#Golden Dallah
profound-boro · 6 months
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in love with Xerjoff...
The Deshret Crown of Lower Egypt is what I first thought of when I saw the bottles for the first time. (с)
Or the Catholic mitre (infula for more) - when I saw Sospiro bottles.
МИТРА - головной убор релииозного сановника - как у римско-католического епископа: шапка, в верхней части оканчивающаяся двумя гребнями, похожая на голову рыбы с открытым ртом - os tincae, что ассоциировалось с Дагоном, вавилонским божеством (слово dag означает 🐟). Любопытно, что os uteri так называли в женской человеческой форме, и рыба связана с богиней Афродитой, которая вышла из моря. Любопытно также то, что древнехалдейские легенды говорят о религиозном учителе, вышедшем к ним из моря, которого звали Оанном и Аннедотом, - полу-рыбе, полу-человеке. - Sourse
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rosinaperfumery · 4 months
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“Three travellers throughout history.”
Discover uncompromising rare elixirs for mystery, exoticism and sensuality that break cultural barriers in this unique journey with Xerjoff.
#rosinaperfumery #xerjoff
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max2slick · 1 year
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javierfashionbazar · 1 year
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Coffee Break Golden Dallah by Xerjoff Eau De Parfum Spray (Unisex) 1.7 oz (Women)
Coffee Break Golden Dallah by Xerjoff Eau De Parfum Spray (Unisex) 1.7 oz (Women)
Released in 2018, Coffee Break Golden Dallah is a unisex fragrance inspired by the aromatic and exotic world of international coffee trade. From Italian luxury perfume brand Xerjoff, this scent opens with top notes of fresh spices. The heart notes bring in elements of coffee, oud, rose, incense, and amber.
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So, after four years of world building, I’m publishing it, so you can use it, or suggest me anything. This is a constant work in progress, and reflects how I see it today. For my world, I have numerous sources of inspiration, including obvious ones like Terry Pratchett or John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, Homer, George Raymond Richard Martin’s work, or artworks like Skyrim, Tales of Symphonia, Dishonored, or other myths from Greek and Scandinavian mythology. It is not plagiarism, it is pastiche. Keep in mind English is not my mother tongue, and some grammatical mistake can and will appear. 
I The World
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Myrgh’Or is a continent, on a back of a giant Tarasque, the Terrasque. It turns around it self, giving nights and days, and revolves around a star, giving the years. Each year is divided in 12 months of 4 weeks each. Each week is divided in 5 days:
Each days is named after a major divinity, which we give more detail in the next section.
Most of Myrgh’Or has a temperate climate. It gets warmer at the very south near the Great Mor’s Beak, and dry in the south-west in the Gado Desert. Temperatures can go very low near the Black Massif on the est, and Mount Caer Estae north-west. Except for the Gado Desert (which is due to a singularity in the Terrasque), the continent has green plains and large forests.
II The Mythology and Folklore
Before the age of the mortals, were the Thamerians, powerful magical creatures. They built an entire empire across the back of the Terrasque, leaving ruins and foundations of the major actual cities. Resourceful as they were, they built machines to help them in they everyday life, more and more sophisticated. At first, those machines were made out of metal, powered by energy cores (brilliantly called thamercores) but they improved their techniques and began making creatures made out of flesh and blood. But they were fragile and imperfect, as they didn’t last long, so the Thamerians, and especially one, called Vissaus, kept improving her creatures. Thus were created the humans, elves, and other task-specific creatures such as the dwarfs and the haffling. His dear friend and rival Kraenn thought they were too complicated for their purpose, and took inspiration to make the fauna, from the smallest fish to the greatest dragon, in order to help keeping the flora that had emerged from the back of the Terrasque, viable, and the fauna in a delicate balance. When any creature was broken (or dead) one of them: Mor, would take it away, giving it to Vissaus or Kraenn again.
