#Happy early birthdayyyyy
loki-ioki · 4 months
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A distant memory..
for @jetaloen
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cat-terpillar · 2 years
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Happy Birthday to my bro Montyyyy 🎂🥳
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sweaterrat · 1 year
HAPPY (EARLY) BIRTHDAYYYYY @abbeyofcyn !!!! >:D
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not to be demanding but if i don't read a part 3 and 4 and 5 i will die (it's my bday can i get a lil present sometime uwu)
i loved what you write what does it feel like to be you
firstly. !!HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYY!! cheers and blessings and happy returns etc....everyone say happy birthday anon
probably won't do a full part 3 (or 4 or 5) for a minute just so people don't get bored of me. BUT because it's your birthday here's a couple. just for you.
Neil's actor keeps tripping on the word "auditorium" ("the autido- the auritor- the ortidorti-") and by the fifth ruined take he throws his hands up and goes "i dropped out of actual college okay. I've never had to say autid- this word before"
Allison's actress is supposed to rip her helmet off to tell some dick on the team they're playing against to square up but it gets caught on her hair and "ow. oWW. owowowow. [Dan's actress goes over to help her get untangled] owww. [*glances at the camera which is still rolling*] nah nah cut the cameras this is not very badass" she finally gets free and then turns to her opponent as if that didn't happen and goes "so yeah. you cunt"
it's supposed to be a literally like ten second shot of Neil walking across the campus (to show him being an Actual Student) but there's this pigeon that without fail starts to chase Neil's actor every single time they start rolling
(literally just picture Neil's actor, with his backpack on and shit, looking over his shoulder and doing like a sliding, vaguely frantic run across the frame of the camera to get away from this very territorial pigeon)
the monsters are all piled in the car as per when suddenly Kevin's actor's phone starts ringing (a traditional ringtone.. classical music etc). and while he's apologizing ("i forgot i had it on me") and trying to turn it off you can hear Nicky's actor go "ugh get him tf off the aux"
a scene where Andrew threatens Nicky with a knife except Andrew's actor forgets and gets to the threatening part too early. so they still have a few more lines to go but he pulls out the knife and backs Nicky's actor against the wall. then Nicky's actor whispers "what are you doing, not yet" and Andrew's actor pulls away and goes "oh god yeah sorry...guess I'm just excited" "to stAB me-"
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lefthandedhotch · 1 year
hiiiii <333 how are youuu linnnnn🥰🥰🥰💞💞 i hope you're doing very good😚💞 it's almost summer aka hotch at the beach season🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭 EEK!!! i have so many cute silly little beach hotch thoughts AHHH!!!!! so here is one of probably many :D
crying and screaming and shaking over single mom reader and hotch againnnnnnnnnn you and aaron have been dating for a couple of months and have introduced jack and your little girl to each other already so everything feels SO!!! RIGHT!!! and good!!! and sweet🥺🥺🥺 the weather is getting warmer and the kiddos are so happy that school is out for the summer because they both love school and learning, but now they have more time to hang out with each other :D you and aaron kick off the summer and all the playdates (and dates you and aaron will have🥰) your kiddos will have with a beach day!!! the kiddos LOVE the beach, you guys set up an umbrella and a blanket close to the shore so jack and your daughter can search for shells and cool rocks and so they can play in the waves that lap at their tiny feet🥺🥺🥺🥰🥰🥰🤭🤭🤭 they stand at the wet sand and when the waves come splashing in, they squeal and run back to you and aaron, plopping into your laps with soooooo many giggles as your little girl giggles as she snuggles into aaron "the water is soooo cold on my toessssss🤭🤭🤭" aaron grins at you over her head <333 at some point the kids want aaron to come into the water with them and he's got his swim shorts on but he also has a shirt on which is fineee but when you arrived