eduardomarin90 · 1 year
Pause ton écran from Vincent Raineri on Vimeo.
In this 30 second hero video for Capsana, a government-funded company focusing on health of citizens, the goal was to use the two iconic bars of the "Pause" symbol in a myriad of ways to remind cellphone users to take breaks sometimes.
Credits: Client: Capsana // Agence: Lg2 Mtl
Director & Art Director – Vincent Raineri Set Design & Art director – Rodrigo Sergio Editing – Vincent Raineri & Sebastien Camden Motion Design – Sebastien Camden Production – Rodeo Production / Elisa Berthiaume Executive producer- Myriam Girouard
DOP – Simon-Pierre Gingras Gaffer – Francois Legris Best Boy – Jean-Martin Landry Best Boy – Frédéric Moreau 1st AC – Mathieu Nadon MUA – Maina Militza / Folio Montréal Stylist – Rima Chahine / Folio Montréal Set Design Assistants – Vanessa Jackson & Marilyne Gauthier-Leduc
Illustrations – Elizabeth Laferrière Cel Animation – Vincent Hurtu Music & Sound Design – Michaêl Anctil Sound / Post-Production – BLVD Colorist – Simon Boisx Image Editing – Pénélope St-Cyr Robitaille Talents - @fatinhawarri + @ahmedfalo21 @humankindmgmt
V.O. Eli Rose
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milgram-paris · 5 years
VINYLE avec Isabelle Autissier - France Ô
Diffusion : France Ô à la Médiathèque Musicale de Paris Réalisation : Gautier&Leduc l Présenté par : Juan Massenya l Rédaction : Christophe Alonso & Arthur CemeliFacebook l YouTube l Instagram
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jothebuttmunch · 6 years
Who else in the fandom ships Ulrich/Emily or Jeremy/Laura? If so, what ship name(s) did you give them?
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extrabeurre · 4 years
IL PLEUVAIT DES OISEAUX en tête des nominations du Gala Québec Cinéma 2020
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En direct du salon de Guillaume Lambert, les nominations du Gala Québec Cinéma (qui ne fera pas l’objet d’un rassemblement télévisuel cette année, confinement oblige) ont été dévoilées cet après-midi.
En cette année dominée par les réalisatrices, 6 des meilleurs films sont réalisés par des femmes et 3 femmes sont en lice pour l’Iris de la Meilleure réalisation.
On parle bien sûr d’Antigone de Sophie Deraspe (Meilleur film, Meilleure réalisation, Meilleur scénario), La femme de mon frère de Monia Chokri  (Meilleur film, Meilleure réalisation), Kuessipan de Myriam Verreault (Meilleur film, Meilleure réalisation, Meilleur scénario), Jeune Juliette d’Anne Émond (Meilleur film, Meilleur scénario), Il pleuvait des oiseaux  et Louise Archambault (Meilleur film, Meilleur scénario, et 13 nominations au total, le record cette année), et du plus inattendu Fabuleuses de Mélanie Charbonneau (Meilleur film).
Ces films réalisés par des femmes sont rejoints dans les catégories de pointe par les « films de gars » Mafia Inc de Podz (Meilleur film), Sympathie pour le diable de Guillaume de Fontenay (Meilleure réalisation, Meilleur scénario), et  Le vingtième siècle de Matthew Rankin  (Meilleur premier film, Meilleure réalisation).
Un grand oublié : Xavier Dolan, qui a lancé deux longs métrages l’an dernier. On ne s’attendait pas à un couronnement du mal-aimé The Death and Life of John F. Donovan, mais l’excellent Matthias & Maxime aurait mérité plus d’honneurs. Il est quand même en nomination dans les catégories Meilleure interprétation féminine dans un rôle de soutien (Micheline Bernard), Meilleure interprétation masculine dans un rôle de soutien (Pier-Luc Funk), Meilleure direction de la photographie (André Turpin), Meilleur montage (Xavier Dolan), Meilleure musique originale (Jean-Michel Blais) et Meilleur maquillage (Erik Gosselin, Edwina Voda).
Du côté des interprètes, je suis soulagé que mon long métrage québécois préféré depuis longtemps, Le rire de Martin Laroche, ait été au moins reconnu pour les brillantes performances de Léane Labrèche-Dor (Premier rôle féminin) et Micheline Lanctôt (Rôle de soutien féminin).
Il faut aussi souligner les deux nominations comme acteur de Robin Aubert, pour Jeune Juliette (Premier rôle masculin) et Merci pour tout (Rôle de soutien masculin).
Et une pensée pour Andrée Lachapelle, qui nous a quittés récemment, nommée comme Meilleure actrice pour Il pleuvait des oiseaux.
Parlant d’Il pleuvait des oiseaux , félicitations à Will Driving West, un de mes groupes préférés, parmi les finalistes de la catégorie Meilleure musique originale. 
Aussi, je suis très heureux pour l’extraordinaire Je finirai en prison d’Alexandre Dostie, en nomination pour l’Iris du meilleur court métrage.