Some tensions were built between the Thamerians, that eventually lead to war. Many Thamerians perished, and the survivors gave freedom, wisdom and knowledge to their creatures before leaving the continent. They were lead by Waz’kry, his brother Mor and his lieutenants Nordyr, Vissaus and Kraenn. They were eventually raised to the status of gods by the remaining population.
However, not every Thamerians were approving this liberation, and took revenge on this humiliation by attacking and tormenting the mortals. Nordyr help them, by giving them weapons to defend themselves against Naard’s assaults. When a more stable peace was achieved, they eventually went to the head of the Terrasque, minding their own business, while sometimes sending avatars to meet with the mortals, often from the creation of Kraenn, or Vissaus.
Waz’kry became the god of the gods, patron of justice. His avatar is a phoenix.
Mor became the god of death, and took the nickname “the Great Mor”, taking away deceased creatures when their time has come. His avatar is a pale humanoid that morphs into a crow.
Vissaus became the goddess of knowledge, arts and science. Her patron is also a humanoid, helping mortals solving problems.
Kraenn became the god of nature. His patron is a deer, guiding lost persons.
Nordyr became the god of war, travelers and merchants. His patron is a grey wolf.
Other Thamerians were also elevated to gods, among them: Tralunac, god of chaos, Naard, god of destructions, and other.
III History of the Mortals
Before leaving, some of the Thamerians left behind creatures of their own as a legacy, becoming Celestial beings and Tieffling, perceived as half-gods. Some of them, such as Hippolyte Waznal, son of Waz’kry, and his cousin Mornal were called to rule over the other mortals, making Waznal the emperor of Myrgh’Or, and starting the first era. 
The calendar counts four eras so far. The first era starts at the foundation of the empire at its former capital city Vis Lyann ; and ends and year 317, during the revolt of the half-elves. As they were too human for elves and to elven for humans, they were segregated, until things went out of control. They founded the independent city of Skysod, on a low hill to the west of Vis Lyann, while the other mortals went south to the city of Val Magar, making it the new capital of Myrgh’Or.
The second era ends in year 553, by the end of the siege of Blüm, in the Gado Desert, that was independent city so far. In the same time, the half-elves of Skysod surrendered and accepted a peace trade with the empire. Those two cities would still have their own government, but be under the guardianship of Val Magar.
The third era ends in year 1072, when Theophrastus Mornal, son of the Great Mor, kills the last dragon, after almost 1500 years of crusade, to prove to his peers his valor and power. Some say that the dragon wrath first came from him, but it was this wrath again other mortals that lead Theophrastus on his killing spree.
The fourth and current era is now at 92 years of relative peace, even though about 50 years ago, the son of Theophrastus, Seth Mornal wanted to do as his father and began a cult to kill all lizardfolks (the Saurians) and Goblin. (He wanted to kill orcs as well, but they were to strong for him). He eventually got stopped quickly by the imperial armies, but many suffered from his insane crusade. This came from a long time racism from humanoids against other thinking creatures, especially from the Haffling toward the Saurians.
IV Geopolitics
IV-a Governments
The contient is divided in six regions, with their own capital. The first is the region of Val Magar, in the center of the continent, and heart of the empire. Up north, there is the region of Vis Lyann, city of the archmage and the paladins; west Vis Norgur, great harbor and gateway to Blüm; south-est Dallah Rom, important economic city, at the crossroad of the north and south; south Strâtos, city of the Grey Elves; and south-west Blüm, formerly independent. Skysod is in the region of Vis Lyann.
Each region has its own leader, its Thael, often chosen by the emperor, or first offspring of the last late Thael; except for Dallah Rom, were the Thael has been overthrown by the local bourgeoisie and installed an elected government. 
Each Thael (or equivalent, looking at you Dallah Rom) has its own army, but has to respond to the Empire. However, any military title from the empire is treated one rank under when dealing with local army. For instance, a sergeant of the imperial army will be considered as a corporal in any other army. This is to prevent abuse of power between the imperial armies and the local armies.
