#Georgia Borden
drawsdenfiles · 8 months
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Deep thoughts, man.
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cresent2003 · 8 months
Are you together?
Seth Borden x Fem! Brock reader.
Violet laid in the old bed that creaked with each movement as she heard the traffic outside the cloudy windows that had strange hand prints on the glass.
For the last few hours, she had been questioning why she said yes to this.
It wasn't like she was forced and at the end of the day, she wanted to see why her brother was so excited.
The Old Morrow Hotel surrounded her.
It was famous for supernatural occurrences and poltergeist activity.
The building had been standing in the centre of Georgia since 1920 and had a lot of stories attached to it.
That was what truly got her to agree to ghost hunt with her brother and his friends.
Violet was a history geek and while she was in the car she was researching the hotel.
Violet looked at the ceiling as she felt something watching her.
It didn't feel aggressive but curious.
Sadly no matter what she couldn't fall back to sleep.
She turned over and looked at her phone before hissing as she rushed to turn the brightness down.
She then looked at the time and noticed it was four in the morning.
Colby and his friends would most likely be done with the investigation.
Violet sat up before looking at the chair in the corner of the room.
"I'm going to see my friend.
Please stay here" she said before walking out of her hotel room.
She made sure to walk softly against the creaking floor as she walked to Seth and Nate's room knowing Sam and Colby would be pumped up with energy drinks.
Violet walked up to the door before knocking in a way that wouldn't make them think it was a spirit.
She looked around before yawning as her exhaustion caught up to her.
Suddenly the door opened revealing Seth.
He was still wearing his jeans and baggy sweater but now his long hair was in a bun and his boots were tossed somewhere within the room.
You ok?" he asked.
There's something in my room and I can't sleep.
If it's ok could I possibly sleep in here tonight?" she asked.
Are you ok though?
What happened?" he asked as he showed how much he cared about her.
How much he had always cared about her.
Violet walked into the room and relaxed the minute she could smell Seth's Cologne.
"I'm ok.
I just felt like I was being watched and I couldn't sleep" she said as Seth closed the door behind her.
She had met Seth before Colby met him.
She met him online and they clicked almost instantly.
"Feel free to sleep in my bed.
I'll take the couch" he said.
You'll be aching tomorrow if you do that.
Share the bed with me.
We've done it before" she said softly.
"Yeah but you know what Nate will say if he sees us," Seth said.
"It will be ok.
If he says anything I'll throw the lamp at him" she said causing him to laugh.
I still need to get in the shower so you can get comfortable" he said.
Thank you for this.
I'll buy you breakfast tomorrow" she said.
"You don't need to do that," he said as he got a warm sweater and sweatpants out of his bag to sleep in.
"I want to," she said before sitting on his bed.
Seth walked into the bathroom as she looked around.
Nate was nowhere to be seen but she knew he was probably with Sam and Colby.
Violet moved so she was under the sheets.
She could hear the old shower running as she used it as white noise.
She slowly drifted off as she cuddled into the sheets as she grabbed one of Seth's shirts by mistake.
She held it thinking it was the sheet as she fell asleep.
Minutes passed as Seth walked back into the room after killing off the last of the energy drink buzz.
He looked at the bed before smiling as he watched Violet sleep with her arms wrapped around one of his shirts.
It was the cutest thing he had ever seen as he sat on the bed next to her.
He caressed her face as he blushed softly.
He began to have a crush on her months ago.
He had always thought she was beautiful but now every time he saw her he couldn't help but be affected by the little things she did that she didn't even notice.
Seth slowly got into bed as he kept a responsible amount of space between them.
He wanted to wrap his arms around her but didn't know how she would react to that.
Seth didn't want to lose her.
He watched her chest fall and then rise again as she softly turned so she was facing him.
He froze as she placed her head on his chest.
His heart was pounding as he turned as red as a crab.
Violet....?" he whispered before realising that she was out like a light.
He smiled before wrapping his arms around her.
He then slowly drifted off to sleep as he felt her warmth.
It was heavenly.
**The next morning**
Everyone sat in the hotel canteen as they all ate breakfast after a long night.
Colby looked around as he played with a bit of pancake.
"Hey, where's Violet and Seth?
They said they would meet us here right?" Colby said as he worried fit his sister knowing she was here because of him.
I tried calling her but her phone must be dead or something.
I'll call Seth" Sam said.
"Nate, did you see Seth last night?" Colby said.
"Yeah, man.
We walked back together and he was saying something about how he wished Violet would have joined us" Nate said.
Sam called Seth before nodding to Colby as Seth answered.
"Hey, man.
Where are you?" Sam asked.
'Sorry im still in my room.
I overslept' Seth said through the phone.
"Oh ok well when you come down here could you grab Violet?" Sam asked.
Well, she's already here.
She came in to meet up with me so we'll be heading there soon Seth said as he his that he held Violet last night.
"Ok, bro.
See you soon" Sam said before hanging up.
"There together.
Violet went into Seth's room so they would walk down together" Sam said.
Minutes passed as as Violet and Seth walked to there table before sitting down with the others.
"So I heard you two got all cuddly last night.
It's a shame I wasn't there I would have loved to see that" Nate said.
Nate wiggled his eyebrows as Violet looked at him with an unamused expression.
Didn't make it weird when it wasn't.
I couldn't sleep so I went to find your and Seth's room as I knew Sam and my brother would still be up.
Yes we slept in the same bed but it's not a big deal.
We've done that a lot Nate" she said.
"You could have swapped rooms" Colby said.
"I wanted to be with someone.
Spirits tend to cling to me" she said.
Are you going to explore with us today or no?" Sam said.
Violet looked at him "I'm not sure yet.
Maybe" she said.
"Just text one of us if you want to," Colby said.
"I know," Violet said before feeling someone looking at her.
She looked over and made eye contact with Seth.
"What's up?" she said quietly as she looked into his eyes.
Sorry I went onto my own little world then" he responded in the same quiet tone.
"Did you sleep well last night?" she said.
"As good as I could in this place" he said.
"I think I was out cold the minute you git in the shower" she said.
When I came out of the bathroom you were asleep" he said.
"What are you guys whispering about?" Nate said.
We were just talking about the spirit that was watching me last night" she said.
"Right..." he said.
"What?" Violet asked.
"It just seems like you and Seth did a lot more than sleep in the same bed last night" Nate said.
"Dude thats my fucking sister your talking about" Colby said.
"I'm just saying" Nate said.
"Nothing happened and even if something did happen you would be the last person to find out" Seth said.
"Moving on.
We caught some sick evidence last night.
I think the viewers are going to love this" Sam said.
"Today you should do a live Estes and Evp session.
Give people a teaser of what to come" Violet said.
"Good idea.
You should go under.
The spirits tend to talk to you more" Sam said.
"You know I don't like going under" she said.
"It'll be fine.
If you don't want to continue it we can stop and take a breather" Sam said.
Violet looked at Sam before sighing "Ok.
But Seth will ask me questions as I trust him the most" Violet said.
"Wait you don't trust me?" Colby asked.
"Not with this" she said.
"I'm okay doing that," Seth said before looking at Violet.
Let's get started in the next thirty minutes then" Sam said.
"I need to eat first otherwise I will pass out" she said.
"Really?" Nate asked.
Violet out of everyone who's done the Estes method hates it the most" Colby said.
"You guys can go set up.
Me and Violet still haven't had breakfast yet" Seth said.
I'll text you the location" Colby said as he looked at Seth.
"Ok dude.
See you soon" Seth said.
They all left as Violet placed her head on Seths shoulder.
She was still tired.
"Tired?" Seth said.
Sorry I haven't been sleeping well for the past week.
Colby's been pulling me around haunted sites constantly" Violet said as she failed to see Seth blushing.
"Eat something first and then you can sleep for the rest of the half an hour we have" Seth said.
She looked at him "Ok" she said before calling a waiter over.
They ordered the food they wanted before sitting in comfortable science.
If only one of them could admit there feelings all the tension and everything that made everyone around them uncomfortable everything would solve itself.
They both loved each other and wondered if the other liked them.
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Mother’s Finest, Atlanta, Georgia, 1976
Jerry «Wyzard» Seay, Gary «Moses Mo» Moore, Glenn Murdock, Joyce «Baby Jean» Kennedy, Barry «B.B. Queen» Borden and Mike Keck
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21incognito · 2 years
Not What I Expected
“Harry,” Will said patiently, “I tried to tell you.  Now hold still and let me get some antiseptic on those cuts.”
Will had tried to tell me about things that could happen at his house, but I hadn’t seriously paid attention. It was just supposed to be a relaxing dinner and the chance to catch up with him and Georgia, my first real chance to meet their daughter, a pretty little girl judging by the photos Will proudly showed me whenever we crossed paths.
“I know, Will.  Guess I scared her,” I said guiltily.  After all, I’m 6’9” of wizard, scars and long limbs.  I tend to intimidate people without even trying.  To children I look like a giant.
“Harry, we told her about you, about how big you are, and we worked really hard to make sure she understood you’re really a nice guy.  You were fine until ”
I took the chance to interrupt him.  “I know all that and I’m sorry.”  I might have grunted a little as the antiseptic bit into the cuts on my hand and arm.  “It was Murphy, wasn’t it,”  I said.
Will shook his head at me.  “Didn’t I say not to make any sudden or threatening moves around her?  Things started out fine and then you had to act like you meant to backhand her.  For the love of god, Harry, why couldn’t you behave?”
Will was right.  Murphy and I had driven over to the Borden’s house for an early dinner and possibly some game time after.  The Borden’s daughter was a beautiful little thing, all big eyes and smiles and giggles.  Dinner was great and I actually started to relax in a way I hadn’t for weeks.  The whole coming back from the dead routine had taken a toll on me and everyone else, with Murphy and Will shouldering a lot of the weight of protecting Chicago.  After we ate, Georgia took the little girl back for a bath and pajamas while the rest of us sat in the living room and talked.  Murphy and I started swapping minor insults like mature adults and she started a story about some case we’d worked. But she stretched the truth about how some things happened and made it sound like it had been my fault the perp took off running without his pants, so naturally I reached over and without thinking about it twice, I pretended to backhand her.  And that was the moment Georgia and her daughter came back in to the room.  I never had a chance. That little girl was faster than a speeding bullet, something I’m way too familiar with, and hit me like a freight train.  I ended up on the floor with a small furry being chewing on my hand and scratching my arm.  Murphy probably saved my life, again, because the miniature werewolf let go when Murphy grabbed her and started talking to her, gently but firmly, and putting herself between the furry little werewolf and me.  Georgia joined in and after a minute or two things calmed down enough for Will to hustle me into the kitchen while the ladies worked things out.  Needless to say, the impressive first aid kit came out before I even had a chance to sit down.  Will and Georgia keep a well-stocked kit for obvious reasons, but this might have been unusual, even for them.
“You going to be OK?” asked Georgia as she came into the kitchen a few minutes later.  She managed to look worried, scared and irritated, all at once. “That was a first, Harry; we didn’t know our daughter could change like that.  She said only Murphy’s could put her to bed tonight.”
I smiled at her, hung my head and sheepishly admitted I should have done better.  
