#Gelfling Adora
thanatasia · 2 years
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I rise from my vampire coffin bed to bring you all more IG Questions I made. Some are from a while ago and others are fairly recent.
We know how I love to write so here’s a brief continued thought for each
It’s not often I draw Fleur and Cha’l as childlings so this one was fun! They’re both so whittle and precious- Maeve and Bhihaar created two cutie pies! I apologize if Fleur’s baby talk is written poorly I was having difficulty writing how I think a young kid would pronounce those words lol
Fleur loves reading and writing so I definitely see her enjoying manga/anime as a young lassywings in a modern au lol Pretend that the screenshots I added have Gelfling ears. She’s one of those younger anime fans who doesn’t let anyone but their closest friends know. (I’m sure this idea is a thing of the past now since anime is pretty mainstream now)
I imagine that this particular scene is from Fleur early bounty hunting days, hence the mask. To keep with the AoR canon Fleur doesn’t kill criminals, she fights them into submission or uses sleeping powder/ta
I will never not be cheering that OceanPetals became parents! Definitely one of Fleur’s most treasured memories. Razer belongs to,my dear friend @jack-toons
The next two are from a reverse au myself and Jack-toons made and- I AM OBSESSED WITH IT!! Aahhhh! Y’all are not ready for that AU lol The Cha’l everyone has come to love is a delinquent and a big time charmer. Reverse au Cha’l gets into plenty of fights, likes to show off his physique to the lassywings he takes a shine to, among other fun things I’ll share in time lol. The first image is of both Cha’ls meeting and OG Cha’l being disappointed. The second is of Cha’l beating someone up for saying something disrespectful to Fleur
The last is of a new ship between Takoda and Adora- they’re so sweet! They are like that sweet couple in a cottage. How the two of them met will be shared another time, for now, Adora’s decision to go topside created many wonderful outcomes she had not anticipated. For Takoda, meeting Adora was a breath of fresh air, he didn’t realize how much he really yearned for that companionship Adora brought with her.
I hope you all enjoy these little sketches until the next one!
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nerv-s · 4 years
Nerves Does Bad Things Happen Bingo (Take 2)
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So. I did get a few requests sent to me back when I first decided to do BTHB, but I have had a hard time finding inspiration for the ones that I’ve been sent. That’s no one’s fault but my own, I should have anticipated that having the prompts be so vague would be insufficient for me to be inspired, as that’s usually how it goes with my picky brain. That being the case, I’m reposting this with some addendums and new guidelines.
1) I will be taking prompts primarily for Tales of Arcadia, The Dark Crystal, and Scooby-Doo: Mystery Incorporated. Additionally, I am open to prompts for Better Call Saul, She-Ra: Princesses of Power, Legend of Korra, Avatar: the Last Airbender, and Tokyo Mew Mew.
2) If requesting a prompt, please send in a ship and/or AU. If you want to stack additional prompts with your request, please feel free to do so! The prompts that I’ve added were randomly generated from this meme, which you are welcome to pick from as well.
3) I have particular tropes and ships that I like, but you don’t have to adhere to those. Under the cut I’ve included a list of ships I like if you’re looking for inspiration!
4) I of course have my limits, and there are a few things that I will not write. I do not want to write anything related to pregnancy, and I am not interested in baby/child fics. I might write hurt/comfort under the right circumstances, but overall I’m not particularly interested in it and so I’m likely to skip that aspect of any request. Additionally, here is a list of particular characters/ships I WILL NOT write. Please keep in mind that I am not passing judgement on those who like any of these characters or ships, they just simply are not my cup of tea or I don’t feel inclined to write them.
Will Not Write
Blin.kous Galadri.gal
Dicta.tious Ga.ladrigal
Seladon/any male Gelfling
And that’s the gist of it! Under the cut is a list of what’s on the sheet with the additional prompts added if you aren’t able to read the image, as well as a list of what I like writing if you want ideas. Thanks so much!
