs: three toed claws, they appear to be dexterous and agile similar to species of avians and raptors. Stage four determine if anomalous being has moved from the ar-, that’s when I finally looked up. Three seats down from me stood a humanoid figure, full combat armor with the exact raptorian legs and feet that produced the scratch marks but the entity was calm almost seemed like it was waiting, same as me save for a bit of an impatient air. It swiftly and repetitively tapped its talons against the ground. Naturally my first thought occurred. “Oh god, is promotion just code word for feeding me to an entity.” I scanned the room only to discover many more entities, some looked very similar to the raptorian entity, others were vastly different. Entities with helmets resembling felines moving from one individual to another, entities with creepy masks that were standing on the walls and ceilings to avoid the clutter on the ground, entities that had no eye holes but spikes at the back on the helmet that vaguely reminded me of bats. All were equipped with combat armor and....facility issue weaponry? Aside from that there were few other schmucks in the room that looked a lot like me, scared, panicked and confused. I looked over to the impatient one only to see it staring at me.
“Shit!” it said in a surprisingly human voice “I-uh, sorry about starin’. It’s always just so weird to see one of you in here.”
“One of...me?” I implored.
“Y’know, an unaugmented.” it gestured at all of me. “So… weird after you’ve gone through the process. So, y’know which one you’ll be?”
I hesitated. “What?” 
“Y’know. Like a raptor, a bat, a cat. That sorta thing.” it seemed to be naming things off the top of its head. “I’m a raptor so you could learn the ropes with me if you end up a part of the pack.”
This fascinated me, I had never been allowed to examine or interview an entity that I had no knowledge of. So a part of me was excited despite realizing that at any moment this entity could unhinge it’s non apparent jaws and rip into my throat with it’s horrific unseen maw. Yet the pioneer sense of exploring the unknown just...overcame me.
“So what are raptors?” I asked.
“Well, you’re lookin at one.” it said in a smug tone. “We’re faster and more dexterous than the others. Only downside is that itchy to move sensation you get due to the energy boost they hook you up with and that these masks keep you alive.”
“I’m sorry what?”
“Heh. yeah, that’s what I said. Apparently The Fixer said that our oxygen has been made “inefficient” by the pollution of the modern world so we’re hooked up with some sorta super oxygen. Apparently it’s the kinda stuff dinosaurs used to breath so that’s pretty badass.”
“And that helps?”
“Gives us the energy to bounce off walls, literally.”
“Fascinating… are the other entities safe to converse with?”
“Ent-? Oh, them? Yeah most of em are chill, might get an extreme one or two but they should be reasonable.”
“Right, thank you.”
“Eh, no prob dude.”
I stood up and began to wander over to one of the “bats” who was standing in a group of its own kin. I began to raise my hand to greet it as I approached, a quick “hey” to get it’s attention only to be interrupted.
“Yes?” it said in a high pitched tone, turning to face me before it even should have known I was on my way. Apparently my shock was apparent as it recoiled quickly. “Right, sorry. I forgot unaugmented wouldn’t know about that. I heard you coming, you’d be surprised how easily you are to hear coming.”
“Indeed! Along with some other traits.” It said “I’m basically omniscient with these mods! I can tell you anything about this room without even looking at it.”
“Hm.” I smirked. “How about this? What color is my shirt?”
It stared at me for a second before giving a light punch. “Cheating asshole.”
“Just wanted to see if you’re capable of processing color.”
“You could’ve asked.” 
the amusement faded from my expression as I began to realize that what I said was quite apparently a sore topic.
I began to awkwardly leave the company of the bats before slumping back into my chair. A few minutes go by and I’m bored out of my goddamn mind. Wish they left me a phone to check, or a magazine to read or a pistol to shoot myself with. Between the embarrassment of my slip-up and the boredom I think the lead would be preferable.
“Excuse me.” said a familiar voice. “I couldn’t help but notice multiple strains in your face aligning with stress that may be caused by the process of transferring to a new region. Is it possible that I may alleviate some of your stress through a formal discussion?”
I looked up, it was goddamn impossible. I heard she was transferred and she just never responded to any message from then on, I thought she either ditched me or… the far more likely scenario, eviscerated or incinerated.
