#Gary Groth
squarehead333 · 26 days
I guess I see more of the potential of comics than the actual… Well, I think what it is is having grown up reading so many books that the comics make me… The stories, in most cases, even if they're good, they're still not as good as most books, most novels are. So it's frustrating to read a comic when I could be reading some great literature.
Gabrielle Bell, interviewed by Gary Groth for the second issue of Mome, 2005
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spaceintruderdetector · 3 months
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Comics Journal 116 : Fantagraphics : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
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graphicpolicy · 11 months
SPX announces the World Premiere of Married to Comics at the AFI Silver Theatre
SPX announces the World Premiere of Married to Comics at the AFI Silver Theatre #SPX #SPX2023
Small Press Expo has announced the sponsorship of the World Premiere of Married To Comics, which will be held at the AFI Silver Theatre and Cultural Center on Friday, September 8, at 7PM. Married to Comics, by veteran documentarian John Kinhart, is the story of graphic novelist Carol Tyler and her husband, the ground-breaking and influential cartoonist Justin Green, who passed away last…
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exitsmiling · 2 years
Love and Rockets: The Great American Comic Book | Artbound | Season 13, ...
In 1981, Gilbert and Jaime Hernandez wrote "Love and Rockets #1," a self-published comic book edited by their brother Mario. They sold that first issue at conventions for a dollar apiece and submitted it to be reviewed at The Comics Journal. Instead, Gary Groth, offered to republish it through Fantagaphics Books. The brothers accepted and made graphic novel publishing history.
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steamedtangerine · 2 years
Before Ben Garrison and before Jack Chick there was Vic Lockman.
Vic Lockman was a comic illustrator who did cruddy Disney comics (many of which some sad fandom accounts here on Tumblr salivate incessantly for), but when he wasn’t doing that, he was throwing together horrible religious comic tracts in the 1970′s. Much in the line of the wacko Evangelicals who thrived in the 70s (Bill Bright, Hal Lindsey, Salem Kirban, Bob “the beat is Satanic” Larson)-and yet going much,much further-Lockman’s work was conservatively politically charged. The only blogs I see elsewhere online that discuss the man’s work are horrible Evangelical ones praising him.
 The man went as far as to support apartheid in the mid-80s (an obvious unconscionable act coming from anyone from that time on, with one notable examples being the horrible 80s Evangelical Pharisee Jerry Falwell and near-pedophile rocker Ted Nugent). The man’s work echoed the pro-apartheid sentiment that Africans were inferior and incapable of governing themselves.
 His tracts included discussing Catholicism-which given he was cut from the same cloth as Jack Chick meant he was a hostile nutjob towards Catholicism (trademark of most popular Evangelicalism going back to the 1880s with Scofield on to Chick, to Promise Keepers to John Hagee to Trump’s own “spiritual advisor” Robert Jeffress-something I wish most Catholics would keep firmly rooted in mind when they consider their options of Trump/Trumpism in upcoming elections).
EDIT-upon further research, I was unsurprised to discover that Lockman was anti-Evolution, but what was surprising was his mixed messgaes that wafted between “less government” (Social Security=evil, taxation=evil, despite the whole “render onto Caesar” thing), and the waning Gold Standard) to being outright Reconstructionalist in his theocratic views---meaning he propounded a strong emphasis on the government reviving OT Levitcan laws-especially the ones that dealt in harsh capital punishments on adulterers and such.
I mean, look at his take on the ERA and see how backwards chauvinistic and homophobic the guy is:
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(from The Comics Journal  February 1985- a critique into propaganda style comics- Gary Groth)
Because “gOd FOrbId woMeN SeRVe iN ThE milITaRY & polIcE FOrcE”.
Yeah, a fine example of how the splendid power of comics can be horribly misused in the wrong hands.
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art-van-delay420 · 11 months
Noah Van Sciver's youtube channel is so good!
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lnhwebcomic · 2 years
#11 Pirates, Talking Gorillas, and Ninjas!
Special Guest Hand: Gary Groth!
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dirtyriver · 1 year
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Imagine being Gary Groth, receiving a zine made by three unknown brothers, and seeing such a perfect page (among so many others).