Self-Surgery + It's Not You, It's My Enemies Manhandling + Aroused by Her Voice Drowning + Wedding (REQUESTED) Forced to Kneel/Bow + Secret Relationship (REQUESTED) Broken Rib(s) + Innocent Physical Contact (REQUESTED) Locked in a Cage + Second Love (REQUESTED) Bruises + Green-Eyed Epiphany (REQUESTED) Gunshot Wound + First Kiss Amputation + Hair Brushing/Braiding (REQUESTED) Bloody Nose + Mutual Pining (REQUESTED) Revenge by Proxy + Awful First Meeting You Can Scream All You Want + Bodyguard AU (REQUESTED) Kidnapping + Time Travel (REQUESTED) Chained to a Wall + Interrupted Decleration of Love (REQUESTED) (REQUESTED) Faux-Affectionate Villain + Fairytale AU (REQUESTED) Suicide Attempt + Soulmate AU (REQUESTED) Dehumanization + Marriage of Convenience (REQUESTED) (REQUESTED) Backhand Slap + Character in Peril (REQUESTED) Used in a Sacrifice/Ritual + Intimate Artistry (REQUESTED) (REQUESTED) Empty Shell + Mistaken for a Couple (REQUESTED) Reopening an Old Wound + Married to the Job (REQUESTED) Animal Attack + In Vino Veritas (REQUESTED) Ambush + Locked in a Room Non-Consensual Touching + Established Relationship
Ships I Like (Incomplete list)
WARNING: Some of these ships are incestuous, abusive, have a large age gap, or are just Super Yucky. All characters that are of ambiguous age or are teenagers in canon are aged up/considered adults in my writing.
Tales of Arcadia
The Dark Crystal
Scooby-Doo: Mystery Incorporated
Jonescest (Fred Sr/Jr)
Pericles/Fred Sr*
Ricky/Fred Sr
*This is in AUs where Pericles is a harpy. I am not going to write ship fic about a regular ass criminal bird.
Nacho/Mike (BCS)
Nacho/Gus (BCS)
Entraptadak (SPOP)
Adora/Catra (SPOP)
Shadow Weaver/Adora (SPOP)
Shadow Weaver/Catra (SPOP)
Glimmer/Horde Prime (SPOP)
Korrlok/Amorralok (LOK)
Korrasami (LOK)
Satocest (LOK)
Zhaoko (A:TLA)
Pai/Retasu (TMM)
Minto/Zakuro (TMM)
Retasu/Zakuro (TMM)
Deep Blue/Ichigo (TMM)
Doctor Doom/Kilgrave (Marvel Comics)
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Lançamentos de agosto na Netflix: 65 filmes, séries e documentários
Os fãs do canal de streamings Netflix já podem preparar a pipoca e o edredom, porque em agosto, mais de 60 novidades entre filmes, séries, documentários e especiais chegam à plataforma e estarão disponíveis para maratonar.
O grande destaque das séries é a produção brasileira “Sintonia”, produzida por Kondzilla. Já na lista de filmes, teremos “Pulp Fiction”, “Animais Noturnos”, “EuroTrip”, “Atividade Paranormal 4”, “Capitão América: Guerra Civil” e “Esquadrão Suicida”.
Confira a lista completa abaixo:
(09/08/2019) Sintonia: O funk, a religião e o crime influenciam a vida de três jovens da periferia de São Paulo, que estão lutando para realizar seus sonhos.
(30/08/2019) O Cristal Encantado: A Era da Resistência: Toda história tem um começo. Místicos, Skeksis e Gelflings estão de volta nesta trama que antecede os acontecimentos do clássico filme de Jim Henson.
(16/08/2019) MINDHUNTER – Temporada 2: A Unidade de Ciência Comportamental passa da teoria à prática ao participar da busca implacável por um assassino de crianças.
(09/08/2019) As Telefonistas – Temporada 4: Em meio às mudanças sociais de 1931, as amigas acabam envolvidas em um assassinato e precisam solucionar o crime antes que uma delas seja condenada.
(21/08/2019) Hyperdrive: Os melhores pilotos de racha do mundo desafiam seus limites em carros turbinados na maior e mais sinistra pista com obstáculos já construída.
(16/08/2019) Vítima Número 8: Os diferentes lados de um terrível atentado terrorista na Espanha são retratados em meio à investigação para encontrar os autores do crime.