 “Silica?” the name of my best friend. “Silica is that you?”
The entity looked confused. “Curious. You have information on my title but records state that you were only stationed here today.” 
“Silica. It’s me.” I said in a shaken tone. “Devin.”
“Devin…” she stared at me blankly, moments passed by. “Ah yes. We used to be close friends, is this information correct?”
“Yes. so you’ve been here this whole time?”
“Affirmative, Devin.”
“What happened? Why didn’t you respond to any messages I sent?”
Another brief silence. “I just checked my message log, I received none of them under the name of “Devin” or any related pseudonym.” 
“Really?” this was...a bit heartbreaking to say the very least. “You had to keep in touch with Evelyn! I remember the day you got Evelyn’s contact address and you were a goddamn mess. Head over heels! Please tell me you kept in touch.”
Another goddamn pause. “Oh yes, Evelyn. I suppose she was very nice and pretty wasn’t she?”
“What are you talking about?!” the other entity’s started staring at me. I was getting loud. “You sound like you don’t care! You goddamn loved her and now she’s an afterthought?!”
“Please calm yourself. You’re becoming exacerbated and it may draw negative connotations towards you in future conversations with the other people residing in this room.”
I began to look over, the entities around me seemed...concerned. “S-sorry. I’m just hurt is all. It feels like you don’t remember...anything from back at Mind’s Edge.”
“Oh! That I can answer! I don’t!” she said so simply. My heart goddamn sank into the Mariana Trench and she said it so easily.
“Don’t take it personally. Cat units have an AI planted into their brain in order to give them in depth data banks of medical procedures as well as a list of information that may be useful. This unfortunately has to replace long term memories which our AI assistants must remind us of. This also can lead to stunted emotional development. Fortunately though the emotional stagnation only caused depression in earlier Cat units. It also allows us to be proper care takers without having to worry about emotional errors such as becoming overly attached to the patient in therapy settings or panicking in active combat treatment scenarios.”
“I...need some time to process all of this.”
“Acknowledged. Please contact me or another Cat unit if you require any further psychological or physiological aid.”
“Y-yeah, got it. You got it.” That’s probably what I said. Can’t remember if it was actually what I said or not, I was in a haze. Every entity in this room was...a person? My best friend had forgotten about me. The whole world around me just faded. My greatest fear though was...what came next. My thoughts were cut short by the distant sound of heavy claws scraping against the cold metal rang out. As it approached, I could hear the sound of cloth being dragged across the ground. A voice spoke, both high and low pitched with a sort of rattle in its tone.
“Routine Procedures completed. Additional Augmentation scheduled.”
The door on the farside of the room opened.
“Devin.” The creature spoke “Devin Hale. Augmentation scheduled. Follow for Augmentation.”
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livvywrites · 5 years
Tagged by the lovely @witchywrite~
(and if you want to do my questions as well, feel free. but you don’t have to!) 
1. What is your favorite wip that you have worked/are working on?
THE MARTYR QUEEN. Hands down. It’s my baby. I do have a soft spot for SAPPHIRE DREAMING as well as an old wip of mine, but... I just. I’m in love with the story I’m trying to tell in TMQ, and its series. 
2. Do you have any routines/rituals you do before writing? 
Not as such, no. Mainly what I do is make sure I have something to drink (usually some flavored water, but sometimes a hot beverage or soda) and maybe something to snack on. Sometimes I’ll put on some rain noises, but for the most part, I just kind of pick a place and go. 
3. How long do you generally write for?
That’s a good question. I think I write from anywhere between 15 minutes and an hour usually, but I can (and have) gone longer. 
4. When did you realize you wanted to be a writer? How old were you when you started on your first story?
Oh, jeez. Sometimes it feels like I’ve wanted to be a writer forever. However, I think... that I’d have to say about 3rd grade or so? I forget what age that would be, but under 10. 
At about 11, I started my first real “novel” though I wouldn’t say that was my first story. I still have the composition notebook I started it in, though I later moved it to my first computer, which crashed. 
Um, as for stories in general... I wrote and illustrated my own picture book, about a superhero dog. I also turned an old calendar to a book. I don’t have the calendar, but the superhero dog might be at the house somewhere. 