Antigone - ACPAV - Marc Daigle
Fabuleuses - GO Films - Nicole Robert
La femme de mon frère - Metafilms - Sylvain Corbeil, Nancy Grant
Il pleuvait des oiseaux - Les Films Outsiders - Ginette Petit
Jeune Juliette - Metafilms - Sylvain Corbeil
Kuessipan - Max Films Média - Félize Frappier
Mafia Inc - Attraction Images - Antonello Cozzolino | Caramel Films - Valérie D'Auteuil, André Rouleau
Mad Dog Labine - Jonathan Beaulieu-Cyr, Renaud Lessard - 1er scénario de Jonathan Beaulieu-Cyr, Renaud Lessard
Sympathie pour le diable - Guillaume de Fontenay - 1er scénario de Guillaume de Fontenay, Guillaume Vigneault
Le vingtième siècle - Matthew Rankin - 1er scénario de Matthew Rankin
Monia Chokri - La femme de mon frère
Guillaume de Fontenay - Sympathie pour le diable
Sophie Deraspe - Antigone
Matthew Rankin - Le vingtième siècle
Myriam Verreault - Kuessipan
Louise Archambault - Il pleuvait des oiseaux
Jean Barbe, Guillaume de Fontenay, Guillaume Vigneault - Sympathie pour le diable
Sophie Deraspe - Antigone
Anne Émond - Jeune Juliette
Naomi Fontaine, Myriam Verreault - Kuessipan
Anne-Élisabeth Bossé (Sophia) - La femme de mon frère
Anne Dorval (Isabelle Brodeur) - 14 jours 12 nuits
Léane Labrèche-Dor (Valérie) - Le rire
Andrée Lachapelle (Gertrude | Marie-Desneige) - Il pleuvait des oiseaux
Noémie O'Farrell (Laurie) - Fabuleuses
Robin Aubert (Bernard) - Jeune Juliette
Marc-André Grondin (Vincent «Vince »Gamache) - Mafia Inc
Patrick Hivon (Karim) - La femme de mon frère
Niels Schneider (Paul Marchand) - Sympathie pour le diable
Gilbert Sicotte (Charlie) - Il pleuvait des oiseaux
Micheline Bernard (Francine) - Matthias & Maxime
Juliette Gosselin (Clara Diamond) - Fabuleuses
Micheline Lanctôt (Jeanne) - Le rire
Eve Landry (Rafaëlle [Raf]) - Il pleuvait des oiseaux
Geneviève Schmidt (France Gauthier) - Menteur
Robin Aubert (Réjean) - Merci pour tout
Sergio Castellitto (Francesco « Franck » Paternò) - Mafia Inc
Pier-Luc Funk (Rivette) - Matthias & Maxime
Sasson Gabai (Hichem) - La femme de mon frère
Rémy Girard (Tom) - Il pleuvait des oiseaux
Catherine Chabot (Chloé Therrien) - Menteur
Sharon Fontaine-Ishpatao (Mikuan Vollant [16-21ans]) - Kuessipan
Alexane Jamieson (Juliette) - Jeune Juliette
Nahéma Ricci (Antigone) - Antigone
Lilou Roy-Lanouette (Yanna) - Jouliks
Jacinthe Beaudet, Tobie Fraser, Geneviève Hébert, Myriam Verreault - Kuessipan
Nathalie Boutrie (Casting NB) - Jeune Juliette
Nathalie Boutrie (Casting NB) | Francis Cantin, Bruno Rosato (Casting Cantin Rosato) - Mafia Inc
Sophie Deraspe, Isabelle Couture | Pierre Pageau, Daniel Poisson (Gros Plan) - Antigone
Karel Quinn (Casting Karel Quinn) | Lucie Robitaille (Casting Lucie Robitaille) - Il pleuvait des oiseaux
Éric Barbeau - La femme de mon frère
Dany Boivin - Le vingtième siècle
Marie-Claude Gosselin, Jean Lebourdais - Il pleuvait des oiseaux
Sylvain Lemaitre - Jeune Juliette
David Pelletier - Mafia Inc
Yves Bélanger - 14 jours 12 nuits
Nicolas Canniccioni - Kuessipan
Josée Deshaies - La femme de mon frère
Mathieu Laverdière - Il pleuvait des oiseaux
André Turpin - Matthias & Maxime
Claude Beaugrand, Michel B. Bordeleau, Bernard Gariépy Strobl, Claude La Haye, Raymond Legault - The Song of Names
Sylvain Bellemare, Jocelyn Caron, Bernard Gariépy Strobl - Sympathie pour le diable
Serge Boivin, Olivier Calvert, Samuel Gagnon-Thibodeau - Ville Neuve
Luc Boudrias, Sylvain Brassard, Jean Camden - Mafia Inc
Bernard Gariépy Strobl, Sacha Ratcliffe, Lynne Trépanier - Le vingtième siècle
Geoffrey Boulangé, Sophie Deraspe - Antigone
Monia Chokri, Justine Gauthier - La femme de mon frère
Xavier Dolan - Matthias & Maxime
Myriam Poirier - 14 jours 12 nuits
Matthew Rankin - Le vingtième siècle
Alchimie 24 - Alain Lachance, Jean-Pierre Riverin - The Song of Names
Mikros - Véronique Dessard, Philippe Frère - The Hummingbird Project
Oblique FX - Benoit Brière, Louis-Philippe Clavet, Kinga Sabela - Sympathie pour le diable
Andréa Bélanger, David Ratté (Will Driving West) - Il pleuvait des oiseaux
Jean-Michel Blais - Matthias & Maxime
Jean Massicotte, Jad Orphée Chami - Antigone
Howard Shore - The Song of Names
Peter Venne - Le vingtième siècle
Valérie Lévesque - Mafia Inc
Ginette Magny - Jouliks
Patricia McNeil - La femme de mon frère
Patricia McNeil - Le vingtième siècle
Caroline Poirier - Il pleuvait des oiseaux
Jeanne Lafond - Jouliks
Léonie Lévesque-Robert - Fabuleuses
Marlène Rouleau - Mafia Inc
Adriana Verbert - Le vingtième siècle
Erik Gosselin, Edwina Voda - Matthias & Maxime
Michelle Côté - The Song of Names
Stéphanie Deflandre - Mafia Inc
Nermin Grbic - Le vingtième siècle
Daniel Jacob - Fabuleuses
Martin Lapointe - Il pleuvait des oiseaux
Alexandre le fou - Pedro Pires | Pedro Pires