you hoped you'd be able to Stare at his chest that you love so much🥺🥺 as he's about to get into the water, jack whines "daaaaaddyyyyyy :( i got you that shirt for your birthdayyyyy :( please dont get it wet🥺🥺🥺" you snort when aaron looks over at you for help and you shake your head to signal "you're on your own🤭😚" as you sip from a water bottle hehehehe aaron looks at jack's 🥺 face and knows he is weak against his boy's sweet little face so he takes off his shirt and as he walks back over to you to drop the shirt with the rest of the stuff, he chuckles at the 🥰🤩 looks you send his way hehehehe after so much splashy fun (and lots of sneaky kisses between you and aaron) you guys wrap up the day by watching the sunset with two soggy little babies in your laps, sleepily babbling about how much fun they had and how next time, you guys HAVE to bring stuff to make sandcastles😌😌😌 they fall asleep a bit after that and aaron carefully moves the little bug on his lap off so he can start packing up🥰🥰🥰 you two carry the kids (and the stuff) back to the car and on the way home, aaron notices you shivering and he offers you his sweater and you shrug it on and get soooooo cozy in his sweet car, listening to his 70s/80s rock, two cute little sleeping angels in the backseat WAAAHHHHHHH🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞
hehehehe hiiiiiii jess-jess i’m good 🥰 how are youuuu?? 🥰🥰💕☺️ EEEK!!! yay summer and beachy aaron season!!!!!! 🥳🥳 i can’t wait for allllllllll the happy summer hotch thoughts 🥰🥰🥰🥰💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
WEEPS!!!!!! you and your little girl get up a lil early and get all ready to go to aaron’s apartment with all your beach bags to pick up your hotchner boys so you guys can have a whole fun day at the beach!!!! 🥰🥰🥰 the boys aren’t quiteeeeeee ready yet hehe so you help aaron finish up packing a cooler of yummy snacks and drinks while the kiddos run around and giggle about everything they’re gonna do at the beach hehe and when you and aaron finish up in the kitchen, he tugs you into him with a cute playful grin and gives you a sweeeeeet sweet smooch before you guys go collect the excited little bugs and get the car all loaded up to go!!! 🥰🥰🥰💕💕💕💕
the kiddos are sooooooo happy and giggly the whole time you guys are at the beach, they’re just so excited to be outside and having fun together 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 hehehehe at one point (after aaron has taken his shirt off and you’ve gotten to Stare all you want🥳🥰🥹🥵☺️🤭) jackers comes running back up from the water to Plop into your lap for a little break and some juice, and while you giggle and chat with your favorite little boy you can’t help but watch aaron splash around with your giggly squealy girl in the waves 🥰 when a speed boat or something goes speeding by and making Big Waves come up to the shore, your heart gets soooooo fuzzy and fluttery when you see aaron keeping your daughter steady so the big waves don’t topple her over while she stomps around in the water to make little baby girl sized splashes 🥺💕 it just makes you fall deeper and deeper in love with him whenever you see him being so good to and with your little girl 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 hehehehehehe a few hours later, you and aaron carry your soggy sleepy babies back to the car but before he drives you guys back to the apartment, aaron leans over to kiss you sooooo softly and he murmurs “you can borrow some jammies if you want to spend the night” with the cutest little grin that makes you giggle “you’re never getting those jammies back from me, i hope you know” and he laughs because Of Course he knows that hehehe but he doesn’t care!!!! he just wants you to stay :( and he knows that it’ll be easier for your little girl if you guys can just tuck her in for a little nap at his place rather than trying to get her home and in her bed before she wakes up and gets grumpy 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭 and as you guys drive home as a little family, aaron cant stop thinking that he never thought his life could be this Peaceful and Lovely and he’s just so so SO happy to have this little family you and he created 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🥰🥰🥰🥰🥺🥺🥺
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hiro-doodlez · 6 months
Welcome to Oldville, gooberton!!!