(29/08/2019) Supermães – Temporada 3: Na nova temporada, Kate toma decisões questionáveis mas acaba se reaproximando de Anne. Frankie encontra o sucesso, e uma personagem retorna à série.
(08/08/2019) Wu Assassins: Um jovem chef une forças com uma policial para desvendar um antigo mistério e eliminar assassinos sobrenaturais.
(30/08/2019) Styling Hollywood
(30/08/2019) The A List
(16/08/2019) 45 rpm
(16/08/2019) Frontera Verde
(09/08/2019) GLOW – Temporada 3
(02/08/2019) Derry Girls – Temporada 2
(02/08/2019) Cara Gente Branca – Volume 3
(08/08/2019) O Diretor Nu
(27/08/2019) Dinheiro à Mesa – Temporada 2
(30/08/2019) Mandamentos de um Serial Killer – Temporada 1
(30/08/2019) Vis a vis – Temporada 3
(Em breve) Jogos Sagrados – Temporada 2
(26/08/2019) Animais Noturnos:  Ao ler o manuscrito do violento romance escrito por seu ex-marido, uma galerista é forçada a confrontar o passado. Com Amy Adams e Jake Gyllenhaal.
(16/08/2019) Seis Vezes Confusão: Nesta comédia estrelada por Marlon Wayans, um futuro pai descobre que tem cinco irmãos gêmeos e decide cair na estrada para reunir a família.
(02/08/2019) Mãe e muito mais: Sentindo-se ignoradas no Dia das Mães, três amigas partem para Nova York a fim de surpreender seus filhos adultos.
(16/08/2019) A Pequena Suíça: A descoberta do túmulo do filho de William Tell leva uma cidade no País Basco a pedir sua anexação à Confederação Suíça.
(29/08/2019) Amor em Obras: Uma jovem executiva recebe como prêmio um hotel decadente na Nova Zelândia. Mas nada que um belo empreiteiro não resolva…
(30/08/2019) A Volta por Cima: Aproveitando uma reunião de colegas de classe em sua cidade natal, dois amigos decidem se vingar dos valentões do passado e rever antigas paixões.
(03/08/2019) Luccas Neto em: Uma Babá Muito Esquisita: O Dia das Mães está chegando! Para encontrar o presente ideal, Luccas e Gi embarcam em uma grande aventura ao lado de sua estranha babá.
(03/08/2019) Olmo e a Gaivota: Ao ensaiarem para a peça A Gaivota, de Tchekhov, os atores Olivia e Serge sentem que a linha que separa ficção e realidade começa a desaparecer. Da diretora Petra Costa (Democracia em Vertigem).
(30/08/2019) Kardec: Filme brasileiro sobre a jornada de Allan Kardec, do trabalho como educador em Paris até o início da codificação do espiritismo ao lado da esposa.
(17/08/2019) O Contador: Ele não é apenas competente como contador, mas também como assassino profissional. E seu novo cliente não vai desperdiçar nenhuma de suas habilidades. Com Ben Affleck.
(26/08/2019) Quatro Vidas de Um Cachorro: Um cão descobre o significado de suas reencarnações ao lado de seus donos humanos, vivenciando tanto a lealdade e o amor quanto a dor e a decepção.
(01/08/2019) EuroTrip – Passaporte para a Confusão: Quando Scott descobre que seu amigo virtual de Berlim é, na verdade, uma linda garota, ele decide partir em uma aventura pela Europa para encontrá-la.
(01/08/2019) Capitão América: Guerra Civil
(15/08/2019) Atividade Paranormal 4
(01/08/2019) Armações do Amor
(01/08/2019) Meninas Malvadas 2
(01/08/2019) Pulp Fiction – Tempo de violência
(01/08/2019) Homem-Aranha
(01/08/2019) Firewall: Segurança em Risco
(02/08/2019) Monsieur & Madame Adelman
(06/08/2019) Esquadrão Suicida
(16/08/2019) 8 Mile – Rua das Ilusões
(16/08/2019) O Incrível Hulk
(16/08/2019) Hannibal
(16/08/2019) Shakespeare Apaixonado
(21/08/2019) Indústria Americana
(15/08/2019) Whindersson Nunes: Adulto
(16/08/2019) Diagnóstico
(09/08/2019) The Family – Democracia Ameaçada
(05/08/2019) Universo Anime
(02/08/2019) She-Ra e as Princesas do Poder – Temporada 3: Felina e Adora embarcam um uma jornada em busca de respostas e redenção. O portal de Hordak põe Etéria em grande perigo.