5. What do you like to do when you aren’t writing?
I read. A lot. Mostly fanfiction these days, but I’ve been making it a point to read more original novels. I read Pratchett’s Tiffany Aching books. They’re so good. Currently I’m reading the Riddle Master of Hed, by Patricia McKilip. I like her writing style a lot, though I’m only two chapters in to the story thus far. (I read another one of her books, though. I adore it.) 
6. How many wips do you have?
Original novels? Just the two, through concentrated effort not to go starting more.
Original short stories/oneshots? Hahaha. Um. I don’t actually know. It’s a lot, though. More than 5.
Fanfiction, long fic? Just one that I have posted. Couple more in development. (Some of those are rewrites of old fics.) 
Fanfiction, oneshots? A lot. I like my short fic, okay? :P 
7. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I went through a few things. Settled on writer in 3rd grade and... never stopped? I’ve cycled through a few backup careers since the, too. 
8. Give your main cast a God/Goddess they would work with if they were Pagan/a witch.
Oooh, this is interesting :o I don’t know a lot about most of the pantheons. I mainly studied/read about Greek mythology growing up, so that’s my forte. But recently I’ve been reading a lot of Nordic stuff, so that might make it in here too. (I’ll be branching out more eventually :D) 
Alinora: It feels like cheating, but I would give her Hades. Or some other death god. Given that Death is her patron in the story, though, it feels kind of like cheating.
Elaena: Death’s daughter in the novel, but... I don’t actually think any of the death gods really suit her personality? I’d give her... Artemis, I think.
Ava: Easy one. Demeter or Persephone.
Lyr: Hm... this one is a little harder, but I think I would go with Athena for him!
Talitha: Loki. I could see her working with Hephaestus or Athena. I could also see her being drawn to Aphrodite. But in the end, I really do think that Loki is the one who suits her best. 
Aishlynn: Um. I think Aishlynn would also be drawn to Artemis. 
Amara: Ahhh.... I want to say Apollo for her, for some reason? But maybe Aphrodite could work for her, or Ares. 
8. Speaking of that, which of your characters would be a witch?
Excellent question! I feel like Ava and Talitha would definitely be drawn to Paganism/witches. 
10. Give your characters an element, (fire, water, earth, air, or spirit)
I like this question! Mainly because I pretty much always associate my characters with the five elements :D
This is mainly going off the way I’ve adapted the elements in TMQ, though.
Alinora: Fire
Elaena: Air
Ava: Earth
Lyr: Water
Talitha: Spirit
Aishlynn: Spirit
11. What would your Main Character’s Altar look like if they were a witch?
I admit outright that I have only the barest understandings of witchcraft, though it is something that interests me. I’m mainly going to pick things that I associate with Alinora, more than for their spiritual meanings. I hope that’s alright~ 
Alinora would have several candles. Probably black or purple, to suit her patron, but also red, for her element. The Death card from a tarot deck. Cinnamon, maybe ground in jar or a couple of sticks. Sunflowers, whether a picture of them or a vase of them. Roses, as well.
I think that’s everything she would have ^^ I probably should do some more in depth research so I could think of a proper altar, but... maybe later. *adds to list*
Thank you so much for these questions~ They were super fun!  <3
Questions and tags below the cut~ 
My Questions: 
1. 3 songs that remind you of your main character? (Or favorite character.)
2. Have you ever had to cut any characters? If so, what character do you miss/regret cutting the most?
3. Your favorite beverage, hot or otherwise, to have while you write?
4. Ideal writing time?
5. Do you keep notes of scenes/characters/worldbuilding, or do you keep it all in your head? 
6. How do you feel about your writing voice? Do you feel like you’ve developed your own, or like you’re still finding it?
7. What’s one of your favorite lines you’ve written? Preferably within the last chapter/10 pages, but any line is good!
8. How do you stay motivated when it comes to writing?
9. What’s the longest time you’ve ever dealt with writer’s block, and how did you overcome it?
10. 3 songs that make you think of your novel? (Bonus points if you say why!) 
11. 5 reasons you love your WIP?