“Will explained your daughter’s very fond of Murphy and I just didn’t imagine how much or what could happen.  We joke around like that all the time,” I said as we made our way out to the living room with drinks in hand; Mac’s beer, just the thing for werewolf bitten wizards.  
“You can’t even look like you’re thinking of doing something to Karrin if you’re here, Harry” said Georgia.  “Somehow, our daughter knows Murphy had a big hand in saving the two of us.  She loves her and she’s obviously protective of her.”
All I could do was nod in agreement while I sipped my beer and nursed my bandaged hand.  The long scratches on my arm started to itch.  Maybe Murphy could drive home?  Ten minutes later I thought someone needed to check on things in the bedroom because Murphy hadn’t shown up again. I wasn’t sure if I felt worried or relieved but I cleared my throat and looked down the hall. Georgia put her hand on my shoulder, keeping me seated while firmly indicating whoever went down the hall wouldn’t be me.  Will got up.  I watched him open the door to their daughter’s room, peek in and smile a little.  He turned toward us and indicated we should come and look in.
The Borden’s daughter lay curled up, the picture of innocent childhood, her head in Murphy’s lap while the lady in question stroked her hair and whispered the words of a story to her.  I seem to remember a time or two laying down somewhere with my head in Murphy’s lap.  It’s nice, reassuringly comfortable overall, but I was usually hurt, bleeding or semi-conscious when it happened, so I might not be the best judge.  Maybe I should try it out when things were normal.  We drifted back into the living room to wait. Georgia and Will relaxed and that’s when the subtle hints started about home life, small children and bedtime stories. And suddenly I was relieved that Murph was still down the hall.
As if she’d read my mind, Murphy volunteered to drive back.  She couldn’t figure out if she ought to be angry, exasperated, concerned, or amused over the evening.  I don’t understand how women manage to do it, but Murph handled all of those states simultaneously without any trouble at all.  “That was a one of a kind evening, I hope,” was all she said as we got into the car.
“Not at all what I expected,” I said ruefully.  “Still, you have to admit it’s one of those evenings you’ll always remember, right?”
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other-eye · 7 months
Headed back home after spending a few days in Salem MA. Went on a road trip with my cousin and a few of her friends since apparently one of my ancestors was hung in the 1692 trials. Had a great time!
Ready to go home tho, I love my cousin and I got along great with her friends, I just can’t wait to finally be alone again. I call myself a social introvert. I have no social anxiety in most things and I love meeting and talking with people. Just after a while tho I need to recharge my social battery.
We went to several haunted places in the city and we went to the Lizzie Borden house and the Conjuring House. I’m a skeptic when it comes to ghosts but I really want to believe in them. My cousin claims to be psychic and that she saw something in the window when no one was there and other things. I had her lock me in one of the closets called “The Birthing Room” and I rolled up my sleeves and was like “ok spirits, I mean no disrespect, I just want to have something happen to me that I can’t blame on my possible schizophrenia”. Nothing happened. It was a little disappointing for me but I didn’t really expect anything to happen. Then my cousin said I was being disrespectful to the ghosts at the Lizzie Borden house because of all the axe and head puns I was making lol.
Got a bunch of little trinkets I can’t wait to give to my BF. There was also a market and I got a back patch, a new pipe, couple of keychains and stuff. But the big thing I was so happy to get were my Demonias! They’re the basic ones everyone thinks when they hear big stompy goth boots but Idc. I saved for 3 months to get these! I didn’t get a tattoo in Salem but I’ll just get one on Friday when I’m back in Georgia.
Well, 3.5 hours down and >15.5 to go.
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onodis · 2 years
2022 AAI Award nominees:
Audrey Barber (Maryland) Alyssa Baumann (Florida) Rachel Baumann (Georgia) Maya Bordas (Cal) Rachel Borden (UIUC) Kyla Bryant (Stanford) Ariana Castrence (Temple) Leah Clapper (Florida) Kathryn Doran (Bridgeport) Sami Durante (LSU) Derrian Gobourne (Auburn) Isabel Goyco (TWU) Lexi Graber (Alabama) Belle Huang (Rutgers) Cristal Isa (Utah) Anna Kaziska (SEMO) Ona Loper (Minnesota) Colby Miller (Ohio State) Olivia Miller (Pitt) Emily Muhlenhaupt (Boise State) Maggie O’Hara (Arkansas) Nya Reed (Florida) Kynsee Roby (Nebraska) Alexandria Ruiz (Denver) Savannah Schoenherr (Florida) Megan Skaggs (Florida) Trinity Thomas (Florida) Olivia Tratuman (Oklahoma) Sadie Miner-Van Tassell (BYU) Drew Watson (Auburn) Natalie Wojcik (Michigan)
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mus1g4 · 2 years
What is your favourite persona as an inmate you like to use and would a “back talker who acts all tough but is scared like crazy” be a good persona?
When I arrived at RCI for my first role play, I planned to be absolutely well behaved. I was going to simply be a "cog in the gear" and simply serve my sentence. I wanted to experience being in a uniform exactly like every other inmate and only defined by the difference in the number on the chest of my shirt and the ass of my pants!
That was the plan! The reality was totally different. I turned in to the love child of Lizzie Borden and Charles Manson! I was a total asshole starting with the first command. It was game on! To this day, I have no idea where that came from or why! It just happened and has stuck with me every time I play. I am Pitbull as a guard and Pitbull as an inmate.
The back talker who is quietly afraid and scared is awesome. I really like that a lot! Be certain to have a detailed back story for yourself and keep it in mind as you role play.
My first role play character was essentially a version of me! I was a caucasian guy, 50 years old, who got drunk at a party and drove. I killed a pedestrian drunk driving. I had every privilege in my life, money, job and great boyfriend. Now it was gone. I got a sentence of 10 years at hard labor at Georgia DOC. I had to sell everything, including giving away my two cocker spaniels. My boyfriend Ashe left me right after my sentencing hearing. I had $650,000 in a trust account to use when i got out. I paid off everything and sold everything in the three months deferral I received to "put my affairs in order". I started role play at the moment I was turning myself in to the authorities to be transported to the intake center.
If you can have that much detail in your mind and react based on your own story, you will greatly enhance the play!
My favourite persona is Pitbull.  I am a complete asshole from start to finish.  I give no inmate or guard any breathing room and no respect.  I am badass from morning to night!
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anguisette90 · 3 years
Chapters: 9/9 Fandom: The Dresden Files - Jim Butcher Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Harry Dresden/Karrin Murphy Characters: Harry Dresden, Karrin Murphy, Maggie Dresden, William "Billy" Borden, Georgia McAlister Borden, Waldo Butters, Andi (Dresden Files - Butcher), Marion Murphy, Thomas Raith, Molly Carpenter Additional Tags: Marriage Proposal, Domestic Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Mostly not smut, Drama, Canon-Typical Violence, Spoilers through Skin Game, No Spoilers for Peace Talks or later, no betas - we die like men, Family Fluff Summary:
Karrin and I are alike in that – we’re both beings of pure stubbornness. But I'm almost two feet taller than her, which means there's more of me, and therefore I'll out-stubborn her any day. It's just a matter of simple biology. With that sound logic on my side, she’d have to say yes eventually, right?
A series of shorts in which Harry has a Very Important Question, and will not stop asking it until Murphy either gives him the answer he wants or kills him to shut him up.
I've had this fic sitting in my finished drafts folder since last March. I couldn't work up my nerve to get it posted for the longest time, and then this summer's duology happened and I couldn't even bring myself to open the document for awhile. But I've had several posts recently come across my dash complaining about how Butcher did our girl dirty and how much more Harry/Murphy content we wanted/needed/DESERVED YOU MONSTER, ahem. And so I took it as a sign from the powers that be to edit and post this. 
Hope you like it (if you're so inclined to read it, that is!)
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drawsdenfiles · 7 months
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11. Paws
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newagesispage · 3 years
                                                                        MAY                 2021
The Rib Page
George Takei is sweatin’ with the oldies. He stars in a fitness app for gay seniors, Bar Belles. It was his April Fool’s day joke.
Fox will bring us Crime Scene Kitchen on May 26 with host Joel McHale.
Joel Hodgson has launched a new kick starter to create a new independent season of MTS3K, The goal is $2mil.
Bob Odenkirk will release: Comedy, comedy, comedy, drama: A Memoir on Jan. 18 2022
Leslie Jones will host the 2021 MTV Awards.
$3 mil was raised for Next for Autism with help from Conan, Kimmel, Charlize, Chris Rock, Jack Black and Sarah Silverman.
Have ya noticed that Gayle King looks great in yellow.
Some people are not too happy that Elon Musk will host SNL on May 8. Miley Cyrus is the musical guest.** Musk tweeted: Let’s find out just how live SNL really is. Cast member Bowen Yang tweeted back, : What the Fuck does this even mean?
Oh Seth Meyers: Every time I see the sea captain on your show, I miss him so much!!
There is a spotlight on Foxconn which made a big splash for Trump at the start of his presidency. The company has done a lot of nothing but still gets tax cuts. Homes were demolished, roads were widened to nowhere and money was spent. Wisconsinites are upset that this big business is just folly and a big glass orb.
Mike Lindell is a kook but he did try to appear to be a good sport on Kimmel.
When will weed be legal on a federal level? When will drug testing for employment be illegal? We hear so much about personal rights with the gun laws and vaccines and masks. What about the right to do what we want with our bodies when we are not at work. Think of the administrative costs that could be saved if we just removed drug testing. Our experience and work ethic should mean more that what we do with our free time. This is not a problem at all companies. There are places in this country where it is near impossible anywhere in your area to get hired without a drug screening. One joint on a random Saturday night could keep someone from a great opportunity. A person in pain who reaches for an edible might miss out on the job that saves their lives.
NASA sent the first flight to another planet. The Mars flight made history with the 30 sec feat.
What? The Menendez brothers are popular again? From the Ramsey case to the Manson murders or Bundy, it all comes back around again.
The Lizzie Borden house just sold for $2mil to Lance Zaal of U. S. Ghost Adventures.
Quarantine and so much television et al proves one thing, the pharmaceutical and insurance companies have way too much $.
Trump told everyone to boycott Coke and is later seen drinking diet Coke.** Trump sent out a statement about how bad the Oscars are. They threw it right back in his face. ** Federal agents have searched Giuliani’s Manhattan apartment. It stems from the 2 year investigation into activities in Ukraine.
X-VP Pence is said to have pressured the Navy to reinstate former Mo. Gov. Eric Greitens. Greitens was accused of tying up, blindfolding, taking explicit photos of and blackmailing a woman.
There is a crisis in schools with the lack of civics and history being taught.
Hulk Hogan was hit with a chorus of Boo’s at his latest event.
The latest sexual harassment news: Matt Gaetz  is being looked into for sex with a minor and sex trafficking.  Bill Barr opened the investigation.** Tom Reed has been accused of sexual misconduct by former lobbyist, Nicolette Davis.** Marilyn Manson has been sued by Game of Thrones, Esme Bianco for sexual abuse.
What is going on with Bank of America? I am hearing from multiple people that often they do not get their statement in the mail. Is this a bad Postal service? Is this bad business practice? How many late fees had to be paid because of this? Not everybody wants to pay their bills online.