Mad Dog & The Butcher - Les derniers vilains - Thomas Rinfret | Divertissement Breakout - Vito Balenzano, Bruno Rosato | Vélocité International - Valérie Bissonnette
Soleils noirs - Julien Elie | Cinéma Belmopán - Julien Elie
Xalko - Hind Benchekroun, Sami Mermer | Les films de la tortue - Hind Benchekroun | Sami Mermer
Ziva Postec. La monteuse derrière le film Shoah - Catherine Hébert | Les Films Camera Oscura - Christine Falco
Dominic Dorval, Vincent Masse, Thomas Rinfret, Richard Tremblay - Mad Dog & The Butcher - Les derniers vilains
Sami Mermer - Xalko
François Messier-Rheault, Ernesto Pardo - Soleils noirs
Pedro Pires - Alexandre le fou
Pedro Ruiz - Sur les toits Havane
Benoit Côté, Thomas Rinfret - Mad Dog & The Butcher - Les derniers vilains
Sylvia De Angelis, Sophie Leblond, Pedro Pires - Alexandre le fou
Aube Foglia - Soleils noirs
Annie Jean - Ziva Postec. La monteuse derrière le film Shoah
Natalie Lamoureux - Une femme, ma mère
Wolfgang Beck, Mustafa Bölükbasi, Kerem Çakir, Huseyin Can Erol, Sonat Hançer, Eric Lebœuf, Bruno Pucella, Ibrahim Tarhan, Yener Yalçin, Tolga Yelekçi - Échos d'Istanbul
Luc Boudrias, Patrice LeBlanc - Une femme, ma mère
Sylvain Brassard, Benoit Leduc, Gaël Poisson Lemay - Alexandre le fou
Shelley Craig, Marie-Pierre Grenier, Luc Léger, Geoffrey Mitchell - La fin des terres
René Portillo - Sur les toits Havane
Je finirai en prison - Alexandre Dostie | Art & Essai - Hany Ouichou
Jojo - Guillaume Laurin | Couronne Nord - Fanny Forest, Julie Groleau, Guillaume Laurin
Juste moi et toi - Sandrine Brodeur-Desrosiers | Les Films Camera Oscura - Johannie Deschambault
SDR - Alexa-Jeanne Dubé | À Deux - Emili Mercier
Une bombe au cœur - Rémi St-Michel | Christal Films Productions - Christian Larouche | Panache Films - Sébastien Létourneau
Le cortège - Pascal Blanchet, Rodolphe Saint-Gelais | Office national du film du Canada - Julie Roy
Le mal du siècle - Catherine Lepage | Office national du film du Canada - Marc Bertrand
Organic - Steven Woloshen | Steven Woloshen
Physique de la tristesse - Theodore Ushev | Office national du film du Canada - Marc Bertrand
Les vêtements - Caroline Blais | Caroline Blais
Antigone - Sophie Deraspe | ACPAV - Marc Daigle | Maison 4:3
La femme de mon frère - Monia Chokri | Metafilms - Sylvain Corbeil, Nancy Grant | Les Films Séville
Genèse - Philippe Lesage | Unité centrale - Galilé Marion-Gauvin | FunFilm Distribution
Kuessipan - Myriam Verreault | Max Films Média - Félize Frappier | Filmoption International
Répertoire des villes disparues - Denis Côté | Couzin Films - Ziad Touma | Maison 4:3
La femme de mon frère - Monia Chokri | Les Films Séville | Metafilms - Sylvain Corbeil, Nancy Grant
Il pleuvait des oiseaux - Louise Archambault | MK2 | Mile End | Les Films Outsiders - Ginette Petit
Mafia Inc - Daniel Grou (Podz) | Les Films Séville | Attraction Images - Antonello Cozzolino | Caramel Films - Valérie D'Auteuil, André Rouleau
Menteur - Émile Gaudreault | Les Films Séville | Les Films du Lac - Émile Gaudreault | Cinémaginaire - Denise Robert
Merci pour tout - Louise Archambault | Les Films Séville | Amalga - André Dupuy
Alanis Obomsawin
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josiptaylor · 3 years
Pause ton écran from Vincent Raineri on Vimeo.
In this 30 second hero video for Capsana, a government-funded company focusing on health of citizens, the goal was to use the two iconic bars of the "Pause" symbol in a myriad of ways to remind cellphone users to take breaks sometimes.
Credits: Client: Capsana // Agence: Lg2 Mtl
Director & Art Director – Vincent Raineri Set Design & Art director – Rodrigo Sergio Editing – Vincent Raineri & Sebastien Camden Motion Design – Sebastien Camden Production – Rodeo Production / Elisa Berthiaume Executive producer- Myriam Girouard
DOP – Simon-Pierre Gingras Gaffer – Francois Legris Best Boy – Jean-Martin Landry Best Boy – Frédéric Moreau 1st AC – Mathieu Nadon MUA – Maina Militza / Folio Montréal Stylist – Rima Chahine / Folio Montréal Set Design Assistants – Vanessa Jackson & Marilyne Gauthier-Leduc
Illustrations – Elizabeth Laferrière Cel Animation – Vincent Hurtu Music & Sound Design – Michaêl Anctil Sound / Post-Production – BLVD Colorist – Simon Boisx Image Editing – Pénélope St-Cyr Robitaille Talents - @fatinhawarri + @ahmedfalo21 @humankindmgmt
V.O. Eli Rose
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thepaisley · 3 years
Pause ton écran from Vincent Raineri on Vimeo.
In this 30 second hero video for Capsana, a government-funded company focusing on health of citizens, the goal was to use the two iconic bars of the "Pause" symbol in a myriad of ways to remind cellphone users to take breaks sometimes.