Tagging: @quartzses; @writings-of-a-narwhal; @abalonetea; @apvtelesma; @serperina; @emmathenovelist (if i’ve tagged you before, feel free to choose which set of questions you do! also, gimme a shout if you want to be tagged, or not, in the future!) 
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On Ice || Zenada
Tagging → @nevada–saunders Mentions of → Nevada Saunders, sexual content, & family Time Frame → During the Ski Trip Location →  Aspen Ice Skating Rink Notes → Nevada and Doutzen go ice skating and get hot chocolate. This also leads to him taking her to Maroon Bells later.
Nevada laced his skates as he hummed softly along to the music that played in the rink. Pushing to his feet he waited for Doutzen to finish before holding out his hand to help her up. "When was the last time you skated?" Nev asked as he made his way over to the layer of ice.
Doutzen tugged on her shoe strings, making sure she got them tight around her ankle, because the last thing she needed was to twist one, before wrapping the laces around her ankle and knotting them. She looked up at Nev, taking his hand to stand before she replied. "It's been a while. Like seven years maybe. I haven't really had time since I moved to Denver." Doutzen followed him to the ice. "You?"
Nevada stepped out onto the ice sliding a little on the blades of the skates before steadying himself. "Hmn, probably not since I was twenty-four, I used to work at a Ski Resort actually. Though, I mostly just operated the Ski lift."
Doutzen watched Nevada slide and chuckled. "So that would mean we both stopped skating around the same time," she noticed. She made sure to step onto the ice with a bit more care as she followed after him. "Where have you not worked?" Doutzen attempted to move around a little to get herself familiar with the feel again.
Nevada did the calculations in his head before nodding, "That sounds about right." The male moved slowly back towards Doutzen as he tired to skate a circle around her but almost fell in the process. Regaining his balance he slowed his pace as he fell in line with her. "I haven't worked at a movie theater.." Nev named off few of the places he hadn't work at yet.
Doutzen shook her head as Nevada tried to skate around her. "You know, for someone's who's idea it was that we go skating, I was certain you'd be a lot better at this," she teased. She pushed forward to keep her forward momentum going, but kept her feet steady for the most part. The girl wanted to get acquainted with the ice before she tried to do anything. Doutzen would hate to run into a crack where someone dug their skate in too deep and go splat on her bum. "That wasn't a real question for you to list everywhere you haven't worked." The brunette threw her head back and laughed, almost knocking herself over as she did.
Nevada scowled as he scrunched his face and stuck a tongue out towards the brunette. "I'm just warming up." The male frowned as he skated beside her, "I didn't -- listed only one. Though, I could if you really wanted me too." Nevada bumped his hip gently into the female as she did so.
Doutzen made a face at him. "Hey, I'm still warming up too. You could have knocked me down." She reached out and lightly punched him in the shoulder. "Yeah, I know. But if I hadn't stopped you, you'd have prob kept going." The girl stuck her tongue back out at him.
Nevada booed, "That was the point." The boy only joked. Gasping as if her punch really hurt, the boy pretended to stagger and groin in pain as he nursed his arm.
Doutzen bit her lip. "Oh, shut up. Fine. I'll go make new friends to skate with," she joked kicking off to go faster as f to skate away from him
Nevada fumbled forward as he tried to keep up with her, only to full face first.
Doutzen heard the fall and turned back to look. "Oh no," she muttered as she covered her face with her hands. Skating back to him, then asking with concern, "Are you okay?"
Nevada groaned only to reached up and grab the females leg pulling her forward.
Doutzen was going to ask Nev if he needed help up, when he suddenly pulled her down. She yelped as she fell. "Ow. Fuck Nevada."
Nevada took the brace as Doutzen fell on top of him. He was determined to start another tickle fest as he always does but the boy just laid there. "Sorry, I imaigned that better in my head. I didn't hurt you, did I?"
Doutzen pushed herself up and to the side of Nev, so she was sitting on the ice next to him. "No, I'm fine." She snorted at his mention of it going better in his head. "Ice and blades on our feet, and you though that'd go better." The girl laughed more laying back on the ground, the more she thought about it. "Its fine. But you better watch out because I'll get you back." Doutzen looked over at him, with a huge smile.