Every town has their color scheme and symbol. Val Magar is a silver tower, with two swords crossing in the background. The tower represents the emperor’s tower. Vis Lyann is a golden tower, with a green shield in front. The tower is the former emperor’s tower, now the paladin’s academy and archmage’s tower. Vis Norgur is three bronze manatees in top of each other, on a blue background. Blüm is a golden kopesh, with red gems on the side on a bronze background. Dallah Rom is an ox with dagger for horns, in front of a green background. Stätos is an eagle-owl with a scroll in its claws, over a marine-blue background. And the Empire is a flaming phoenix, over a red and silver background.
IV-b Villages and other cites
Each city has its own local government, of a mayor, chosen by the Thael, and several councilmen or councilwomen, chosen by the mayor. 
Folks of the same races tend to gather into communities, forming cites. Lymbôs, in the Vis Lyann region and in the Noras forest, is mainly populated by wood elves. Bald’huin, in the region of Dallah Rom, in the Black Massif, is mainly populated by dwarfs. Mortas, in the Mortas forest, in the region of Stâtos, is mainly populated by dark elves and night elves. They are lead by the Spider clan and the Raven clan. Hillfoot, on the south cost, in the region of Dallah Rom, is mainly populated by Hafflings. Illpit, on the west cost, in the Vis Norgur region, is mainly populated by Saurians.
Few smaller scalled cities are famously known for very specific things. For instance, Ompolinburgh produces the best horses of the continent. They have this knowledge from a nomad tribe of tattooed elves, that once had a settlement here, and leaved when other races came. The city of Hillfoot, where most of the Haffling live, are famous for their racist chocolate, the Saucolote, with a smiling saurian on the package, and their raciste pipe weed, the Sanabis. The village of Littleburgh is known for having only small sized dwellers, such as dwarfs, hafflings, or just small humans. And Thamerburgh is known for its ruins of thamerian civilization next to the border of the city.
V Miscellaneous facts
Raptor breeding is very prolific in the Elnias plains, on the west of the continent
Giants live in the south of the Black Massif, and it is bad luck to watch one in the eye. This doesn’t prevent people reproducing with them, making some curious hybrid.
The true half-elves (human-elf) are the only fertile hybrid of the Terrasque, all the other are sterile, but are still viable.
The closer you are from the elven race, the higher you are in the half-elf hierarchy. 
The other son of Theophrastus, Garius Mornal, has accidentally woken up sleeping dragons that his father didn’t kill. They are now trying to regain strength
Tralunac is one of the only gods to actually interact with mortals, instead of using an avatar.
The cult of the Great Mor has significantly lost interest when his grand son tried to make a genocide. It has gotten a bit better since
Even if it is technically a mortal, the emperor hasn’t aged since the first era, making him the longest (and only) ruler of Myrgh’Or.
His cousin Mornal, and brother of Theophrastus, hand of the emperor, has been killed during the thrid era, and being replaced by Crowback, as the hand of the emperor. His name comes from the people of Val Magar, since everyone knows he ordered the assassination of Mornal, but no one can prove it.
Many guilds and organisations emerged from the society. Among them, the Silver Skull, an adventurer’s guild in Val Magar, lead by Garius Mornal, or the Black Feather, an assassin guild, lead by... also Garius Mornal. In Blüm, there is the Sand Dagger, an illegal guild, lead by Âhz-Ra, and all across the continent strikes the Alleged, who take care of problems they value worth the time.
Even if magic does exist, there is always a risk of becoming mad by using it, slowly corrupting the mind.
Some people are specialists in the making of special orbs, that come from the soul of any living being. The greater the soul is, the more powerful the orb will be. For instance, using an ox will strengthen the wielder, while using a orb from a Hag will boost the intelligence but also slowly corrupt the mind of the user, like using magic.
Many races, like orcs, goblins, or ogres, are nomads, and can be found anywhere on the continent. Even if they come from the same origin, they are mistrustful toward each other.