Credits: Client: Capsana // Agence: Lg2 Mtl
Director & Art Director – Vincent Raineri Set Design & Art director – Rodrigo Sergio Editing – Vincent Raineri & Sebastien Camden Motion Design – Sebastien Camden Production – Rodeo Production / Elisa Berthiaume Executive producer- Myriam Girouard
DOP – Simon-Pierre Gingras Gaffer – Francois Legris Best Boy – Jean-Martin Landry Best Boy – Frédéric Moreau 1st AC – Mathieu Nadon MUA – Maina Militza / Folio Montréal Stylist – Rima Chahine / Folio Montréal Set Design Assistants – Vanessa Jackson & Marilyne Gauthier-Leduc
Illustrations – Elizabeth Laferrière Cel Animation – Vincent Hurtu Music & Sound Design – Michaêl Anctil Sound / Post-Production – BLVD Colorist – Simon Boisx Image Editing – Pénélope St-Cyr Robitaille Talents - @fatinhawarri + @ahmedfalo21 @humankindmgmt
V.O. Eli Rose
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krystalstuff · 3 years
Pause ton écran from Vincent Raineri on Vimeo.
In this 30 second hero video for Capsana, a government-funded company focusing on health of citizens, the goal was to use the two iconic bars of the "Pause" symbol in a myriad of ways to remind cellphone users to take breaks sometimes.
Credits: Client: Capsana // Agence: Lg2 Mtl
Director & Art Director – Vincent Raineri Set Design & Art director – Rodrigo Sergio Editing – Vincent Raineri & Sebastien Camden Motion Design – Sebastien Camden Production – Rodeo Production / Elisa Berthiaume Executive producer- Myriam Girouard
DOP – Simon-Pierre Gingras Gaffer – Francois Legris Best Boy – Jean-Martin Landry Best Boy – Frédéric Moreau 1st AC – Mathieu Nadon MUA – Maina Militza / Folio Montréal Stylist – Rima Chahine / Folio Montréal Set Design Assistants – Vanessa Jackson & Marilyne Gauthier-Leduc
Illustrations – Elizabeth Laferrière Cel Animation – Vincent Hurtu Music & Sound Design – Michaêl Anctil Sound / Post-Production – BLVD Colorist – Simon Boisx Image Editing – Pénélope St-Cyr Robitaille Talents - @fatinhawarri + @ahmedfalo21 @humankindmgmt
V.O. Eli Rose
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goalhofer · 3 years
2020-21 E.V. Vienna Hauptstädte Roster
#3 Armin Preiser (Vienna, Austria)
#6 Rafael Rotter (Vienna, Austria)
#9 Ali Wukovits (Vienna, Austria)
#10 Patrick Antal (Vienna, Austria)
#11 Sascha Bauer (Vienna, Austria)
#12 Alexander Cijan (Klagenfurt, Austria)
#21 Graham McPhee (Las Vegas, Nevada)
#27 Ty Loney (Gibsonia, Pennsylvania) A
#50 Mario Fischer (Vienna, Austria) C
#61 Patrick Kittinger (Vienna, Austria) A
#70  Benjamin Nissner (Vienna, Austria)
#96 Nikolaus Hartl (Zell Am See, Austria)
#22 Julian Grosslercher (Lienz, Austria)
#23 Fabio Artner (Vienna, Austria)
#81 Marco Richter (Vienna, Austria)
#91 Taylor Vause (Calgary, Alberta)
#2 Lukas Piff (Vienna, Austria)
#4 Philippe Lakos (Stadlau, Austria)
#5 Dominic Hackl (Vienna, Austria)
#8 Jérôme Gauthier-Leduc (Cap-Rouge, Quebec)
#14 Patrick Peter (Vienna, Austria)
#19 Brett Flemming (Burlington, Ontario)
#42 Alex Wall (St. John’s, Newfoundland)
#60 Timo Pallierer (Vienna, Austria)
#29 Bernhard Starkbaum (Vienna, Austria)
#36 Max Zimmermann (Vienna, Austria)
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qctvhd-blog · 5 years
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Épisode 75. Saison 3, Épisode 17. On apprend que Gabriel a une fille. Gabriel et Pete se confronte toujours au sujet de Lola. Pete demande à Lola l'heure juste. Josiane convaint Hélène de casser avec Julien. Même si Hélène aime Julien, elle veut qu'il retourne avec Josiane. Mettant en vedette: Anne Dorval (Lola Corbeil), Francis Reddy (Pete Béliveau), Danielle Leduc (Vanessa Ashley), Julie Deslauriers (Caroline Béliveau), Caroline St-Onge (Chloé), Isabelle Cyr (Hélène Cyr), Marcia Pilote (Josiane Martineau),  Nathalie Rose (Alexandra), Anik Pauzé (Fanny Grégoire),  Grégory Charles (Julien Philippe), Vincent Graton (Gabriel Lévesque), Gilbert Lachance (Marc-André Dumoulin), Jasmin Roy (Mathias Bélanger), Claude Gauthier (Charles Moreau) et Louise Deschâtelets (Louise Leblanc). 46mn38
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artwalktv · 6 years
Official video for the mini “album-movie” of Tierra Whack, WHACK WORLD. This video is consists of 15 scenes combining grotesque and absurd situations, which convey the quirky imagination of rapper Tierra Whack. An unlikely meeting with the singular world of Tierra.In an approach reminding a curiosity cabinet, each scene is tinted with “handmade” aesthetics and showcases the rich, spontaneous and bizarre world of the young artist. Starring Tierra Whack Original Idea and Creation Thibaut Duverneix & Mathieu Léger | Gentilhomme Director Thibaut Duverneix Executive Producer Sophie Bisson | Gentilhomme Production Compagny Gentilhomme Cinematographer John Londono Art Director Susan Macquarrie Post-Production Gentilhomme Editor Akim Gagnon Colorist Simon Boisx VFX 3D and Online Étienne Garon-Vincent Compositing Étienne Garon-Vincent Amélie Petit Jean Music by Tierra Whack Tierra Whack Management Team Kenete Simms Johnny Montina Casting Director Francis Cantin Casting - Nail Artist: Tamara Di Lullo Cable Guy & Personal Trainer: Martin Damian Gomez Friend: Zachary Citara Friend: Tatyanna Nance Friend: Mawa Kaba Friend: Tatiana Daniel Friend: My Vo Ngonc Man: Michael Pierre-Charles Cook: Huu Khoa Pham Cat Puppet #1: Michelle An Cat Puppet #2: Jean-Luc Della Montagna Cat Puppet #3: Zachary Citara Cat Puppet #4: Nick Canonica Cat Puppet #5: Tatyanna Nance Hand Trophy: Nick Canonica Crew - Line Producers: Nicolas Comeau, Jean-Luc Della Montagna 1st Assistant