Jack Hanna has revealed that he has dementia.
Tiny Tim : King for a day is a new doc I must see. The film contains footage shot from Warhol’s Factory. There are excerpts from Tim’s diary read by Weird Al Yankovic and the story of how Tiny’s friend, Bob Dylan wanted to make a film with him.
Lindsay Lohan’s Father, Michael has been charged with 5 counts patient brokering and 1 count of attempted patient brokering. This is an apparent scam of steering addicts into rehab for cash.
Aaron Sorkin and Paulina Porizkova are dating. Pete Davidson and Phoebe Dynevor are dating.
JB Smoove has a new podcast brought to you by TeamCoco.
Hey.. People working on the new Law and Order: Organized Crime….. TOO MUCH MELONI!!
Zach Avery, actor, was arrested for his participation in a $690 mil Ponzi scheme.
President Biden has restored aid to the Palestinians.
MLB put up a wall in Georgia but the Masters stayed.
Hank Azaria has brought Brockmire to a new podcast.
Tommy Chong isn’t allowed on FB because of his weed posts but they allow an imposter to use his name to sell weed.
Pennsylvania is trying to push thru 14 voter suppression bills.
Joe Manchin. Ugh!!** Marjorie Taylor- Greene has let go of her America First caucus.** Ted Cruz has allegedly used $154, 000 of his campaign funds to buy up copies of his book to boost sales. This is an old trick but still illegal.
For the first time, The Carter Center became involved in a U.S. election. They published videos and live webcasts as well as deploying observers across Georgia.
Most health programs in Uganda, Nigeria and Ethiopia have resumed after Covid.** Tom Vilsack from the Dept. of Agriculture has announced the USDA will provide assistance to 30 million kids.** It is sad to me that we have to entice people to vaccinate. Football games, Church’s and shot for shot in bars?? Really? Saving the lives of others should be enough. WTF?
Alec Baldwin, Alec Mapa and Kelsey Grammer are shopping around a new comedy that ABC decided to pass on.
Chauvin was found guilty.
Days alert: C’mon Ben, calm the fuck down! Don’t prove how out of control you are like everybody thinks. ** Xander is so funny right now.** How many people will Kristen be and how many times can one person melt down?? **Bring Carrie back!! **Jackee’ seemed a bit nervous in the beginning but she is fitting right in. More!
The SAG awards came and went. With the Trial of the Chicago 7 winning best ensemble, Michael Keaton is the first person to be in 3 best casts for SAG’s.** Other winners include Viola Davis, Chadwick Boseman, Daniel Kaluuta, Youn Yuh-Jung, Mark Ruffalo, Anya Taylor- Joy, Jason Bateman, Catherine O’Hara, Schitt’s Creek and The Crown.
The Oscars were held on April 25. It was a bit of a yawner and why would a show set themselves up for an awkward end?? There was a commercial from P&G right before the broadcast that stated, “ Widen the screen so we can widen our view.” Nice sentiment.  Mank had so many noms and only 2 wins. People looking their best to me were Leslie Odom Jr., Glenn Close, Riz Ahmed, LaKeith Stanfield, Colman Domingo, John Batiste, Mia Neal, Questlove (gold crocs and a mask!), Desmond Roe, Travon Free, Trish Summerville, Marlee Matlin, The Lucas Brothers, Andra Day, Carey Mulligan, Amanda Seyfried, Nicolette Robinson, Regina King and Margot Robbie. Laura Dern looked like Big Bird, there were just too many feathers. Tiara Thomas had feathers but they looked great.  Angela Bassett had some power sleeves and Tyer Perry looked like a little boy.  Hooray for Emerald Fennell for her win for original screenplay but not sure about the dress. And Viola Davis?? Dana Murray?? Ashley Fox?? Hmm?? Winners seemed to have trouble getting to the stage. They often refused the steps or the walkway and sort of climbed up the side. I did love the intimate setting and it did remind me of the old clips of years before. Sound of metal and Ma Rainey both won. Tyler Perry and for the first time, an organization, the motion picture and television fund, took home the humanitarian award. I was thrilled to see My Octopus Teacher win for Doc. I loved Crip Camp too, that was a hard category.  The acting winners went in all directions.  Many critics complained that the films were real downers . Nomadland won best picture. Michael Moore put it best I think. Of the films this year, he said, “They force you to look backward with 2021 eyes.”
Why the Fuck do we need a militarized police force?
R.I.P. victims of the multiple mass shootings, victims of police shootings, the crush in Israel, Cosette Brown, Midwin Charles, DMX, Paul Ritter, Ethel Gabriel, G. Gordon Liddy, Buddy Peppenschmidt,  Prince Philip, Anne Beatts, Diane Adler, Vartan Gregorian, Monte Hellman, Jim Steinman, Michael Collins, Michael wolf Snyder, Johnny Crawford, Eli Broad and Walter Mondale.
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doubleattitude · 3 years
JUMP Dance Convention, Miami, FL: RESULTS
High Score by Age:
JUMPstart Solo
1st: Ava Piedrahita-’Somewhere’
2nd: Alana Castillo-’Light’
3rd: Kaylee Duarte-’A Thousand Years’
3rd: Ella Venerio-’Signals’
4th: Amanda Carpenter-’Hey Daddy’
5th: Zara Scarpone-Kipp-’Swan’
6th: Sophia Novo-’Doll from Capelia’
6th: Nathalie Alvarez-’Show Off’
7th: Victoria Pena-’Look At Me Now’
8th: Mikaela Florez-’Diamonds’
9th: Amaya Rodriguez-’Fly’
10th: Luciana Pirez-’Colors of the Wind’
Mini Solo
1st: Kya Massimino-’System Activated’
2nd: Zoe Flores-’Je Suis Malade’
3rd: Santiago Sosa-’Becoming’
3rd: Alexcia Roloff-Hafenbreadl-’Rise Up
4th: Denise Torres-’Swan’
5th: Harper Ducale-’Change Is Everything’
6th: Alyson Merino-’Internal’
6th: Rylie Borden-’Small World’
7th: Jasmine Pando-’Strains’
8th: Jessika Calderon-’You Raise Me Up’
9th: Bella Rey D’Armas-’Extraction’
9th: Gabriela Mendoza-’La Vie en Rose’
10th: Sophia Gil-’Tango By Me’
Junior Solo
1st: Giselle Gandarilla-’Expressions’
2nd: Daniela SanGiacomo-’Restless’
2nd: Kylee Casares-’Underground’
3rd: Manuela Riquezes-’The Walk’
4th: Zachary Roy-’Higher Ground’
4th: Jazmine Raine Werner-’Zoilus’
5th: Jazlyn Quintero-’Deep End’
6th: Isabella Llerena-’War Song’
7th: Lia Lanz-’Tarantella’
8th: Maddison Lopez-’Awaken One’
8th: Nicole Piles-’Voyage’
9th: Isabella Hernandez-’My Way’
9th: Sofia Flores-’Roxanne’
10th: Natallia Vegas-’Fever’
10th: Elie Rabin-’Fireball’
Teen Solo
1st: Brady Farrar-’The Apology’
2nd: Sam Fine-’Obsession’
2nd: Valentina Carvallo-’To Know Her’
3rd: Xander Perone-’Finding My Path’
4th: Isabella Tagle-’Be With Me’
4th: Camila Cordero-’Fhantom’
5th: Georgia Greene-’Aplha and Omege’
6th: Destanye Diaz-’Breaking Reality’
6th: Georgia Easton-’Refrain’
7th: Carmen Beiner-’Dionysus’
7th: Georgia Weir-’Precise Tasks’
8th: Angelina Brennan-’She Remembers’
9th: Antonia Gonzalez-’Opulence’
9th: Sofia Posada-’The Moment I Said It’
9th: Kassidy Esquivel-’Time Lapse’
10th: Gabriela Fernandez-’Do me right’
Senior Solo
1st: Thiago Pacheco-’A Piece of Monologue’
1st: Ruby Castro-’For You’
2nd: Jackson Roloff-Hafenbreadl-’Intimacy’
3rd: Konnor Kelly-’Smile’
4th: Sophia Hoyos-’You Don’t Own Me’
5th: Camila Schwarz-’Misunderstood’
5th: Stella Becker-’Nine’
5th: Arielle Suplice-’Outro’
6th: Rebecca Lopez-’Last Dance’
7th: Katerina Toscano-’A Song For You’
8th: Andra Borja-’Dynamite’
9th: Vanessa Rodriguez-’I’ll Be Seeing You’
10th: Lauren Back-’Dreaming of Tranquility’
10th: Alexandria Orengo-’When The Party’s Over’
Mini Duo/Trio
1st: Infinity Dance Studio-’Lovely Night’
2nd: SJ Dance Company-’Silent Night’
3rd: Stars Dance Studio-’Flugedar’
Junior Duo/Trio
1st: Dance Unlimited-’The Mighty Two’
2nd: Miami Dance Collective-’Past, Present, Future’
Teen Duo/Trio
1st: SJ Dance Company-’Send In the Clowns’
2nd: SJ Dance Company- ‘Free Bird’
3rd: SJ Dance Company-’Amen’
Senior Duo/Trio
1st: SJ Dance Company- ‘Tell Him’
JUMPstart Group
1st: SJ Dance Company- ‘I See the Light’
2nd: SJ Dance Company- ‘Tribe’
Mini Group
1st: SJ Dance Company-’Hideaway’
2nd: SJ Dance Company-’Flashlight’
Junior Group
1st: SJ Dance Company- ‘Wild Horses’
2nd: SJ Dance Company- ‘Smile’
Teen Group
1st: Focal Point Dance Studios-’Female Energy’
2nd: SJ Dance Company- ‘Someone Wanna Dance’
3rd: SJ Dance Company- ‘No Mercy’
Senior Group
1st: Dance Town-’I’ve got you’
2nd: Dance Unlimited-’Pith’
2nd: Dance Unlimited-’Round 3′
3rd: Dance Unlimited-’I Waited Outside’
JUMPstart Line
1st: SJ Dance Company-’Girly’
Mini Line
1st: Dance Town-’Ballroom Babies’
2nd: SJ Dance Company- ‘River Deep’
3rd: SJ Dance Company- ‘The Dreams’
Junior Line
1st: Dance Town-’Create’
2nd: Dance Town-’Blackbird’
3rd: SJ Dance Company- ‘Wonderful World’
Teen Line
1st: Dance Town-’305′
2nd: SJ Dance Company- ‘Burn’
3rd: Dance Town-’RUN’
Senior Line
1st: Dance Town-’Now What’
2nd: Dance Town-’Lord Have Mercy’
Mini Extended Line
1st: Dance Down-’Disco’
Junior Extended Line
1st: Dance Town-’Life Is a Tango’
2nd: Dance Town-’Acapella’
3rd: Dance Town-’Snowflakes’
Teen Extended Line
1st: SJ Dance Company- ‘That’s Life’
2nd: SJ Dance Company- ‘2ko’
3rd: SJ Dance Company-’Let It Be’
Senior Extended Line
1st: Dance Town-’Stars and Stripes’
JUMPstart Production
1st: SJ Dance Company- ‘Lunch Box Crew’
Teen Production
1st: Dance Town-’Salsa’
2nd: SJ Dance Company- ‘Unchained’
High Score by Performance Division:
JUMPstart Hip-Hop
SJ Dance Company- ‘Lunch Box Crew’
JUMPstart Jazz
SJ Dance Company-’Girly’
JUMPstart Lyrical
SJ Dance Company-’I See the Light’
JUMPstart Specialty
SJ Dance Company-’Tribe’
Mini Jazz
Dance Town-’Disco’
Mini Ballroom
Dance Town-’Ballroom Babies’
Mini Hip-Hop
SJ Dance Company-’Fashion Week’
Mini Lyrical
SJ Dance Company-’Hideaway’
Junior Musical Theatre
Dance Town-’Cats’
Junior Jazz
Dance Town-’Blackbird’
Junior Contemporary
Dance Town-’Create’
Junior Ballet
Dance Town-’Snowflakes’
Junior Specialty
Dance Town-’Life is a Tango’
Junior Lyrical
SJ Dance Company-’Wonderful World’
Teen Hip Hop
SJ Dance Company-’2ko’
Teen Contemporary
Focal Point Dance Studios-’Female Energy’
Teen Lyrical
SJ Dance Company- ‘Burn’
Teen Jazz
SJ Dance Company- ‘That’s Life’
Teen Specialty
Dance Town-’305′
Teen Ballroom
Dance Town-’Salsa’
Senior Jazz
Dance Town-’I’ve Got You’
Senior Contemporary
Dance Town-’Now What’
Senior Specialty
Focal Point Dance Studios-’Boss Up’
Senior Hip Hop
Dance Town-’Lord Have Mercy’
Senior Ballet
Dance Town-’Stars and Stripes’
Best of JUMP:
SJ Dance Company-’I See the Light’
Dance Town-’Disco’
SJ Dance Company- ‘River Deep’
SJ Dance Company- ‘Wonderful World’
Dance Town-’Create’
Dancinginxs-’Stand By Me’
Dance Town-’Salsa’
Focal Point Dance Studios-’Female Energy’
SJ Dance Company- ‘That’s Life’
Dance Town-’Now What’
Focal Point Dance Studios-’Boss Up’
Dance Unlimited-’Pith’
Dancinginxs-’Taking Cover’
Best In Studio:
SJ Dance Company- ‘That’s Life’
Dance Town-’Now What’
6 notes · View notes
96thdayofrage · 3 years
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The clashes in Charlottesville catalyzed the American public’s reckoning with the budding white nationalist movement, which had accelerated after Donald Trump’s election. Afterward, the wave of public shaming of the violence in Charlottesville led at least one “Unite the Right” marcher to insist his participation in the rally was misinterpreted as racist. Others who attended quickly lost their jobs after online campaigns exposed them.