The personal guards of the emperor is constituted of Drakes that agreed to help him. For that, they have been  banished from their clans.
[meta] The world is constantly evolving, as we are four DMs playing, using it as a canvas. Some cities appear, other are being destroyed. I have much more to say, but not all is relevant. Feel free to give me any feedback you seem useful, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
Keep playing,
Jules, the game master that loves you.
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fragrancevault · 3 years
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Coffee, anyone? GOLDEN DALLAH, from the Coffee Break Collection by Xerjoff. A spicy top gives way to a dense red heart of Coffee and Rose Absolutes, Cambodian Oud, and Amber. All atop a scrumptious base of Cocoa and Tonka Bean. Available in parfum concentration, as it should be! https://www.instagram.com/p/CKNPazMhtQW/?igshid=opmob1ps8oxp
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alexey1968 · 4 years
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Golden realistic vector 3D arabic coffee pot dallah and three cups of bitter coffee Khaleeji isolated on white background
Royalty-free stock Ramadan concept, theme, category images, photos, graphics, vectors for you creative projects and designs.
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feyariel · 5 years
[D&D] Non-Human Deity Headcanons: The Short Version
(Screaming.) I’m trying to type up my D&D headcanon entry on the laptop I’m borrowing from Mom (long story, but it’s her old work one), but it keeps going to sleep, which somehow kinda-sorta logs me out of the computer - enough that I will (sometimes) get all of my tabs back, but with the text box closed and nothing saved. It’s really pissing me off.
So, summary:
The Lords of the Golden Hills (recurring gnome gods) are just disguises and/or psicrystals of Garl Glittergold. The only gnomish deities which aren’t Garl Glittergold are Gelf Darkhearth (Races of Stone, a duergar), Sheyanna Flaxenstrand (RoS; the love interest), and a given setting’s ascended mortals, none of which can be reliably verified to exist.
The Morndinsamman (recurring dwarven pantheon) is only as lawful as it is because of Berronar Truesilver, goddess of family, oaths, faithfulness, and such. It’s also as chaotic as it is (Hanseath in the “WTF is this shit?” pantheon from Races of Stone; Dugmaren Brightmantle, Haela Brightaxe, Sharindlar, and Thard Harr otherwise) because she reinforces Moradin’s lawfulness, acting as psychological repression on the dwarven psyche. Without her influence, the dwarven pantheon would largely skew True Neutral.
The Seldarine are fake - an elaborate prank the elves (and writers) use to fool others into thinking there’s a grand elvish religion with an extensive pantheon. They’re either disguised Olympians (same plane; it’s Hermes’ idea, but Apollo’s Corellon) or minor gods invented spontaneously whenever there’s an occasion for it and only get recalled 1.) if the elves/writers can be half-assed to do so or 2.) by lorehounds.
The Dark Seldarine, by contrast, are genuine in identity despite being subordinate to a goddess of deception - save for the non-drow gods working with drow, who canonically aren’t fooling anyone by appearing as drow. This is because Being Drow is haute couture in D&D.
Drow: because elves are so last season.
Sheela Peryroyl and Cyrrollalee are like Dallah Thaun, but calling them “aspects” neglects the horrific magical experimentation that wrought the halfling race out of Yondalla’s need to be a goddess of children and family without actually having a family - neither courting a spouse/baby daddy nor engaging in parthenogenesis. (This is based on the Mythic Origins on page 54 of Races of the Wild, which is very much body horror.) This drove Yondalla irrevocably mad in only the most fictional way possible: by giving her full-blown, totally not DID or even vaguely realistic MULTIPLE PERSONALITY DISORDER, physically rending her subconscious from her (as Dallah Thaun) and replicating other parts as body doubles (as Cyrrollalee and Sheela Peryroyl). Her seemingly lawful demeanor is due not to it being her actual personality, but being the leftovers of The Great Fission.
I don’t yet have an opinion on Arvoreen, Brandobaris, or Urogalan save that the last looks like Neil Gaiman/Dream of the Endless.