"How To Kill a... (By Isabel Ruebens)" in Love and Rockets #1, Fantagraphics, September 1982 for the first Fantagraphics print, by Jaime Hernandez
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frankendykes-monster · 3 months
I recently got a Comics Journal publication collecting most of their major coverage of Kirby and my mistake tonight was reading the "who is the author of Marvel?" article. Collected in the same book is the 1990 published interview with both Jack and Roz Kirby by Gary Groth, that to this day "lives rent free" in the heads of many a people as if this is the first interview Kirby ever held for a publication of this type or the first time he ever made any of these statements.
The "author" article by Earl Wells comes to the Stan Lee conclusion as to not ward off the unseen legion of adult man-children reading The Comics Journal in 1995, much the same as The Jack Kirby Collector magazine or American Comic Book Chronicles does today. Wells' conclusion stands in delicious juxtaposition where Roz openly interjects in the interview with "can I just say -" and comments the length of Kirby's career prior to and after his stint at Marvel in the 1960's, and Lee has no equivalent record to speak of. The question of "who actually wrote those books" was answered by it was ever asked, when Kirby leaves Marvel in 1970 and begins working at DC again and immediately debuts The New Gods, The Forever People, and Mister Miracle. This is 2 + 2 = 4 level math. This is context clues and pattern recognition a small child could pick up on. This is a "Hey wait a minute" for anyone outside of the dense fandom mentality of comic book readers, who day in and day out seem to make active attempts at proving Alan Moore right about them.
The truth cannot be trampled on forever, nor will it be or should it be.
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readingsquotes · 5 months
"Here is the Fantagraphics statement in full:
In 1993, Fantagraphics began publishing Palestine, Joe Sacco’s landmark work of graphic journalism, a first-person chronicle that gave voice to the voiceless and dispossessed people who were living and suffering in Gaza, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem—the Palestinian territories.
Considering that we have believed in the deeply humanistic perspective of this book, that we have considered it our responsibility to keep it available to the public continuously in 25 printings in 31 years, and that we have boundless respect for its author, we consider it a moral imperative to make our position on the current “Israel-Hamas/Gaza war” publicly known.
We want to state clearly and emphatically that we stand with the innocent people of Gaza. At the same time, we emphatically condemn the massacre of innocent Israeli civilians by Hamas on October 7 as a war crime and acknowledge with deep regret the grief and trauma Jewish people are enduring in its aftermath; but this barbarous act does not warrant Israel to commit its own war crime and to inflict exponentially greater grief and trauma in return.
Finally, as citizens of the United States, it is both emotionally agonizing and morally objectionable to watch our nation’s complicity in the ongoing genocide of Gaza. We respectfully submit that:
• There should be an immediate ceasefire
• Israel should immediately allow humanitarian aid into Gaza
• Israel must end its apartheid regime
• Israel must stop looking the other way as West Bank settlers murder Palestinians
• Israel’s illegal West Bank settlements must be dismantled
• Negotiations in good faith must begin toward a two- or single-state solution in which both Israelis and Palestinians share the same sovereign rights.
• Israeli and Hamas prisoners/hostages should be released
• Those who speak out on behalf of Palestinians should not be silenced, retaliated against, or smeared as antisemitic
• Slippery new terms like “humanitarian expulsion” and “voluntary migration” should be denounced for what they are—oxymoronic euphemisms for ethnic cleansing
• War crimes should be investigated and vigorously pursued by the International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice
“Before the terrifying prospects now available to humanity, we see even more clearly that peace is the only goal worth struggling for. This is no longer a prayer but a demand to be made by all peoples to their governments—a demand to choose definitively between hell and reason.”
— Albert Camus, Combat, 1945
[This statement does not necessarily reflect the opinions of our staff or our authors, who are entirely free to agree or disagree and to make their own beliefs known.]