Director: Jean-François Duplat 1st Assistant Camera: Kévin Gourvellec DIT: Daniel Lacasse Assistant Art Department: Lea Berger Assistant Art Department: Ingrid Wilken Assistant Art Department: Kenny Dorvil Assistant Art Department: François Herquel Stylist: Sarah Hall-K Assistant Stylist: Marilyne Gauthier-LEDUC Makeup Artist: Maïna Militza Makeup assistant: Josianne Cournoyer Hair Stylist: Stéphane Scotto Di Cesare Prosthetic Makeup: Rémy Couture Nail Artist: Tamara Di Lullo from Candy Nail Bar Montreal Gaffer: Stéphane Leblanc Best Boy Electric: Julie Martel Electric: Jean-Marc Plante Electric: Samuel Trudelle Key Grip: Jackson Girard Best Boy Grip: Conrad Roy Grip: Fred Demers Production Director: Jean-Luc Della Montagna Unit Manager: Virginie Nolin Production Assistant: Yannick Boutin-Gosselin Production Assistant: Vincent Belisle Ducharme Production Assistant: Jean-Christophe Di Mambro Caterer: Eduardo Castro Robles Catering: De Bons Petits Plats
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milgram-paris · 7 years
Diffusion : France Ô à la Médiathèque Musicale de Paris Réalisation : Gautier&Leduc l Présenté par : Juan Massenya l Rédaction : Christophe Alonso & Arthur Cemeli Facebook l YouTube l Instagram
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monstersmonthly · 5 years
The Women of Monster Jam Rule the Final Day of World Finals
The first night of the inaugural World Finals in Orlando still had people talking about what they witnessed. As the sun rose over Camping World Stadium, the drivers and crews were still a buzz after witnessing one of the most innovative and deserving guys in the industry finally win the championship that has eluded him for almost two decades.
A new day still meant a lot of work being done, especially by the dirt crew inside the stadium.
When the competition concluded in the late hours of Friday, and the trucks were moved to the pit area, the track builders immediately went to work, moving some of the mounds and obstacles that made the racing tunnels into a completely different look for Saturday. The reason this happens is for Saturday, the competitions are completely different. The fast race course was becoming a freestyle fun house for 24 trucks, with obstacles ranging from a tire bump, drain pipes, telephone poles, and even a fire truck. But, the racing lanes weren’t just left all plain and alone either.
One was kept simple, leading to the floor, but the other was given a treatment that one may see more of in the Olympics, at least when it came to winter. The left lane got an added “ski jump” at the bottom of the floor, meaning it was either big air or big calamity for whomever hit it.
Also added to the floor was a k-rail, but only for a short period. Starting the night, eight drivers were going to take on a new skill challenge to determine a world champion: the high jump.
Similar to what is seen at the X-Games in the skateboard big-air competition where they measure the height from the half-pipe, the trucks will back into the k-rail to get an even start and hit a reinforced metal ramp. The officials had a laser measurement to determine the height of the jump from the top of the ramp to the nose of the truck. Most height meant a championship.
Fans entered the day enjoying the sun, and feeling right at home. Every team worked extra time in order to have the machines ready for the evening festivities, and after an over 70-truck parade through the infield and into Camping World Stadium, the Saturday night showdown was on, with the high jump competition kicking things off.
The eight-truck field then got reduced to seven, as Rosalee Ramer was not making the call in the Wild Flower, so it was Scott Buetow in his beautiful El Toro Loco Ice machine starting the night off with an impressive jump of 45.124 feet, despite the hard landing that caused him to roll to the side.
Two trucks later, Todd Leduc launched the Monster Energy Cadillac to the skies, landing so hard he rolled down the hill and back onto his BKT’s with a jump of 45.385 feet to overtake the lead. The launch held up till Camden Murphy came out in Bakugan Dragonoid, but not as in taking over. Murphy held enough height to only tie Leduc in height, but it meant that he would be in second since Leduc set the mark first.
With one truck left, Leduc was sitting pretty, until a pretty blue puppy came on the floor with Cynthia Gauthier at the wheel.  The Monster Mutt Dalmatian Ice machine launched hard and soared to the skies, going so high that the rear tires traveled further than the front, and the blonde driver had to endure a landing on the downside of the ramp before getting back on the wheels.  When the measurement came up, Gauthier began to dance with excitement because she reached a mark of 45.472 feet, just barely passing Leduc and Murphy, meaning she was officially the inaugural Monster Jam High Jump world champion.
This was the first championship by a female driver in the sport since Debra “Madusa” Misceli in 2005, so she was excited beyond words.
HIGH JUMP RESULTS (Measured in Feet):
El Toro Loco Ice:  45.124
Max-D Fire:  42.954
Monster Energy:  45.385
Megalodon Fire:  43.885
Avenger:  43.475
Bakugan Dragonoid:  45.385
Monster Mutt Dalmatian Ice:  45.472
High Jump Champion:  Cynthia Gauthier, Monster Mutt Dalmatian Ice
 Once the track crew cleared the k-rail out of the way, and smoothed over the uneven dirt, it was time for the title that everyone came to see be battled out.  A field of 24 trucks came out ready for action, as it was time to crown a world champion in freestyle.