No, seriously, the Races of the Wild entry reads like that meme (”you fucked up a perfectly good monkey is what you did”) made into a horror story without the writers intending for that to happen. It’s amongst the many reasons why I do not recommend the Races of series (at least for lore).
Gruumsh has Small Man Syndrome, but that’s a given. In truth, the tales of the Dawn Wars do not come close to describing how terrifyingly destructive “Corellon” actually is, largely because recounting that would likely trigger another apocalypse. The gods agreed to let Gruumsh and his pantheon nurse his wounds to force Mount Saint Hellevesuvitoakrakarethian not to erupt again anytime soon.
That said, Gruumsh is indeed a Nazi and his pantheon is the driving force behind orcs on Oerth and Toril being the way they are.
The Giant and Dragon pantheons are the major powers in the universe, or at least the most powerful descendants thereof (Ahriman/Asmodeus notwithstanding). Some of the gods of the other races (especially human gods) are, in fact, avatars of these two pantheons.
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toddrogersfl · 5 years
Latest Launches
Fresh off the shelves and ready for sniffing, we present the fragrances we’ve been trying most recently. From empowering or coffee-infused to an elegant pastoral scene; invoking a notorious pair of jail-breaking lovers or inspired by beloved drag queens – the perfume world is certainly never boring, darling…
MISSGUIDED BABE DREAMS A juicy fizz of bergamot, pink pepper and red fruit accord veritably bursts from the bottle – which looks for all the world like a classy energy drink, suitably enough. Velvety rose powdered with orris and violet is further cushioned by a plumptious base of patchouli, sheer amber and creamy vanilla. A sweet-tinged Chypre that many a modern miss would surely love to wear, look out for the other Babe infusions similarly promoting self-confidence in fragrant form. £28 for 80ml eau de parfum theperfumeshop.com
XERJOFF GOLDEN DALLAH Exploring that universal sigh of relief from enjoying a hot beverage, and incorporating the historic trade routes of the coffee trade itself, Xerjoff begin a new collection with the release of this fragrant evocation. Dallah is an overtly feminine offering, entwining sumptuous rose with a haze of incense, sprinkling hazelnut, cocoa and tonka for a deliciously sweet nibble, infused with Cambodian oudh and amber to enhance the toasted coffee beans. Ravishingly more-ish! €235 for 50ml eau de parfum xerjoffuniverse.com
XYRENA CHOICES BY TATIANNA It isn’t every day that news of a drag artist’s debut fragrance crosses our desks – but we’re here to share everything and anything that comes our way. Pop artist, drag perfumer and ‘RuPaul’s Drag Race’ star Tatianna teamed up with LA fragrance house Xyrena to confect this aquatic signature scent, a fusion of sea salt and water lily, sharpened by lemon, key lime and tangerine, warmed by ozone, cedar and musk. Breezy, yes – but glam (naturally). £47.40 for 50ml extrait de parfum xyrena.com
DUSITA ERAWAN What an elegantly hazy scent this is, with high-pitched notes of petitgrain and lily of the-valley drifting into a cool breeze of Haitian vetiver. Pissara, Dusita’s founder and perfumer, blends Siamese nobility with fine French perfumery traditions, all inspired by beloved late father’s poems. So sweet hay steams in the early morning mist, then drifts of herbaceous clary sage embrace cedar, oakmoss and vanilla. It feels like wearing a whisper: quiet, but hopeful. £168 for 50ml eau de parfum lessenteurs.com
EX IDOLO LOVE & CRIME Based on the true story of a once-notorious couple – basically the Bonnie & Clyde of Boston burglaries in the 1900s – founders Tanya and Matthew Zhuk immortalise their daring prison break. This darkly delicious gourmand evokes May Coyle hiding a saw in a cake, enabling her beau, Thomas Howard, to escape. Pink pepper juxtaposes red mandarin, icing sugar dusts a floral bouquet and star anise spikes natural cocoa in the base of this quirkily wonderful concoction. £95 for 30ml eau de parfum At Fenwick Bond Street
The post Latest Launches appeared first on The Perfume Society.
from The Perfume Society https://perfumesociety.org/latest-launches-2/
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ardeovapsg · 6 years
Xerjoff Exclusives Golden Dallah and Moka, & Casamorati Corallo REVIEW w...