Gary Groth Publisher, Fantagraphics Books
Eric Reynolds, Associate Publisher, Fantagraphics Books"
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books-readers-blog · 1 year
Advance psychology books
Handbook of Social Psychology by Susan T. Fiske, Daniel T. Gilbert, and Gardner Lindzey
The Handbook of Psychological Assessment by Gary Groth-Marnat
Neuropsychological Assessment by Muriel Lezak
Handbook of Psychological Change by C. Robert Cloninger and Richard M. Steinberg
Clinical Neuropsychology: A Pocket Handbook for Assessment by Joel E. Morgan and Joseph H. Ricker
Cognitive Neuroscience: The Biology of the Mind by Michael S. Gazzaniga and Richard B. Ivry
Affective Neuroscience: The Foundations of Human and Animal Emotions by Jaak Panksepp
Developmental Psychopathology by Dante Cicchetti and Donald J. Cohen
The Handbook of Emotion by Michael Lewis, Jeannette M. Haviland-Jones, and Lisa Feldman Barrett
Abnormal Psychology: An Integrative Approach by David H. Barlow and V. Mark Durand
Theories of Psychotherapy and Counseling by Richard Sharf
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: Basics and Beyond by Judith S. Beck
Handbook of Positive Psychology by C. R. Snyder and Shane J. Lopez
Theories of Human Development by Barbara M. Newman and Philip R. Newman
Handbook of Child Psychology and Developmental Science edited by Marc H. Bornstein and Michael E. Lamb
Books to study about psychetrics
"An Unquiet Mind: A Memoir of Moods Madness" by Kay Redfield Jamison
"The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression" by Andrew Solomon
"The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat" by Oliver Sacks
"The Mind's I: Fantasies and Reflections on Self and Soul" edited by Douglas R. Hofstadter and Daniel C. Dennett
"The Social Animal: The Hidden Sources of Love, Character, and Achievement" by David Brooks
"The Psychiatric Interview" by Daniel Carlat
"The Neuroscience of Psychotherapy: Building and Rebuilding the Human Brain" by Louis Cozolino
"The Age of Insight: The Quest to Understand the Unconscious in Art, Mind, and Brain, from Vienna 1900 to the Present" by Eric Kandel
"The Center Cannot Hold: My Journey Through Madness' by Elyn R. Saks
"The Brain that Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science" by Norman Doidge
"The Tell-Tale Brain: A Neuroscientist's Quest for What Makes Us Human" by V. S. Ramachandran
"Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety Disorders: Mastering Clinical Challenges" by Gillian Butler and Melanie Fennell
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dynamobooks · 9 months
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Gary Groth, Kristy Valenti & Austin English (ed.): The Comics Journal #309 (2023)
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444names · 1 year
animals + scottish surenames BUT excluding "m" and similar to "dragons"
Aaichain Aaidheaffis Aarayin Aarlaig Aarre Aighaingbir Alaidh Alech Anacair Anach Anacilech Anainn Anais Andaigeass Andasd Anthairildh Antse Aperis Apeulacce Artan Asaigh Badain Baich Baire Baish Banain Barair Barard Barfis Barlachart Barsana Basbat Basdaich Bathainn Bathodock Beeflyfis Beisdein Beulle Bharghstir Bhrig Biriobsan Blacgil Blachipech Blaillfhin Blailpheese Blain Bluejachong Bluew Bluewt Blush Blàraish Blàran Blàrrounn Boadaic Boadsh Boatheinn Boughada Boundarrann Brailleptin Breadaidh Brele Breully Brockey Brosais Bruin Brusaur Bràich Bràidh Bràtheòirch Buireard Buirelk Buirewt Buirn Bànaig Bànak Bòinn Caccon Caich Caick Cairnag Canacbhdas Canhane Capybuin Carrawr Catha Cathallas Catroo Catsean Ceacgil Ceanainn Ceargain Ceart Ceinndaig Cerein Ciller Cilleòinne Clearke Cloird Cobasbal Cocturc Coirephion Condreagle Conndan Conndsheòir