(02/08/2019) Pergunte aos StoryBots – Temporada 3: Os StoryBots continuam atrás de respostas para perguntas da garotada. Por que as pessoas têm aparências diferentes? De onde vem o chocolate? E mais…
(05/08/2019) No Good Nick – Parte 2: Prestes a ser descoberta, a impostora Nick terá que agir rápido e com inteligência para corrigir os erros dos Thompsons e tirar seu pai da cadeia.
(16/08/2019) Invasor Zim e o Florpus: Zim reaparece e inicia a segunda fase de seu plano para conquistar o planeta Terra. Mas seu velho inimigo Dib está determinado a desmascará-lo.
(05/08/2019) LEGO Marvel Super Heroes: Vingadores Reunidos!: Quando Ultron se apodera da armadura do Homem de Ferro, os Vingadores correm contra o tempo para evitar que o mundo acabe nas mãos do inimigo.
(30/08/2019) O Pequeno Poderoso Bheem – Temporada 2
(16/08/2019) Super Monstros: Volta às Aulas
(31/08/2019) Hotel Transilvânia – Temporada 1
(09/08/2019) Spirit – Cavalgando Livre: Pequenas Grandes Aventuras
(27/08/2019) Trolls: O ritmo continua!: Temporada 7
(15/08/2019) Cannon Busters
(30/08/2019) Carole e Tuesday
(23/08/2019) HERO MASK: Parte 2
(01/08/2019) Quando as Cigarras Choram
Lançamentos de agosto na Netflix: 65 filmes, séries e documentáriospublicado primeiro em como se vestir bem
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thanatasia · 1 year
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Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!!
I made these a few weeks ago before I went full throttle with the big Gelfling oc project. Just some happy couples in winter sweaters lol
The first is the sweet Adora x Takoda ship! Aaahhh they’re too precious. I can’t wait to draw more of them because there’s a bunch to explore.
The second is Tau and Enyo who I believe are more flirting with each other. They’re interested in one another but neither has made a move to deepen the bond to a romantic one. Tau was originally going to have a beefy Dousan boyfriend because my sister demanded it lol Buut I feel like Tau is interested more in pretty softer featured Gelfling.
Enyo is on her road to becoming a better Gelfling. Some time after Fleur leaves Stone-in-the-wood is when Enyo explores Thra and begins rethinking certain beliefs her parents taught her. Fleur 100% calls Enyo out when she sees Enyo dating someone who isn’t Stonewood. Enyo’s growth is another story to be told.
We might see more Tau x Enyo because I think they look cute lol
Lastly, we have the Stonesan parents Maeve x Bhihaar! I love them and they are that married couple who is just so happy to be married and unafraid of PDA. I believe the PDA took some time for Bhihaar to get use to but he enjoys holding Maeve’s hands and pecking her cheek in public. Maeve on the other hand is unashamed- she loves her man and boy does she have a good man 😆
I have another set but I just haven’t finished it yet, so be prepared to see that in time
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thanatasia · 2 years
POV: this post is gonna hit the nostalgia for some of you lol
This series is an ode/friendship letter to 2007 - 2012 AMVs but with a Gelfling twist lol One of these Gelfs is listening to Cascada- we all know which song lol
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Only six so far. Idk who will be the cut off but I know who is gonna be in the next bunch!
I had come back from Anime NYC when I sat at a pizzeria that played; Pain by Three Days Grace and when I tell you my nostalgia ignited- I remembered the early days of YouTube (the anime side of it) and the thousands of AMVs my sister and I would watch. Then I also remembered those iPod anime compilations some people posted where it mimicked the iPod ads and used silhouettes of said characters.
OMG the music! The AMVs with the ICONIC songs of the genre and era of early internet anime fandom. The endearing moviemaker watermarks, filters, and transitions. Fanart used without the artist’s knowledge or consent. A lot of dance pop. I was thrown back and it only continued when my sister and I reminisced and listened to some of our favorite AMV songs.