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worldhotelvideo · 6 years
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hajiumroh · 7 years
24 April - 23 May 2017 Hotel Madinah 
v  Alharam 460 . 550 . 640 Asian fb
v  Alharam 760. 850. 940 international fb
v  Dallah taiba 630. 700. 770 Asian fb
v  Alnukbah royal inn  460. 560. 660. 760  Asian fb
v  Arrawdah royal inn  460. 560. 660 Asian fb 
v  Royal aleiman 460. 560. 660 Asian fb
v  Aqiq milenium  570 , 670, 770 Asian fb
v  Alsaha 390 . 430  470 asia fb 
v  Mubarak almse / mubarak silver  235 RO
v  Shurfa suite  210 RO. FB hotel 40
v  Shurfa Standart room  240 . FB hotel 40
v  Bahaudin 450 , 505, 560  Asian fb. 
v  Majedi arac suite 230 RU
v  Fayrus satta 400. 435. 470. 505  Asian fb
v  Jawharat fayrus 370 . 405. 440. 475 alhaideri   fb
v  Aleiman taiba / Aleiman almanar 410. 455. 500 Asian fb 
v  Grand Aleiman / Aleiman Qiblat 370. 415. 460 Asian fb
v  Bustan taiba 150 Room only 
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v  Royal andalus  290 RU
v  Golden Tulip Anshor  250 . Asian FB 40
v  Anshor Jadid 220. Asian FB 35 
 *Rate Ramadhan 1438 H* HOTEL MADINAH
1-15 Ramadhan 1438 H
v  Mubarak almase / mubarak silver  290 RO  
v  Nozol royal inn  680. 780. 890. 1030 Asian fb
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v  Royal andalus 400 RU
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v  Mubarak silver  / Mubarak almase  350 RO
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v  Royal andalus 550  RU
v  Durat andalus 500 RU
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v  Mubarak almse  330 RO 
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v  Royal andalus 650 RU
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ehajiumrohcom-blog · 7 years
24 April - 23 May 2017 Hotel Madinah 
v  Alharam 460 . 550 . 640 Asian fb
v  Alharam 760. 850. 940 international fb
v  Dallah taiba 630. 700. 770 Asian fb
v  Alnukbah royal inn  460. 560. 660. 760  Asian fb
v  Arrawdah royal inn  460. 560. 660 Asian fb 
v  Royal aleiman 460. 560. 660 Asian fb
v  Aqiq milenium  570 , 670, 770 Asian fb
v  Alsaha 390 . 430  470 asia fb 
v  Mubarak almse / mubarak silver  235 RO
v  Shurfa suite  210 RO. FB hotel 40
v  Shurfa Standart room  240 . FB hotel 40
v  Bahaudin 450 , 505, 560  Asian fb. 
v  Majedi arac suite 230 RU
v  Fayrus satta 400. 435. 470. 505  Asian fb
v  Jawharat fayrus 370 . 405. 440. 475 alhaideri   fb
v  Aleiman taiba / Aleiman almanar 410. 455. 500 Asian fb 
v  Grand Aleiman / Aleiman Qiblat 370. 415. 460 Asian fb
v  Bustan taiba 150 Room only 
v  Wardah mubarak  / mubarak golden / raudah mubarak  170 room only
v  Loloat mubarak 1. 2. 3 .. 160 room only
v  Gloria almase  470. 520. 580 Asian fb
v  Nozol royal inn 420.  485 . 550 Asian fb 
v  Salahiyah 270   RU
v  Markaz elyas  150 RO
v  Rawasi safir 210 RO
v  Concord madinah 230 . Asian FB 40 Asian 
v  Raudah suite 200 RO
v  Elaf taiba 280 . Asian FB  40 
v  Salahiyah golden  210 RO
v  Mukhtara Alami  / Dar Alnaim / Zowar Internasional  270 . Asian FB  40
v  Royal Makarem 250 . Asian FB 40
v  Zahra alkhair  200 RU.
