#Glam shvagenbagen
umbrellazontik · 7 months
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absolutelybatty · 2 years
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Glam and Victoria's dates
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xivvany · 2 years
they give off so much "it's you, it's always gonna be you" vibes
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xseizure-candyx · 3 months
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✨🩷Unhinged glam sketch, it was 4:am and i had one eye open, i hate how i drew his face, bit i drew a new one and i like it better
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hadollam · 2 years
there is absolutely no heterosexual explanation for the way they always look at eachother😭😭
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meow-town · 2 years
Okay I really like the Dee x Girly girl concept. So how about a oneshot on Y/N, Glam, and Vicky’s first meeting? How did Vicky act towards Y/N? I’m so invested O_O
Thanks for this request, I’m glad ur invested! And I’m sorry I haven’t been posting as much, personal projects and works keep coming and I barely have the time to write for tumblr anymore. Plus, I prefer to take my time with these posts as I believe in quality over quantity.
But I’ve found the time and motivation to write here, so let’s get into it!
Dee x Girly!Fem!Reader Pt.2
-You arrived with Dee at his house, super nervous. I mean, you were meeting his folks. Most people get nervous.
-You made sure to wear your nicest skirt with a cute blouse and natural makeup. Didn’t want to cake yourself up like other times.
-Once you arrived at the door, arm hooking around Dee’s, you were practically trembling. Shaking in your damn sneakers.
-He reassured you, of course, and insisted that they would love you no matter what. And that if they didn’t, they could take it up with him. You two walked in the house to find no one there.
-Dee called for his parents, Glam was changing the strings on ‘Gibson’ and Victoria was working on a motorcycle. She came to you with gloves covered in motor oil. Glam arrived with perfect hair, perfect makeup and perfect nails, as always.
-Dee introduced you as his girlfriend and you went around shaking hands shyly, telling them how nice it was to meet them. Glam hesitated a bit, and Victoria grumbled under her breath with a light scowl. You just brushed it off and introduced yourself in more depth. Your name, what class you were in, etc…
-It took Glam maybe 5 seconds to get accustomed to you. He was kind of shocked at first. Hair all done up, with a mainly pink outfit. You looked like the polar opposite of his son. But then he noticed you were nice, and loosened up.
-Victoria however…
-She stared. Hard. Like she was wondering what this thing was doing in her house with her son. She was made fun of as a kid by ‘girly girls’ , so she’s very distant at first. That, and she’s very protective of her children, like a mama bear. Was very condescending and passive-aggressive for the entire time.
-‘So, (f/n), what do you do for… fun?’
‘Oh! Well, going shopping, trying new looks, getting my nails done… As well as the standard stuff, like watching TV and listening to music.’
‘Of course you do…’
-‘And, uh, how did you two meet?’
‘I was paired up with him for a science project, and we just hit it off.’
‘Yeah, ma. She’s real smart.’
‘Oh, is she? Wouldn’t have expected that…’
-You definitely noticed this behavior and clinged to Dee most of the time, in a very closed manner. Glam was just happy to be there, but also picked up on Victoria’s ways.
-Dee had to keep hyping you up, because you were too intimidated by Vicky to speak up about the way she spoke to you. It wasn’t aggressive, but definitely rude.
-Yeah, she was kind of an asshole at first.
-Glam cleared his throat every time Vicky was mean, as a way to tell her to stop, but she wouldn’t.
-Heavy was overhearing from his room, and figured he should go down so he could chat with you, but he quickly became intrigued. Just chose to listen to his mother’s comments, brows furrowing further each time.
-By the time she’s done interrogating and making you feel small, you decide it’s time for you to leave. Glam expresses his feelings of gratitude, saying he’s joyful Dee is happy with such a lovely young woman :)
-Vicky grumbles.
-Dee offers to walk you home, like a good boyfriend, but you deny his help, claiming you’re fine on your own. You wanted to show his mother you didn’t need Dee for everything, even if he was glad to give it to you.
-The second the door closed behind you, Heavy trampled down the stairs to join his brother and father in a group frown. They stared at Vicky for a good while, until Dee burst.
‘Ma, what the hell!?! What do you have against (f/n)?!?’
‘Yeah, you were mean to her for no reason!’
‘Vicky, you were excessively harsh with her.’
‘What, you’re defending that bimbo?’
-Dee would never cuss out his parents, but he came damn close. -Absolutely raging, he raised his voice to tell her off, only to trudge off to his room and slam the door. Heavy followed him into his room, also expressing his disappointment.
-She got super defensive, yelled , stood up, and left for the garage. Glam followed her after he apologized to Dee and gave him a talk on why his mother was acting this way.
-Glam knows Vicky, and he makes sure to not press any buttons and tread carefully. If she tells him to leave her alone, he will, and he’ll try again in 5 minutes.