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thetattlercrime · 6 months
HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAYYYYY!!!!!!! I will bother you about it tomorrow too 😈😈😈😈😈😈
ty so much!!❤️❤️ you were the first person to wish me happy birthday🏆. today is my birthday lol i think i accidentally queued the post
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kazehita · 1 year
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drew this last month for @ijustumfuck 's birthdayyyyy happy (early) bday ily !!!!!!!!
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shitpissboi · 8 months
It is my birthdayyyyy tomorrow :) I got a CAR and I’m very excited about it 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Wait no way happy early birthday dude!!!! 🎊🎊🎊🎊🖤🖤🎁🎁🎁🎁That is so exciting holy shit I’m so happy for you! I remember when I got my first car and it truly is a whole new sort of freedom, you’re gonna love it dude, do you know what kind your getting yet??
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cutthroatpixie · 7 months
i love the moon badge it is SO cool (my birthday is tomorrow for anyone else reading this shush shush katy just loves me so much shes early ok)
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stevebabey · 1 year
RUBY MY BELOVEDDDDD idk how timezones work i am basically throwing a dart at a board bc its midnight HERE so. HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYY <3 <3 <3 <3 i hope this year is SOOOO sweet and gentle with you bc you deserve all the good things :) im sending you the best birthday vibes ive got and i hope they get there on the right day smh. anyway MWAH
CITRINE !!! my fucking BELOVED literally CMERE I AM MWAH MWAH MWAHING YOU SO HARD RN <3 thank you babey!!! 🥹 i am the 29th (same as steve’s 🫦) so u were a teeny bit early but that actually just makes ur whole message so much sweeter :’) i am holding the sweet n gentle vibes sent FIRMLY as i want that shit too!!! i love u thank you again literally kissing u on the mouth
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bisexualogy · 1 year
three hours early for you idc HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYY MY BESTFRIENDTUAL !!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU VERY VERY VERY DEARLY YOU'RE AMAZING BEAUTIFUL TALENTED LITERALLY BEST PERSON EVER (no exaggeration just facts !) also im so proud of you i love getting your little updates about life/school 🥺 I will be more sappy in the dms I promise but yes happy birth my (newly anointed) capybaratual 💝💓💝💞💝💞💖💓💝💗💝💘💘💕💌💓💌💞💝💞💝💓💝💓
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I’M MUTUALS WITH LEE TAEMIN?! love the new url it’s so good <3 still 30 more minutes until firth (fran birth) THANK YOU FOR JOINING THE PARTY EARLY 💕💗💖💞💓💘💏💏💏💃🏽🕺🏽👯🎂🍰🧁🎉🥳🎊 you mean the world to me jade bestfriendtual !!!!!!! we r like this
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gonna wear my capybara necklace out tomorrow for tomorrow’s festivities :-) my favourite piece of jewelry EVER thank you once again :((( finished baking my cupcakes btw and i’ve outdone myself 🎩 if only i could mail you a cupcake
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kingprinceleo · 2 years
AAAAAA LEOOOO HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYY LOOK HOW FAR YOU"VE COME AND GROWN I'M SO PROUD OF YOUUUUU :D It's cool how we both have the same b-day month (Mine's on the 28th) - ☁️
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Thank YOUUUUU WAHHHHHH literally sobbing and crying
Happy early birthday!!!!! I hope it's a good one!!!!!
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wrenqueenisboss · 2 years
Well for starters it looks like someone is happy to see me!!
And im doing ok, i started streaming actually and its super fun the community is super nice! I made lots of friends and im celebrating my bday tomorrow!( alone again but its fine)
omg that's so awesome!! congrats!! I'm sorry :((
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k1ttyl0v3sy0u · 2 years
Happy early birthdayyyyy I gotta get twists in today 😿
And I got my fuckboy dreads
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mariahcarreyyy · 5 months
literally clocking in to say HEYYYY
it’s currently my birthday and as a treat i’ve been reading that one possessive lando blurb like it’s my job LMAO
hope you’re well queen ok lemme clock out — ❄️❄️
consider that blurb an extremely early birthday present it is now dedicated to u🫡🫡
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