But the eventual identification of the man in the white tank top and red hat shook many: He was revealed to be a 33-year-old Puerto Rican resident of Georgia, originally from the Bronx. “I’m the only brown Klans member I ever met,” Alex Michael Ramos joked in a Facebook Live video before he turned himself into police Aug. 28. The Facebook post has since been taken down.
But Ramos wasn’t the only “Unite the Right” marcher with a Hispanic background.
Christopher Rey Monzon, a 22-year-old Cuban-American, is associated with the League of the South, which the Southern Poverty Law Center classifies as a neo-Confederate hate group. Monzon was arrested weeks after Charlottesville for charging at protesters in a separate Florida demonstration. And Nick Fuentes, a 19-year-old student who hosts an alt-right podcast called America First, said he had to leave Boston University in the aftermath of the Charlottesville protests after receiving death threats over his participation.
The presence of these Latino men at the largest white nationalist event in recent memory underscores the complicated racial position of Latinos in the United States. Latino white supremacy, it turns out, might not be a contradiction in terms.
Increasingly, Latinos are identifying racially as white. In fact, more than half did so in the 2010 U.S. Census. A March 2016 report from Pew Research Center found that 39% of Afro-Latinos also identified “as white alone or white in combination with another race.” With a current population of around 58 million, Latinos make up the second-largest ethnic group in the U.S., just behind whites.
Another Pew Research Center study from December found that 59% of U.S. adults with Latino heritage who identify as white believe others see them as white, too. Over time, the study found, descendants of Latino immigrants stop identifying with their countries of origin and consider themselves more and more American.
Fuentes — who says he’s about 25% Mexican — identifies as white, not Latino. In an interview with Mic, Fuentes also said he believes multiculturalism threatens white national identity. Monzon, meanwhile, has called for South Florida to secede from the U.S. His ties to the League of the South are generational, as his parents have also protested with the white supremacist fringe group, according to the SPLC. In a Facebook profile the SPLC has attributed to him, Monzon goes by “Ambrosio Gonzalez,” the name of a Cuban general who fought as a Confederate colonel in the Civil War.
Ramos, however, rejects any notion that he’s racist, insisting he went to Charlottesville in defense of free speech and as a show of force against left-wing groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa.
During the nearly hourlong video Ramos posted to Facebook, he became agitated at users who challenged him for marching with the KKK and jumping a black man.
“Yeah, I stood side-by-side with racist people, but they weren’t racist to me,” Ramos said. “They did not call me a ‘spic,’ they did not call me a ‘fucking wetback,’ they didn’t say nothing as such. We stood for the same common goal.”
Alex Michael Ramos has been charged in connection with the beating of a black man during violent clashes in Charlottesville, Virginia, during the “Unite the Right” rally Aug. 12.
Despite his stated goals, the brutal violence in the video from that day was enough for judges in Charlottesville to twice deny Ramos bond.
“The victim was defenseless,” Judge Richard Moore of the Charlottesville General District Court said at Ramos’ bail hearing in November. “Mr. Ramos rushes into something where people are pummeling Mr. Harris. He is an unreasonable risk to others.”
Ramos is facing a malicious wounding charge and could spend up to 20 years in prison if convicted, according to local station WVIR-TV. Through his attorney, Ramos declined to be interviewed.
Other alleged perpetrators include Daniel Patrick Borden of Ohio, who was identified online and arrested in connection to Harris’ attack. Like Ramos, he was also denied bond. Authorities arrested another suspect, Arkansas man Jacob Scott Goodwin, in October and extradited him to Charlottesville the following month.
Harris himself was later forced to turn himself in when Harold Ray Crews, an attorney and resident of Walkertown, North Carolina — and the state’s chairman for League of the South — claimed Harris injured him in the same scuffle. Though Harris’ felony charge for unlawful wounding was dropped in December, “there are still misdemeanor charges pending,” according to the Root.
Fuentes is, in many ways, representative of the ideas of the so-called alt-right, which the Anti-Defamation League defines as a “loose network of racists and anti-Semites.” His Twitter feed shows equal disdain for conservative commentator Ben Shapiro and the South Side of Chicago, which has seen a sharp increase in gang-related murders in recent years. Though he decried Heyer’s murder at the “Unite the Right” rally during his interview with Mic, he also equated it with antifa violence.
Fuentes did acknowledge there isn’t much reconciliation between his stance on multiculturalism — simply put, it’s bad and should be avoided — and his own cultural background: His Mexican ancestors immigrated to the U.S. at the turn of the 20th century. Intermarriage has created a “beige, rootless mass,” he said, and he rejects any notion that Latino immigrants can assimilate.
“I don’t buy the idea that if you come to a country and your kids learned the language, you’re from that country,” Fuentes said. “You have to understand that America is an exceptional nation; it’s the proposition nation. That’s why the identity question is so big here. America was obviously settled only very recently. If I moved to China and I filled out the paperwork, would that make me Chinese? Of course not. I would maybe be a part of the People’s Republic.”
“They demonize the ‘other,’ but the irony is that they were once the ‘other.’”
Fuentes’s own standard — that learning English and settling in the U.S. does not make you American — disenfranchises himself and his parents, a fact he acknowledged. From the perspective of someone who sees the U.S. as a foundationally European nation, as Fuentes does, being anything less than white is the same as being a nonentity.
“You rob children of something very fundamental when you take away a common and coherent identity,” he said. “I look at my Eastern European people from high school and they have their food and their special clothing from their home country. But when you have race mixing, you rob them. I do pause at that. This is not an experience I wish to replicate. I don’t know if I wish I could turn back the clock and change things, but ideally there wouldn’t be mixing.”
Joanna Mendelson, senior investigative researcher and director of special projects for the ADL, sees growing anti-immigrant views from the descendants of Latino immigrants as a unique conundrum.
“It’s this idea that, ‘we did it right, we did it legally,’” Mendelson said in an interview with Mic. “They’re not just addressing illegal immigration — which would be one thing — but they’re against refugees and Muslims and legal immigration. They demonize the ‘other,’ but the irony is that they were once the ‘other.’”
On Aug. 20, days after the Charlottesville protests, Juan Cadavid, a Colombian-born Californian who now goes by the name Johnny Benitez, led an “America First!” rally in Southern California he described as a vigil for victims of crimes committed by undocumented immigrants. Dozens of supporters were drowned out by nearly 2,500 counterprotesters, the Los Angeles Times reported.
In an interview with NPR in December, Benitez shared how he went from Occupy Wall Street protester and Bernie Sanders supporter to alt-right nationalist, claiming he was exiled from Occupy and called a bigot after he questioned the need for the group to support transgender people. He insisted he was not a white supremacist, but an advocate for what he called “white identity politics” — which includes embracing the 14 Words slogan used by white supremacists: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”
Benitez also told NPR he pushes for a United States that is “Italo-Spanish” white, to make room for the descendants of southern Europeans (which he considers himself to be). White nationalists such as Richard Spencer have said white Latinos could theoretically be part of a white ethno-nationalist state, but they still have mixed feelings about assimilation.
“In some instances you are rejected from the host culture, made to feel not American,” Benitez said of being an immigrant in the U.S. “And if I go back, I’m definitely not Colombian. You know, I didn’t live there, you can hear that I have an American accent, things like that, when I speak Spanish.”
Benitez’s girlfriend, Irma Hinojosa, cohosts The Right View, a YouTube talk show hosted with four other women who call themselves the “Deplorable Latinas.” The show features conservative Latinas commenting on the news from a point of view that conversation about Latinos and immigration focuses on the undocumented versus those who entered the country legally. Hinojosa also has her own YouTube channel where she livestreams protests and alt-right events. She was the only woman to speak at a June “Freedom of Speech” rally featuring Spencer and other alt-right figures.
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deniscollins · 4 years
Nursing Homes Oust Unwanted Patients With Claims of Psychosis
What would you do if you were a nursing home employees and your boss tells you to evict unprofitable patients — primarily those who are poor and require extra care — by pouncing on minor outbursts to justify evicting them to emergency rooms or psychiatric hospitals. After the hospitals discharge the patients, often in a matter of hours, you are told to refuse them re-entry: (1) follow orders, (2) refuse to do so, (3) inform government regulators? Why? What are the ethics underlying your decision?
In a New York nursing home, a resident hurled a bingo chip. At a home in Georgia, a 46-year-old woman, paralyzed from the waist down, repeatedly complained that no one had changed her diaper. In a California facility, a patient threw tableware.
