#HAPPy birthday to empyrean’s cute and caring leader !!!
empyreansmoon · 3 years
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Empyrean Moon’s leader, Deoksu, uploaded another track to his personal SoundCloud, dino_deokie, for the first time in months, on April 25th: his birthday.
Although his upload went without his usual fancafe update, fans were quick to understand the meaning behind the track and the release date. Deoksu tweeted the link on Empyrean's official twitter with the simple message of "happy birthday to a young me :)".
"Night" is a track that focuses on the struggles of having to grow up and mature at a young age; putting an emphasis on the effects of burdening the responsibilities and worries of an adult at too young of an age. Although the message of the track is a heavy one, Deoksu mentioned it during his birthday v-live, talking about how it was a message that he wish he could send to his younger self, and how now that's become older he wishes to comfort himself in ways he didn't know how to before.
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