Coosetle Corafox Corain Crafow Cragach Craidh Cranachann Crighsa Crion Croirdart Crouse Cruid Cràidh Cròinnd Cuailledbug Cuale Cualgh Cuill Cupille Curaog Cureis Custis Càbairdh Càbat Càbath Càilleonk Dearark Deòrdvar Dickoillug Donndanain Dovenag Draich Drair Dralle Draog Draoig Druithonnle Drusan Dubhath Dubhatha Dubheòiller Dubhàidh Ducapythais Dunkee Dunne Dùghar Ealaccononn Eallococe Eanacath Eathbheetle Eefow Eerrail Elebhridh Elfhag Erbirch Falain Faldeinne Falraidin Falraineag Feagpig Ferfle Fiogard Fiosalopus Fiseasant Fiseataing Flasde Flybut Forcain Friosa Frosdais Frousk Frìderfly Galpann Garis Geacrain Geatse Geinnlèin Geirc Geonn Gibhraigh Gilch Gileine Gillacion Gille Gillealag Gillech Gilleony Giobaille Giockrioch Girdaise Glain Golfly Gonidh Goosachion Gophantis Goter Grafow Graich Grain Grasaich Grasbain Grawn Greach Gregh Greidein Grephalaig Griadider Gridee Griogais Grion Grios Grite Grith Groth Guaig Guaillair Guais Gualain Guallech Guidh Gulleagle Gutte Gòraghaise Gòrshaig Haidh Haigh Halsan Haork Hargh Hearrann Horsa Horset Hubhain Hubhàna Jacais Jacrowl Jaglag Jayfis Jayingh Kalrain Koacan Koidh Koodh Kriog Krizzlynx Lacfha Laddorian Ladeineasa Laidh Laidhareat Laillfhiosa Lainnacat Laodh Lechaish Leckey Legris Lesnain Leòrdarn Lifowl Liogant Lochin Lockey Locthbhaidh Logaidh Loitoingfig Lonfishìch Loosacrich Lìosale Lùtaig Nidearak Otean Pacturk Paddove Panadrain Panaole Pante Paorsàill Parain Parcard Parcrandart Parlais Parreaverp Peada Peing Peinn Perbee Phàdrunn Piedh Pighaine Pikee Pille Pillflach Pillìos Pingfis Pioctha Piongfish Plain Plair Plargal Plarrid Poibedh Poigh Poraig Poster Potharda Praich Praish Pranhalab Prefoish Prelfhridh Prich Prion Puffal Pushe Pybug Pythawk Pythealsa Quibhraffis Quithaola Racdhoir Raidhain Railloin Raolipeiter Reasan Reass Reater Regreire Roadaich Roathaidh Robathon Roboadaig Roidh Roiridh Roossual Rotha Rothaid Rottip Roust Ruidh Ruineathach Ròsacbhrain Ròsain Saccus Sainn Salaisdain Salleòin Salraich Sannd Scolfis Sconain Scownfis Seacreis Seada Sealoth Seardaideet Seart Sgaigein Sgain Sgainnlebas Sgridh Sgrosan Sgèinndown Shain Shasbas Shodich Sionn Sluise Sluseis Snaig Snidheafowl Solbhrìos Spinnch Spolbhg Stain Steasin Stilebhàsa Stish Stiùbhst Stodin Stredgel Suale Suantleptig Swaladang Swalain Swann Swoonaich Sworch Swornan Sworpin Sworsa Sùdra Sùdrain Sùdruidh Taccairch Taich Taidh Tainnid Tefle Thain Tigharreass Tinnlaich Tinockadh Tiùbhaluin Tiùbhraig Toath Toidnain Toraw Torshainn Traichin Triana Trighalle Tulagh Turaker Turcat Turcurc Typuseacat Tàille Tàilleator Tàingarsan Urcasach Varana Vipearain Volbhunlain Walasbain Wallaidh Wallfhir Weach Weathaoidh Whairid Whala Whant Wharay Wharnein Wharnewt Widheridh Wifown Wolaghdais Wolìosalig Woodown Woossh
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"It's hard to think as something as an art form if the characters are talked about before the artists"
-Austin English, a cartoonist other people like the comics of more than I.
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arecomicsevengood · 11 months
Issue 309 of The Comics Journal should be in stores now. Gary Groth interviews Annie Koyama, John Porcellino interviews Ines Estrada, Kristy Valenti interviews Hyena Hell, Helen Chazan writes about Saga, and I write about Nick Drnaso’s work in it. Features a great Jesse Jacobs cover and sketchbook drawings by Henriette Valium.
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vex-cti · 1 year
Gary Groth: "Can you talk a little about the current state of newspaper stripa? Any you like?"
Schulz: No. [Laughs].
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man didn't even hesistate about it
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