In all three cases, the nursing homes cited the incidents as a reason to send the residents to hospitals for psychiatric evaluations — and then to bar them from returning.
Across the United States, nursing homes are looking to get rid of unprofitable patients — primarily those who are poor and require extra care — and pouncing on minor outbursts to justify evicting them to emergency rooms or psychiatric hospitals. After the hospitals discharge the patients, often in a matter of hours, the nursing homes refuse them re-entry, according to court filings, government-funded watchdogs in 16 states, and more than 60 lawyers, nursing home employees and doctors.
The practice at times violates federal laws that restrict nursing homes from abruptly evicting patients.
“Even before the pandemic, there was tremendous pressure to get rid of Medicaid patients, especially those that need high levels of staffing,” said Mike Wasserman, a former chief executive of Rockport Healthcare Services, which manages California’s largest chain of for-profit nursing homes. “The pandemic has basically supercharged that.” He said homes often take advantage of fits of anger to oust patients, claiming they need psychiatric care.
About 70 percent of American nursing homes are for profit. The most lucrative patients are those on short-term rehabilitation stints paid for by private insurers or Medicare, the federal program that insures seniors and people with disabilities. Poor people on longer-term stays are covered by Medicaid, which reimburses nursing homes at a much lower rate than Medicare.
The financial incentive to have more Medicare or privately insured patients, and fewer on Medicaid, becomes more pronounced when the Medicaid patients have illnesses, like dementia, that require extra care from staff.
Nursing homes have faced acute staff shortages as the coronavirus has left employees sick or afraid to go in to work. Workers said they faced increased pressure from their employers during the pandemic to get rid of the most expensive, least lucrative patients.
Invoking psychiatric problems is a popular tool. Nursing homes routinely admit patients with dementia, Alzheimer’s or similar illnesses, and angry outbursts are common.
In March, the Rehabilitation Center of Santa Monica, Calif., sent Joan Rivers, who suffered from dementia and was on Medicaid, to the emergency room at USC Verdugo Hills Hospital. The nursing home’s staff said Ms. Rivers, 87, had tossed aside her chair, scaring other residents, according to her daughter, Evon Smith, and a government-funded watchdog.
Within 24 hours, the hospital cleared her for discharge.
Ms. Smith said that she had repeatedly asked the Rehabilitation Center to take her mother back, but that it had refused. A social worker at Verdugo Hills said she, too, had tried unsuccessfully to get the nursing home to readmit Ms. Rivers.
Linda Taetz, the chief compliance officer at Mariner Health Care, which operates the Rehabilitation Center and 19 other nursing homes in California, said the center hadn’t known that Ms. Rivers wanted to return.
Ms. Rivers eventually was admitted to the Colonial Care Center nursing home in Long Beach, Calif. There, she contracted Covid-19. She died on July 20.
Federal law requires nursing homes to follow strict guidelines when they intend to evict someone: They must give 30 days’ notice and come up with a plan to transfer the resident to a facility that can meet his or her needs. If a resident goes to a hospital, the facility must hold the bed for a week.
But nursing homes frequently flout these rules, according to employees and state-funded ombudsmen who help oversee the industry. The New York Times reported in July that nursing homes were evicting an increasing number of low-income — and therefore low-profitability — residents into homeless shelters and run-down motels, apparently in violation of federal law.
There is no national data on nursing home evictions. The Times contacted ombudsmen in all 50 states. Some said they had not seen nursing homes dumping patients in hospitals during the pandemic. But in 16 states, including California, Texas and New York, ombudsmen said the problem was continuing. Some said they believed it was getting worse.
“We have been seeing these kinds of illegal discharges all the time, because nursing homes seem to have figured out that they will rarely, if ever, be penalized,” said Alison Hirschel, senior legal counsel to the Michigan ombudsman program. “It’s devastating for residents and their families all the time, but especially horrible and dangerous during a pandemic.”
Medicaid patients who require lots of staff attention “have a target on their back,” she said.
The problem predates the pandemic.
Gloria Single was a resident of the Pioneer House nursing home in Sacramento. She had dementia and pulmonary disease and was on California’s version of Medicaid. Pioneer House was receiving about $400 a day for her care.
In 2017, Ms. Single got upset and threw utensils, according to a lawsuit against Pioneer House filed in state court by Ms. Single’s lawyer. The nursing home called 911, and Ms. Single was taken to a hospital for an involuntary psychiatric hold, in which patients are held until they are determined not to be a danger to themselves or others. The hospital determined later that day that there was nothing wrong with Ms. Single aside from her pre-existing dementia.
But Pioneer House would not let her return. The California Department of Health Care Services concluded that Pioneer House had violated the law and ordered it to let her go back. The home still refused. After about five months at the hospital, Ms. Single was moved to another nursing home. She died last year.
“You can get $1,000 extra a day by getting rid of the Gloria Singles of the world and replacing them with someone on Medicare,” said Matthew Borden, Ms. Single’s lawyer.
John Supple, a lawyer for the Retirement Housing Foundation, which operates Pioneer House, said that its medical director had deemed the home unsuitable for Ms. Single’s medical needs and that Pioneer House had never received the medical records it needed to readmit her. (Ms. Single’s lawyer disputes that. The lawsuit is ongoing.) Mr. Supple said Pioneer House had held Ms. Single’s bed for months and had not replaced her with a Medicare patient.
During the pandemic, nursing homes in Illinois and Michigan have repeatedly sent elderly and disabled Medicaid patients to NeuroBehavioral Hospital in Crown Point, Ind., said Kimberly Jackson, a discharge planner at the psychiatric hospital. In one case, a resident who yelled at a staff member was branded as being violent and having a psychotic break.
“The homes seem to be purposely taking symptoms of dementia as evidence of psychosis,” Ms. Jackson said. (Christy Gilbert, the chief operating officer of the hospital’s parent company, said instances when nursing homes dumped patients in her company’s hospitals were “very few and far between.”)
In June, Life Care Center of Plainwell, Mich., sent Nicki Safapour, a Medicaid patient who needs a wheelchair, to NeuroBehavioral Hospital. Because of a developmental disability, Mr. Safapour, 55, has the mental capacity of a 5-year-old, according to his brother John, who is his legal guardian. He said Life Care had told him that Mr. Safapour assaulted an employee and another resident.
A state health inspector later determined that the discharge was illegal, according to a copy of the inspector’s report reviewed by The Times.
“It seemed like they were just trying to get rid of Nicki,” John Safapour said. “He took up a lot of staff time.”
A spokesman for Life Care, Davis Lundy, said that privacy rules prohibited him from discussing Mr. Safapour’s case, but that Life Care had a significant number of residents on Medicaid and that “we never discharge patients based on their payer source.”
The families of some evicted patients have had to take them into their homes, although they lack the training or equipment to care for them.
In June, Connie Rodina got a phone call from the Richmond Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center in Richmond, Kan. Her 63-year-old brother, Jon Fowler, who suffers from mental illness and dementia, had hit another resident. Ms. Rodina, her brother’s guardian, was told that she needed to pick him up immediately.
By the time Ms. Rodina arrived, Mr. Fowler was already being transported to an emergency room. The hospital was ready to discharge him a couple of days later, after treating him for a urinary tract infection. Ms. Rodina said Richmond Healthcare wouldn’t take him back.
“You can’t just put somebody out like that,” said Camille Russell, a regional ombudsman who filed a complaint against the facility with the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services. The complaint is pending, she said.
Ms. Rodina couldn’t find another nursing home that would admit Mr. Fowler, who needs near-constant care. After her brother had been in the hospital for weeks, she reluctantly moved him into her home.
“It’s basically taken my life away from me,” Ms. Rodina said. “It’s impossible for me to care for him.”
Representatives of Richmond Healthcare didn’t respond to requests for comment.
In some cases, nursing homes have ignored orders from regulators to take back patients they sent to emergency rooms or psychiatric hospitals.
Charles Borden, a stroke victim with dementia, had been staying at the skilled nursing facility at Tahoe Forest Hospital in Truckee, Calif. Medicaid was covering his long-term stay. But in April, after Mr. Borden elbowed a nursing assistant and cursed at her, the nursing home sent him to the hospital’s emergency room for a psychiatric evaluation.
Within hours, the emergency room cleared Mr. Borden to return to the nursing home. But it wouldn’t take him back, according to court records. (While the nursing home and the main Tahoe Forest hospital share a campus and are owned by the same organization, the nursing home is financially independent from the hospital.)
Later that day, the nursing home dropped off all of Mr. Borden’s possessions at the E.R. and moved another resident into the room that Mr. Borden had shared with his wife, Beverly.
Two days later, on April 22, Mr. Borden’s son appealed the decision to California’s health care agency. It determined that the nursing home was legally required to take Mr. Borden back. The nursing home refused.
The state agency said it had no authority to force the nursing home to let Mr. Borden return, aside from fining it $50 for every day it refused.
Matt Mushet, a lawyer for the nursing home, said it “is committed to the optimal safety of all patients and team members.” He said that he couldn’t comment on Mr. Borden’s case but that “it’s important for the public to understand there is more than one side to this story.”
Mr. Borden has spent the past five months marooned in the hospital. His dementia makes it hard for him to understand what is going on, his son said, but Mr. Borden asks every day to see his wife.
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birdlord · 4 years
Every Book I Read in 2019
This was a heavier reading year for me (heavier culture-consumption year in general) partly because my partner started logging his books read, and then, of course, it’s a competition.
01 Morvern Callar; Alan Warner - One of the starkest books I’ve ever read. What is it about Scotland that breeds writers with such brutal, distant perspectives on life? Must be all the rocks. 
02 21 Things You Might Not Know About the Indian Act; Bob Joseph - I haven’t had much education in Canada’s relationship to the Indigenous nations that came before it, so this opened things up for me quite a bit. The first and most fundamental awakening is to the fact that this is not a story of progress from worse to better (which is what a simplistic, grade school understanding of smallpox blankets>residential schools>reserves would tell you), in fact, the nation to nation relationship of early contact was often superior to what we have today. I wish there was more of a call to action, but apparently a sequel is on its way. 
03 The Plot Against America; Philip Roth - An alternative history that in some ways mirrors our present. I did feel like I was always waiting for something to happen, but I suppose the point is that, even at the end of the world, disasters proceed incrementally. 
04 Sabrina; Nick Drnaso - The blank art style and lack of contrast in the colouring of each page really reinforces the feeling of impersonal vacancy between most of the characters. I wonder how this will read in the future, as it’s very much based in today’s relationship to friends and technology. 
05 Perfumes: The Guide; Luca Turn & Tania Sanchez - One of the things I like to do when I need to turn my brain off online is reading perfume reviews. That’s where I found out about this book, which runs through different scent families and reviews specific well-known perfumes. Every topic has its boffins, and these two are particularly witty and readable. 
06 Adventures in the Screen Trade; William Goldman - Reading this made me realize how little of the cinema of the 1970s I’ve actually seen, beyond the usual heavy hitters. Ultimately I found this pretty thin, a few peices of advice stitched together with anecdotes about a Hollywood that is barely recognizable today. 
07 The Age of Innocence; Edith Wharton - A love triangle in which the fulcrum is a terribly irritating person, someone who thinks himself far more outré than he is. Nonetheless, I was taken in by this story of “rebellion”, such as it was, to be compelling.