v  Royal andalus  290 RU
v  Golden Tulip Anshor  250 . Asian FB 40
v  Anshor Jadid 220. Asian FB 35 
 *Rate Ramadhan 1438 H* HOTEL MADINAH
1-15 Ramadhan 1438 H
v  Mubarak almase / mubarak silver  290 RO  
v  Nozol royal inn  680. 780. 890. 1030 Asian fb
v  Alnukbah royal inn  / royal dyar 650. 800. 950. 1050 Asian fb
v  Arrawdah royal inn 650. 800. 950 Asian fb
v  Fayrus satta / jawahat fayrus  460. 520. 600. 680 Asian fb
v  Salahiyah ex mubarak madinah   325
v  Royal Makarem  410. 450. 490 Asian fb
v  Royal andalus 400 RU
v  Durat andalus 380 RU
  15-20 ramadhan 1438 H
v  Mubarak silver  / Mubarak almase  350 RO
v  Nozol royal inn  850. 1050. 1250. 1450 Asian fb
v  Alnukbah royal inn  950. 1150. 1350. 1450 Asian fb 
v  Fayrus satta  / jawahat fayrus  480. 560. 670. 760 Asian fb
v  Salahiyah ex mubarak madinah  450 RO 
v  Royal Makarem  410. 450. 490 Asian fb
v  Royal andalus 550  RU
v  Durat andalus 500 RU
  21 Ramadhan - 01 syawal 1438 H
v  Mubarak almse  330 RO 
v  Nozol royal inn  740. 940. 1140. 1340 Asian fb 
v  Salahiyah ex mubarak madinah hotel  530 RO 
v  Fayrus satta / jawahat fayrus  460. 520. 600. 680 Asian fb
v  Royal andalus 650 RU
Request by email : [email protected] 
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rtscrndr53704 · 7 years
How To Make Arabic Coffee, The Perfect Drink For Fans Of Cardamom
In response to the Muslim travel ban, one way for us to navigate these times is to educate ourselves ― to learn what we can about the cultures of the nations that are affected and the surrounding areas. After all, food is the distillation of community and culture to its most basic form. We hope you’ll cook along with us in support. 
If you’re tired of your daily coffee routine, let us make a suggestion: Give Arabic coffee a try. It’s strong, it’s free of sweeteners, and it’s beautifully fragrant thanks a heavy dose of cardamom. 
Here’s the first thing you need to know about Arabic coffee: there are many variations on how to make it, about as many as there are nations where it’s enjoyed ― such as Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen and Saudi Arabia. But coffee culture runs deep in this region, so there are some constants. And that’s what we’re going to talk about here.
First, Arabic coffee is not brewed through a filter ― it is boiled.
Nawal Nasrallah, author of the cookbook Delights from the Garden of Eden, explains that Arabic coffee is traditionally made in a special coffee pot called a dallah ― pictured above ― but it can also be made in a regular pot on the stove. (The dallah’s shape, with it’s wide base and narrow top, helps the coffee foam.)
To make the coffee, lightly roasted beans are ground into a powder and added straight to boiling water ― often times with cardamom, if the cardamom wasn’t already ground into the beans ― and left for roughly 10-15 minutes. After boiling, coffee is allowed to settle for a minute or two to allow the grounds to fall to the bottom of the pot. 
The coffee is served in small demitasse cups without handles called finjaan. Only up to a third of the small cup is filled, Marlene Matar explains in her book The Aleppo Cookbook. It is typical to have the cup refilled several times.