Nevada chuckled trying to catch his breath before propping himself up on a elbow, "Honestly, yes." The male slowly stood up upon his feet before reaching his hand out towards the brunette. "Come on, toots."
Doutzen sat up, watching him as he got up, taking note of how his body moved. The woman looked at his hand, then back at his face. Giving him a devilish grin, "Are you sure you want to give me that hand?" It would be so easy to act as if she were going to let him help her up, but pull him back down instead.
Nevada raised his brow as he took his hand back and stuffed it in his pocket. The boy continued to stare down at her with his blue eyes with a smirk crossing his features. "Have fun getting up," he croaked before easily pushing off on his skates and simply gliding over the ice with ease as if he was faking to be bad at it.
Doutzen watched him glide away and shook her head. "You little fake fuck," she yelled after him. Sitting there a moment longer, only getting up so her butt wouldn't freeze. She didn't chase after him. Instead going at her own pace across the ice. Doutzen looked around her at the other people on the ice. There were surprisingly very few.
Nevada made his way around the rink and eventually caught back up with the brunette as he slowed his pace to fall to the same speed as her. "Hey, your ass okay?"
Doutzen had slipped into her own little world. She hadn't even realized she'd done it until Nev came up next to her. "Huh?" Looking over a Nev, giving him a small quick smile. "Yeah, sorry. Fine. Just thinking." Nudging him with her shoulder playfully.
Nevada cooed, "Ooooh, what are you thinking about, hm?" The male nudged her back.
Doutzen made a zipping motion with her hand against her lips. "Sorry. You need the password." Giving him a wink.
Nevada completely drew a blank on what the password could be. "Uhm.... is it.. That I'm the best person in the world?"
Doutzen stopped skating and gave him a perplexed look before a guffaw overtook her. She covered her face as she continued to laugh.
Nevada frowned with a dumbfounded look upon his face. "Give me a hint."
Doutzen picked up her head. "Why do you want to know?" she asked him curiously.
Nevada shrugged casually just looking at the brunette. "Because.. I would like to know what goes on in that head of yours."
Doutzen shrugged back at him. "I can promise its not that interesting."
Nevada shrugged again, "So."
Doutzen looked at him for a moment, studying his face. "I was thinking about that family over there." She pointed in the direction the family was, then pushed off to start skating again.
Nevada turned to look in the direction she was pointing to, taking a minute to study the family. The couple was young was teaching their young child how to skate. Seeing this made his heart lurch forward bringing him back to the time when his mom and dad were still happy. Nev shook his head pushing the memory to the back of his mind. Moving he caught up with Doutzen, "They're a nice family.
Doutzen studied the family once more. "Yeah. They are.... I wonder what that feels like," she muttered. Watching the mother catch her child after it managed to go the small distance to her, had Doutzen feeling a little envious. Since the girl never had that relationship with her own mother. Not that she would have changed it if she could.
Nevada continues to study her face switching his gaze back and forth from between the two. "I'm sure you will someday. You would be a great mom Dou." The male reached an arm around her giving her shoulder a small squeeze and kissing the top of her head.
Doutzen placed her attention back on Nevada. "Maybe." She wasn't exactly feeling his confidence, but she was grateful for it. "I'd have to fall for someone first, which I doubt will happen. Or accept being in a loveless marriage." She wrapped her arm back around him.
Nevada guided them slowly around the rink, "You're still young -- who knows who you'll meet." He bumped his hip lightly against hers, flashing her a small smile.
Doutzen followed Nevada's lead. "True, but I still won't hold my breath." When he bumped her hip she looked up at him, she saw him smile and smiled back. "You know, I've never been sexually attracted to anyone before?"
Nevada looked ar Douzten as though he didn't believe. "Never?"
Doutzen shook her head. She was completely serious. "Not ever. I mean I think people are attractive like in general, but I just have never experienced sexual attraction to someone."
Nevada furrowed his brow, scratching the scruff on his chin. "Oh... have you ever done anything sexual then?"
Doutzen rolled her eyes at his question. She should have expected it. "Yes. I'm not a virgin if that's what you're asking. You don't have to be sexually attracted to someone to be with them intimately."