-Once she’s taken her anger out on a punching bag, she allows Glam to speak with her.
-He explains how she was rude to their son’s girlfriend, giving multiple examples, and asks why. Even if he already knows why. He also adds how she seems to be upset about their son’s girlfriend being feminine, but she certainly doesn’t mind it when he’s feminine.
-Glam knows about Vicky’s struggles in the past with girly girls. Girls who looked just like you. She was left to the side, left out of everything, made fun of, avoided. She was bullied.
-He quickly explained that was no reason to make fun of someone who happened to look like those girls, and made sure she agreed to be nicer the next time.
-You were invited to dinner the next week. Of course, you were nervous regarding last week’s events with Vicky, but Dee said the whole family insisted. And so you agreed.
-You arrived with a casual dress and the nicest purse you could find, having spent extra time on your hair that day. Maybe she thought you weren’t classy enough? No, I mean, she came to you covered in motor oil… You were incredibly scared to ring the doorbell, and had to weigh out how to make the afternoon go perfectly, but thankfully someone came to your aid.
-Heavy was supposed to be helping out with the dinner and setting up the tables, but he had gotten detention that Friday and came home late. He saw you at the door and offered to walk inside with you.
-Dee stood up from leaning on a pillar, and greeted you with a small peck. Glam came out in a black apron with glittery pink accents, carrying a big pot of pasta. He couldn’t wave, but greeted you warmly all the same. Ches was on the kitchen counter, with his guitar, and waved to you. Victoria actually came to you and asked to speak in private.
-She apologized about the events that had happened and said they were uncalled for, and then said she was happy her son was dating someone like you :)
-When she pulled you away to a corner, you were lowkey scared 💀
-Like, ‘omg is she going to cuss me out and/or beat me up?’
-But you were pleasantly surprised with the outcome and told her it was okay.
-Then, you joined your Glam, Victoria, Heavy, Dee and their crackhead uncle in a lovely dinner, where you got to meet everyone a little better.
-And Heavy didn’t eat his vegetables and gave them to the stray cats, attracting a huge pack of them at the window.
-Also, Ches said he thought Dee would be one of those guys that ends up a virgin at the age of 40.
-You can’t have a normal time when they’re around, but nevertheless, lovely.
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corvicide · 2 years
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samuelao · 1 month
they are so uahauauaoa
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a-fictional-bitch · 1 month
Smut Drabble - Glam (Shvagenbagen) Metal
(Smut under the cut with GN! reader)
Glam was a man with an unbreakable composure, he always had been. It was how he was raised, how he survived, but when the musician met you, that changed. Somehow, someway, you had broken through the fortress of walls the man before you had put up in an attempt to protect himself, from what he was unsure. Maybe his father’s cruelty, the harsh reality of the word, or maybe even himself. Despite what he had originally thought to be his better judgement, he let you in, and instead of the impending hurt he had grown accustomed to, you showed him safety, comfort, love, and loyalty, the last thing he expected. 
Growing up so sheltered and isolated from much of the outside world, he was never taught a lot of the little things. You introduced him to many mind-blowing subcultures, ideas and beliefs that completely shattered those he was taught. 
One of those things just so happened to be pleasure, the sexual kind in specific. After the first time he allowed your gentle hands to touch him where he was most sensitive, he grew addicted to the feeling. The way your hands sent shockwaves of electricity through his body at your every touch, you gentle yet dominating kiss, and most of all the delicious torture he so loved you to subject him to. 
Your hands had already thrown the man into several mind-numbing orgasms that night, his back arching delightfully into your touch. You wanted to devour him, worship him, and praise him until his lithe body gave out in your arms, succumbing to the exhaustingly intense, feverish delight that you brought to him. 
He felt as though he were swept up in a roaring ocean, being tossed around by the tidal waves as his body convulsed at the intense stimulation as he felt your mouth lower down on him yet again, not giving him any recovery time from the previous round. Gasping for air, his body quickly snapped back to full attention, just as your fingers began to drift a bit lower. Your plush fingertips collecting a bit of the cum littering his abdomen and thighs from the previous rounds, and using it as a makeshift lube. You begin carefully massaging him, never stopping the movements of your mouth even as he squirmed from the fierce, almost masochistic level of pleasure. 
As you feel his tight muscles begin to ease, you slip a finger in, continuing only the movements of your mouth as the submissive man in your grip adjusts to the new, yet familiar sensation.
“You’re being so good for me, so beautiful.” Your sultry voice speaks up as you pull your mouth off of him momentarily to help him adjust. 