08 Boom Town: The Fantastical Saga of Oklahoma City, Its Chaotic Founding, Its Apocalyptic Weather, Its Purloined Basketball Team, and the Dream of Becoming a World-class Metropolis; Sam Anderson - Like a novel that follows various separate characters, this book switches between tales of the founding of Oklahoma City with basketball facts and encounters with various oddball city residents. It’s certainly a fun ride, but you may find, as I did, that some parts of the narrative interest you more than others. Longest subtitle ever?
09 World of Yesterday; Stefan Zweig - A memoir of pre-war Austria and its artistic communities, told by one of its best-known exports. Particularly wrenching with regards to the buildup to WWII, from the perspective of those who had been through this experience before, so recently. 
10 Teach us to Sit Still: A Sceptic’s Search for Health and Healing; Tim Parks - A writer finds himself plagued by pain that conventional doctors aren’t able to cure, so he heads further afield to see if he can use stillness-of-mind to ease the pain, all the while complaining as you would expect a sceptic to do. His digressions into literature were a bit hard to take (I’m sure you’re not Coleridge, my man).
11 The Power of Moments: Why Certain Experiences have Extraordinary Impact; Chip & Dan Heath - I read this for work-related reasons, with the intention of improving my ability to make exhibitions and interpretation. It has a certain sort of self-helpish structure, with anecdotes starting each chapter and a simple lesson drawn from each one. Not a bad read if you work in a public-facing capacity. 
12 Against Everything: Essays; Mark Greif - The founder of N+1 collects a disparate selection of essays, written over a period of several years. You won’t love them all, but hey, you can always skip those ones!
13 See What I Have Done; Sarah Schmidt - A retelling of the Lizzie Borden story, which I’d seen a lot of good reviews for. Sadly this didn’t measure up, for me. There’s a lot of stage setting (rotting food plays an important part) but there’s not a lot of substance there. 
14 Like a Mother: A Feminist Journey Through the Science and Culture of Pregnancy; Angela Garber - This is another one that came to me very highly recommended. Garber seems to think these topics are not as well-covered as they are, but she does a good job researching and retelling tales of pregnancy, birth, postpartum difficulties and breastfeeding. 
15 Rebecca; Daphne du Maurier - This was my favourite book club book of the year. I’d always had an impression of...trashiness I guess? around du Maurier, but this is a classic thriller. Maybe the first time I’ve ever read, rather than watched, a thriller! That’s on me. 
16 O’Keefe: The Life of an American Legend; Jeffrey Hogrefe - I went to New Mexico for the first time this spring, and a colleague lent me this Georgia O’Keefe biography after I returned. I hadn’t known much about her personal life before this, aside from what I learned at her museum in Santa Fe. The author has made the decision that much of O’Keefe’s life was determined by childhood incest, but doesn’t have what you might call….evidence?
17 A Lost Lady; Willa Cather - A turn-of-the-20th century story about an upper-class woman and her young admirer Neil. I’ve never read any other Cather, but this felt very similar to the Wharton I also read this year, which I gather isn’t typical of her. 
18 The Year of Living Danishly: My Twelve Months of Unearthing the Secrets of the World’s Happiest Country; Helen Russell - A British journalist moves to small-town Denmark with her husband, and although the distances are not long, there’s a considerable culture shock. Made me want to eat pastries in a BIG WAY. 
19 How Not to be a Boy; Robert Webb - The title gives a clue to the framing device of this book, which is fundamentally a celebrity memoir, albeit one that largely ignores the celebrity part of his life in favour of an examination of the effects of patriarchy on boys’ development as human beings. 
20 The Book You Wish Your Parents Had Read (And Your Children Will be Glad that You Did); Philippa Perry; A psychotherapist’s take on how parents’ own upbringing affects the way they interact with their own kids. 
21 The Library Book; Susan Orlean - This book has stuck with me more than I imagined that it would. It covers both the history of libraries in the USA, and the story of the arson of the LA Public Library’s central branch in 1986. 
22 We Are Never Meeting in Real Life; Samantha Irby - I’ve been reading Irby’s blog for years, and follow her on social media. So I knew the level of raunch and near body-horror to expect in this essay collection. This did fill in a lot of gaps in terms of her life, which added a lot more blackness (hey) to the humour. 
23 State of Wonder; Ann Patchett - A semi-riff on Heart of Darkness involving an OB/GYN who now works for a pharmaceutical company, heading to the jungle to retrieve another researcher who has gone all Colonel Kurtz on them. I found it a bit unsatisfying, but the descriptions were, admittedly, great. 
24 Disappearing Earth; Julia Phillips - A story of an abduction of two girls in very remote Russia, each chapter told by another townsperson. The connections between the narrators of each chapter are sometimes obvious, but not always. Ending a little tidy, but plays against expectations for a book like this. 
25 Ethan Frome; Edith Wharton - I gather this is a typical high school read, but I’d never got to it. In case you’re in the same boat as me, it’s a short, mildly melodramatic romantic tragedy set in the new england winter. It lacks the focus on class that other Whartons have, but certainly keeps the same strong sense that once you’ve made a choice, you’re stuck with it. FOREVER. 
26 Educated; Tara Westover - This memoir of a Mormon fundamentalist-turned-Academic-superstar was huge on everyone’s reading lists a couple of years back, and I finally got to it. It felt similar to me in some ways to the Glass Castle, in terms of the nearly-unbelievable amounts of hell she and her family go through at the hands of her father and his Big Ideas. I found that it lacked real contemplation of the culture shock of moving from the rural mountain west to, say, Cambridge. 
27 Dead Wake: The Last Crossing of Lusitania; Erik Larson - I’m a sucker for a story of a passenger liner, any non-Titanic passenger liner, really. Plus Lusitania’s story has interesting resonances for the US entry into WWI, and we see the perspective of the U-boat captain as well as people on land, and Lusitania’s own passengers and crew. 
28 The Birds and Other Stories; Daphne du Maurier - The title story is the one that stuck in my head most strongly, which isn’t any surprise. I found it much more harrowing than the film, it had a really effective sense of gradually increasing dread and inevitability. 
29 Someone Who Will Love You in All Your Faded Glory; Raphael Bob-Waksberg - Hit or miss in the usual way of short story collections, this book has a real debt to George Saunders. 
30 Sex & Rage; Eve Babitz - a sort of pseudo-autobiography of an indolent life in the LA scene of the 1970s. It was sometimes very difficult to see how the protagonist actually felt about anything, which is a frequent, acute symptom of youth. 
31 Doctor Fischer of Geneva or The Bomb Party; Graham Greene - Gotta love a book with an alternate title built in. This is a broad (the characters? are, without exception, insane?!) satire about a world I know little about. I don’t have a lot of patience or interest in Greene’s religious allegories, but it’s a fine enough story. 
32 Lathe of Heaven; Ursula K LeGuin - Near-future sci-fi that is incredibly prescient about the effects of climate change for a book written over forty years ago. The book has amazing world-building, and the first half has the whirlwind feel of Homer going back in time, killing butterflies and returning to the present to see what changes he has wrought. 
33 The Grammarians; Cathleen Schine - Rarely have I read a book whose jacket description of the plot seems so very distant from what actually happens therein. 
34 The Boy Kings: A Journey Into the Heart of the Social Network; Katharine Losse - Losse was one of Facebook’s very earliest employees, and she charts her experience with the company in this memoir from 2012. Do you even recall what Facebook was like in 2012? They hadn’t even altered the results of elections yet! Zuck was a mere MULTI-MILLIONAIRE, probably. Were we ever so young?
35 Invisible Women; Caroline Ciado Perez - If you want to read a book that will make you angry, so angry that you repeatedly assail whoever is around with facts taken from it, then this, my friend, is the book for you. 
36 The Hidden World of the Fox; Adele Brand - A really charming look at the fox from an ecologist who has studied them around the world. Much of it takes place in the UK, where urban foxes take on a similar ecological niche that raccoons famously do where I live, in Toronto. 
37 S; Doug Dorst & JJ Abrams - This is a real mindfuck of a book, consisting of a faux-old novel, with marginalia added by two students which follows its own narrative. A difficult read not because of the density of prose, but the sheer logistics involved: read the page, then the marginalia? Read the marginalia interspersed with the novel text? Go back chapter by chapter? I’m not sure that either story was worth the trouble, in the end. 
38 American War; Omar El Akkad - This is not exclusively, but partially a climate-based speculative novel, or, grossly, cli-fi for short. Ugh, what a term! But this book is a really tight, and realistic look at the results of a fossil-fuels-based second US Civil War. 
39 Antisocial: Online Extremists, Techno-Utopians, and the Hijacking of the American Conversation; Andrew Marantz - This is the guy you’ll hear on every NPR story talking about his semi-embedding within the Extremely Online alt-right. Most of the figures he profiles come off basically how you’d expect, I found his conclusions about the ways these groups have chosen to use online media tools to achieve their ends the most illuminating part. 
40 Wilding: The Return of Nature to a British Farm; Isabella Tree - This is the story of a long process of transitioning a rural acreage (more of an estate than a farm, this is aristocratic shit) from intensive agriculture to something closer to wild land. There are long passages where Tree (ahem) simply lists species which have come back, which I’m sure is fascinating if you are from the area, but I tended to glaze over a bit. Experts from around the UK and other European nations weigh in on how best to rewild the space, which places the project in a wider context. 
34 notes · View notes
icequeen-shiva · 5 years
alright, you know what
about two weeks ago maybe by now, i made a post about how i’ve recently hit 200 followers and i’d like to do a q&a again, and even with a reblog from someone more ~*popular*~ than me, and multiple reblogs once a day for a few days by myself, i didn’t get a single fucking question. not one. earlier today i posted two pictures of myself where i felt pretty (i’ve since deleted them) and nobody i actually know of liked it and i got asked by a stranger who doesn’t even follow me if i had any nsfw pictures. i don’t get asks anymore, i don’t get shit. and that tells me that, you may be following me, but you aren’t connecting with me. and i feel that. i get on tumblr and i don’t feel like i’m friends with fucking anybody. and i did that. i know i did that. 9/10 times i let my fear of rejection and embarrassing myself overcome my desire to talk to people, so i don’t do it, or i let it fizzle out and we go our own ways and we don’t become friends. 1/10 times i actually function as a human being and make a connection or at least something that sticks a little.
so here, below the cut, is a comprehensive (loosely) list of things that i like, in no particular order at all, besides tickling, because apparently both sides of this need a little help connecting on any front.
the addams family
the sims
the mcu
classic disney animations; my favorites are dumbo, the great mouse detective, the rescuers, sleeping beauty, and oliver and company (it’s old enough that i consider it in the classic category)
~modern disney animations too; my favorites are treasure fucking planet, coco, and... i’m a sap, beauty and the beast. rise of the guardians too even though it isn’t disney.