Nevada now felt embarrassed for even asking the question. The two were completely different but the same all at once. He had to feel sexually attracted to someone in order to get off, there wasn't many times he was with someone who he didn't feel attracted to. "In your book, sure. My book is different."
Doutzen shrugged her shoulders. "To each his own." She looked up at him and smiled. "I take it, you've been in love before then?"
Nevada looked away from Dou as she ask him this question. "Once, yeah, but.." Nevada paused just shaking his head.
Doutzen squeezed him in a comforting gesture with her hand. "I guess I don't need to ask how that feels. We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." She let her hand slip from around him, reach for his hand instead.
Nevada shook his head again still keeping his eyes in front of him. "We were together for over eight months, just getting ready to move in with each other. Had all my shit packed n' everything and she left... her mom was sick so she went to go take care of her. After that.. I never heard anything from her again." The male intertwined his fingers with Doutzen’s.
Doutzen kept her focus on Nevada as he spoke. She couldn't understand exactly how he felt, but she could understand the pain of losing someone you loved. The female held his hand tighter. "She's an idiot," she spoke her mind truthfully.
Nevada chuckled at her response, "Maybe I was the idiot. I took me a whole year to get over it... that sounds pathetic."
Doutzen shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. I know its not easy losing someone." Looking forward and skating a bit faster. "I still think she's an idiot. You're a catch, Nev. Even I can tell that. You're hot. You got that whole blonde hair, blue eyes thing going for you, but instead of clean cut you're all broad shoulders and scruff. You're kind, and smart. And fun to be around. Ergo, idiot." She stated her statement as if it were matter of fact.
Nevada couldn't help but smile as Dou listed off the different traits about him. It made him giggle like a little boy, only to shove the brunette playfully. "Shut up.." he jokingly said.
Doutzen laughed as Nev shoved her with he free hand, her grip tightening on his other hand so not to fall. Even if he hadn't shoved her that hard. "What? I'm only stating facts."
Nevada chuckled as they started another lap around the rink. "I know," he smiled down towards the brunette.
Doutzen started to sway a bit. The rink had been playing music, but on a light enough volume that you could ignore it if you wanted. She liked the song. "I'm sure you'll find someone else. You're not that old," she teased.
Nevada smiled to himself watching the female out of the corner of his eye as she swayed. "Shall we go get some hot cocoa?" He asked wanting to dismiss the topic.
Doutzen thought about it for a moment, then nodded her head. "Sure. I'll even buy this time."
Nevada guided them off of the ice, luckily having made it safely. "Thanks for coming with me today, Dou." He spoke smiling softly at the female as he sat upon one of the benches to remove his skates.
Doutzen had let go of Nevada's hand at some point while following him off the ice. She sat down next to him, leaning back on the bench for a moment. "Thank you for inviting me. I had fun." Doutzen leaned forward and began to unlace her shoes.
Nevada kicked the skates off before slipping his boots on. "No problem, I enjoyed seeing you fall on your ass." He teased standing up and outstretching his hand towards Douzten.
Doutzen had managed to get one skate off, but the other one she seemed to be having a bit more difficultly with. "Ha ha ha. I only fell because you made me." Doutzen placed her foot in his hand, "Help me with my skate."
Nevada laughed as he took her foot in hand loosening the strings before slipping it off. He grabbed her pair of boots, "How do you even wear these beasts?" Nev kneeled down helping her put them on. "There you are Cinderella."
Doutzen allowed Nevada to handle her shoes for her. Watching him as he moved. "Very easily. You're just mad that mine are cooler than yours. And the fur keeps the snow out." She looked down at his handy work, the back up at Nev. "Thanks."
Nevada glanced down at his boots they were a pretty old pair, steel toed and wool lined. Standing up the boy held out his hand again. "Shall we?"
Doutzen looked up at Nevada's face then down to his hand. She took his hand into her own. "Lead the way."
Nevada pulled the brunette to her feet before wrapping an arm around the females shoulder. Luckily there was just a concession stand nearby that sold hot chocolate and a variety of snacks. Walking up to the booth the male smiled at the worker, "Two hot chocolates, please-- Are you hungry?" Nevada asked Doutzen.