Second, Arabic coffee is traditionally served unsweetened.
Arabic coffee is meant to taste robust and bitter. It is often served alongside dates (or another sweet treat) to counter the bitterness. Although, it should be noted that these days sugar does sometimes make an appearance.  
Third, Arabic coffee is fragrant.
Spices play a big role in Arabic coffee. The most common spice used is cardamom. It is added in large quantities, writes Lamees Ibrahim in The Iraqi Cookbook. Cardamom is sometimes ground with the coffee beans and boiled along with the coffee. Alternatively, it is added to the coffee after a first boil, and then boiled again all together. Cloves, saffron (which gives it a golden color) and sometimes rosewater makes an appearance in Arabic coffee. These spices are reason alone to put down your triple venti half caf and try something new.
Watch how to make Arabic coffee in the video below.
type=type=RelatedArticlesblockTitle=Related... + articlesList=58cff77ce4b00705db510a12,588f3b41e4b08a14f7e6f3ee,5899e3ace4b09bd304bd8ad4
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from DIYS http://ift.tt/2mLEXpi
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repwinpril9y0a1 · 7 years
How To Make Arabic Coffee, The Perfect Drink For Fans Of Cardamom
In response to the Muslim travel ban, one way for us to navigate these times is to educate ourselves ― to learn what we can about the cultures of the nations that are affected and the surrounding areas. After all, food is the distillation of community and culture to its most basic form. We hope you’ll cook along with us in support. 
If you’re tired of your daily coffee routine, let us make a suggestion: Give Arabic coffee a try. It’s strong, it’s free of sweeteners, and it’s beautifully fragrant thanks a heavy dose of cardamom. 
Here’s the first thing you need to know about Arabic coffee: there are many variations on how to make it, about as many as there are nations where it’s enjoyed ― such as Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen and Saudi Arabia. But coffee culture runs deep in this region, so there are some constants. And that’s what we’re going to talk about here.
First, Arabic coffee is not brewed through a filter ― it is boiled.
Nawal Nasrallah, author of the cookbook Delights from the Garden of Eden, explains that Arabic coffee is traditionally made in a special coffee pot called a dallah ― pictured above ― but it can also be made in a regular pot on the stove. (The dallah’s shape, with it’s wide base and narrow top, helps the coffee foam.)
To make the coffee, lightly roasted beans are ground into a powder and added straight to boiling water ― often times with cardamom, if the cardamom wasn’t already ground into the beans ― and left for roughly 10-15 minutes. After boiling, coffee is allowed to settle for a minute or two to allow the grounds to fall to the bottom of the pot. 
The coffee is served in small demitasse cups without handles called finjaan. Only up to a third of the small cup is filled, Marlene Matar explains in her book The Aleppo Cookbook. It is typical to have the cup refilled several times.
Second, Arabic coffee is traditionally served unsweetened.
Arabic coffee is meant to taste robust and bitter. It is often served alongside dates (or another sweet treat) to counter the bitterness. Although, it should be noted that these days sugar does sometimes make an appearance.  
Third, Arabic coffee is fragrant.
Spices play a big role in Arabic coffee. The most common spice used is cardamom. It is added in large quantities, writes Lamees Ibrahim in The Iraqi Cookbook. Cardamom is sometimes ground with the coffee beans and boiled along with the coffee. Alternatively, it is added to the coffee after a first boil, and then boiled again all together. Cloves, saffron (which gives it a golden color) and sometimes rosewater makes an appearance in Arabic coffee. These spices are reason alone to put down your triple venti half caf and try something new.
Watch how to make Arabic coffee in the video below.
type=type=RelatedArticlesblockTitle=Related... + articlesList=58cff77ce4b00705db510a12,588f3b41e4b08a14f7e6f3ee,5899e3ace4b09bd304bd8ad4
-- This feed and its contents are the property of The Huffington Post, and use is subject to our terms. It may be used for personal consumption, but may not be distributed on a website.
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2mLEXpi
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