musicals; i can’t pick a favorite just fucking ask me, but i don’t know a lot of newer ones honestly
empire records
the greatest showman still
cats (i mean the animals but i also like the show even though it is Weird As Hell)
my cat in particular
alice in wonderland
stranger things
space jam
tsum tsums
elvira, mistress of the dark
kiki’s delivery service and specifically jiji things
winnie the pooh i don’t even fucking care i LOVE HIM AND ALL OF HIS FRIENDS
silly hats
interesting earrings
exploring libraries or big bookstores
true crime mysteries; my favorite youtuber for this is georgia marie, bless her. i also watch bella fiori and kendall rae
fictional mysteries too
i have a kind of fascination with jack the ripper and with the lizzie borden case
shipwrecks! i don’t know why but shipwrecks fascinate me! why did they go down? all the stories that went with them!
i once read a novel that was told as a series of letters, or journal entries, by people on the titanic, including the iceberg and it was THE absolute saddest book i have ever read in my life. like, obviously i knew what was coming, but i got attached to the characters, the letters made them alive and it was just like... NO. NO I DON’T WANT THEM TO DIE. I KNOW THEY’RE GOING TO BUT THEY CAN’T. and it was awful. i had to put it down and cry.
the bermuda triangle theories (i’m not saying i believe sOmEtHiNg’S gOiNg On but i think some of the theories are interesting)
the nancy drew computer games
i still play a lot of my snes games; my go-to time killer and head-clearer honestly is kirby’s avalanche. i also play a lot of super mario rpg legend of the seven stars, super mario world, kirby’s dreamland 3, and donkey kong 2 and 3
final fantasy x in which i’m guaranteed to call almost (i can’t stress that enough) every character at some point “my child”
hyrule warriors, i know it’s not a tRuE zelda game but it’s fucking fun
same with fire emblem warriors
red dead redemption
kingdom hearts
the uncharted series
splatoon but i don’t have it wahhhhh
mind you i am not very Good at videogames, i just like to play them anyway
game grumps
ninja sex party
monty python
harry potter
classic rock. pretty big on queen lately. i like tom petty and the heartbreakers. i like joan jett and the blackhearts.
i just... like rock. across the board. i like the offspring. i like some rage against the machine songs. acdc on the radio makes me happy. def leppard on the radio makes me happy. beartooth, starset, powerman 5000, as long as it’s got a good beat and good stuff going on behind the vocals then i’m gonna be happy. i’m way more into the guitars and the bass and everything going on instrumentally than i am vocally, honestly. the whole big guitar solo to van halen’s “you really got me” and then that bassline that comes in, that bassline is sexy. it’s so simple but i LIKE it.
anyway music as a whole gets me right in the heart and can lift me up when i am at my literal worst point
it’s hard for me to name a favorite or specific bands that i like because there’s so many and i’m not really picky about it. 
pop vinyls
good ol’ vines
buffalo wings
mac and cheese
grilled cheese
dr. pepper
i drink a l o t of dr. pepper
pretending i know how to do makeup well
history; i watch a lot of expedition unknown and mysteries at the museum, and sometimes i’ll watch a free documentary on youtube if it catches my attention. last weekend i explained the donner party to my boyfriend. just.. on a whim. because i’d just watched a thing on it and he said he didn’t really know what it was. i’m that person.
OH I SHOULD HAVE MENTIONED THIS BACK AROUND TRUE CRIME BUT I READ A BOOK ABOUT H.H. HOLMES AND HIS MURDER CASTLE AND THE CHICAGO WORLD’S FAIR. it was by erik larson, i believe. larsen? i could google this. devil in the white city. there’s been talks to make it a movie. it’s a good read though i will admit i skipped a lot of the fair parts because i was there for the murder.
i also read a book about the lusitania by the same author and i was like ohhh my goooood what. it got a little boring sometimes, i had to push myself to keep going, but i would read dead wake again.
csi: miami reruns are the greatest thing don’t @ me
dark purple and black aesthetics
just like... witchy aesthetics. those colors and black cats
if you haven’t noticed by any selfies i’ve posted, i do have my lip pierced and i love finding new lip jewelry. i have a new opal stud in and i love its look
leather jackets
combat boots; i have a galaxy print pair and a pair with classic marvel comics stuff printed on the inside and you can fold down the sides to show it. they’re my faves.
drunk history
the first 5 seasons of supernatural and i still have a soft spot for the winchesters and castiel
i’m slowly making my way through watching the librarians
i’m also making my way slowly through watching the magicians
(american) football
nature walks
going to the zoo
going to the aquarium
like really take me to either of the above and i will lose my shit
road trips
savannah, georgia
the smokey mountains
last august i drove by myself from ohio to boone, north carolina for a friend’s wedding and that wedding was smack on a mountain top and it was the coolest thing i think i’ve ever done
roller coasters BUT NOT EXTREME ONES baby steps ok
log rides tho, i don’t know why, i always love the water rides
ren faires!
cosplay, even though i’m not exactly active in it myself (but i want to be; one of my offline friends is an actually-getting-kind-of-internet-famous mei from overwatch cosplayer)
cards against humanity
pool but i suck at it
speaking of pools i love swimming ... but i suck at it, i just like boppin’ along in a pool
there is nothing like being out in the middle of nowhere in summer when the evening starts to fall and the sky is dark, dark blue and there’s a sea of shimmering lightning bugs out over a field. it’s beautiful. it’s peaceful.
there’s nothing like sitting outside on a calm spring night and listening to the spring peepers (they’re frogs) either.
if you couldn’t tell, i live in the middle of nowhere. i have to find enjoyment in the little things.
dancing around said campfire, you cannot have a campfire without good music. this is when a lot of my classic rock education came to pass.
my favorite books are the abhorsen trilogy by garth nix, tied with the serpent’s shadow by mercedes lackey
i am trying to get into comic books by way of the youtube channel comicstorian. they break comic books down for you and read them aloud with the images, altered slightly to avoid copyright strikes (and that’s all made very clear, it’s not done sketchily), and it’s been really easy for someone like me who doesn’t just have a comics store close (and i would otherwise continue on as i have been, forgetting to ever look for them on the internet). i listened to injustice 1 and 2, and they covered the game. i’m actively following scooby apocalypse, and there was some teen titans stuff i went all the way through up until now. i don’t think it’s finished yet from what i remember.
i love museums
i actually kind of collect tea sets
yugioh duels; i’m definitely just a novice and it’s just a fun pastime my friends got me into when they found their giant binders of cards again
i’m not actually that big on pokemon, i don’t know a lot of them but it’s still fun and i know some. but i did love pokemon go when my friends still played it (don’t really have time anymore, and it kept crashing way too badly on one of their phones anymore anytime they tried to join a raid and it just wasn’t fun as a group then)
i don’t have any but i like the ~look of crystals and would like to have some, not for my own aesthetic but i just... like having pretty things!
listening to the rain
how the air smells (at least where i live) after a long rain and everything is just cleansed
depression has stopped me from writing for a long time but, in my heart, writing has always been something that has touched me ever since i knew how to do it and could put my stories down on paper instead of having to just talk about them... so i’m going to include that here
root beer floats
hard dip ice cream (if you don’t know what hard dip means... as my boyfriend didn’t... it means ice cream that you have to use a scoop with, not soft serve)
soft serve’s good too tho don’t get me wrong
strawberry milkshakes
this isn’t even stuff that anyone would need to know on this site to befriend me at this point, nobody’s gonna message me like HEY I READ YOU LIKE STRAWBERRY MILKSHAKES ME FUCKING TOO
you’re cool if you do that lmao
so bad they’re good creature features from the 50s and 60s
the old godzilla movies
i like the moon more than the stars, but i like them too
flower crowns
bouncy balls
original skittles
this has gone on way too long, nobody is reading this, your mom’s a hoe, goodnight
no she’s not, i’m sorry, if you got this far then i hope your mom is a nice person
7 notes · View notes
Alabama : 
1.05 – Sloss Furnaces: Birmingham, Alabama, US 4.07 – Vulture Mine: Wickenburg, Arizona, US
Alaska : 
Arizona :
2.05 –Birdcage Theater: Tombstone, Arizona, US 4.20 – Jerome Grand Hotel: Jerome, Arizona, US 6.03 – The Copper Queen Hotel & The Oliver House: Bisbee, Arizona, US 10.08 – Apache Junction: Apache Junction, Arizona, US 10.09 – Return to Tombstone: Tombstone, Arizona, US 11.7 – Grand Canyon Caverns: Peach Springs, Arizona, US 12.8 – Hell Hole Prison: Yuma, Arizona, US 12.9 – The Domes: Casa Grande, Arizona, US 12.12 – Stardust Ranch: Buckeye, Arizona, US 13.3 – Palace Saloon: Prescott, Arizona, US 15.10 – Phelps Dodge Hospital: Ajo, Arizona, US
15.11 – The Slaughter House: Tucson, Arizona, US 16.4 – Old Gila County Jail and Courthouse: Globe, Arizona, US
Arkansas :
4.10 – Fort Chaffee: Fort Smith, Arkansas, US
California :
2.01 – Preston Castle: Ione, California, US 2.03 – La Purisima Mission: Lompoc, California, US 3.07 – Linda Vista Hospital: Boyle Heights, Los Angeles, California, US 3.10 – Clovis Wolfe Manor: Clovis, California, US 4.08 – USS Hornet: Alameda, California, USNovember 5, 2010 4.11 – Amargosa Opera House: Death Valley Junction, California, US 4.15 – Pico House Hotel: Los Angeles, California, US 4.23 – Sacramento Tunnels: Sacramento, California, US 5.03 – Old Town San Diego: San Diego, California, US 5.04 – Winchester Mystery House: San Jose, California, US 6.04 – The National Hotel: Nevada City, California, US 6.05 – Return to Linda Vista Hospital: Los Angeles, California, US 7.03 – Point Sur Lighthouse: Big Sur, California, US 7.08 – Brookdale Lodge: Brookdale, California, US