The first truck out the gate was the biggest name, with the newest driver to take the wheel.  Triple Threat Central champion Brandon Vinson came out hard on the fresh track, and went big really fast on one of the hillsides.  The landing, however, was catastrophic as the entire front axle on the right side snapped from the housing, almost folding under itself as if a chef was folding dough to put in a pasta roller.  The store to start the night off, which was determined by the average score the fans gave via the mobile app, 7.237 on a scale of 10.
The wreckage crew came out and had to work extra hard to move Vinson’s truck to the side of the track, and once they were clear, rolling down the racing ramp to the floor was the previous night’s surprise winner, Showdown champion Linsey Read in Scooby Doo.
Her run was fast, intense, and seemed like she took all her arena efforts and finally let loose in a big venue.  But it almost went wrong off a jump in the center of the track, yet instead she gave the fans something to really remember.  Her crime fighting dog grabbed a rut on the left rear on a wheelie, sending the truck in a full cartwheel as though it was on a gymnastics mat.  Read brought the truck back on all four tires, and immediately proceeded to pull off a backflip in the Florida sunset.
The score came down from the fans, and she immediately got excited as her score of 9.371 put her solidly in the seat, and she began enjoying the view as many of her fellow competitors began falling short.
Newly crowned racing world champion, Jimmy Creten in Bounty Hunter, came up short, and even the second Digger driver to hit the track, Morgan Kane, didn’t have enough to get the lead.  The first real “wow factor” came from the third Digger driver, Randy Brown, and it only took one move to do so.
Brown lined up first at the new ski jump, the first driver to do so, and soared completely over the landing pad, hitting hard on the front nose, and rolling forward back onto the tires.  He tried to continue, but officials hit the remote shut-off as he flattened a tire, and also bent a four-link bar and blew out a steering ram.  His score of 7.480 was enough to get into the top-five, but far from being a leader.
After Brown was Bryce Kenny in the Great Clips Mohawk Warrior marking the halfway point in the field with a run that saw him pull off a wheelstand and a save that saw the truck land on all corners and still continue to ride on.
Despite the solid run, the score of 8.350 was not enough to take the lead, and finally the show hit intermission.
Read got a chance to relax, but also worry, since the second half of the field was loaded with former world champions, and many of the toughest competitors on the season.
It was Murphy, however, that provided the next big run of the night when his dragon-themed truck had such a run that was filled with big air, lots of momentum, and one hit that just like Vinson earlier in the night tore the entire front axle out from under the truck.  Yet despite all that, the score was only enough for 9.250, which put him solidly in second between Read and Whiplash driver Brianna Mahon.
Three trucks later, one of the trucks that has seen a few different drivers came out with a much different sound.  The BroDozer diesel came charging out with Heavy D at the wheel, and he was taking no prisoners with his run.  Each hit was getting height, and distance, until one hit put the truck on the side and into a barrel roll.  Yet, driven to not give in, he stayed on the throttle and saw the modified Super Duty go down off the dirt pad, onto the nose, and with one hit of the loud pedal, it came back onto the wheels.
The crowd was in a frenzy as he continued on and pulled a backflip, only to shatter the rear suspension on the landing.  There was still a lot of time on the clock, but with the truck unable to continue, the BroDozer came in with only an 8.987 score, meaning Read was still in the lead with five trucks remaining.
Those five trucks had to wait a bit, because another intermission was coming, although this one was not exactly in the plans.
Florida has always been a bit unpredictable in some instances this year with the World Finals, but this one was completely out of officials and driver control.  The skies opened up just a bit with rain, but the biggest thing that came across the radios of the track crew was lightning in the area.  The hosts then got on the microphone and told the fans what was going on, and everyone in the stadium took shelter under the grandstands just in case lightning would strike.  Drivers got out of their trucks and hit the stairwells to get away from the skies, as for the first time in history, the World Finals was under a weather delay.
It’s not the first time the World Finals saw rain, as the 2005 show had rain throughout the first half of the show, and it continued to fall into freestyle.
At about 20 minutes after nine, the fans were instructed to wait, and as is protocol for Camping World Stadium, a lightning strike in the area required a 30 minute delay.
It turns out, the delay went just beyond an hour, as the track crew went to work trying to get the floor back to what it was pre-storm, but it appeared any post-show encore idea seemed to be out the window with the slick surface.  However, by 10:20 p.m., fans made their way back to their seats and it was time to get back to the action.  Five trucks remained, including four former freestyle champions, and all were hoping to get the better of Read.  However, they were on a much different track than any previous driver, so they had to adjust as needed.
Surprisingly, the track was in better shape than expected, as Neil Elliott in Max-D figured out as he made his run. He, however, fell short with a run scored at 7.196.
Adam Anderson tried to get the final Grave Digger to the top of the list, but he could not get his truck to adjust to the conditions.  Then, Leduc seemed ready to go in his Monster Energy machine, even without the front nose piece.
How did he start…the same way he did when he won his title in 2014, roaring down the entrance ramp and going head-long into the first hill he saw, soaring the black and green SUV to the second-level grandstand across the floor, and not letting the truck break under him.
The “Leduc Leap” as it has been called stood true in a new venue, yet it still couldn’t get him to the lead, reaching a score of 9.052.
Two drivers were left, as Tom Meents rolled his Max-D Fire truck out and put on a classic run from the over 20-year veteran champion, but he too fell short with only an 8.203 score.  Read’s emotions were causing her to shake, her nerves were at their breaking point.  The only truck standing between her and the most unprecedented upset in World Finals history was last year’s champion, opting to go last like he normally does, Ryan Anderson and his classic Willy’s, Son-uva Digger.
The two-time champion, son of the Hall of Fame Grave Digger driver Dennis Anderson, made his own name in his creation and was putting on a run that he felt would win.  But, the conditions got the best of him, and time ran out.  Fans judged his performance at an 8.337, and at that moment, a historic weekend in Orlando suddenly became the most unprecedented and unpredictable night in World Finals history.