“Fuck..” He drawls out, melting into your touch as you begin moving your finger inside him, causing his hips to bounce in your grip. That was your signal to add in a second finger, and as you begin moving them in tandem, his whole body jerks as a shockingly high pitch moan escapes his open lips. You had found his prostate. You continue massaging that small button inside of him, forcing a series of angelic moans and whimpers out of Glam as he squirms. His pace perfectly matched your’s. Your fingers and his hips meeting at the perfect rhythm, and a knot began to form in his core as the pleasure continued to build, your motions nearly throwing him over the edge. His mouth chanted your name like a prayer, only driving you to fuck him senseless on your fingers even quicker. 
“Baby, ‘m gonna-“ He just barely manages to choke out before the knot within his stomach bursts, sending him head first into violent waves of white-hot pleasure rocking his thin frame.
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n30n-f43 · 9 months
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Get this boy some damn glasses, it looks like me trying to read Cyrillic, or just rather small text
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pet-shop-of-horror-fan · 10 months
About season 2, episode 5.
I do think it is a bit complicated because Glam made a plan with Ches and went back on it, but at the same time it was not something that Glam wanted in his life.
However, the primary reason that Glam looks sympathetic is because we know that he and Vicky go on to make a life together. But in universe, that does not matter because Glam and Vicky have not even met yet.
It does create one hell of a bias. Don’t know if it was intended as a writers trick but it is one. And not one I would recommend.
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absolutelybatty · 5 months
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"They've been choosing perfumes for 20 minutes..."
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xivvany · 2 years
queer rep be like: "kyaahhhh!!! >////< i like a boy but... i'm a boy?!?!?!" meanwhile queerbait be like: "What about you? Why didn't you leave?" "Because of you."
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raessahsaysstuff · 1 year
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Awesome animations I love it!!!!
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hadollam · 2 years
chesglam again except im a huge greek mythology nerd and a sucker for the bury your gays trope!!🤗🤗
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meow-town · 2 years
Hello~ I just found your blog and I was wondering if you could write a headcanon about dee having a twin sister, and what the rest of the family's intentions would be with her, this one wouldn't be as feminine but more than Vicky, at least thanks to glam .
(sorry if my grammar is a bit weird, english is not my first language)
Of course! Ty for requesting! (Ps, my device completely died on me the second I finished writing this, and I hadn’t saved since I started, and I lost everything :) yayyyyyyyyyy, remember to save each post regularly, kids!)
wrote this as a self insert!
-You we’re born a mere 4 seconds after Dee, and he’s still insists he’s the older sibling. Which is technically true, but he abuses that power so much!
-saying that he should be in charge whenever the parents leave the house because he’s older, or insisting that he’s the more responsible and mature.
-You have more musical talent than him though, so he can suck it.
-He gets so pissy over it, too. You could mumble a song that’s been stuck in your head recently and he’ll ‘tsk’ each time.
-Very good twin brother, however. He’ll help with homework and always put in effort in group projects (I mean, he doesn’t need to put in effort, he’s Dee, but yknow). Teachers nearly always pair you two up together. He’ll also tutor you in his free time if you ask him :)
-If anyone picks on you, Dee will stalk them on the internet for weeks just to ruin their lives. He’s not letting that shit slide.
-Glam and Victoria always tried their very best to be good parents. They never got physically punishing (except for the occasional playful punch from Vicky as a warning) and would parent as gently as they could, at least, from Glam. He’s had bad experiences in the past and doesn’t want you to go through that things he went through.
-Glam will flash his creepy stare sometimes as a way to intimidate you, but he doesn’t dare go any further than that to scare you. Victoria may seem super tough but to me she seems like she is a super protective mama bear who will tug you into her arms if you arrive home 5 minutes late. God forbid you don’t respond to one of her calls, or you’ll have thousands of other calls and texts. Your phone will absolutely blow up with texts like these.
‘Are you okay??’
‘Where are you??.?.+’
‘Come home’
-The first time Hevay came home in his little baby basket, Dee was staring absolute daggers into him. Looking at the guy like he wanted to strangle him. Heavy just grabbed at anything he could, wrapped in Victoria’s old bandana.
-Dee would snatch his toys away from Heavy, so you had to offer him yours constantly.
-Heavy was a rowdy baby, not the type to cry constantly, but he wasn’t ever quiet and still. He’d be jumping up and down or head banging (Victoria taught him how to) almost constantly. -Heavy will send you cat videos every literal four seconds and if you don’t respond to each of them he’ll get mad.
-He is the chaos child in the family, but he’s highkey the nicest so
-Teasing Dee about Lif is literally so funny 😭
-He’ll go all red and completely ignore you for hours on end if you keep it up-
-Ches was completely clueless while babysitting. He would frantically look through the pantry thinking ‘what the fuck do babies eat? Carrots? Granola bars? Can I feed them beer?’
-He’ll also accidentally swear on front of you a ton, and pretend like he’s not at fault when one of you yells ‘FUCK’ at the very top of your lungs.
-You, Dee and Heavy all developed your swearing thanks to Vicky and Ches-
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