7.09 – Tor House: Carmel, California, US 7.15 – Market Street Cinema: San Francisco, California, US 7.17 – Glen Tavern Inn: Santa Paula, California, US 8.03 – Tuolumne General Hospital: Sonora, California, US 8.05 – Yost Theater & Ritz Hotel: Santa Ana, California, US 8.08 – Alcatraz: San Francisco, California, US 9.1 – Sharon Tate Ghost/The Oman House: Los Angeles, California, US 9.6 – Heritage Junction: Santa Clarita, California, US 9.7 – Fort MacArthur Museum/Battle of Los Angeles: Los                                      Angeles, California, US
9.11 – Whaley House: San Diego, California, US 10.1 – Queen Mary: Long Beach, California, US 11.6 – Los Coches Adobe: Soledad, California, US, Salinas, California, US 11.8 – Haunted Hollywood: Los Angeles, California, US 12.1 – Black Dahlia House: Los Angeles, California, US 12.2 – Secret Scientology Lab: Los Angeles, California, US 12.3 – Bracken Fern Manor/Tudor House: Lake Arrowhead, California, US 12.5 – Chinese Town of Locke: Walnut Grove, California, US 12.6 – Star of India: San Diego, California, US 12.11 – Return to Winchester Mystery House: San Jose, California, US 13.4 – Reseda House of Evil: Los Angeles, California, US 13.5 – Dorothea Puente Murder House: Sacramento, California, US 13.10 – Zalud House: Porterville, California, US 14.2 – Freak Show Murder House: Los Angeles, California, US 14.5 – Silent Movie Theater: Los Angeles, California, US 14.10 – The Viper Room: West Hollywood, California, US 16.1 – Ripley’s Believe It or Not: Hollywood, California, US 16.2 – The Alley of Darkness: North Hollywood, California, US 16.3 – Kennedy Mine: Jackson, California, US 16.5 – Hotel Léger: Mokelumne Hill, California, US 17.2 – Westerfeld House: San Francisco, California, US 17.3 – Crisis in Oakdale: Oakdale, California, US 17.5 – Terror in Fontana: Fontana, California, US 17.6 – Riverside Plane Graveyard: Riverside, California, US
Colorado :
4.05 – Stanley Hotel: Estes Park, Colorado, US 6.02 – Peabody-Whitehead Mansion: Denver, Colorado, US 7.07 – Cripple Creek"Cripple Creek, Colorado, US
            Florissant, Colorado, US 13.1 – Colorado Gold Mine: Idaho Springs, Colorado, US 14.6 – Exorcism in Erie: Erie, Colorado, US 15.4 – Museum of the Mountain West: Montrose, Colorado, US
Connecticut :
3.05 – Remington Arms Factory: Bridgeport, Connecticut, US 6.06 – The Galka Family: Granby, Connecticut, US
Delaware :
Florida :
1.04  – The Riddle House: Royal Palm Beach, Florida, US 2.02 – Castillo De San Marcos: St. Augustine, Florida, US
Georgia :
2.07 – Moon River Brewing Company: Savannah, Georgia, US 9.10 – Haunted Savannah: Savannah, Georgia, US
Hawaii :
Idaho :
1.08 – Idaho State Penitentiary: Boise, Idaho, US 11.11 – Lava Hot Springs Inn: Lava Hot Springs, Idaho, US 15.3 – Albion Normal School: Albion, Idaho, US 17.1 – Idaho State Reform School: St. Anthony, Idaho, US
Illinois :
5.01 – Ashmore Estates: Ashmore, Illinois, US 7.02 – Excalibur Nightclub: Chicago, Illinois, US
Indiana :
7.05 – Black Moon Manor: Greenfield, Indiana, US 8.10 – Thornhaven Manor: New Castle, Indiana, US 9.9 – Fox Hollow Farm: Carmel, Indiana, US
Iowa :
4.13 – Villisca Axe Murder House: Villisca, Iowa, US 11.1 – Edinburgh Manor: Scotch Grove, Iowa, US 
Kansas :
10.6 – Sallie House: Atchison, Kansas, US
Kentucky :
1.01 – Bobby Mackey’s Music World : Wilder, Kentucky, US 4.03 – Return to Bobby Mackey’s: Wilder, Kentucky, US 4.04 – Waverly Hills Sanatorium: Louisville, Kentucky, US 4.25 – Kentucky Slave House: Maysville, Kentucky, US 5.08 – Rocky Point Manor: Harrodsburg, Kentucky, US
            Perryville, Kentucky, US 8.11 – Battle of Perryville: Field Hospitals"Perryville, Kentucky, US
Louisiana :
2.04 – Magnolia Plantation: Natchitoches, Louisiana, US
7.14 – New Orleans: New Orleans, Louisiana, US 9.2 – The Myrtles Plantation: St. Francisville, Louisiana, US
Maine :
Maryland :
Massachusetts :
1.02 – Houghton Mansion : North Adams, Massachusetts, US 4.18 – Valentine’s Day Special(Longfellow’s Wayside Inn): Sudbury,                        Massachusetts, US 4.19 – Salem Witch House/Lyceum Restaurant: Salem,                                            Massachusetts, US 5.05 – Lizzie Borden House: Fall River, Massachusetts, US 8.06 – Haunted Victorian Mansion: Gardner, Massachusetts, US 13.9 – Dumas Brothel: Butte, Montana, US
Michigan :
Minnesota :
7.04 – The Palmer House: Sauk Centre, Minnesota, US 10.7 – Nopeming Sanatorium: Duluth, Minnesota, US
Mississippi :
7.18 – Kings Tavern: Natchez, Mississippi, US
Missouri :
7.10 – Union Station: Kansas City, Missouri, US 8.04 – Missouri State Penitentiary: Jefferson City, Missouri, US 8.07 – The Exorcist House: Bel-Nor, Missouri, US 10.2 – Lemp Mansion: St. Louis, Missouri, US 11.9 – Odd Fellows Asylum: Liberty, Missouri, US 15.5 – Pythian Castle: Springfield, Missouri, US 15.6 – The Titanic Museum: Branson, Missouri, US
Montana :
9.4 – Bannack Ghost Town: Dillon, Montana, US 11.2 – Old Montana State Prison: Deer Lodge, Montana, US 13.6 – Hotel Metlen: Dillon, Montana, US 13.8 – Twin Bridges Orphanage: Twin Bridges, Montana, US 13.9 – Dumas Brothel: Butte, Montana, US
Nebraska :
Nevada :
3.06 – Old Washoe Club and Chollar Mine: Virginia City, Nevada, US 4.09 – La Palazza Mansion: Las Vegas, Nevada, US  4.16 – Goldfield: Goldfield, Nevada, US 4.17 – Bonnie Spring Ranch: Blue Diamond, Nevada, US 4.22 – Madame Tussauds Wax Museum: Las Vegas, Nevada, US 5.02 – Mizpah Hotel: Tonopah, Nevada, US 5.07 – Return to Virginia City: Virginia City, Nevada, US
6.07 – The Riviera Hotel: Las Vegas, Nevada, US 7.16 – Goldfield Hotel: Redemption: Goldfield, Nevada, US 8.01 – Pioneer Saloon: Goodsprings, Nevada, US
           Sandy Valley, Nevada, US 8.09 – Mustang Ranch: Clark, Nevada, US 9.12 – Overland Hotel and Saloon: Pioche, Nevada, US 11.10 – Clown Motel and Goldfield High School: Tonopah, Nevada, US
             Goldfield, Nevada, US 12.4 – Return to the Riviera: Las Vegas, Nevada, US 12.10 – Nevada State Prison: Carson City, Nevada, US 12.13 – The Haunted Museum: Las Vegas, Nevada, US 13.2 – Mackay Mansion: Virginia City, Nevada, US 15.8 – Eureka Mining Town: Eureka, Nevada, US 15.9 – Sin City Exorcism: Las Vegas, Nevada, US 16.7 – The Washoe Club: Final Chapter: Virginia City, Nevada, US 17.7 – Gates of Hell House: Las Vegas, Nevada, US
New Hampshire :
New Jersey :
1.06 – Abandoned Psychiatric Hospital: Cedar Grove, New Jersey, US
New Mexico :
9.8 – St. James Hotel: Cimarron, New Mexico, US 11.5 – Haunted Harvey House: Las Vegas, New Mexico, US 14.4 – Double Eagle Restaurant: Mesilla, New Mexico, US
           Las Cruces, New Mexico, US 14.7 – Skinwalker Canyon: Ojo Amarillo, New Mexico, US 14.8 – Upper Fruitland Curse: Upper Fruitland, New Mexico, US 16.8 – Lewis Flats School: Deming, New Mexico, US
New York :
3.08 – Execution Rocks Lighthouse: Port Washington, New York, US 4.02 – Rolling Hills Asylum: Bethany, New York, US 5.06 – Letchworth Village: Haverstraw, New York, US 7.13 – Sailor’s Snug Harbor: Staten Island, New York, US 9.3 – George Washington Ghost/Morris Jumel Mansion: Manhattan, New            York, US,Smithtown, New York, US
North Carolina :
North Dakota :
13.11 – Dakota’s Sanatorium of Death: San Haven, North Dakota, US
Ohio :
3.04 – Ohio State Reformatory: Mansfield, Ohio, US 3.09 – Prospect Place: Trinway, Ohio, US 9.13 – Old Licking County Jail: Newark, Ohio, US
Oklahoma :
10.3 – Zozo Demon: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, US 14.1 – Stone Lion Inn: Guthrie, Oklahoma, US 14.3 – Samaritan Cult House: Guthrie, Oklahoma, US
Oregon :
6.01 – Shanghai Tunnels: Portland, Oregon, US 15.1 – Golden Ghost Town: Golden, Oregon, US 15.7 – Wolf Creek Inn: Wolf Creek, Oregon, US 16.6 – Enchanted Forest: Turner, Oregon, US
Pennsylvania :
2.06 – Eastern State Penitentiary: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US 3.02 – Pennhurst State School: Spring City, Pennsylvania, US 4.01 – Gettysburg: Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, US 4.06 – Hill View Manor: New Castle, Pennsylvania, US
Rhode Island :
South Carolina :
5.10 – Old Charleston Jail: Charleston, South Carolina, US 
South Dakota :
Tennessee :
4.24 – Hales Bar Marina and Dam: Haletown, Tennessee, US 4.27 – Loretta Lynn’s Plantation House: Hurricane Mills, Tennessee, US 10.5 – Bell Witch Cave: Adams, Tennessee, US 11.4 – Old Lincoln County Hospital: Fayetteville, Tennessee, US
Texas :
4.21 – Yorktown Hospital: Yorktown, Texas, US  7.01 – Central Unit Prison: Sugar Land, Texas, US
           Huntsville, Texas, US 7.11 – Crazy Town: Mineral Wells, Texas, US 8.02 – Black Swan Inn: San Antonio, Texas, US 10.11 – Texas Horror Hotel: Seguin, Texas, US,San Antonio, Texas, US 13.12 – De Soto Hotel and Concordia Cemetery: El Paso, Texas, US 13.13 – Goatman’s Bridge: Denton, Texas, US
Utah :
4.26 – Tooele Hospital: Tooele, Utah, US 9.5 – Fear Factory: Salt Lake City, Utah, US 12.7 – Leslie’s Family Tree: Santaquin, Utah, US 13.7 – St. Ann’s Retreat: Logan Canyon, Utah, US 14.9 – Witches in Magna: Magna, Utah, US 14.11 – Asylum 49: Tooele, Utah, US 15.2 – Ogden Possession: Ogden, Utah, US 16.9 – Kay’s Hollow: Kaysville, Utah, US 17.4 – Tintic Mining District: Eureka, Utah, US
Vermont :
Virginia :
Washington :
4.14 – Kell’s Irish Pub Restaurant: Seattle, Washington, US 10.10 – Demons in Seattle: Bothell, Washington 11.3 – Manresa Castle: Port Townsend, Washington, US
West Virginia :
1.03 – Moundsville Penitentiary : Moundsville, West Virginia, US 3.01 – Ghost Adventures Live – The Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum:                    Weston, West Virginia, US
Wisconsin :
Wyoming :
7.12 – Wyoming Frontier Prison: Rawlins, Wyoming, US
1.07 – Edinburgh Vaults: City of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK] 2.08 – Ancient Ram Inn: Wotton-under-Edge, Gloucestershire,                               England, UK 3.03 – Poveglia Island: Venice, Veneto, Italy 4.12 – Olde Fort Erie: Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada 5.09 – Rose Hall: Montego Bay, St. James Parish, Jamaica
10.4 – Island of Dolls: Xochimilco, Mexico City, Mexico
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