In her first official World Finals, having earned the opportunity one night earlier with the Showdown victory, Read was overcome with emotion as she took home the World Freestyle Championship in her first crack at the championship.
It was the first world championship won by a female driver since Madusa shared that title in 2014 alongside Meents and Lupe Soza, and it also is the first time two female drivers placed in the top three of freestyle in the World Finals, as Mahon held on to earn third place with Murphy staying in second.  Finally, ensuring this historic night for the female drivers was set in granite, it’s the first time that women swept the two main competitions.
On this night, the women ruled, and “Girl Power” reached its peak.
Freestyle World Championship:
Grave Digger-Brandon Vinson:  7.237
Scooby Doo:  9.371
Zombie Fire:  6.013
Bounty Hunter:  7.978
Megalodon:  8.436
Grave Digger-Morgan Kane:  6.221
Earth Shaker:  3.025
Whiplash:  9.183
Lucas Oil Crusader:  8.907
El Toro Loco:  7.637
Grave Digger-Randy Brown:  7.480
Great Clips Mohawk Warrior:  8.350
Wild Flower:  5.865
Avenger:  6.399
Grave Digger-Tyler Menninga:  7.244
Bakugan Dragonoid:  9.250
Monster Mutt Dalmatian Ice:  7.817
Dragon Ice:  5.237
BroDozer:  8.987
Max-D:  7.196
Grave Digger-Adam Anderson:  6.656
Monster Energy:  9.052
Max-D Fire:  8.203
Son-uva Digger:  8.337
Freestyle World Champion:  Linsey Read, Scooby Doo
 The rain almost ended the night, but it was not the World Finals with one last moment to remember.  It looked as though the 2019 freestyle encore had to be shelved because of the track.  However, the dirt crew pulled off all the sludge that was built up from the sudden rain storm, and officials then declared the encore was on to close out the monumental night.
A field of seven trucks hit the track and lined up side-by-side at the center of the stadium, right by the biggest ramp built for distance and height.
To close out this year’s World Finals, the encore was a record-breaking attempt to clear seven trucks in a stadium setting.  From the tunnel rolled the specially prepared Monster Jam truck, set on the Max-D stunt chassis that has front flipped, double backflipped, and a year ago launched higher than possibly Gauthier’s winning performance on the night.  At the wheel this time, however, was Colton Eichelberger, the stepson of Meents.
After a few test runs, he pulled the belts as tight as he could, keyed the radio to his dad as he coached him on what he needed to do.  After ensuring the truck was ready, and he was ready, the crowd got their cameras out as Eichelberger launched forward.
The speed was right, and the launch was right where he wanted it.  The truck went slightly sideways in the air, but with the speed and the height, Eichelberger cleared the entire line with ease.  He came down hard on the dirt and slid into one of the containers, breaking a planetary hub in the process, but the jump was so successful he could have cleared at least eight trucks.
With fireworks going off, Eichelberger showed his appreciation to the crowd, and with that the 2019 World Finals drew to a close.
The successful move to a new city and new venue was officially a success, and Monster Jam capitalized as next year’s big event will return to Camping World Stadium on the same weekend.  The ticket and ordering info will be available soon on MonsterJam.com, so keep your eyes open, because there’s nowhere to go but up for the sport’s biggest event.
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ozkamal · 6 years
Official video for the mini “album-movie” of Tierra Whack, WHACK WORLD. This video is consists of 15 scenes combining grotesque and absurd situations, which convey the quirky imagination of rapper Tierra Whack. An unlikely meeting with the singular world of Tierra.In an approach reminding a curiosity cabinet, each scene is tinted with “handmade” aesthetics and showcases the rich, spontaneous and bizarre world of the young artist. Starring Tierra Whack Original Idea and Creation Thibaut Duverneix & Mathieu Léger | Gentilhomme Director Thibaut Duverneix Executive Producer Sophie Bisson | Gentilhomme Production Compagny Gentilhomme Cinematographer John Londono Art Director Susan Macquarrie Post-Production Gentilhomme Editor Akim Gagnon Colorist Simon Boisx VFX 3D and Online Étienne Garon-Vincent Compositing Étienne Garon-Vincent Amélie Petit Jean Music by Tierra Whack Tierra Whack Management Team Kenete Simms Johnny Montina Casting Director Francis Cantin Casting - Nail Artist: Tamara Di Lullo Cable Guy & Personal Trainer: Martin Damian Gomez Friend: Zachary Citara Friend: Tatyanna Nance Friend: Mawa Kaba Friend: Tatiana Daniel Friend: My Vo Ngonc Man: Michael Pierre-Charles Cook: Huu Khoa Pham Cat Puppet #1: Michelle An Cat Puppet #2: Jean-Luc Della Montagna Cat Puppet #3: Zachary Citara Cat Puppet #4: Nick Canonica Cat Puppet #5: Tatyanna Nance Hand Trophy: Nick Canonica Crew - Line Producers: Nicolas Comeau, Jean-Luc Della Montagna 1st Assistant Director: Jean-François Duplat 1st Assistant Camera: Kévin Gourvellec DIT: Daniel Lacasse Assistant Art Department: Lea Berger Assistant Art Department: Ingrid Wilken Assistant Art Department: Kenny Dorvil Assistant Art Department: François Herquel Stylist: Sarah Hall-K Assistant Stylist: Marilyne Gauthier-LEDUC Makeup Artist: Maïna Militza Makeup assistant: Josianne Cournoyer Hair Stylist: Stéphane Scotto Di Cesare Prosthetic Makeup: Rémy Couture Nail Artist: Tamara Di Lullo from Candy Nail Bar Montreal Gaffer: Stéphane Leblanc Best Boy Electric: Julie Martel Electric: Jean-Marc Plante Electric: Samuel Trudelle Key Grip: Jackson Girard Best Boy Grip: Conrad Roy Grip: Fred Demers Production Director: Jean-Luc Della Montagna Unit Manager: Virginie Nolin Production Assistant: Yannick Boutin-Gosselin Production Assistant: Vincent Belisle Ducharme Production Assistant: Jean-Christophe Di Mambro Caterer: Eduardo Castro Robles Catering: De Bons Petits Plats