What a marvelous time. Literally any song/most songs you typed in would have an amv, or a slideshow. I believe many of the AMVs my sister and I watched are either deleted, privated or taken down for copyright. The worst is a, Nightwish Sleeping Sun AMV that was BEAUTIFUL sad but well paced, but I believe it’s gone because I can’t find it anymore.
Present day AMVs are good- I saw a recent one for Demon Slayer S2 that was chef’s kiss. The crisp animation makes them more epic compared to the charming but also kinda wonky animated clips in AMVs of anime before 2010-ish.
This was also a mini test to see how recognizable some of my Ocs are when they’re just a silhouette. I’m gonna tag their names below but for funsies in my long description I won’t name them although the placement of a few of them is gonna give it away lol
2 of these Ocs belong to my dear friend @jack-toons / @myfanartblogplusshippingtrash Again, I think we can all tell who they are because 1) their characters have strong silhouettes. And 2) the Gelfling they’re next to give it away lol
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thanatasia · 2 years
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Some more IG stories I did a while ago! I wanna a,let a separate post of any of the ones I have that feature other Ocs who belong to anyone on Tumblr as well.
1. Azra was a shy little girl but her Gran, Inaya helped bring her out of her shell. Gran Inaya is the one who taught Azra all there is to know about soothsaying. Azra’s backstory is sad- I forgot how sad she was as a childling until I began writing this down. Poor baby. The good thing is that she’s doing much better nowadays.
2. One day I have to draw the triple date because that 100% happened and you know there were laughs and fun expressions going on. When the shipping trinity is all in one place one would be blessed with good vibes lol. This particular piece is happening on that legendary triple date, EnchantedSandstorms is running fashionably late because they are the OG ship between myself and my friend Jack-Toons lol. Fleur is excited to finally meet Sammi because Kiel definitely brought them up to her when she passed by the Sifa shores. Razer is already acquainted with both Kiel and Sammi and is the one to thank for setting them up together (just don’t tell Fleur that his intentions weren’t to help Kiel find love)
I love them so so much!!!! Although I couldn’t draw the trinity together, all three ships are so happy and in love with their respective partners. It always shows on their faces. They all have my heart!!!! 💖
Razer and Sammi belong to my dear friend @jack-toons / @myfanartblogplusshippingtrash
3. The only thing killing this piece is that I assigned that shade of pink to Saffron and instead of me choosing a night sky I chose a pinky sunset lol. Poor baby is merging with the background 😅. Teaching Saffron how to fly is one of Fleur’s many treasured memories since becoming a mother. She also likes to occasionally dress Saffron in a matching outfit. Bless the OceanPetals family they are so sweet- all of the ship’s families are sweet!!
4. The reverse au has me in a choke hold and I am succumbing happily 😂 Reverse Takoda and Adora are fun because they are so different from their og counterparts that the OG’s would try hiding their faces. I’m still surprised that for the most part Taokda doesn’t have a sad childhood, or messed up parents/family members, or was bullied- the gentle lad escaped somehow lol. No one besides my friend knows the full length of Adora and Elkie’s childhood. We still need to see Reverse Elkie, she’s a gem lol
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thanatasia · 2 years
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Angsty sketch comic alert! This one features Takoda and Adora (Elkie’s twin) as well as Elkie somewhere down the road.
I sketched this one some time ago when I began feeling mentally and physically better from a few things. Takoda x Adora is the wholesome sweet ship my friend @jack-toons thought looked cute and I saw the light and potential of these two! One of these days I will share how they met and developed a relationship lol
This sketch comic takes place during the Garthim Wars. Automatic angst! Adora is kind of an angsty Gelfling when I think about it. She’s not the brooding angsty type of gal but it hits her a lot when she’s alone or around others she is strongly familiar with. Pair that with how hectic the Garthim Wars is…Adora isn’t handling the situation well. Takoda is a very patient and soft, yet stern guy when he needs to be- he’s definitely Adora’s rock and dispeller of most negative thoughts.
I won’t blab TOO much…believe me I will lol
Hope you all enjoy this new sketch comic. Hopefully the art will get better/tighter the further along I go like how Fleur’s comic went.
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