Doutzen leaned into Nevada. He was warm. Upon approaching the booth, Doutzen looked over the menu. Nothing stood out to her, granted she didn't have much of an appetite. She shook her head no. "No. Can I have whip on mine though?" she directed her question to the worker as she reached for inner pocket of her coat for her wallet.
Nevada smiled at the worker, "Also could you had a touch of milk and cinnamon to mine, please." Watching as the worker nodded and went off to prepare their cocoa. Nev bounced slightly on the heels of his boots while waiting. It didn't take long before their coffee was handed to them. The worker rang up the order.
Doutzen perked up at the sound of what Nev said. "Oh mine too," she added with a smile. Taking a twenty out of her wallet and handing it to the worker upon his return.
Nevada grabbed the cups as the cashier took the money and gathered her change. Handing Doutzen the cup that had whip cream and thanked the worker. Nev reached out and stole some of her whip cream upon his finger.
Doutzen took her cash back, putting a dollar in the tip jar before returning her wallet to its place. Taking the cup from Nevada, smiling to herself as she could feel it warm her fingers. Although before she could take a sip, Nev swiped some of her whip. Doutzen narrowed her eyes at him. "Hey," she objected.
Nevada smiled as he licked the whip cream off of his finger. "Hmn," He paused, "Oh, did you want that back?"
Doutzen pulled her cocoa closer to herself, protectively. "Yes as a matter of fact I do," she replied. Just to see what Nev would do. She actually really didn't mind since the server had ben liberal with the whip.
Nevada shrugged, "Sorry, It's gone now. " The male chuckled as he sipped his cocoa and moved away from the concession stand and towards a trail that was just near off.
Doutzen rolled her eyes, following after Nev. "You suck." Finally taking her first sip of her cocoa, she moaned with satisfaction. "Mmmm." She licked her lips and smiled to herself. "What are you planning on doing for the rest of your day?"
Nevada let the cup of cocoa warm his hands as he slowed his pace, kicking some snow with his boot. "I was going to drive to Maroon Bells."
Doutzen quirked a brow at him. "By yourself?" she asked before continuing to drink from her cup.
Nevada shrugged, "That's what I planned on... unless you want to come too."
Doutzen looked up at Nevada from her drink. "If you'd rather go by yourself, that's fine. I wouldn't want to intrude," she informed him. Walking a little faster. "I was just curious anyway."
Nevada furrowed his brows as he watched Dou walked off ahead of him. "I don't mind, I know you will really enjoy the view."
Doutzen turned back. "Only if you insist."
Nevada caught up with her, "We can pack a snack to take with, how does that sound?" He questioned before taking several gulps of his cocoa. Realizing there was little only half left.
Doutzen smiled at Nev. "Do I really eat that much?"
Nevada raised a brow before looking up and down the female. "I think you need some meat on those bones."
Doutzen looked down at herself, granted you couldn't see her body exactly as it was covered completely with her jeans, which she wore thermal underwear under, her coat, and a scarf. She returned her eyes back to Nevada. "I am not too skinny," she protested.
Nevada: Nevada smiles, shaking his head as he gently nudged her. "Nah, you're perfect." The boy spoke before finishing his cocoa.
Doutzen finished her drink, she was surprised she downed it so fast. She made a show of rolling her eyes at Nevada, "Uh huh. Sure. You're just trying to butter me up."
Nevada reached for her cup dropping it into his as he walked back towards the concession stand and threw it away. Calling out to her, "Oh yeah, like a nice piece of corn on the cob."
Doutzen watched him as he walked away. Her head tilting to the side, as a thought she hadn't had before passed through her mind. The female found herself thinking that Nev had a nice ass. When she head him yell back at her, she shook her head. "Shut up. You're not cute," she teased with a grin on her face.
Nevada turned back rolling his eyes and poking out, "I'm cute as button." He joked as he walked back towards the brunette.
Doutzen "What does that even mean?"
Nevada "Hell, I don't know. My grandma used to always tell me that," he chuckled. "Let's go back to the villa. You may not be hungry but I'm starving."
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