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laeirbag · 6 years
* Official video for the mini “album-movie” of Tierra Whack, WHACK WORLD. This video is consists of 15 scenes combining grotesque and absurd situations, which convey the quirky imagination of rapper Tierra Whack. An unlikely meeting with the singular world of Tierra.In an approach reminding a curiosity cabinet, each scene is tinted with “handmade” aesthetics and showcases the rich, spontaneous and bizarre world of the young artist. Starring Tierra Whack Original Idea and Creation Thibaut Duverneix & Mathieu Léger | Gentilhomme Director Thibaut Duverneix Executive Producer Sophie Bisson | Gentilhomme Production Compagny Gentilhomme Cinematographer John Londono Art Director Susan Macquarrie Post-Production Gentilhomme Editor Akim Gagnon Colorist Simon Boisx VFX 3D and Online Étienne Garon-Vincent Compositing Étienne Garon-Vincent Amélie Petit Jean Music by Tierra Whack Tierra Whack Management Team Kenete Simms Johnny Montina Casting Director Francis Cantin Casting - Nail Artist: Tamara Di Lullo Cable Guy & Personal Trainer: Martin Damian Gomez Friend: Zachary Citara Friend: Tatyanna Nance Friend: Mawa Kaba Friend: Tatiana Daniel Friend: My Vo Ngonc Man: Michael Pierre-Charles Cook: Huu Khoa Pham Cat Puppet #1: Michelle An Cat Puppet #2: Jean-Luc Della Montagna Cat Puppet #3: Zachary Citara Cat Puppet #4: Nick Canonica Cat Puppet #5: Tatyanna Nance Hand Trophy: Nick Canonica Crew - Line Producers: Nicolas Comeau, Jean-Luc Della Montagna 1st Assistant Director: Jean-François Duplat 1st Assistant Camera: Kévin Gourvellec DIT: Daniel Lacasse Assistant Art Department: Lea Berger Assistant Art Department: Ingrid Wilken Assistant Art Department: Kenny Dorvil Assistant Art Department: François Herquel Stylist: Sarah Hall-K Assistant Stylist: Marilyne Gauthier-LEDUC Makeup Artist: Maïna Militza Makeup assistant: Josianne Cournoyer Hair Stylist: Stéphane Scotto Di Cesare Prosthetic Makeup: Rémy Couture Nail Artist: Tamara Di Lullo from Candy Nail Bar Montreal Gaffer: Stéphane Leblanc Best Boy Electric: Julie Martel Electric: Jean-Marc Plante Electric: Samuel Trudelle Key Grip: Jackson Girard Best Boy Grip: Conrad Roy Grip: Fred Demers Production Director: Jean-Luc Della Montagna Unit Manager: Virginie Nolin Production Assistant: Yannick Boutin-Gosselin Production Assistant: Vincent Belisle Ducharme Production Assistant: Jean-Christophe Di Mambro Caterer: Eduardo Castro Robles Catering: De Bons Petits Plats * Starred video auto added. To maybe watch someday.
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tradotronik · 7 years
«Reel québécois» interprété par Isidore Soucy et Donat Lafleur sur étiquette Starr 15568-B  en 1929.
Isidore Soucy (1899-1963), Donat Lafleur (1892-1973) avec Conrad Gauthier, Henri Leduc, Alfred Vallerand et René Delisle (piano) diffusant, sur les ondes de CHLP, une émission de radio intitulée  À la brunante , en mars 1941. Source BNC
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vendredibouilli · 7 years
Vendredi Bouilli#25
3 mars 2017 Vendredi Bouilli #25:  Entrailles trouvailles  
suivi de Vendredi Bouille#25
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63 personnes sont venues
Une soirée conviviale, exaltante et bouillonnante
18h30 Ouverture des portes 19h00 La pièce à côté de François Marquis (18 min) 19h45 Plat bouilli#25: le Poulet aux Olives de Biss Breault 21h00 Bête de Dominique Leduc  (15 min)
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La pièce à côté de François Marquis (18 min) Distribution: Ariane Boulet, Noémie Dufour-Campeau, Jacinthe Gauthier, Annick Hamel, Kim Henry, Alexia Martel
DESCRIPTION : 11 janvier « On ne cherche pas on trouve! » 18 janvier « Le plaisir ressenti. » 25 janvier « Je suis donc je danse. » 2 février  « C’est suite à cette rencontre que… » 3 mars : « Devant public. »
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Le plat bouilli #25: Le poulet aux Olives de Biss Breault
Il est très bon le poulet aux Olives de Biss Breault, il vient avec le fameux citron confit, des pommes de terre, une salade orientale et du pain maison. De plus le poulet est bio, comme Biss Breault. Le dessert sera une surprise!
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Hmmm succulente suggestion!
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Bête de Dominique Leduc (15 min)
La créature s’éveille, se tord et se déploie. De l’eau vers l’air, de l’intérieur vers l’extérieur, elle s’épand et cherche une faille pour verser dans l’espace la matière d’un corps débordant. Courte exploration née de l’idée du corps exubérant, Bête me permet de renouer avec la danse et le mouvement qui ont marqué mes premières années de pratique artistique. Chorégraphie et interprétation : Dominique Leduc Costumes : Dominique Leduc (avec l’aide de Sharon Scott) Œil extérieur : Guillaume Chouinard Bande son : Jean-Frédéric Messier
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Toute la famille est bienvenue.
La soirée se continuera jusqu’à ce qu’un sens à tout cela soit trouvé !
L’équipe qui bouille: Dominique, François, Biss, Guillaume, Philémon, François, et Line
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